Register of Papers, Petitions, Reports etc: 1702, June

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'Register of Papers, Petitions, Reports etc: 1702, June', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Register of Papers, Petitions, Reports etc: 1702, June', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Register of Papers, Petitions, Reports etc: 1702, June". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


1702, June

June 1. Bertie [his petition] per Vice Chamberlain [of the Household]. Prepare a privy seal. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Peter Fox [petition read]. My Lord can do nothing in this. (Ibid., p. 6.)
Cha. Godfrey [petition read]: to be considered when there is consideration taken of the rest of the [late King's] arrears. (Ibid., p. 7.)
Rowland Holt, Comptroller General of the Customs [petition read]. Granted. (Ibid., p. 8.)
Col. Mansell How. The report [from] Mr. Ryley [on his petition is read]. See what term he has and then [his petition is] to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
John Key [petition read]. Referred to C.C. [the Customs Commissioners]. (Ibid., p. 10.)
Philip Shales [petition]. Read. (Ibid., p. 18.)
Lan[celot] Whitehall, Customer of Chichester [petition read]. Granted. (Ibid., p. 21.)
John Warters [petition read]. Refer this petition with the others for [the place of] Solicitor of Wine Receiver [ut supra p. 438 under date May 26]. (Ibid.)
June 2. Richard Backwell [petition read]. When the Salt Commission is passed under seal my Lord will recommend him to the Commissioners for such place [as] he is fit for. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Ed. Burrish [petition read]. To be brought in when the Commissioners of Ex[cise] are here. (Ibid.)
Thomas Visct. Dupplin [petition read. My Lord Treasurer orders] a warrant for one year out of the Four and a Half per cent Duty. (Ibid., p. 4.)
John Evelyn [petition read]. My Lord will speak with him. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Col Fox [and the officers of his late Regiment: petition read]. There are reversionary annuities in my Lord Ranelagh's hands which were intended for the clothing of the year 1697 which cannot be disposed of till next meeting of Parliament and then application may be made to have them applied to satisfy this Regiment. (Ibid., p. 6.)
Capt. Robert Gardner [in behalf of Brigadier Selwyn's Regiment]. The Earl of Ranelagh's report [on his petition is read]. The Regiment must bear the 10 per cent. This 20 per cent. is to be made good to the Regiment by the Sir William Beeston. A warrant [is to be prepared for the King's signature] to allow this sum of 1000l. (Ibid., p. 7.)
June 2. Eliz. Hamilton [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (T.4/15 p. 8.)
Ed. Howard [petition read]: the Queen is willing to do for him the same which the [late] King did out of Secret Service. (Ibid.)
David Locke [petition read]: Respit allowed for one man only for the months of November and December. (Ibid., p. 11.)
William [Metcalfe] and Richard Metcalfe [petition read]. R.C.C. [Referred to the Customs Commissioners.] (Ibid., p. 12.)
Ditto [petition read]. R.C. Ex. [Referred to the Chancellor of the Exchequer]. (Ibid.)
Sir William Simpson [petition read]. To be paid half a year. (Ibid., p. 18.)
Chr. Tanckred [Christopher Tancred his petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 19.)
June 3. See William Redfearn under date May 26. (Ibid., p. 17.)
June 4. The C[ustoms] Commissioners presentment [read] touching ships stopped in several ports on their way to other ports. To be carried to the Council. (Ibid., p. 3.)
June 5. Commissioners of Appeals [in Excise, their memorial read] in [a] case rel[ative] to the Excise: [Their memorial] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 1.)
Anderson and Edwards [their petition read]. Ref[erred to] H. Baker. (Ibid.)
Rich. and Ann Bynns [their petition read]. My Lord can do nothing in this. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Nath[aniel] Booth. Surveyor of the Greenwax. Agreed. (Ibid.)
Lau[rence] Burton: letter [?from] Board of Greencloth. Agreed if Burton will accept it. (Ibid.)
Earl Berkeley [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Michael Baker sen. and jun. [petition read]. Refer it to my Lord Chief Baron to hear the petitioner and Mr. Walker and to desire him to give his opinion. (Ibid.)
Peter Birkett [petition read]. Let him apply to the C.C. [Customs Commissioners]. (Ibid.)
Duchess of Cleveland [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 3.)
[Mrs.] Cary, mother to Lord Falkland [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
June 5. B[ishop of] St. Davids. Memorial [read]. Enter a caveat that the late Bishop of St. Davids be heard before Mr. Lucy's cravings be allowed. (Ibid., p. 4.)
John Digby [his petition]: Read. (Ibid.)
John Earle, Register of Seizures [petition read. His office] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Michael East [petition read]: To be Secretary to the Salt Commissioners if he please. (Ibid.)
Ed. Edwards [petition read]. See what was ordered in this matter by the Minutes against [the time when] the Commissioners attend next. (Ibid.)
Richard [Gwyn] and William Gwyn, Customer of Cardiff [petition read: their office] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 7.)
Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
William Gratwyck [petition read]. My Lords will move the Queen to give him some employment that is proper for him. (Ibid.)
William Hulme [petition] Read. (Ibid., p. 8.)
Eliz[abeth] Harrison. Read: R[eferred] C[ommissioners of the] Stamp Office. (Ibid.)
Tho. Hancock, Comptroller Wine Licences [petition read: his office] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Nath[aniel] Hickman [Petition read]. R[eferred] to Excise Commissioners. (Ibid.)
Hen. Harris, Graver of the Mint [petition read]. Agreed. (Ibid.)
Col. Holt. Report [read from] Mr. Blathwayt. [Write] a letter to Mr. Blathwayt for him to prepare a [royal] warrant accordingly. (Ibid.)
Col. How. Report [read from] Mr. Ryley: to be put among the Queen's papers. (Ibid.)
Sir Hen. [Hene] and Rich. Hene [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. [Ibid.)
William Jeller letter [?from] Mr. Shepheard [read]. He must apply to the Commissioners for Stamp Duties, in whose power it is. (Ibid., p. 9.)
Hen. Ireton [petition read]: Ref. C. Ex. [Referred to the Commissioners of Excise.] (Ibid.)
June 5. James Isaacson [petition read]. My Lord shall be glad to provide for him when there is any proper occasion. (T.4/15., p. 9.)
Tho. Lowther searcher at Cardiff [petition read]: Granted. Ibid., p. 11.
Nath[aniel] Molyneux. R[eferred to the] Agents for Taxes. (Ibid., p. 12.)
Officers of the late Earl of Macclesfield's Regiment [petition read]. My Lord will speak with Mr. Blathwayt about this. (Ibid.)
Ben. Mercadé [petition read]. Let him produce a certificate to vouch the truth of his petition and he shall have a warrant [for him] to be paid in Ireland. (Ibid.)
John Mytton [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Navy Commissioners' letter relating to a further allowance to the Paymaster and Cashier of the Treasurer of the Navy for an additional number of clerks. Read. (Ibid., p. 13.)
Ed. Noell [petition read]. My Lord does not know how to displace a man without a cause but shall be glad to employ the petitioners when an occasion offers. (Ibid.)
John Peters memorial. Read. (Ibid., p. 15.)
John Potenger [petition read]. State what is due and what will pay him as far as other officers of the Exchequer are paid. Ibid.
Memorial relating to the Privy Purse of the late King [read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Hen. Pike. Report C.C. [the report from the Customs Commissioners is read]: agreed to the report. Ibid.
Ord. C. [an order in Council is read] for continuing an allowance of 50l. per an. to a minister and 30l. per an. to a schoolmaster in Pennsylvania out of the penny per pound on tobacco. Ordered. (Ibid.)
Ord. C. [an Order in Council is read] for preparing new seals for the Plantations: ordered. (Ibid.)
Tho. Richards [petition read]. R[eferred] to the Agents for Taxes. (Ibid., p. 17.)
Letter [read] from the bishop of London for Rainsford for the Queen's bounty [for his transport as a chaplain]: 20l. ordered. (Ibid.)
Phil Ryley surveyor of the Woods [Trent] South [his petition read]. Granted. (Ibid.)
June 5. [Petition read from] William Roberts, Receiver of [Crown] Land Revenue for Oxford, Berks, &c.: Granted. (Ibid.)
The report from the Auditors of Imprests [read] on the [petition of] said William Roberts. [My Lord] agreed to the report. (Ibid.)
Samuel Rhodes [petition read]. Respited for some short time. (Ibid.)
Tho. Rudge, Receiver of the [Crown] Land Revenues for Cos. Southampton, Wilts, Gloucester, Somerset and Dorset [his petition read]. To be continued but to have no other salary than the other Receivers have. (Ibid.)
Sir John Stanley's clerks [their petition read]: [their appointment] warrants to be renewed. Ibid., p. 18.
Richard Sutherland, Mr. Borrett's report [on him is read]. Warrant for the sheriff to pay the 100l. and to be allowed on his account. Ibid.
Tho. Silvester, Smith to the Mints [his petition read]: granted. (Ibid.)
The bishop of London's letter [read] for the Queen's bounty of 20l. for Mr. Tilliard [towards his passage money] ordered. (Ibid., p. 19.)
Richard Taylour, Paymaster of the Million Lottery [the constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Thral's letter [read] relating to the Duty of Four and a Half per cent. See what there is of this Duty in the Exchequer. (Ibid.)
Villiers and Harrison, searchers at Gravesend [their petition read. Their constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 20.)
Eliz[abeth] Weemes [petition read]. Glanvill to speak with Mr. Thrale about this. (Ibid., p. 21.)
Richard Web [petition read]. Re[ferred] to H. Baker. (Ibid.)
Sir Edmund Warcup [petition read]. Those commissions are renewed. (Ibid.)
