Venice: June 1533

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Venice: June 1533', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: June 1533', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: June 1533". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1533

June 4. Parti Comuni Conso. X., v. xix. p. 32, tergo. 908. Motion in the Council of Ten by the Chiefs.
Licences to carry arms to be granted only to such persons of the ambassadors' households as shall be specified in a note to be delivered by the secretaries and under the sign-manual of the ambassadors, the secretaries affirming upon oath that they are veritable servants (veri familiari) dwelling in the houses of the ambassadors, and at their cost; making them also one by one appear personally in the presence of the Chiefs. The same form to be observed at the renewal of these licences every four months. These “arms-licences” to be available from Easter to Michaelmas until the second hour of the night, and from Michaelmas to Easter until the fourth hour, according to the letter of the law, with the exception of guns (schioppi) pole-axes, and other sorts of arms prohibited by the laws. Should anyone be found [with prohibited weapons] the licence shall not be available as excuse, and he shall incur the penalty for arms, etc. in addition to scossi tre de corda (fn. 1) on St. Mark's Square.
Ayes, 15. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
June 5. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 909. Marin Giustinian to the Signory.
The English ambassador [Sir John Wallop] has heard from Rome that they have appointed the 15th July for the observation of the vintage season (e lui ha di Roma esser sta messo adi 15 Luio per la in-tempore di l'ue (fn. 2)et perho, etc.) and therefore the Pope's coming has been postponed until the beginning of September. His most Christian Majesty has acceded to the Pope's wish. The Duke of Norfolk was to be at Nice by the 15th August, when the Pope will certainly be there, but Wallop is of opinion the Duke will not come.
The new Queen was to be crowned in England on the 8th.
Lyons, 5th June. Registered by Sanuto, 18th June.
June 5. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 910. Mafio Bernardo.
The Senate assembled in the afternoon at the suit of the Avo-garia for the cause of Ser Mafio Bernardo of the bank; and Sev Piero Mozenigo, late State-Attorney, and the State-Attorney, Ser Jacomo da Canal, spoke of the other two charges, namely, that Bernardo sought to farm the wool-staple, and would not allow wools to be loaded on board his galley. There are five charges in all. Ser Jacomo da Canal then mentioned the bravadoes of the defendant, and ended his speech; but, although it was early, Bernardo's advocates went to the Signory to say they would reply tomorrow; so the house was cleared, the members of the Senate alone remaining; and the letters received during the last few days were read, and the Council was dismissed at the 22nd hour.
June 6. Sauuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 911. Mafio Bernardo.
In the afternoon, the Senate assembled for the Avogaria to despatch Ser Mafio Bernardo. It was a full house, and the advocate D. Francesco Fileto, LL.D., spoke in his favour, and well, saying the process is not well drawn up, nor ought credit to be given to the ambassador [Carlo Capello], as he is Bernardo's enemy; nor to the secretary, whose name Fileto did not know, nor to Zuan Morexini, son of Ser Vetor, nor Ser Zuan Battista Capello, son of the late Ser Sebastian, as they are his most bitter enemies, and the State Attorneys put them upon oath, but did not choose to administer it to Ser Hironimo da Molin, to Ser Jacomo Bragadin, or to Domenego di Prioli, because they are Bernardo's friends. He replied, and well, to the five charges made—1st, concerning the words used at the banquet given by D. Zuan Joachin, Count of Val (Vans) the French ambassador; 2ndly, touching abuse of the ambassador, Carlo Capello, on Greenwich bridge; 3rdly, about his having wished to take the wool-staple to prevent the entry of wools into Venice; 4thly, that he paid the crew of his galley, contrary to the will of the Captain of the Flanders Galleys; othly, that he would not allow wools to be loaded on board his galley. He then confuted the State-Attorney's quotation, “Si quis imperatori male dixerit, capite puniatur,” saying, on the contrary, that the rulers (11 imperatori) choose him to be pardoned; and he had an act read—passed by the Council of Ten on the 8th of August—concerning those public ministers to whom abusive language shall be addressed, that they are not to reply, but to draw up a process with two single witnesses. In short, he spoke eloquently and with vehemence, in Bernardo's favour. The house was then counted, all being dismissed who have no ballot, with the exception of the members of the College, and the numbers were 200.
