Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6, 1555-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6, 1555-1558, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6, 1555-1558. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6, 1555-1558. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.


La Chaux, Mons. de (“della Scia,” &c.), Jean Poupet, 127, 356, 379, 416, 474, 617, 667.

-, -, chief chamberlain and butler to Charles V., 123, 465.

- (“Lasso”), Don Diego, agent of the King of the Romans, at Rome, 499, 551.

-, -, his arrest (at Rome), 563.

-, -, grant by the Pope to, 551.

-, Don Francisco de, sent by the King and Queen of Bohemia to Queen Mary, 570.

Lackeys, 138.

Ladders, scaling, 422.

Ladies, great number of, at the Court, 174.

-, noble, p. 434.

Lasa Majestas, case of, App. 118.

La Fère or Fère (Picardy), near the frontiers of Flanders, 866, 926, 993, 1005, 1008, 1019, 1068, 1085, 1095, 1220.

-, seven leagues from St. Quentin, 979, 990.

La Ferté Mélun (“Milon”), letters dated at, 218, 260, 268, 277, 850, 854, 858, 862, 866, 872, 875, 877, 883, 886, 896, 908, 1242, 1244, 1247, 1252, 1254, 1255.

Laines, —, a Spanish Jesuit, 879.

Lalain, Count or Mons. de, Charles, 414, 418, 422, 428, 433, 441, 457, 460, 461, 464, 465, 480, 501, 542, 556, 760, 875, 1164, 1260.

-, -, Governor of Hainault, Imperial commissioner to attend the conference for peace, 54.

-, -, sent to Cambrai, 413.

-, -, conference between the Admiral of France and, 423.

-, -, going to Paris with his retinue, 436.

-, -, ambassador from the Emperor and Philip to the French court, 451, 454.

-, -, present to, on his departure from the French court, 451.

-, -, lieutenant of the Duke of Savoy, 797.

-, -, palace of (at Brussels), 1071.

-, Ponce de. See Bugnicourt.

Lambert, Mons. de, superintendent on the French frontiers, 268.

Lambeth, 473 note.

-, letters dated at, 1050, 1264.

-, palace at, Queen Mary at the, 776.

-, -, gardens of the, 627.

Lancaster, Duchy of, Act for enlarging the, 308.

Lancers, English, 942.

Landazzo, —, ambassador of the Republic of Montalcino, at Rome, 907.

Landgrave, the. See Hesse.

Lando, Agostin de, Count, 24.

Landriano, Count of, 601, 610, 643.

Lands, sale of, 94.

Langes, Mons. de (brother of the Bishop of Bayonne), French ambassador in England (1529), App. 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104.

Langhe, Le, a mountainous territory (Italy), 968.

Languages, p. 1080, p. 1083.

Lansac, Mons. de, Louis de St. Gélais, 18, 82, 86, 120, 340, 418, 507, 537, 607, 609, 664, 732, 780, 800, 809, 993, 1027, 1254.

-, -, at the conference for peace, 91, 93.

-, -, recalled from Rome to France, 780, 811, 828.

-, -, Knight of St. Michael, 1026.

-, -, secretary or secretaries of, 747, 748, 774, 780.

Lanzpurch (near Augsburg), 328.

Laon, 968, 970, 977, 1001, 1027, 1035, 1095, 1256.

-, letters dated at, 68, 1257.

-, Moncornet near, 965.

Lapo, —, an Italian captain, 1019.

Laredo, 575.

-, harbour or port of, 623, 645, 668.

-, courier from, at Ghent, 667.

-, Charles V. at, 703.

La Roche-sur-Yon, Prince of, 995.

Lasso. See La Chaux.

Lateran Council, the last, 396.

Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 246.

-, -, burning of, at Oxford, 256.

Latin language, p. 1055, p. 1083, App. 171.

Laura (near Brussels), 288, 301, 542, 555.

-, Philip at, 496, 532, 536.

