Entry Book: January 1668

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Entry Book: January 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp515-523 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp515-523.

"Entry Book: January 1668". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp515-523.


January 1668

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 2
Money warrant for 2,170l. to the Earl of Carlisle for his disbursements in several embassies. Ibid, XVII. p. 173.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers for 80l. 12s. 4d. for fees due to the Pipe Office, &c., for joining Customs tallies, &c. Ibid, p. 177.
Money warrant for 12,000l. to the Cofferer for the Household Ibid, pp. 189–90.
The Treasury Lords to the Attorney General to draw an indenture between the King and Sir Robert Paston for farm of the Custom of wood (viz., masts, timber, boards and unwrought wood and glass, glassware, earth or earthenware, stone or stonewares, and of oranges, lemons. citrons and pomegranates, except woods and earths for dyes and drugs and precious stones) for 21 years at 6,500l. per an. rent. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 71–2.
Prefixing:—Order in Council dated Oct. 16 last fixing the terms of said farm.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to pay 1,000l. into the Exchequer (over and above their 16,000l. per mensem) for the Earl of Carlisle. Ibid, pp. 72–3.
Same to the Lord Mayor of London mutatis mutandis for the speedy assessing, &c., in London of the moneys of the One and the Eleven Months' Assessments, ut supra, p. 209, under date 1667, Dec. 5. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. pp. 60–1.
Same to Henry Brabant, Receiver of the Aids for Northumberland and Durham. In order to prevent any person detaining or getting into their hands the King's money it is directed that the bills of exchange used for remitting to London the moneys of the Aids, &c., shall be made payable only to Sir G. Downing, Sir W. Doily, Laurence Squibb and John Loveing or one of them sitting at Mr. John Harbin's house at Great St. Helens. Ibid, pp. 62–3.
The like letter to all the Receivers of the Royal and Additional Aids. Ibid, p. 63.
Jan. 2 Report to the King on the petition of Eliz, Gray for a new lease of the manor of East and West Deeping, co. Lincoln. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 66.
Jan. 2
and 3
Signature by the Treasury Lords of Treasury orders as follows: for 150l. for Lady Villiers; 54 orders for William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for in all 59,900l.; for 5,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey for the Navy; for 500l. for the Duke of Albemarle for horses. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 100–2.
Jan. 3 The Treasury Lords to the Customs Farmers to pay a tally for 987l. 7s. 0d. for Carlisle garrison: being lately struck on the Customs Farmers, but still unpaid. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 73.
Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General and Auditor Hill to attend the Treasury about Lord Vaughan's pretence. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 3.
Same to Mr. Mountney concerning the form of his certificates of payments made by the Customs Farmers to noblemen. Ibid. p. 4.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to change certain of Sir Ste. Fox's tallies, detailed, from the Poll Bill to the Excise. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. pp. 190–1.
Money warrant for Xmas quarter last on Prince Rupert's pension. Ibid, p. 173.
Same for 100l. to the poor of St. Martin's in the Fields Ibid, pp. 174–5.
Treasury warrant to Sir Ste. Fox to transfer orders to the value of 5,000l. to the Earl of Berkshire. Ibid. p. 177.
Jan. 7 Same to the Customs Farmers for the Duke of Albemarle's creation money. Ibid, p. 174.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to allow a tally of 260l. advanced to William Seaman, heretofore employed at Algiers on the King's special affairs there. Ibid p. 175.
Same to the Customs Farmers to pay 20l. to Gilbert, Earl of Clare for his creation money. Ibid. p. 195.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to allow in account to Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes, 609l. 10s. 0d. disbursed by him for procuring money to be lent for the Office of Robes. Ibid, XVIII. p. 5; XVII. p. 173.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of an order for 6,000l. for Henry Slingsby, Master of the Mint. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 102.
Declaration of account of Sarah Estcourt, widow of John Estcourt, late Receiver of Hearth money for Wilts: for 1½ years to 1665, Sept. 29. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 63.
The Treasury Lords to Serjeant Francis Stephens to arrest Sir Richard Pigott, Humphry Beane, and Perient Trott, Farmers of Hearth money, for not having answered the said duty for the half-year ended 1666, Lady Day, for which they are receivers. Ibid. p. 64.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sir Samuel Starling, Receiver of Hearth money for Kent. Ibid, p. 66.
