Index: D

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Dale, Charles, 88; Mr. [Receiver], 458, 485.

Dance, Richard (Collector of Aids, Hundred of Chadlington, Oxford, 83, 115). 207, 307.

Daniel (Daniell), Abel, falconer, 554, 606.
-, -, Sir Thomas, captain of Arcliffe Bulwark, Dover, 113, 200, 306, 485, 562, 634.
-, -, Thomas, Receiver of Crown Revenues for Beds and Bucks, 38, 51, 55, 61, 62, 69, 70, 79, 160, 486, 489, 491.

Danish ships, embargo on in Ireland, 261.

Darcy (D'Arcy), Conyers, 5th Lord Conyers and Lord Darcy, perpetuity, 306, 561.
-, -, Henry (Keeper of the King's Manor House in York City,) 114, 200
-, -, James, Master of the Studs, 101, 123, 124, 134, 142, 143, 233, 239, 360, 524, 528, 539, 545; loan to the Government, 260, 266, 272, 300.
-, -, Marmaduke, 254, 530, 543, loan, 559, 560, 565, 585.
-, -, Sir William, 471, 474, 480, 632

Darley (Derby), 611.

Darney, Margaret, 366.
-, -, Richard, 366.

Dartmouth (or Dartmouth Hardness, Devon), 115; perpetuity to borough of, 207.
-, -, castle, payments for garrison, 56, 572, 587, 588, 616, 640.
-, -, -, payments for works, 62.
-, -, port, 267.
-, -, fortifications at. 178, 179.

Dashwood, Alderman, 3, 46.

Davenport, John, Master Carpenter, 194, 272, 539.
-, -, Mrs., 282, 539.

Davies. See Davis.

Davis (Davyes), James. Wardrobe Keeper at Windsor, 557, 618.
-, -, John, 343.
-, -, Mark (of Hereford), Collector of Excise, 58.
-, -, Mr., searcher, Rochester, 573, 576.
-, -, Thomas, Collector. Gloucestershire (a head collector, Forest of Dean), 102, 130, 185, 227, 307, 336.
-, -, -, (barber to Charles I.), 151, 563, 618.
-, -, Tristram, 147.

Davye, Captain, 471.

Dawes. Mr., 13, 17, 283.

Dawson, Thomas, 151.

Day, Samuel, Wine Act Commissioner, 581.

Deal Castle, Governor of. See Titus, Captain.
-, -, -, payments for the garrison, 526, 572, 587, 588, 616, 640.

Dean (Deane), Capt., 244.
-, -, Henry, 253, 358; Customs officer, 360, 584.
-, -, Major Joseph, Irish Customs, 244, 257, 261, 271, 275, 285, 291, 389, 393, 412, 415, 451, 464, 465, 466, 478, 479, 550, 609.
-, -, Thomas, lands in Lincoln, 136, 342, 385, 439, 461, 619, 627.

Dean Forest (Gloucester), 8, 119, 126, 130, 174, 314, 331, 346, 352, 371, 375, 584.
-, -, commoners' rights in, 131.
-, -, Enclosure Act, commission for survey of, 8, 23, 26, 29, 30, 54, 93, 100, 101, 102, 107, 123, 151, 153, 174, 267, 351, 360–1, 382, 422, 428, 439, 446, 448, 452, 454, 459, 467, 495, 498, 500, 591, 614, 629.
-, -, grindstone quarries in, 116, 120, 205.
-, -, iron works and coal works in. Sir J. Wintour's lease of, 34, 35, 41, 45, 87, 105, 109, 120, 205, 267, 275, 276, 284, 287, 288–9, 533, 535, 543, 581.
-, -, King's 10,000 acres in, 58, 87, 131, 182, 188, 200.
-, -, King's 11,335 tons of timber from, 54, 56, 57, 139, 145, 149, 177, 260, 268–9, 270, 284.
-, -,officers in, election of, 594; question of appointment of, 375.
-, -, spoils, wastes and abuses in, 76, 301, 375.
-, -, timber in, nurseries for navy timber and felling of, 39, 62, 149, 168, 225, 255, 321, 618.

Debenture or orders, payments by, 356, 370, 373.

Debts, of administration. See Revenue.
-, -, Charles I., 230, 246, 617.
-, -, Charles II., 303, 434, 531, 608, 613, 614, 634
-, -, public offices, Treasury demand for account of, 186, 340.

Debuck, John, 626.

Declaring accounts. See Accounts.

Deeping, East and West (Lincoln), 516, 615, 621.

Deductions, 12d. in £ on army pay, 232.