-, Charles V. at, 532.

Lauredanus, Ser Petrus, 731.

Lautrec, Mons. de (1527), 535, 549, p. 672, 781, 798, 850.

Lavigne or Lavigna, Mons. de, ambassador from France to Constantinople, 722, 727, 747, 824.

Lavoro, Terra di, 755.

La Ware. See Delawarr.

Law, civil and canon, doctorate in, p. 1051.

-, common, App. 171.

- suits, p. 1051.

- students, App. 171.

- terms, App. 171.

Laws, p. 1052.

-, civil and imperial, p. 1051.

-, English, p. 1051.

Lawrence, —, burnt, 49.

Laye (Lorraine), 940.

Laymen, Catholic, 425.

-, employed by Catholic bishops to preach sermons, 452.

Lead, p. 1044.

League, the Holy (1527), 535, App. 76, 79.

- of Cambrai, 431. See Cambrai.

- in Saxony, between 17 Princes of Germany, 123.

-, defensive, between Philip and Venice, proposed, for the affairs of Italy, 131.

-, proposed, between Charles V. and the States of Italy, 141.

- between the Pope, the King of France, Duke of Ferrara and the Switzers, against Charles V. and Philip, 340, 343, 349, 351, 352, 376, 496, 497, 509, 536, 539, 545, 610, p. 614, 639, 679, 702, 707, 788, 806, 807, 810, 842, 844, 862, 865, 949, 955, 969, 976, 980 note, 1034, 1043, 1044;

called the “Holy League,” 850.

-, -, dispute between the members of the, 888, 894.

-, -, Captain General of the, Duke of Ferrara, 354, 364, 374, 691, 727.

-, -, Lieutenant General of the, Duke de Guise, 856, 894.

-, a defensive Italian, proposed by Charles V. to Venice, 539.

Leases, 94, p. 1068.

Leather, p. 1044.

Legate-born, the title of, p. 1069.

-, -, privilege of, conceded to the church of Canterbury, 899, 900.

- de latere, authority of, taken from Pole, p. 1069, 899, 900.

Legatine authority, 77.

Legation to England, repeal of the, 945, 959. See Pole;


Lege, Marcho da Cha da, App. 41. See Leze.

Leghorn, 676, 1160.

-, fortress of, 812.

-, Germans and Spaniards landed at, 814.

Leigh, Sir John (Mr. Leghe), letter to, 104.

Lenoncourt, Cardinal, 53.

Lens (Flanders), sacked by the French, 908.

Lent, blessing of the golden rose on the fourth Sunday in, 66.

-, not strictly observed at the Court of Charles V., 392.

-, preaching during, p. 434.

-, observance of, 825.

Leon, kingdom of, act of renunciation by Charles V. of the, 353.

Lepanto, in the hands of the Turks, 890.

Lesina, Bishop of, Zaccaria Dolfin, 684, 686. See Liesina.

Leslie (“Leslio”), Messer, 1287.

L'Espic, Baron, quarter-master-general of Piedmont, 688.

Leva, Antonio de, Don, p. 1064, 1179, App. 97.

Levant, the, 19, p. 1049.

-, advices from, 598.

Lewkner, —, groom-porter, arrested, 505 note;

condemned, 514.

Leze, Hironimo da, C.C.X. 383, App. 139.

-, Marcho de la, App. 40. See Lege.

Libel, a, printed against Pole, 13.

- (libellus), a notorious, mentioned by Pole in a letter to Philip, 287.

Libels, circulated to the dishonour of the King and Queen, 85.

Licaonia island, temple or church on the, 1042.

Licenses to export beer, grain, &c., 274.

Liège, 286 note, 1190, App. 58.

-, French forces marching to, 35.

-, “baynes,” baths, or springs of, 135, 164, 196.

-, -, Charles V. at the, 474.

-, citadel of, App. 58.

-, inhabitants of, 164.

-, men of, App. 58.

-, walls of, App. 58.