The three State attorneys now in office, and Ser Piero Mozenigo late State attorney for this cause, then made a motion thus,—whether, considering what has been read and said, the Senate thinks fit to proceed against Ser Mafio Bernardo, son of the late Ser Francesco.
The motion was carried, thus:
Ayes, 108. Noes, 48. Neutrals, 44.
Five motions were then made. One by the State attorneys. One by Ser Zuan Boldù, chief of the Forty. One by Ser Vincenzo Morexini, chief of the Forty. One by Ser Francesco da Molim, chief of the Forty, son of the late Ser Piero; and the fifth, by the Doge and six councillors.
Motion made by the State Attorneys:—
That Ser Mano Bernardo be confined (confinatus et relegatus) for life in this city of Venice, and be bound to present himself once every week to the State attorneys. Should he infringe this decree, all his property to be confiscated to the State; he himself to be banished from Venice, and from all inland and maritime towns and places of the Signory, and from all ships, armed and unarmed; and should he at any time break these bounds, and be captured, to be brought to Venice, and imprisoned in careere forti for two years, et hoc toties quoties. His captors to receive each time one thousand ducats, to be derived from his property, if they can be obtained; if not, from the moneys of the State. Any person accusing said nobleman to the State attorneys of having broken his bounds, should the accusation prove true, to receive a thousand ducats. This sentence to be published on the edict steps at Rialto.
Ayes, 14. Neutrals, 10.
Motion made by the Doge and six Councillors.
That Ser Mafio Bernardo be banished for ten years from the Island of England, from Calais, Antwerp, Bruges, and from the whole of Flanders; and should he at any time act contrary to this banishment, be he condemned to pay 5,000 ducats to the Signory; and the person accusing him, so that the truth be ascertained, to receive five hundred ducats, to be levied on his property if they can be obtained; if not, the sum to be paid from the moneys of the Signory; and that he Bernardo, do forthwith pay to the water-bailiff's office, for the dredging of the lagoons and shore—as shall seem fit to the College of the most Serene Prince—one thousand ducats.
Ayes, 102. Carried.
Note by Sanuto, that as according to law one third of the fines payable to the water-bailiff's office is the perquisite of the State attorneys, they therefore abstained from voting on this motion.
Motion made by Ser Vincenzo Morexini, chief of the Forty.
That Ser Mario Bernardo be confined for ten years in this City of Venice, and be bound to present himself once every week to the State attorneys. Should he during that period break bounds, be he banished for life from Venice and the district, and from all towns and places of the Signory both inland and maritime, and from ships, armed and unarmed. If at any time he disobey this sentence, and be captured and brought to Venice, be he imprisoned in a dungeon, there to remain for one year, on the expiration of which, his term of banishment to commence, with the conditions above written in case of infringement of the sentence, et hoc toties quoties so that he remain in banishment for said ten consecutive years (in tota relegatione per dictum decennium); the person who captures and delivers him into the Signory's hands to receive five hundred ducats, to be levied on his (Bernardo's) property, if obtainable; if not, from the moneys of the Signory.
Ayes, 64.
Motion made by Ser Zuan Boldù, chief of the Forty.
Approves throughout the motion of Ser Vincenzo Morexini, chief of the Forty, on condition that the term of confinement be for 15 years instead of 10; and moreover that Ser Mafio Bernardo do pay forthwith three thousand ducats, namely, to the office of the arsenal 1,000; to the armament office 1,000; to the water-bailiffs office 1,000, for the dredging of the lagoons.
Ayes 17.
Motion made by Ser Francesco di Molin, chief of the Forty.
