Dec. 2, forenoon. |
Present: ut supra. |
Robert George to be Comptroller of Bridgwater port loco Lau.
Culliford deceased. |
Carry the wine merchants' [matter] reports and copies of all the
minutes about them tomorrow to H.C. [to the King at Hampton
Court]. |
The Navy Commissioners [are] called in. A memorial [from
them is read] that tallies for 32,331l. 6s. 3d. deficient on the 3s. Aid
anno 1699 may be applied to the debt for [Navy] bills on the second
book. The said Commissioners think it may be reasonable but
that the interest as well as principal be reckoned towards discharging
that debt. My Lords order the application of these tallies
accordingly. |
Mr. Newton, Mr. Molyneux, Mr. Mason and Mr. Beresford [are
called in]. The [Mint] Comptrollers will despatch the Comptrolment Rolls by Xmas next. |
There being 7224l. 17s. 2d. levied in tallies for two weeks' subsistence [to the Forces] on the overplus of the Civil List funds to
accrue at Xmas next, my Lords are resolved (in case there should
not [then] be an overplus sufficient to pay the said tallies) to discharge the same [together] with the interest at 6 per cent. out of
some other funds by the 1st of February next. |
Desire Sir Cha. Hedges that my Lords may speak with him here
on Wednesday morning about the counterfeiters of the Malt [Lottery]
tickets. |
Mr. Guy et al [attend] with a letter concerning the tax in Co.
Stafford. Their papers are read and referred to the Agents [for
Taxes]. |
[Ordered that] 50l. is to be paid to Edw. Anderson and Edw.
Saunders for service against wool exporters: [to be paid] per Mr.
H. Baker. Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 160. |
Dec. 3, forenoon. Hampton Court. |
Present: The King: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the
Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill. |
The report concerning the wine from St. Sebastian is read. The
King approves of the composition for the 11 and 37 ships [supra
p. 18] and of the method prescribed by the Customs Commissioners
and approved by the King's Counsel for making the same. |
Sir Basil Dixwell's memorial [is read] for 227l. 16s. 6d. arrear of
salary as Lieutenant of Dover Castle. Respited. |
The officers of the Ordnance [their petition is read. The King
orders that they are] to be allowed their taxes for 1698 and 1699:
but to be acquainted that the King will allow their taxes no further. |
The memorial of Captains Hopton and Annesley for allowing
their Companies as full [mustered] from 9 Jan. 1689–90 to 1690 May
31 [is read and] referred to Lord Coningsby. |
The report for Capt. Dally is read, for taking off respites for men
that deserted upon a report of their going to the West Indies.
Ordered according to the report. Prepare a warrant. |
John Hudson's petition [is read]. My Lords are to acquaint the
Secretary [of State] that he [Hudson] shall be Consul at St.
Sebastian in the room of Franklyn. |
Mr. Ryly's memorial is read containing his reasons why he should
not be subjected to the inspection of the officers of the Works.
The King does not suspect Mr. Ryly but thinks there ought to be
a checque and orders that these works shall be inspected by the
Surveyor General of Crown Lands. |
Examine what cheques have been upon the rates [prices] of goods
served into the Great Wardrobe. |
The petition of Mr. Arnold is read. The King gave the horses
to Lord Dartmouth except one that he bought for 100 guineas.
The King will give him [Arnold] 100l. Ibid., p. 161. |
Dec. 4, forenoon. Treasury Chambers, Cockpit. |
Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
[Write] to Mr. Ryly to take care that Mr. Mordant's warrant for
200l. be forthwith satisfied. |
Write to the Commissioners of Customs and of Excise not to
attend this afternoon. |
Sir Charles Hedges is called in. He will insert an advertisement
to offer a reward of 100l. a piece for apprehending Herbert and
Carter for counterfeiting Malt [Lottery] tickets. |
[Ordered that] 990l. is to be imprested to the Colonel of the Marine
Regiment lately commanded by Lord Berkeley; to be paid over to
widow Cordwent on account of her clothing debt, according to the
reports of Mr. Dodington of the 3rd inst. and that of Sir Cloudesley
Shovel of the 13 Nov. last. Ibid., p. 162. |
Dec. 6, forenoon. |
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill. |
The Agents [for Taxes] with Counsel for Mr. Green and Mr.
