Index of Persons and Places: C

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: C". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Cad, See Cade.

Cadamstown, Carbury barony, co. Kildare, 177, 493.

Cade (Cad), Henry, tidesman-in-fee, Bideford, 1106.

Cadiz, Spain, 201, 424, 441, 555, 621, 627, 669, 686, 861, 862, 865, 876, 1159, 1175, 1275.

agent for prizes. See Kirkby, C.;

Westcomb, M.

bay, ships in, 369.

bells for, 369.

bombardment of, by French fleet, 369.

consul at. See Westcomb, [J.].

convoy, 387.

fleet at, victualling of, 958, 1064, 1070, 1084, 1090, 1224, 1239, 1301, 1373, 1377, 1407, 1408, 1410.

four regiments going to, 947, 981–2, 1100, 1183.

French before, 334.

ships to, 358, 365, 430, 1277.

Caerinion Iscoed, Carenion Iscoed, co. Montgomery, manor of, 1059.

Caerinion Uchcoed, co. Montgomery, manor of, 1059.

Cage, John, agent for regiment of the Earl of Essex, 1045, 1309.

Cagliari, Sardinia, consul of, 1296.

Cagnomi (Cagnoni, Magnoni), Francis, of London, merchant, wine imported by, 1262, 1298.

-, Joseph, of London, merchant, wine imported by, 1262, 1298.

Caherbaroul, Caherbarnle, Caherbarule, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281. Errata, 1449.

Calais, France, Irish prisoners-of-war transported to, 739, 862.

Calama, John van, bill of, payment of, 1077.

Calandar (Colander), Paulus, of Armenia, merchant, swords imported by, 1268, 1330.

Caldecot, Geo., bill of. payment of, 1077.

Caldicot, Callicoat, co. Monmouth, 644, 761.

Caldwell, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas, gunpowder sent to Enniskillen, payment for, 210, 432, 553, 564.

-, Sir James, petition for forfeited lands, Ireland, 770, 891.

-, Sir Thomas, gunpowder sent to Enniskillen, 210.

Calesby (Catesby), Thomas, loans by, 907, 913. Errata, 1452.

Calestown. See Caulstown.

Calfe (Calf), Mary, daughter of Sir E. Graves, grant to, of charcoal etc. in St. Leonard's Forest, 202, 885.

Calimote. See Callimote.

Callant, John, of London, broker, duty on French molasses, 1190, 1208.

Callard, Richard, a Fellow Moneyer of the Mint, 224.

Callicoat. See Caldicot.

Callimote (Calimote), —, regiment of, 693, 1014, 1029.

Calstock, co. Cornwall, 522;

manor of, 1134, 1254.

Calstock Weir, co. Cornwall, 324;

fishing called, 1173.

Calvert, Charles, 4th Baron Baltimore, moiety of impost duties for, as Proprietor of Maryland, 587–8, 601–2, 611, 713;

Proprietor of Potomac province, 1221.

Camaret Bay, Camarets Bay, France, 737, 999, 1070.

Cambell. See Cambell.

Cambey, —, Customs officer, 1204.

Cambon, François du, Engineer-General, 995;

Army pay arrears of, to Louisa de la Gruelle, sister and executrix of, 651, 975, 995;

regiment of, 10, 20, 27, 32, 42, 51, 62, 75, 87, 103, 123, 133, 158, 163, 173, 191, 274, 279, 388, 963.

Cambridge, county of. Errata, 1454.

Crown Revenues in, accounts, auditor of.

See Aldworth, W.;

Phillips, J.

Custos Rotulorum of. See Russell, E.

Excise officers, 44, 489.

fee farm rents in, 1025–6.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Russell William, Earl of Bedford.

raising seamen in, for the Navy, 44, 489, 1291.

Receiver General etc. of Assessments, 33, 152, 465, 589, 933, 1287, 1306.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Mason, J.

stamped vellum and paper, distributor of, and collector of duty on. See Percival, W.

Cambridge, co. Cambridge, 118;

Receiver General of Assessments, 465, 933, 1306.

Cambridge, University of, Emmanuel College, issues for, 904, 938, 1255, 1256.

perpetuity for a Divinity Lecturer, 938, 1255, 1256.

perpetuity for a preacher at, 937–8, 1255, 1256.

Professor of Civil Law at. See Oxenden, G.

Professor of Physic. See Brady, R.

professors at, issue to, 904.

Receiver General of Assessments for, 465, 933, 1306.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Mason, J.

Cambridge, Mary, widow of Thomas, issues for, 10, 21.

-, Thomas, lieutenant, in Sir H. Belasyse's regiment, 21.

Came, Andrew, tenements of, in St. Austell Prior, 1250, 1323–4.

Camoishall, Comoishall, co. Cambridge, manor of, 1026. Errata, 1454.

Campbell (Cambell), —, lieutenant, Army pay arrears for widow of, 1093.

-, -, widow, husband's Army pay arrears, 1065, 1374.

-, Archibald, 10th Earl of Argyll (styled Lord Lorne), going to Flanders to attend the King, 272;

regiment of, 77, 92, 111, 117, 127, 1046;

agent for. SeeCampbell, J.

-, Charles, attestation by, 730.

-, David, agent for the Earl of Denbigh's regiment, 1045.

-, James, agent for Lord Lorne's regiment, 1046.

-, Robert, copies of warrants for payments to W. Gibson, 470, 502.

-, -, ships fitted out by, lost, 470–1.

-, William, lieutenant-colonel, royal bounty for, 236.

Campsey, Henry, captain, royal bounty for, 236.

Canabale, Lazaro, master of the Victory, 961. See alsoCarnabrack, L.

Canada, Canida, governor of, 353.

Canary Islands, convoys, 387–8.

embargo on, discontinued, 393.

ships for, 6, 45, 403, 410.

trade, merchants concerned in, 387.

Canby, Henry, searcher, 170, 679, 1040.

Canida. SeeCanada.

Cannady, —, serjeant, reward for arresting highwaymen, 117.

Canning (Cannon), William, convicted for publishing seditious libels, 359, 368.

-, -, brewer, goods of, seized for Excise debt, 1257.

Cannon, Thomas, collector, waiter and searcher, Aldeburgh, 759;

deputy customer searcher, Yarmouth, 759.

-, See also Canning.

Canter, Bartholomew, loans by, 908, 912.

Canterbury, co. Kent, 628.

commission to enquire into lands conveyed to Popish etc. uses. See Oxenden, Sir J.

deputy postmaster. See Woodgate, J.

postmaster of, 1376

Receiver General of Assessments, 151, 465, 933.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Spenser, G.

Canterbury Archbishopric, Archbishop of, a commissioner for Greenwich Hospital, 926;

executors of 859;

room to be fitted up for, near House of Lords, 968. See also Tension, T.;

Tillotson, J.

barge houses of, at Lambeth, 471, 543.

First Fruits, 1002.

printing and stationery for, 425, 815, 1319.

Canterbury Cathedral, Dean and Chapter of, rectory and tithes of Milton etc. demised by, 155.

Cantermelenydd. See Maelienydd.

Cape of Good Hope, exports of goods of the East India Company to, 1211.

Capel, Capell, co. Cardigan, fair, 157, 1141.

Capel (Capell, Caple, Cappell, Keppel, Van Keppell), Algernon, Earl of Essex, Gentleman of the Bed-chamber, 24, 34, 35, 66, 75, 563, 973.

commissioner for moderating quit rents in Ireland, 1199.

Custos Rotulorum, co. Hertford, 490, 1291.

lodgings in Stone Gallery, Whitehall, 1148;

goods of, from Holland, sent to, 821–2.

Lord Lieutenant, co. Hertford, 44, 490, 1291.

regiment of, 484, 533, 555, 623, 631, 650, 841, 980, 1045, 1309;

agent to. See Cage, J.

-, Henry, Lord Capel of Hadham, a Lord Justice of Ireland, 241, 277, 280, 392, 498, 600, 826.

Lord Deputy, Ireland, 1068, 1102, 1107, 1123, 1240, 1327, 1331–2, 1347.

Lord Lieutenant, Ireland, 1374.

death of, 1347.

house of, at Kew, 265.

Irish Army accounts to be delivered to, 219.

petition of, for lease of Richmond manor, 1292.

steward of Richmond manor, 653, 1292.

-, James, Army pay arrears of Lewis. son or nephew of, 613, 632.

-, John, reward for apprehending a burglar, 532.

-, Joost, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 34, 35, 563, 973;

Master of the Robes, 1295, 1310, 1318, 1354, 1358;

loans by, 1318, 1354;

lodgings in Whitehall, 1342.

-, Lewis, lieutenant, son or nephew of James, Army pay arrears, 613, 632.

Capel Cynon. See Capel Ilynon.

Capel Ilyon [? Capel Cynon], co. Cardigan, fair, 1141.

Capell. See Capel.

Caple. See Capel.

Capon, Peter, petition for grant of King's right to French brandy, 1313.

Cappagh Coyne. See Cappoquin.

Cappell. See Capel.

Cappoge. See Keppock.

Cappoquin, alias Cappagh Coyne, Coshmore and Coshbride barony, co. Waterford, 72

Carbery, co. Cork, barony of, 259.

Carbery, Earl of. See Vaughan. John;

Vaughan, Richard.

Carbnewith, co. Denbigh, lands called or in. 1051.

Carbonell (Carbonnel, Carbonnell), Martin de, royal bounty for, 35, 41, 456, 722, 869.

-, Thomas, tin etc. seized by the French, 1082.

-, Williams, loans by, 695, 913.

Carbury, co. Kildare, barony of, 493, 639, 1012.

Cardiff, co. Glamorgan. 770, 787;

Comptrollers of. See Mann, D.;

Mann, J.;

Morris, J.

Cardigan, county of 111, 623.

Crown lands in, issue out of, 601.

Crown Revenues, collectors of. See Jones, W.;

Lloyd, B.;

receiver of. See Nash, J.

customs of Amobrage and Raglat in, 1141, 1174,

fairs in, 1141, 1174.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 32, 151, 208, 465, 466, 589, 933, 934, 1308, 1323.

Receivers General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Howells, G.;

Whitley, M.

stamped vellum and paper, distributor of, and collector of duty on. See Evans, J.

tolls in, 1141, 1174.

Cardonell (Cardonnell), — D', collector, Southampton port, 1126.

-, -, [agent for] Col. Wingfield's regiment, 513, 536.

-, Adam D', agent for Brigadier F. F. O'Farrell's regiment, 1045;

paper of, for Lord Godolphin, 391.

-, James, Army regimental agent, 1045;

secretary to the Dukes of Schomberg, 890.

-, James D', service with the Marching Hospital at the Descent, 506.

Careless, Peter, engineer, Army payment, 767.

Carenion Iscoed. See Caerinion Iscoed.

Carew. See Carey.

Carey (Carew, Cary), Ann, widow of Edward, clippings seized by husband of, 843.

-, Anthony, 5th Viscount Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy, 670, 838, 1401;

estate of, Great Tew manor, 838.

-, Edward, head bailiff at Westminster, 843.

-, Elizabeth, Lady Hunsdon, grant, great and little parks, Brigstock, 990.

-, George, 2nd Lord Hunsdon, great and little parks, Brigstock, 990.

-, Henry, office of Teller of the Exchequer, sureties for, 276, 285.

-, Sir John. Trematon Park etc. assigned to, 209.

-, John, Earl of Dover, estates of forfeited by, 899.

-, -, landcarriageman's place, London port, 127.

-, -, of Bristol, merchant, goods of, captured by the French, 847.

-, -, of London, merchant, owner and freighter of the Thamer, 152.

-, Margaret, Lady Hunsdon (Hunsford), pension for, 514, 869.

-, Miles, visitor and governor of the “William and Mary College”, Virginia, 24- 5.

-, Rebecca, Viscountess Falkland, Great Tew manor settled on, 838.

-, Richard, merchant, agent for the Leeward Islands, 1010–1, 1432.

-, -, sub- commissioner for Prizes, Plymouth, 171.

-, Robert, 7th Lord Hunsdon, royal bounty for, 163, 165, 167, 186, 732, 733, 740, 1061, 1096, 1371.

-, Thomas, a Groom of the Bedchamber, lease, in Scotland Yard, 621, 622;

lands of, Shepton Mallet, 664.

-, -, lease, in St. Martin's -in-the-Fields, 796.

Carfax, Elizabeth, loan by, 909.

Cargeene. See Carrigeen.

Carhoo, Carrow, in North Liberties of Cork, co. Cork, 1063.