That Ser Mafio Bernardo pay forthwith to the water-bailiff's office, for the dredging of the lagoons two thousand ducats, and moreover five hundred ducats, to be distributed amongst the monasteries of poor nuns and hospitals, as shall seem fit to the Signory; besides 500 ducats to the office of the arsenal.
Ayes, 11. Neutrals, 6.
The Senate was dismissed at the second hour of the night. Almost all the procurators were present, and Ser Domenego Trivixan, Ser Luca Trum [alias Trono], and Ser Lorenzo Lorenzo. It was full, to hear the despatch of this business.
[Latin and Italian.]
June 7. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 253. 912. Caelo Capello to the Signory.
Wrote last on the 23rd ult., on which day the Archbishop of Canterbury passed the sentence against Queen Katharine, as contumax (in contumatia di quella) her Majesty not having chosen to appear.
Subsequently, on the 29th of May, the Duke of Norfolk, with a retinue as already mentioned numbering some 200 horsemen in excellent array, departed hence.
On the afternoon of that same day, (fn. 3) Queen Anne came from Greenwich to the Tower, by water, in a highly decorated little ship (una naveta ornatissima) with 50 other large barges, adorned in like manner, full of lords and ladies richly clad, being accompanied the whole way to the Tower by the constant discharge of artillery.
On Saturday, the last day of the month, also in the afternoon, she passed from the Tower to Westminster, with very great pomp, clad in silver tissue, with her hair over her shoulders, and a coronet (coronella) on her head; being carried on a chair of cloth of gold, between two mules, which were also covered with silver damask, and under a canopy of cloth of silver, accompanied by the greater part of the nobility of this kingdom, with the utmost order and tranquillity, all the streets and the houses being crowded with persons of every condition, in number truly marvellous; and in many places there were triumphal arches, pageants, and other decorations, as usually made on similar occasions.
Next morning, Whit-Sunday, she was conducted from the royal palace by the two archbishops of this kingdom, four of the chief bishops, and fourteen abbots, to the great church of Westminster, where she was most solemnly anointed and crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury; and the principal officials (ministri) were the Duke of Suffolk and the Lord Chamberlain, with a great number of lords and ladies all clad in scarlet mantles lined with ermine. A very grand and most sumptuous banquet was then served in that . . . . . (fn. 4) called by them the Great Hall (Sala majore) where, including the chief male and female nobility, there sat at table some 800 persons; besides the officials, there were also all the Earls and noblemen, and the Duke of Suffolk on horseback, most superbly arrayed, together with the brother of the Duke of Norfolk, who constantly visited the tables.
Then the whole of Monday was spent in banquets, balls, and jousts, at which entertainments the French ambassador and I were most honourably received, his Majesty having invited me con somma instantia; and when the French ambassador asked the Duke of Norfolk whether I would come to these entertainments, the Republic being at peace with the Emperor, the Duke replied that I was coming, and that although at peace with the Emperor, the Signory has also very ancient goodwill towards his Majesty and his ancestors.
The affairs of Scotland are not arranged, and the Scots lately took a very rich English merchant ship; but it is expected the truce will be made, though matters are procrastinated, and the English seem not to care.
There are advices from Flanders, Brabant, and Holland, that war has been proclaimed against the Easterlings, and principally against Lubeck; and that in Flanders and Holland they are preparing some 200 sail, on which they will embark a good part of those Lansquenets of Guelders who are on the borders of Holland; which news his Majesty has confirmed to me, and in a few days he will again send an ambassador to the King of Denmark, with whom, and with the Easterlings, he has a good understanding.
The congress to be held at Nice, between his Holiness and the most Christian King, has been spoken of here. The chief personages of the Court say it will take place (but they are unacquainted with all the particulars) on account of the marriage; and they believe the affairs of their King, and the marriage of the Pope's niece to the Duke of Orleans, will be arranged.
Has received the news of the last of April, and the news letters from Constantinople.
London, 7th June. Registered by Sanuto 6th July.
June 10. Lettere del Collegio (Secreta), File No. 13. 913. The Doge and College to Carlo Capello, ambassador in England.
