Entry Book: November 1668

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Entry Book: November 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp630-637 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: November 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp630-637.

"Entry Book: November 1668". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp630-637.


November 1668

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Nov. 2 Same for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Edward Hoby, of Bisham, co. Berks. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 88.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Viscount Mandeville to Sept 29 last as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 80.
Same for 924l. 11s. 7½d. to the Earl of Sandwich to be paid to John Hord, woollen draper, for wares delivered to the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, XX. pp. 148–9, 149.
Nov. 3 Order for 55l. 15s. 6d. to Francis Berkley Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 52.
Nov. 4 Copy of an order of the King in Council for 100l. to Dr. Robert Gorge who has been employed by the Commissioners for inspecting the receipts and issues of Ireland, in examining the rolls, books and accounts thereto relating. (Money warrant hereon dated Nov. 9.) Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. p. 98; XVIII. pp. 82–3; Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 57.
Money warrant for 1,856l. to the Earl of Anglesey, to be paid to William Wood for 3 ships delivered for His Majesty's service. Ibid, XL. pp. 21–2.
Together with:—Warrant to said Earl to pay same to said Wood.
Order charged upon the imposition on imported salt for 500l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 135.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to the Earl of Bristol in full of 6,000l. by privy seal of 1661, Sept. 28. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 79.
Same for 36l. 1s. 8d. to Sir Thomas Clarges, Deputy to the Duke of Albemarle, as Keeper of New Park, at Hampton Court. Ibid, pp. 79–80.
Same for 80l. to Piercy Church, for four years to June 24 last, as Groom of the Privy Chamber to the Queen Mother. Ibid, p. 81.
[?] Same (cancelled) for 4,000l. to Sir Edward Turner Ibid,
Nov. 4 Money warrant for 600l. to Col. Thomas Panton for repair of a Lodge in New Park. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 96.
Same for 4,000l. to Sir Edward Turnor. Speaker of the House of Commons, as royal bounty without accompt, as by the privy seal of July 8 last and in pursuance of the order of Council of Sept. 26 last, "and cause the same to be paid out of such part of the 65,667l. remainder of the Eleven Months' tax as is now uncharged in the Exchequer": the order or orders hereupon being to be registered in course. Ibid, XXIII. p. 17.
Same of 5,200l. to Lady Dysart in extinguishment of her pension of 800l. per an.: said extinguishment being in pursuance of the order of Council of Sept. 26 last and the surrender to be duly made and entered in the respective offices before any money be issued hereupon. Ibid, XVIII. pp. 77–8.
Nov. 4
and 18
Treasury warrant for a grant to Henry Symmons (deleted and John Charnock substituted in his place) of the office of one of the King's waiters, London port, in place of Robert Howthorne (Hawthorne), deceased. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 134, 136.
Nov. 5 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General concerning Major Tolhurst who is come to town again about the 12d. per chal-dron on coals at Sunderland. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 326.
Same to Mr. May to hasten his report of moneys expended about the Excise Office. Ibid.
Same to Sir Allen Apsley for the names of the two falconers that are to continue. Ibid.
Nov. 6 Money warrant for 200l. to Lodowick Carlisle on the arrears of his pension. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 78–9.
Same for 250l. to the trustees for William Rumbold's children Ibid, p. 82.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Pollard for a certificate to Mr. John Pawlett of what is due to his kinsman, Capt. Pawlett, as Governor of Calshot Castle. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 327.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against William Kirkby (Kirby), Receiver of Aids for co. Lancaster. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 137.
Nov. 7 Order on the Exchequer in general for 250l. to Andrew New-port, James Halsall, and Thomas Nevett, for Mr. Rumbold's children. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 61.
Nov. 9 Money warrant for 500l. to Dame Jane, wife of Sir Clement Fisher, on her pension. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 83–4.
Same for 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service Ibid, pp. 84–5.
Same for 250l. each to Sir Edward Walker, Sir Richard Browne, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir John Nicholas for one year as clerks of the Privy Council. Ibid, p. 85.
Same for 187l. 10s. 0d. to William Berwick for arrears as a falconer, and on surrender of his office. Ibid, pp. 86–7.
Warrant for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Thomas Nevill, of Holt, co. Leicester. Ibid, p. 90.
Nov. 11 Money warrant for 133l. 7s. 6d. to Capt. Henry Pawlet, Governor of Calshot Castle. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 89–90.
Privy seal for 200l. to Gabriel Sylvius for his equipage and 3l. a day for his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburg. Ibid, XV. pp. 204–5.
Same for 90,000l. to the Cofferer as imprest for all expenses of the Household. Ibid, p. 205.
