Minute book: May 1695, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Minute book: May 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1370-1377 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute book: May 1695, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1370-1377.

"Minute book: May 1695, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp1370-1377.


May 1695, 1–15

May 1. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Sir William Trumbull, Mr. Smith.
The Attorney General, Mr. Smith and Mr. Parker, with counsel, are to attend another day as soon as the King is gone.
[Ibid. p. 16.]
May 1. Kensington. Present: The King, all the five Lords.
Sir Stephen Fox [is ordered] to consider how the charge of the [Royal] Gardens may be lessened.
[Order for] Schuylenburg to have so much as will complete the debt (about 20,000l.) in tallies on the third year of the Customs.
[Order for] 60,000l. for the Contractors for Forage on account of their debt of 71,000l.
[Order for] 17,500l. to Hesse Cassel for six months to 1st November, 1694: on account of subsidies. The like for 14,285l. 14s. 3d. to Brandenburg for six months to 1st July, 1694, on account of same. The like for 4,166l. 13s. 9d. to Wolfenbuttel for three months to 1st March, 1694–5, on account of same. The like for 10,000l. to [the Bishop of] Munster for three months to 5–15 June, 1695, on account of same. The like for 3,000l. to Liège upon account of same.
[The King orders] 30,000l. for subsistence [of the Troops] in Flanders.
[The King directs] my Lord Ranelagh to write to Mr. Hill to keep the 60,000l. which will be first paid upon articles for forage and subsidies until the King comes.
[The King orders] 4,761l. 18s. 1d. for two months more to Brandenburg to 1st Sept., 1694.
The King thinks it more secure to pay the Army's subsidy [subsistence] weekly as it becomes due at the end of the week than to advance it in the beginning of the week, because in the latter case the soldier may spend it all in a day's time.
[The King orders] 7,600l. for the growing week's subsistence.
Order for 730l. for Monsieur Vander Esch for a contingent for Madame Scravemore.
[The King orders] 220l. for Dr. Colbach.
The Earl of Rochester [is] to pay but 1,000l. fine for his lease.
The King commands my Lords to redress the disorder in St. James's Park and to see the same orders observed that were observed last summer.
Mr. May and Col. Godfrey to have one year each on their pensions.
The Queen Dowager is paid constantly all but [the] 6,000l. a year extra, which the King says he is not in a condition at present to pay; but when he is an application may be made for it.
When the King is in a condition he will repay the sum, about 2,000l., which was left in the Exchequer [out] of Sir Samuell Barnardiston's fine at the Revolution and was taken by his Majesty to his own use.
Lord Hunsdon to have 200l.
Lady Berkley and Mrs. May [are] to have 200l. each per an.: and Mris. Villiers [to] have her [wedding] portion paid.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 17.]
May 3. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Sir William Trumbull.
Sir Edward Turner and Mr. Grey are heard by counsel about the lighthouses in Suffolk. On the side of Turner 'tis said that Mr. Gore erected the lighthouses and Sir Edward Turner, late Speaker (who married his [Gore's] daughter) purchased the ground and had a patent to enable him for a term of years to take a duty from the ships passing by; and that no man hereafter can come upon this ground to set up lighthouses without leave of the owner of the soil; the ways leading to these houses are also over Sir Edward's grounds; that the estate is mortgaged and to be sold; and if the grant to Mr. Grey pass then nobody will buy Sir Edward's interest unless Mr. Adams, a scrivener, who is the mortgagee and has an understanding with Mr. Grey: and the tenant right for Sir Edward is insisted on.
On the other side it's insisted that Sir Edward Turner is not a proper party before my Lords, having departed with his estate there so as not to have any right in law and that he has foreclosed in equity; that tenant right is not known in law; that when the grant was made to Sir Edward Turner, the father, he had no right to the ground, but agreed with them that had, and Mr. Grey desires but the same thing now.
