Minute Book: December 1667, 2-13

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: December 1667, 2-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp132-147 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: December 1667, 2-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp132-147.

"Minute Book: December 1667, 2-13 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp132-147.


December 1667

Dec. 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write the Customs Farmers to know why Lady Stukeley has not a view of the books for the logwood.
Viscount Montagu called in: presents a petition of Paul Adams. Sir Edw. Sawyer to certify on Thursday Adam's payments and remains.
Lord George Berkeley called in: moves for money for Nonsuch Park. To be considered after Xmas.
Math. Lock's petition read. The messenger not to proceed against him till Wednesday: meanwhile the money to be paid.
Process stayed against Mr. Heinsius.
William Spooner to be heard as to his docquet about Henwood priory next Monday.
Write Lord Arlington for the last advices about [from] Bombay. Also to the Ordnance for an account of what ammunition was there.
Mr. Butts called in.
Sir B. Throckmorton [to attend] about a petition in Sir Gilbert Gerard's name.
Lord Holles and the rest of the Queen's Council called in: moves concerning the Queen's jointure being made up [to] 40,000l. per an. The King to be spoken with about it.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long for the Judges to be paid this last term at the Customs by tallies as formerly: and to the Customs to pay them. Also for a new Privy Seal to pay them for the future at the Exchequer.
The Earl of Anglesey called in.
Sir John Talbot and the Farmers of the London Excise to attend on Wednesday [to inform my Lords] how much of the 100,000l. is paid in, what is behind and on whom.
Mr. Butts called in and the Excise Commissioners. Butts is bond for Stocken and must pay.
Write Mr. Wren to move the Duke [of York] for a letter to the Governor of Dover complaining of the Cinque Ports not paying to Alderman Sterling the Chimney money, and pressing him to see it collected.
Warrant to the Auditor of the Excise to allow interest to be paid to the Farmers of the country Excise for their quarter's advance in the late Treasurer Southampton's time.
Lord Wotton called in: moves for his pension for Mr. O'Neale's powder patent.
Write Mr. Laurence to prosecute Sir Herbert Lunsford by immediate extent.
The business of the Mustermasters to be presented again in Council. Sir Thomas Clerges to certify what he received and what clause is in his patent.
Sir William Doyly called in: presents a paper of duplicates wanting for the Poll money. Richard Ballard and some others mentioned in the note to be sent for in custody.
Lord Ashley undertakes to state all the accounts of Sir Thomas Player for moneys paid at the Chamber of London. Player to attend next Thursday about them.
Warrant for 17,500l. for Mr. Pepys for Tangier: to be registered on the excise in such course as shall be certified by the Cofferer and him.
Write Mr. Townsend not to dispose the 4,000l. for the Wardrobe without direction from Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes.
Mr. Laurence to attend to-morrow.
Write the Sheriff of York not to dispose of Mr. Wyvell's goods without order from my Lords; he owing much money to the King.
Sir John Talbot called in: gives an account that 71,192l. is paid in; the brewers [being] to bring in 7,695l. on their own account.
The Controller of the Household to report to-morrow concerning the Excise bonds.
Mr. Powell, on behalf of Viscount Mordaunt, moves for a change of his warrant from the old Customs Farmers to the new.
Sir John Talbot's paper read for the ground where the Excise Office was. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Sir Thomas Clifford reports the state of M. Montbrun's debt. To have a warrant for 2,000l. more on the Customs, to be paid after all present tallies, in lieu of the 5,000l. formerly ordered: same to be in full of all interest or annuity to May 29 last.
Lord Townshend to send his patent.
Sir Robert Viner and Sir Richard Pigot [called in]: say that they can give but 60,000l. for the Hearth money of 1666, Lady Day, in neat money, and 12,000l. in defalcations. My Lords will have as much for this half-year as the farm was from the time let for and under the same conditions for defalcations. They will give an answer on Thursday.
Sir Ch. Harbord to examine the quantity and value of the lands requisite for the fortifications of Portsmouth.
Sir Robert Viner moves for the payment of his tallies instead of the Bucks tallies. [Resolved] that this is to be part of the 65,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey on the Customs.
Lord Colepeper called in about his house to keep prisoners in in Kent. Leaves his papers in Sir George Downing's hands.
Warrant for Mr. Seaman on the general dormant.
Mr. Spry to have two lives on Luggar's copyhold in what names he pleases.
Warrant for Sir Robert Crook's salary.
Sir George Downing to advise with Sir Robert Long by what means the 4,000l. shall be issued to Mr. Townsend that so it may appear on his account in the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 234–7.]
Dec. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
Memorandum. The 3,000l. formerly paid and the 2,000l. now to be paid are all for interest money to M. Montbrun to May 29 last past.
