Minute Book: February 1702

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'Minute Book: February 1702', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol17/pp11-17 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Minute Book: February 1702', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol17/pp11-17.

"Minute Book: February 1702". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol17/pp11-17.


February 1702

Feb. 3,
Present: Earl of Carlisle, Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
[Write] to the Attorney General to be here to-morrow morning about the business of Mr. Rowe et al.
Order for the issue to the Earl of Ranelagh of 18144l. out of the loans on the late Votes [of Credit of Jan 7 last]: to be for levy money for increasing the Regiments of Lumley, Wood, Windham, Schomberg, Arran, Raby, and Ross for the Troops and Dragoons excluding servants.
The Navy Commissioners are called in, with the Earl of Ranelagh and Mr. Blathwaite. The former are against taking the business of transports upon their Board.
[Order for] 200l. to Mr. Verrio on account for [painting at] Hampton Court.
My Lords order 2883l. 17s. 10¾d. in a letter [of direction] of this day's date to the Earl of Oxford et al and 200l. on the order of Van Borcelan out of the remainder of the Two M[illi]ons.
One year [is ordered] to be paid to Christ's Hospital.
[Order for] the issue to Mr. Williamson of 283l. 11s. 1½d., the remainder of the Two M[illi]ons in the Exchequer. Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 120.
Feb. 3,
Present: Earl of Carlisle, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
Sir John Standly and Sir Salathiel Lovel [are called in] about Horton's forfeited estate. Sir Salathiel says he has served 10 years in a place of great trouble and little profit: the King is sensible he hath been a great loser by that service: it has been usual for persons in his place to go [be promoted] into Westminster Hall early: his place is but 80l. a year salary and small perquisites: the King ordered him to lodge his petition here: the Warden, says Sir Salathiel, knows there are incumbrances above 900l.; Sir Salathiel hears [they are] more: the premises are not improveable: he objects against the p[rivy] s[eal] as [being] to raise a fund to prosecute men's lives, which the law disallows: the forfeitures should go to the hands of the sheriff to account for the same to the King: there ought to be no motive to prosecute any man's life but justice: the King has not divested himself by this privy seal: 'tis only quousque.
Sir John [Standly] insists these forfeitures are granted to my Lords by the privy seal.
Sir Salathiel says they are not granted and cannot be granted.
Sir John says the petition sets forth the value according to the inquisition but that which is found at 80l. a year has been let at 150l. a year and there is a very good house.
Sir Salathiel says its now let by Sir John Manwaring at 130l. a year who pays 10l. a year to the landlord: Horton gave 1200l. for the 3 lives [of which] one is expired: there are several tenements in Chester, found at about 24l. a year.
Sir John says the prosecution has cost the King about 200l.
Sir Salathiel says if the King is to be at the charge of recovering this estate it will not be [one] third advantage to him.
Sir John says he has been informed the [equity of] redemption of the estate may be worth 1000l.
Transcribe this Minute to be laid before the King.
The Customs Commissioners are called in. Direct them to order their solicitor to demand the money which the Old East India Company owes for the 15 per cent. upon the Act ended at Michaelmas last, and acquaint them that in default thereof my Lords have ordered the bonds for the same to be put in process.
Sir Thomas Powys [appears as of Counsel] for Lady Kath O'Brien: desires she may have the plate [formerly issued out of the Jewel Office to her second husband Sir Joseph Williamson as an ambassador for the Treaty of a General Peace] towards what is due to her: not complaining of his Majesty's bounty to the other plenipotentiaries whose plate was given them.
Mr. Sprott desires the plate [for himself] according to the King's gift. Ibid., pp. 120–1.
Feb. 4,
Present: all my Lords.
The Attorney General says he is not certain of the [matter of] fact between Mr. Rowe and Lady Wood et al and can give no advice till some issue is agreed upon or tried; but he is of opinion that himself and the Solicitor General may examine the facts between this and Lady day next and report the same to my Lords and that in the mean time all matters may stand as they do.
The Attorney General is directed to move the Exchequer Court accordingly: and this to the end that such facts as shall not be agreed by the parties may be ascertained by a trial at law. Give the Attorney General a copy of this Minute. Ibid., p. 122.
eodem die afternoon, Kensington. Present: the King; Earl of Carlisle, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
The King to have 1000l. for secret services.
