Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.
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'Index: L', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index: L', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index: L". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Labalme, Major, in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Laban, James, Lancashire traitor (1701), 336.
La Bare, Monsieur, bill from Holland for tents for the Danes, 491.
Labat, Ensign, in La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.
-, -, in Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Lablache, Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Labriasonniere, Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
La Bretonnier. See Bretonnier.
Labrousse, Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Lacastille, Serjeant in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.
La Chancellerie, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Lacherois, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Laclyde, Captain in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1161.
Laconde, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162, 1163.
Lacormerye, Ensign in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Lacoste, La Coste. See Coste.
La Crositt. See Croiset.
La Crosse, Ensign in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.
Lacy (Lacey), Gilbert, receiving money for the Mayor of Harwich, 631, 667.
Ladler, Richard, ships master, 163.
La Ferte, Mr., going chaplain to Jamaica, 747.
Lafitte, Ensign in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.
Lafortelle, Captain in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
Lagandinniere [Lagardiniere], Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Lagarde, Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
-, Peter, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.
Lagrois, Ensign in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
La Guerre. See Guerre.
Laguerre (La Guerre, Leguard), Lewis, painter to the Works, 1063; painting cartoons at Hampton Court, 42; selling to Wm. III, three pictures of Andrea Mantegna, 59; petition, 448, 474.
Laisne, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Lajus, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.
Lake, Lieut. in Lord Lovelace's Regiment, 1175.
-, Thomas, Wine Licence Commissioner, 221; loan on Excise, 492.
-, Sir Thomas, Secretary of State, papers of, 293.
-, William, royal bounty to, 837.
Lalande, Captain in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
- Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment, of Foot, 1167.
Lalanne, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.
Lalo, Captain in Major General Belcastel's Regiment, 1167.
Lamartinerie, Alexander de (La Martiniere), royal bounty to, 454, 922, 930.
Lamartiniere, Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Lamaugere, Lieutenant in Major General La Melionere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.
Lamb (Lambe), Ann, widow of a soldier, bounty to send her to Ireland, 606.
-, John, D.D., chaplain of the Savoy Hospital, 355.
-, Patrick, Master Cook in the Kitchen, 994, 1042.
-, (Lambe), Peter, arrears of army pension, 1102.
Lambart, Castilliana, Countess of Cavan, wife of Charles 3rd Earl of Cavan, pension of 40l. per an. for the maintenance of her youngest son, 859, 863, 869, 875, 880, 883, 892, 898, 902, 907, 912, 913, 926, 936.
Lambert, John, merchant, San Sebastian wine frauds, 146.
-, William, shipmaster, 125.
Lambeth (Surrey), manor of, 855.
Lamble, Francis, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1179.
Lambourn Walk, Waltham Forest, 519. 968.
Lame. See Lance.
-, Sarah, royal bounty to, 657. See Lance, Land.
La Melonière. See Melonière.
Lammeson, Charles, Groom of the Stables, 1012.
La Mothe Grandor. See Grandor.
La Motte, Col., Engineer General, 1180; killed at Camaret Bay, 60; Colonel of the Miners; arrears due to, 511.
Lamoutine, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment, 1162.
Lampen, George, Yeoman of the Carriages, 1011; pension in the Stables, 1013.
Lancaster, Elisha, wrongly receiving Marriage Duties, co. Chester, 148.
-, John, Lieut. in Sir Cloudesley Shovell's Regiment of Marines, 1142.
-, Margaret, royal bounty to carry her home to Berwick, 761.
-, William, Yeoman of the Guard, 985.
Lancaster (County), 266, 742.
-, auditor of Crown Revenues,
216. See Shales, Hy.
-, Commissioners of assessments for,
-, Commissioners for Forfeited
Estates, 325.
-, Excise Collector, 352, 374.
-, forfeited estates of traitors, 325,
-, Judges going on a special Commission, 742.
-, King's or Queen's Four Preachers
in, 43, 287.
-, Receiver General of Crown
Lands, 250, 252, 327. See
Hart, R., Hayhurst, W.
-, Receiver General of Taxes, 201,
257, 259, 292, 389, 414. See
Thornton, J.; Bradgate, J.;
Molyneux, Nath., Kent, W.
-, sheriff of, 262. See Hulme, W.
-, Surveyors of Houses and Marriage
Duties, 109, 114, 293, 421.
See Dymock, J., Dew, J.,
Carter, R.
-, Traitors, names of, 336.
Lancaster Duchy, 457.
-, auditor of, 187.
-, chancellor of, 23, 187, 273, 388.
See Stamford, Earl of; Gower,
Sir J. L.
-, fee farms of, excepted out of
Fee Farm sales, 388, 398.
Lancaster town and port, officers, 210.
Lance (and see Lame), Edwd., slain in the skirmish at Gravesend, 556, 686.
-, Joan, widow of William Head, royal bounty to, 556, 570, 593, 617.
-, Joan or Katherine, widow of Edward Lance, royal bounty to, 617, 636, 665, 686.
-, Col. Thomas, regiment of, 1082.
Land, Sarah, (and see Lame), royal bounty to, 630, 708, 715, 740, 744, 763.
Land Bank Act (7–8 Wm. III, c. 31), loans on, 779.
Landefold, Thomas, shipmaster, 166.
Landgarth, Thomas, Chaplain to Col. Coote's Regiment of Foot, 1117.
Landguard Fort. See Army (Garrisons).
Landon, Thomas, stipender in the Household, 1001.
Lane, Mr. (Capt.), taken when escaping to France, 569.
-, Capt., Hy. (in Tyffin's Regiment), reformed officer Ireland, 151.
-, Dame Jane, executors of, 463.
-, James, Viscount Lanesborough, royal bounty to, 605, 619, 724, 728.
-, Thomas, pension, 398, 963.
Langford, Charles, under clerk of the Wardrobe, 1043.
-, Francis, royal bounty to, 572.
-, Samuell, a Treasury clerk, 517, 523, 553, 569.
Langley, Grantham, ensign, reformed officer Ireland, 151.
-, John, Surveyor Houses and Marriage Duties, co. Northumberland, 349, 420.
-, Captain Thomas, of Harwich, payments to for the relief of poor and sick Dutch seamen, 518, 522, 527, 537, 543, 556, 566, 573, 587, 593, 604, 608, 621, 631, 643, 660, 662, 667, 699, 717, 719, 722.