Dr. Wynne: the report [from the] Auditors of Imprests [on his account is read]. The account to pass without the surcharge. (Ibid.)
Memorial [from] the officers of the Works [read. My Lord orders preparation of] a new privy seal for the Works but restrain [it] to works performed since 8 March [the present Queen's accession] for the service of her Majesty's Works and write to the Office [of Works] to take care that the money which my Lord [Treasurer] shall furnish to that Office be not applied to arrears without particular direction. (Ibid.)
June 7. Jacob van den Poel see infra under July 7. (T.4/15., p. 20).
June 8. Samuel Dale [his petition for] leave to resign to Digby. Ref[erred to the] C.C. [Customs Commissioners] to examine his fitness and whether any money or other valuable consideration be given or paid. (Ibid., p. 4.)
Churchwardens of St. Margarets Westminster [their petition read.] My Lord Treasurer consents that the petitioners may have the boards and rails as formerly. (Ibid., p. 21).
Tho. Wolstenholme [his petition read: referred to] W. Lowndes. The Commission for Salt Duties is filled. The places relating to the prizes are disposable by the Queen. (Ibid.)
June 9. Bp. [Bishop of] London's letter for her Majesty's bounty of 20l. for — Barrow: read to the Queen June 9. To be paid. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Sir Richard Blackmore: report from the C. Ex. [Commissioners of Excise read to the Queen ut supra]. Granted. (Ibid.)
Sir Samuel Barnardiston [petition read to the Queen ut supra]. The Queen is not pleased to grant the interest. (Ibid.)
Bp. [Bishop of] Chester [petition] read to the Queen. Granted. (Ibid., p. 3.)
[Mrs.] Cary on behalf of Lord Falkland read to the Queen. The Queen will continue the same bounty that the [late] King gave him. (Ibid.)
Duchess of Cleveland: [petition read to the Queen]. To be paid a year within the year. (Ibid.)
Dudley Cosby [petition read to the Queen]. Her Majesty cannot grant this. (Ibid.)
Carter and Street [petition read to the Queen]. Let 'em bring particulars of the estates [which] they would find by inquisitions and the Attorney General [is then] to examine whether [the Crown has] a probable title. (Ibid.)
Staff Officers of the two Regiments of Foot Guards [their petition] and the report of the Earl of Ranelagh and Mr. Blathwayt [thereupon are both] read to the Queen. It cannot be done. (Ibid., p. 6.)
William Fanshaw [petition]: read to the Queen. (Ibid.)
The bishop of London's letter [is read] for the Queen's bounty of 20l. for Mr. Gordon [for his passage money]. Read to the Queen: to be paid. (Ibid., p. 7.)
Lewis La Guerre [petition] read to the Queen. See what agreement was made and how much [is] due. (Ibid.)
June 9. Greenwich Hospital [petition] read to the Queen. Her Majesty will see the premises. (Ibid.)
The Captains of her Majesty's three Troops of Horse Guards [their petition read]. Ref[erred] to the Earl of Ranelagh. (Ibid., p. 8.)
Col. How; Mr. Ryley's report [on his petition is] read to the Queen. The Queen will consider. (Ibid.)
The Master of the Horse [his memorial is] read to the Queen. The Horses for the King of the Romans [are] to be paid for. The Queen will not pay for such equipage as was bought and never used. Mr. Ireton [is] to bring an account of the horses sent to the King of the Romans.
Sir Hen. [Hene] and Rich. Hene [their petition is] read to the Queen. When any Walk is vacant he is to be put in it. (Ibid.)
The burgesses of Lyme Regis [their petition] for their Cobb. Read to the Queen. Her Majesty cannot grant what is desired. (Ibid., p. 11.)
John Mytton [his petition] read to the Queen. To be provided for when anything falls that he is capable of. (Ibid., p. 12.)
The Earl of Rochester's report [as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] on the Duke of Ormonde's petition is read to the Queen. As to the overplus of the profits [of the Prizage and Butlerage of Wines in Ireland] during the last term if it had made less the Crown must have paid. For the future the Queen's officers are to collect the Duty and his Grace is to have the benefit of it according to the Lord Lieutenant's report. (Ibid., p. 14.)
Lady Kath[erine] O'Brien [her petition is] read to the Queen. To be considered with the [late] King's [Civil List] arrears. (Ibid.)
The bishop of Exeter's letter read about . . . . Opie. When the Customs Commissioners are here enquire of the value of this place. (Ibid.)
Earl of Oxford [his petition is read and ordered] to be put among the Queen's papers. (Ibid.)
The late Commissioners of the Privy Seal [their petition is] read to the Queen: to be paid out of arrears [of the late King's Civil List moneys] due before 1702 March 8. (Ibid., p. 15.)
List of his late Majesty's provision in Holland: Read to the Queen. (Ibid.)