Caribbee Islands:. Leeward See Leeward;

Windward. See Windward.

Carleon. See Cartron.

Carleton. See Carlton.

Carlingford, Earl of. See Taaffe, Francis

Carlisle, co. Cumberland, customer of. See Christian, W.;

Huddleston, W.

Customs officers, 153, 403, 565, 696, 1262, 1306, 1410, 1413, 1433.

inquisition taken at, 486.

troops ordered to march to, 740.

- Castle, co. Cumberland, governor of. See Howard, Charles, Earl of Carlisle.

Carlisle, Earl of. See Hay, James;

Howard, Charles.

Carlisle, —, house of, in London, 113.

-, Elizabeth, loan by, 219.

-, Ellen, royal bounty for, 35, 41, 196, 203, 456, 650, 869.

Carlow, Catherlow, county of, 252, 316, 651, 930, 1149, 1191.

Carlton (Carleton), —, saltpetre and powder imports from Holland, 1424.

-, Christopher, collector, at Belfast, 234–5;

Revenue Commissioner, Ireland, 701.

-, Edward, owner of the Providence, 444.

Carman, Thomas, of Fairlight, co. Sussex, husbandman, 1246.

Carmarthen, county of, 300, 366, 853.

Crown Lands in, issue out of, 601.

Crown Revenues in, collectors of. See Jones, W.;

Lloyd, B,;

receiver of. See Nash, J.

customs of Amobrage and Raglat in, 1141, 1174.

fairs in, 1141, 1174.

manors in, royalties of, 1141.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Howells, G.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 34, 152, 427, 466, 590, 933, 1092, 1308.

stamped vellum and paper, distributor of, and collector of duty on. See Evans, J.

tolls etc. in, 1141, 1174.

Carmarthen, Marquess of. See Osborne, Peregrine;

Osborne, Thomas.

Carmichael, —, captain, Naval Office, Barbados, void by death of, 414.

Carnabrack, Laurenzo, master of the Victoria, 924. See also Canabale, L.

Carnagh Town, Carnaghtown. See Carntown.

Carnarvon, county of, Chief Justice of. See Hook, J.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 32, 85, 151, 465, 523, 588, 748, 934, 960, 1308.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Whitley, M.

Second Justice of. See Lloyd, F.

stamped vellum and paper, distributors of, and collectors of duty on. See Howson, S.;

Wright, R.

Carnarvon Castle, constable of. See Robartes, Charles Bodvile, Earl of Radnor;

Robartes, Robert, Viscount Bodmin.

Carne, Thomas, lease, tenements in Treverbyn Courtney and St. Austell Prior, 280, 1173.

Carneckneshanagh. See Carrickneshanagh.

Carnevet. See Cernyfed.

Carnickneshanagh. See Carrickneshanagh.

Carntown, Carnagh Town. Carnaghtown, Carranstown, Caruaghtown, Drogheda barony, co. Louth, 177, 493, 927. Errata, 1450, 1453.

Carolina, collector of, 1186. See also Muschamp, G.

convoy, 1285.

Governor of. See Sothell, S.

Plantation Duty, collector of. See Guerrard, P. J.;

Muschamp, G.

ships for, 1285, 1292.

Carpender. See Carpenter.

Carpenter (Carpender), —, Customs place, 1423, 1436.

-, -, goods seized by, 458, 481.

-, -, waiter to attend glasshouses, 1204.

-, [George], lieutenant-colonel, acting agent to, afterwards commander of Col. E. Villiers' regiment, 279, 393, 405, 989, 1180.

-, John, agent for Second Marine Regiment, 769.

-, Mary, administratrix of John, 769.

-, Nathaniel, agent to the Independent Company of Foot in Leeward Islands, 375, 991–2, 1046.

-, Thomas. King's waiter, London port, 136, 151, 159–160, 172.

Carr, —, Mris, pension for, 207, 476.

-, Margaret, loan by, 908.

-, Roger, captain, East India Company assisted by, 361.

-, Samuel, bill of, payment of, 1078.

Carr Ings. See Almondbury.

Carraghnalaught. See Curraghnalaught.

Carrane, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Carranstown. See Carntown.

Carrick-upon-Slaney, Carrick-upon-Slane, co. Wexford, ferry at, 99, 654.

Carrickanan, co. Westmeath, rocky hill called, 177.

Carrickfergus, Ireland, lough of, 84;

tobacco imported at, 234.

Carrickhill, Coolock barony, co. Dublin, 646, 705.

Carrickneshanagh, Carneckneshanagh, Carnickneshanagh, Carricknashanagh, Carrickneshanagh, Carrignashanagh, Ferrard barony, co. Louth, 252, 316, 493, 638, 1012. Errata 1448.

Carrig Thomas. See Carrigthomas.

Carrigadrohid, Carrigidrohid, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Carrigatane. See Carrigathou.

Carrigathou, Carrigatane, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Carrigboy, West Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Carrigeen, Cargeene, Upper Ossory barony, Queen's County, 178.

Carrigidrohid. See Carrigadrohid.

Carrignamaddry, Carunemadery, Carbery barony, co. Cork, 259.

Carrignashanagh. See Carrickneshanagh.

Carrigthomas, Carrig Thomas, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Carroll, Daniel, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

-, John, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

-, William, lieutenant, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

Carrow. See Carhoo.

Carrudders, John, lease, in Kirkandrews-upon-Esk, 17.

Carswell, John, master of the Elizabeth and Susan, 1277.

-, Richard, waiter and searcher, Hastings, 6.

Cartagena, Colombia, South America, 64.

Cartaret. See Carteret.

Carter, Christian, arrested for burglary, 943.

-, Henry, Excise officer, 1188, 1400.

-, John, a captive in Algiers, redemption of, 255.

-, Richard, annuity to R. Hale during life of, 1092.

-, Sampson, a captive in Algiers, redemption of, 255.

-, Thomas, annuity to R. Hale during life of, 1092.

-, -, tenant, Cegidog, co. Denbigh, 1050.

-, -, tenant, Dinorben Fawr manor, 1050.

-, -, tenant, Meifod, co. Denbigh, 1048;

tenant, Meifod farm, Isdulas commote, 1050.

-, William, Customs officer, London port, 151.

-, -, loans by, 907, 911.

-, -, prosecuting wool exports, 224, 233, 876–7, 888.

-, -, tidesman, Salcombe, 358.

Carteret (Cartaret, Cartret), Edward, bailiff of Jersey, 1189.

-, Sir, George, quit rents, co. Kerry, 1199–1200.

Cartmel, co. Lancaster, 1020.

Cartret. See Carteret.

Cartron, Carleon, Kilkenny West barony, co. Westmeath, 1013. Errata, 1453.

Cartwright, Edward, loan by, 908.

-, Jervaise. See Cartwright, Gervas.

-, George, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

-, Gervas (Jervaise), Papist priest, estate of, seized, 610, 685, 707.

Caruaghtown. See Carntown.

Carunemadery. See Carrignamaddry.

Carween la Mill, See Kirkandrews-upon-Esk.

Carwinley. See Kirkandrews-upon-Esk.

Cary. See Carey.

Casaubon (Causabon), —, colonel, Army payment, 61;

certificate of, 494.

Casburgh, —. Excise officer, 1400.

Cason, Mris. Dorothy, woman of the Queen's Bedchamber, 1034, 1075.

-, Thomas, distributor of, and collector of duty on stamped vellum, co. Kent, 671.

Cassan, Anthony, pension from the Queen, 1128.

Casselett, —. Army payment, 195.

Castel-Moncayo, Marquis de. See Fuenmayor.

Casterton. See Catterton.

Castle Caereinion, Castle Caerynnyon, Castle Carenion, co. Montgomery, 1056 - 1059 passim.

Castle Calmer. See Castlecomer.

Castle Carenion. See Castle Caereinion.

Castle Close, Exeter. See Exeter.

Castle Connell. See Castleconnell.

Castle Coole, Tirkennedy barony, co. Fermanagh, 336.

Castle Cumer. See Castlecomer.

Castle Lea, [? co. Cork], manor of, 290.

Castle Lyons (Leons). See Holt.

Castle Town. See Castletown

Castlecomer, Castle Calmer, Castle Cumer, Fassadinin barony, co. Kilkenny, 993. Errata, 1453.

Castleconnell, Castle Connell, Clanwilliam barony, co. Limerick, 645.

Castlehaven, Countess of. See Tuchet, Elizabeth.

Castleinch, Castlenehinichy, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Castleknock, co. Dublin, barony of, 316, 1013.

Castlemartin, Kilcullen barony, co. Kildare, 177.

Castlenehinichy. See Castleinch

Castleton, Salt barony, co. Kildare, 179.

Castleton, Viscount. See Saunderson, George.

Castleton, Nathaniel, Comptroller of the Penny Post Office, 435.

Castletown, Castle Town, [? Moycashel barony], co. Westmeath, 927.

Catalonia, Spain, payment to persons deserting the enemy in, 1296.

Catchlove, John, coachman to the Queen, 1035, 1075, 1076.

Catchmay, Thomas, lands, near Chelsea, 696.

Catenham. See Cottenham.

Catesby, Thomas. See Calesby.

Catherine of Bragança, Queen of Charles II, the Queen Dowager, Articles of Marriage with Charles II, 144.

Council of, 1253, 1326.

furniture, glasses and goods of, sent to Portugal, 136, 343, 365, 1175.

issues for, 38, 182, 311, 404, 528, 655, 756, 835, 903, 1080, 1155, 1250, 1305, 1371, 1378, 1394, 1431;

confirmation of, 683.

jointure lands and rents, 25–6, 77, 94, 96, 126, 136, 167, 276, 416, 418–9, 431, 482, 486, 494, 505, 523, 538, 588, 606, 644, 846–7, 862, 880–882, 919, 931, 936, 982, 990, 992, 996, 1031–2, 1102–3, 1119, 1140, 1233, 1253, 1293, 1314–5, 1336, 1363;

recovery of, for the Crown, 313.

manor of Egham assigned to, 505, 538.

manor of Holme Cultram, co. Cumberland, granted to, 96.

manors etc., co. Huntingdon, assigned to, 505, 538.

manors of Mardon and Kingsland assigned to, 1103.

premises and rents of tenements adjoining Somerset House granted to, 648, 846,

title of, to iron mills etc. in St. Leonard's Forest, 571, 885.

Treasurer of, 38, 311, 1250.

trees felled and sold for the service of, 63, 948, 1326.

Trustees of, 419, 482, 505, 1032;

power to grant leases of jointure lands after the Queen Dowager's death, 25, 919, 936. See also Belasyse, Thomas, Earl of Fauconberg;

Belling, Sir R.;

Butler, Sir J.;

Durfort, Louis de, Earl of Feversham;

Graham, R,;

Hall, J.;

Holles, Denzil, Lord Holles;

Hyde, Lawarence, Earl of Rochester;

Thynn, H. F.

Catherlow. See Carlow.

Catterton [Chadderton], [? Casterton], co. Lancaster, fee farm rents of lands in, 1020.

Caulfield, William, Viscount Charlemont, regiment of, 631, 632, 657, 672–3, 692, 774, 776, 948, 966, 972, 991, 1106, 1143.

Caulstown. Calestown, Duleek barony, co. Meath, 493, 639, 1012.

Caumon, Henry d', regiment of, 891.

Caunter, John, ships for Malaga, 365.

Causabon. see Casaubon.

Cause, — du, lieutenant, Irish Army pension for, 634.

Cave, — la, captain, goods for the Queen brought from Holland in sloop of 16.

-, John, a captive in Algiers, redemption of, 256.

-, Sir Roger, keeper of Sholebrook Lodge etc., Whittlewood Forest, 171.

Cavonagh, Charles, wood sales, cos.

Carlow and Waterford, 651.

-, Thomas, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 243.

Cavendish, Mary, Duchess of Devonshire, guardian of Sir L. Esmond, 58, 104, 677, 759.

-, William, Duke of Devonshire, account of moneys used for the King in 1688, 796, 805, 1177, 1184, 1352.

at meeting of Treasury Lords, 1420.

Custos Rotulorum, cos. Derby and Nottingham, 489, 1291.

guardian of Sir L. Esmond, 759.

Justice in Eyre, Trent North, 164, 168, 715, 735, 761, 1148, 1150, 1321, 1329.

lease, Duchess of Mazarin's house, 85, 90, 96.

lease in St. James's Park, 146.

Lord Lieutenant, cos. Derby and Nottingham, 44, 489, 1291.

Lord Steward of the Household, 218.

