Entry Book: October 1693, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: October 1693, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp366-380 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1693, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp366-380.

"Entry Book: October 1693, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp366-380.


October 1693, 16–31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Hooker. There is in my hands a tally struck on you for 500l. You are to pay same to me instantly, “the same being for their Majesties' secret service.” Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 156.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition and papers [missing] relating to the pay due to Major Smith, late of Col. Tiffin's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham. I have read to my Lords yours of the 13th inst. concerning some chests of bullion seized by Capt. John Baron and Capt. Nash, but you did not enclose the memorial of said Baron and Nash to the Queen. Please send it. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy to ships etc. between the 7th and 14th inst. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 600l. to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded for discharging Wheeler's bill, ut supra, p. 335. Ibid, p. 157.
Oct. 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Clarke to procure a royal warrant, to be signed by the Queen, to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 10l. to Mris. Margaret Barker on account of the arrears of pay of her husband, Robert Barker, as Waggon Master General in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 158.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Richard Bradshaw as watchman in London port loco Benj. Gerrard, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 58.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 67.
Prefixing: Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, Oct. 16, that all persons on board the ships arrived from America at Spithead and other Western ports under the command and convoy of Sir Francis Wheeler, do wash, air and dry their clothes before they come ashore: the seamen and soldiers on board being all in perfect health, but there being a possibility that there remains some contagion in their clothes which they have brought with them from Barbados.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Vavasor, shewing that he has discovered a great forfeiture to the Crown by Sir Thomas Player and the rest of the Disbanding Commissioners having misapplied great part of the 206,000l. for paying off the Army in 1679: therefore praying payment of his arrears or some other relief till a decree can be made therein. Reference Book VII, p. 10.
Oct. 17. Royal sign manual for 323l. 10s. 8d. to Col. Edward Fitz Patrick to be paid over to several persons and soldiers of the Regiment late under him (and now under Col. Francis Collingwood), who stand respited on the several musters between 1 Jan., 1689–90, and 1690, Dec. 31. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 266.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a memorial [missing] of Capt. John Baron and Capt. Nash concerning some chests of bullion seized by them. Inform yourselves what this silver is and report. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 157.
Oct. 18. Royal sign manual for the following payments out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer: without account. (Money warrant dated Oct. 20 hereon.) (Money orders dated Oct. 24 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 264. Money Book XII, p. 135. Order Book IV, p. 32–3.
l. s. d.
Elizabeth Willoughby as royal bounty 50 0 0
Sir Leonard Robinson as reward and in consideration of acceptable service 16 2
Edward Noell: the like 53 16
Thomas Browne: the like 12 12 11
John Rawkins, gent.: the like 52 0
Capt. Thomas Langley in full of his charges in the relief and maintenance of such poor Dutch seamen and soldiers who came daily to Harwich with passes from the Secretary of State, viz: for Holland between 1692, Nov. 1, and Sept. 18 following: according to an account thereof sworn to by him 43 4 6
Joseph Browne and Thomas Gathing as reward under the Proclamation of 1692, Sept. 13, for discovering and apprehending William Canning and Francis Dormer who, upon their evidence, were convicted for making, composing, dispersing and publishing a seditious and treasonable libel called “The late King James, his Declaration': as certified by Sir Selathiel Lovell, Recorder of London 50 0 0
Edward Godfrey as royal bounty, towards the maintenance of Lady Mountjoy's children 50 0 0
£327 17 3
Oct. 18. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XII, p. 220.
Out of loans on the Review of the Poll.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for recalls 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 2,000 0 0
Out of 1,445l. of loans on the Review of the Poll and 155l. of loans on the Million Act, making 1,600l. in all.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance towards answering bills 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunsmiths 500 0 0
to ditto for the old dock at Chatham 100 0 0
Out of loans on the Million Act.
to Mr. Fox in further part of 6,000l. for the Danes: 3,000l. being paid 1,000 0 0
Out of 5,144l. 16s. 1d. of loans on the Million Act; 1,484l. 6s. 10d. of the fourth quarter of the Poll: 127l. 15s. 11¾d. of the complements of the Excise making 6,756l. 18s. 10¾d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence to two Regiments come [back] from the West Indies 100 0 0
to ditto in further part of 25,340l. 12s. 9d. for the week's subsistence [to the Forces] to Sept. 20 last: whereof 11,018l. 16s. 0d. is already paid (in the margin: issued 4s.d. short) 6,656 18 10¾
Out of the new duty on coffee and tea.
to me [Guy] for secret service 17 0 0
£13,373 18 10¾
Oct. 18. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to permit the Spanish Ambassador to export two bells for Cadiz on the Merchant of Greenland, Capt. George Mathews commander, on payment of Customs: pursuant to the Queen's pleasure. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 160.