State of the debt owing in the [late King's] Privy Purse: read to the Queen. The Queen is willing that what was left in the [late] King's Privy Purse (over and above what was due from the Privy Purse to others) should go to my Lord Albemarle. The Queen thinks the King intended so and her pleasure is that those debts be paid out of the money which was left in Mr. Hening's hands. (Ibid., p. 15.)
June 9. The reports from the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] and the Attorney General on [the petition of] John Peters is read to the Queen. The Queen thinks the grant desired will be vexatious. (T.4/15, p. 15.)
Henry Baker's report about Robert Pilcher's petition is read to the Queen. Granted to be discharged according to the petition and report. (Ibid.)
William Smyth, Paymaster to the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners [his petition is] read to the Queen. [Ordered] To be paid 3000l. out of the [late] King's [Civil List] arrears. Ibid., p. 18.
The Duke of Schonbergh [petition is] read to the Queen. The Queen cannot lawfully make the grant desired. (Ibid.)
Dalby Thomas [his petition is] read to the Queen. The Queen has otherwise disposed. (Ibid., p. 19.)
Christopher Tanckred [his petition is] read to the Queen. To be considered with the rest of the [late] King's [Civil List] arrears. (Ibid.)
Capt. Hen. Thomas [his petition is] read to the Queen. There is no fund [at present] for such arrears. (Ibid.)
Signor Verrio [his petition is] read to the Queen. [Her Majesty orders him] to be paid. Ibid., p. 20.
Capt. de la Val [petition] read to the Queen. His demand to be moderated (June 24). My Lord will propose to the Queen the allowing 500 more for the whole out of arrears [of the late King's Civil List revenue grown due] before 8 March 1701–2. (Ibid.)
Wandesford and Foulkes [their petition is] read to the Queen: Referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. (Ibid., p. 21.)
The estimate for the repairs in Windsor Great Park is read to the Queen. (Ibid.)
Esther Walker [her petition is] read to the Queen. Her Majesty doth not think [fit] to continue the list. (Ibid.)
Mr. Ryley's report about the keepers' lodges in Whittlewood Forest is read to the Queen. The conditions of the bonds [are] to be complied with. (Ibid.)
June 12. Sir William Blacket: case with the Crown of Denmark [read]. When there is room to do Sir William Blacket any service my Lord will do as much as is in his power. (Ibid., p. 2.)
William Congreve, Customer of Poole [petition read]: Granted. (Ibid., p. 3.)
Dod: letter [? from the] E[arl of] Winchilsea [is read]. It is disposed by the Queen. (Ibid., p. 4.)
June 12. Excise Comptroller [petition read]. R[eferred to the] Excise Commissioners. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Richard Staines [petition read]. To be paid by the day till the date of Mr. Howard's constitution: and my Lord will be glad to consider him on any other occasion that may be proper. (Ibid., p. 18.)
The report [from] the Wine Licence Commissioners relating to the [office of the] Solicitor of that Office [is read. My Lord says] the office is unnecessary and therefore my Lord is pleased to suppress the same. (Ibid., p. 21.)
July 16. Stephen Lylly, Receiver of the Post Office [his petition is read. [My Lord orders his constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 11.)
William Killigrew [petition read]. The Queen to be moved on this petition with the first opportunity. June 24. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 10.)
June 17. Arthur Anderson [petition read]. Ref[erred] to the Salt Duty Commissioners. (Ibid., p. 1.)
The Commissioners for Alienations [their memorial read]. [their commission] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Barth[olomew] Burton [petition read]. Referred C. Ex. [to the Commissioners of Excise]. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Berwick Corporation [their petition read. My Lord orders] one year to be paid out of the [late King's Civil List] arrears. (Ibid.)
William Blathwayt [his petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
— Barker, Deputy [Queen's] Remembrancer [his petition read] Ref[erred] to Mr. Borrett. (Ibid.)
John Baber, Comptroller of First Fruits [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. Ibid.
John Ball, Surveyor of the Works at Windsor [his petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. Ibid.
John Braman, Customer of Plymouth port [his petition read]. When the Customes Commissioners are here enquire of the value of this place. Ibid.
John Bettely, clerk in the Office of the Comptroller of Excise [his petition read]: referred to the C. Ex. [Commissioners of Excise]. Ibid.
Capt. Jos. Bennett [petition read]: referred to Mr. Blathwayt. Ibid.
William Barrett [petition read]: referred C.C. [to the Customs Commissioners]. Ibid.
June 17. Fran[cis] Brixey [petition read]: referred C.C. [to the Customs Commissioners]. (T. 4/15., p. 2.)
Ed. Courtney [petition read]. To be considered where the Commissioners of Prizes make a presentment of their under officers to my Lord. (Ibid., p. 3.)
— Clopton [petition read concerning] plate detained by him &c. Referred to the Master of the Jewel House. (Ibid.)
Robt. Clarke [petition read]. Referred to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint if not already referred. Ibid.