Caverly Bridge. See Culverley.

Cawthorpe (Cawthorp), William, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Lincoln, 33, 152, 223, 250, 464, 465, 466–7, 479, 539, 589, 723, 771, 776, 854, 933, 960, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Lincoln, 1042.

Cawton, co. York, 486.

Caxton, co. Cambridge, manor of, rent payable for, 1026.

Cayo, co. Carmarthen, manor and lordship of, customs of Amobrage and Raglat etc. in, 157, 690, 1141.

Cocil, James, 18th Earl of Salisbury, rents of Brigstock parks, 990

-, Robert, 14th Earl of Salisbury, formerly (1602) Sir Robert, grant to, of Brigstock parks, 959, 989–990.

Cedewain [? Iscoed], Kedewen Usceviend, Kedewin Usecoied, co.

Montgomery, manor of, 1058.

Errata, 1455.

Cedewain [? Uchcoed], Kedewen Ushoeid, Kedewen Ustweid, co.

Montgomery, manor of, 1058.

Errata, 1455.

Ceely (Cely, Hely), Peter, major, Fort Major at Plymouth, 644, 706, 1104.

Cegidog, Regidocke, co. Denbigh, 1050;

Wermvawre, Wermawr, 1050. Errata, 1455.

Cephrey Myre. See Penrith.

Cernyfed, Carnevet, Rernevet, co. Denbigh, 1052.

Chabrolle (Chabrole, Chabroles, Chabroll), Louis de, Reformed French officer, Army pension for, 634, 806, 808, 1160, 1279, 1281, 1424.

Chadderton. See Catterton.

Chaddesley Corbett, Chadsley Corbett, co. worcester, manor of, 590, 591.

Chadwell, co. Hertford, the New River brought to London from, 421.

Chadwick, Daniel, loan by, 908.

-, James, a Commissioner of Customs, 739, 1358.

Chaire, Albion, a Commissioner of Wine Licences, 381, 1389.

Challone, — du, ensign, prisoner in France, pay of, 385.

Challoner (Chaloner), William, proposal of, concerning clipped money, 4;

proposal of, for making copper and silver coins, 415.

-, alias Robins. See Robins.

Chalworth, [? Chaddleworth, co. Berks], manor of, 1023.

Chamberlain (Chamberlaine), John, loan by, 915.

-, Mi. (Nich.), lands of, Chamberlainstown, forfeited, 629, 1013.

-, Michael, of Dublin, premises of, in Dublin, mortgaged by, 691.

-, -, outlawry of, 780.

-, Nich. See Chamberlain, Mi.

-, Thomas, agent for prizes Messina, 1261.

-, -, chairman to the Queen, 1035, 1075.

-, William, deputy Comptroller, Bideford, 1266, 1272;

Register of Certificates, Jersey, 1266, 1272.

Chamberlainstown, Kells braony, co. Meath, 629, 1013.

Chambers, —, accomptant for the Country Excise, 778.

-, Edward, tenant, Haverdyr Twran, co. Denbigh, 1050;

tenant of lands called Wallfield in Llewenny, 1049.

-, John, tenant, Garthsnodiok Park, 1049;

tenant, Llewenny, 1049, 1052;

tenant, Moyley Park, 1049;

tenant, Newfriths in Taldroth, 1050.

Champernon, John, tidesman, Plymouth port, 455.

Champion, John, boatman, Bristol port, 852.

-, -, lease, copper etc. mines, Duchy of Cornwall, 94.

-, Richard, gallery keeper at Whitehall, 149, 334, 974.

Chandler, —, captain-lieutenant, Army pay, 1110.

-, Nathaniel, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

Channel, English, Fleet in, 87;

merchant ships in, seamen pressed from, 575.

Chantrell, —, colonel, caveat against grant of wrecks to, 996.

-, -, lieutenant-colonel, captain in Coldstream Regiment of Guards, 492.

Chantry, William, watchman, London port, 640.

Chapel Royal, children of, issues for, 141, 619;

Gentlemen of, issue to, in lieu of three deer, 1154.

Chapeltown, Chappell Town, co. Cumberland, 17.

Chaplin (Chaplinn, Chaplyn), —, riding charges, Chamber payments for, 583, 603, 996.

-, James, loan by, 909.

-, Margaret. see Marshall.

-, Robert, boatman, Ipswich, 512.

-, -, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Suffolk, 33, 152, 369, 420, 465, 601, 633, 934, 1089, 1147, 1308;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Suffolk, 1042.

Chapman, —, a coiner, apprehended by W. Clements et al., 1393;

J. Moore, the tripeman, impeached by, 1393.

-, John, watchman-in-fee, London port, 1212.

Chappell, George, Hearthmoney collector, co. Nottingham, 273.

-, Richard, clerk in office of Auditor General, Ireland, 9.

Chappell Town. see Chapeltown.

Chardin, Sir, John, issue to, for Queen Mary's pensioners, 1259.

Charlemont, Viscount. See Caulfield, William.

CHARLESS I., 289, 663, 696, 898, 1173, 1202, 1336, 1375.

Bedchamberman to. see Porter, E.

grants and leases by, of lands, 209, 268, 300, 621, 796, 855, 1073, 1172, 1174;

as prince, 295.

Hospital for Orphans. See London and Westminster, streets etc. in—Charles I's Hospital.

houses and lands of, in Royston, 749.

lands of, as prince, 418, 482.

Norden's survey in time of, 289.

silver moneys coined in reign of, 1203.

Trustee of, as prince. See Bacon, Sir F.

CHARLES II., 65, 82, 256, 463, 463, 551, 670, 1107, 1361.

annuities granted by, 431, 692, 1297.

Articles of Marriage of, search in Paper Office for, 144.

carpets and tapestries for, at Audley End, 212.

collectors of Crown Revenues appointed by, 97.

covenant of, 703.

death of, 951.

escape of, from battle of Worcester, 963.

first Dutch war under, 702.

Gentleman of the Bedchamber to. See Gerard, Charles, Earl of Macclesfield.

grants by, of recompense for Customs of Malahide port, 9;

of lands in St. James's bailiwick, 69, 480, 527, 1300;

of quit rents, Ireland, 72, 206, 329, 665;

of wood sales, Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, 77;

of ferries, Ireland, 99;

of storekeeper's office etc., Dublin port, 108;

of King's waiter's place, London port, 136;

of 200l. to Sir C. Littleton, 151, 180;

of lands near the Tower, 269;

of charter to the East India Company, 360;

of office of receiver of revenues, Barbados, 449;

of Constableship of Carnarvon Castle, 462;

of land near the Duchy House, 434, 497;

of Somersham etc., co. Hunts, 505;

of Kenilworth honor and lordship, 599, 1032;

of shepton Mallet manor, 601, 664;

of Shippon manor. 618;

of lands, Somerset House, 648;

of Richmond manor, 653;

of tithes and lands, Dinton manor, 663;

of rent of Prizage and Butlerage, England, 821;

of houses to Queen Catherine, 846;

of farm of potashes to Earl of Kinnoul, 895;

of Higham Ferrers manor, 920;

of Winterton Ness and Orford Ness lighthouses, 952, 977, 1305;

of lands, Queen's County, 1000;

of tenement adjoining St. James's Palace, 1008;

of licence to copper half pence in Ireland, 1086;

of lands etc., co. Kerry, 1199;

of Old Spring Garden, 1243;

of 1d. per chaldron of sea coals, 1305;

of wool bonds, Ireland, 1328;

of Dungeness lighthouses, 1358.

Great Wardrobe debts of, 172.

Greenwich Palace, building of, commenced by, 797, 926.

Groom of the Bedchamber to. See Hamilton, J.

lands of, transferred to Queen Catherine, 419;

as prince, 505.

lands purchased by, at New-market, 1280;

near Winchester Castle, 267:

near Windsor Castle, 1252, 1280, 1362.

lease, Wallwood, Epping Forest, 23.

leases by, of house near Charing Cross, 136;

of premises, co. Merioneth, 153;

of house etc., St. James's Park, 188;

of lands, Maiden Court, 855;

as prince, of lands in East Stockwith, 296.

loan by, to Farmers of the Revenue, Ireland, 114.

Master of the Horse to, at death of, 951.

messenger to. See Lindores, T.

pensions granted by, 226, 258, 291, 493, 713, 716, 844, 998, 1142, 1315.

Receiver General of Prizes under. See Mounteney, R.

Restoration of, 480, 898. 1033.

Serjeant-at-Arms appointed by, to attend Council of the Marches of Wales, 53.

servants of, arrears owing to, 27, 414.

tin farthings and half pence coined under, 39.

Trustees for, as prince, 505.

wool licences, Ireland, receipts from, during reign of, 392, 498.

Charlton (Charleton), —, petition of, 957

-, John, Surveyor General of the Ordnance, 12, 15, 479, 736, 944, 1274, 1427.

-, Nicholas, caveat against grant of fine or pardon to, 285.

-, Samuel, deputy searcher, London port, 760.

-, Thomas, waterman, London port, 605.

Charnock, Job, East India Company assisted by, 361.

-, Roger, Serjeant-at-Arms attending Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 1103.

-, Thomas, a Serjeant-at-Arms, 715, 735, 1088;

loan by, 1111.

Chase, —, Chamber payment for, 21.

-, James, apothecary to the King, 734.

-, Jonathan, Commissioner's place Victualling Office, 942.

-, Stephen, Chafewax to the Great Seal, 253.

Chatham, co. Kent, 185.

Naval Chest, 31, 42, 43, 52, 443–4, 655, 706, 740, 764, 792, 806, 1070, 1377.

Navy at, surgeon to. See Cony, J.

Navy Commissioners at, 49. See also Gregory, Sir E.

Navy Yard, 609, 708, 1195.

Old Ordnance dock at, 324, 330, 338, 347, 352, 362, 368, 376, 380, 388.

ruggers at, 570.

ships at, 757, 935.

shipwrights, caulkers and oakum boys from, 557.

Stores at, 647, 1005, 1348.

Victualling Office at, 497, 1069;

rent of, 1003, 1115, 1366, 1430.

Chausey (Chauze) Islands, belonging to the French. priest of, 1189.

Chauze. See Chausey.

Chaverne, — de, lieutenant-colonel, Army pay arrears to widow of, 693.

Chaweers manor. See Garsington.

Cheak. See Cheek.

Cheavers. See Cheevers.

Cheek (Cheak), —, Mris., grant to, of quit rents, Ireland, 131.

-, Letitia. See Russell, Letitia.

-, Thomas, grant to Letitia, wife of, 1064.

Cheevers (Cheavers, Cleevers), Christopher, estate of, cos. Louth and Meath, forfeited, 177, 252, 316, 493, 609, 927, 1012.

Cheivening. See Chevening

Chelmsford, co. Essex, Assizes at, 292.

Chelsea, co. Middlesex, 30, 540, 545;

making new road from Kensington to, 425, 724;

sale of lands in, to the King, 935;

trees for garden in, 269;

Spittlefields in, 71.

College, 935.

Mead, 696.

Meadows, 227.

Chelsea Hospital, accounts, 116, 232, 233.

beer and ale for, 827.

Commissioners for, 110, 116, 232, 233, 965.

deductions from Army pay for, 118, 124, 128, 150, 217, 263, 272, 282, 381.

Deputy Treasurer, issue to, 110;

payments by, 116, 232, 965. See also Venner, Col. S.

erection of, 232. See also Jones, Richard, Earl of Ranelagh.

establishment of, 116.

Governor of, salary payment, 116.

lands purchased by, 116, 215.

moat, 227.

officers, nurses etc., payments for, 110, 116.

pensioner's place in, 1031.

repairs, issues for, 116.

Treasurer of, rent of Chelsea Meadows payable to, 227.

water course or drain from, 227.

Chepstow, co. Monmouth, customs officers at, 647.

Cherbury (Chirbury), Lord Herbert of. See Herbert, Henry.

Cheret. See Cherret.

Cherois, — la, major, Army pay, 892–3.

Cherret (Cheret), Thomas, gift of plate to, 700;

bills of, payment of, 1077, 1263.

Chertsey, co. Surrey, 482;

abbot of. See Parker, J.

Cheshunt, co. Hertford, 117.

Cheslyn, Richard, tradesman, debts due from the Stables, 531, 678.

Chester Bar, 1219.

Chester Castle, garrison in, 740;

River Dee navigable to walls of, 1219.

Chester, county of, 181, 221, 299, 829, 882, 1219, 1220.

auditor of, 846.

clippers and coiners in, 166.