Sir Robert Long's certificate read about Mr. Darcy's contract for horses. The King to be moved about it.
Report from the Customs Farmers on Mr. Bar's petition read. The seizure to be discharged.
Mr. Laurence called in. The sheriff of Kent to be asked why he extends not the goods of Sir Thomas Ingham.
A fictitious lease to be let of the coinage of the Tin duty. Mr. Laurence to speak to the Attorney General about it.
Mr. Atkins remanded again into custody.
Mr. Bull is told that my Lords desire that the Earl of Bath call the gentry of Cornwall to him and with them consider the best way for His Majesty's revenue on the tin; and particularly to speak with Mr. Courtny.
Mr. Oaks and Mr. Burley called in. Lord Ashley to bring Mr. Stamp here this afternoon.
Mr. Hartlip to take a copy of the Chimney bill and offer my Lords his remarks on it.
Ordered that the 200l. and all the money from the offal wood and bark in Whittlewood Forest be paid to the officers of the Navy. Sir Robert Long to be advised with how this money may come to account.
The letter from [the principal officers of] the Navy about Customs of goods for them taken out of prizes is referred to Sir Robert Long and Mr. Sherwin to consider what best to be done, whether they should pay the Customs or give certificates to the Customs Farmers.
The King to be spoken to about Tangier.
Plymouth [to be] paid on the Customs in general.
Sir Robert Long to send hither the papers of the King's debts.
The Master of the Rolls to have his warrant for his butlerage wines.
Write the Lord Chamberlain about Le Gouse that he press not till absolutely necessary: that if the King will have presently 200l. for a jewel my Lords with find it: and so de futuro.
The New Year's gifts to be paid to the King's goldsmiths. Sir John Nicholas to be spoken to about it to know whether he took any memorandum at Council about it.
Mr. Colvill's interest money to be paid on the Chimney money [in the same way] as Alderman Backwell's.
The complaint of some gentlemen of Brecknock against some officers of the Firehearth money is ordered to be sent to the Barons of the Exchequer, to report whether a commission is not legal and what can be legally done for the service of the revenue.
Lord Colepeper called in: an order of Council read about his expenses in the Isle of Wight and another about his expenses on fortifications at Yarmouth. His Lordship to leave his accounts here. Auditor Beale to state them.
Major Barcroft, Auditor Phillips' deputy, called in with his Poll accounts. Directed to be drawn for passing.
Warrant to the Exchequer for 250l. to Sir Edward Griffin for a quarter's wages for the King and Queen's 25 footmen.
The account of Mr. Banson offered as deputy to Col. Fitch. Mr. Banson to be discharged on security and on paying the foot of his account.
Process to go out against all Receivers of Chimney money that have not accounted and against [such] sheriffs [as were] Collectors of the 18 months' assessment.
The 11 equerries and the Avener called in and their petition read for their board wages for the year of suspension; amounting to 1,390l. They say also they are behind a year on their board wages. To be paid with the first.
The Cofferer and the Auditor to bring in the Cofferer's interest account on Thursday.
The King to be moved in Council for leave to propose to the House of Commons what duplicates of the Poll money are wanting. A copy of Sir William Doyly's return concerning them to be written out for the House.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 238–40.]
Dec. 3.
Present: All my Lords.
Complaint to be made to the King in Council of the warrant for Sir Dan. Hervy for hay for New Park, countersigned by Secretary Morice: as having been begun without the privity of my Lords, and not having been presented to them.
The Commissioners [sic for Farmers] of the London Excise called in: presented a paper about waters of the first extraction.
Deputy Auditor Chislet called in about Mr. Warwick's account of Hearth money for Westmorland; which passed. Mr. Allestry's account of Hearth money for Derbyshire also passed. Warrant to Mr. Allestry to gather the arrears for the three half-years for which he was Collector of Hearth money. His bonds to be delivered.
The Attorney General to attend next Thursday as to what is to be done to prevent habeas corpus for removing men from the Fleet to the King's Bench.
To speak to Sir Robert Long when next here as to the necessity of a new general dormant warrant.
Auditor Chislet presents rules of defalcation demanded by the Chimney Farmers. They are first to bring to the Auditors the particulars of their demands.
Sir Francis Cobb called in about his account as Sheriff of York, for which he is in custody of the Serjeant. He must move in the Exchequer for his liberty, which the Chief Baron will not grant without his first paying in the money.
Mr. May and the officers of the Works move for their money on the prizes from Lord Ashley. Ordered to sell two hoys of which they have no use.
Mr. Stamp with Mr. Oakes and Mr. Burley [called in]. Stamp to lie in custody till he pay the King's money of the Aids: which must be in six days' else an extent will issue.
The Navy papers must be offered to the Privy Council with the report concerning the Victualler.