Same to same. When Mr. Blathwait's equipage arrives from Holland send it to his house near the Horse Guards to be opened there. Ibid, p. 159.
Same to same to admit to entry some cochineal, ut supra, p. 334: it appearing from the petition of Edward Browne and Charles Peers of London, merchants, that about July 26 last their factors at Cadiz had advice at Malaga and Gibraltar of a considerable part of the French fleet standing westward and fearing they designed to bombard Cadiz put them into a great consternation and in securing their effects they shipped nine barrels of cochineal on the Concordia, Capt. Bauptista, and Sn. Fran[cis]co Xabier, Capt. Juan Bauptista Mazzio Genoesser, then in the bay, for England: where it is seizable under the Navigation Act. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 68–9.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of Crown Revenues for co. Survey of the petition of Gideon Harding, Vicar of Kingston upon Thames, shewing that his predecessors by privy seal received 12l. per an. from the said Receiver in lieu of [? tithes on] ground taken into Richmond Park: therefore praying a [Treasury] order to the said Receiver and to the auditor of said county (rather than a privy seal which is chargeable) for payment thereof. Reference Book VII, p. 12.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Soren Peterson, native of Swedland, shewing that he is master of a small vessel called the Righter, with which he arrived at Maldon in Essex with deals and sold his cargo and received his money in English, Danish and French coin, whereof about 39l. was English, “which, he being a stranger, was ignorant but that he might have carried into Swedeland with him,” but Peter Objent, a Customs officer, has seized his ship and brought two informations in the Exchequer: therefore praying a noli prosequi. Ibid, p. 10.
Same to Auditor Aldworth of Mr. Roberts' accounts [as receiver of the revenue of the Honor] of Windsor. Aldworth is to report particularly how far the revenue of Windsor may answer the perpetual pensions, salaries and reparations of the Castle. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Abbott of the memorial of Col. Hamilton, praying an order to Mr. Abbott to deliver to Mr. Tracy Pauncefort such papers as are in his hands relating to the accounts of petitioner's Regiment. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Robert Chaplin, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges of 126l. 7s. 0d. as Receiver General of the second Twelve Months' Aid, co. Suffolk. Ibid.
Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to put the executors of Dame Katherine Treswell into possession of houses in the towns of Galway and Dublin as follows as in trust only for raising 500l. for George Treswell Fashaw and an annuity of 6l. per an. to Elizabeth Plowden and the remainder as in trust for the Crown: it appearing from the petition of said Fashaw, Elizabeth Plowden and Ursula Grimston, spinsters, supra, p. 343, that said Dame Katherine Treswell, relict of Sir Daniel Treswell, deceased, by will dated April and Aug., 1691 [1671], devised 6l. a year to said Plowden and 10l. per an. to Ursula Grimston out of her lands in the town of Galway and 500l. to said Fashaw, who then was and still is a cripple and very indigent (and a Protestant and always resident in England until of late he came to Ireland) and 15l. a year towards his maintenance till he could be put out to a trade; and the remainder of her estate to her nephew, Richard Plowden, since deceased: that the executor, Peirse Butler, lived in England and left the management to Francis Plowden, brother and heir of said Richard, who was in the late rebellion and was outlawed, and the said estate is seized into the hands of the Crown and the said legacies not yet answered: which representation is confirmed by the report of Sir Richard Levinge, Solicitor General of Ireland. [The omission of Ursula Grimston's name in the trust hereby created is possibly a clerical error only.] Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 359–61.