Crown Revenues in, 1062;

receiver of. See Harcourt, G.

fee farm rents in, 1019.

Great sessions for, 1185.

justices, issues to, 635, 895, 905, 1096, 1316. See also Combes, Sir J.;

Herbert, Sir E.;

Lovell, Sir S.;

Lutwych, Sir E.;

Powys, Sir L.;

Trenchard, Sir J.

law cases in, increase of, 1234.

Pre-Fines and Post-Fines, 583, 846, 1161, 1185–6, 1227.

prisoners from the Tower sent to, 897.

raising seamen in, 46, 489, 902, 1291.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 32, 151, 465, 590, 696, 934, 1208, 1308, 1320.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Whitley, M.

Receiver General of Taxes, complaint against, 1147.

sheriff of. See Ashton, Sir W.

stamped vellum and paper, collectors of duty on. See Backwell, R.;

Foulkes, R.

vice-Admiral. See Gerard, Charles, Viscount Brandon, afterwards Earl of Macclesfield.

waste and concealed lands in, 1126, 1198, 1231.

Chester, co. Chester, 286–7, 386, 401, 555, 624, 740.

aldermen of. See Allen, W.;

Manwaring, Sir J.

Army clothing shipments, 230, 692.

collector of. See Anderton, M.;

Tindale, T.

Commissary General of the Army in Ireland to supervise transports of provisions from, 339.

Common Hall, repair of, 1062, 1115, 1350.

Company of Invalids at, 1046;

Agent for. See Peppett, B.

comptrollers of, 318, 334. See also Manwaring, J.;

deputy to, in Liverpool. See Glover, T.

Customs officers to pass goods of officers from Ireland, 262, 1090.

Governor of. See kirkby, Col,;

Morgan, Sir J.

horses transported from, 78, 180.

Irish regiments at, 741, 742.

mayor etc. of, 1062, 1114–5, 1350. See also Whitley, Col. R.

Receiver and Commissioners of Assessments, 465, 590, 696.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues. See Whitley, T.

searcher at. See Brett, J.

ships from, 430.

waste and concealed lands, 1219, 1220.

Chester, diocese, tenths of, 436.

Chester, Robert, claim of, to houses etc. in Royston, 749.

Chesterton, co. Cambridge, hundred of, 1026.

Chettle. —, of Worcester, clothier, experiment with fullers' earth, 374.

Chetwin, Chetwind. See Chetwynd.

Chetwood (Chitwood), John, arrested for burglary, 943.

Chetwynd (Chetwin, Chetwind, Chetwynde), Charles, deputy auditor of Wales, 79, 89, 234, 257, 366, 587, 623, 706, 746, 846, 1273, 1314;

complaint against, 579, 659, 704;

loan by, 908.

Chevening, Cheivening, co. Kent, rent out of the Reenship of, 1021.

Chichester, co. Sussex, 852.

Cockbush, 510.

customer at. See Smith, J.

Customs officers, 53, 1348.

deputy Comptroller. See Molyne, J.

goods shipped from, captures by the enemy, 802.

Navy collector at, 676.

Chichester, Arthur, Earl of Donegall, regiment of, 230, 339–340, 548, 672, 631, 1258.

Chiffinch, Thomas, searcher, Gravesend, 270, 597;

office of, in trust for. See Chiffinch, W.;

Foulkes, M.;

Hyde, Henry, Earl of Clarendon.

-, William, Master of the Hawks, executors of, issue to, 67, 311, 422, 497, 618, 736–7, 798, 870, 967, 1164, 1217–8, 1347.

-, -, searcher, Gravesend, 597;

trustee for T. Chiffinch, 117.

Child, Sir Francis, the King's jeweller, grant to, of Earl of Melfort's goods, 246, 248, 273, 303.

jewels supplied by, 434, 627, 636, 803, 1016, 1176.

loans by. 633, 643, 910.

receiver of the Million Adventure (Lottery), 549.

sheriff of London, 60, 303;

and of Middlesex, 285–6.

-, John, bond of, 89.

-, -, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Wilts, 33, 152, 201–2, 207, 454, 465, 589, 723, 933, 1091, 1200, 1207, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Wilts, 1041.

-, Sir Josiah, of the East India Company, 360, 1211.

-, -, and partners, former Navy Victuallers, 769.

-, Leonard, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Surrey, 1308, 1438.

-, Matthew, repair of Kensington parish church, 1324.

-, Samuel, brickmaker, work at Hampton Court, 11;

loan by, 11.

-, -, East India Company assisted by, 361.

Childerley, co. Cambridge, fee farm rent in, 1026.

Chilton, co. Berks, rent out of lands in 1022.

China, pictures, 1234.

Chinsmore, [? Chirnemore, co. Worcester], 1025.

Chippenham, co Wilts, division of, commissioners for the Quarterly Poll in, 736.

Chirbury. See Cherbury.

Chirk, co. Denbigh, lordship of, 1048 vicar of, 278.

Chirnemore. See Chinsmore.

Chitwood. See Chetwood.

Chobham, co Surrey, manor of, 1014, 1257, 1285.

Cholmly. See Cholmondeley.

Cholmondeley (Cholmly, Cholmondley), George, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 19, 34, 35, 563, 973;

Page of Honour, 24.

-, -, colonel, troop of Grenadier Guards, 570, 605, 606.

-, Hugh, Lord Cholmondeley, house of, adjoining St. James's House, 187.

-, John, loan by, 720, 721.

-, Thomas, annuity for the poor clergy of the Isle of Man, 84, 1218.

Cholwich, William, marsh lands in Aveton Gifford, 442.

Christchurch, co. Hants, making the River Avon navigable to New Sarum from, 176;

running of dyewood and logwood at, 511, 707.

Christian, Prince of Denmark, battalion of, 92, 385, 1236, 1247, 1251, 1418.

Christian, John, commander of the Dolphin, 1072.

-, William, customer, Carlisle port, 1310, 1433;

petition of, for management of duties on coal at Newcastle etc., 1209;

solicitor for the12d. Aid, cos. Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland, Westmorland and York, 1257.

Christianstown, Louth barony, co. Louth, 654.

Christmas, Thomas, tidesman-in-fee, London port, 1008.

Christ's Hospital. See London and Westminster —Streets etc. in.

Chudleigh, Hugh. loans by, 912, 915, 916.

Church, Ursula, widow, royal bounty for, 456, 869.

Church Close, [co. Berks], rent payable out of, 1024.

Church House, in Sunninghill, co. Berks, 1023.

Church Stoke, Church Stock, Church stoke, co. Montgomery, 1056.

Churchill, Charles, brigadier-general or brigadier or colonel, regiment of, 62, 84, 92, 124, 153, 191, 231, 251, 273, 274, 324, 613, 640, 682, 1045, 1232;

agent to. See Cornish, H.;

Downes, E.;

Duke of Berwick taken prisoner by, 681.

-, -, loan by, 907.

-, Elizabeth, royal bounty for, 1005.

-, George, lieutenant-colonel, Army pension, 26, 207.

-, John, Earl of Marlborough, in command of forces in Ireland, 818;

troops taken to Ireland by, 436, 1143.

-, -, carpenter to the Works, loan by, 11.

-, William, stationery and printing supplies, 684–5, 1215, 1218.

Churchstoke. See Church Stoke.

Churchy, Jerom (Jeron), loans by, 910, 914.

Chute. See Shute.

Cicily. See Sicily.

Cilcen, Killken, co. Denbigh, farm of lands in, 1051.

Cinmerch, Kinmerch, co. Denbigh, commote of, 1051.

Cinque Ports, garrisons of, 1353;

agent for the pay of. See Norwood, J.

Judge Official and Commissary of the Court of Admiralty of 37. See also Oxenden, G.

Lord Warden of, raising seamen for the fleet, 46, 489, 902, 1290. See also Sydney, Henry, Earl of Romney.

Cinquille (Cinquilles), —, colonel, regiment of, 1278, 1424.

Citi, Thomas d', loan by, 914.

Citters (Cittirs), Arnold van, ambassador from the States General, house of, in the Haymarket, 382, 595–6, 606;

jewel presented to, 803;

going to Spain as ambassador from the States General, 929.

Civill, Hester de, royal bounty for, 455, 721, 868.

Clack (Clackes), —, chaplain, going to Maryland, issues for, 1254, 1257.

Clackclose, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 626, 733, 899.

Clackes. See Clack.

Clancarty, Countess of. See MacCarthy, Elizabeth.

-, Earl of. See MacCarthy, Donough.

Clandonnell. See Clondonnell.

Clane, Clare, co. Kildare, barony of, 493, 639.

Clanguffin. See Clonguiffin.

Clannaborough, co. Devon, 370.

Clanricard, Earl of. See Bourke, Richard.

Clapham, co. Surrey, 105.

Clare, barony of, co. Kildare. See Clane.

Clare, Lord. See O'Brien, D.

Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward;

Hyde, Henry.

Clarges (Clargis), Sir Thomas, a Commissioner for Public Accounts, 47, 192, 305, 411, 601, 722, 807, 898, 1066, 1169, 1230, 1318;

executors of, 1233, 1411;

lease, in St. James's bailiwick, in trust for widow and children of Sir W. Pulteney, 405, 527, 540–3, 549;

B. Gough living with, 868.

Clark (Clarke, Clerk, Clerke), —, captain, master of the Thomas, 411.

-, -, cloth seized by, 63.

-, -, concerning the Excise, 1366, 1437.

-, Abraham, Remembrancer of the City of London, 224, 533, 1068, 1317.

-, Benjamin, assistant to surveyor of the Customs warehouse, London port, 759, 1238;

surveyor of the Customs warehouse, London port, 1238.

-, Edmund, a Commissioner for Hackney Coaches, 1117.

-, Sir Edward, goods of the Earl of Melfort, 303;

sheriff of London, 60, 285–6;

sheriff of Middlesex, 285–6;

loan by, 909.

-, Edward, Auditor General to the Queen, 1035, 1075, 1076.

-, -, Commissioner of Excise, 739, 1325.

-, Elizabeth, pension from the Queen, 1128.

-, George, Secretary to the Forces, 139, 141, 148, 150, 153, 159, 163, 169, 171, 173, 186, 187, 197, 201, 203, 205, 217, 220, 226, 240, 241, 242, 248, 260, 261, 271, 279, 284, 285, 294, 298, 299, 308, 314, 317–8, 318, 321, 326, 335, 341, 350, 351, 355, 363, 366, 367, 375, 409, 609, 610, 611, 620, 624, 628, 633, 650, 685, 686, 692, 711, 713, 732, 738, 744, 758, 760, 779, 790, 793, 808, 811, 812, 817, 818, 819, 1007, 1087, 1093, 1106, 1115, 1132, 1135, 1144, 1156, 1159, 1183, 1202, 1216, 1220, 1233, 1365, 1366, 1368, 1383, 1392, 1402;

issue to, for secret service, 79.

-, -, of St. James's Westminster, patent for coining copper farthings and halfpence, 668–8, 796;

office of, in Angel Court, 796.

-, James, petition of, concerning salt, 298.

-, -, storekeeper and warehouseman, Dublin port, 107–8.

-, -, tenant, in East Molesey manor, 881;

tenant of Hampton Court ferries, 881.

-, Jo., surveyor, Shields, 802.

-, John, highwayman apprehended by, 130.

-, -, loan by, 915.

-, -, mariner, ship hired from 1306.

-, -, mason to the Works, 11.

-, ., waiter and searcher, Lympston, 956.

-, Mary, pension from the Queen, 1127.

-, Matthew, Groom of the Great Chamber to the Queen, 1034, 1074, 1076.

-, Lady Philadelphia, tenant, Bodysgawen etc., co. Denbigh, 1050.

-, Richard, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

-, Robert, pension for, 1035.

-, Samuel, a Commissioner of the Customs, 739, 759, 1358;

surveyor of the Customs warehouse, London port, 758, 759.

-, -, ensign, Army pay, 1212.

-, -, footman to the Queen, 1035, 1075.

-, -, reward for apprehending burglars, 532, 684.

-, Thomas, agent for prizes, Yarmouth, 422.

-, alias Ellis, Ursula, royal bounty for, 455, 721, 868.

-, William, a captive in Algiers, 255.

-, -, [? deputy to W. Blathwaite], 1134.

-, -, keeper of Bagshot Rails, 1000, 1149.

-, -, repairs in St. James's Park, 534.

Clashanaffrin, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Clashenure, Muskerry barony, co. Cork 1062.

Clause, Peter, master of the Hope, 961.

Claver, Joshua, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., Hull, 672.