Robert Oldsworth's petition read. Process to go against them all for what is due from them.
Coppinger's petition read. To pay what is due.
Sir Peter Colleton's petition read, referred to Sir John Talbot, &c.
Peter Cary's petition read. Nothing done on it.
On Mr. Rose's petition 100l. ordered to him as gardener.
Write again to the old Farmers of the Customs to pay 1,000l. to to the Earl of Carlisle on the Coal grant.
John Kilby's petition read. To be considered afterwards.
Sir Gilbert Gerard's petition read. Warrant for the farm of Newcastle Excise to be granted to him and to Alderman Bucknall by his appointment.
Petition from the Drum-Major. Sir Robert Long to certify what their wages are in the Exchequer.
Warrant for the salaries of John Osborn and the other officers of the Pipe.
Sir B. Throckmorton, &c. [called in] about Kingswood Forest. The King to be spoken to about it in Council.
Petition from William Burges and Tho. Deane. Referred to Sir William Hickman, Sir Rob. Carr, and Sir Anth. Irby.
The order of Council about some companies at Dover read. To be considered when the Lord General is present.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 240–2.]
Dec. 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir George Carteret called in: moves for his Privy Seal for his interest account. To be sent to the Controller of the Household to view.
To-morrow my Lords are to consider of allowances to public ministers to be sent abroad. Charnock to lay Sir Robert Long's report ready.
Write the Auditor of co. Leicester to certify what money is in super on the Eleven Months' tax upon Peter Sergeant and Tho. Manson. Write the King's Remembrancer to know what has been done to recover it.
Petition from the Administratrix of the late Bishop of Landaff. Send to the present Bishop to know if he'll undertake the money. Meantime the money in hand to be paid in.
Order of Council read about the Welsh Judges. The Lord Keeper and Lord Arlington to be moved at Council to appoint a time to consider of it.
Order of Council read that Richard Goulden, who solicits [the Hearth money of the Cinque Ports], bring under the Seal of Dover how many of these soldiers are inhabitants or soldiers in Dover.
Mr. Laurence reports that it may be a fitting charity for the sheriff of Essex to pay 25l. to Ann Kidderminster, widow. The King to be moved accordingly.
Major Joshua Greathead's petition read as late Receiver of Hearth money for co. York. Process to be stopped and he to account.
Henry Sclater's petition read. Referred to the Customs officers.
Sir George Downing to keep all papers by themselves that come with references from the King.
John Collins's petition read concerning his country Excise account. Nothing to be done in it.
Petition read from Thomas White, of Dover. He must apply to the officers of the Navy.
James Tunsted's petition read. Nothing done in it.
Write the Auditor who has Mr. Townsend's account for 1663 to deliver it for a time to Mr. Newport and Col. Reyme to view.
The Controller [of the Household] makes report of the several powers and clauses in the several Excise Acts.
Mr. Laurence offers a report from the Attorney General concerning Mr. Ennis about the Tin farm. The Attorney General to prepare such a warrant as he desires in this matter.
Sir John Talbott called in about what is paid or unpaid of the 100,000l. on the country Excise. [Informs my Lords] that there's but about 17,000l. unpaid, as on Monday last there was 71,100l. 10s. 0d. paid into the Exchequer, and since 9,695l. paid by the brewers for imported spirits, 2,000l. for Durham, and 2,585l. lies in the Exchequer of which so much is to be paid as will make complete what Brabant has to pay for that farm. Ordered that for such as have paid the full of their advance my Lords will grant them warrants for their leases. "But they desire first to stay 10 days ere any such warrant." Sir John Talbot et al. to call on those that are behind, and attend on Friday week with an account hereof. Mr. Bucknall to agree with Mr. Brabant ere my Lords give out the warrant for the lease of the Newcastle Excise. Mr. Forth moves about his Kentish Excise account. All his papers to be sent to the Excise Commissioners for report.
Sir William Coventry has Sir Robert Long's papers of the King's revenue, expense and debts.
Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Isackson [called in] about Lady Stukeley's duty on logwood. Izackson says she has had a view of his books, but that it is Sir Edm. Turner's books she must desire to see. Write the Solicitor General to send the Comptroller's surrender of his part in the logwood, and meanwhile, Mr. Izackson to pay the Comptroller's part into the Exchequer. The remainder of the rent due to Lady Stukeley to be stopped till she has paid the King what she owes him.
Mr. Coppinger called in. My Lords will take the assignments on the seamen's orders and the ready money. Mr. Laurence to see Rawleigh pay his part or take out an extent against him.
Mr. Spicer is to send the Earl of Anglesey every day a letter of what money comes in of the 100,000 for the seamen.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 242–4.]
Dec. 5.
Present: Sir William Coventry.
Write Sir Robert Long to consider how the 500l. of the Duchy money paid by Sir Thomas Ingram to Mr. May may be charged to his account.