Treasury Commission to Thomas Story to be Receiver General of the One and the Eleven Months' tax for co. Cambridge and Ely. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 63.
Jan. 8 Privy seal for registering upon the Hearth money Ibid, XV. pp. 60–1, 116–7.
Jan. 8 Privy seal dormant for 10,000l. for uses to be appointed. (With marginal notes of divers money warrants made hereon.) Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. p. 51.
[?] Royal warrant for a privy seal for 30 tuns of wine, custom free, to Lord Johan Meereman and Lord John Boreel, Ambassadors Extraordinary from the States General. (Privy seal, Jan 31, Treasury warrant March 19.) Ibid, pp. 52, 110; Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 103–4.
[?] Warrant for same for 9,699l. 5s. 5d. to Edward Backwell for interest. (Privy seal, Jan. 31.) Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. pp. 52, 87–8.
Jan. 8 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long and Sir P. Warwyck for a report as to whether the offices of the Mint were to be disposed of by the Lord Treasurer or by the King. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 7.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to deliver the bonds of John Escourt, late Receiver of Hearth money for Wilts. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 63.
Treasury constitution of George Gyps as the Receiver of the One and Eleven Months' tax, co. Suffolk. Ibid, p. 67
The Treasury to Sir Wm. Doily, Bart., to deliver up the bonds of John Barcroft, late Receiver General of Poll money, co. Midd. and Westminster: his account being now sworn. Ibid.
Jan. 9 Money warrant for a quarter to Lodowick Bray on his annuity of 40l. Ibid, XVII. p. 176.
Treasury warrant to Sir Ste. Fox to assign to the Earl of Sandwich or his assignee, Thomas Townsend, 2,000l. for the Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to allow to the Office of Works in account 322l. 5s. 6½d. for repairing and altering the Duke of York's lodgings at St. James's and building three new rooms there. Ibid, pp. 181–2.
Money warrant for 10l. to Eliz. Pinkney as royal bounty Ibid, p. 176.
Same for 75l. to John Sayer, chief cook Ibid.
Same for 30l. to John Sechill, schoolmaster of Southwell Ibid, p. 179.
Sir G. Downing to the Excise Commissioners for a certificate of the Excise paid by Robert Pulter and six others, named, inhabitants of Wisbech, Isle of Ely. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 9.
Same to Sir R. Long for an account of the moneys paid in from the Hearth money since that duty began. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hynton and Mr. Snow to restore to the Earl of Anglesey the poll orders in their hands. Ibid p. 10.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Farmers to observe a royal pass prefixed for Richard Johncocke to embark for Holland. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 73–4.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of an order for 458l. 2s. 8d. for John Colville, goldsmith, for over interest; and of 22 orders, detailed, for Sir Ste. Fox for the garrisons, detailed; and for 10,000l. to William Avery for repayment of loan. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 102–4.
Jan. 9 The Treasury to the Lord Mayor of London and the Commissioners of the Aids there earnestly entreating them to levy the arrears of the Royal and Additional Aids assessed and due before the late fire. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 63.
Treasury warrant for Rowland Powell to be solicitor for the One and the Eleven Months' tax for London, Middlesex, Kent, and Surrey. Ibid, p. 64.
Jan. 10 Money warrant for 11,500l. to S. Pepys for Tangier, in part of 17 500l. for the quarter to November 4 last. (Signature of 21 orders hereon to that amount, dated Jan. 22.) Ibid, XVII. pp. 178–9.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay Prince Rupert's creation money. Ibid, p. 180.
Same to Sir Ste. Fox to assign 6,000l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to the Auditors to state John Colvile's interest accounts Ibid, p. 183.
Sign manual for 1 380l. to Isaac Legouse, King's jeweller, for a pair of pendants of diamonds and two diamond rings presented to the Swedish Ambassador. (Money warrant April 13.) Ibid, XV. p. 74; XX. pp. 5–6
Sir G. Downing to Sir G. Carteret forwarding a letter from Snow and Hinton as to the Poll orders and Customs tallies in their hands. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 11.
Treasury warrant to Richard Gregory to release Robert Walker and Thomas Bosworth now in custody for detaining Hearth duty money. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 64.
Treasury Commission to Sir W. Doily, Bart, Sir W. Doily, Kt., John Loving and Lawrence Squibb to be Receivers General for London and Middlesex for the One Month and the Eleven Months' tax. Ibid, XXXIV p. 64.