Langston, Brigadier [Francis], Regiment, 398; Col. [? Thomas], 1146.
-, wife to Francis, 398.
-, Thomas, ensign, reformed officer Ireland, 151; Col. [? Francis], 1146.
Langton, George, of Langton, co. Lincoln, a Commissioner for Army Debts, 214, 277, 367.
Langton juxta Horncastle, co. Lincoln, 214, 277, 321, 367; manor of, 43.
Languereque, Mdlle. de, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1057.
Langwith, John, messenger of the Chamber, attending the Treasury and the Customs, 525, 545, 560, 563, 580.
Lansac, Aster de, army pension arrears, 1107.
Lany, Edward, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1054.
La Pierre. See Pierre.
Larannere, Captain in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1161.
Largere, Mrs. Henriette, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1056.
Larkin, Geo., petition, 453, 457.
La roche, Peter, Gentleman Harbinger, 999. See Roche.
Larogue, Capt. in the Royal Dragoons, 1143.
La Savage, Captain in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Lascells, Richard, receiving the Duke of Ormonde's pension, 530, 536, 603, 620, 697.
-, Thomas, Housekeeper of the Excise Office, 219.
Laspois, Auguste de, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.
L'Assence, Mrs., one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1052.
Lasserre, D', Peter, Corporal in Count Marton's Regiment, 1170.
Latham, Richard, army pension arrears, 1101.
Latin Secretary. See Hill, Richard.
Laton (see Latton), Ann, Wardrobe pension, 1008.
Latour, junr., Ensign in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Latton (see Laton), John, steward and keeper of the Courts of the manor and Lordship of Sheene alias Richmond, 127, 174, 237; tenements in Richmond Palace, 205; keeper of Little Park at Windsor, 124, 138; repairs Richmond Old Park, 435; paying the seven gamekeepers of Hounslow etc., 1077, 1078; Master of the Beagles, 130; Master of the Harriers, 9, 98.
-, -, (junior) stable pension, 1013; [? junior], Avener, 1009.
-, -, searcher, Plymouth port, 242, 257, 441.
-, -, works at the Mews, 1068.
Laubidat, Ensign, in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.
Launceston (Cornwall), 320.
-, Priory, 142.
Launay, Louise de, petition (Army), 464.
Launey, Lieutenant in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Laurence. See Lawrence.
Laurvig [Norway], 212.
Lauzaz, Antoine, Astor de, petition, 464.
-, John, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1050.
Lauze, John, lease at Richmond [Palace], 127, 307, 454.
Laval, Ensign in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Lavallette, Cabriese, Lieut. in Major General Belcastel's Regiment, 1167.
Lavardure, Redouglouse Say D', of Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Lavender, William, petition for lease of cottages at Rochester, 279, 464.
Lavezmier, Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
Lavigne, Peter, grocer, purveyor to the Household, 1007.
La Ville. See Ville.
Law Reports, 52.
Lawder, Col. [George], arrears of waggon money due to, 1184.
Lawley, George, tidesman Sunderland, 191.
Lawrence, Andrew, Surveyor of the King's Ways and Guide of his person, 291, 464, 964; royal bounty to, 414, 622, 695, 703.
-, Daniel, Customer or Collector of Petty Customs, London port, 242, 291.
-, David, Quarter Master, Lord Windsor's Regt., 288, 1111.
-, Elli, deer in Cranborne Chase, 661.
-, Mary, widow of soldier slain in Ireland, royal bounty to carry her back to Ireland, 606, 742.
-, Dr. Thos., Third Physician to Wm. III and Anne, 119, 283, 784 (wrongly styled Sir), 1021, 1024.
-, Wm., Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties co. Middlesex, 349, 420.
Lawrenson, William, waiter and searcher, Lancaster port, 210.
Lawson, Ann, afterwards Lady St. George, 964.
-, Edmond, Stipender in the Household, 1002.
-, John, stores porter in the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1095.
-, Joseph, Sergeant at Arms, 423, 963.
-, Nathaniel, Lieut. in Col. John Gibson's Regiment of Foot, 1124.
Lawton, John, of Church Lawton, co. Chester, saltworks, 413.
Laycock, Martin, Capt. in Visct. Charlemont's Regiment of Foot, 838, 1176.
-, Mary, wife of Capt. M. Laycock, royal bounty to, 838.
Laycroft (Leacroft), John, receiving money for Peter Floyer, 822.
Lead mines. See Mines.
Leader, John, a servant of the Hall in the royal Household, 1015.
-, Thomas, his father a gauger in the Customs, 379.
Leake (Leek), Ralph, smelter of the Mint, Bristol and Exeter, 155, 294; petition, 459.
-, Robert, Ensign in Col. Wm. Northcote's Regiment of Foot, 1129.
Learge, Humphrey, Lieut. in Col. Thomas Brudenel's new Regiment of Foot, 1136.
Leasehouse, Richard, Groom of the Stables, 1012.
Leather Duties. See Customs (Duties).
Le Bass, Richard, Marshal of the Ceremonies, 328, 344, 391, 393, 429, 950, 1023.
Lechmere, Nicholas, a baron of the Exchequer, 497.
-, Thomas, royal bounty to, 880.
Lecleere, Peter, drummer in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.
Lee (and see Leigh), Ann, receiving money for John Lee, 587.
-, Charlotte, wife of the Earl of Lichfield, illegitimate daughter of Charles II, 964–5.
-, Edward Henry, Earl of Lichfield, 964–5.
-, John, royal bounty to, 531, 552, 566, 587, 598, 620, 644, 688.
-, -, agent for prizes at Oporto and Viana, 345.
-, Joseph Richard, Bread Bearer to the Household, 1001.
-, Mary, pension as one of Queen Mary's servants, 1050, 1052.
-, Samuel, Bread Bearer to the Household, 1001.
-, Thomas, of New Windsor, royal bounty to, 622.
Leech (Leach), John, coachman, payments to for coach hire for the Treasury clerks, 798, 823, 831, 836, 848, 858, 870, 886, 905, 919, 937.
-, Mary, widow, royal bounty to, 683.
-, Robert, reward for apprehending traitors, 526.
Leeds, Duke of.See Osborne, T.
Leek. See Leake.
Lees, William, receiving royal bounty money for Eliz. Pinkney, 921.