Sir G. Downing to the Excise Commissioners concerning the sureties of Peter Calverd and Samuell Vincent for the Northern Excise farm, lately held by Thomas Calverd. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 331.
Order registered on the Royal Aid for 44l. 15s. 4d. to Thomas Killegrew. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 69.
Same on the Country Excise for 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service: 1,500l. to the Earl of Bristol in full of 6.000l. in lieu of his pension of 2.000l. per an.: 175l. to Thomas Turner for secret service. Ibid, p. 58.
Nov. 13 Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay no more money to John Field, one of the falconers. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 90.
Money warrant for 38l. 2s. 6d. to Andrew Lawrence, Surveyor of the King's highways, on his fees. Ibid, p. 92.
Same for 50l. to Sir Edward Thurland as a King's Counsel at Law. Ibid, p. 94.
Same for 20l. to the Earl of Burlington on his creation money. Ibid, p. 95.
Warrant for changing from the Poll Act to the Hearth money the order for 4,000l. to Thomas White. Ibid. XX. pp. 149–50.
Warrant for a privy seal for the Excise Commissioners to pay tallies formerly struck on the late Excise Commissioners. Ibid, XV. p. 202.
Same for 100l. for the poor of Westminster Ibid, p. 203.
[?] Same for 3,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth Ibid.
Nov. 13 Same for 800l. per an. and 1,106l. 13s. 4d. for diet, and 400l. for stable money to the Earl of Carbery [as President of Wales]. Ibid.
Royal warrant for 400l. to John Worden for his entertainment in his present service at Madrid and his journey home. Ibid, p. 202.
Sign manual for 100l. to Peter du Moulin, Secretary to the Standing Council of Trade, for the incidents of said Council. (Money warrant hereon dated Nov. 16.) Ibid, pp. 206–7; XVIII. p. 92.
Treasury fiat for letters patent to constitute Richard Dutton and Founds Fitzherbert, Controller of Cardiff port. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 137.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir William Darcy concerning his alum works, demised to and held for the service of the Crown. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIII. pp. 80–1.
Appending:—Report thereon from H. Cholmeley and the rest of the alum farmers.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Sandwich, Master of the Great Wardrobe, to pay six pages of the Queen's Bedchamber 290l. 6s. 10d. for one year in part of two and a half years due on their liveries: as by the certificate of Thomas Townsend said Earl's assignee in the office of Master of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, pp. 81–2.
Nov. 16 Money warrant for 20l. to the Duke of Richmond on his creation money. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 91.
Same for 600l. to Sir John Cloberry on his annuity of 600l. per an. Ibid, p. 93.
Same for 600l. to Sir Ralph Knight on the like annuity Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Tho. Player, Sir R. Long, Alderman Backwell and Mr. Sherwyn and the Lord Mayor of London; making an appointment. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. pp. 335, 336.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Thomas Argall. Receiver of Aids for Essex. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 138.
Nov. 17 Warrant for changing the orders for the 3,957l. 8s. 3d. for Lord Wentworth's regiment. Ibid, XX. pp. 150–1.
Same for same for the 12,000l. and 18,000l. to Sir Dennis Gawden for the victualling. Ibid. pp. 151–2.
Nov. 18 Money warrant for 83l. 6s. 8d. to the Earl of Oxford on his fee as Justice in Eyre this side Trent for a half year's fee to Sept. 29 last. Ibid, XVIII. p. 91.
Warrant for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Humfry Miller, of Oxon Heath [Oxenhoath in West Peckham], co. Kent. Ibid, p 93.
Money warrant for 15,000l. to the Cofferer for the advance of two months' allowance of Oct. and November. Ibid, XXIV. p. 76.
Same (dormant) for 100l. per an. to the clergy of the Isle of Man. Ibid, XXII. p. 97.
Warrant for a privy seal for transferring the Earl of Anglesey's assignments to the present Navy Treasurers and for an imprest of 100,000l. to them. (Privy seal, 23 Nov.) Ibid, XV. pp. 204, 213–4.
Treasury warrant for a grant to Thomas Preston of the office of a King's waiter, London port, loco Thomas Phelipps. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 136.
Order on the Country Excise for 200l. to Arthur Berkeley as royal bounty. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 58.
Order for 36l. 1s. 8d. to Sir Thomas Clarges for Keepers' wages at Hampton Court. Ibid, p. 52.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Jervas Bennet, Receiver of Aids for Derby. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 138.
Same to [Sir W. Doyly] to deliver up said Bennet's bonds- Ibid, p. 139.
Nov. 19 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Wyndham, for a lease of certain lands. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 181.