Enclose the summary of letters received from their ambassador and vice-bailiff at Constantinople, dated the 7th and 8th ultimo, that he may communicate it to the King.
June 11. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 194. 914. Marco Venier to the Signory.
The Imperial ambassador and the agents of the Queen of England are proceeding (si continua expedir) with the divorce case in Consistory, and it was proposed to summon the Auditor di Rota Capizucchi to attend the next consistory. The day before yesterday when it assembled, certain acts were read, of which I enclose copy; and they purport, in short, that the advocate of the most Serene Queen (fn. 5) demands (cercha) the replies to a protest made to the Pope four days ago by the English ambassadors, against proceeding in this cause, both because the Rota is mistrusted by their king (al Sermo Rd suspetta) as also because the cause is of such great importance (di tanto interesse) to him, that by divine right, the ambassadors and the Excusator [Carne] should be present.
This protest was not admitted, and the Pope and cardinals insisted that the cause should be terminated. The ambassadors said the Excusator had a sufficient mandate to excuse the King, although he had not informed the Cardinals. Time was given them until another consistory; but the Queen's advocate objected, demanding a decision against the admission of the Excusator.
Before this, the Pope complained to the Cardinals that what was treated in the “congregation” held lately about the interview [at Nice] had been divulged, as also the words uttered on that occasion, and that their lordships should be more reserved, as besides subjecting themselves to excommunication, it was also for the public interest; and he said he would then communicate to them more satisfactory information.
The French cardinals here have told the Pope that the wish (la mente) of the most Christian King is, that as the Duke of Orleans, and the young Duchess, his Holiness's niece, are of ability (abili) to contract and consummate marriage, the Pope should therefore send her to Nice, where said Duke would be; and should his Holiness not approve of Nice, that he do send her to some other place. His Holiness replied that it did not seem fit to him to send her.
The Cardinal de Tournon has told me that the King of Scotland will marry a Frenchwoman; either the daughter of Mons. de Vendôme, or a sister of the King of Navarre, or a daughter of Mons. de Guise; leaving Madame Madeleine, the daughter of the most Christian King, aside, in order not to displease the King of England.
The French cardinals have received letters from the King, informing them that although the Pope's determination to postpone the interview until September did not please him, as he had come too far in advance, yet he did not evince discontent; and he refers himself to what will be arranged by the Bishop of Faenza on his arrival at the French Court.
Rome, 11th June 1533. Registered by Sanuto 14th June.
915. Copies of documents contained in the foregoing letter of Marco Venier, Venetian ambassador at Rome.
On the 12th February 1531, Consistory was held in the usual place, in which place the Reverend Father D. Paolo Capizucchi stated that a certain Englishman (fn. 6) appeared as one of the people, to excuse the King for not having appeared in the cause of the marriage. He (Capizucchi) stated it was the opinion of the Rota that the Excusator should not be admitted, but that our Lord should discuss the matter with the right reverend Cardinals, who by vote decreed that the Excusator was not to be admitted without a commission.
On the 10th May 1531, Consistory was held, in which it was concluded that in the English cause of the marriage, the decrees made heretofore were to be observed notwithstanding the allegations and suit made by the Excusator.
In the Anglican cause, our Holy Lord, together with the Council of Roman Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, having maturely discussed all the exceptions and allegations presented by one party and by the other, at length determined to await the most Illustrious King of England until and throughout the month of October next, that he may produce the mandate in the principal cause (in causa principali), in default of which, on the expiration of said term, the Court will proceed as justice shall counsel.