-, province or territory of, 1190, 1245.

-, -, a fortress to be erected in the, 164.

-, -, ravaged by the French, 1246.

-, Bishop of, App. 58.

-, -, natural son of Emperor Maximilian, 214, 573, 629.

Liesina, Bishop of, Zaccaria Dolfin, 695, 699, 719, 757, 781. See Lesina.

Liesse, Notre Dame de, near Laon, 977, 979.

Ligne, Jean de, Count d'Aremberg, 696.

Ligni, M. de, a Piedmontese, 1179, 1190.

Liguria, 608.

-, forces of, 535.

Lilio, 1287 note. See Leslie.

Lille, 1294, 1295.

-, commissioners formerly at, 1268.

Lily, knighthoods of the, sold at Rome, 609, 631, 642.

Limasol (Cyprus), Bishop of, Andrea Centani, proposed deprivation of the, for heresy, 1160.

Limoges, Bishop of, brother of Secretary Aubespine, 1278, 1281. See Aubespine.

Lincoln, commandery of Eagle near, 1185.

-, see or diocese of, 440, App. 31.

-, Bishop of, John Whyte, 251, 286.

-, -, translated to Winchester, 440, 482.

Linens, p. 1044.

Lion, Andrea, captain of the Flanders galley, App. 24.

-, -, letter to, App. 23.

Lions, App. 171.

Lippomano, Luigi or Alvise, 920 note.

-, -, Bishop of Verona, coadjutor of;

one of his nephews, son of the most noble Messer Thoma, 788.

-, -, Papal nuncio in Poland, 695.

Lisbon, 333.

Literature, 755.

Litolfi, Annibale, letters from, App. 171, 172.

Litter, a, 251, 776.

-, Mary proceeds through London in a, 200.

Liveries, p. 1084.

Livia, Signora, murder of, p. 701 note, 1017.

Loan of 500,000 ducats, by Antwerp merchants to Charles V. and Philip, 30, 32.

- of 300,000 crowns negotiated at Antwerp for Philip, 123.

- by German and Genoese merchants to the Emperor, 181.

- contracted by Mary in Flanders, 215.

-, -, in Spain, 377.

- required by Mary from the nobility and gentry of England, 584.

-, exaction of a, by the Queen, 594, 690.

-, a great quantity of money derived from the last, 764.

- unwillingly paid, 1067.

Loans negotiated in the Low Countries for Philip, 55, 57, 79, 166, 309.

-, separate, from individuals and cities in England to Mary, 594.

-, constant demands for, in England, p. 1057.

Lodève, Bishop of, French ambassador at Venice, 62, 354, 404, 504, 633, 694, 727, 729 note, 788, 804, 896, 962, 970, 1001, 1034.

-, -, dispute for precedence between him and Philip's ambassador, Vargas, 912.

-, -, recalled, 960.

Lodi, 63 note.

-, delegates from, to the King of England, taken prisoners by the French, 87.

Lodrone, Amerigo or Americo da, Count, 741, 751, 773.

-, -, his father, 536.

-, -, his soldiers, ib.

Logrono, 645.

Loire, the, 1049.

Lombardo, Pietro, proposed appointment of an interpreter of the doctrines of, at Oxford, 256.

Lombards in England, 161.

Lombardy, p. 567, 608, 659, 798, 915, 1039, App. 171.

-, defence of places in, 820.

-, general of Spanish troops in, 32.

-, Prior of, Carlo Sforza, galleys taken by, 201.

London, City of, 24, 161, 174, 196, 210, 237, 256, 307, 345, 358, 364, 411, 655, 752, 794, 880, p. 1072, 896, 910, 917, 1135, 1146, 1161, 1287, 1290, App. 24, 36, 37, 38, 39, 58, 63, 64, 76, 108.

-, descriptions of, p. 1045, App. 171.

-, Mary wishes that no one be burnt in, App. 136.

