Index of Subjects: U-Z

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Index of Subjects: U-Z', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index of Subjects: U-Z', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index of Subjects: U-Z". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Vellum Parchment and Paper (Vellum Duties or Paper Office), stamped duties on (as by 5–6 William and Mary, c. 21, for several duties upon Vellum Parchment and Paper for four years for war). 707.

Accountant and Comptroller General of the Accounts of (R. Paulin), appointment by letters patent, 631.

additional clerks for (T. Paulin, J. Collet, W. Barker), 793, 819.

petition for additional salary, 709, 793.

salary, 631, 697.

to render weekly certificates and yearly accounts, 631.

chamber keeper, allowance to, 894.

commissioners appointed 15 May, 1694 (C. Montagu, J. Stanley, E. Lloyd, H. Cornish, H Harris, J. van der Esch, J. Isaacson), 618, 646, 697, 761, 852.

clerks' salaries, 658.

exempted from assessments, 1196.

salaries, 618.

secretary to (W. Bridges), 618, 697.

petition for additional salary, 711, 728, 1103.

to prepare a scheme for making vellum etc., 633.

distributor, assistant to the, dismissed, 894.

distributors of stamped parchment and paper and collectors of the duty, list of, 660, 662, 671, 672, 698.

establishment, with names and salaries detailed of necessary officers, 671.

loans on, 747, 785, 799, 808, 828.

authority to take in loans not exceeding 330,000l. at 8 per cent. interest, 615, 619.

interest on, not to exceed 35s. per cent., 753.

on the 4s. Aid transferred to, 720.

payments out of, 656, 660, 679, 693, 695, 701, 743,785, 799, 808, 828, 851.

Office, 144, 660, 662.

Clerk of the Securities, petition for the place of, 705.

housekeeper (Elizabeth Harrison loco J. Harrison), 957;

petition for place of, locoJ. Harrison (Harris), 900.

incidents bill, 870, 972, 1217, 1310.

inspector in the King's Bench (P. Brunskell), 761.

officers, detailed, 697.

quarterly salary bill, 697, 870, 969, 1135, 1220, 1281.

Order in Council concerning, 638.

payments out of, 681.

petition for place as collector, 651.

Receiver General (T. Pennyman):

creation of the office of, 626, 657, 660.

salary, 626, 697.

to render accounts yearly, 626.

stamper in Lincolns Inn (W. Brooks), 900.

stampers, dismissed, 894.

stampers' place, petition for, 966.

stationers employed under, 658.

bonds of, 685.

stationers for supplying parchment, memorial of, 1115.

stationers of London, Petition for discount for stamping paper, 644.

Teller of stamped paper, allowance to, 894.

workhouse doorkeepers, allowance to, 894.

Vice-Admirals, See Navy, pressing;

Navy, Vice-Admirals.

Victualling. See Navy.


Wardrobe, Great, 16, 81, 172, 1433.

clerk of (T. Townsend), poundage fees, 597.

coats and banners furnished by, 161, 605.

furnishes for a yacht out of the, 88, 637, 770.

goods delivered out to Ambassadors, 462, 1214, 1215.

goods delivered out to the Governor of Barbados, 585.

Master of (Earl of Montagu), 57, 69, 76, 88, 172, 211, 1201, 1214.

accounts, 820, 929.

debt, account of, demanded, 390, 439, 815, 1248.

issues to, 35, 50, 80, 128, 200, 408, 676, 865, 886, 892, 894, 905, 918, 935, 1005, 1071, 1081, 1206, 1215, 1225, 1354, 1404, 1408.

loans by, on the Three Fourths Customs, 128, 200.

loans by, on the Exchequer in general, 268.

payments by, 135, 200, 212, 597.

suspended, 820.

Wardrobe, Removing, Yeoman of (P. Hume), 1198, 1303.

goods delivered to, 60, 573.

pictures delivered to, 248.

officers, payment to. See Chamber, Treasurer of.

Wards, Court of, 253.

War Office. See Army in England—War.

Watermen. See King's Watermen;

Royal Watermen.

Whale oil, blubber and fins imported in English shipping and Plantation shipping, duties on, 378.

Wheat, transported to France, prosecutions for, 777.

Widowers, duty on. See Marriages.

Wine Licences:

Agent and Solicitor for (L. Braddon loco W. Blackaller), 928.

Commissioners, accounts, 1389;

certificate of receipts of arrears of licences demanded from, 817, 819.

Comptroller of the Accounts of the revenue of, patent for, 97.

fees for, 381.

surviving Commissioner for, petition of, 381.

Wines, Low. See Excise, duties (as by 2 William and Mary, sess. 2, c. 9);

(3 William and Mary, c. 15);

(7 and 8 William III, c. 30).

Azores, 327

Canary, 90.

French, 49, 84, 171.

Galicia, 142.

Portugal, 833, 893, 1040.

for the Army, 7.