Oct. 19. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] for secret service 1,000l. out of the money paid into the Exchequer by the East India Company on account of their tenths of prizes. Disposition Book XI, p. 220.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account from the Navy Commissioners of money received and paid by the Navy Treasurer between Sept. 22 and 30 last. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 157.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit Don Phillippo de la Guerre, Agent and Consul from Spain, to export 10 or 12 horses for the use of some Spanish officers in Flanders, on payment of Customs for same. Ibid.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of John Parker of Clannaborough, co. Devon, gent., brother of the whole blood of Bracton Clougly of co. Devon, who was sentenced, and after several reprieves was executed; that no grant of Clougly's estate do pass till Parker be heard: notice to be given to Hen. Killegrew in Scotland Yard. Caveat Book, p. 34.
Oct. 20. Money warrant for 20l. to Lodowick Bray for half a year to Michaelmas last on his pension. Money Book XII, p. 135.
Same for 1,596l. 4s. 6d. to William, Lord Paget, for a bill of extraordinaries, 1692, Sept. 2, to 1692–3, March 2, as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Grand Seignior. (Money order dated Oct. 23 hereon.) (Henry Guy, dated Oct. 23, to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of the Excise.) Ibid, pp. 135–6. Order Book IV, p. 31. Disposition Book XI, p. 221.
Appending: said bill as allowed Aug. 4 last by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham by the Queen's particular command, except the last article, which is left as proper to the Treasury Lords' cognizance: l. s. d.
for passing my privy seal, letters credential and commission with some incidents before I left England 60 0 0
for the yacht which carried me from London to Rotterdam and for my passage from thence to Ghent and the expenses of my voyage to those several places 72 0 0
for two coaches to carry myself and servants from Ghent to his Majesty's camp at Gramen [Grammont] and back again 12 0 0
for the passage of my servants and the carriage of all my goods and baggage (which required the use of two coaches and four large waggons) from Ghent to Ratisbon a journey of 30 days 300 0 0
for the passage of my servants' goods and baggage from Ratisbon to Vienna by water 40 0 0
for a travelling chariot, which I bought by special direction at Utrecht, and the charge of my passage from thence to Vienna post with seven servants 200 0 0
for the hire of eight large boats for the passage of my horses, goods and baggage from Vienna to Belgrade and furnishing necessaries for that voyage 310 0 0
for 54 watermen to row myself and servants from Vienna to Comora [Comorn], 55l., and from thence for 58 watermen to row us to Belgrade, 150l. 205 0 0
to the Serasquier at Belgrade, a present of 50l., and to several officers and guards there attending, 60l. 110 0 0
for the hire of 20 horses from Belgrade to Nissa and to the Captain of the Guard and his gentlemen that conveyed me thither with 100 soldiers 75 0 0
for the carriage of my goods and baggage from Belgrade to Adrianople and the accidental expenses of that journey 100 0 0
for exchequer fees and other charges in the receipt of the several sums directed to me, being 3,778l. 18s. 5d. in all within the time of this bill 112 4 6
£1,596 4 6
Oct. 20. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners. After hearing yourselves, Mr. Dodington and the officers of the two Marine Regiments concerning the money of the twopences which was ordered to be deducted from the pay of the Marine soldiers towards their clothing for the year 1690, my Lords have decided as follows, viz.: Disposition Book XI, p. 221.
that an account be forthwith made up with Capt. Griffith and Mr. Balderston, the Agents of the said Regiments, to ascertain the whole amount of the twopences deducted and to be deducted for the said year; and that the whole amount of the said deductions be forthwith paid to the said Agents and their joint receipts be taken for same:
that the order for 1,000l. charged upon the imposition upon East India goods etc. now in the hands of Mr. Stephens, the [Navy Treasurer's] cashier, being part of the orders which were appointed for the clothing of the said year, with the interest due thereon, be forthwith applied in satisfaction of 1,000l. of the moneys so to be paid to the said Agents:
that the money now in the hands of said Dodington of the said twopences already deducted (whereof he is to give an exact account) be forthwith applied in further part of the moneys so to be paid to the said Agents;
to complete the whole sum which the said Agents are to receive for the twopences of the said year, so much of it as is not yet drawn from the soldiers' pay is to be forthwith adjusted and a bill to be made forth for the same upon the [Navy] Treasurer and to be paid to the said Agents whereby he may have cerdit for so much on his account with their Majesties; taking care that the money which he shall hereafter deduct for the twopences for the said year be surcharged upon him for their Majesties' benefit. You are to see these matters punctually performed.
Oct. 20. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 5l. to Mr. Blackwell, supra, p. 357, out of the moneys of seizures now in the Exchequer. Disposition Book XI, p. 221.