The Treasury Lords to Dr. Gorge for information as to the agreement made as to the demands of the present Farmers of the Customs in Ireland: which agreement has rendered fruitless the commission lately issued to examine same. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 82.
Nov. 20 Money warrant for 50l. to Wenceslaus Hollar, His Majesty's Stenographer, as royal bounty. Ibid, XVIII. p. 94.
Nov. 20 Money warrant for 3,449l. 8s. 10d. to Mr. Pepys for Tangier in full for the quarter ended the 4th inst. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXIV. p. 21.
Same for 4,500l. to Bartholomew Fillingham, deputy to the Commissioners at St. Helens, for said Commissioners. Ibid, XXIII. p. 18.
Warrant for a privy seal for 1,500l. equipage and 10l. a day as ordinary to the Earl of Carlisle as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Sweden, and 200l. as equipage to Sir Thomas Higgons as Envoy to the Elector of Saxe. (Privy seal Nov. 27.) Ibid, XV. pp. 206, 216–7.
Privy seal for 800l. per an. to the Earl of Carbery as President of Wales for the extraordinary expenses of his court and household at Ludlow. Ibid, pp. 233–5.
Appending:—An establishment for said extraordinaries.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long returning the table of fees payable to the Exchequer officers and desiring another to be made, thereby calculating how much is paid on 1,000l. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 341.
Same to Sir Ste. Fox forwarding an establishment for the forces and garrisons for the year 1668. My Lords desire you to draw a privy seal thereon, leaving out Arcliffe Bulwark, commanded by Sir Tho. Daniell. and inserting therein 600l. for re-building part of the Horse Guard House at Whitehall, and 25l. 16s. 10d. for the soldiers that came out of Portugal, and a clause to enable my Lords to issue up to 20,000l. for interest. If you have not leisure to draw this privy seal I will get Mr. Sherwyn to draw it. Ibid, p. 342.
Appending:—Said Fox's memorandum of his requirements as above.
Order for 50l. to Robert Yaldon for money lent to the King Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 52.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against Peter Woodcock, Receiver of Aids for Rutland. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 140.
Nov. 21 Sir G. Downing to Sir Dennis Gawden to hasten the perfecting his contract for the victualling. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 342.
Nov. 23 Money warrant for 60l. to the Duke of Ormonde on his creation money. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVIII. p. 98.
Same for 6l. 8s. 4d. to the four poor men in the town of Gainsborough anciently paid out of Burgh's chantry. Ibid, p. 99.
Sir G. Downing to the Earl of Lauderdale enclosing a paper from the Customs Farmers justifying their taking 18d. per head upon Scotch cattle. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 137.
Treasury warrant to Sir C. Harbord for a constat of the land called the Sunke in the river of Humber with a view to a lease thereof to Anthony Gilby. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 187.
Nov. 24 Same to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Francis Bickley, of Attleborough, co. Norfolk. Ibid, XVIII. p. 95.
Money warrant for 100l. to Philip Packer for the Works Ibid.
Nov. 24 Treasury warrant to Francis Stevens to seize prohibited goods belonging to several persons lately removed from Somerset House to the Savoy. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 137–8.
The Treasury Lords to the Auditors of Imprests to allow interest to the Customs Farmers for moneys advanced by them into the Receipt on the credit of their farm. Ibid, p. 138.
Same to Mr. Wadlow to pay no more moneys to the Earl of Anglesey, said Earl having been suspended from the office of Treasurer of the Navy: and further requesting an advance of 10,000l. towards paying off several ships. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early LX. pp. 22–3.
Treasury warrant to the Attorney and Solicitor General for preparation of a grant to John Brattle of the office of Assaymaster of the Mint, forfeited by Thomas Woodward for his non-attendance therein. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 83.
The Treasury Lords to Auditor Sawyer not to impose the interest of 12 per cent. on Lewis Harding in the accompts of the Aids of co. Beds for moneys detained. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 140.
Nov. 25 Same to the Commissioners for assessing the Eleven Months tax for Wilts and for all the other counties, &c., separately, to be particular to issue out all their warrants by Feb. 1 next in view of the doubt as to whether same can be assessed after that date. Ibid, p. 141.
[?] Same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against William Broxholme, Receiver of Aids for co. Lincoln. Ibid, p. 142.
Nov. 25 Money warrant for 350l. to Sir Charles Cottrell for fees, &c., as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, XVIII. p. 96.
Same, dormant, for the fee of 121l 6s. 8d. per an. to Clement Cotterell as assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, p. 97.
Money warrant for 60l. to the Earl of Mulgrave and 60l. to the Earl of Essex on their creation money. Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General concerning Sir Solomon Swale a security for the loan of 2,000l. form the King. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 342.