Cottingham of Counsel for Mr. Spendlove, are called in. My Lords
do not think it just or reasonable to destroy Mr. Spendlove's lease. |
The letter to Sir Peter Killigrew to pay 3273l. 10s. 1¾d. is read
and approved. |
Desire the Lord Chamberlain's secretary to give Mr. Vanbrugh,
Deputy Comptroller of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office, a
quarterly account of all the warrants he charges that Office with. |
The following Establishment is approved by my Lords. |
Allowance for the several services of the Messengers
[of the Chamber] and articles of their bills. |
for keeping a prisoner close, with diet |
6s. 8d. a day |
for keeping a prisoner close that finds his own
diet |
5s. a day |
for post journeys, to be allowed 6d. every post
mile and 2s. each stage and though two or
more go together no more to be allowed
than 2s. a stage. |
journeys to fetch prisoners and the like when
they do not ride post to be allowed but by
computed miles of the country 6d. per mile
and 2s. a stage. |
a messenger's allowance when abroad on
journeys 10s. a day; 5s. for an assistant
when an extraordinary case requires one. |
when prisoners through poverty cannot find
themselves an horse, the messenger to be
allowed 3d. per mile for bringing them up. |
the allowance whilst attending the King
abroad and not travelling, 5s. a day. |
nothing to be allowed for searching: and
expenses on guards and constables in taking
prisoners to be allowed with caution in
respect to time and difficulty of the service
by the respective officers which pass the bills. |
no allowance for delivering summons, nor
anything to be charged for carrying
messages or letters within the Liberties
of London and Westminster. |
Some journeys to be ascertained [fixed as follows]
at the old allowances. |
to Windsor |
1 |
18 |
0 |
to Hampton Court |
1 |
0 |
0 |
to Richmond |
15 |
0 |
to Greenwich |
10 |
0 |
to the Hague |
25 |
0 |
0 |
to Dublin |
30 |
0 |
0 |
to Kensington |
3 |
4 |
and the like allowances for all like distances. |
Followed by: Certificate dated 1700 June 3 by the
Earl of Jersey and Secretary J. Vernon. "I think these
allowances are reasonable." Treasury Minute Book XII,
p, 163. |
Dec. 9, forenoon. |
Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill. |
Write to the Receivers [or Cashiers] of Customs, of Excise and
of the Post Office directing them to take care that their certificates
(which used [do use] to be weekly) do terminate on Xmas day next
inclusive for the time after the last preceding certificates; and
do take in [include] all the money by them severally received on or
before that day particularly for the money of the Civil List funds
pertinent to the year then ending; and that on Xmas eve in the
afternoon they do pay in all the money in their hands pertinent to
those funds for the first year; and direct the officers of the Exchequer
to attend on Xmas eve to receive and strike tallies for the same. |
[Order for] 50l. to be paid to Mr. Edward Howard. |
[Order for] 500l. to H. Baker [for Crown law charges]: to be
paid in the first week after Xmas. |
[Order for] 40l. to be paid to Mr. Middleton: as [royal] bounty:
out of secret service money [in the hands of William Lowndes].