Same to Sir John Dalrymple, Secretary of State for Scotland. By order of my Lords I waited on you some months ago to convey his Majesty's pleasure that the two Regiments of Lord Strathnaver and Sir James Moncreiff which were in Scotland should no longer be on English pay, but on that of Scotland. You returned an answer by me that if they might continue on the pay of England till the month then current was expired they should after that be paid by Scotland. My Lords do not doubt but that care hath been and will be taken in it accordingly by you. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 157.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Let my Lords know what money will be required for the purchase of the Talbott ketch, formerly taken from their Majesties by the enemy and lately re-taken by the St. Albans. Ibid, p. 158.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to report on the enclosed copy [missing] of the Navy Commissioners' report on the Navy Treasurer's proposal for turning the receipts hitherto given by the Cashier of the Victualling into imprests etc. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of the Greenland Company, shewing that, the French sending five ships to fish in the Greenland seas under the protection of several men-of-war, the petitioners did at the cost of near 12,000l. fit out two ships as private men-of-war and took three of the French ships laden with oil, blubber and whale fins, which are condemned as prize and ordered to be delivered to petitioners, and they are now to make an entry of the said commodities, but are refused entry unless they pay Customs for same as foreign caught (in the margin: oil and blubber, 9l. per ton; whalebone, 18l. per ton): but petitioners conceive that said duty was laid by Parliament for the encouragement of the Greenland trade, being just so much as such goods have been sold for when caught by English ships: therefore pray that no higher duty may be demanded of them for the said commodities than if they had been taken and imported in their own ships. Reference Book VII, p. 10.
Oct. 20. Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Transports of the petition of John Vandam, owner of two vessels called the Arms of Bourdeaux and Arms of Rotterdam, shewing that his ships were hired by said Commissioners, for which 1,026l. 9s. 6d. is due to him, which hath caused him to sell his vessels: therefore praying payment of his debt or part thereof. Reference Book VII, p. 11.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Denham for a surveyor's place in one of the western ports. Ibid.
Same to Thomas Done, one of the Auditors of Imprests, of the petition of Jo. Ady and Henry Ballowe, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer, praying their allowance of 2s. per 1,000l. for joining tallies for 923,922l. 9s. 0d. arisen by the Coinage Duty [in the Customs], 1690–1, and the Customs and Impositions for 1692: said allowance amounting to 92l. 7s. 9d. Ibid.
Same to Mordicai Abbott of the petition of Robert Gordon, administrator to his brother, Capt. Jo[h]n Gordon, late a capt. in Sir David Collyer's Regiment, shewing that he applied to William Hamilton, Agent of the said Regiment, for an account of what was due to his brother at his death, but same is refused: therefore praying that Hamilton may be ordered to give such account. Ibid.
Report to the Queen from the Treasury Lords on the petition of the clothiers and felters in the county of Bucks and town of Reading and other parts of England: as by the order of reference from the Privy Council of June 22 last: petitioners setting forth the great decay of trade in the woollen manufacture of this kingdom occasioned chiefly by the exportation of English wool and fullers' earth, the latter of which has of late years, contrary to law, been exported for private lucre by one Mr. Edmund Warner, merchant, in very great quantities under the pretence of being potters' clay, of which three ships' lading are now under seizure in London port, whereof one has been acquitted at a trial in the Exchequer by reason of a fallacious experiment procured by said Warner as if same were potters' clay fit for potters' use, whereas the same is known by the petitioners experimented in fulling of cloth to be the best sort of fullers'. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 234–5.
We have referred this matter to the Customs Commissioners and herewith submit their report thereon.
Appending: said Commissioners' report, dated Oct. 13 inst., to the Treasury Lords. We have heard all parties at several meetings in order to the making an experiment by consent of all with the said earth, but Mr. Warner waived the same; accordingly we had same made by an indifferent person, Mr. Thomas Crundall, a person of good estate and reputation in this city and of knowledge in the clothing trade. He was assisted by Mr. Stanton of London and Mr. Chettle, a clothier of Worcester, the fulling mills of that place being made choice of as the most indifferent and convenient. By their report, with the testimony of the Mayor and divers clothiers and fullers of the city of Worcester, it is testified that the said earth is a very good sort of fullers' earth and performs all the offices thereof in fulling, scouring and cleaning of cloth: and being so we conceive it is by law prohibited to be transported and that its transportation is a great prejudice to the clothing trade of this kingdom and ought by all means to be prevented for the future: “and therefore whether a matter of so great a national concern as is the consequence of this trial be not fit to be publicly taken care of and prosecuted by authority rather than left to the prosecution of private persons, especially considering the success of the former trial,” is submitted to the Treasury Lords' consideration.