-, military precautions against a rising in, 67.

-, public demonstrations of joy in, on a report of Mary's delivery, 72.

-, whipping of an impostor through, for proclaiming himself to be King Edward VI., 97.

-, schism, sedition, and heresy in the city of, 136.

-, in the custody of the Earl of Pembroke, 142.

-, proclamation made in, touching books by Lutheran authors, 142.

-, “the fountain head of lies and popular disturbances,” p. 133.

-, pageants in, forbidden, ib.

-, populace of, convinced that the Queen was dead, 200.

-, procession of Mary and Philip through, 200.

-, rumours in, relative to discord between Charles V. and the Pope, 255.

-, Bill for removal from, of public ridotti for card-playing, dicing, and dancing, 274.

-, a book circulated in, against the King's mode of government, 297.

-, papers published in, urging the people to rebel, 358.

-, taxation of the city of, 377.

-, a plot for setting fire to, 429, 434.

-, gate of the city of, closed against Wyatt, 482.

-, strict watch kept over, 489.

-, Synod in, 530.

-, pirates hanged in, 570.

-, loan by the city of, to the Queen, 594.

-, Philip and Mary pass through, 852.

-, Philip in, 863.

-, proclamation in, of war against France, 924, 945.

-, aldermen of, 200, 448, p. 1045.

-, -, money subscribed by, for the destruction of pirates, 570.

-, -, death of four, 681.

-, artificers of, p. 1045.

-, Bishop of, 142.

-, - palace of the, 138.

-, - (Ridley), order for the burning of, 246.

- Bridge, p. 1045, App. 171.

-, chamberlain of, App. 20.

-, commonalty of, privileges of the, p. 1045.

-, companies of, meetings of the, in their halls, 297.

-, - loans by the, to the Queen, 594.

-, custom-house at, 554.

-, Dantzickers (“Danesini”) in, privileged citizens, 882.

-, gates of, 466.

-, Grey Friars' church, Cardinal Pole ordained presbyter in the, 411.

- Guildhall, 482.

-, -, trials in the, 538 note.

- Inns of Court, p. 1051.

-, Lord Mayor of, 80, 142, 200, 297, 764.

-, - and Aldermen of, App. 32, 38.

-, merchants of, 554, p. 1045.

-, -, trade of the, App. 171.

-, -, about to trade in Muscovy, 852.

- merchants Adventurers of, 246, 668.

- merchants Staplers of, 246.

- - and the merchants of Antwerp, dispute between, 704.

-, population of, p. 1045.

-, postmasters in, 682.

-, St. Bartholomew-the-Less, parish of, App. 31.

-, St. Mary of the Arches, church of;

sermon by Pole in the, 440 note, p. 428.

-, -, paper presented by the parishioners of, to Pole, p. 428.

-, St. Paul's cathedral church, p. 1045.

-, -, obsequies of Queen Joanna in, 138.

-, -, meetings of the Dudleys and others in, 161.

-, -, Dean of, John Howman, 32.

-, -, -, John Feckenham, 645.

-, -, -, Robert Sherburne, 752 note.

-, -, -, becomes Abbot of Westminster, 771.

-, shambles in, App. 171.

-, Temple Bar, the Lord Mayor and Alderman meet Mary at, 200.

-, Tower of, 316, 1290.

-, Venetian citizens resident in, 517.

-, - consul in, 517, 750, App. 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 60, 61.

-, - consulate in, official seal of the, App. 31.

-, - council of Twelve in, 417.

-, - factory at (“the London factory”), App. 38, 39.

-, - - proveditors for the, 231, 517 note.

-, - galley bound for (“the Loudon galley”), App. 25, 26, 28, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 52, 55, 59, 60.

-, -, -, master of the, App. 56.

-, Venetian merchants and subjects in, 517, 776, p. 1072, App. 32, 124.

-, - -, the mint (zecca) of, App. 124.

-, - vice-captain in, App. 27, 40.