Leetere, Peter, drummer in Brig. Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.
Leeward Caribbee (Islands), accounts of
revenue, 223, 256, 280, 307–8.
-, chaplains going to, 386, 540, 674,
675, 690, 691, 698, 750, 877.
-, Four and a Half per cent. Duty
and accounts of. See Four.
-, Government, 307–8, 376.
-, Governor, 307–8, 322, 360–1, 380.
See Codrington, C.
-, land survey of surrendered
French parts of. See S.
-, money due to Col. Codrington,
as executor to his father, 899.
-, money sent to, 106.
-, ordnance for, 88, 232, 307–8,
322, 376.
-, Regiments in, 146, 255, 258.
See Fox, Col. E.; Holt, Col.
-, ships for, 135, 136, 166.
Legard, William, Chaplain to Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse, 1111; and see Le Guard.
Legat, Henry, Messenger of the Chamber, 1018, 1186,
Legge (Legg), George, 1st Earl of Dartmouth, trustee for the Prince and Princess of Denmark for their pensions on the Post Office and the Excise, 179, 260.
-, Col. John, army pension arrears, 1101.
-, Capt. Richard, payment out of Secret Service money to enable him to return to Ireland, 573.
-, William, Lord Dartmouth, a Commissioner for Trade, 380, 400; his title to the great lodge in Holt Forest, 42; Page of Honour to Charles II, 831, 838, 844; army pension, England and Ireland, 128.
Leghorn (Italy), 132, 135, 136, 166, 505.
Leguard, Lewis, painting cartoons at Hampton Court. See Laguerre.
Le Hunt (and see Hunt), Captain, half pay, Ireland, 312.
Leicester county, 267.
-, auditor of Crown Revenues,
216. See Shales, Hy.
-, Receiver General of Crown
Revenues, 327. See Finnes,
S., Hewitt, T.
-, Receiver General of Taxes, 201,
380, 383. See Bradgate, J.,
Truman, T.
-, sheriff, 414.
-, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage
Duties, 421. See Smith, Obed,
Draycot, W.
Leigh (and see Lee), Edward, Colonel and Captain of Dragoons, 1112.
-, Cornet Thomas, Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse, 288, 1111.
Leighton, Col. Baldwin, petition, 459, 517, 680, 686.
-, Cha., petition concerning prizes, 464, 466, 475.
-, Susanna, Lottery pensioner, 290.
Leighton (Leyton) Walk, Waltham Forest, 519, 968.
Leimbach, Stephen, third Master Cook in the Kitchen, 994.
Leman, Capt. in Lord Lovelace's Regiment, 1175.
Lemattayre, Antoine, a Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1179.
Lemeray, Joseph, Yeoman of the Kitchen, 995.
Lemon, Philip, Yeoman of the Cellar, 992.
Le Neve, Peter, Rouge Croix pursuivant, 197, 391; Treasury records purchased from, 964; Deputy Chamberlain of the Receipt of the Exchequer, payments to for sorting Exchequer records, 193, 204, 323, 505; extracts from the ' Black Book,' 763.
Lennard, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, a Gentleman of Bedchamber, 982; pension for marriage settlement from Charles II, 60; his wife, 60; petition for arrears of pension, 468, 478.
Lennep, Elizabeth, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1053.
Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, James.
Lenthall, Dame Elizabeth, one of Queen Mary's pensioners: payments to out of secret service money, 454, 524, 546, 563, 566, 580, 591, 610, 622, 628, 629, 641, 656, 674, 685, 697, 707, 715, 814.
Lenton, John, shipmaster, 183.
-, -, one of the King's musicians, 1016, 1037.
Leominster, (co. Hereford), 382.
Leonard, Samuel, Capt. in the Earl of Denbigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1113.
Lepetit, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Lesley, Katherine, royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 527, 543, 572, 608, 619.
-, Robert, discoverer of San Sebastian wine frauds, 128, 352.
Lesnewth Hundred, co. Cornwall, 141, 320.
L'Estange, Lewis, Lieut. in the Earl of Denbigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1114.
Lester, John, Knight Marshal of the Household's Man, 1001.
L'etang, Peter, Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
Le Tour, Capt. in Brigadier Maitland's Regiment, 1148.
Letter money. See Post Office.
Leuze, La, Lieutenant in Major General Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.
L'Vassur, Monsieur, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1056.
Levenhoven, John, Yeoman carttaker of the Household, 1000.
Leveson (Lewson), Col. Richard [Third Regiment of Horse], Irish Army Clothing contract, 345, 503; appointed to inspect army clothing, 492, 493; horses for recruits, 494; Major General, Aide de Camp to, 1151.
Levesque, Lieutenant in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1162.
-, Lewis, Ensign in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.
-, Tourtion, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.
Levett, Kat., widow, daughter of William Edwards, royal bounty out of Secret Service money, 651.
-, William, arrear of pension on Wm. III's Civil List, 964.
Levingston, Anne, Countess of Newburgh, widow of James, 1st Earl of Newburgh, payments to for rent of Bagshot, out of Secret Service, 533, 567, 573, 586, 591, 615.
-, (and see Livingston), William, Ensign in Col. John Gibson's Regiment of Foot, 1125.
Lewen (Leewen, Lewin), Abraham, turner to the Works, 1066, 1067.
-, John van, servant of the Hall in the royal Household, 1015.
-, John van, Footman in the Stables, 1011.
-, Peter Van, Page of the Bedchamber, 1037, 1048.
-, Thomas, one of Queen Mary's servant pensioners, 1052.
-, Wm., wine merchant, San Sebastian wine frauds, 146.
Lewes, (co. Sussex), 383.
Lewis, Elizabeth, of Yorkshire, widow of a soldier killed in Flanders, royal bounty to, 736.
-, -, counterfeiting Exchequer Bills, 842.
-, Francis, Lieut. in Col. Farrington's Regiment of Foot, 1126.
-, John, Stipender in the Household, 1002.
-, Capt. Richard, payment out of Irish contingencies, 143.
-, Robert, one of the King's Musicians, 1016, 1037.
Lewson, Col. See Leveson.
Lexinton, Earl. See Sutton, R.
Ley, Francis, collector in the Scilly Islands, 412.
-, Margaret, Countess (not Duchess) Dowager of Marlborough, royal bounty to, 59, 68, 323, 919; petition, 475.