“Most Holy Father,
“After your Holiness had committed the cause and causes which your Holiness's most serene and devoted Oratrix, Katharine Queen of England, purposed maintaining against the most Serene Lord King of England, her consort, concerning the compact of marriage legitimately contracted between them, and other arguments more amply set forth in the acts of the cause and and causes aforesaid—to the Rev. Father D. Paolo Capizucchi, Dean of the Rota, that he might hear, know, and report them in Consistory on behalf of the said most Serene Queen, in observance of the substantial terms, a process exists against the aforesaid most Serene King; and in order that no doubt may arise of the validity of the process with regard to the observance of the terms, be your Holiness pleased to charge and command the aforesaid Rev. Father D. Paolo, after reiterating all together in one sole context the terms made hitherto—even wrongfully (male) or invalidly—to proceed in the cause and causes aforesaid to ulterior steps (ad ulteriora) to be reported in due time and place, he doing and expediting whatever is necessary and in any manner opportune, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, and declaring immediately the tenour of the cause and causes aforesaid, and the compendiums to be considered fully and diffidently expressed.”
By order of our Lord the Pope, said auditor to reiterate the terms, and in one sole, context; to proceed as required, and do justice.
The 9th of June 1533. Our Holy Lord, replying to the schedule of appeal and protest presented lately to his Holiness, says that by proceeding and pronouncing in this Anglican cause he did not aggrieve nor does he aggrieve anyone; but that he may be enabled to administer justice, he chooses the decree made in the Sacred Consistory, and the commissions issued respecting the aforesaid cause, to take effect, notwithstanding anything whatever.
From these premises (ex his) it is clearly manifest that the pretended Excusator ought not to be heard, and that the pretended appeals interposed by him are frivolous and to be rejected; and as the King—having no regard whatever for our Lord and the Sacred Consistory—has taken another wife, the most Serene Queen petitions for the despatch of the principal affair (negocij principalis). (fn. 7)
Rome, 9th June. Registered by Sanuto 14th June.
June 11. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 225. 916. Marin Giustinian to the Signory.
The English ambassador informs me that the Pope will give the most Christian King the towns belonging to the Signory now held by his Holiness.
I hear from the Scottish ambassador that the truce will not take place because his King having desired his subjects to abstain from ravaging the English territory, the English, on the 11th or 12th ult., invaded Scotland, so his King was much angered; that the Emperor will give him for wife his niece, the eldest daughter of the King of Denmark, age 16 years, first destined by him for the Duke of Milan, to whom he now gives the second daughter, who is 13 years old; and that his King wishes for the daughter of his most Christian Majesty, also of that age, and will not make peace save contemporaneously with the marriage.
There is news of the arrival in Paris of the Duke of Norfolk, so the English ambassador has gone to the Court to know what orders his Majesty will give.
Lyons, 11th June. Registered by Sanuto 24th June.
June 14. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 917. Marco Venier to the Signory.
Today I went to the Pope, who told me that as the marriage cause of the King of England was worthy of being despatched according to justice, he had it proposed yesterday in Consistory to the Rev. Capizucchi, auditor of the Rota, whether the Excusator can be admitted, not having a mandate to proceed in the principal cause; concerning which, the votes of the Cardinals having been taken, it was determined not to admit the Excusator, as he has no mandate for the principal cause. (fn. 8)
Rome, 14th June. Registered by Sanuto 18th June.
June 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii p. 200. 918. Prothonotary Casal in the College.
The English ambassador came into the College complaining that possession had not been given him of Cividal di Belluno:—he has more rights than anyone else; he has the bulls; and Barozzi, who is now in possession, which was given him on the 27th March 1527, has neither bulls nor anything else; and sentence was passed by the Rota conferring this bishopric on him, Casal. The Doge told him consultation should be held on the matter, which must be despatched with the advice of the Senate. (fn. 9)
June 17. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 255. 919. Carlo Capello to the Signory.
On the 8th Mons. Florim (sic) the French envoy, returned from Scotland, and, after conferring with his Majesty, departed for France on the morrow. It is believed that truce will be made for a year, to effect which Mons. de Beove [Beauvoir] went to the Borders expecting the conclusion, to be present at the proclamation. The Scots lately attacked and captured another very rich merchant ship, and killed some 60 Englishmen who were on board of it; and his Majesty's ships are preparing in haste to put to sea.
Yesterday advices were received giving hopes that, through the authority of the Emperor, the stir in Flanders against the Easterlings would be quieted.
