Minute book: June 1695, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Minute book: June 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1382-1386 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute book: June 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1382-1386.

"Minute book: June 1695, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1382-1386.


June 1695, 1–15

June 4. Afternoon. Present: ut supra.
Mr. Griffin and Mr. Hall to be here this day three weeks and notice is to be sent to Mr. Griffin that it is about the prosecuting and finishing of his father's accounts as Treasurer of the Chamber.
My Lords will to-morrow direct the proportion to the Ordnance for the four ships out of the third 4s. Aid; being 5,231l. 7s. 8d.
The Navy Commissioners propose to my Lords that they would agree with somebody for furnishing hemp for the next year and say they have no objection against Mr. Tailer and they think that any of those persons that contract with them, as namely Sir William Gore, Mr. Gold, Mr. Martin and Mr. Joy, should not be employed to do this.
[Write] to Mr. Dorington to bring his instruction from Admiral Russell for receiving and paying money for him.
[Write] Mr. Whittacre. Mr. John Smith and Mr. Macy to come to Mr. Lowndes to-morrow, who is to enquire and satisfy himself whether the value of the clippings and other things of clippers and coiners be charged and answered in the accounts of the sheriffs. Mr. Overton is to prosecute the recovery of the goods of such offenders for the future. And the Attorney General thinks the proceeding against the b[ailiff] of Westminster should be by English bill.
The Excise Commissioners and the Victuallers [Victualling Commissioners] come in about a debt of 43,000l. owing by the Victuallers to the Excise and concerning further credits desired by the latter.
Mr. Burton and Mr. Twitty to be here to-morrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 39.]
June 5.
Present: All the five Lords.
My Lords direct Mr. Hutchenson to take care that the King's part of the late seizures of French goods be forthwith brought into the Exchequer.
Mr. Burton and Mr. Twitty say that since Saturday last they have taken guineas at the Exchequer at 29s.; that they have refused them before at more than 25s., but they found it would not at all keep down the price in the town, and so they thought it would be inconvenient for the King's service, and particularly a prejudice to the [taking in of] loans, to refuse them any longer at the lowest current price. My Lords leave it to their discretion.
A letter to be written to the Admiralty to send to Admiral Russell to muster the four [Marine] Regiments on board from time to time in order to ascertain the subsistence which is to be paid them.
Mr. Lowndes to write to Mr. Blathwait, taking notice of his letter of the 2nd of June concerning Monsieur Schuylenberg's demand; and [to inform him that] at present my Lords have ordered 1,690l. 13s. 6d. for an allowance of 2 per cent. because the money is repaid in Flanders; and they intend to pay the rest of his demand pursuant to the King's pleasure signified by him when it shall appear that all the money was advanced by Mr. Schuylenberg in Holland, which my Lords think necessary for justifying an allowance amounting to 3 per cent. upon that account. And my Lords desire that acquittances taken for the several sums paid for the subsidies to the Allies may be put into Mr. Blathwait's hands to be transmitted to the Pay Office here in order to have the times adjusted for which the respective payments were made.
The tallies on the Excise for 13,000l. for the Privy Purse, 15,600l. for the Household, 5,200l. for the Stables, to serve those uses [services] in Flanders, are to be delivered to Sir John Eyles (upon his receipt) for Monsieur Schuylenberg, who has undertaken to furnish the value there for the said uses.
Monsieur Le Vasseur to have 100l.
Sir Christopher Wren and Mr. Geo. Clerk to be here on Friday.
My Lords approve Mr. Papillon's assigning to Admiral Russell the orders for 22,399l. 3s. 11d. on the Customs (which he received from Mrs. Stevens), as he is Cashier for the Victualling affair.
[Ibid. pp. 40–1.]
June 7.
Present: Lord Godolphin, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stephen Fox.
Anne Humfrey to have 15l. to carry her into Ireland.
Mr. Lowndes to acquaint Mr. Blathwait that the warrant for Regulations about the subsistence and offreckonings has been proposed and advised by the Earl of Ranelagh as a thing necessary for the King's service and to settle the method of payments to be made by the [Regimental] Agents, who defer giving their securities pursuant to the late Act till this warrant be signed; and that it has been considered and approved by my Lords.
A warrant to be prepared for Mr. Gibson to enquire of frauds in payment of tickets; and send it to the Admiralty with intimation that my Lords will sign it if they have no objection.
Mr. Grey promises upon his honour that Sir Edward Turner in six months, to be reckoned from this day, shall have the refusal of the reversionary grant of the lighthouses at the same rate as any other will bona fide give.
The officers of the Works are to view a convenient place in the Savoy to make a house for the Marshal for the Forces and to estimate the charge and to present their estimate to my Lords.