Leylandshire (co. Lanes.), 266.
Leyton Walk. See Leighton.
Lezan, John Antoine de Piloty (Monsieur Lezan), senr., royal bounty to, 912; a Lieutenant in Du Cambon's or Count Marton's Regiment, 912, 1168
-, junior, Lieutenant in du Cambon's or Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 912, 1168.
Libel. See Books.
Libel on Governor of Bermudas, 348.
Lichfield (co. Stafford), Receiver General for. See Burslem, Wm., 200.
- Cathedral (co. Stafford), Dean and Chapter, perpetuity to, 399.
-, Vicar's Choral perpetuity to, 403, 978.
Lichfield, Earl and Countess of. See Lee.
Liddell. See Lyddal.
Lidfort, Math., clerk, going chaplain to Virginia, 593.
Liechti, John Gaspar, Swiss officer, royal bounty to, 595.
Liège, bishop of, troops of, 1158.
Liermont, Lewis, Lieut. in Col. John Gibson's Regiment of Foot, 1125.
Lifford, Earl of. See Roye.
Liger, Solomon, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.
Lightfoot, William, clerk, going chaplain to Jamaica, 537.
Lightford, Robert, Quarter Master in the Earl of Denbigh's Dragoons, 1115.
Lighthouses, drafts of, by Thomas Baston, 3.
Lignot, John, tailor to the Wardrobe, 1036.
Lillingston, John, clerk, going chaplain to Maryland, 538.
-, Col. Luke, petition, 475, 1146.
Lilly (Lylly), Stephen, Receiver General of the Post Office and see Post (Office Receiver), 7, 196, 240, 274, 285, 303, 306, 368, 451, 454.
Limerick City (Ireland), 875; barrack expenses, 221.
-, fortifications, 145.
-, garrison, land for, 297.
-, lands in, 344; Nicholas street, 344.
-, rent of store, 221.
-, siege of, 220, 623; reduction of, 875; surrender, 1196.
Lincicomb, John, Yeoman of the Kitchen, 994.
Lincoln, bishopric of, Tenths, annuities out of, 240, 241.
- County (and see Lindsey), 43,
214, 277, 306, 345.
-, auditor for Crown Lands, 216.
See Shales, Henry.
-, Crown Lands, 131; charges on,
-, fee farm rents, 265–6.
-, fens, east, west and north,
grants, 233.
-, Receiver General of Crown
Lands, 328. See Gilliver, R.,
Hewit, T.
-, Receiver General of Taxes, 180,
185, 198, 200, 347, 367, 373,
383. See Kent, T., Cawthrop,
W., Coxall, J.
-, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage
Duties, 421. See Chappell,
S., Cleake, Jo.
Lincoln, Earl and Countess of. See Clinton.
Lindon, Stephen, Penny Post Office frauds enquiry, 90, 91, 392.
Lindores (Lindore, Lundores), Lady or Dame Elizabeth (? Elizabeth, widow of James, 3rd Lord Lindores), army pension arrears, 1103; royal bounty to, 674.
Lindsey, Earl of. See Bertie, R.
-, Joseph, Groom of the Great Chamber, 1017, 1039.
Lindsey (co. Lincoln), 200.
-, Level: Mrs. Owen's claim, 67;
Charles I's grants of fen lands,
linen manufacture Ireland, fund for granted by Wm. III and Queen Anne, 410; looms for, 410; looms called estalls, 410. See Crommelin.
linens of France and Holland, 410.
Lines, Thomas, tidesman London port, 351.
Linkinhorne (Cornwall), tin blowing houses, 244, 322.
Linney, Henry, Yeoman of the Guard, 985.
Lipscomb, John, enclosures in New Forest, 432.
Lisbon (Portugal), 132, 136, 156, 212,
396, 399.
-, export of bells to, 403.
-, port, 132.
-, ships for, 166, 184.
-, supplies to the Fleet, 45.
Lisburne, Viscount, See Vaughan, John.
Liskeard (co. Cornwall), park demesnes, lease of (Thos. Johnson), 254–5.
Lisle (and see Lissle), Peter, Captain in Col. Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1121.
-, Piere d', Irish pension, 150.
-, Robert, shipmaster, 183.
Lisney, Adam, Groom of the Great Chamber, 1017, 1024, 1032, 1039.
-, Christopher, senior turnbroach in the Kitchen, 996.
-, Jasper, Yeoman of the Larder, 996.
Lissle (and see Lisle), Sieur de, arrears of army pension, 1107; his widow, 1107.
Lister, Richard, shipmaster, 166.
-, Thomas, of Coleby, co. Lincoln, a Commissioner of Army Debts, 214, 277, 367.
-, -, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1047.
Litcot. See Lytcot.
Littlefeild, Geo., fees for privy seals, 536.
Littlehales, Richard, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1050.
Littleton, Helen, royal bounty out of Secret Service, 734, 742.
-, Sir Thomas, Navy Treasurer, 79, 84, 358–9; and see Navy (Treasurer); attending the Treasury, 93; accounts as Victualler of Navy, 372; plate for as Speaker of the House of Commons, 161.
Liveries. See Wardrobe, Chapel Royal; Royal Watermen.
Liverpool (co. Lanes), 533, 538, 578.
-, Irish prisoners at, 538; and see
Ireland (prisoners).
-, port and officers, 210, 295, 417.
-, town Major of, 538.
-, sick and hurt quarters, 67, 111,
Livingston (Livinston, and see Levingston), Hannah, petition, 475.
-, Capt. John, weekly sustenance as a prisoner in Newgate gaol, 581, 586, 589, 594, 597, 606, 620, 630, 638, 643.
-, Thomas, Lord Teviot, petition (Army), 467; Major General, 1151: his Regiment of Dragoons, 16, 29, 39, 167, 205, 224, 242, 249, 1185.
Llandaff, bishop of. See Beaw, Wm.
Lloyd, Alice, receiving money for Mrs. Fitzharry, 614, 615, 619, 638, 750.
-, Bevis, Receiver General of Crown Lands for South Wales, 319.
-, (Loyd), Charles, Lieut. in Col. Henry Holt's Regiment of Marines, 1137.
-, David, Yeoman of the Buttery, 992.
-, Edward, Groom of the Privy Chamber, 1039.
-, -, a Commissioner of Stamps, 238.