-, - vice-consul in, App. 40, 41.

-, - -, letter to the, App. 48.

-, letters dated at, 1–4, 8–12, 14, 17, 22–27, 32, 37–40, 42, 49–51, 57–61, 66, 67, 72, 75, 80, 82, 89, 94, 97, 116, 132, 137, 138, 140, 175, 200, 204, 209, 213, 215, 231, 240, 246, 251, 255, 256, 259, 269, 270, 274–276, 282, 287, 289, 291, 292, 297–299, 307, 313, 314, 316, 317, 321–323, 327, 333, 334, 342, 350, 355, 358, 360, 363, 365–371, 377, 378, 394–397, 399–403, 429, 434, 440, 442, 445, 448, 458, 461, 466, 470, 471, 473, 476, 477, 482, 487–489, 493, 495, 502, 503, 505, 510, 514, 525, 526, 530, 531, 538, 548, 554, 570, 580, 585, 594, 605, 614, 615, 627, 634, 637, 645, 657, 658, 668, 681, 682, 690, 697, 723, 743, 752, 753, 764, 771, 772, 776, 783, 790, 794, 802, 863, 864, 867, 870, 871, 873, 876, 881, 885, 891, 892, 899–903, 909, 912, 923–925, 934, 935, 943, 947, 948, 952, 953, 1010, 1084, 1099, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1134, 1135, 1157, 1158, 1184–1189, 1265, 1286, 1291, 1292, App. 20, 22, 64, 78, 79, 81–96, 98–104, 106, 115–121, 127, 128, 132, 147, 168, 171, 172.

Londoners, 316, 434.

-, outrages by, against the Catholic religion, 32.

- opposed to the Catholics, 37.

-, two, burned as heretics, 116.

Longezza (near Rome), 950.

Longuejou, Matthieu de, Chancellor of France, p. 695.

Longueville, Duke de, 451.

-, -, taken prisoner at St. Quentiu, 990.

-, -, ransom of the, 1288.

Loo, Mr., 73.

Lopes, Don Diego, ambassador from Portugal to England, 18, 251, 269, 316, 327.

-, -, returning home, 493.

-, Don Gutierre, de Padilla, chamberlain and councillor to Philip, 131, p. 132, 161, 183.

Lorenzo, Jacopo, sage of the Venetian Council, 1248 note.

Lords of the kingdom, summoned to assemble, 752.

- and Commons visit Queen Mary, 1290.

-, House of, or “Upper House,” 269, 274, 275, 287, 297, 298, 301, 307.

-, -, members of the, sent for by the Queen, 289.

-, -, pass the Bill relative to the church property, 313.

-, - See English Lords.

Loredan, Lorenzo, Captain, letter to, App. 59.

Loredano, Ser Pietro, 729. See Lauredanus.

Loretto, 843.

-, governor of, Cardinal Carpi, 932, 933.

-, -, his vicar there, ib.

Lorraine, 113, 141, 633, 940, 984, 1020, 1026, 1085, 1221.

-, duchy of, 335, 416, 970.

-, strongholds in, 633.

-, territory of, 1239.

-, Duke of, Francois I., 112, p. 1015 note.

-, -, Charles III., son of Duke Francois I. and Christine of Denmark, 416, 970, 1097, 1137, 1195, 1221, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1239, 1256.

-, -, and his state, 633.

-, -, his proposed marriage with Claude, 2nd daughter of Henry II. of France, 633, 1095, 1098, 1115.

-, -, espousals of, 1112, 1121.

-, -, interview between him and his mother the Duchess, 1225.

-, -, subjects of, 1239.

-, Duchess of, Christine of Denmark, niece of Charles V., widow of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, and of Francois I., Duke of Lorraine, 97, 208, 214, 413, 416, 552, 555, 751, 803, p. 1015, 970, 1020, 1065, 1077, 1098, 1239, 1269, 1273, 1276, 1277, 1283.