Jan. 13 Money warrant for 736l. to the Lord Privy Seal in lieu of diet Ibid, XVII. p. 178.
Treasury constitution of Mathew Anderton as Solicitor for the counties of Chester and Flint of the One Month and the Eleven Months' tax. The like for Edmond Potts for Essex, Suffolk and Herts. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 65–6
Sir G. Downing to Sir W. Doyly concerning the Commissions to the Receivers of the One and the Eleven Months' tax, in particular that of Capt. Story for co. Cambridge and Mr. Hosier for Salop. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 12.
Same to same concerning Mr. White's sureties as Receiver of the Royal Aid for co. Oxford. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Chislet and Mr. Aldsworth making an appointment. Ibid, p. 15.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue and of imprests concerning the oaths of their deputies. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 2,830l. 16s. 0d. to William Batailhe (surviving holder to his deceased father and himself in the office, detailed, of clerk and paymaster of the bills of impost) as representing 1,348 tuns of French wines due and payable to noblemen and others who ought to pay New Year's gifts, and to others who ought to have the allowance without paying New Year's gifts. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 75–7.
Jan. 13 Treasury leave of absence to Adam de Cardonell, Customer of Southampton. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 77.
Jan. 14 Money warrant and order for 24l. 4s. 1d. to Anthony Seager for necessaries for the Treasury Chamber. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 182.
Money warrant for 50l. to John Hewit on his annuity Ibid, p. 183.
Same for 571l. 4s. 0d. to Sir John Robinson for the Tower garrison. Ibid, pp. 184,298.
Same for 14l. 18s. 4d. to Richard Gregory, messenger Ibid, p. 184.
Same for 133l. 6s. 8d. to Bartholomew Beale and John Wood, fees as Auditors of Imprests and 40l. for taking the accounts of the Robes. Ibid, p. 186.
Jan. 15 Same for 750l. for the Duke of York's children Ibid, p. 187.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Keeper not to affix the Great Seal to any grants of offices relating to the revenue without first acquainting my Lords therewith. Ibid. XXXIII. p. 26.
[? Jan. 15] Same [to the Justices of Peace of co. Denbigh] concerning the resistance offered to the King's revenue of Excise by the people who sell drink particularly in the towns of Denbigh and Llanrwst; viz.: by shutting their doors and abusing the officers. ("Entered by a mistake and is now entered in the Excise book.") Ibid, XXXVI. p. 68.
Jan. 16 Treasury warrant to Thomas Townsend to borrow 1,000l. for the Wardrobe on interest. Ibid, XVII. pp. 187–8.
Money warrant for 174l. to Sir W. Swann, Resident at Hamburg Ibid, p. 188.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for a privy seal to reduce Sir W. Swan's ordinary as Resident at Hamburg from 40s. to 20s. a day. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 21.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders of 1666–7, March 22, for 100l. for the poor of St. Martin's [in the Fields]; and of Jan. 15 last for 75l. for Dame Rebecca Williams for her house furnished for the use of Ambassadors. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 104.
Jan. 17 Privy seal for 100l. to the poor of St. Martin's in the Fields Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. p. 206.
Sir G. Downing to Robert Hall, Customer of Chichester and similarly to all the remaining Customers of the outports to forthwith pass his or their accompt of Coinage money received since 1666, Dec. 20. the time the act for the coinage took place. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 78.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to observe a royal warrant, prefixed, for the Due de Verneuil and the Earl of St. Albans, the Comte de Grammont and the Marquis de Duras to transport certain horses. Ibid, pp. 78–9.
Petition from Thomas Papillon concerning the seizure of the Spanish ship "St. Nicholas," Francis Galeno, master, and Christopher de Albarado a chief owner, laden with Canary wines, &c. Ibid, p. 80.
Referred:—to the Customs Farmers.
Sir G. Downing to Auditor Aldsworth concerning Moses Scotton's warrant for a fee farm rent out of the manor of Greenhaw ("Greenhaugh"), co. Yorks. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 22.
Same to Alderman Backwell making an appointment Ibid, p. 23.
Jan. 17 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to hasten the disposal of Sir Ste. Fox's orders on the Customs and Excise, he being in great want of them. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 24.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Mayor of York in reply to his of the 14th inst. concerning the distraint of William Wyvell's goods. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 71.