-, -, pension as a servant of Queen Mary, 1047.
-, -, Col., raising recruits in 1690 for his Regiment [on the Dutch Establishment] carried into Ireland, 1198, 1199.
-, -, Surveyor, Fowey port, 264.
-, Mrs. Eliz[abeth], widow, royal bounty to, 654.
-, Capt. Godfry, petition referred to the Army Paymaster, 475.
-, Griffith, Crown lease, co. Pembroke, 274, 459.
-, John, royal bounty for funeral of, 804.
-, -, receiving money for Mrs. Beauclair, 831.
-, -, Captain in Brigadier Trelawney's Regiment, 1145; army pension arrears, 1102.
-, -, tidesman, Fowey, 316.
-, Nathaniel, bellringer to the Household, 1001.
-, Capt. Robert, death of, army arrears due to, 1103.
-, Thomas, Paymaster of the Works, 172, 257, 315, 390, 964, 1063.
-, -, of Givernhaled, co. Flint, Receiver General of Land Tax, House Duties and Marriages for Chester co. and city, Denbigh, Flint, 201, 292, 316, 371.
-, -, Inniskillen regiment of foot, 1087, 1090, 1091, 1092.
-, -, arrived from the Expedition, 408.
-, Col. William, Regiment of Dragoons [3rd Hussars], 24, 74, 80, 203, 224, 332, 358, 363, 375, 408, 1143, 1198.
-, William, bishop of St. Asaph (1680–92), case about Mr. Bonny's recognizances, 497; bishop of Worcester, 171.
-, -, Equerry in the Stables, 1009.
-, -, of Tenby, Wales, witness in Crone's trial, 573.
-, —, tenement, Richmond [Old Palace], 202, 205.
Loans on various Assessments. See
-, on the Customs. See Customs
(Duties, Leather).
-, in clipped moneys by weight,
781, 782.
-, into the Exchequer.
-, See
-, Duncombe, C.
-, Evance, Sir Ste.
-, Fox, Sir Ste.
-, Faulkener, G.
-, Knight, J.
-, London city.
-, Robson, T.
-, Wollaston, R.
-, payments to J. Bellamy for
procuring loans, 487.
-, on the Exchequer in General,
216. See Exchequer (Receipt).
-, on the Excise.
-, See
-, Chardin, Sir J.
-, Churchill, W.
-, Colson, T.
-, Fairfax, Lord.
-, Geary, P.
-, Jephson, W.
-, Kenton, F.
-, Lake, Tho.
-, London city.
-, Lucas, Lord.
-, Montagu, Earl of.
-, Russell, Ed.
-, St. George, H.
-, Williams, Lady.
-, on House Duties. See Houses.
-, on Low Wines. See Low.
-, on the Vote of Credit. See
Commons (House, Vote of
-, private loans to Wm. III. See
William III.
-, privy seal for Register of loans
on the Excise and the Post
Office, 582.
Loche (Loches), David, Capt. in Sir John Jacobs Regiment, 269, 271, 439, 444 (not Locke); royal bounty to, 152.
Loches, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.
Locke, John, a Commissioner of Trade, 137, 732, 735; a Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 245.
-, -, a servant of the Hall in the Household, 1015.
-, Moses, shipmaster, 132.
Lockhart, Martha, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1048.
Locksmith in ordinary to the King. See Chamber (Establishment).
Lockyer, Mr., Penny Post Office fraud inquiry, 90.
Lodge, John, shipmaster, 183.
-, Joseph, stipender in the Household, 1002.
Lodgings at Court, 78.
-, allowances for. See Royal
(Household, riding).
Lodington, Benjamin, agent and Consul General at Tripoly, 314, 347, 986, 989.
-, Nathaniel, Consul at Tripoli, 989.
Loen. See Van Loen.
Loftus, Dudley, Captain in Col. Coote's Regiment of Foot, 1115.
Loggans, Thomas, [probably son of David Loggan], cuts of Cambridge Colleges, 604.
Lomax, Joshua, surety for Ralph Jackson, Excise officer, 161, 265.
London, Chas., assignee of Eliz. Caddock, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1048.
-, [George], master gardener at Hampton Court, 57, 453, 475, 1073.
-, Robert, Yeoman of the Guard, 985.
London, 78, 165, 168, 171, 193, 296, 316,
329, 334, 356, 373, 380, 389, 409,
416, 417, 419, 527, 533, 632, 646,
-, auditor of Crown Revenues for,
216. See Shales, Hy.
-, Bishop of, 857. See Compton,
Hy, applying for 20l. each
for passage money for chaplains to the Plantations, 44;
and see each Plantation
-, sending Bibles to the Plantations, 56.
-, keeping Greek youths at Oxford,
-, Bishopric, Tenths of the Diocese,
-, Chamber of, 668, 695.
-, funds paid into for relief of
Irish Protestants, 536,
544, 585, 610.
-, Chamberlain of, 492, 502, 503,
608, 661, 668, 670, 695, 708,
714. See Robinson, W.,
Cuddon, Sir T.
-, city loan in the name of the
city Chamberlain on the
Twelve Months' Assessment,
492, 502, 504, 662, 668, 670,
701, 708, 710, 714.
-, city impost on wines for the
Corporation, 343, 921.
-, College of Physicians. See
-, Companies and their barges,
payments to for carrying
soldiers from the Tower to
Tilbury and Gravesend.
-, Goldsmiths', 518.
-, Grocers', 518.
-, Haberdashers', 518.
-, Merchant Taylors', 320, 459,
-, Stationers', 518.
-, Vintners', 518.
-, Gazette. See Gazette.
-, House Duties, Surveyors of
Houses and Marriage Duties,
420. Bavand, T., Coker, J.,
Durham, W., Harwood, J.,
Newington, T., Orbell, T.,
Shirley, R.
-, Liberties of London and Westminster, 121.
-, loans. See London (City).
-, Lord Mayor, 608.
-, poor, royal bounty for relief of,
1, 558, 602, 608, 826.
-, port and officers' salaries etc.
See Customs (officers).
-, postal rates to the Plantations
and foreign post arrangements.
See Post Office.
-, prize officers. See Prizes.
-, Receiver General of Crown Lands
for, 328. See Smith, J.; Codd,
-, Receiver General of Taxes, 284.
-, See Cuddon, Sir T., Cuddon,
-, for Houses and Marriage
Duties, 430.