Ibid., p. 164. |
Dec. 10. Hampton Court. |
Present: The King: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the
Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill. |
Mr. Robinson's bill of 2800l. is to be paid to Mr. Humes. |
Mr. Wise, his estimate of works to be performed in his Majesty's
gardens and plantations at Hampton Court, and the [note of the]
abatements made thereon by the officers of the Works is read as
follows: |
to make a pond at the lower end of the House Park which
by estimate will require 6000 yards of solid digging at
12d. a yard 300l.: abatements 75l. or 3d. per yard. |
for digging the plantation ground to make it fit for planting,
the whole being by estimate 2604 rod at 3s. per rod
390l. 12s. 0d.: abatement 130l. 4s. 0d. or 1s. per rod. |
for taking up the lines of hornbeam &c. in the Privy
Garden and carrying them into the wilderness 50l.:
abatement 10l. |
for removing the earth which lies above the Fountain in
the Privy Garden being, by estimate, 10,000 solid
yards &c.: 500l. |
the two little pieces for flowers before the greenhouse,
carrying away the rubbish and bringing in good screened
earth; planting the edging with box and the borders
with bulbous roots: 50l.: abatement "for making the
ground only without planting 10l." |
for planting four rows of lime trees from the Bowling Green
to the Thames and four more lines from the end of those
to the Circle which takes the Diagonal Walk of the
House Park &c.: 108l. |
to prune, clear of moss and sucker[s] 1000 trees in the
Little House Park: at 9d. a tree: 37l. 10s. 0d. |
to prune, remove and new plant 72 large lime trees in
Bushey Park at 10s. a tree: 36l. |
to prune, clear of moss and sucker[s] 1000 trees in that
Park at 9d. a tree 37l. 10s. 0d. |
[The King does] order that these works are to be done but the
rates set by the officers of the Works are not to be exceeded: [and
that] 150l. a week be continued [to be issued to the Works for this
expense] till the works already measured be paid off: [and] afterwards 100l. a week for these works. |
The Earl of Bath's memorial is read for [payment of] his pension
[payable] in the Post Office. Respite it a little. |
The petition of the widow of Lieut. Edwd. Griffin is read. Nothing
[is ordered thereon]. |
Gilbert Edwards his petition [is read]. The King will give him
30l. at present and Sir Stephen Fox is to take care of him [by getting
him a place] in Chelsea Hospital. |
Dr. Lawrence's petition [is read] for his last year's travelling
charges. To be considered when travelling charges of the King's
servants are paid. |
[A petition is read from the] French pensioners on the Earl of
Ranelagh's list. There is no money for them. They ought to
have their share out of the 15,000l. a year for French [Refugee]
Protestants. Mr. Hill is to look over the lists for that purpose. |
Tho. Sparks [his petition is read] for 2000l. out of Fines and
Forfeitures. The Excise Commissioners are to give an account of
what is due to the King. |
Urban Hall et al their memorial [is read] about prizes. To be
considered and a state to be laid before the King. Ibid., pp. 165–6. |
Dec. 13, forenoon. Treasury Chambers, Cockpit. |
Present: Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the
Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill. |
The new Commission dated the 9th inst. is read constituting the
above five to be Commissioners of the Treasury. |
[Write] to the Earl of Ranelagh to be here on Monday morning
next. |
The Earl of Ranelagh comes in and offers a paper [of his scheme]
for distribution of the remainder of the 300,000l. for the Forces. |
Col. Gibson [is] called in. He is to bring an account of the
expenditure of the money he demands upon his bills for a ship and
deal boards. |
Get a list of the Victuallers tallies. |
John Conner [is] called in: says he knows Carter and Herbert
and is informed they are gone to W[est] Chester, and desires 20l.
to [enable him to] follow them. He will bring the records cert[ified]
on Monday morning. |
[Write] to the Navy Commissioners to be here next Wednesday
morning concerning a demand of half pay for the year 1698. |
Capt. Ward [attends] with Mr. Nash and Mr. Lodington. My
Lords desire them to come again on Wednesday; and in the meantime to let the Tripoli Envoy have his goods. |
Write to Consul Baker to be here on Monday morning. |
The letter to the Navy Board (concerning the distribution of
Navy tallies: viz.) to apply 32,331l. 6s. 3d. in Deficient Tallies on
the 3s. Aid anno 1699 (and the interest thereof) towards [payment
of Navy Creditor] bills of the second book in course, is read and
approved. |