Jan. 18 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Bendish, Receiver General for Norfolk, to send his bills of exchange to the office in Great St. Helens, London. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 25.
Jan. 20 Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Lauderdale as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 191.
Same for 10,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household Ibid, p. 189.
Sign manual for 200l. to Isaack la Gouse for two diamond rings presented to Mr. Sandys. Envoy from the Prince Palatine of the Rhine and from the Duke of Bradenberg. Ibid, XV. p. 94.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to permit the export, customs free, of the remainder of the 70 tons of tin granted by royal warrant of April 15 last. prefixed, to Denzell, Lord Holles, and Henry Coventry to be exported to Holland. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 81.
Jan. 21 Money warrant for the Earl of Warwick's creation money Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 188
Same for 62l. 0s. 3d. to Sir William Wild, one of the Serjeants at Law, on his fee of 41l. 6s. 10d. per an. Ibid, p. 192.
Same for 30l. to Sir John Heath, a King's Counsel, on his fee of 40l. per an. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to the Earl of Burlington on his creation money Ibid, p. 194.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to observe a royal warrant, prefixed, to Sir George Hamilton and Walter Montague, Henry Earl of St. Alban's and Thomas Howard to transport certain horses. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 82.
Same to the Attorney General to grant a non prosequi in the case of the ship "St. Nicholas" on the petition of Thomas Papillon. Ibid, pp. 83–4.
Prefixing:—The Customs Farmers' report on Papillon's petition.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long concerning the list of arrears due to the King's and Queen's servants. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 25.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General concerning the new lease of Excise of Essex, &c. Ibid, p. 27.
Jan. 22 Money warrant for 900l. to Sir Allen Apsley on his allowances, &c., as Master of the Hawks. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 193.
Jan. 23 Same for three months' ordinary in advance to Tho. Thynne, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. Ibid, p. 193.
Same for 1,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey for stores for the Navy. Ibid, p. 194.
Same for 100l. to Charles Whittaker, Foreign Apposer in the Exchequer on his fee of 40l. per an. Ibid, pp. 194–5.
Jan. 23 Privy seal for the discharge of John Forth (Farmer of the Excise of Kent by indenture of 1665, Aug. 31) of his liability on certain payments, &c., detailed. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. pp. 57–9.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 15,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey for supply and strengthening the kingdom of Ireland. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 106.
Jan. 24 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to observe a royal warrant, prefixed, for Nathaniell Newgate alias Newdigate. of London, merchant, to export 150 horses to the West Indies. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 85–6.
Same to the Receipt for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Thomas Hewitt, of Pishiobury, co. Herts. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 195.
Money warrant for 50l. to Col. Jervas Hollis, one of the Masters of Requests, on his fee of 100l. per an. Ibid, p. 196.
Jan. 25 Signature by the Treasury Lords of 12 orders for in all 12,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 106.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Batelier for the impost list Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 32.
[?Jan. 25]
Feb. 7, 11,
and 20.
Entry of the impost bills (or allowances of French or Rhenish wines Customs free) to the several members, detailed, of the nobility and officers of state, &c., &c.. as allowed by the Treasury Lords. Treasury Outletters Customs I. pp. 88–90, 92–3, 95–8.
Jan. 27 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to allow in account to Sir Richard Cox, late sheriff of co. Gloucester, 38l. for the hire of several men and horse for the suppressing of planters of tobacco and destroying the [tobacco] plantations in said county. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 117.
Same to the Auditors and Receivers of Crown revenues, co. Yorks, to continue payment to Moses Scotton of the fee farm rent of 53l. per an. heretofore purchased by him from the late pretended powers and issuable out of the King's manor of Greenhaw in Cleveland, co. Yorks: which was allowed by order dated 1661, April 30, from the Commissioners for the examination of the sales of Crown and Church Lands. Ibid, pp. 52–3, 69–70.
Prefixing:—Copy of said Scotton's petition and of said order of April 30, 1661.
Same to the Attorney General for a bill to grant to George Vyne the office of one of the messengers of the Receipt, loco Thomas Kippes, surrendered. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 28.
Sign manual for 50l. to Nicholas Estoll for discovery of robbers. (Money warrant, Jan. 29.) Ibid, XV. p. 53; XVII. p. 207.