-, Register of ships, 290, 504.
-, See Bealing, M., Cook, J.
-, Remembrancer of. See Bellamy,
-, Rolls Chapel, 847.
-, St. Paul's Church, furniture for
the thanksgiving, 389.
-, sheriffs. See Middlesex.
-, ships of. See London (Register).
-, ships from, trading to Norway,
-, Streets (London and Westminster topography generally).
-, Arlington Street, 278.
-, Bishopsgate Street, 90.
-, Blue House Warehouse, St.
Helens, 2.
-, Broadway, Westminster,
-, Buttolph's Wharf, 1, 432.
-, Channell Row near the Privy
Garden, 120.
-, Charing Cross, 152; Mews
at. See Royal (Stables).
-, Christ's Hospital. See
-, Cleveland House, 530.
-, Cloke Lane, 90.
-, Cockpit. See Whitehall.
-, Coxe's yard at the Customs
House, 314, 432.
-, Crutched Friars, 32, 196.
-, Drury Lane, 867; and see
-, Fetter Lane, private printing press in, 763.
-, Grays Inn, 246.
-, Hartshorne Brewery, 721.
-, Haymarket, riot in, 759, 768.
-, Hermitage Wharf, 234.
-, Holborn Row, 243.
-, Horse Guards. See Whitehall.
-, Inns of Court and Chancery,
199, 432.
-, Lady Alley, Westminster,
alms people in, 949.
-, Lincolns Inn Fields, 243.
-, Mews Gate, 621.
-, Mincing Lane, 533.
-, Newgate prison and prisoners, 69, 299, 580, 586,
588, 594, 597, 606, 619,
620, 624, 630, 638, 643.
-, Common Side, 299.
-, New Palace Yard, Westminster, 237.
-, Old Bailey, 141, 573.
-, Old Tilt Yard, 423.
-, Poultry Compter (prison),
373, 411.
-, Red House (Battersea), 147,
149, 160, 168.
-, Saint Botolph's without
Bishopsgate, 43, 402;
issue for poor of, 129.
-, Saint Catherine's Brewhouse, 222, 233.
-, Wharf, 235.
-, Saint Giles in the Fields,
-, Saint Helens, 1, 2.
-, Saint James's bailiwick, 184,
-, market, 779.
-, parish, poor of, 110, 970.
-, square, 114.
-, St. James's Chapel, Palace
and Park. See Saint
-, Saint John Baptist, Walbrook, issue for poor of,
-, Saint Magnus parish, issue
for poor of, 129.
-, Saint Margaret's Westminster, churchwardens,
poor of, 110, 448, 904, 971.
-, poor rate and tithes
on the King's House
at Kensington, 769,
815, 847, 868, 872,
904, 928.
-, Saint Martins in the Fields,
annuity to the poor of,
110, 970.
-, Saint Michael Basishaw, 432.
-, Saint Michaels, Comhill,
issue for poor of, 129.
-, St. Pauls, stone for, from
the royal quarries at
Portland, 419.
-, Saint Pauls, Covent
Garden, 380.
-, St. Stephens, Westminster,
almspeople in, 949.
-, Surgeon's Arms, Westminster, 185.
-, Walbrook, poor of, 402.
-, Watch House near Lincolns
Inn Fields, 243.
-, Whitehall. See Whitehall.
-, Windmill Fields, St. James's
bailiwick, 184, 236.
-, Wood Street Compter or
Counter (prison) 178, 411.
-, York Buildings, 163.
-, Tower. See Tower.
-, tradesmen and merchants, 163,
167, 178, 208, 214, 215, 277,
327, 338, 367, 374, 393, 400,
410, 434, 437.
-, Trained Bands, 196.
-, Trophy money, 196.
-, wards, divisions and parishes,
Londonderry (Derry), Ireland, 533.
-, agent for prizes at, 345.
-, city, Committee during the siege,
-, city's Address to Wm. III, 543.
-, Commissary of stores at, 1190.
-, garrison (1689), supply for, 521.
-, Governor of, 550.
-, Regiments. See Army (Regiments in 1689).
-, siege, rewards for bravery and
services, 536, 538, 540, 541,
543, 549, 550, 551, 552, 556,
557, 563, 569, 571, 582, 607.
678, 685, 726, 729, 737.
Long, Geo., petition re Crown Lands, 464.
-, Jacob, tailor to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.
-, James, riding surveyor for Hawkers and Pedlars, 339.
-, -, endorser of an exchequer Bill, 185.
-, Jean, a Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1179.
-, Nathaniel, receiving money for Consul Parker, 717.
-, Walter, heir of Sir Robert, 951.
-, Sir Robert, perpetuity in the Exchequer, 951.
Long Reach, Road in the Thames, 422, 423.
Long Sound (the Baltic), 212.
Longbottom, Richard, Barber in Ordinary to Wm. III, 161, 1030, 1042.
-, -, a Queen's waiter London port, 208, 210.
Longecharnp, Ensign in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.
Longford (Ireland), fortifications, 1192.
Lonsdale (wapentake), co. Lanes., 266.
Loo (Flanders), 42; Wm. III's expenses at, 1071.
-, Irish prisoners from, sent to Arnheim, 897.
Looe (Cornwall), port and officers, 210, 273, 316; wine frauds, 178.
Loon, Van. See Van Loon.
Loots, Peter, one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1057.
L'Orange, Pierre, Wardrobe pension, 1008.
Lord, Eliz., Mr. [sic], one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1055.
-, John, pioneer in the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1096.
Lord Almoner. See Almoner.
-, Chamberlain. See Royal (Household).
-, chief Baron. See Exchequer.
-, Great Chamberlain of England.
-, See Lindsey, Earl of.
-, composition with for Wm.
Ill's bedroom furniture at
his funeral and for the
State Canopy in Westminster Hall at Queen
Anne's Coronation, 44, 47,
48, 261, 265.
-, Keeper (of the Great Seal), 217, 329, 693, 694, 756, 799, 859, 868, 899, 909. See Wright, Sir N.
-, -, seat in the Chapel Royal, 171.
-, Lieutenant. See Ireland.
-, President. See Privy Council.
-, Privy Seal. See Privy.
Lords, four poor, royal bounty to, 33.
Lords Justices, England, 815, 1183, 1186.
-, letter from, 510, 511.