Woods and Forests:

abuse in, commissions to enquire into, 140, 187, 660.

decayed trees, sale of, 77, 79, 170, 962, 971, 1089, 1134.

to provide money for the Ordnance Office, 130

felling and enclosing in, 94, 130, 164, 342, 694, 737, 739, 785, 971, 1033, 1114, 1203.

felling, for the Navy, 220, 241, 249, 279, 492, 500, 505, 507, 737, 1080.

grant of, 148, 519.

lease of agistment, 127, 146.

regarders, 249, 264.

sales, payment out of, 117, 130, 135, 164, 333, 380, 381, 389, 391, 395, 428, 803.

privy seal, 1691–2, Feb. 29, for raising 20,000l.

out of, 412.

Surveyor General of, Trent South (P. Ryley), 14, 36, 94, 130, 148, 164, 170, 209, 223, 241, 249, 264, 279, 333, 342, 391, 393, 428, 445, 507, 694, 737, 739, 803, 878, 919, 932, 962, 971, 1033, 1080, 1089, 1115, 1203, 1209, 1280, 1320, 1325, 1348.

reports by, 107, 130.

Trent North, 761.

(T. Hewett loco W. Laycock), 1348.

verderers, 249, 264.

Warden, Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre of, Trent South (Earl of Abingdon), 1274.











New Forest.

New Forest (Yorkshire).




St. Leonard's.








Yearside [? Yarlside].

Wool, bonds, discharge of, 1327, 1328.

conviction for transporting, King's share of a, 117, 435, 531, 582.

illegal transportation of, 516.

payment for preventing the export of, 224, 876.

woolen manufacture trade, decay of, 373, 374.


carpenter (J. Churchill), payment to, 11.

carver (W. Emmett), 1.

charges for the funeral of Queen Mary, account of demanded, 948.

clerk engrosser (W. Dickenson), salary, 716, 1137, 1148.

clerk of the, in 1611 (—. Bassele), 622.

Comptroller (W. Talman), salary, 715, 1137.

mason (J. Clark), payment to, 11.

master bricklayer (M. Emmett).

salary, 716, 1138.

petition of T. Hughes for the office of, 835.

appointment of R. Stacy loco M. Emmett, 928.

master carpenter (M. Banks), salary, 716, 1137.

master carvers (G. Gibbons, H. Phillips), 387.

salary, 716, 1138, 1148.

master glazier (W. Ireland), salary, 716, 1137.

master joiner (A. Fort or Foot), petition of, 88, 778.

salary, 716, 1137.

master mason (J. Oliver), salary, 536, 715, 1137, 1148.

master plasterer (J. Groves), salary, 716, 1138.

office, work done in, payment for, 5.

officers, issues for, 1148.

Officers, Principal, 283.

Paymaster (T. Lloyd):

accounts, allowances in, 293, 812.

complaint by, about weekly payments from the Postmaster General, 481.

debt, account of, demanded 390, 439, 815, 1248.

deputy paymaster (T. Taylor), 265, 1379.

issues to, 1, 5, 11, 20, 35, 38, 47, 52, 67, 131, 233, 237, 264, 284, 291, 297, 352, 363, 454, 455, 477, 511, 587, 715, 723, 732, 763, 769, 773, 789, 795, 804, 807, 816, 817, 860, 886, 923, 935, 965, 994, 997, 1010, 1038, 1053, 1071, 1073, 1096, 1136, 1148, 1149, 1182, 1194, 1319, 1320, 1347, 1354, 1355, 1360, 1378, 1379.

late paymaster (P. Packer), 750, 812.

loans by, on the Three Fourths Customs, 5.

payments by, 131, 253, 262, 263, 303, 320, 509, 518, 534, 724, 763, 773, 795, 804, 816, 817, 969, 1073, 1096, 1105, 1136, 1148, 1149, 1155, 1181, 1194, 1288, 1318.

salary, 715, 1137, 1148.

plumber at Windsor (M. Robers), salary, 716, 1138.

purveyor (J. Radcliffe), petition to be allowed to resign, 265.

petition and grant of the office to C. Hopson, 694, 702.

fees, 702.

salary, 716, 1137.

serjeant painter (R. Streeter),

petition of, 322.

serjeant plumber (C. Atherton), 11, 716, 750, 778.

salary, 1137.

Surveyor General (Sir C. Wren), 183, 283, 694, 1071, 1098, 1300.

in 1611 (S. Bassele), 621.

salary, 715, 1137.

tallies on the Post Office revenue for, 38, 47, 272, 433, 509, 510, 518, 534, 587, 715, 723, 816, 1010, 1038, 1073.


grants of, 50, 64, 843.

King's share in, 50, 64, 134, 843.

new invention to work and fish for, 996.

Treasury right to inspect, 50.


Yeomen and Officers of the Guard:

petition for an allowance, 336.

Yeoman Usher (J. Milward),

petition for a lease of a house, 414, 748.

Yeoman of the Guard attending the King in Flanders, 573.

captain of (Earl of Macclesfield), gift of plate to, 955.

issues for. See Chamber, Treasurer, issues for.

Yeomen hangers, bedgoers and robegoers, issues for. See Chamber, Treasurer, issues for.