Deering (Dearing, Deereing), Edward (Receiver of Crown Revenues Suffolk and Cambridge), 29, 43, 45, 48, 72, 96, 97, 110, 117, 174, 245, 290, 529.
-, -, -, stores for the Navy, 569.
-, -, Nicholas, loan, 625.

Degg, Simon, Welsh judge, 613, 616.

Deive. See Dieve.

Dekewer, Abigail, 626.
-, -, Isaac, 626.
-, -, John, 626.
-, -, Peter, 626.

Deladale, Morice, a Page of the Bedchamber, 211.

Delamer, Lord. See Booth, Sir George.

Delavall, John (a Commissioner of Aids in Nassaburgh hundred, co. Northampton), 179, 189.
-, -, Ralph, 399.

Delinquent receive, passim; and see Receivers (paying 12 per cent).

Deliveries, writ of. See Writs.

De Montbrun. See Montbrun.

De Moulin. See Moulin.

Denbigh, Earl of. See Feilding Basil.

Denbigh, Manor of, 170, 179, 180.

Denbigh, County, 125, 198, 201, 259, 528, 623.
-, -, -, Excise, 519.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 64; Receivers of, 34, 88.
-, -, -, justices of, 230.
-, -, -, Receivers, &c., of Taxes, 223, 394.

Denham, Sir John, Surveyor of Works, 20, 24, 32, 44, 50, 51, 61, 67, 70, 91, 139, 161, 181, 183, 272, 330, 338, 366, 381, 395, 435, 438, 440, 489, 491, 498, 546, 641.
-, -, -, buildings in Scotland Yard, 366, 381, 424, 452, 598.
-, -, Sir Thomas, 589.

Denmark, Embassy to. See Ambassadors.

Deptford (Kent), 162, 170, 171, 183, 204, 613.
-, -, alehouse, 33, 36, 48.
-, -, stores at, 168, 169.
-, -, Yard, 271.

Deputies, order as to swearing of. See Swearing.

Derby, Earl and Countess. See Stanley.

Derby, County, 561.
-, -, -, Aids, Receivers of, 206, 485, 633.
-, -, -, Auditors of Crown Lands, 83, 188.
-, -, -, Excise, 157, 340.
-, -, -, Firehearth receivers, 9, 18, 23, 29, 136, 170, 208.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Lands, 172, 188, 302.

Dereford, Mr., 324.

Derick M. (deputy to Col. Whitley, Chimney money for Wales), 363.

Dering. See Deering.

Dermer, Richard, Wine Act Commissioner, 581.

Desbrow (Disbrough), Nathaniel, 408, 432, 615.

De Sylvais. See Silvius.

Dethick, Henry, pursuivant, 578, 612.

Devereux, Leicester, 6th Viscount Hereford, 636.

De Vere, Aubrey, 20th Earl of Oxford (78, Justice in Eyre of all the King's forests) Chief Justice itinerant this side Trent, 185, 367, 388, 485, 600, 608, 633.
-, -, -, regiment, 219.

De Verzns (Verjns), Monsieur, 234.

Devick, Henry, 249; see Vic.

De Villa, Alonzo, 169, 172.

Devon County, 73, 142, 210, 213, 312, 565, 571, 600.
-, -, -, Excise, 358.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 41, 242.
-, -, -, -, Receivers of, 9, 25, 48, 86, 306, 315, 380, 474, 553, 595, 597.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Revenues, 171.
-, -, -, -, Taxes, Aids, &c., 6, 14, 30, 88, 153, 170, 233, 367, 382, 385, 444, 503, 508, 605, 629.
-, -, -, sheriff, 102.
-, -, -, tin, revenues of. See Tin.
-, -, -, Wine Act Commissioners, 616.

Devon[shire], Earl of. See Cavendish, W.

Devorex. Theodore (loan), 199.

De Vretta. See Vretta.

Dewe (Dewey, Duy), Mr., 248, 281, 283, 298, 362, 411, 439, 443, 446.

Dhona, Count de, Ambassador Extraordinary from Sweden, 567.

Diamonds, 159 (rings).

Dias, Thomas, Wine Act Commissioner, 581.

Dickering (Yorks), 630.

Dickinson (Dickenson), William, Clerk of the Works, 273, 336, 542, 575, 639
-, -, -, surveyor of the outports, 507.

Dickson. See Dixon.

Dieve (Deive), Daniel, Wardrobe keeper at the Tower, 557, 602, 618.

Diets, allowances, 87, 184, 223, 518, 563, 601.

Digby, Captain, 130.
-, -, George, 2nd Earl of Bristol, pension, 253, 266, 275, 293, 334, 359, 390, 393, 409, 449, 453, 469, 585, 596, 601, 605, 607, 615, 630, 632.