-, order of, 128, 778, 779, 780.
-, references from, 147.
-, -, Ireland. See Ireland.
Lords Lieutenants of Counties, Privy Council letter to, 337.
Lords, House of, appeals to, 51.
-, Bishops' lobby, 346.
-, room, 346.
-, Black Rod, attendance, 122.
-, copies of papers made for, 826.
-, Deputy clerks (deputies to J.
Browne, clerk of Parliaments).
See Walker, J., Ralfe, J.
-, Doorkeepers, issues to, 302, 463.
-, See Windham, M.
-, Earl Marshal's room, 346.
-, furniture for, 346.
-, Lord Great Chamberlain's room,
-, Lord Keeper's room, 346.
-, Lord Privy Seal's inner room,
-, Lord Treasurer's room, 346.
-, members' seats in St. Paul's for
the thanksgiving, 389.
-, Money Bills in, 555.
-, Painted Chamber, 346.
-, Prince's room, 346.
-, Speaker, sergeant at arms attending, 262. See Pershore, P.
-, stationery for, 584.
-, Stool room, 346.
-, Yeomen, 51; ushers, 122.
Lordships. See Manors.
Lorinan, George, saving Protestants during siege of Limerick, 220.
Lorne, Lord. See Campbell, John.
Lostanges (Lostane Le, D'Lostanne), Louis de, Marquis de St. Alvaire, styled Comte de Lostanges, secret service payment to, 493, 603.
Lostwithiel (Cornwall), minister of, allowance to out of the tin pre-emption, 311, 320.
Lot, Josias, a Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1178, 1179.
Lotherington, William, army pension arrears, 1101.
-, Malt Lottery. See Excise (Malt).
-, Million Venture and its Transfer
Office. See Excise (Million).
-, Royal Oak:
-, Farmers of, 259, 304, 456.
-, farm proposal, 495.
-, pensions out of, 44, 69,
148, 247, 259, 290, 304,
312, 480, 745: for the
names see Pensions
(Royal Oak).
-, rent, 177, 304; payments
out of for Secret Service,
549, 575, 590.
-, tickets. See Excise (Million).
-, malt tickets. See Excise
-, issues out of Secret Service
in the form of Lottery
tickets, 806.
Loughton (Langton) Walk, Waltham Forest, 519, 968.
Loup, Elizabeth, widow of John Loup, Royal bounty to, 525, 544, 582, 589, 595, 618, 633, 687.
-, -, widow of Thomas, 524, 544, 564; probably a clerical slip for Loup, John.
-, John, allowance to his widow out of Secret Service money, 525, 544, 582, 589, 595, 618, 633, 687. The references to Thomas Loup on pp. 524, 544, 565 are probably clerical slips for John Loup.
- Tho., pension to his widow Elizabeth, 524, 544, 565; probably a clerical slip for John Loup.
-, William, receiving bounty money for Elizabeth Loup, 565.
-, -, landwaiter London port, 190.
Love, Francis, tailor to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.
Loveing. See Loving.
Lovell, Salathiel, and Sir Salathiel, a Justice of Chester, 9, 10, 12, 15, 157, 282, 300; Second Judge of Chester, Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, 201.
Lovelace, John, third Lord Lovelace, Regiment of (1689–90), 1174, 1175, 1176; Baroness Wentworth's estate, 495.
Lover, William, royal bounty to, 530, 537, 552, 567, 585, 598, 624.
Lovett, Hester, servant of the Hall in the Household, 1015.
-, James, Groom Porter at the Gate, 1000.
Lovibonds, Mr., Excise officer, 168.
Lovigney, Monsieur, receiving Queen Mary's bounty for French officers' widows, 1054.
Loving (Loveing), John, shipmaster, 166.
-, John, one of the four Tellers of the Receipt, 515, 516, 529, 536, 548, 549, 561, 575, 576, 577, 601, 602, 612, 613, 627, 628, 640, 641, 647, 659, 660, 680, 694, 695.
-, Thomas, engine maker to the Works, 1063.
Low Countries. See Austrian Netherlands; Flanders; Holland.
Low Wines, Acts relating to (2 Wm. & Mary, sess. 2, c. 9: 3–4 Wm. & Mary c. 15: 7 Wm. III, c. 2: 7 Wm. III, c. 30: 10–11 Wm. III, c. 21: 12 Wm. III, c. 11), 498; appropriations on, 111; estimate of produce of, 498; issues out of for Secret Service etc., 109, 153, 302, 640, 648, 652, 660, 734, 739, 740, 741, 747, 748; loans on, 2, 5, 106, 122, 779, 919; Army Officers' half pay out of, 168.
Lowden, Thomas, pioneer in the Artillery Train in Ireland, 1096.
Lowder, Samuell, shipmaster, 135.
Lowe, Isaac, carter of stores in the Irish Expedition, 1095.
-, John, Deputy Chamberlain of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 193, 323, 505; payments to for locking up his Majesty's treasure in the Receipt, 204, 282, 364; payments to for sorting and ordering records in the Receipt, 204.
Lowen, John, wine bonds, 142.
Lower Counties. See Pennsylvania.
Lowestoft (co. Suffolk), 383.
Lowman, Henry, third clerk in the Kitchen, 994.
-, -, and his wife Mary, Housekeeper and Wardrobekeeper at Kensington House or Palace, 14, 149, 155, 254, 283, 388, 963, 1020, 1063, 1077, 1078; petition, 439.
-, Mary, Body Laundress to Wm. III, 1005, 1024, 1043; wife of Henry Lowman and Housekeeper with him of Kensington Palace, 149, 155, 963; petition, 439.
Lowndes, Edmund, a Treasury clerk, 608, 610.
-, Francis, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties, co. Middlesex, 154, 349, 420.
-, John, a Treasury clerk, 869, 876, 885, 894, 901, 908, 919, 924, 932.
-, Robert, a Wine Licence Commissioner, 221.
-, Thomas, a Treasury clerk, 759, 764, 769, 775, 781, 786, 791, 797, 805, 810, 811, 816, 819, 827, 834, 873.
-, William, senr., Secretary to the Treasury passim; attending the Attorney General, 502.
-, -, dining with the Navy Board, 356.
-, -, paymaster of the Treasury Secret Service, records of his receipts and payments, 513, 757–939 inclusive.