Same to Sir Robert Holmes as to any of the King's goods taken out of Carisbrooke Castle by Lord Colepeper. Ibid, p. 344.
Order on the London Excise for 300l. to Sir Edward Scott on his pension. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 59.
Same on the country Excise for 200l. to the administratrix of Francis and John Sympson for jewels. Ibid, p. 58.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Col. John Strode, late Collector of Hearth money in the Cinque ports. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 112.
Nov. 26 Royal warrant for 3,000l. to William Legg to be assigned to the Duke of Monmouth for the unpaid part of said Duke's privy seal for 8,000l. for secret service. Ibid, XV. p. 227.
Nov. 27 Money warrant for 150l. each to Madame Clynton, Madame le Guard, Lady Frazier, Madame Thornhill, and Madame Killegrew, dressers to the Queen Consort, for half a year to Sept. 29 last. Ibid, XVIII. p. 103.
Nov. 27 Sign manual for 200l. to Sir Edward Spragg for his expense in going now in the quality of Envoy to the Constable of Castile. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. p. 215.
Same for 100l. to John Hingston for repair of the organ in Whitehall Chapel. (Money warrant hereon dated Dec. 2.) Ibid, p 216; XVIII. p. 101.
Warrant for a privy seal for allowance to the Countess of Chesterfield and her executors for damages in the Post Office. Ibid, XV. p. 215.
Same for same for 12,000l. to the Wardrobe. (Privy Seal, Dec. 18.) Ibid, pp. 207, 230–1.
Sir G. Downing to the Chimney Farmers to attend on Monday prepared as accountants for the whole time of their farm. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 347.
Money warrant for 20,000l. to Sir Thos. Osborne and Sir Thos. Littleton, jointly Treasurer of the Navy: on the Wine Act. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XL. p. 23.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay 814l. 10s. 4d. to Henry Grant, John Wheeler and Henry Woolters for the hire of several ships. Ibid, p. 24.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for the sheriff of Hereford to continue to pay to Viscount Hereford his creation money. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 185–6.
[?] Entry of demise by lease under the Exchequer Seal to Peter Lloyd of a messuage in Amlwch. co. Anglesea, part of the lands of John Williams, outlaw. Ibid, p. 186.
[?] Same of same to John Hughes of a messuage in Holyhead, part of the lands of Robert Lloyd, outlaw, and of a messuage in Amlwch. part of the lands of abovesaid John Williams. Ibid.
Nov. 30 Money warrant for 160l. to Joseph Williamson as Keeper of the State Paper Office. Ibid, XVIII. p. 99.
Same for 1,000l. to Lady Dysart in part of 5,200l. for relinquishment of her pension Ibid, pp. 100–1.
Privy seal for 30s. a day and 250l. advance thereon to Henry St. George, Richmond Herald, for delivering the Garter to the King of Sweden. Ibid, XV. p. 218.
Same for 100l. to the poor of St. Margaret's Westminster Ibid.
Same for monthly payments to Sir Ste. Fox. as below in accordance with the particulars, detailed, of the establishment of the Guards and marching forces as lately signed. whereby the pay of same is reduced to 107,425l. 3s. 4d. per an., including contingencies: to be paid by 8,263l. 9s. 6d. per month from Sept. 26 last, accompting 28 days to the month; and further detailing the pay of the respective garrisons as limited in said establishment to a total of 76,393l. 10s. 0d. to be paid by 5,876l. 8s. 55/8d. a month: and finally for 354l. 13s. 4d. a month or 4.610l. 13s. 4d. per an. to said Fox to be disposed of by the King's special order immediately directed to him. Ibid, pp. 219–25.
Treasury warrant for payment of the quarterly bill of the Alienation Office for Michaelmas term last. Ibid, XLI. p. 6.
Same for the late Excise Commissioners to assign to Richard Tomlinson of St. Paul's Covent Garden. apothecary, the lease of the late Excise Office in St. Bartholomew Lane near the Royal Exchange. purchased from Edward Nash, Katherine Kendrick, and Thomas Kendrick, which was burned in the late fire. Ibid, XV. pp. 240–1
Nov. 30 Order on the country Excise for 524l. 1s. 8½d to William and Robert Packer. Treasury Order Book XXXVI. p. 58.
The Treasury Lords to Sir John Ernely, James Stevens. Col. Popham, and Mr. Robt. Long, to compose the difference between Mr. Kingston, and Mr. Stedman concerning a copyhold in Somerset. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII pp. 183–4.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against William Kirkby, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Cambridge. Ibid XXXVI. p. 112.