On the 9th instant, the King received letters from the Duke of Norfolk, dated Paris. The Congress of Nice has been postponed, and the chief personages here (questi grandi) suspect it will not take place, and that, if held, it will be by the will of the Emperor, and with his consent, and that he will make war on this kingdom.
There are also advices from Spain that the Emperor had purposed assembling the ordinary Cortes of the Spanish realms, but determined to hold a general meeting of all the chief personages of Spain, on account of the divorce made, saying it concerns them, and exhorting them not to endure such dishonour.
There are advices from Germany that the Diet was ended, the execution of their resolves being committed to five chiefs—three Princes [of the Empire ?], one [delegate ?] for the eight Swiss cantons, and one for the Free Towns. It is not known what the resolutions are.
Entreats the despatch of his successor.
London, 17th June. Registered by Sanuto 6th. July.
June 19. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 250. 920. Marin Giustixiax to the Signory.
This morning went to his Majesty at the dinner hour to communicate to him the summaries from Constantinople. The three Papal Nuncios, the Bishop of Como, the Bishop of Faenza, and Dom Ubaldino [Bandinelli], late Nuncio in England, (fn. 10) were present, and whilst walking to and fro with the Lord Steward I heard the Bishop of Como say, “The Pope will do what the King of France wishes, and his Majesty will act in like manner by his Holiness.” I spoke to the Legate's secretary, Foresta, who told me the conference will certainly take place at Nice, in August, as soon as the weather becomes cool: and he said he was sorry to see the commencement of war and bloodshed, and that although the Pope may give the King towns, they will be lost on his Holiness's demise. The Duke of Orleans is fourteen years old; one of his eyes is rather injured, but not dangerously. After this conversation, I was called by the Lord Steward, whom I acquainted with the summaries. He told me there were letters from Scotland, dated the 12th instant, brought by the varleto di camera Flori [Fleury?], announcing that the truce between the King of England and Scotland had been made, and that their ambassadors were to meet at Newcastle, where the truce will be proclaimed, and they will discuss the disputes, which have all been referred to his most Christian Majesty; nor will the marriage between the King of Scotland and the daughter of the King of Denmark, and niece to the Emperor, take place. He also told me the Bishop of Faenza brings word that the conference at Nice will be in the middle of August. I enquired what the Emperor said about this, and his answer was that he knew not.
After the King had dined, I presented myself to his Majesty, and communicated the advices; he returned thanks, and told me the truce with Scotland was for one year, that the marriage to the daughter of the King of Denmark is at an end, and that the interview at Nice will be effected in August.
Yesterday I visited the Imperial ambassador, who said the Papal Nuncios had been to him and gave no information save about the conference, in accordance with what was told me by the King.
I have spoken with the varleto Flori, who returned from England; he confirmed the intelligence ut supra. He greatly praised our ambassador, Dom. Carlo Capello, and says the Queen was crowned on the 29th ult,
Lyons, 19th June. Registered by Sanuto 6th July.
June 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. Iviii, p. 225. 921. Marco Venier to the Signory.
Was with the Pope this morning. He said that yesterday the Emperor's ambassador [Count de Cifuentes] solicited that, in conformity with justice, the divorce cause of England he determinated in the Rota, insisting on its being settled according to law (instando per justitia fusfte diffinida) and a comendador of Calatrava has come with letters from his Majesty, dated Barcelona the 2nd instant, to urge this; a gentleman from the King of Portugal having also arrived. The business was, therefore, commenced yesterday, and in Consistory the Rev. Capizucchi, Auditor di Rota, reported the process, which purported, on behalf of Queen Katharine, that the father of the present English King had contracted with King Ferdinand of Spain to take his daughter in marriage for said English King's eldest son, to avert war (per rimover la guerra) and be able to live in peace. Secondly, that a bull of dispensation was made by Pope Julius, enabling the second son to take her for wife. Thirdly, that there is a brief made on that day, by said Pope Julius, to the effect that although known by the brother, this King might take her, which was done at his suit, (fn. 11) and that she was his legitimate wife. The English, on the other hand, say, the King of England never had war with the King of Spain; to the second, that marriage is of divine right, and the Pope could not dispense it; (fn. 12) to the third, that their King had never known of the brief until after it was intimated; and with this, Consistory was dismissed, in order to examine their arguments (ragioni) and his Holiness said he chose the Rota, together with the Cardinals, to despatch the matters. I enquired whether it would be before the vacation; and the Pope said he thought not, as there were only five days for assembling and giving audience, although the Imperial ambassador said that procrastination had caused the King to do what he has done, and the Archbishop of Canterbury to pronounce himself judge in this cause, which the Cardinals here hold in great account.