-, -, assistant to him as paymaster of Secret Service, 101. See Taylour, John.
-, -, letters etc. concerning issues to and by him for Secret Service, 49, 81, 82, 92, 94, 100, 101, 106, 114, 531, 532, 539, 666, 758, 760, 789, 829, 892.
-, -, matters respited till his return to the Treasury, 452; report by, 499.
-, -, signing letters of direction to the Exchequer, 80.
-, -, treating with the Bank of England, 79.
-, -, writing to Treasurer Godolphin at Bath, 356, 360.
-, -, junior, a Treasury clerk, fees to, 334, 553, 663, 725, 783.
-, -, reward for making accounts of public revenues, 655.
Lowth, Capt. Mathew, commission to seize pirates in East Indies, 380.
Lowther, James, clerk of Deliveries of Ordnance, 331, 403; storekeeper of the Ordnance, 964.
-, John, Lieut. in Col. Seymour's Regiment of Foot, 1130.
-, Sir John, a Lord of the Admiralty, 503; Vice Chamberlain of the Household, 511; a Treasury Lord, 633; royal bounty to, 568.
-, —, Ensign in Col. Edward Dutton Colt's Regiment, 207.
-, Richard, Customer of Newcastle port, 242, 395.
-, Thomas, searcher, Cardiff port, 242, 301, 446.
-, -, a Treasury clerk, royal bounty or payments out of Secret Service for expenses in his Majesty's service and for fees for Treasury clerks etc., 708, 709, 715, 737, 763, 765, 783, 784, 786, 787, 798, 813, 818, 826, 841, 847, 852, 859, 870, 899, 909, 911, 923, 926; sent by Lowndes to Bath to Treasurer Godolphin, 358; journeying to Holland to obtain Wm. III's signature to the Irish Establishment, 923.
Lowton, Richard, alias Country Dick, a robber, 294.
Loyd. See Lloyd.
Lucadon, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162, 1163.
Lucas, James, pensionary waterman, 119.
-, John, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties, co. Surrey, 349, 420.
-, Robert, Lord Lucas, Constable or Governor of the Tower, 61, 253, 295, 306, 587, 588, 605, 624; Contingencies for the Tower, 241; fire and candle for, 63; expenditure for his Majesty's service, repayment out of Secret Service, 661, 733, 734, 736, 748, 784, 842, 871, 910, 923; issues to for diet of prisoners, 751, 774, 811; Regiment for Sea Service, 22, 80, 177, 356, 358, 363, 408; nominal loan on Excise, 492, 576; petition, 475.
-, Capt. Samuel, carrying mails from Dover to Harwich, 302.
Luckman, William, boatman, Plymouth port, 160.
Lucy, Robert, Receiver of the temporalities of the bishopric of St. Davids, 16, 17, 89, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 129, 162, 186, 195, 204, 206, 243, 445, 461.
Ludlow, Henry, clerk of the Signet and Privy Seal, 1004.
Ludgvan (Cornwall), 205; Tin blowing house, 244, 323.
Lueson, Rueloff, gunner in the Dutch Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1178.
Lugg, Samuel, shipmaster, 396.
Lugger, Nathaniel, steward of the Courts of several Hundreds in co. Cornwall, 141.
-, Walter, shipmaster, 136.
Lulin, Ensign in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.
Lumley, Frances, Countess of Scarborough, Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Anne, 254, 271, 369.
-, Henry, Col. and Major General, 112, 1151; Regiment of (First Dragoon Guards), 12, 18, 25, 162, 180, 189, 209, 224, 249.
-, Richard, first Earl of Scarborough, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Wm. III, 158, 341, 974, 1074; nominating the Surveyor of Petty Customs, London port, 243; grant to his sons, 262; payment to him out of Secret Service, as Richard, Lord Lumley, 538.
-, -, afterwards Visct. Lumley and second Earl of Scarborough, grant of office of Surveyor of Petty Customs and Subsidies London port, 262.
-, William, younger son of Earl of Scarborough, grant of Surveyorship of Petty Customs and Subsidies London port, 262.
Lund, Francis, payment to out of Secret Service for attending the Earl of Monmouth (Peterborough), 554.
Lundee, Robert, Col. See Lundy.
Lundoris, Lady. See Lindores.
Lundy (Lundee), Martha, royal bounty to, 775, 780, 785, 792, 796, 805, 811, 817, 824, 832.
-, Col. Robert, Irish Catholic colonel, carried to Ireland to be tried for treason, 537; royal bounty to out of Secret Service, 543; his wife, 543.
Luneburg. See Brunswick.
Lunsford, Sir Herbert, Lieutenant Governor of Jersey, 59.
-, Dame Margaret, relict of Sir Herbert, 59; petition, 475.
Luse, Pierre de, Dragoon to the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1179.
Lush, William, a servant of the Hall of the Royal Household, 1015.
Luttrell, Alexander, Lieut.-Colonel or Captain, 1128.
-, Col. [Francis], regiment of [19th Regiment of Foot], 1190.
-, Col. Henry, 762.
-, Thomas, waiter at Startpoint (Bridgwater port), 140.
Lyall. See Ryall.
Lydcott. See Lytcot.
Lyddal [Liddell], Mr. [Dennis, a Commissioner of the Navy], Navy Treasurer's cash, 45, 46; question of Marines' accounting, 20.
Lyde, Robert, mate of the ship Friends Adventure, royal bounty to for his bravery, 706, 710.
Lylly, Stephen. See Lilly, S.
Lyme Regis (co. Dorset), 192.
-, annuity or royal bounty for repair of the Cobb pier, 41, 311, 332, 402; petition, 449, 475.
Lymington town (Hampshire), Land Tax commissioners, 253; salt officers, 253.
Lynch, Peter, merchant, prisoner in the Canaries, 327.
Lynn, Francis, secretary to the Commissioners for Army Debts, 214.
Lynn Regis, (Norfolk), port and Customs officers, 233, 242, 250, 294, 295, 305, 361, 455, 458.
Lyon, Patrick, military contingencies in Ireland, 143.
Lyons, Henry, Captain, in Col. Edward Fox's Regiment of Foot, 1138.
-, John, Lieut. in Col. Hy. Holt's Regiment of Marines, 1137.
Lytcot (Litcot, Lydcott), Gyles, Comptroller of the accounts of the Customs, 245, 507.