Mr. Dobbins says that Mr. Gore was father-in-law to Sir Edward and consented to his obtaining the former patent; that the King cannot grant liberty to one subject to erect lighthouses on other men's ground and that it has been so adjudged; that the passing of the grant to Mr. Grey will only distress Sir Edward (now his estate is on sale) and that Mr. Grey can have no lawful benefit by it; that Sir Edward can pull down his lighthouses (which cost him 1,000l.), [and] bring actions against a patentee for coming on his lands; that the public will be prejudiced by destroying the lights and Mr. Grey can have no benefit; nay, if Sir Edward continue his lights he may without a patent, as Mr. Dobbins conceives, take the duty to recompense his charge and that Sir Edward is not so far foreclosed but [that] my Lord Keeper may give a further day.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 18.]
May 6. Present: All the five Lords.
The 11,800l. in tallies on the Customs which was intended for the battalion waggons and the 5,000l. in the like tallies which was intended for General Officers, and [which sums] are now remaining in the Earl of Ranelagh's hands, are to go as in further part of the advance to Machado for bread and bread waggons.
My Lords will prefer Mr. James Dayrolle to some ministerial office that he is capable of at the recommendation of Sir William Trumbull.
Sir Edward Turner and Mr. Grey to be here to-morrow and the Attorney and Solicitor General to be here then.
See how much was returned [forwarded by bill of exchange] for [to] Flanders last year, and for what, other than for subsistence.
[Write] to Mr. Hill, Mr. Hardwick and Mr. Bathurst to be here on Friday afternoon.
[Ibid. p. 19.]
May 7. Present: All the five Lords.
[Write] to Mr. Duncomb to desire him to lend into the Exchequer to-morrow morning 3,000l. on a special occasion for his Majesty's service on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise; for which he will have the usual allowance of 6 per cent. per an. and 2 per cent. in ready money.
Mr. Metwyn's [Methuen's] tallies for his ordinary and extraordinary are to be forthwith levied.
The Attorney General, Mr. Smith and Mr. Berry attend about the estate of Wyke Parker, executed for murther. The cases are read. Mr. Berry desires that Mr. George Parker may be defended by the Attorney General against several pretenders to the personal estate of Wyke Parker.
A warrant to be prepared for the King's hand to direct the Attorney General to stay any further proceeding against Thomas Sparks and Thomas Jefferys, convicted by verdict in Sussex for transporting corn to France, upon the certificates of the gentlemen of the country in their favour.
Mr. Maryot to send an account of what hath been received out of Visct. Preston's estate: and [write] to Sir Geo. Fletcher and Mr. Smith to be here on Friday afternoon.
Mr. Smith to have 300l. for [Crown] Law suits.
Sir Edward Turner and Mr. Grey come in with their counsel. Sir Edward has time given him up to Christmas to redeem his estate. My Lords say that an agreement must be made between them before the patent to Mr. Grey proceeds any further. They both offer to refer the matter to the Solicitor General. My Lords direct them to give their proposals to him and hope they will submit to his arbitration.
Mr. Shales [is] to have the audits of those counties which Mr. Stephens had, annexed to his office without any salary or other charge to the King.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 20.]
May 8. Present: All the five Lords.
Mr. Brereton [is] to be heard on Friday afternoon against the grant of the Welsh manors.
[Write] to the Postmasters General to attend on Friday afternoon with their further report on Mr. Woodgate's case.
Write to the Postmasters to pay the bill of exchange allowed by the late Secretary Trenchard of 313l. 9s. 1d. for the Velocita Tartan.
[Order for] 15,000l. out of loans on the Marriages Act, to be advanced at the Exchequer to Phillip Papillon, esq., Cashier to the Navy Treasurer, for the Victualling affair: to be applied towards the payment of bills drawn from Cadiz for victualling the Fleet there; and a letter [is ordered to be written] to Sir Robert Howard to direct the Teller to take the receipt of Mr. Papillon until a power comes from the Navy Treasurer to discharge the Exchequer by regular issues: there being a necessity of making this advance upon occasion of the death of Mr. Stephens [the late Cashier to the Navy Treasurer] in the absence of the [Navy] Treasurer.
[Ibid. p. 21.]
May 8. [Afternoon.] Kensington. Present: The King; all the five Lords.
The King says he has a letter from Brussels that the Spaniards will consent to his coining money (like that of Flanders) for his Forces there.