Dightors, John, 607.

Dike, Eleanor, rocker, 585.

Dillon, Mr. (Customs, Ireland), 453, 466.

Disbanding regiments and garrisons, 184.

Disbrow. See Desbrough.

Discoveries of concealed lands, woods. &c., 57, 61, 70, 91, 180, 258, 341, 355, 362, 378, 382, 385, 386, 390, 392, 397, 474, 482, 503, 531, 537, 553, 570, 588.
-, -, of concealed plate, 287, 294, 479.
-, -, of concealed moneys and taxes, 25, 42, 46, 54, 64, 73, 87, 104, 214, 221, 242, 275, 277, 279, 281, 289, 293, 305, 306, 316, 320, 327, 334, 338, 340, 344, 348, 351, 582, 585.
-, -, of Excise, 61, 378.
-, -, of prize goods, 593, 585.

Disney, Colonel, 328, 338.

D'Isolas, Baron, 302.

Distillers, 15.
-, -, Company and Master of, 7, 8.

Ditchfield, Edward, 540.

Dixon (Dickson), George, 8, 10.
-, -, Mrs., 383.

Dobson, Mr., 480, 496.

Docquets, signing of, 111.

Doddington (Dodington, Dorrington), Mr. [Victualling], 390, 403, 409, 416, 420, 423, 426, 433, 439.

Dodson, William, of Dublin, 550.

Doe, Charles, 159, 476.
-, -, Sir Charles, 639.

Dogget, Thomas, 79.

Doily (Doyle, Doyly), Sir William. See Doyly.

Dolman, Sir Thomas, 113, 115, 119, 122, 143, 370, 373.

Doncaster, Earl of. See Scott, J.

Done, John, 615.

Dorchester, Marquess of. See Pierrepont, Henry.
-, -, (town of), 282, 474.

Dorington. See Dorrington.

Dormant, General (10 000) orders on, 403, 447, 511, 517.

Dormer, Anthony (Receiver and Collector of Firehearths, co. Stafford), 27, 47, 102, 189, 194, 522.
-, -, Charles, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon, Master of the Hawks, 608, 554.
-, -, Francis (Receiver and Collector of Fireheartbs, co. Warwick), 27, 44, 229, 279, 292, 543.

Dorny (Dorney), Margaret, 603.
-, -, Richard (musician, violins), 114, 557, 593, 603, 620.

Dorrell, Mr., 260, 464.

Dorrington. See Dodington.
-, -, Francis, (deputy to Col. Fitch, Receiver of Firehearths, Essex), 150, 205, 222.
-, -, Sir Francis, 240, 251.
-, -, Mr., secretary to the Earl of Carbery, 417.

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Richard.

Dorset, County, 318, 324, 356, 372.
-, -, -, Excise, 73, 81, 190.
-, -, -, Hundreds, grant of, 364, 383, 434, 586, 596.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 242, 335.
-, -, -, -, Receivers of, 41, 150, 213, 380, 595.
-, -, -, Receiver of Crown Revenues, 83, 172, 293, 302, 304, 410.
-, -, -, Receiver of Aids, 206.
-, -, -, justices of, 324.

Dorvill, Fred, 151.

Dotters trees, 321.

Douglas. Lord George [afterwards Earl of Dunbarton], 161, 257, 258, 269, 279, 536 regiment, 538.
-, -, John, 540.
-, -, Sir Joseph 454.
-, -, William, 3rd Duke of Hamilton, 252, 256, 259.

Doughty, Dr. (loan), 183.

Dove, Mr., 227.

Dover, Earl of. See Carey, John.

Dover, Robert, Sub-Commissioner of Excise, South Wales, 106, 341, 621, 628.

Dover (Kent), 36, 51, 71, 88, 136, 137, 171, 200, 234, 276, 313.
-, -, Castle, garrison, governor of, 133 (Strode, Col. J.) payments for, 215, 234, 572, 587, 588, 616, 640.
-, -, Commissioners for Aids, 49.
-, -, garrison brewing, 398.
-, -, Hearth money, 54.
-, -, Mayor of, 349, 370.
-, -, Seal of, 137.
-, -, Warden Down lands, 580.

Downe Barnes (manor, co. Mid), 624, 629.

Downes, Mr., Wine Licence Office, 324, 330, 626.
-, -, Dr., one of the King's Physicians, 307.

Downing, Abraham (H.M. furrier), 558, 618.
-, -, Sir George, Secretary to the Treasury, passim; printing book of, 160; account [for prisoners in Dutch war], 465, 474, 482.
-, -, John, goods for the Navy stores, 162, 188, 551, 569.
-, -, Richard (H.M. furrier), 558, 618.
-, -, Mr., ship's captain, 439.