-, -, proposed marriage between the Duke of Savoy and, 72, 80, 201, 243, 318;

the Duke of Savoy refuses to marry her, 96;

the negotiation broken off, 491.

-, -, and Lord Courtenay, proposed marriage between, 96.

-, -, dower left to, by the Duke of Milan, 229.

-, -, and the Duke of Holstein, proposed marriage between, 491.

-, -, in England, 866.

-, -, leaves England, 896.

-, -, Mary's jealousy of, 929.

-, -, and her son, 1195.

-, -, conference between her, the Duke, her son, and the Cardinal of Lorraine, 1220, 1221, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1227.

-, -, interview between her and her son, 1235.

-, -, brother of, “the Count,” 1195.

-, -, daughters of, 1227, 1235.

-, -, eldest daughter of, proposed marriage of the, 667.

-, -, sister of, 416.

-, -, son of, ib.

-, Cardinal of, Louis de Guise, brother of the Duke de Guise, 2, 3, 18, 25, 32, 49, 53, 81, p. 132, 183, 184, 218, 258, 292, 295, 310, 313, 322, 323, 326, 340, 343, 349, 351, 364, 368, 372, 374, 376, 408, 422, 451, 469, 512, 539, 545, 553, 583, 597, 601, 610, 618, 624, 628, 633, 639, 640, 649, 651, 670, 705, 722, 755, 761, 770, p. 1015, 875, 888, 896, 960, 984, 985, 995, 1000, 1005, 1026, 1040, 1049, 1065, 1079, 1085, 1087, 1089, 1094, 1098, 1100, 1108, 1116, 1121, 1124, 1131, 1133, 1137, 1138, 1148, 1159, 1172, 1173, 1182, 1195, 1202, 1206, 1216, 1219, 1221, 1223, 1238, 1240, 1242, 1247, 1252, 1257, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1268, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1276, 1278, 1281, 1283, 1290, 1295, 1296, App. 135.

-, -, letters to, from Pole, 4, 365, 399;

from the Doge of Venice, 1232.

-, -, accused of heretical opinions, App. 135.

-, -, and the Constable, rivalry of, 67.

-, -, one of the French commissioners to treat with the Imperial and English commissioners for peace, 34, 39, 42, 44, 68, 71, 75, 76, 84, 85, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 100, 118, 120, p. 114.

-, -, negotiations of, at Rome, 412.

-, -, “the soul” of the King of France, 419.

-, -, an abbacy conferred on, 855.

-, -, seat of, called Marchié, 926.

-, -, and the Duchess of Lorraine, interview or conference between, 1216, 1224, 1225, 1235.

-, -, uncle of Mary Queen of Scotland, App. 134.

-, -, his brothers, 419.

-, -, his brother, the Prior of Rhodes, 1172.

-, -, secretaries of the, 1252, 1277.

-, Nicholas de, Comte de Vaudemont, Due de Mercœur, 633 note.

-, Réné de, General of the galleys of France, 1011 note. See Elbœuf, Marquis d'.

Lottino, —, secretary to the Duke of Florence, 130.

-, Francesco, secretary to Cardinal Sta. Fiore, sent by Charles V. to Philip, 145.

-, -, arrest of, 201.

Louvain, 127, 173, 178, 248, 252, 254, 273, 284, 285, 286 note, 309, 314, 532, 542, 556, 703, 1083, 1104.

-, letter dated at, 285.

-, meeting of Philip and the King and Queen of Bohemia at, 552.

-, University of, theologians and doctors in the, p. 1062.

Lovatello, Varisco, a courier, 833.

Lovo, Paolo, appointed rector of San Vio, 946.

Low, —, 94.

Low Countries. See Netherlands.

Lubeck, city of, 163.

Lucca, 1060.

-, Signory of, 19.

-, Ancients and Gonfalonier for Justice of, letter to the, 20.

-, Republic of, 286 note.

Lucchese, the, 1060.