Robert Culliford, Comptroller of Southampton [port: his petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Is[aac] Cook, Searcher Ipswich [port his petition read]. Respited. (Ibid.)
Roger Clutterbuck, Searcher of Southampton [port: his petition read]. Respited. (Ibid.)
David Codd, Receiver of [Crown] Land Revenues for Co. Middlesex &c. [his petition read]. To attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer. (Ibid.)
Tho. Collet et al: the Postmaster General's report [on their petition is read]. Agreed to. (Ibid.)
William Cowse [petition read]. To be considered upon any presentment of the Prizes Commissioners. (Ibid.)
The late Bishop of St. David's [petition read]. Respited till Mr. Lowndes returns. (Ibid., p. 4.)
Jo. Duncombe, Receiver of [Crown] Land Revenues Co. Berks [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Anne Duke [petition read]. Recommend her son to the Customs Commissioners for such employment as they find him qualified for. (Ibid.)
William Dockwra [petition read]. When any employment falls that is proper for him my Lord is willing to move the Queen on his behalf. Ibid.
Hen. Dudgeon [petition]. Read. (Ibid.)
Peter Emes [petition read]. Recommend him to the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] to present him for some better place. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Ant. Ellesdon [petition read]. Respited till Mr. Lowndes returns. (Ibid.)
Ann Fitzharris [petition read]. It cannot be granted. (Ibid., p. 6.)
June 17. Farjeon et al [petition read concerning an] order [by the] C[ustoms Commissioners]. Referred to the said Commissioners. (Ibid.)
John Ford, Searcher of Chichester port [petition read]. His constitution to be renewed. Ibid.
Christopher Franklyng, Comptroller of Berwick [port his petition read.] My Lord will enquire. (Ibid.)
French prisoners [petition read]. To speak with my Lord Ranelagh. (Ibid.)
Sir Stephen Fox [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. Ibid.
Grin[ling] Gibbons [his petition read for renewal of his constitution] to look after carved work at Windsor. To be renewed. (Ibid., p. 7.)
John Hudson [petition read]. Ref [erred to] Mr. Blathwait. Ibid., p. 8.
Rich[ard] Haslin, Comptroller of Chichester port [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. Ibid.
Tho. Hurt [petition read]. Recommend him to the Customs Commissioners. [Ibid.]
Simin [Simon] Harcourt [petition read]. There is no establishment for this. Ibid.
— Ireton [petition read]. To be put among the Queen's papers. (Ibid., p. 9.)
Robert Jackson one of the Customers of Hull port [petition read]. To stay till Mr. Lowndes returns. (June 24). Respited. Ibid.
John Johnson [petition read]. The warrant to stand as it does. (Ibid.)
Tho. Johnson [petition read]. Re[ferred to the] Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (Ibid.)
Cornet Lewis Jones [petition read]. There is no fund for this. (Ibid.)
The report of the Officers of the Works [is read on the petition for payment for the] repairs of the Stables at Kensington. To be considered with the rest of the arrears to the Works. (Ibid., p. 10.)
Geo. London [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 11.)
Geo. Larkin [petition read]. My Lord has taken the petition and will speak with Sir C. Hedges. (Ibid.)
June 17. Stephen Lilly [petition read]. When any money is ordered for the Works or Gardens, my Lord will direct part thereof to be paid out of the said Copper Money. (T. 4/13., p. 11.)
John Lauze [petition read]. Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. (Ibid.)
Dame Eliz. Lentall: the order in Council [is read, referring same to my Lord Treasurer]. There has been no opportunity yet of taking the Queen's pleasure on any of these pensioners. Ibid.
Ann Morris [petition read]. Referred to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint. (Ibid., p. 12.)
Ellis Meredith, Keeper of the Original Seals for Denbigh and Montgomery [petition read. His constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Ja. Mellifont [petition read. He is to be] recommended to the Prizes Commissioners [for employment] if they have no objection. (Ibid.)
[The] Gent[lemen of the county of] Monmouth [petition read]. Referred to the Agents for Taxes. (Ibid.)
Rich. Marshall [petition read]. To speak to the C.C. [Customs Commissioners] upon the [subject of the] allowance. But the Queen will not consent to any resignation. (Ibid.)
Is[aa]c Manly [petition]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Is[aa]c Marriott [petition read]. To be heard when he will attend. (Ibid.)
Alexr. de la Martiniere [petition read]. There is no fund for this debt but my Lord will recommend him when there is occasion. (Ibid.)
John Marriott [petition read]. Ref. C.C. [referred to the Customs Commissioners]. (Ibid.)
Col. John Meauty's [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
John Needler. Comptroller of Great and Petty Customs London [petition read. No minute hereon]. (Ibid., p. 13.)
E[arl] of Essex [letter read concerning] Nichols. Recommend him to the Commissioners of the Stamp Office to be employed when they can find room for him. (Ibid.)
Hen. Paget [petition read]. To speak to my Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. (Ibid., p. 15.)