[Write] to Mr. Trottman, Sec[retary] of the Counter, to attend
next Friday morning. |
[Write] to the Auditor to send a state of Nicho Baker's accounts. |
Shut the [Treasury Office] door this day week in the afternoon
to [enable my Lords undisturbedly to] read petitions. Treasury
Minute Book XII, p. 167. |
Dec. 16, forenoon. |
Present: All the five Lords. |
Let a warrant be prepared for Baron Tracy to have the 250l. for
last Michaelmas term; but ground this payment on the letters
patent dormant as well as [on] the Judges' privy seal; and take
notice in it that Baron Lechmere's salary determined within last
Trinity term so [that] the King is not [to be] doubly charged. |
The Victuallers [are] called in. [Write] to the gentlemen of the
Bank (the Governor and Directors) to be here this afternoon at 5. |
The Earl of Ranelagh presents his demands [for issues for the
Forces] out of the remainder of this year's money [appropriated by
Parliament] for the Forces. |
[Ordered that] 1313l. 3s. 0¼d. now in the Exchequer of this year's
funds is to be issued to the said Earl in part of 3096l. 7s. 4¼d. for
six days' subsistence for the Troops from the 18th inst. to the 24th
inst. inclusive: |
[likewise that] 11,633l. 7s. 9½d. for two month's clearings to the
Troops and Garrisons to Dec. 24 inst. inclusive is to be paid out of
loans to be made by the Earl of Ranelagh on the 15 per cent. Duty
on East India goods &c.; for which loans he or his assigns are to
have 6 per cent. interest from the dates of the tallies. These tallies
will be in course after the loans already registered. |
The [Army] clothiers are called in. They are told they can have
no more money out of this year's funds. |
My Lords after Xmas will issue 4219l. 1s. 5d. to the Earl of
Ranelagh for the clothiers upon account of the offreckonings of this
year, out of the overplus of the Civil List funds. |
See how far the Hackney Coach money is charged [with payments
ordered thereon]. |
[Ordered that] 250l. is to be issued to the Treasurer of the Chamber
for two quarters due at Michaelmas last on the 500l. a year to the
Almoner. Ibid., p. 168. |
eodem die, afternoon. |
Present: Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Mr. Chancellor; Mr.
Hill. |
Let Mr. Powys get an account of the debt (as particular as may
be) in each Office concerned in the Civil List [to wit] as it stood at
Xmas 1699 and as it stands at Xmas 1700. |
Write to the several Offices for copies of their present Establishments. |
The gentlemen of the Bank [are] called in. It is desired that
11,633l. 7s. 9½d. may be borrowed of the Bank at six per cent. per
annum on the 15 per cent. Duty on East India silks, muslins, &c.,
to be repaid in course after the loans already registered. They will
recommend this to the Court of Directors. |
Also it is desired that 10,000l. may be borrowed of the Bank on
the security of tallies on the Salt Duties payable after 1,629,297l.
19s. 4d. [already charged on the said Duties and] at an interest,
or else that the Bank would discount this 10,000l. They will
propose this to the Court on Wednesday and give answer that
evening. |
My Lords will examine out of what arrears they can pay the
1682l. 5s. 7d. due [to the Bank] by the minute of 17 Jan. 1698–9
supra Treasury Calendar XIV, p. 52; and will pay the same out
of such arrears. |
[Write] to the Victuallers to come on Wednesday afternoon instead
of Wednesday morning. |
The Navy Commissioners and Navy Treasurer are called in. They
say that by order of Council in King Charles's II's time all fines in
the Navy are given to the Chest at Chatham: [struck through]. Ibid.,
p. 169. |
Dec. 17, forenoon. Hampton Court. |
Present: the King; Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill. |
The [Treasury] Board is to attend the King this day fortnight. |
The King will pay 368l. for the freight of the ship that brought
the Envoy from Tripoli. This payment [is ordered by the King]
to be despatched. |
The papers of Urban Hall et al are read [praying] for a commission
to recover arrears of prizes, and pirates' goods; and the opinions
of Sir Thomas Pinfold and Henry Newton and of the Solicitor General
[thereon are also read]. |
My Lords are to agree with Mr. Young for his interest in the Middle
Park and meadows [at Hampton Court], to pay the yearly value
thereof. |
Col. Philip Howard [his petition is read]. The King orders nothing. |
William Dockwra's petition for continuance of his pension of
500l. per an. [is read]. The King is not willing to grant it. But the
King will employ him in business when an employment doth fall
that he is fit for. |
Col. John Gibson's petition, to have his respits taken off, is read.