Mr. Blathwaite [is] called in.
[Write] to Mr. Atkinson to attend on Friday morning.
Mr. Blathwayte will speak to the Lord Admiral about sending some frigates to transport Forces from Scotland.
Order for the issue of 30,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of loans on the late Votes [of Credit of Jan. 7 last]: to be applied towards the pay, incurred since Xmas last, of the 40,000 men which are and shall be raised to act in conjunction with the Forces of his Majesty's Allies.
[The King directs that] my Lords are to make the best bargain they can with the Bank of England or any other for remittances [of subsistence money &c.] for the abovesaid men.
Isaac Pereira's proposal for furnishing bread waggons for his Majesty's Troops in Holland is read.
A memorial of Solomon Medina in behalf of Machado concerning 3000l. agreed to be paid him &c. [is read]. Ask him if he'll treat with the King upon the same foot as he has agreed this year with the States for bread and bread waggons. Send to him to come to the Treasury on Friday morning.
The petition of Guy Palmes [a Teller of the Receipt is read]. The King will give him 2000l. towards his loss [by the fraud of his clerk] provided he replaces the whole money within the time limited to him.
The Earl of Manchester's memorial for his arrears as Ambassador [to France is read. The King says] he must be paid in course with the other [Ambassadors or Foreign] Ministers.
Prepare an account of all the Foreign Ministers, what is due to them: to be laid before the King next Treasury day.
The memorial of the Revenue Commissioners Ireland for increase of their salaries [is read]. The King will consider further of it.
The King will pay Sir Joseph Williamson's arrears as Ambassador and Plenipotentiary but will grant the plate to Mr. Sprott.
The petition of Stephen Roujat et al [is read. The King orders my Lords to] examine and state the case.
David Harris's petition [is read. The King says] he is to be paid as far as the other Pages.
Col. Fox's Officers [their petition is read. The King orders it] to be referred to the Earl of Ranelagh.
[The King orders] half a year due at Xmas [last] to the Buckhounds to be paid.
[The King orders the] Archbishop of Philippoli to have 200l. to buy a gold chain and medal.
[The King orders] 100l. to furnish Mr. Cresset's chapel [as Ambassador to Brunswick Luneburg].
[The King orders] 1200l. to be issued to Secretary Vernon for secret service: "the same being intended for Sweden." Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 123.
Feb. 6,
forenoon. Cockpit, Treasury Chambers.
Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
Sir Solomon de Medina and his son being called in are asked whether they or Antonio Alvarez Machado will treat and conclude the King upon the same foot as he has agreed this year with the States for bread and bread waggons. They answer they will.
Mr. Blathwaite will prepare the draft of the Articles [of Contract with the said Medina].
Capt. Samuell Atkinson and Mr. Nicho Roop will perform the service of transporting from the Red House [Battersea] to Holland 3600 horses or thereabouts, to the best advantage of the King; and bring the account of the charge and of the Regiments to which they belong: upon which my Lords will consider their pains.
Issue 4000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of the loans on the Votes [of Credit]: to be paid over to Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Roop on account for this service. Ibid., p. 124.
Feb. 10,
Present: ut supra.
Mr. Atkinson to be here to-morrow morning before 9 o'clock.
Lord Sherrard's paper [is ordered] to be referred to the Surveyor [General of Crown Lands] to value [fix the ratal for] a lease not exceeding 50 years.
[Write] to the Excise Commissioners to be [attend] here. In the margin: respited.
Desire Mr. Parry to come to me [William Lowndes] this afternoon.
[Order for the issue of] 200l. to Henry Baker for pensions; and 200l. to Mr. Borret for [Crown] prosecutions.
Order for 300l. to the Earl of Ranelagh: out of loans on the Votes [of Credit]: to be on account of Subsistence for the Company at Bermuda. Ibid., p. 125.
Feb. 11,
Present: ut supra.
[The draft of a] letter to Mr. Blathwait concerning the clothing the Company in New York is read and approved.