[The King orders the following issues:] l. s. d.
for subsistence for [the Troops in] Flanders 30,000 0 0
in further part for forage and subsidies to be sent to Mr. Hill and not [to be] disposed till the King comes 10,000 0 0
in part of the arrears of subsistence to 1694–5, Jan. 14 2,121 6 4
the current week's subsistence [for the Forces in] England 7,600 0 0
for pay to Capt. Ambree of Lillingston's Regiment 55 17 0
for Col. Brudenel, due to him from Marquis de Rada's Regiment 74 14 0
for Oliver d'Arcourt, for a year's pay as Engineer in Flanders 182 10 0
for pay to six Engineers in full of 137l. 10s. 0d. each 275 0 0
for pay to Capt. John Yarner, respited 35 10 0
for Widow Campbell, for pay due to her husband slain 23 3 11
for Widow Jellet, for her late husband's arrears 30 0 0
for Lord Fairfax 600 0 0
£50,998 1 3
Lord Godolphin acquaints the King with what has passed with the gentlemen of the Bank in relation to some of their number going into Holland to establish a credit there for supplying the money for maintaining the Army in Flanders and raising the exchange (now so very low) and agreeing at a certain rate for the time to come. My Lords are to appoint a day for receiving proposals for returning the money for the Army. Write to some of the gentlemen of the Bank to come to the Treasury to-morrow morning.
[The King directs] the allowance of Lord Capell [as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to be the same as was allowed to Lord Sidney and his equipage to be only 2,000l.
The King thinks the increase of seamen's wages in the pacquet boats is reasonable.
Mr. Glanville [is] to have 300l. or 400l. of the money in the hands of Robert Squibb's executors.
[The King directs] the Earl of Rochester's fine [for his lease] to be remitted.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 22.]
May 9. Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Present: All the five Lords.
Mr. Godfry, Sir William Gore, Sir William Scawen and Mr. Knight are told the King will agree at present for their remitting money to Flanders for six months at 10 guilders. They offer to agree for one year at 10 guilders and for another year (if the exchange rise) to do it at 10 guilders 2 stivers.
[Ibid. p. 23.]
May 10. Afternoon. Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, Sir William Trumbull, Mr. Smith.
Divers gentlemen come to oppose the grant to the Earl of Portland of the manors of Denbigh, Bromfleet and Yale. Sir William Williamson, who has an estate in these manors, says these manors are very large and of great value (about 2,000l. a year) and a great number of gentlemen are interested in them; that since the creation [of the world or of them into a lordship] they have had no lord but the Lord of Heaven and the King: and [he Williamson] proceeded thus: We were never concerned in a rebellion, but sometimes when we joined with our neighbours the English; that 'tis difficult in point of law whether these manors are grantable or not or be an inseparable part of the inheritance of the Prince of Wales, and when a Prince of Wales is born they are his and the Crown has nothing to do [with them]: Denbigh is annexed to the Principality by Act of Parliament and I think it cannot be separated but by Act; [the Act] 'twas in Queen Elizabeth's time; the Prince of Wales always had his revenue, Court and officers, and on the creation of [a] Prince [of Wales] this lordship pays a great mise, 'tis about 437l.; however, I'm sure 'tis most safe to go by Parliament and not by patent: for Bromfeild and Yale, which consists I think of 23 manors, 'twas a customary estate and in Charles I's time 'tis annexed to the Principality; 'twas a customary estate renewable and in 13 Charles I 'tis turned to an inheritance and also annexed [to the Principality] and this lordship pays a mise of 400l.; if there be a mesne lord he'll carry all the royalties and questions will arise; the Acts of Parliament confirm our privileges; here is the King's patentee and here may be a Prince, must the Lord or the Prince have it?; these places are full of mines; a new lord will have eagle's eyes and there will be perpetual suits; this is that which touches every man in the county in his vitals; [the Act of] 22 Charles II [c. 6] is to sell the fee farms and Cornwall Duchy rents, but there is an express saving for the fee farm rents of Wales, and when the Parliament would not let them be sold shall they be given now?; the Parliament did interest [instruct or intrust] the Lord Treasurer and Commissioners of the Treasury to pursue the instructions of that Act; he says that they have had but small time to make objections and have not instructions from the rest of their countrymen.
Mr. Brereton says that there may be an inconvenience to the Judges' salaries by this grant.