Ordered: but there must be a report from the Earl of Ranelagh. |
The Commissioners for Greenwich Hospital [their petition is read]
for the fines of offenders in the Navy [to be granted to them for
support of the said Hospital]. [The King orders my Lords to] speak
with the Navy Commissioners and the Navy Treasurer about this.
Ibid., p. 170. |
Dec. 18, forenoon. Treasury Chambers, Cockpit. |
Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, Mr. Hill. |
[Write] to Mr. Ogle, a Commissioner of the Revenue in Ireland,
that he has leave of absence to look after his affairs in England for
3 months. |
Ordered that 50l. be now paid to Mr. Henry Killigrew and that no
more be paid him in this [Treasury] office; but that after Xmas ensuing
my Lords will apply to the King that he may have 4l. a week
constantly paid to his own hands (and none other) at the Exchequer. |
The Navy Commissioners and Navy Treasurer are called in. They
say that by order of Council in Charles II's time in 1684 or 1685
all fines in the Navy are given to the Chest at Chatham. The
Admiralty hath lately given direction accordingly. And lawyers
say the Judge Advocate's Court cannot adjudge the King's fines
to Greenwich Hospital; and if they be taken from the Chest the
King supplies the money [to recoup the Chest so much] out of the
provision for the [Navy on the] head of wages. |
[Write] to the Navy Commissioners forthwith to assign 20,000l.
(part of the orders and tallies for 33333s. 6s. 8d. on this year's Land
Tax) to the course of the Navy and to reserve the rest till further
order from my Lords. |
The letter for issuing 342l. to the Earl of Ranelagh for Col. Gibson's
bills out of Hackney Coaches money is read and approved. |
The letter to the Customs Commissioners is read and approved to
direct their solicitor to advance 368l. to Mr. Nash for freight of the
ship that brought the Tripoli Enoy and presents; and [providing for
the said Solicitor to] be repaid. |
The gentlemen of the Bank are called in. They will advance the
11633l. 7s. 9½d. and 10,000l. according to the minute of the 16th
inst. supra p. 27. |
[ordered that the] 50l. due to Mris. Arnold is to be paid her.
Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 171. |
eodem die, afternoon. |
Present: ut supra. |
The Victuallers [are] called in. They are to attend the Bank
with their Salt tallies upon which the Bank will advance 10,000l.
[upon] being allowed the interest due "which is for about one month
without any other discount." |
[Letter of direction for] 20l. to be paid to Mr. Adam Strachan on
his order. |
The Customs Commissioners [are] called in. Their presentments
are read and answers [are endorsed or margined] upon them. |
The Excise Commissioners are called in. Ibid., p. 172. |
Dec. 28, forenoon. |
Present: ut supra. |
[Ordered that] 1783l. 7s. 1d. to complete 6 days' subsistence
Dec. 18–24 inst. is to be paid [to the Earl of Ranelagh] out of the
surplus of the Customs: which completes the 300,000l., including
the 4219l. 1s. 5d. or thereabouts reserved for the [army] clothiers. |
Write the letter [of direction] for this 1783l. 7s. 1d. and the said
sum for the clothiers. |
Write to the Board of Greencloth for a particular account shewing
the uses to which the 800l. a week issued to the Cofferer [of the
Household] for emptions has been applied. |
Send to Auditor Bridges to lay before my Lords a state of the
account of the Stables. |
Write to Monsieur Auverquere to send my Lords a certificate (as
particular as may be) of the debt owing in the Stables; and an
account of the whole expense of the Stables for one year as it now
stands. |
Memorandum: to know the King's pleasure [as to] when the new
contract for the Gardens is to commence. |
Write to Mr. Blathwait not to attend on Wednesday next. |
Memorandum: to speak with the King to know his pleasure
concerning the continuance of the 200l. a week to Mr. Tallman [for
the works at Hampton Court]. |
Write the letter for the 15,000l. to the French Protestants as by
the scheme [of distribution of the Civil List ut infra under date 15
Jan. 1700–1]. |
My Lords are of opinion that the Office of Solicitor of Taxes is
useless and therefore resolve not to revive the same. Represent
this to the King. |
Prepare the [respective] states of the [respective Departments']
debts at Xmas 1699 and Xmas 1700. Ibid., p. 173. |