Minute book: March 1696, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Minute book: March 1696, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1437-1440 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute book: March 1696, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1437-1440.

"Minute book: March 1696, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1437-1440.


March 1696, 1–15

Mar. 2. Afternoon. Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox.
The Lord Chief Baron's salary for the whole term is to be paid.
[Send] a letter to the Postmasters General to attend my Lords to-morrow with their proposals concerning that revenue.
[Ibid. p. 255.]
Mar. 3. Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Smith.
[My Lords decide] to speak to Mr. Burton to advance 20,000l. to the Victuallers to be placed on the Act for Continued Impositions as soon as passed.
Mr. Clark and Mr. Danvers attend. They inform my Lords that the brewers turn their [the Excise] officers out of doors in consequence of a verdict lately given for a brewer in the King's Bench. They tender several affidavits.
My Lords think that informations be laid against those brewers that obstruct the officers in their duties.
The Victuallers [attend].
Send to the Auditors to attend on Friday afternoon with their [the Victuallers'] accounts ready for declaration.
Capt. Saunders [his petition is read. My Lords decide that] the rent of hay and oats reserved upon his present lease for the time in being be remitted.
The business of Lady Longford and Col. Wolsely is to be heard on Friday come three weeks.
Mr. Neal, Mr. Hall and Mr. Shepherd [attend]. My Lords desire Mr. Neal to revoke his deputation to Mr. Shepherd and my Lords will agree to what shall be proposed by Mr. Shepherd for securing the profits to him.
My Lords order that if the several assays taken at the Exchequer and the Tower differ by two pennyweight in the pound Troy Mr. Hall do take care that those particular ingots be assayed again at the Tower by Mr. Brattle and Mr. Bowles; and that Mr. Hall direct Mr. Bowles to attend at certain times for that purpose.
[Letter of direction for] 10,000l. for the Ordnance for sea service: [to be issued out of loans] on the Land Tax.
Mr. Scott [attends] about his proposal that every brewer shall answer one eighth more by compositions if the [compositions with the] officers and the penalties be taken off them. My Lords do not think this practicable.
Mr. Barneby [is heard and says] he would have a Bill to amend defects in the Excise Acts. My Lords will speak with the Excise Commissioners.
Mr. Dodington [attends with a memorial from the Navy Treasurer] for the proportion [of supply due] to Wear and Tear, [to be issued out of loans] on the Land Tax. My Lords order 100,000l. [out of loans] on the said Tax.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 256.]
Mar. 6. Afternoon. Present: ut supra.
Send to the Receivers of First Fruits and Tenths to take from the clergy such money as the Act of Parliament requires to be taken by the Receivers of the Revenue before the fourth (crossed through).
Mr. Duncomb [attends and informs my Lords] he'll lend 11,000l. on the Excise for 550l. [reward] and 6 per cent. per an. [interest]. He'll lend the 11,000l. and must have a letter to Mr. Burton to pay him the 550l.: this to be paid to John Willis.
[My Lords direct] 200l. to Mr. Baker for [the charges of Crown law] prosecutions.
Send to Mr. Harris to be here on Monday afternoon.
[My Lords direct] 3,000l. for the Transports.
[Ibid. p. 257.]
Mar. 9. Afternoon. Present: ut supra.
[My Lords direct the following issues] out of loans to be made by the respective Departmental Paymasters themselves on the credit of the Continued Impositions: the issue to take place alternately in the following order, viz.:
100,000l. for the Forces.
100,000l. for the Navy.
100,000l. for the Forces.
100,000l. for the Navy.
100,000l. for the Forces.
100,000l. for the Navy.
[My Lords direct] Mr. Doyly's commission [as Receiver General] for Surrey to be superseded and Mr. Leonard Child and Mr. John Nuthall to have that receipt.
[My Lords direct] 50,000l. for the sea service of the Ordnance and 50,000l. for the land service: out of loans to be made by the Treasurer [of the Ordnance] on the Continued Impositions; one half of the two sums to be issued after the second 100,000l. as above and the other half after the fourth 100,000l.
Mr. Duncomb will make good the 11,000l. lent at the Exchequer on Saturday partly by good notes of the clerks at the Exchequer and the rest by shillings and sixpences.
The Excise Commissioners and Mr. Duncomb attend. He refuses to give another bond [of surety for his place as Cashier of Excise] till the old bond, said to be lost, be delivered up or discharged, and he'll rather leave his place. At length he consents to give a bond of 10,000l. for the security of the present Commissioners to relate [only] to the money received under the present [Excise] Commission.
[Send] to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay to the Commissioners of Transports 3,000l. of the 5,000l. lately put into his hands for the Forces come from Flanders (struck through).
[My Lords direct the issue of] 4,000l. to Mr. Fox for the Commissioners of Transports: [to be by] tallies on the Continued Impositions.
[Send] to the Earl of Ranelagh that he pay to Mr. Pereira no more than 2,000l. of the 5,000l. lately put into his hand for the Forces from Holland.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 258.]
Mar. 10. Afternoon. Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Smith.
The Victuallers [attend. My Lords direct the issue of] the complement to 1,800,000l. (being about 74,000l.) [and to be issued out of loans] on the fourth 4s. Aid: and that 50,000l. of the tallies already ordered for the Navy [out of loans] on the Continued Impositions be applied to the Victualling.
The Postmasters [General attend. My Lords desire them] to make an abstract of their bill concerning the Post Office.
The Excise Commissioners [attend. My Lords similarly desire them] to make an abstract of their several clauses concerning the Excise and Salt Duty.
[Send] to Mr. Duncomb to be here on Friday afternoon.
Mr. Burton and Mr. Knight [attend] about advancing the Judges' salaries. “To know [of the Judges] in what kind of money they will receive it.”
[Ibid. p. 259.]
Mar. 11. Afternoon. Present: The King; my Lords ut supra.
[The King directs] Mr. Robinson's bill to be paid by the Earl of Ranelagh as his former [bill drawn from Stockholm was].
On the Earl of Ranelagh's weekly memorial for money for the Forces, the King directs issues as follows, viz.:
out of the tallies on the Continued Impositions, a month's subsistence to the Forces in Flanders and likewise 6,246l. for subsistence of the Forces in England;
and 2,000l. for Eppinger's Dragoons: and likewise the money demanded for recruits as in his lordship's said memorial.
[The King directs] Monsieur Machado to be paid the advance money according to the contracts; being between 30,000l. and 40,000l.
[The King directs] the Apothecaries to be paid.
[The King directs] Sir Stephen Evance to have the value of 300 pistols at the exchange rate as in his paper; being for so much given to Brudenell's Regiment when it imbarqued.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 260.]
Mar. 13. Afternoon. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Present: My Lords ut supra.
[My Lords direct] 2,000l. advance to Mr. Lamb on his contract: to be paid out of the tallies on the Continued Impositions.
[Write] to the Customs Commissioners to send an account to-morrow morning of the seizure of money which, as is said, is seized at or near Deal; and what prosecution has been made of the seizure formerly made of money near Bristol.
Send to Mr. Tompson to come to me [Lowndes].
[My Lords direct] 2 per cent. per annum to be allowed for 11,300l. [tallies] struck on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise Jan. 27 last in the name of Evert Jollivet for the Stables.
The Excise Commissioners [attend]. My Lords will consider and come to some resolution in favour of Mr. Everard in consideration of his service in improving that revenue.
[Ibid. p. 261.]