Robt. Paulin, Comptroller and Accomptant in the Stamp Office [petition read]. His constitution is to be renewed. (Ibid.)
John Pratt, searcher of Berwick [petition read]. My Lord Treasurer will enquire. (Ibid.)
June 17. Petitbose et al, Officers [in the Regiment of] La Meloniere [petition read]. Refer to Lord Coningsby. Ibid.
Peter Persehouse [petition read]. Granted for what became due [under the late King] before 8 March [1701–2 and to be paid] out of those arrears [the Civil List arrears of the late King]. Ibid.
Mar. Parvin [petition]. Read. (Ibid.)
William De la Rose [petition]. Read. (Ibid., 17.)
William Redfearne [petition read]. My Lord Ranelagh has [taken away] his petition in order to speak with the Duke of Ormonde [upon it]. (Ibid.)
The Duchess Dowager of Richmond [petition read]. To be put among the Queen's papers. (Ibid.)
Lord Robert Russell, Clerk of the Pipe: [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Tho. Rymer, Historiographer Royal [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Theodore Randue [petition read. My Lord orders him] 320l. for one year: out of [the late King William's Civil List] arrears: to be issued to the Treasurer of the Chamber [for him]. (Ibid.)
Ant. Rowe [petition read]. Send to the Attorney General for his opinion [whether] my Lord can discharge these issues. Ibid.
Sir Ed. Sherburne [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 18.)
Alice Shipton [petition read]. Her Majesty has not yet determined her pleasure upon any pensions of the like nature. (Ibid.)
Arnold Squib [petition read]. To employ him when anything falls. (Ibid.)
George Slee, searcher Lynn Regis [petition read. his constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Jos. Sparrow, Bailiff of Freshwell Co. Essex [petition read. His constitution] to be renewed. Ibid., p. 18.
Sir Cloud[esley] Showell [petition read. Write] letter to Auditor Done to know what forwardness these accounts are in. (Ibid.)
The bishop of Sarum [his] letter [is read] for the Poor Knights of Windsor. A warrant to be prepared for a privy seal as the last. (Ibid.)
The Officers of the Second Battalion of Scots Guards [petition read] Refer[red] to my Lord Ranelagh and Mr. Blathwayte. (Ibid.)
June 17. The Tally Court Officers [their petition read. [My Lord orders] a warrant for half a year and so much of it as is due before the 8th March [1702] is to be paid out of the [late King's Civil List] arrears. (T. 4/15., p. 19.)
Sir Edmd. Turnor [petition read]. The Commission is full. (Ibid.)
The Lords Commissioners for Trade [memorial read]. Mr. Taylor is to bring my Lord Treasurer an account of the warrants unsatisfied for that half year. (Ibid.)
Abr. Trent [petition read]. Referred to the Excise Commissioners. Ibid.
Hen. Thornicroft [petition read]. Referred to the Farmers of the Lotteries. (Ibid.)
John Taylor [petition read]. Let the [Principal] Officers of the Works certify what is due to him. (Ibid.)
Peter de la Val [petition read]: no fund for this. (Ibid., p. 20.)
William Veel Comptroller of Sandwich [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Ed. Wharton, Receiver for Hackney Coaches [petition read. His constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 21.)
Samuel Wiseman, Comptroller of Malt Tickets [petition read. His constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
William Wright, steward of the manor of Shipton &c. Co. Berks [petition read: his constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Robert Webb [petition]. Read. (Ibid.)
Lews. Williams [petition read]. To be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Dr. Wynne [petition read]. Referred to the Auditor of Wales. (Ibid.)
William Yardley [petition]. Read. (Ibid., p. 23.)
June 21. The outpensioners of Chelsea College [their petition read]. There is no fund for this. (Ibid., p. 3.)
June. 23. John Austin recom[mended] by the Commissioners of Accounts. My Lord is engaged for Mr. Burgess who was formerly in this place. (Ibid., p. 1.)
—. Barrett, Town Major of Hull [his petition read]. He is not upon the Establishment. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Ed. Burrick [petition]. Read. (Ibid.)
June 23. Bart[holomew] Burton: the Excise Commissioners' report [on his petition is read]. Agreed. (Ibid.)
The report C. Ex. [from the Commissioners of Excise] on [the petition of] Cha. Colesworth [sic for Cotesworth concerning Salt Duties is read]. He is not within the clause of the compositions [in the Act of 12–13 Wm. III, C. 11, cl. 29]. (Ibid., p. 3.)
Deputy Chamberlains [of the Exchequer their petition read]. Referred to the Auditors of Imprests. (Ibid.)
Earl Derby [petition read]. Query: if not part of the Duchy of Lancaster. (Ibid., p. 4.)
Excise Commissioners report [read] on the petition of — Edwards about brandy seized. Speak with the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] that the money imprested out of Excise for the prosecution may be repaid. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Excise Commissioners' report [read on the petition of] Tho. Ellis. To be referred [back again] to the Commissioners of Excise. (Ibid.)