Clay, John, Excise collector, North Wales, 262, 539.

Claydon. See Bosmere and Claydon.

Claythorpe, co. Lincoln, obit lands in, 1018.

Clayton. John, highwayman apprehended by, reward for, 427.

-, -, loan by, 913.

-, Sir Robert, a Customs Commissioner, 739, 1358;

a grantee of lands for erection of Greenwich Hospital, 797;

farmer of the Post Fines, 931;

one of the committee for the Quarterly Poll Act, 3;

loan by, 14.

-, Susan, arrested for burglary, 943.

-, William, of Liverpool, merchant, tobacco bonds, 646.

-, -, to assist Agents for Taxes, 1313.

Clear, Jno., waiter and searcher, Whitstable, 1126.

Cleevers. See Cheevers.

Clemence. See Clement.

Clement (Clemence, Clements), Bartholomew, captain of the New Africa, 421;

capture of prize ships, 328, 421–2;

Master-Attendant for the Navy at Kinsale, 1297.

-, William, coiner apprehended by, reward for, 1393, 1417.

-, -, and wife, tenants, cottage in King Street, Deptford, 880.

Clement Hubbards. See Egham manor.

Clements. See Clement.

Clench, Brune, royal bounty for, 456, 722, 869.

Clerk, Clerke. See Clark.

Clestron Sound, Kester Sound, Orkney Islands, 422.

Cleugh Head. See Longtown.

Cleveland, Duchess of. See Palmer, Barbara.

Clewer, co. Berks, rents payable in, and by tithing men of, 1023.

Clewer Land, co. Berks, rents out of lands etc. in, 1023.

Clewhead. See Longtown.

Clifferio, co. Denbigh, y Mayne Lloyd lands in, 1051.

Clifford, George, bills of exchange for the Army, 525, 634, 985;

concerning saltpetre and powder in Holland, 1424, 1431.

-, William, Captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 242.

Clifton, co. York, rents paid by inhabitants of, 1019.

-, See also Dartmouth, mayor etc. of.

Clifton, Sir Thomas, a prisoner in the Tower, 897.

Clifton Lands, [co. Berks], rent out of, 1023.

Clifton-upon-Teme, co. Worcester, 1025.

Climsland Prior, co. Cornwall, manor of, 773, 1134, 1231;

Tregoff tenement in, 1174.

Clint, co. York, rents paid by inhabitants of, 1019.

Clinton, Mary, royal bounty for, 869.

-, Peter, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Dorset, 671;

riding surveyor's place, Plymouth to Bideford, 583.

-, Theophilus, Earl of Lincoln, Royston House purchased from, 749.

-, Thomas, estate of, co. Louth, forfeited, 177.

Clintonstown, [? co. Louth], 1448.

Clitheroe, Clitherow, co. Lancs, 809.

Clitheroe, Christopher, farm of the Prizage and Butlerage of wines, London port, 1082;

executor of J. Paul, 1082.

Clitherow. See Clitheroe.

Clive, co. Salop, lease of lands and tenements in, 467.

Clodagh, Cloyda, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Cloggeshall. See Coggeshall.

Clogheemilcon, Clognimileon, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Cloghin Cowne. See Cloghmacow.

Cloghmacow, Cloghin Cowne, CloghmcCowne, West Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281. Errarta, 1449.

Cloghs. see Curraclogh.

Clognimileon. See Clogheemilcon.

Clonavie island, co. Westmeath, 177.

Clonavrick. See Clonmcbrick.

Clondonnell, Clandonnell, Upperthird barony, co. Waterford, 959.

Clonecregin. See Cloonkirgeen.

Cloneen, Fassadinin barony, co. Kilkenny, 994.

Clonfad, Clonfadd, Farbill barony. co. Westmeath, 493, 629.

Clonfad, Clonfaddagh, Upperwoods barony, Queen's County, 178.

Clonfadd. See Clonfad.

Clonfaddagh. See Clonfad.

Clonguiffin, Clanguffin, Clonguffin, Lower Moyfenrath barony, co. Meath, 1234, 1331, 1332.

Clonlonan, co. Westmeath, barony of, 1013.

Clonmcbrick, Clonmebreck [? Clonavrick, Muskerry barony], co. Cork, 281. Errata, 1449.

Cloonkirgeen, Clonecregin, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 259.

Clopton, Hugh, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, 719, 1114.

Clough, Christopher, tenant, in Pool, Castle Caereinion etc., 1056.

-, John, landwaiter's place, Hull, 413, 537.

-, -, tenant, Dollyllyndew, 1049.

Clougly, Bracton, of Devon, executed, estate of, 370.

Clousis, Charles Martin du, Irish Army pension, 1320.

Clowanstown. See Clownstown.

Clownings, [? Nass barony], co. Kildare, 493.

Clownstown, [? Clowanstown, Skreen barony, co. Meath], 1063.

Cloyda. See Clodagh.

Clullery (? Clullshery), John, of New York, mariner, 1072.

Clutterbuck (Clutterbook), Jasper, goods shipped by, lost at sea, 1094;

loan by, 913.

-, William, searcher, Bristol port, 698, 714.

Coachman, Butterick, traitors apprehended by, 1345.

Coadrum. See Codrum.

Coakley, Richard, quartermaster, deserter from the Irish Army, 242.

Coales. See Cole.

Coarteen. SeeCourteen.

Coast and (or of) Bay. See Bombay.

Coaton. See Coton.

Cobb, Thomas, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Southampton and Isle of Wight, 33, 152, 464, 467, 590, 759, 870, 933, 1308;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Southampton and Isle of Wight, 1041.

Cobb pier. See Lyme Regis.

Cobby. see Coleby.

Cobham Almer, co. Denbigh, fee farm rents in, 1047.

Cobham Isycoed (Iscoyd), co. Denbigh, fee farm rents in, 1047.

Cock. See Cox.

Cockbush. See Chichester.

Cockclose See Eton.

Cockcroft, William, tithes, Halifax etc., co. York, 882.

Cocke. See Cox.

Cockell, George, tidewaiter's place, London port, 840.

Cocker, —, commissioner for forfeitures, Ireland, 39.

-, See also Corker.

Cocker Abbey. See Cockersand.

Cockeran, Deborah, widow, tenant in Carrigeen etc., 178.

Cockermouth, co. Cumberland, 474, 556.

Cockersand Abbey, Cocker Abbey, co. Lancaster, 1276.

Cockram (Cokram), John, tidesman, Falmouth and Plymouth, 1237–8.

Cocks. See Cox.

Cocks Lease. See New Forest.

Codaghbeg, Upper Ossery barony, Queen's County, 178.

Codagmore, Upper Ossery barony, Queen's County, 178.

Coddrington. See Codrington.

Codrigton (Coddrinton), Christopher, colonel, Governor of the Leeward Islands, 37, 95, 345, 500, 504, 668, 731, 737, 967, 975, 1010–1, 1027–8, 1043–4, 1061, 1131, 1429, 1432.

-, -, merchant, agent to Governor of Leeward Islands, 1010–1, 1027.

Codrum, Coadrum, West Muskerry barony, co. Cork. 281.

Coed Cristionydd, Coed Cristconeth, co. Denbigh, 1047.

Coggan, William, master of the Sarah of Topsham, 139.

Coggeshall, Cloggeshall, in Fordham, co. Cambridge, manor of, 1026.

Coggs, John, loan by, 913.

Cokram. See Cockram.

Colander. See Calander.

Colbach, —, Dr., medicines etc. for the Army in Flanders, 942, 986, 987, 1371.

Colby. See Coleby.

Colchester, co. Essex, 7;

arms seized by collector at, 280;

baize, 169.

Colchester, Bishop of, First Fruits arrears. 1185.

Colchester, Viscount. See Savage, Richard.

Colchester, Henry, landwaiter, London port, 1162.

Coldham, George, agent for prizes, Bideford, Ilfracombe etc., 78, 359.

Coldwells, Colwells, Nass barony, co. Kildare, 252.

Cole (Coales, Coles), —, colonel, widow of, Army pay for, 1122.

-, -, Customs collector, Isle of Wight, 1153.

-, -, lieutenant, widow of, royal bounty for, 1386.

-, Lady Ann, loan by, 910.

-, Charles, a Chamberalin of the Exchequer, 218.

-, Francis, supervisor of tin, co. Cornwall, 5, 48, 49.

-, James, commander of the Mary of London, 28.

-, Sir John, lease, lands in co. Meath, in trust for Earl of Ranelagh, 73.

-, Joseph, bill of, payment of, 1077.

-, Lawrence, surveyor, Portsmouth port, 800, 1126.

-, Maria, wife of Thomas, custodiam lease, lands etc., co. Gloucester, 1263.

-, Sir, Michael, a Principal Commissioner for Prizes, 18, 282, 335, 763.

-, Robert (William), agent and consul-general, Algiers, 580, 1192, 1195, 1198, 1305, 1311, 1356, 1358, 1402, 1444;

loans by, 1195, 1311.

-, -, merchant, at Algiers, 135.

-, Thomas, custodiam lease, lands etc., co. Gloucester, 1263.

-, -, secondary in the office of the Clerk of the Pipe, 74, 661, 665, 871.

-, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

-, -, et al., tenements etc., in Scotland Yard, conveyed by, 622.

-, William, serjeant, highwayman arrested by, 116.

-, -, surveyor, Bristol port 872.

-, -, See also Cole, Robert.

-, See also Colle.

Coleby (Cobby, Colby), Philip, Army clothing, 63, 89, 109, 144, 145, 175, 269, 291, 535, 747.

-, Thomas, loans by, 911, 914, 915, Errata, 1452.

-, -, of Kensington, Kensington parish church repairs, 1324.

-, -, son and administrator of Philip, 89, 108, 109, 145, 269.

Colefield, [? sic for Cokefield (Cuckfield)], co. Sussex, 1359.

Colepepr. See Culpeper.

Coleraine, co. Londonderry, 378;

collector of. See Jemmett, W.;

collectorship of, 1272;

ship of, 1088.

Coleridge, co. Devon, hundred of, assessments in, 747.

Coles. See Cole.

Coleshill, co. Flint, division of, Commissioners of Assessments in, 212.

Coliar, Coliear. See Collier.

Coling (Colinge, Cooling, Coolinge), Benjamin, keeper of the Council Chamber, 233, 237, 598, 603, 1104, 1107;

farmer of fines upon debts etc. sued out of the King's bench, 211, 1079, 1205, 1402, 1403;

loans by, 603, 615, 1107.

-, Joseph, outlaw, lands of, co. Lincoln, 1324.

-, Richard, a clerk of the Privy Council, 37, 523, 718, 735, 1104, 1107;

loan by, 530, 1107.

-, -, postillion to the Queen, 1036.

-, [-, Wardrobe deliveries of plate, furniture etc.], 717, 955, 1197, 1250.

Coljear, Coljeare. See Collier.

Colle (Cole), William, visitor and governor of the “ William and Mary “ College, Virginia, 24–5. Errata, 1447.

Collegeland, College Land, Deece upper barony, co. Meath, 1063.

Collet, James, loans by, 909, 915, 916.

-, John, clerk in the office of the commissioners for stamped vellum etc., 819.

Colleton. See Colliton.

Collier (Coliar, Coliear, Coljear, Coljeare Collyear, Collyer, Colyear), Sir David, regiment of, 91, 129, 185, 274, 373, 476, 517, 527, 598, 617, 737, 744, 775, 972, 1008, 1045, 1093, 1101, 1197, 1210, 1258;

agent to. See Hamilton, W.

-, Hannah, widow of Captain Henry, husband's Army pay, 1106.

-, Henry, captain, killed at battle of Landen, 1106.

-, Tho[mas], commander of the Lawrell, 2.

Collingwood, Francis, colonel, regiment of, 92, 124, 367, 620, 640, 1045;

agent to. See Broughton, S.

Collins, —, captain, yacht of, the King's goods arrived from Holland in, 379.

-, -, tenant, Gravel Pits, London, 541.

-, Ann, widow, pension or royal bounty for, 31, 168.

-, George, supervisor of tinblowing houses, co. Cornwall, 522.

-, James, Gentleman of the Guards of the Irish Army at Limerick, 243.

-, -, surveyor, Dover port, 1162.

-, Samuel, tenant, Segrwyd and Cernvfed, co. Denbigh, 1052.

-, William, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Worcester, 672.

-, -, grant to, of St. Leonards Forest, 885.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Wivenhoe, 7.

Colliton (Colleton), Sir Peter, a Commissioner for Public Accounts, 47, 192, 305, 411, 615.