Oct. 20. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to pay 200l. each to Sir John Lyndon, a Justice of the Court of Chief Place, Ireland, and Sir Henry Echlin, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Ireland, in full of a half-year's salary to 1690, Christmas: they being appointed in Oct., 1690, and kept that Michaelmas term in those Courts alone, but their salary for said half year being not yet paid because the Irish Establishment commences only from that [said Christmas] time. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 363.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 69.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, Sept. 28 inst., that permission and protection be granted to all such ships to go to Portugal as shall be ready to sail by the last of Oct. next: notwithstanding the embargo.
Oct. 21. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the First Fruits for 500l. to Aubery, Earl of Oxford, for last Sept. 29 quarter on his pension. Money Book XII, p. 135.
Oct. 23. Money warrant for 4,638l. 6s. 11d. to Walter Whitfeild, John Earle and Thomas Kilner, which with 1,361l. 13s. 1d. as follows is in full of 6,000l. for their third part of 18,000l. paid by the East India Company for prizes taken from the Great Mogul: the said Whitfeild, Earle and Kilner being empowered by the privy seal of 1689–90, Jan. 28, to sue for said tenths with a third part thereof to themselves for their charges therein: on which several proceedings at law have been taken at their charge and 16,638l. 6s. 11d. is thereupon paid into the Exchequer, together with 1,361l. 13s. 1d. which the said Company did pay into Court, and which by order of said Court was paid out to said Whitfeild, Earle and Kilner, making in all 18,000l. paid by said Company in consequence of said prosecution. (Money order dated Oct. 27 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 136–7. Order Book IV, p. 33.
Oct. 23. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from Mr. Povey, together with the letter from the Committee for Trade and Plantations to several Governors of Colonies in the West Indies against violating the Acts of Trade and Navigation: and together with the extract of a letter from Col. Fletcher, Governor of New York, “which was sent to you the 20th of June last.” Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 157.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. William Pultney, concerning the pay due to him and his Troop for their service in Ireland in the Regiment commanded by Col. Villiers. Ibid, p. 158.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Nath, Carpenter, Agent to Col. Tho. Hill, concerning the pay of the Independent Company under said Col. Hill in the Leeward Islands. Ibid.
Same to same. Send to my Lords on Wednesday next a state of the Earl of Oxford's arrears upon account of such commands as he has in the Army. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 69.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, Oct. 21 last, for the immediate stopping of the ship Redbridge, Edward Smith commander, with 50 men, on the petition of the East India Company: it appearing that said ship had licence from the Admiralty (in accordance with an Order in Council of Sept. 12 last) to proceed in a voyage to Alicante in Spain, but that same is not really bound thither, but to the East Indies.
Treasury reference to Geo. Clarke of the petition of Capt. Samuell Blount, praying that a respit on [the Army pay of his] servants in Ireland may be taken off, “for that he was at the head of his Troop all that time.” Reference Book VII, p. 11.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Joshua Wright for an addition to his salary as a landcarriageman, London port: he being recommended by Sir John Trenchard: as in consideration of his services to the Government at Norwich, whither he was sent in Dec., 1691. Ibid.
Oct. 24. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 8,000l. to Visct. Newport, Cofferer of the Household, for his Majesty's table abroad: out of the like sum which is or will be lent into the Exchequer by Mr. Lancelot Burton on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XI, p. 222.
Oct. 25. Treasury warrant to James Herbert. Receiver General of the money arising by Prizes, to pay 50l. to George Oxenden, Dr. of Laws, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his salary as Judge Official and Commissary of Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports. Money Book XII, p. 137.
Oct. 25. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 8,000l. to Lancelott Burton in repayment of so much lent by him on credit thereof Oct. 24 inst. Money Book XII, p. 107.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XI, p. 222.