Excise Commissioners' presentment about drawbacks on salt [is read and] ordered. (Ibid.)
Excise Officers' taxes [memorial read asking for a refund of their assessments. This my Lord] ordered as usual. (Ibid.)
The report from the C[ommissioners of] Ex[cise is read on the petition of] Bast. Johnson. He is not within the clause of Compositions [12–13 Wm. III, C. 11, cl. 29]. (Ibid., p. 9.)
[The like report is read on the petition of] Hen. Ireton. My Lord cannot think the employing him again is adviseable. (Ibid., p. 9.)
Geo. Larkin [petition read]. To be paid according to the agreement. (Ibid., p. 11.)
Marquis [de] Miermont [Miremont, his petition read]. He is to apply himself to Mr. Henning for this, pursuant to the Queen's determination that all arrears owing from the [late King's] Privy Purse be paid out of the 16000l. and more which his Majesty left in Mr. Hening's hands. (Ibid., p. 12.)
The C. Ex. [Excise Commissioners'] report [on the petition of] William Marshall [is read]. Prepare a warrant according to the report but let the appropriated moneys have their whole shares and the money [which is] to be discharged [is] to be placed to the account of the Hereditary [Excise] and Temporary Excise. (Ibid.)
Fran. Partis et al, the Ex[cise] Commissioners' report [read on their petition]. Respited till the matter of fact be better examined and known. (Ibid., p. 15.)
Tho. Waugh [petition read]. Ref. C.C. [Referred to the Customs Commissioners]. [Ibid., p. 21.)
June 24. Tho. Addison [petition] Read. (T. 4/15., p. 1.)
Edw. Adams [petition read]. If he will discover to Mr. Borrett he shall be equitably considered. (Ibid.)
Mr. Burchett [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid., p. 2.)
Philip Bertie. Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Ja. Buller and Hen. Stephens: the report from the Surveyor General [of the Crown Lands on their petition is read]. Agreed to. (Ibid.)
Sir Tho. Browne [petition]: Read. (Ibid.)
The Lord Chief Baron's report [is read on the petition of] Michael Baker senr. and junr. Mr. Baker's patent to be renewed as it was before. (Ibid.)
Daniel Child: keeper of the Standing Wardrobe [petition read]. He must apply to my Lord Chamberlain. Ibid., p. 3.
Cox, John, Comptroller of Lynn Regis [petition read: his constitution] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
John Champante [petition read]: Referred to the Earl of Ranelagh to examine this matter and report. (Ibid.)
Isaac Cook, Comptroller of Ipswich port [petition read]: Granted. (Ibid.)
Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal [petition read]: Such allowances are not usual to be made here. (Ibid.)
Ursula Church [petition read]. My Lord cannot advise this. (Ibid.)
The bishop of St. David's his letter about repairs of the palace of that See. Read. (Ibid., p. 4.)
Dame Eliza Dryden [petition read]: to be laid before the Queen. (Ibid.)
Anto. Ellesdon [petition read]. Produce a certificate of what is due for the time of his late Majesty's reign. (Ibid., p. 5.)
William Fanshaw [petition read]. Her Majesty will pay him as the late King did and not otherwise. (Ibid., p. 6.)
Geo. Gilliard [petition read]. Ordered. (Ibid., p. 7.)
Edw. Godfrey [petition read]. My Lord cannot advise this. (Ibid.)
June 24. Commissioners for licensing Hawkers and Pedlars. [Their Commission] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 8.)
William Hall, Comptroller of Milford [port: his petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Geo. Houlder [petition read]. Ref[erred to] Mr. Ryley. (Ibid.)
Hen. Hayter [petition read]. Ref[erred] to the Commissioners of the Navy. (Ibid.)
Sir Jos. Jekyll [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 9.)
John Jennings [petition read]. Ref. C. Ex. [Referred to the Commissioners of Excise]. Ibid.
Griffith Lloyd [petition read]. Referred to the Auditor of Wales. (Ibid., p. 11.)
Col. Bald[win] Leighton [petition read]. My Lord will recommend him to the Queen upon occasion of any vacancy proper for him. (Ibid.)
The report from the [Principal] Officers of the Mint [is read on the petition of] Ral[ph] Leek and Samuel Walford. Agreed to. (Ibid.)
The report from the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands on the petition of the] Master and Warden of the Merchant Taylors' [Company] for a new lease of their Barge House. Agreed to. (Ibid., p. 12.)
Walter Middleton, collector of Milford [port: petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Ellinor Morgan [petition read]. She must apply to the Captain. (Ibid.)
Mar. Norridge [petition read]. Rejected. (Ibid., p. 13.)
Postmaster General [memorial read] relating to the pacquet boats at Harwich. Agreed to and a warrant [is ordered] to be prepared accordingly. (Ibid., p. 15.)
Postmaster General, presentment [read] relating to the house where the General Post Office is kept. The Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] is to view the premises and to make an estimate of the value thereof. (Ibid.)