Viscount Fanshaw to issue process against the Receivers of the Poll money for all the counties for which the rolls are [not] returned into his office. The House of Commons to be acquainted with the counties for which the rolls are wanting.
Write Sir Robert Long to register such Navy certificates as are already come to him and dated before this day.
Sir Thomas Allen and Sir Thomas Lake called in about the arrear in dispute between Middlesex and Westminster of the Additional Aids. To appear on Monday.
Sir Robert Long to certify that Sir George Carteret's Privy Seal for interest money agrees with the Auditor's account.
[Ibid. p. 244.]
Dec. 5.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncombe.
Mr. Bathurst to have from Viscount Fanshaw the roll for the Poll for the hundred of Kiftsgate, co. Gloucester; to enable him to pass his account.
Lord George Berkeley called in about his demand for money for Nonsuch Park. To be considered hereafter.
Petition read concerning Stratton Hundred in Cornwall. Sir William Doyly to attend to-morrow about Mr. Whaddon, Collector of said Hundred.
Viscount Montagu called in with Sir Edm. Sawyer about Paull Adams's account as Receiver of Hearth money for Sussex for Lady Day, 1665. The 1,000l. to be cleared and 600l. presently paid in.
Lord Ashley takes home Sir Stephen Fox's Privy Seal for the garrisons, to peruse and report on it.
The Customs Farmers to make a return what wines Ambassadors have been allowed Customs free since 1660, ordinary and extraordinary.
Mr. Brathwaite called in about his Excise account for Westmor-land and Sir John Fletcher and Sir John Lowther with him. This business to be offered at the Privy Council.
Sir John Ernly presents a petition of Tho. Kingston. Sir John and others, named, to try and accommodate this affair and report to my Lords.
Sir John Wintour to attend on Monday about the 11,000 tons of timber which he is to furnish to the King.
Hen. Philpot's petition read and he called in. Mr. Knollis and Mr. Lee are to report the value and quantity of the lands and woods granted in New Forest.
Mr. Clutterbuck to account for the Benevolence and last Poll bill with Auditor Beale.
Col. Progers's docquet not to pass till spoken to by the Lord General.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. The officers of the Navy to attend the Privy Council to-morrow to give an account why they have ordered the paying at Chatham for [seamen's wages due] before and after January contrary to the Order of Council and of the Treasury. In the meantime the Earl of Anglesey to stop further paying this.
Mr. Perkin called in about a debt he claims from Montbrun, the son. He may go to law with the son or the father: meanwhile payment to be stopped.
Sir Francis Clerk and Sir Edm. Sawyer called in about said Clerk's Chimney account for Kent.
Warrant to pay Dr. Tho. Barlow as Margaret Professor in Oxford.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 245–6.]
Dec. 6.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncombe.
Sir William Doyly called in with Mr. Clifton, of Stratton Hundred, co. Cornwall. Mr. Vessis to swear that the Commissioners undertook to be responsible for the dead Collector.
Sir Robert Viner to attend on Monday about what money he has received of the 105,000l. tallies.
Tho. Seyks for Berks passed [?as Receiver for the coming year]. Sir John Denham to advise as to Lewis Harding. Quere as to Thomas Weedon for Bucks. Thomas Story for Cambridge to be written to to account. Chr. Boon for Cheshire passed: [also] Sir Walter Moyle for Cornwall. The further debate of these Receivers adjourned till Sir William Doyly bring in the names of the Receivers that are behind in their accounts; and also a list of the Solicitors [of the Aids, &c.].
If any failure of money happen by the Office of Exchange the King shall bear the loss.
Sir Stephen Fox says the London brewers say they cannot help him to money till after Xmas.
Sir George Downing to consult with Sir Robert Long as to the regular way of delivering up bonds.
Alderman Bucknall [for the Farmers of the London Excise] called in and is told that it will be an acceptable service if after Xmas as they can they will assist Sir Ste. Fox. They say they cannot undertake, but will pay weekly instead of monthly and quarterly if that will help him, and do what more they can for him, but must not force their credit. Sir Stephen says weekly payments will do him no good now because that must pay tallies to others. The brewers say they will help to get these tallies, and upon any emergencies they will lend him 4–5,000l.
Mr. Finch called in about Mr. Forth's account of the Kentish Excise.
Mr. Ashmole to attend on Monday.
Lord Ashley spoken to about the Irish accounts.
Mr. Finch reports the business, detailed, of Mr. Battele and Mr. Tresse as to the Nottinghamshire Excise, their remittances [allowances] by the late Treasurer, &c.