Out of loans on the Review of the Quarterly Poll.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for recalls 2,000 0 0
to ditto in further part of 27,482l. for wages to the seamen turned over from five ships; 21,700l. being already paid thereon 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance towards answering bills of exchange on account of the Flanders [artillery] Train 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the gunsmiths 500 0 0
to ditto for the old dock at Chatham 100 0 0
Out of 4,300l. of loan on the Review of the Poll and 630l. 7s.d. of loans on the Million Act: making 4,930l. 7s.d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh in further part of 25,340l. 12s. 9d. for the week's subsistence [to the Forces] to Sept. 20 last; on which 17,675l. 14s. 10¾d. is already paid 4,930 7
Out of loans on the Million Act.
to Mr. Fox in further part of 6,000l. arrears of pay to the Danes; 4,000l. being already paid 1,000 0 0
£12,530 7
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. Bring my Lords on Friday morning an account what tallies remain in your hands for poundage and other ways. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 159.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sarah Butler concerning some arrears of pay due to her husband and sons. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Pye. Solicitor of Coast Bonds, as collector of Newcastle port loco John Holland, who was appointed for that collection. Out Letters (Customs) XIII. pp. 64, 65.
James Taylour, a land carriageman. London port loco Daniell Brandrith, deceased.
John Maurice as boatman in the Scilly Islands loco Henry Tregeare, deceased.
John Thomas as a tidesman in fee, London port.
Robert Lazingby as noontender, London port loco Henry Law, deceased.
William Mead as a Commissioner of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at Nevis loco Thomas Belchamber, deceased.
John Holland (who was appointed Comptroller of Newcastle port) as Surveyor Extraordinary of the landwaiters in London port at the usual salary of 150l. per an., which is to be taken from the salary of 200l. per an. allowed on the establishment for the Solicitor of Coast Bonds.
William Denn to be Solicitor of the Coast Bonds loco John Pye: at 50l. per an. salary.
Antho. Dowding to have a deputation to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods.
Oct. 25. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to satisfy the [drawback] debenture for the moiety of the subsidy and the whole additional duty on 36,907 lb. of tobacco imported into London port by George Richards of London, merchant, in 1678, and subsequently sold to Joseph Hudlestone, merchant, of Newcastle, and shipped thither, and which said Hudlestone exported thence to Scotland by way of Berwick, whereby he became entitled to said debenture, but soon after Huddlestone died and his widow lost the debenture, but John Sandford, gent., afterwards married said widow and found said debenture, but was refused payment of it by reason of its long standing: upon which matter the Customs Commissioners have reported that the first occasion of stopping said debenture was upon a question of law that arose whether the exportation by land carriage were such an exportation within the meaning of the second rule annexed to the Book of Rates as to entitle the exporter to the benefit of a debenture, but that point of law is since overruled upon a special argument in the Exchequer and the exportation by land carriage into Scotland by way of Berwick is adjudged a good exportation within the intention of the said rule. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 75.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Sir Jno. Morden, shewing that he has 5,000 poundweight of cochineal at Amsterdam, which by reason of the prohibition he cannot bring over: therefore praying licence to import same. Reference Book VII, p. 11.
Same to same of the petition of Ben. Raye, shewing that having a debt due to him in Holland and pressing for his money he had a parcel of Persian silks and paunches sent over, which are seized: therefore praying that same may be discharged. Ibid, p. 12.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Ralph Williamson for an allowance for his extraordinary pains etc, as Receiver General of the Quarterly Poll and Review of the Poll for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Francis Lawley, Master and Treasurer of the Jewel Office, to forthwith provide for the Treasury Chambers five pair of silver candle-sticks and four pairs of silver snuffers of the same weight and fashion as those formerly provided. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 236.
Oct. 25. Treasury warrant to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to pay Warham Jemmett, collector of Londonderry, 40l. for his services in managing the two ports of Londonderry and Coleraine from Oct., 1689, to 1690, June 24, which always before and since hath been under the care of two collectors, but for which he had only the usual salary of the collector of Londonderry; that of the collector of Coleraine being 70l. per an. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 362.
Henry Guy to same to report on the enclosed petition of Francis Babe, late Surveyor General of the Revenue, Ireland, praying that the employment of Surveyor of the Excise in Ireland, which, pursuant to Act of Parliament, is to be appointed under the great seal of Ireland, may be settled on him and his son or that he may be recompensed some other way for his desert. Ibid.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of Mr. Michaell Tempest, tenant in possession of Port Lesser [Portester], part of their Majesties' private estate in Ireland, that no grant thereof pass before he be heard. Caveat Book, p. 35.