Dowson. John, 612.

Doyly (Doily, Doyley, &c.), Peregrine, Solicitor of Aids for Norfolk, Suffolk, &c., 89, 189, 222.
-, -, Sir William, bart., senr., a Teller of the Exchequer, 10, 39, 307, 310: a Commissioner for the Aids, a manager for bringing in moneys by the waggons and by exchanges, a manager of the Office of Exchanges in Great St. Helens passim; and see Eleven Months' tax (office); journeys into the country to meet the various County Commissioners for assessing the Aids, 460, 467, 575, 578, 627; Receiver of Taxes for London and Middlesex, 206, 518; pension, 611; a Commissioner for Dutch prisoners, 421; salary, 422.
-, -, Sir William, kt., junr., Receiver of Taxes for London and Middlesex, 206, 366, 518.

Drayne, Moses, 588.

Dressers. See Queen's dressers.

Drugs, 188, 515.

Drury (Drewry). Mr. (Receiver of Aids, Suffolk), 154.
-, -, Mr., 280.
-, -, Sir Robert, 285.

Dryden, Lady Elizabeth (wife of John Dryden, a daughter of the Earl of Berkshire), 68, 83, 117, 160, 186, 340, 385, 395, 410, 607.

Dublin, 493, 535.

Dublin Hall, 266.

Duchy. See Cornwall; Lancaster.

Duckett, Thomas, gamekeeper at Royston, 480, 547, 638.

Duffield (Derby), 561.

Dugdale, John, loan, 561; [Accomptant General at the Excise Office], 348.
-, -, William, Norroy King of Arms, 369, 577, 610, 639; engaged on historical collections, 600.

Dumbleton (co. Gloucester), 202.

Du Moulin. See Moulin.

Dunch, Barnaby, 199.
-, -, Edm., Sheriff of Oxford, 586.

Duncomb (Duncombe), Sir John, as a Treasury Lord, 1 and passim, 487, 489, 501, 615, 643; a commissioner for the office of Master of Ordnance, 161, 189; loans to the Government, 165, 180, 535.
-, -, John, 78.

Dungan, William, Viscount Dungan of Clane, also styled Viscount Clane, afterwards 1st Earl of Limerick, 85, 366, 630.

Dungannon, Viscount. See Trevor, M.

Dunker (Dunkar), Mr., 104.
-, -, William, 342, 411.

Dunkirk, garrison accounts. See Backwell, E.; Shaw, Sir J.
-, -, paymaster and accounts of. See Berkely, Sir M.; Shaw, Sir John; Backwell, Edward.
-, -, sale of, account for, 31, 267, 273.
-, -, -, purchase money for, coining of, 291, 303, 347, 359, 363, 542.
-, -, -, payments out of purchase money, 380.

Dunkly, Thomas, 345.

Dunscombe, Henry, 570.

Dunster, Giles, Commissioner of Accounts, 611.

Dunstar, Robert, 500.

Duppa, Brian, discoverer, 386, 395.
-, -, Thomas (Collector of Tenths), 70, 73, 189; King's Gentleman Usher, Daily Waiter assistant, 281, 545, 575, 593, 602, 617.

Dupuy, Henry, Keeper of Pall Mall, 555, 639.

Duras, Marquis de, 519.

Durham, Bishop of, 68, 430, 616.
-, -, County, 79, 137, 153 (or bishopric), 174.
-, -, -, Excise, farm of, 38, 120, 126, 354, 430.
-, -, -, Hearth Money, Receivers of, 49, 50, 152, 173.
-, -, -, Receiver of Crown lands, 172, 185, 533.
-, -, -, Receiver of Taxes, Aids, etc., 25, 206, 307, 577.
-, -, -, salt works, 552, 553.

Dutch in Caribbees, 579.
-, -, congregation at Sandwich, 411, 414, 454.
-, -, entering Gillingham (Kent), 596.
-, -, fishing trade, 102.
-, -, prisoners. See Prisoners.
-, -, ships, embargo on, in Ireland, 261.
-, -, -, taking prizes in English waters, 80.
-, -, war. See War.
-, -, trading with Antigua, 439.

Dutton (Cheshire), 283.

Dutton, Richard, Controller of Cardiff port, 481, 632.

Duy, Mr. See Dewey.

Dyas, George, Collector of Waterford, 550.

Dye woods, 188, 515.

Dyffryn Clwyd cum Ruthin (Denbigh), 623.

Dysart, Countess of. See Tollemache, Eliz.