[The draft of a] letter [of direction to the Exchequer] is read and approved for 4000l. to the Commissioners of Trade; 200l. to the 4 clerks of the Privy Council; 545l. to the Secretary et al attending the Commission of Trade; 300l. to Mr. Lowman; 36l. to the Pages of the Bedchamber.
[The draft of a] letter [from my Lords to the Navy Commissioners] for allowing a bill of 17l. 15s. 4d. to Mr. Papillon for interest is read and approved.
Likewise the letter [to same] for assigning the bills in course on the tallies in the Navy Treasurer's hands.
Capt. Atkinson and Mr. Roop [attend]. Ibid., p. 126.
eodem die, afternoon. Kensington. Present: the King: Chancellor Boyle.
The Earl of Ranelagh and Mr. Blathwayte [are called in.]
[The King orders that] 40s. a man is to be allowed for the levy money of the 12 Regiments of Marines for the private centinels only.
The King orders that all the money for the 10,000 men to serve on board the Fleet shall be paid over as well by the Earl of Ranelagh as by the Navy Treasurer to a Paymaster to be appointed by the Earl of Ranelagh, who shall apply the same to the Officers and soldiers and keep an entire account of the whole.
The King will let the Lady Obrien have the plate [which] Sir Joseph Williamson received from King Charles II in part of the debt which the said King owed to Sir Joseph.
Sir Salathiel Lovel is to have the forfeited estate of Horton and to be only at the charge of recovering the same.
Mrs. Groves' memorial is read praying his Majesty's bounty. [The King orders her] to have 100l.
Richard and Ann Bynns' petition is read concerning arrears due to their father Col. Bynns deceased. Referred to the Earl of Ranelagh.
Lady Quyrinson [her petition is read] praying a pension in consideration of the services of her husband Sir William Quyrinson. [The King decides that] it cannot be granted.
Mr. Fanshaw's memorial is read. [The King orders] a state to be made of what he has had and in what manner.
Mr. Marmande [his petition is read. The King orders that he is] to be paid now half of the 538l. 15s. 0d. now due to him.
The [King's and Household] apothecaries, chirurgeon and barber are to be restored to as much on the Establishment of the Treasurer of the Chamber as is taken from them in the Establishment of the Household. Ibid., p. 126.
Feb. 13,
forenoon. Cockpit, Treasury Chambers.
Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
Write to the Navy [Commissioners] that my Lords did not mean they should assign to the [Navy] Course the deficient tallies of 13333l. 6s. 8d. upon the second 2s. Aid.
[Order for the issue of] 300l. for Secret Service.
The Gentlemen of the Bank are called in. It is proposed that they should remit about 30,000l. to Holland for the Troops there, to wit half at half [a month's] usance, the other half at [one month's] usance. They [say they] will do it at usance at 11 guilders [at one month's sight at 11 guilders to the pound sterling].
[Order for the issue to the Earl of Ranelagh of] 14449l. 6s. 4d. for subsistence for the 7000 men in England &c. from the 5th inst to the 4 March next: to be paid out of the loans on the Vote [of Credit of Jan. 7 last]. Ibid., p. 127.
Feb. 17,
Present: Lord Carlisle; Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Write to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] to be here tomorrow morning.
[Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of] 5128l. 2s. 0¼d. to complete the second 20,000l. for Sick and Wounded: to be paid out of loans in the Exchequer on the 3700l. a week.
[Likewise for] 50000l. out of the money lent upon the Votes [of Credit]: 40000l. to be for the head of Wages; 5000l. for the head of Wear and Tear and 5000l. for the Ordinary [of the Navy].
[Likewise for] 10,000l. out of the funds of last year: to be for arrears of Wages and Recalls.
[Likewise for] 50,000l. out of the money lent on the Votes: to be for the Course of the Navy.
The Judges [are] to be paid for last Hilary term.
Sir John Manwaring and Sir Mich. Bydolph are to be here on Tuesday morning.
[Write] to the Navy Commissioners and Mr. Papillon to be here to-morrow week at 9 o'clock in the morning. Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 128.
Feb. 20,
Present: Earl of Carlisle; Sir Stephen Fox; the Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Prepare a sign manual for 2000l. to Guy Palmes, Esq. as of his Majesty's bounty towards the loss he has sustained by [the frauds of] Robert Presgrave lately one of his clerks.