Tho. Pennyman, Receiver General of the Stamp Duties [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid.)
Quarterly Pensioners [their petition read]. To speak with my Lord Ranelagh upon this. There is no fund for them. (Ibid.)
June 24. John Rotier [petition read]. Referred to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint. T.4/15., p. 17.
Phil. Ryley memorial [read] con[cerning] fencing the meadows at Hampton Court. Sends this to the Commissioners of the Stables to know whether it be necessary for the Queen to be at this charge. (Ibid.)
Mrs. Stephens [petition read]. Let her get a certificate from my Lord Halifax of what became due to her husband within the reign of his late Majesty. (Ibid., p. 18.)
Tho. Tilson [petition read]. He improperly applies here. (Ibid., p. 19.)
Major William Villers [petition read]. Referred to the Earl of Ranelagh. (Ibid., p. 20.)
Col. Hen. Villiers see under July 1.
John Waring, searcher of Chester [port. Petition read. The constitution] to be renewed for the father only. (Ibid., p. 21.)
Sir Fran. Wyndham [petition read]. To be considered in the list. (Ibid.)
The widows of slain officers [petition read]. The [late] King resolved they should be paid no more. (Ibid.)
William Williams [petition read]. Referred to Mr. Borrett. (Ibid.)
John Whittle [petition read]. My Lord Treasurer will move the Queen to continue his 10s. per week. (Ibid.)
June 26. Robert Elliot [petition read]. Referred to the Commissioners of Salt Duties. (Ibid., p. 5.)
Richard Marshall [petition read]. Ref. C.C. [Referred to the Customs Commissioners]. Ibid., p. 12.
Geo. Philips and Gregory Page [petition read]. Referred to the Attorney General. (Ibid., p. 15.)
Hen. Rippingal [petition read concerning] money expended by him in subsisting seamen in Norfolk. Send this to the Navy Commissioners direct em to report the matter with their opinion. (Ibid., p. 17.)
Tho. Raymond [petition renewed]. The places are all renewed. (Ibid.)
June 30. The report from the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands is read on the petition of] John Avery. Agreed to. (Ibid., p. 1.)
The like report [read on the petition of] Ed. Cutty. Agreed to. (Ibid., p. 3.)
June 30. The report from the C.C. [Customs Commissioners on the petition of] John Dutton Colt. Mr. Colt having promised to pay the 666l. 10s. 5¾ d. before the first day of the next term let the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] give order to their solicitor to stop the process till then: but in case the money be not paid as he hath promised, proceedings against him [are] to be renewed without further direction. (Ibid.)
The report from the C[ustoms] C[ommissioners about] Samuel Dale [is read]. My Lord concurs with the opinion of the Commissioners. (Ibid., p. 4.)
Household Drums and Fifes [petition read]. Their patents are determined and my Lord does not think it reasonable to continue this charge. (Ibid.)
Robert Gilliver memorial [read] relating to the rent called Smoake Farthings. Respite the collection of the rent till further order: and an extract of this report to be sent to Sir Robert Jenkinson. (Ibid. p. 7.)
Mr. Borrett's memorial [is read on behalf of the] Judges for paying for the passing their patent. No fees will be taken here [in the Treasury] and my Lord [Treasurer] conceives they will be as kind in other offices. (Ibid., p. 9.)
Auditor Shales' report [is read on the petition of] Robert Lucy. A copy of this report is to be sent to the Bishop [of St. Davids] to know if he has any objection remaining. (Ibid., p. 11.)
Sir Roger Mostyn [petition read. His constitution is] to be renewed. (Ibid., p. 12.)
Fran. Negus: the report from the [Principal] Officers of the Works on his account for one year ending Michaelmas 1701 [is] Read. (Ibid., p. 13.)
Postmaster General, letter read relating to the Cross Road between Bristol and Chester. Respited. (Ibid., p. 15.)
Philip Papillon [petition read]. To speak with Mr. Dodington. (Ibid.)
John Parkhurst and John Pascall [petition read. Their constitution is] to be continued. (Ibid.)
College of Physicians, the state of their account [drawn up] per Auditor Done [is read being] of money received from Mr. Harbord deceased late Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland. [My Lord Treasurer] allowed all but [the item of] 20l. for the fees and charges in passing this account in the several Offices in the Exchequer. (Ibid.)
Tho. Rudge: [the] cert[ificate by] Auditor Parsons [is read]. My Lord adheres to the former minute. (Ibid., p. 17.)
June 30. The C[ustoms] C[ommissioners] report [is read on the petition of] widow Eliza. Storey. Agreed to upon [her] delivering in the debentures. (T. 4/15., p. 18.)
Sir John Stanley [petition read]. Ordered according to this memorial. (Ibid.)
H. Baker's report [is read on the petition of] Judith Watson. My Lord Treasurer does not think fit to give her any more money on this account. (Ibid., p. 21.)