Collyear, Collyer, See Collier.

Colne, co. Huntingdon, 505.

Cologne, Germany, Elector of, envoy extraordinary from. See Riverne, Count de.

Coloony, Lord (Baron of Colonee). See Coote, Richard.

Colquit (Colquett, Colquitt), John, debts due to, in Ireland, 579, 705.

-, -, Surveyor, Liverpool and Poole ports, 872. Errata, 1452.

Colson, Thomas, loan by, 108.

Colt, —, Lady Dutton, house of, in Charles Street, 382.

-, Edward Dutton, Colonel, regiment of, 509, 577, 612, 775, 767, 781, 783, 788, 792, 816, 938, 962, 972, 1017, 1045;

agent to. See Topham, R.

-, George, ensign, Army payment, 279.

-, John Dutton, collector, Bristol port, 847.

-, John [or William] Dutton, collector, Bristol port, 94, 96, 181, 1151, 1177.

-, Stephen, East Indian Company assisted by, 361.

-, Sir William Dutton, envoy extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg, 121, 138, 139, 140, 236–7, 237, 270, 490, 491;

death of, 490;

executors of, and loans by, 446, 450;

loans by, 138, 270;

secretary to. See Schweinfurt, —.

-, William Dutton, collector, Bristol port, 866. See also John [or William].

Coltherd, George, lease, Slealands, co. Cumberland, 18.

-, Richard, lease, Slealands, co. Cumberland, 18.

-, Thomas, lease, Hallburn, co. Cumberland, 17.

Colthey [in Myerscough], co. Lancaster, fee farm rent of pasture called, 1019.

Colthorp. See Courthope.

Colton, Richard, street-keeper to Hackney Coaches Commissioners, 1171.

-, Thomas. See Cotton.

Colwell, George, ship for Virginia, 353.

Colwells. See Coldwells.

Colwyn, co. Denbigh. See Rhiw [and] Colwyn.

-, co. Radnor, hundred of, assessments in, 886.

Colyear. See Collier.

Combermere, co. Chester, 181, 244.

Comberton, co. Cambridge, rent for the View of Frankpledge in, 1025.

Combes (Combs, Coombes, Coomes), —, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

-, John, afterwards Sir John, of the Middle Temple, Chief Justice of Chester, Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, 1043, 1096, 1234, 1249.

-, Richard, lieutenant, royal bounty for, 236.

-, Thomas, collector of Excise, co. Kent, 170, 305.

Combwich, co. Somerset, Customs officers at, 315, 403.

Comin. See Cumming.

Commons, House of. See Index of Subjects —Commons.

Comoishall. See Camoishall.

Comora, Comorn. See Komorn.

Complyn, Philip, distiller, Excise debt, 635, 748.

Compton, Sir Francis, Army pension, 417;

petition of, for forfeited lands, cos. Meath and Westmeath, 629;

petition of, for licence for lightships at Harwich, 1305–6;

tenant, Dininlle Pare, 1048;

tenant, lands in Hewlington manor, 1047;

tenant, Morton, co. Denbigh, 1047.

-, George, Earl of Northampton, Lord Lieutenant, co. Warwick, 44, 490, 1292;

Custos Rotulorum co. Warwick, 490, 1292.

-, Hatton, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 34, 35, 563 973.

-, Henry, bishop of London, chancellor of the “ William and Mary “ College, Virginia, 25;

grant to, of land in London, 70.

-, Jane, Countees of Northampton loan by, 907.

-, Mary, a Woman of the Bedchamber to the Queen, 1034, 1075.

-, Thomas, commander of Customs sloop at St. Helen's, Isle of Wight, 1126.

-, See also Crompton.

Condons and Clangibbon, co. Cork, barony of, 1027.

Condy, John, waiter and searcher, Tenby, 315.

Coneybeg, Barrymore barony, co. Cork, 1063.

[Cong], co. Mayo, abbey of, ferry of, 654.

Congdon, John, lease, tenement in Climsland Prior manor, 773, 1174, 1231.

Congleton Mills, co. Chester, fee farm rent of, 1019.

Congreve, William, a Commissioner for Hackney Coaches, 1117.

Coninck, —de, bill of exchange, 525.

Coningesby, See Coningsby.

Coningham. See Cunningham.

Coningsby (Coningesby), Thomas, Lord Coningsby, Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland, 26, 45, 53, 99–101, 104, 109, 110, 113, 130, 137, 139, 148, 149, 156, 188, 197, 210, 229, 292, 294, 318, 335, 340, 350, 380, 383–7, 392, 397–9, 398, 434, 436, 450, 457, 463, 485, 488, 494, 501, 510, 521, 529, 546, 552, 554, 573, 598, 608, 615, 617, 634, 645, 672, 675, 687, 695, 702, 727, 728, 744, 756, 770, 808, 836, 839, 843, 854, 861, 890, 906, 921, 922, 941, 953, 958, 963, 967, 989, 991.

998, 1006, 1014, 1031, 1038, 1043, 1065, 1069, 1081, 1106, 1123, 1131, 1143, 1148, 1150, 1154, 1158, 1160, 1165, 1170, 1179, 1188, 1212, 1213, 1233, 1258, 1264, 1278, 1279, 1296, 1297, 1301, 1306, 1315, 1330, 1340, 1341, 1344, 1351, 1352, 1432, 1436;

appointment as, 119–120;

deputy to. See Lum, E.;

Robinson, W.

Receiver General and Paymaster of the Revenue, Ireland, appointment and salary as, 119.

Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer-at-War. Ireland, grant of office of, and salary as, 119–120.

caveat in behalf of, as of Paymaster, 543.

grant to, of custodiam lands, co. Dublin, 575, 646, 705.

grant to, of Marden and Kingsland manors, 996, 1031–2, 1083, 1102–3, 1367, 1376.

loans by, 104, 139, 615, 808, 1188, 1212, 1340.

-, Sir Thomas, grant (38 Eliz.) to, of Marden manor, 1032.

Conington, co. Cambridge, 1026;

manor of, 1026.

Connaught, Ireland, province of, forfeited lands in, 586;

Roman Catholic freeholders of, 987.

Connecticut, America, province of, militia in, commander-in chief of. See Fetcher, G.

Connell, Man., forfeited estate of, co. Dublin, 1013.

Connello, co. Limerick, barony of, 980.

Connery, William, lieutenant, deserter from the Irish Army, 242.

Connor, John, captain, joined the King's force on surrender of Limerick, 1213.

Conquest Bay. See Le Conquet.

Consett, John, master of the Berkley Castle, 360.

Constable, alias Dominick, Father, rector of the Society of English Jesuits in St. Omer college, lands co. Worcester, conveyed to, 591.

-, Thomas, East India Company assisted by, 361.

Constantine, Ann, loan by, 910.

Constantinople, Turkey, Ambassador at See Paget, William, Lord Paget;

goods from, 1216;

Grand Seignior at, Ambassador-in-ordinary to. See Trumbull, Sir W.;

ship for, 982;

ships from (Turkey Fleet), 1216.

Consway, Lady, tenant, Eglwysegle, co. Denbigh, 1047.

Conway, —, ensign, blind pensioner of the Queen, 1130, 1132.

Cony, John, surgeon to the Navy at Chatham, 572, 613.

-, Peregrine, chaplain, in Maryland, 514.

-, Richard, Custodiam lease. St. Andrew, Holborn, 136.

Conyers, —, counsel for Countess of Longford, 1426.

-, William, royal bounty for, 842, 859, 1309, 1319;

pension out of the Lotteries, 1441.

Conyngham. See Cunningham.

Cook (Cooke), Geo., commander of the William and Mary, 519.

-, Isaac, comptroller, Ipswich, 618, 631, 657.

-, James, loan by, 910.

-, -, master of the Royal James and Mary, 360.

-, -, shipment in name of, 979.

-, -, John, lease, Eastcombe farm, Greenwich, 1336.

-, -, lieutenant, royal bounty for, 236.

-, -, of Plymouth, distiller, 171.

.-, Ralph, of Gray's Inn, grant to, of debts due to the King, 85, 89.

-, -, petition of, for houses in Duke Street, 478.

-, Richard, colonel, regiment of, 235 (Errata, 1448), 399 (Errata, 1450), 751.

-, Robert, loan by, repayment order, 481.

-, Samuel, loans by, 14, 429, 938.

-, Shadrack, clerk, apprehended for counterfeiting, 626.

-, Simon, tenant, Shoulder-of-Mutton Fields, 540.

-, Sir Thomas, a commissioner for the Million Lottery, 552, 983;

governor of the East Indian Company, 234, 1068, 1211;

sheriff of London and Middlesex, 314, 714, 830;

debentures for pepper exported by, 719.

-, Thomas, deputy to assistant weigher and teller of the Mint, 1300.

-, -, freighter of the Joanna and Ann, 197.

-, -, perpetuanos and Colchester baize, 6.

Coolaclevane, Culoclevane, West Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Coolalta, Cooleally, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Coolatooder, Coolcludden, Cooletudder, East Muskerry barony, co. Cork 281. Errata, 1449.

Coolcludden. See Coolatudder.

Cooldorragha, Cooledarriggy, West Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Coolduff, East and West, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Coole, in North Liberties of Cork, co. Cork, 1063.

Cooleally. See Coolalta.

Cooledarriggy. See Cooldorragha.

Coolenegeerah. See Coolnagearagh.

Coolenewony, Cooleneweny, Barrymore barony, co. Cork, 1063. Errata, 1456. See also Coolmony.

Cooletudder. See Coolatooder.

Cooley, —, searcher. London port, 584.

Cooling, Coolinge. See Coling.

Coolmony, [? in Barrymore barony], co. Cork, 252. See also Coolenewony.

Coolnagearagh, Coolenegeerah, co. Cork, East Muskerry barony, 281.

Coolock, co. Dublin, barony of, 316, 317.

Coolronan, Lune barony, co. Meath, 1013.

Coombes, Coomes. See Combes.

Cooper, —, of London, merchant, 951.

-, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Ashley of Wimborne, Vice-Admiral, co. Dorset, raising seamen in Dorset, 46, 488, 902, 1290;

Chancellor of the Exchequer (1663), 663.

-, Arnolt (Arnholt, Arnold), colonel, pension for, 26, 216, 417, 476, 874, 1110, 1341. Errata 1447.

-, Elizabeth, widow of Arnolt, continuance of husband's Army pension, 1341.

-, John, loan by, 915.

-, -, master of the Elizabeth of Boston, New England, 922, 925.

-, -, [owner] of the London Merchant, 444.

-, Richard, bill of, payment of, 1077, 1078.

-, Thomas, serjeant, affidavit of, 95.

-, William, uttering clipped money, 6.

Coote (Coot), Charles, Earl of Mountrath, custodiam of lands, co. Kildare and Queen's County, in lieu of pension, 130, 177–8, 270, 296, 1303.

-, Lady Mary, mother of Earl of Bellomont, royal bounty for, 651, 741, 742;

issue to, for children of Lady Mountjoy, 649.

-, Sir Philip, caveat against grant of Earl of Kenmure's estate, 1303;

lodgings of, at Charing Cross, 1303.

-, Richard, Earl of Bellomont, Treasurer to Queen Mary, 57, 168;

counsel for, 1404;

grant to, of Viscount Kenmure's estates, Ireland 1116, 1178, 1303, 1404, 1405, 1412, 1415, 1431;

loan by, 98;

payment to, for Lord Mountjoy, 22;

royal bounty for Lady Mary, mother of, 741.

-, Richard, Lord Coote of Coloony, witness of, 616.

-, -, colonel, regiment of, 349, 363, 397, 476, 484, 488, 500, 513, 523, 578, 593, 598, 617, 737, 814, 851, 867, 874, 877, 946, 1046, 1067, 1267, 1306. Errata, 1448, 1450;

agent for. See Payne, J.;

grant to, of forfeited wool bonds, 1328.

-, -, tenant, Stadalt etc., 177.

-, Thomas, counsel to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, 131, 227.

Cope, Sir John, rent of the Custom House, 198;

loans by, 913, 915.

Copenhagen, Denmark, 614, 1210.

Copley, George, Customs impost bond, 59.

-, Lionel, colonel, Governor of Maryland, 588, 602, 641, 712, 747.

-, -, son of Colonel Lionel, petition of, for his father's share of duties on ships in Maryland, 641, 712, 747.

Coppinger, Thomas, of Ballyvolane, estate of, co. Cork, forfeited, 1063.