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Scott are called in. Mr. Scott's proposition is read.
The Excise Commissioners are to consider and give their opinions.
[Write] to the Surveyor [General of Crown Lands] to be here on Tuesday morning.
[Order for the following issues out of Civil List moneys] Mr. Mermande 274l. 15s. 0d.; Mr. Baker 200l.; Mr. Borret 200l. Ibid., p. 129.
Feb. 24,
Present: Earl of Carlisle, Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill.
[Write] to Mr. Lucy to be here on Friday morning with his accounts.
Write to the Commissioners of Customs and of Excise to be here to-morrow at 5 o'clock [in the afternoon].
The sum of 4006l. 6s. 4¼d. upon the Earl of Ranelagh's memorial is to be issued out of loans on the Vote [of Credit: and is] for services as follows viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 352,000l. for the Guards and Garrisons, &c. this year 3206 6
in part of 700,000l. for the 40,000 men: viz. for Lord Teviot's Dragoons 800
£4006 6
Mr. Dodington, Auditor Bridges and Mr. Moody are called in.
[Write] to the Agents [for Taxes] to be here on Friday morning about Morgan Whitley's debt. Ibid., p. 130.
Feb. 25,
Present: all my Lords.
Stay process against Mr. Papillon till next Trinity term.
Mr. Papillon says he has all the small bills [of the Victualling]. Write to the Victuallers to hasten the execution of my Lords' warrant concerning the same as fast as the present service will admit.
Mr. Papillon says he has them in bundles and will deliver them to be cancelled. (In the margin this minute is abstracted thus "small bills of Victualling delivered to Mr. Papillon to be cancelled.")
Direct the [Navy] Treasurer hereafter to strike all tallies for the [Navy] Course in 100l. tallies or under.
The Lord Chamberlain comes in. It is conceived that the travelling charges [of the Household servants in attendance on the King should in future] be regulated by the day for the time each servant is in waiting except at Kensington; but when his Majesty resides at any place above a week the servants' allowances for riding charges is to be restrained to 7 days: and this to commence from Xmas last. Ibid., p. 131.
eodem die, afternoon. Kensington. Present: the King: Lord Carlisle, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
[Order for the issue of] 1200l. for secret services whereof 1000l. to be carried to the King and 200l. to be for Mr. Crowther. Ibid.
Feb. 27,
forenoon. Cockpit, Treasury Chambers.
Present: Earl of Carlisle; Sir Stephen Fox; Mr. Chancellor; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
The Agents [for Taxes] are called in. They are of opinion that if 7250l. be forthwith paid into the Exchequer in part of Morgan Whitley's debt he may be enlarged as Sir John Mainwaring and Sir Michl. Bidulph have desired, provided Morgan Whitley and the said Manwaring and Bidulph do consent that judgment be forthwith entered up, on all their bonds. And the Agents for Taxes will assist Sir John and Sir Michael in prosecuting the other sureties. But before Whitley is so enlarged he must give new security to render himself to the sheriff and pay all the charge the King has been at in this prosecution.
Sir John Mainwaring, and Mr. Price for Sir Michael Bydulph are called in. They offer Eliz. Whitley, John Huggins, Samuel Brockenborow and Hugh Jones to be sureties for Whitley's appearance. The Agents for Taxes are to enquire concerning these or any other sureties they shall offer.
Sir John and Mr. Price do promise that by the first day of next Easter term 3850l. in money shall be paid and a tally for 3400l. (not allowed in any former state of Whitley's account) shall be produced to the Agents [for Taxes] and they [Mainwaring and Bidulph] will pay the charges of prosecution.
All which being performed, my Lords will order the enlarging of Morgan Whitley.
Insert in the 2 next [issues of the] Gazette this advertisement viz. my Lords will be ready on Tuesday the 17th March next to receive sealed proposals for remitting 50000l. a month to Holland by bills payable at sight (in return for ready money to be paid here) for the pay of his Majesty's Forces abroad.
The Commissioners of Customs and of Excise to be here on Tuesday afternoon. Ibid., p. 132.