Mr. Laurence presents a warrant for a new lease of the Tin farm. Mr. Napper, Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend on Monday. Mr. Boscowen, Mr. Tanner and Mr. Buller on the one side and Sir John Trelawney, Mr. Spry and Sir William Godolphin on the other to attend then. The Earl of Bath and Lord Arundell of Trerice to be acquainted herewith.
Laurence Hyde called in: moves for a warrant to the Auditor for the allowance of his extraordinaries. Auditor Beale to attend on Tuesday.
The East India Company to be desired on Monday to lend 10,000l. of their 50,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax: that so my Lords may have money to pay tickets.
Sir John Talbot called in about the Firehearth account for co. Worcester, for which he is security: [says] that he paid the money to Sir Thomas Player and cannot have such an acquittance at present from him as will satisfy the Auditor because the money was paid by who have the acquittances. Mr. Chislet to attend on Tuesday about this.
Sir Robert Viner called in: moves for care for payment of his tallies for the Bucks money. Is desired first to give an account of what has been received on the 105,000l. and for the Chimney money. Says that but 17,000l. is yet received of the 105,000l. Then my Lords will take care of payment of these taliies of his on the Customs about six weeks hence. The Customs Farmers to attend on Tuesday about paying these tallies.
Sir Martin Lumley called in with his Auditor about his Firehearth account for 1663 in Essex, as sheriff. Says he distrained for about 2,500l. of the money. He can only have such allowances as the act authorises, and what he has received he must pay. To pay 500l. into the Exchequer: the rest my Lords will consider.
Mr. Sclater's petition referred to the Customs Farmers.
Write Dr. Baldwyn, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, that one Nicholas Cotes, a security of Robert Hill, late Receiver of Hearth money for Cambridge, shelters himself there against an extent.
The Chimney Farmers to attend on Tuesday.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 246–9.]
Dec. 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncombe.
Sir William Doyly called in and Sir Robert Viner's note given him to peruse concerning the 105,000l. tallies.
Sir Dan Harvey's business for hay for the deer in New Park to be considered this afternoon.
Ordered that the order from Secretary Morice to the Customs about Montbrun be returned to Secretary Morice with the order of Council of Nov. 5 last: " and that he draw no more such orders."
Write the Attorney General to hasten the report about Haverford West.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. The Guards come to above 10,000l. per mensem and the garrisons to 4,800l. per mensem.
Mr. Spicer to give Sir George Downing a list of all moneys brought in on the Earl of Anglesey's assignments.
Mr. Ellyot, of the Bedchamber, called in about a tally on the Royal Aid payable by one Anthropus, Correspondent to Kirby for Lancashire. Antrobus to attend to-morrow.
Col. Fr. Windham called in: is promised that the docquet for his wife's pension shall pass.
Write the Lord Chamberlain [to pay] Mr. Legouse by immediate warrant if the sum desired exceed not the sum appointed by the Council for these uses, if otherwise then by Privy Seal.
Mr. Tomlinson called in. To make oath of his petition.
Sir Stephen Fox's garrison Privy Seal to be sent to the Signet signed by my Lords.
The allowances to Ambassadors to be considered on Wednesday: they to attend then.
Mr. Ashmole and Mr. Forth called in about the Kentish Excise. Forth to give bond that if in three months after casting up his books it appear there is any fraud in them he shall pay all that my Lords shall appoint. Forth to put his books again into Ashmole's hands. This business to be reported to be reported to the Council next Wednesday.
Sir Andrew Ricart, Governor of the East India Company, and others of that Company called in and make their proposals about Bombay. My Lords say that consideration must also be had about the arms and ammunition in the island. This to be stated by the Office of Ordnance. Mr. Williamson to be spoken to to let the Governor of the Company have any further light about Bombay he shall desire. My Lords desire them to pay in 30,000l. of the 50,000l. on the seamen's wages presently, and that for the 20,000l. they defer the paying it until a general court is called. My Lords to write a letter to the Company to desire this this afternoon. Also my Lords agree to send to the King in Council on Wednesday these proposals for Bombay. Mr. Spicer to be at the Company's to-morrow about the 30,000l. The Company acquainted my Lords that Sir Edward Spragg intends to send a ship into the East Indies to invade their privileges. They pray my Lords' protection and favour.
New dormant Privy Seal for 10,000l. for such business as the King by his sign manual shall direct.
Mr. Napper and Mr. Herbert called in about Mrs. Moone's suing for her grant. To attend this afternoon.
Warrant for the subsistence money of Chester garrison.
Warrant on the Privy Seal for the 30l. per an. for the King's sheets' washing.
Mr. Darcy's business to be reported to the King next Wednesday.
Sir Martin Lumley called in with his Auditor. He having paid in 500l. his account is declared.
Process to be stayed against Mr. Brathwaite, of Westmorland.
Warrant for Eton College for their wines on the Chief Butler. The like for King's College, Cambridge.