The Chamberlain [of the City] or any other that first lend on the tallies in the Earl of Ranelagh's hands on the Marriage Act are to have the first tallies in course of payment.
The Solicitor General and Mr. Franklyn, the King's Proctor, are to be here on Monday afternoon.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 42.]
June 10.
Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Smith.
The gentlemen of the Bank, Mr. Twitty and Mr. Burton to be here to-morrow afternoon.
[Ibid. p. 43.]
June 11.
Present: Lord Godolphin, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Franklyn will enter a caveat against granting administration of the estate of Francis Le Peire Stone (Scone) till the King be heard, the estate being devised to alien enemies.
Mr. Wilcox, junr., Mr. Crosse, Mr. Megott, Mr. Buckley and Mr. Tate offer a proposal for managing all the Duties of Excise, to which my Lords will give an answer on Friday morning.
My Lords will on the 17th inst. in the afternoon receive proposals which may be delivered to me [Lowndes] sealed from any persons for importing 800 tons of Riga Rhyne hemp for the Navy, by [way of] commission, for the ensuing year; to be paid out of the funds granted by the Parliament for the Wear and Tear [of the Navy]. Public notice to be affixed here [at the Treasury], at the old Exchange and at the Navy Office.
Sir John Houblon and some of the Directors of the Bank are called in. It is agreed that the Bank shall have 6,876l. 15s. 4d. for advancing and paying into the Exchequer 900,000l. (being the last part of their subscription money) sooner than the days that were prescribed for the payment thereof by the Commission for the Bank. They demand 51,246l. 7s.d. deficient [receipts] on the 5–7th Tonnage Act in the first year [of that Duty] ending 1695, May 31. My Lords will take [care] of this very speedily.
They [the Directors] give their opinion against giving any encouragement for taking guineas at the Exchequer at the present high rates. My Lords say if the Bank will assist the King with loans sufficient there will be no need to take guineas there, but to discourage them. And the gentlemen of the Bank say they will do all they can in making the loans. And my Lords direct Mr. Burton and Mr. Twitty to forbear taking guineas if the loans can be supplied otherwise, but rather than want the loans they must take them. As to Receivers of Taxes, Mr. Burton is [by my Lords] directed to take the [guinea] money [at such rates] as he can pay it out again.
Interest at 6 per cent., notwithstanding any direction [to the contrary], is to be allowed for 18,857l. 14s. 3d. lately levied on the Excise for the Queen's debts.
Mr. Anthony Rowe to be here to-morrow morning.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 44.]
June 12.
Present: ut supra.
[Write] to the Bank that according to the minute of May 11 last the King was to be at liberty within a month [notice] to alter the agreement of remitting the public money to Flanders at the rate of 10 guilders for a pound sterling for one year certain and to change the same into a present management for 2 per cent. I am commanded by my Lords to signify to you that it is the King's pleasure signified by Mr. Blathwait to adhere to the agreement for the year certain.
Mr. Tallman and Mr. London's servant are to be here on Friday.
Col. Kendall's goods from Barbados that are imported for his own use and not for sale are to be brought by an officer [of the Customs] to the Earl of Ranelagh's house or the Pay Office at the Guards and there to be delivered Customs free.
[My Lords order] 1,893l. 15s. 0d. to be issued to the Ordnance for land service out of the money of the annuities: to be paid over to Mr. Meesters for the uses in the list transmitted by the Earl of Romney.
[Ibid. p. 45.]
June 13.
Present: ut supra.
The Navy Commissioners to be here on Friday.
[Order for the issue] of 99,274l. 18s. 0d. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of loans to be made by the Bank on the Act for Coals and Glass: to be for subsistence of the Forces in Flanders for one month commencing the 21st May and ending 17th June, 1695.
Mr. Finch and Mr. Andrews to be here to-morrow afternoon.
Mr. Tallman and Mr. London's servant to be here to-morrow afternoon.
[Write] to Mr. Roberts to attend my Lords at their next meeting of the next week and to bring his account of his receipt of the Honor of Windsor.
[Write] to Mr. Dodington to be here to-morrow afternoon; and to Mris. Stephens to be here then about adjusting her husband's balance [as late cashier to the Navy Treasurer].
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 46.]
June 14.
Present: ut supra.
The Navy Commissioners will give my Lords an account by Monday afternoon if they can buy the 800 tons of hemp by contract. Otherwise my Lords are then to consider the proposals to furnish it by [way of] commission.
[Write] to Mr. Maddocks to come to town to make an end of Sir Edward Seymour's account [as former Treasurer of the Navy].
Write to Mr. Hayter to be here on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Hornby and partners, proposers for the Excise, come in. [Write] to Mr. Story for [an account of] the produce of the Excise for seven years ended at Midsummer, 1694, and for the half year ended at Christmas, 1694. Mr. Story to come to me [Lowndes] to take direction for this.
[Order to] the Victuallers to pay Mr. Tredenham his arrears of rent without any deduction for taxes.
[Ibid. p. 47.]