Same to register Sir Dennis Gauden's 50,000l. on the Hearth money in place of on the Poll. Ibid, XV. p. 55.
Jan. 28 Money warrant for 1,119l. 1s. 4d. to the Earl of Bath for four months' pay of Plymouth Garrison. Ibid, XVII. p. 196.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay a list, prefixed in detail, of tallies payable on the late Customs Farmers. Ibid, pp. 197–204.
Same to same to pay 60l. to the Earl of Suffolk on his creation money and 40l. to the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Ibid, pp. 204, 205, 209
Money warrant for the Attorney and Solicitor General's fees in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 205.
Jan. 28 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General concerning moneys claimed of Viscount Mordaunt et al., for their coal farm. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 33.
The Treasury Lords to the Farmers of Hearth money conveying the replies, detailed, from the Attorney and Solicitor General to a series of queries, detailed, touching the Hearth money, propounded to the Farmers by their sub-farmers and agents. (Same concerning rating smiths' forges, baking ovens, &c., &c.) Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIV. pp. 68–70.
Jan. 29 Money warrant for Sir Thomas Beverley's fee as a Master of Requests. Ibid, XVII. p. 205.
Same for 1,500l. to the Cofferer for the Household Ibid p. 206.
Same for 2,201l. 1s. 11d. to Lord Holles for extras as late Ambassador to France. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Ste. Fox to assign 1,283l. 8s. 0d. to the Cofferer, being expended in the entertainment of the Dutch and Swedish Ambassadors. Ibid, p. 208.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Wheldon concerning a seizure of Canary wines. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 37.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of six orders for in all 30,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for pay of regiments and garrisons. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 107.
Treasury appointment of Col. Birch and Deputy-Auditor Tudor to take the accounts of the Farmers of Hearth money for the half-year ended Lady Day, 1666. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 70.
Jan. 31 The Treasury Lords to the officers of the Ordnance to use the 26,000l. warranted to them on the present privy seals for land and sea service. Ibid, XVII. p. 204
Money warrant for 8,000l. and 6,181l. 17s. 4d. to Sir Ste. Fox towards the pay of the garrisons and for services. Ibid, pp. 207–8.
Same for 200l. to Isaack le Gouche in part of 1,380l. for jewels delivered. Ibid, p. 209.
Warrant to the Earl of Anglesey to assign to Sir Thomas Tyddiman orders for 456l. 6s. 6d. due to him as Commander of the "Royal Katherine." Ibid, p. 210.
Privy seal for 27,357l. 4s. 3d. to Sir G. Carteret for disbursements in the late war. Ibid, XV. p. 56.
Same for 30 tuns of wine to the Conde de Molina, Ambassador from Spain. Ibid, p. 67.
Petition from Symon Taylor, of Lynn, co. Norfolk, concerning a seizure of coleseed as rapeseed. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 91.
Referred:—To the Customs Farmers.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Tregunnell concerning his surrender of lands at Mulberry Garden. Treasury Outletters Miscellaneous I. p. 37.
Same to Richard Heath concerning Chimney moneys of co. Stafford received by him while Anthony Dormer was collector thereof. Ibid, p. 38.
Signature by the Treasury Lords of orders for 15,000l. for Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, in repayment of loan: of 1,500l. for the Cofferer: of 100l. for William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells: of 800l. for Sir Allen Apsley for hawks. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 107.
Jan. 31 Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord for a survey of a piece of waste in Waltham Forest: as by the order in Council of Sept. 16 last in favour of various inhabitants, detailed, of Barking, Essex. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 70.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Nicholas Carew, et al., detailed, Commissioners for the Aids in the hundreds of Brixton and Wallington, co. Surrey, concerning the old arrear of the Aids still standing as a result of the dispute between said Hundreds. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 73
Sir G. Downing to Joseph Williamson to insert in the Gazette a notice, detailed, about the advantage of the Office of Exchanges in Great St. Helens, "where the money received by bills of exchange will remain deposited and not to be paid or employed for the King's service until the party have actually received his money in the country: which several persons have by experience found to be so practised having received back their money at the said office upon tender of their bills when they have not had occasion for their money in the country, the said office having since its erection returned 40,000l. and upwards [in this manner] to the great advantage of several traders who have experimented the proceedings of the Commissioners in that office." Ibid p. 74.