Coppingersacre, Coppinger's Acre, in North Liberties of Crok, Cork barony, co. Cork, 1063.

Coppingerstang, Coppingers Stang, in South Liberties of Cork, Cork barony, co. Cork, 1063.

Corballis, Upper Slane barony, co. Meath, 82.

-, [? Corbally, North Salt barony], co. Kildare, 178.

Corbally. See Corballis.

Corbell. See Corbett.

Corbet. See Corbett.

Corbetstown, alias Scardan Patrick, Farbill barony, co. Westmeath, 177.

Corbett (Corbell, Corbet), Andrew, inspector, examiner and comptroller of copper farthings and halfpence, 39–40, 62, 69, 83, 93, 330, 688;

use of house in New Street, 39–40.

-, Samuel, agent for regiments of Col. Z. Tiffin and Col. H. Trelawney, 1160.

-, Susanna, tenant, Russell Court, London, 542. Errata, 1450.

Corbin. See Corbyn.

Corbollis, Louth barony, co. Louth, 654.

Corbyn (Corbin), Edward, tidesman-in-fee, Dartmouth, 1237.

-, John, master of the Bonavista, 959.

-, Thomas, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent North, 1348.

Cordwent, Richard, Army clothing, 1, 16, 627, 644.

Coreygedd. See Corsygedol.

Cork, county of, 228, 259, 281, 654, 709, 757, 784, 1027, 1062, 1063, 1085, 1086.

Cork, co. Cork, 4.

approach of Williams III's forces on, 588.

collector of. See Bushe, A.

English, Irish and Danes shipped from, 132.

fort at, 588.

Governor of, 588. See also Hastings, F.

magistrates at, 344.

mansion near, burned, 453, 588.

North Liberties of. See Ballincollig;













Purveyor of the Navy at, 588.

reduction of, 344.

river of, 453.

“Royal Oak”, the, house called, 190.

ship for, 175.

South Liberties of, St. John's parish, 1063. See also Ballincurrig;



Lea river. suburbs of, 1063;

under command of the fort, 588.

transport from, of men escaped from France, 386.

transport of troops to, 13.

woods near, timber felling in, 453, 588.

works at, repair of, 132. See also Cork and Kinsale.

Cork, Earl of. See Boyle, Richard.

Cork and Kinsale, 843;

batteries raised at, 386;

Irish captured at Limerick, transported from, 958, 991.

Corkbeg, co. Cork, ferry at, 99.

Corker, Edward, a Commissioner for Inspecting Forfeitures in Ireland, 437, 457, 887;

a Commissioner for Stating the Accounts of the Army in Ireland, 157, 1227;

manager of James II.'s estate in Ireland, 567–8. See also Cocker.

-, Robert, tin shipment in name of, 961.

Corkish, John, messenger attending the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1242.

Cornbury, Viscount. See Hyde, Edward.

Cornby, William, cornet, the Barton of Bradridge sold to, 289.

Corne, Leonard, master of the Edwick Elinora, 961.

Cornish, Henry, a commissioner for duties on stamped vellum etc., 618, 697.

-, -, Army regimental agent, 1232, 1454.

-, -, clothing for the Army, 103, 124, 129, 624.

Cornwall, county of, 49, 84, 162, 289, 295, 300, 310, 411, 507, 567, 610, 698, 699, 956, 1064, 1135, 1173, 1263, 1323, 1343.

Crown Revenues in, auditor of, 523.

debentures on, 523.

receiver of, 523;

rent assigned to, 1173.

hundreds in, 192.

lands in, fall in value of, 210.

manors in, steward of. See Hoblyn, R.;

Manley, J.

Members of Parliament for, 69, 93.

Post Groats duty in, grant of. See Tredenham, S.

raising seamen in, 46, 488, 901, 1290.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 33, 151, 466, 590, 665, 934, 1083, 1089, 1306.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Tregeare, R.

Receiver of Taxes, 418, 1388.

stamped vellum and paper, collector of duty on. See Horwell, T.

stannaries and tin mines in, proposal to farm duties on, 1242–3.

tin seized in, 48, 49.

tin-blowing houses, 522, 523, 1238.

supervisors of. See Bassett, J.;

Collins, G.;

Cox, R.;

Lugger, N.;

Penneck, J.;

Sprigg, T.;

Treweeke, G.

Vice-Admiral of, North. See Molesworth. Sir J.;

South See Exeter, Bishop of;

Trelawney, H.

Cornwall, duchy of accounts, 303, 470, 676, 834, 1173.

Attorney General of. See Courtney, N.

auditor of, 48, 207, 233, 324, 331–2, 337, 653, 676, 975, 1238, 1253, 1359.

deputy auditor. See Taylor, W.

fee farm rents, sale of, Act of 22 Car. II. for, 1202, 1223, 1375.

manors, lands etc. of, 44, 109, 127, 209, 210, 266, 301, 324, 350, 391, 411, 424, 562, 596, 618, 625, 671, 705, 773, 790, 855, 878, 900, 1092, 1095, 1134, 1189, 1223, 1226, 1243, 1253, 1254, 1263, 1301.

Act of Parliament empowering the Crown to make leases of, 659, 664.

recovered on title of Prince Henry, 601, 663, 1142, 1172, 1174.

steward of. See Hoblyn, R.;

Manley, J.

minerals (except tin) in, leases of, 94, 162, 164.

Needwood Forest taken into care of, 1418.

prison of, keeper of. See Tredenham, S.;

repairs to, 1261;

at Lostwithiel. See Lostwithiel. See Lostwithiel.

profits of courts, 810.

Receiver General of, 41, 48, 208, 233, 324, 331–2, 623, 1238, 1261, 1359;

rent payable to, 516, 1223. See also Killegrew, Sir P.;

deputy to. See Hooker, W.

revenues, debts on, 470;

payments out of, 41, 48, 207–8, 233, 303, 324, 332, 337, 357, 507, 524, 559, 601, 623, 834, 1037, 1238, 1261, 1359.

tin in, farm of, 162.

Cornwall, Duke of, grants of leases of lands in Duchy of Cornwall until there is a, 301, 664. See also Henry, Prince.

Cornwall, Humphrey, surety for J. Vaughan, 65.

Cornwallis, Charles, Lord Cornwallis, petition for lease of Eye Honor and Eye Hall manor, co. Suffolk, 312, 1363.

Corr, Corra, Rathconrath barony, co. Westmeath, 1013.

Corra. See Corr.

Correclinclare, co. Westmeath, 177.

Corriton, Sir Peter, a Commissioner for Public Accounts, 605.

Corry. See Cory.

Corsica, island of, port charges at, 1339.

Corsygedol, coreygedd, co. Merioneth, 524, 960.

Coruña, The Groyne, Spain, 129, 142, 169, 411.

Cory (Corry), George (Gregory), lease, lands at Browside, co. Cumberland, 17. Errata, 1447.

-, Hugh, a clerk to the Commissioners for Stating the Accounts of the Army in Ireland, 1228.

-, James, grant to, lands in co. Fermanagh etc., 336–7;

house of, at Castle Coole, 336;

troops raised by, 336.

Coshma, co. Limerick, barony of, 980.

Costa, Alvarez de, a commissioner for the Million Lottery, 552, 983.

-, See also Dacosta.

Coton, Coaton, co. Stafford, manor of, 592.

Cottenham, Catenham, co. Cambridge, rent for the manor of, 1026.

Cotter, Garret (Gerald), Receiver General of Hearthmoney, cos. Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Hants and Oxford, 304, 618, 820, 955, 1442.

Cotterell (Cotterel), Sir Charles, Master of the Ceremonies, 10, 15, 675, 676, 1015, 1079, 1335;

a commissioner for the Million Lottery, 552, 983;

lease, Old Spring Garden, 1243;

loans by, 676, 688, 1079, 1335, 1346.

Cotterill's Lands, in Sunninghill, co. Berks, 1023.

Cotton (Colton), —, captain, ship, of, prohibited goods landed at Fowey from, 261.

-, Benjamin, chairman to the Queen, 1036, 1075.

-, Sir John, Postmaster General, 53;

perpetuity for, 143, 147, 932. See also sir Robert.

-, John, burglar apprehended by, reward for, 532.

-, Sir Robert, of Combermere, steward of Denbigh manor, 181;

lease of mines etc., Denbigh, Bromfield and Yale lordships, 181, 244, 255, 560;

objections to grant to Earl of Portland of fee farms etc., Denbigh etc. lordships, 1202, 1375.

-, -, of Hatley St. George, Postmaster General, 79, 222, 287, 423, 454, 483, 661, 798, 886, 891, 1201, 1275, 1376, 1435. See also Sir John.

-, Robert, master of the Loyalty, 1083.

-, Thomas, landwaiter, London port, 208;

warehouse-keeper, London port, 208, 638, 640.

-, -, loan by, 914. Errata, 1452.

-, -, petition for restoration of Excise supervisor's place, 1255–6.

-, William, of Fowey, master of the Johanna, alias Fidclity, 185, 230, 507, 515.

Couch, Joseph, tidesman, Topsham, 1276.

Coudriere, Guillaume Rabault de la, French Reformed officer, Irish Army pension for, 992.

Coulson, Thomas, loans by, 14, 260.

Couran, Paul, landwaiter, Southampton port, 1126.

Courcy, Ellen de (d'), daughter of Lord Kingsale, petition for ferries etc., Ireland, 1347.

-, John de, 16th Lord Kingsale (Lord Courcy), 1347.

Courland, Curland, Russia, Duke of, envoy from. See Blombergh, Baron.

Courteen (Coarten), Myndert, of New York, forfeited estate of, restored, 65.

Courtelle (Courteille, Courtielle), Abraham, French Reformed officer, 806, 808.

Courtenay, Courteney. See Courtney.

Courthope (Colthorp, Courthop, Courthopp, Courthrope), John, colonel, 631, 657, 672–3, 692, 937, 941–2, 948, 966, 1045, 1104, 1106, 1143, 1296;

agent for. See Acton, J.

-, Richard, a master in Chancery attending the Alienation Office, 310.

Courtielle. See Courtelle.

Courtney (Courtenay, Courteney, Courtnay), George, Vice-Admiral, co. Devon, raising seaman for the fleet, 46, 488, 901, 1290. -, -, ensign, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 243.

-, Henry, captain, Irish Army officer at Limerick, 243.

-, Hugh, surety for J. Vaughan, 206.

-, James, captain a conspirator, apprehended, 1345, 1362.

-, Nicholas, Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall, 5, 41, 49.

-, Sir William, of Ford, co. Devon, petition for restoration of lands of Ireland, 517.

-, William, captain, joined the King's forces on surrender of Limerick, 1213.

Courtstown, Cranagh barony, co. Kilkenny, 4.

Coventry, co. Warwick, 230, 299;

mayor and aldermen of, 920;

park at, 920;

Receiver General of Assessments, 227, 466, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Newsham. J.

Coventry, Thomas, Lord Coventry, Custos Rotulorum, co. Worcester, raising seamen for the fleet, 490, 1292.

Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of. See Lichfield.

Coverham, co. York, abbey of, 454;

Common, lead and coal mines on, 454.

Coward, —, ensign, Army pay, 286.

-, John, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

Cowbit, Cowbitt, co. Lincoln. 810.

Cowes, Isle of Wight, collector of, 49;

Customs officer, 800;

ships at, 1302, 1311;

surveyor of. See Dassel, S.;

Tye, T.

Cowley (Cowly), Edward, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Lincoln, 672.

-, Robert, under-searcher, London port, 597.

Cowper, William, of London, merchant, Army payments, 918, 942.

Cowse, William, sub-commissioner for prizes, Portsmouth and Plymouth ports, 485.

Cowsey, John, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

Cox (Cock, Cocke, Cocks, Coxe), John, agent to the company of Shipwrights of England, 625.

-, -, captain, ship's commander, 503.

-, -, customer, Newcastle port, 122.

-, -, plumber, works at St. James's House, 84.

-, Jonas, commander of the Reward, 1216.

-, Mary, pension for, 2, 7, 491, 496, 949. See also Bertie, R.

-, Nathaniel, a keeper of the Council Chamber, 233, 237, 598, 1104;

loans by, 603, 615, 1107.

-, -, customer, Newcastle port, 122.

-, Sir Richard, a Commissioner for Forfeitures, Ireland, 359, 437, 457, 887;

grant quit rents, co. Cork, 228, 259;

tenement of adjoining Scotland Yard, 621.

-, Richard, an infant, title to J. Vaughan's estate, 65.