Oct. 27. Royal sign manual for payments as follows to the Lottery Pensioners: for last Michaelmas quarter on their pensions as of royal bounty (money warrant dated Oct 31: money order dated Nov. 6): the names and amounts being as supra, p. 310, with the addition of Edward Duke 6l. on a pension of 24l. per an. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 265. Money Book XII, p. 137. Order Book IV, p. 34.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 1,596l. 4s. 6d. to Henry Pagett, esq., in repayment of so much lent by him thereon on the 24th inst. Money Book XII, p. 107.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to Somerset House to seal the goods of Mr. Fortrey that are going to Portugal. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 159.
Treasury warrant to same to admit to entry the oil, blubber and whale fins captured and brought by the Greenland Company, ut supra, pp. 372–3, on payment of duty according to value: it appearing from the said Commissioners' report of the 25th inst. on the said Company's petition that by the Act of 25 Car. II. [c. 7] for encouraging the Greenland and Eastland trade that whale oil, blubber and whalebone taken and imported in English shipping are to be Customs free and if taken and imported in Plantation shipping are chargeable with a duty of 6s. a ton for oil and 50s. a ton for whale fins and if taken by Plantation shipping and imported in English shipping with only 3s. and 25s. per ton respectively, whereas if of foreign fishing the duties are 9l. and 18l. a ton respectively: and that in their opinion a great part of the design of said Act has been performed in this case by the said Company, whose enterprise was very laudable, and was undertaken in pursuance of another Act of the last Session of Parliament for the regaining and settling the Greenland trade. The lading in question is 130 tons of oil and blubber and seven tons of whale fins and the duty therein would be 1,200l.-1,300l. if of foreign fishing, but only 200l. ad valorem. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, pp. 72–3.
Oct. 27. Royal warrant, under the Queen's sign manual, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a patent under the great seal of Ireland to remit and release to Lieut.-Gen. Thomas Talmache and Daniel Wybrants, their heirs etc., the rent of 1,267l. per an. reserved on the custodiam dated Oct. 2 inst., granted (in pursuance of the royal sign manual of Aug. 18 last) to said Wybrants in trust for said Talmache of the lands of Littlecroynstowne et al in Ireland, viz. so much of the said reserve rent as exceeds the quit rents and Crown rents payable out of the premises. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 364–5.
Oct. 30. William Shaw (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Customs Commissioners to send to the King's backstairs at Whitehall his goods that are newly arrived from Holland in the Henrietta yacht: to be there opened in presence of a Customs officer. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 159.
Same to same to similarly send to the King's Beer Cellar in Whitehall the Earl of Portland's goods that are arrived from Holland in the Fubbs yacht. Ibid.
Oct. 31. Money warrant for 50l. to Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Keeper of Greenwich Park, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the allowance for keepers' wages and other disbursements in said park. (Money order dated Nov. 15 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 138. Order Book IV, p. 35.
Henry Guy to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay 99l. 16s. 10d. to several persons unnamed as in a schedule enclosed [missing] for 2 per cent. gratuity on loans on the credit of the Exchequer in General. Disposition Book XI, p. 1.
Same to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing the duplicate [assessment roll] for the Hundred of Blackburn, co. Lanes., for the last half year of the 4s. Aid. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 160.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] from the Navy Commissioners of money received and paid by the Navy Treasurer between the 1st and 14th inst. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send to the King's backstairs at Kensington the King's goods arrived from Holland in Capt. Collins' and Capt. Saunderson's yachts: to be opened there in presence of a Customs officer. Ibid.
Appending: list of said goods.
Same to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing a copy of the report made by the Auditors of Imprests on the said Commissioners' report and the proposal for turning the Victuallers' bills into imprests. Please attend the Treasury Lords hereon next Friday. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe Orders in Council of the 19th inst. for leave to the ship Conquest to go to Seville. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 64.
A like Order in Council of the 26th Oct. for the Winchester and Tunizeen to go to Leghorn and Venice.
A like for three ships to go to Barbados: on the petition of Hen. Hale and others, merchants.