Mr. Sclater to bring a copy of the proclamation by which he claims.
Sir Robert Viner called in: moves that whereas process passed in the House of Commons about the misdemeanours of the Receivers of the Chimney money they move also for a vote that they meant [not] to take away the duty; else it will soon stop in payment: which my Lords promise to try to get.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 249–51.]
Dec. 9.
afternoon.Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Sir Job. Charlton and the Solicitor General to be at the House [of Commons] to-morrow about the report concerning the Chimney money.
"Earl of Bath, Lord Arundell, Sir John Coryton called in: also Mr. Boscowen, Mr. Tanner, &c., for the country [Cornwall and Devon], about the tin: who desire a free trade and pray a coinage without a pre-emption: else let the King's Farmers make good the bargain of 4l. 10s. 0d. per cwt. The tin came but to 1,100,000 lb. while in farm: now comes to about 2,000,000 lb., and in Oliver's time 2,400,000 lb. was the medium: and then sometimes the price was 6li. per cwt. clear: now not 4l. while in farm. Mr. Scawen says it cannot be expected the coinage duty should be increased because the coinage ties them to bring it to certain places and at certain times. But if any addition be expected it must be not to bring it to any places to be coined but to have it taken off at the blowing houses as in Cromwell's time. Mr. Scawen says that the convocation in Cornwall cannot set a price on their tin; for they are by patent and have only their charter; which matter [is] now depending in Westminster Hall: that in Devonshire they [the tinners] have a parliament and a speaker and records; so may set a price on tin there."
Warrant for 28,771l. 16s. 8d. for Sir Stephen Fox for the Guards.
The Attorney General desires direction about several clauses in the Customers' patent and Sir Robert Paston's patent. To report his remarks in writing on any clauses, and my Lords will give him directions thereupon. Also about a new act for enabling the King to let leases of lands of the Duchy of Cornwall. Lord Ashley to be advised with about it.
My Lords to offer to the King for his signature the grant of a lease of the Tin farm [to] Ennys. Write the Lord Privy Seal to despatch it.
The Attorney General reports on Sir John Pretyman's business. The proposals of Sir Edward Hungerford and Sir Thomas Dolman, detailed, to be represented to the Privy Council.
A Privy Seal to be drawn to indemnify Mr. Napper and Mr. Lawrence as to grant or lease, in their names, of the tin. The Attorney General to-draw it.
Mr. Spry to come again when Lord Ashley is present.
The Earl of Suffolk and the Lord Chief Justice to attend on Thursday about the said Earl's patent.
Anthony Walker to be arrested at Mr. Tomlinson's desire.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 252–3.]
Dec. 10.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Tomlinson's letter concerning Anthony Walker to be sent to the Lord Mayor of York.
Geo. Hosier's petition read: nothing done in it.
Order for 120l. for Mrs. Frances Windham.
The officers of the Works to stay a while for their Exchequer salaries.
Isaac Morgan's petition read. The Attorney General to examine and certify whether the King be obliged to find the Customs Farmers a house for the Customs at Bristol and repair it, and whether the King hath no right to this house.
Laurence Hyde and Auditor Beale called in concerning his [Hyde's] accounts, detailed.
Write Mr. Pretyman to give account how his cash stands at this day.
Write the Auditors of the Revenue to know on Tuesday how the accounts of all the Receivers of the Revenue stand.
Mr. Darcy must send up five horses. Meantime to have a tally for 200l. on Mr. Wyvell, Receiver of Richmondshire.
Warrant for 150l. for Sir D. Harvy for the deer in New Park. Sir D. Hervy says that New Park had an estate which the late King bought, which found hay for the deer, which Mr. Murry begged, and the lease renewed about 20 years since, so now they want for hay: that for 300l. per an. he will undertake to provide for the deer if paid him in time.
Mr. Thornton, Clerk of the Robes and Wardrobe, called in: says he has no order or precedent for 10l. per an. for making up the Master of the Robes' account, but believes it was so, and that it's not his duty to draw the account. My Lords can't allow it unless he show precedent.
The King to be moved about the 160l. for Sir Godfrey Lloyd's company.
[Petition from] Amos Izaac read. To attend on Thursday with the Attorney General.
Mr. May called in [for the officers of the Works]. Is desired to have a little patience about their Exchequer salaries. Warrant to him for an estimate of the charge of the Duke's lodgings in St. James's, and my Lords will order the Controller to allow it.
Dudley Rous, Receiver for Windsor, to pass his accounts forthwith or to be arrested.
[Ibid. pp. 253–4.]
Dec. 11.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Antrobus and Mr. Ellyot to attend on Thursday.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Thursday with Sir Stephen Fox.
Sir Robert Viner and Alderman Backwell to attend on Monday and to produce then an account of all interest money which they claim as due from Sir George Carteret.