- banker, Buonvisi, 286 note.

Lucera (sic), inhabitants of the valley of, Lutherans;

some of them burnt, with their preachers. 956, 965.

Lucerne, ambassador from, to France, 949.

Luigi, Dom, 967.

Luino, Count di, 616.

Lumley, John Lord, and Joanna his wife, p. 559, note.

Luna, — de, 1248.

-, Isabella de, a Spanish courtezan, 1117.

-, Juan de, Don, 560, 562, 836, 1094, 1096.

-, -, warder of Milan, 559, 632.

-, -, son of, 560.

Lunardo, Messer, 766.

Lüneburg or Lunenburg, 775.

-, Duke of, 339, 1182, 1272.

Lusignana, 781.

Lute, the, p. 1055.

Luther, Martin, proclamation touching the works of, 142 note.

-, -, “heresy” or “heresies” of, 608, p. 701.

Lutheran authors, proclamation touching books by, 142.

- captain, 1049.

- conventicles, 1235a.

- fashion, Philip said by the Pope to be living in the, 746, 755.

- heresy at Brescia, App. 122.

- opinions, 450, 518, 617, p. 695 note, 667.

- - adopted by Maximilian, King of Bohemia, 181, 229, 1160.

- -, German preachers accused of holding, 201.

-, preachers in Switzerland, 965.

Lutheranism in Venice, 473 note.

Lutherans, 425, 432, 453, 546, p. 721, 798, 799, 821, 1023, 1125.

- at Gardon, articles of the, App. 123.

- and Catholics, “perpetual peace” between (in Germany), 232.

-, increase of the, in Germany, 347.

- in Holland, condemned to death, 416.

-, a Papal legate in fear of the, 560.

- said to be encouraged by Charles V., 622 bis.

- in the valley of Lucera (sic), burnt by the Parliament of Turin, 956.

-, arrest of, in Paris, 1026.

-, book by a prothonotary named Guielmo against the, 1143.

-, a conference to discuss religious matters conceded to the, by Ferdinand, King of the Romans, 1144.

- in France, 1235a.

Luxemburg, 458, 793, 883, 1112, 1149, 1221, 1237, 1246.

-, French forces marching to, 35.

-, six towns in, demanded by the Emperor from France, 130.

-, infantry raised in, for the Emperor and Philip, 458.

-, French resident at, Mons. de James, 458.

-, proposed French expedition against, 1085, 1087.

-, a large village towards, 1240.

-, town of, 1245, 1247.

-, duchy of, 1164, 1247, 1272.

-, frontiers of, 426.

-, province of, 1089.

-, territory of, 1095, 1245, 1249.

-, - fortresses taken by the French in the, 364.

-, Governor of, 306.

Lyonnois, government of the, 1000.

Lyons, 349, 507, 539, 559, 562, 568, 607, 621, 638, 700, 705, 722, 727, 747, 754, 761, 767, 768, 774, 780, 820, 942, 956, 1009, 1026, 1034, 1035, 1049, 1065, 1068, 1085, 1197, 1239, 1272, App. 108.

-, loans raised in, 765, 1138.

-, plot to give it to Philip, 968, 994.

-, plot to occupy one of the gates of, 1093.

-, post from, to Rome, 1076.

-, panic at, 1078.

-, royal agents at, 1078.

-, Council of, order issued by Gregory X. at the, touching Papal elections, 51.

-, fairs at, 663, 688, 818, 968, 1078.

-, firm of Caponi and Rinuccini at, 593.

-, firm of the Guadagni at, 593, 633.

-, Florentine merchants at, 727.

-, - outlaws at, 663, 727.

-, German and Italian merchants at, 688.

-, inhabitants of, 968, 1138.

-, merchants of or at, 995, 1078, 1239.

-, -, letters from Spain to, 977.

-, -, loans by the, to the King of France, 818, 979, 1009.

-, territory of, 968.

-, letter dated at, 1078.