-, -, Receiver General of Hearthmoney, cos. Gloucester, Hereford, Salop and Worcester, 189, 214, 357;

Receiver General of Assessments, co. Gloucester, 933, 1307;

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc., co. Gloucester, 1041.

-, -, tide-surveyor, Falmouth port, 144.

-, Robert, loan by, 913.

-, -, supervisor of tinblowing houses, cos. Cornwall and Devon, 522, 524, 559, 1239, 1412.

-, Thomas, envoy to the Swiss Cantons, 98, 121, 128, 138;

loan by, 138.

-, William, traitor apprehended by, 1345.

Coxtown. See Garranes.

Coy, John, colonel, regiment of, 90, 111, 142, 149, 158, 191, 274, 323, 324, 356, 437, 461, 499, 525, 544, 578, 637, 958, 1045, 1160;

agent to. See Deanes, J.

Cracherode, Anthony, debt due to, from the Queen, 1076, 1079.

Crackstrings Meadow. See Holt

Cradock, Jenkin, Army payment, 279.

-, John, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., cos. Leicester and Rutland, 672.

-, William, waiter and tidesman, Milford port, 1091.

Craford. See Crawford.

Craggs (Cragg, Cragge, Craigg), James, Army clothing, 118.

-, Joseph, lease, tenement near Scotland Yard, 485, 621–2, 670, 796, 847.

Craigg. See Craggs.

Cramache (Cramaghe), Hector de, a Reformed Officer in Viscount Galway's regiment, 58, 216.

Cranfield, Edward, a commissioner and receiver of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, Barbados, 447, 1245;

clerk of the Naval Office. Barbados, 528, 553, 558, 584, 887;

collector of the Plantation Duty, Barbados, 447;

to audit revenue accounts, Barbados, 535.

-, Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, lands near Chelsea, 696.

Cranmer, Jos., loan by, 916.

Crawford (Craford), David, Commissary General of the Musters, 284, 294.

-, John, a captive in Algiers, redemption of, 255.

-, Robert, colonel, Lieutenant-Governor of Sheerness, 26.

Crawley, Edward, waiter, searcher and commander of the boatmen, Combwich, 315.

Crayle, John, loans by, 909, 914, 917.

Creed, John, master of the Pembrooke, 740.

Crego, Cregor, co. Cornwall, 67, 391.

Creichtown. See Creighton.

Creighton (Creichtown), Abraham, colonel, regiment of, 342, 397, 399.

Cremer, Edmund, ships for Malaga, 365.

-, Francis, outlaw, lands of, co. Norfolk, 1243.

Crespe. See Crisp.

Cresseron, —, a Reformed captain in col. I. de la Meloniere's regiment, 436.

Cressett (Cresset), James, envoy extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg, 404, 409, 491, 634, 673, 757, 845, 985, 1010, 1156, 1304, 1357;

loans by, 676, 688, 1080, 1162, 1310.

Creswell, Thomas, Army pay arrears, 41, 141.

Crevemort (Crevemore), Jacques, pension from the Queen, 1128, 1259.

Crew, Nathaniel, a Master in Chancery attending the Alienation Office, 310.

Cribb, John, master of the Bawdon, 360.

Cricklade St. Sampson, co. Wilts, 221, 567.

Cringely Myre. See Penrith.

Crisp (Crespe, Crispe), —, at Clapham, assessment query, 105.

-, -, counsel for Sir W. Ashurst, 1390.

-, Ann, loans by, 429, 913. Errata, 1452.

-, Joseph, agent for prizes, St. Christopher's and Nevis, 595.

-, Sir Nicholas, collector outwards, London port, 108, 153, 391, 612, 626, 1001, 1223;

collector of coast duty, London port, 1150.

-, Thomas, loan by, 915.

Crispin, Arthur, noontender, London port, 1212.

Crober, Math., loan by, 908.

Crocker, Courtney, et al-, commission concerning sandy etc. lands, co. Devon, 401.

Crofton, John, captain, royal bounty for, 236.

-, Richard, colonel, royal bounty for, 236.

Crofts, —, factor at Algiers for W. Bowtell, 256.

-, Ben., Customs place, Carlisle port, 1433.

-, Mary, custodiam lease, Lea, co. Chester, 829.

-, Rebecca, custodiam lease, Lea, co. Chester, 829.

Croghtenclogh, Crottenclogh, Fassadinin barony, co. Kilkenny, 994.

Croisett, —, Mris., pension from the Queen, 1260.

Croix, Isaac de la, silks imported by, 741.

Cromp, Crompe. See Crump.

Crompton (Compton), Thomas, quit rents, co. Kerry, 1199–1200.

Cromwellstown, Cromwelstown, South Salt barony, co. Kildare, 178.

Crook, Philippa, discharge from debts of Sir T. Duppa, 984.

Cropp, Jones, merchant, pearl and potashes, seizure of, 151, 339.

Crosacry. See Crushyriree.

Crosakeele. See Crossakeel.

Crosby (Crossby), George, watchman's place, London port, 6.

Cross (Crosse), —, captain, commander of the Weymouth, 454.

-, -, proposal of, for managing the Excise duties, 1384.

-, Johnshall, high sheriff, co. Bucks, highwayman apprehended by, 649, 657.

Crossakeel, Crosakeele, Crossakeele, Upper Kells barony, co. Meath, 252, 317.

Crossby. See Crosby.

Crosse. See Cross.

Crossiriry. SeeCrushyriree.

Crossley, —, of London, merchant, wines etc. imported by, 831.

Crott. See Crutt.

Crottenclogh. See Croghtenclogh.

Crouch, William, et al., owners of the European, 522.

Crouder. See Crowder.

Croush. See Crowne.

Crowder (Crouder), Thomas, tidesman and boatman, Boston, 1233.

Crowinstown, Croynstown, Little, Delvin barony, co. Westmeath, 177, 379.

Crowland, Prowland, co. Lincoln, manor of, 1018. Errata, 1453.

Crowne (Croush, Crown), John, royal bounty for, 1007, 1123, 1165, 1321, 1325, 1386, 1433.

Crowthorne, co. Gloucester, hundred of, 12.

Croxton, co. Cambridge, manor of, 1026.

Croydon, co. Surrey, 820;

highway from Reigate to, 1140.

Croyle Portaloe. See Quoile.

Croynstown. See Crowinstown.

Cruckshank, James, chaplain, in Leeward Islands, 514.

Crump (Cromp, Crompe, Crumpe), —, seamen pressed by, 185.

-, Adam, estates of, co. Meath, forfeited, 251, 317, 493, 620, 1013, 1063.

-, Lawrence, Portcullis Pursuivant, 719, 1114.

Crundale, Crundall, co. Kent, 1021. Errata, 1453.

Crundall, Thomas, experiment with fullers' earth, 374.

-, See also Crundale.

Crushyriree, Crosacry, Crossiriry, Barrymore barony, co. Cork, 252, 1063.

Crutt, Crott, Fassadinin barony, co. Kilkenny, 994.

Cruttin, co. Kilkenny, 994.

Cuba, ship cast away on coast of, 1361.

Cuckfield, See Colefield.

Cuffe (Cuff), Francis, of Dublin, a Commissioner for Forfeitures, Ireland, 437, 457, 887;

deputy to W. Robinson, 339;

surety for Viscount Galway, 349–350, 927.

Cuffield [? Luffield, co. Bucks], vaccary, 1022.

Cullen, Nicholas, goods shipped by captured by the French, 1094.

Cullenagh, Queen's County, barony of, 833.

-, See also O'Cullane Awe.

Culliford, —, place of Surveyor General of Customs, 800.

-, -, Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to give satisfaction to, 339.

-, Lawrence, collector, Bridgewater port, 358;

comptroller, Bridgewater port, 351, 357, 358.

-, Nicholas, to account for coals etc. imported into Ireland, 945.

-, Tregonwell, to account for coals etc. imported into Ireland, 945.

-, William, lieutenant-colonel, debt of, 777.

-, -, major, of the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, 820.

Cullmullin. See Culmullen.

Cullum, Thomas, landwaiter, London port, 1276, 1423.

Culmullen, Cullmullin, Deece barony, co. Meath, 178.

Culoclevane. See Coolaclevane.

Culpeper (Colepeper), John (Thomas), Lord Culpeper, royal bounty for, 163, 165, 167, 186, 645, 665, 1068, 1096, 1102, 1270, 1283, 1422.

-, Lady Margaret, pension for, 102, 133, 1065.

-, Pha., loan by, 915.

-, Thomas. Lord Culpeper, grant to (1665), lands, Hyde Park, 81, 221;

600l. per annum settled on, 1354.

Culverley, Caverly, Bridge, co. Southampton, 971.

Culworth, co. Northants, manor of, 1021.

Cumberland, county of, 53, 96, 189, 212, 320, 343, 485, 486, 574, 704, 720, 763, 1008, 1140, 1161, 1253, 1314, 1391, 1393.

coast of, 952.

Crown Revenues, auditor of, 17, 218;

payments out of 188;

receiver of, 188, 706, 720. See also Hayhurst, W.

Deputy Lieutenant of. See Patrickson, R.

Excise collector of. See Benson. W.

Justice of the Peace for. See Patrickson. R.

moor lands, 1107.

raising seamen in, 46, 488, 902, 1290.

Receiver General of Duties on Marriages, Births etc. See Huddleston, A.

Receiver General of Hearthmoney. See Bonner, J.;

Tempest, W.

Receivers General of Assessments, 34, 152, 223, 231, 420, 466, 590, 811, 859, 934, 1124, 1308, 1326.

solicitor for the 12d. Aid in. See Christian, W.

stamped vellum and paper, collector of duty on. See Jackson, R.

Vice-Admiral of. See Lowther, Sir J.

Cumin. See Cumming.

Cumming (Comin, Cumin), James, schoolmaster, in Leeward Islands, 1053, 1062.

Cunningham (Coningham, Conyngham, Cuningham), —, Mris., widow, pension from the Queen, 1129, 1133, 1259.

-, -, captain, pension for widow of, 1129, 1123, 1259.

-, Sir Albert, Regiment of Dragoons of, 399.

-, Henry, colonel, Regiment of Dragoons of, 180, 230, 339–340, 487, 498, 509, 517, 548, 569, 592, 607, 613, 623, 631, 632, 672, 1045, 1258, 1351;

agent to See Payne, J.

-, Magdalen, royal bounty for, 1102, 1111, 1378;

pension from the Queen, 1260.

-, Richard, colonel, regiment of, 22, 161.

-, Robert, tidesman, Bristol port, 895.

Curbeg. See Currabeg.

Curland. See Courland.

Currabeg, Curbeg, Carbery barony, co. Cork, 228, 259.

Currabeha, Currybeagh, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062. Errata, 1456.

Curraclogh, East and West (East and Curry, Cloghs), Muskerry barony, co, Cork, 1062. Errata, 1456.

Curragh, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Curraghbeg, co. Cork See Curribeg.

Curraghbeg, Curraghbegg, alias Curraghboy, [? co. Meath or Kildare], 1332.

Curragheen, Currehine, Upperthird barony, co. Waterford, 959.

Curragheenbrien, Curraghnabryan, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Curraghmore. See Currymore.

Curraghnabryan. See Curragheenbrien.

Curraghnalaght, Carraghnalaught, Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 281.

Currehine. See Curragheen.

Curribeg, [? Curraghbeg], Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Curries, Currus, Clonlonan barony, co. Westmeath, 1013.

Currus. See Curries.

Curry, East and West. See Curroclogh.

Curry Mallet, co. Somerset, manor of, 855.

Currybeagh. See Currabeha.

Currymore [? Curraghmore], Muskerry barony, co. Cork, 1062.

Curtis, George, goods of, seized at Harwich, 502.

-, Roger, tenement, Boyton, 210.

Cust, Sir Pury, Troop of Horse of, 49, 93, 484.

Custance, Robert, convicted for clipping estate of, forfeited, 567.

Cutler, Sir John, lands of, Chelsea, 227;

executors of, mortgage of, on office of Marshal of the King's Bench, 271.

-, Joseph, of New England, mariner, 945.

-, Robert, of Sarum, collector of duty on stamped vellum etc., co. Wilts, 672.

Cutts, Charles, loan by, 917.

-, John, Lord Cutts of Gowran, Governor of the Isle of Wight, 1084. 1096;

receiver of revenues, Isle of Wight, 1084;

regiment of, 21, 91, 118, 273, 476,, 525, 598, 617, 625, 737, 744, 775, 891, 937;

estate of, spent in the Revolution, 952;

grant to, of forfeited lands, Barbados, 952, 1001, 1037.