Mr. Guy's petition read about not having been sworn as Excise officer. My Lords must oppose his getting any favour from the King.
The Agent for Marquis Monbrun called in. If the Secretaries [of State] draw the warrant to pass the horses, &c., my Lords are content. Otherwise they must speak with the King. Similarly for the Earl of St. Albans' pass for his horses.
Mr. Darcy's account declared as keeper of the Manor House in York.
Write the Clerks of the Signet to let them know that this lease of the tin is only a lease in trust and not of benefit. Baron Rainsford and Baron Turner to attend with the Attorney General and Mr. Napper. The grant of the tin lease to be offered to the King for his signature.
Richard Parret's affidavit read affainst Ri. Heath concerning Chimney money. To attend this day month.
A Privy Seal for 50l. per an. for Nicholas Estoll for discovering robbers. The Duke of Albemarle to be moved in it.
Mr. Pepys called in: moves for his orders for Tangier to be registered in course. To attend to-morrow on Sir Robert Long and Sir George Downing.
Write the Navy Commissioners to give them notice that 30,000l. is about to be speedily paid to the Earl of Anglesey; "soe that they [are to] fall to paying off the growing charge everywhere with all speed."
Col. Phillips called in: says the King will have the passes for horses pass for Mr. Hamilton, Lord St. Albans and Marquis Monbrun. My Lords attended the King in it, who says he will have them pass.
Lord Arlington came in about making a settlement for the allowances for all public ministers for the future. Sir George Downing is ordered to collect out of Sir Robert Long's papers the highest and lowest allowances to public ministers of every sort to every country. Report to be made to the Privy Council that 100l. per an. be allowed by the King to the Consul at Tripoli.
The Cofferer of the Household called in: takes in his interest account from Auditor Phillips. To be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 255–6.]
Dec. 12.
Present: ut supra.
Col. Birch reports concerning Sir Herb. Perrot (Parrot) Collector of the 18 Months' tax for co. Hereford concerning the 330l. remaining in the hands of Shepard, his deputy, or unrealisable by reason of the people being so poor. Perrot must pay the money.
Col. Birch to certify all that have taken their oaths as required by the Excise Acts: of what employment soever.
Mr. Blackburn reports that the East India Company have consented to lend the King 20,000l. on the latter [sic] security, and desire to know when they may attend my Lords with their patent for Bombay. My Lords take their compliance herein very kindly and will report it to the King and they may come with their patent when they will. Another memorandum for the Privy Council to-morrow about Bombay.
Captain Midleton's paper about a review of the Poll [money] referred to the Attorney General.
Write the Commissioners of the Navy that 20,000l. is now ready for the Earl of Anglesey for seamen's wages before Xmas, so my Lords desire them to make haste in paying them off.
Sir John Winter to attend on Monday morning to certify what timber he has delivered and what remains.
Write the principal officers of the Navy that the matter may be left to them as to the disposing of the 1,500l. per week for [seamen's] tickets: that they exclude ticket buyers, but otherwise may employ 200l. per week thereof for exigencies: but for the rest that they proceed as formerly directed: that my Lords are sorry for the precedent of Sir John Knight, and had rather stop here than make more such precedents, but as soon as the growing charge is over my Lords will take care of such cases.
Write Sir Robert Long that on looking over Sir George Carteret's Privy Seal for interest money he consider an account to be returned to him from the officers of the Navy of the time when each sum of money was paid since 1665, at which time payment in course at the Navy Office was ordered.
Write the principal officers of the Navy to return hither an account of all payments made by Sir G. Carteret since Xmas, 1665, with names, dates and amounts.
The Cofferer of the Household called in about his interest account. He must show the respective days when each sum was received. To be considered to-morrow. Auditor Phillips says that from the day a contract is made with a banker he reckons interest for the whole: for money paid by parcels at various times he only deducts on months. [Ordered] that the bankers certify the respective dates when they paid each sum to the Cofferer. Phillips says that for the terminus a quo he only goes by this, that the Cofferer had tallies of such dates for the [Royal] family, and was to pay the family, and, he supposeth, did it, and so they begin the interest from a month after the tallies struck.
Lord Ashley returned Sir Robert Long's report concerning the Post Fines and Greenway: says that the Post Fines used to be discharged by tally, but not the Greenwax.
Lord Ashley reports that the King has agreed that Forth have his bonds on payment of 884l.
Sir Edward Carteret takes back his docquet for a forfeiture, and is to bring a certificate from the Signet by what Secretary the warrant was procured.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 256–8.]
Dec. 12.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncombe.
The Chimney Farmers to attend to-morrow.
Mr. Seymour to account for the profit of the Sixpenny Writs of last term.