Mr. Price says these lordships contain about five parts in six of the county; we owe a double allegiance as tenants and subjects; we would not have our allegiance weakened in any part; he says he does not understand that one having an estate for life can make a grant in fee; that Acts of Re-assumption have been grounded always upon paying of great taxes; we shall have a poor Crown and weakhearted people to serve the Crown if these grants go on.
Sir Robert Cotton says in Queen Elizabeth's time there was a grant to the Earl of Leicester of lands in Wales which occasioned fraies, murthers and many indictments and made him surrender to the Crown in his lifetime; the lordship of Denbigh was then granted to the said Earl.
My Lords will represent the matter to the King.
Sir R. Midleton, Sir John Wynn, Sir Walter Bagot, Sir Tho. Grosvenor, Sir Roger Mostyn and others are in the country that (as Sir William Williams says) would appear in this matter.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. pp. 24–5.]
May 11. Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Smith.
[Write] to the Postmasters to be here on Monday afternoon with their further report about the postmaster of Canterbury.
Mr. Godfrey, Sir William Scawen, Sir James Houblon and Sir Henry Furnese come in [for the Bank of England]; and after much discourse concerning the supplying the Army in Flanders they agree with my Lords to return all the public moneys for Flanders at the rate of 10 guilders for one year, reckoning from the 20th day of May, 1695 (on which day their last agreement ends); and after the year ended a new agreement is to be made or else a management at 2 per cent.; and my Lords are to be at liberty within a month to alter the agreement for a year certain into a present management at the same rate of 2 per cent. for themselves; the King in that case bearing the charge. And if there be any other public money to be returned for Germany or Holland they are to remit the same at the same or a proportionable rate, having regard to the difference of exchange at that time between Flanders and the place to which such return is to be made.
And they are to remit the money for Savoy next year on the same terms as they do it this year.
And they are to have the whole benefit of exporting the 700,000 ounces of silver under the late Act.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 26.]
May 13. Afternoon. Present: ut supra.
Sir Robert Cotton and Mr. Frankland [Postmasters General] attend with Mr. Brockman about John Woodgate, deputy postmaster of Canterbury. The Postmasters [General] will make him a reasonable allowance for the future if he can hold the place; and as to his arrear of 360l. 8s. 2d. due from him at Lady day last my Lords will discharge him of 165l. in consideration of his poverty and the extraordinary charges he has been at and his good services to the Government, upon his paying down the remainder.
The packets containing the printed Acts [of Assessments etc.] which the Agents [for Taxes] sent by the post are to be discharged of the postage duty.
The fine rated by the Surveyor [General of Crown Lands] to be paid by Lord Coningsby for the manor of Marden etc. is to be remitted pursuant to the King's pleasure signified to my Lords.
Sir Stephen Evance offers a proposal of his and Sir Joseph Herne for furnishing 200,000l. for Flanders at 10 guilders 15 stivers [on condition of] having the privilege of exporting the 700,000 ounces [of silver as] by the Act. [My Lords tell him] he must propose for the remittances for six months at least, otherwise my Lords cannot separate the exchange for the 200,000l.
Mr. Hull and Mr. Hardwick are to have a new lease of the Forest of Arkingarthdale.
My Lords will write to the Earl of Bath that the King before his going away directed that some care should be taken about St. James's Park, that he would have the same orders observed for the keeping of it as were directed by the Queen last summer and particularly that no coaches be suffered to pass through it but such as were allowed by her Majesty.
[Treasury Minute Book VIII. p. 27.]
May 15. Forenoon. Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Smith.
A letter [is to be sent to the Customs] to pass the Dutch Ambassador's goods free.
The complement of the proportion of the Ordnance for the sea service out of the third 4s. Aid, being 35,383l. 11s. 6d., is to be forthwith satisfied by tallies.
A letter [is to be sent to the Receipt] to apply 9,000l. of money in cash for wages for a year's pension to the Chest at Chatham for the year 1694.
The [Principal] Commissioners of Prizes are to be here next sitting about the demand of the Commissioners for Prisoners at War of money out of the prizes at Jersey and Guernsey.
[Order for] 10,000l. to be advanced (as last week) to the Victuallers, viz. 5,000l. for answering bills from Cadiz and 5,000l. for the general victualling.
[My Lords] to meet again on Saturday morning.
[Ibid. p. 28.]