The Earl of Suffolk and Lord Chief Justice Keeling called in about said Earl's grant of the seal of the King's Bench. Sir William Scrogs heard on behalf of said Earl on the point in difference, which was not as to whether part of the money should be paid to the Lord Chief Justice or protonotary but as to who should appoint the seals [the officer for sealing the writs]. Lord Chief Justice Keeling replies that all that's granted to the Earl of Suffolk is with the King's [consent], but for the seventh penny he's not to have it. For the second he says that the keeping the seal of every court is in the Chief Judge of every Court and the seal is not granted to the said Earl. Besides the King has appointed 4l. a year for the Seal, which were needless if the Earl had appointed the Seal. Viscount Fitz-Hardinge replies that Sir Robert Killigrew, his uncle, who had this patent, had the putting in of the Seal and when one judge did put him in he got him out. Sir Robert Killigrew says Tully and Luggens were his father's menial servants put in by him: that he and his ancestors always put them in for the King's Bench but for the Common Pleas that the judges there always put them in. My Lords declare that they think in law the disposing the office of Sealer is in the Lord Chief Justice and that they see not that the patent has altered it. The Attorney General says the Seal of the King's Bench belongs inseparably to the Chief Justice. The Attorney General is desired to speak with the Lord Chief Justice to accommodate with the Earl.
Baron Turner, Sir Charles Harbert [Harbord], Mr. Napper and Mr. Laurence called in about the security for the Tin farm: are desired to approve of such security as Mr. Napper and Mr. Laurence shall nominate, this being only a feigned lease to set on foot the King's title against Bellott and Ennys. Mr. Ward to take care of the suit against Mr. Napper by Bellot and Ennys for this Tin business. Mr. Ward says their patent is void because they have coined at other places than the coinage places.
The report from the Attorney General read as to Amos Izack's petition. My Lords consent to the lease to him.
Same from same read as to the Bristol Custom House. The Customs Farmers are asked if they have any covenant to have a Custom House: they say no, but that in all times the King has allowed all Farmers a house. My Lords will inform themselves whether the King is to provide a Custom House.
Sir Edward Carteret's docquet, about an extent, to be returned to Mr. Williamson.
[Petition read from] Sir John Colleton and other Barbados merchants about the Customs on sugar. They offer to let all be called whites, that is of Brazil white fineness, and for what is below that they desire to pay 5l. per cent. ad valorem, except Muscavados, for which they are content to pay 1s. 6d. per cent. [sic for cwt]. The Customs Farmers propose that they take the finest Brazil Muscavado, and that they will allow that for Muscovados, and the rest for whites: and the merchants consented to have this to be the rule.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 258–261.]
Dec. 13.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Chimney bill to be sent to the Farmers of Firehearth money for them to advise with the Attorney General and report thereon.
Mr. Butts called in and his petition read. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Petition from Yarmouth read for an allowance on the Excise. Ordered 160l. to be allowed them for one year on certificates from Sir Robert Long to what time last paid.
Mr. Foley's letter to Sir George Downing concerning the Poll [money] referred to Sir William Doyly.
Sir Stephen Fox called in: demands money for the garrisons for four months ending January 17 next. The new establishment will come to 168,000l. odd money per annum when passed. Ordered that he have 4,000l. out of the Customs for the garrisons at 1,000l. per mensem, and the rest on the Excise.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long to draw every month one order for the Navy for 5,000l. for the growing charge of the Navy and for buying goods, and not for any other old debts; so that the officers of the Navy may be inexcusable if they buy not at reasonable rates: the first to be on the month of February, and so successively on every month.
The Cofferer of the Household called in about his interest account.
Sir Thomas Estcourt called in about the arrear of his brother's account as Receiver of the Firehearths for Wilts. Samuel Payman and Tristram Davis to be arrested on Estcourt's affidavit.
Sir Francis Clerk called in with his Auditor, Sir Edmund Sawyer: and his accounts declared.
Mr. Laurence sent to to know what he has done in suing Mr. Veile and his sureties.
Warrant for 6,000l. more for Mr. Slingsby for the Mint.
Mr. Herlackenden to attend on Thursday with his accounts or be arrested.
Warrant for the arrest of Col. Trevanyon.
Sir William Doyly to attend on Monday about the Receivers' commissions.
A copy of a new order of Council about fortifying Portsmouth dock to be also sent to Sir Charles Harbord to report upon.
Mr. Hartlib called in: presents a petition of Sir Robert Viner and the rest of the Chimney Farmers. To be reported to the King in Council.
The Solicitor General to be paid his salary out of the Exchequer.
John Webster's petition read. Referred to Sir Charles Harbord.
Sir Ric. Breme presents a petition from Robert Child, William Bowles, &c., about moneys due to them for tents and toils. To be considered.
[ibid. pp.261–3.]