The Pope then said there were advices from Germany that the Landgrave of Hesse, together with the Lutherans, had convoked a Diet at Cologne.
Rome, 20th June. Registered by Sanuto 24th June.
June 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 219. 922. Prothonotary Casal and the Bishopric of Belluno.
The English ambassador came into the College Hall about his bishopric of Cividal di Belluno, requesting that possession may be given him, and it was determined to wait until next July, when Barozzi, who holds the see, will come here to demonstrate his rights.
June 21. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 305. 923. Carlo Capello to the Signory.
It is hoped that the truce between his Majesty and the King of Scotland will be made for a year, and proclaimed on the Borders on St. John's day. The stir between the Flemings and Easterlings is not yet adjusted. Yesterday a gentleman arrived here from the most Christian King with a present for this new Queen, namely, a very costly litter with its furniture. An ambassador from the Emperor is also expected here. The Papal Nuncio at this Court and the Imperial resident ambassador are preparing to depart shortly, and have already purchased the greater part of their horses. Queen Katharine is residing sixty miles hence, and I am assured that she is cheerful (allegra) and has a handsome retinue (una bella corte) which she has arrayed entirely in new apparel, with letters signifying “Henry and Katharine.”
I have received advices that Dom. Maphio Bernardo has said that when I was ambassador at Florence, the Signory there paid my expenses, and as silence is considered well-nigh confession, and false rumours and calumnious imputations are like the fire which, if it makes no flame, emits smoke notwithstanding, I therefore request the State Attorneys to investigate the matter, as I have no enemy whatever, save the enemy of my country.
London, 21st June. Registered by Sanuto 24th. July.
June 24. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 318. 924. The Same to the Same.
On the 21st received the Signory's missives of the 24th May. Had audience of the King this morning and thanked him for the love he bears the State, and did the like by the Queen, who said she knew that God had inspired his Majesty to marry her, and that he could have found a greater personage than herself, but not one more anxious and ready to demonstrate her love towards the Signory. I then communicated the advices to the King and we discussed together the league made at Bologna.
Three days ago I received the letters of the 10th May, with the summaries from Constantinople of the 3rd April, which I had already received through France from the ambassador Giustinian. After listening to them, his Majesty said he thought the Turk would limit himself to the expedition against Coron, and will threaten Christendom to justify himself and show that he on his part had not failed.
The English are apprehensive lest at this Congress of Nice, the French King, at the instigation of the Pope, may make an agreement with the Emperor, and that his most Christian Majesty will deny the English King his request for the marriage of the French Princess Madeleine to the Kino; of Scotland.
The marriage of the Pope's niece will take place.
The, truce between the Flemings and the Easterlings continues.
London, 24th June. Registered by Sanuto 24th July.
June 25. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 251. 925. Marco venter to the Signory.
On Monday, the 23rd, in Consistory, the Pope persisting in his determination to despatch the marriage cause of England (la causa del matrimonio di Anglia) they commenced reading the process. The reading lasted two hours and a half; the depositions being read of witnesses examined on behalf of the Queen, to confute the adverse statements (le oppositioni) made against them in the name of the King by the Excusator; these witnesses being Spaniards and English, who resided and reside in the palace of the King and Queen.
With regard to the first article, purporting that when the marriage was contracted, the Kings of England and Spain were at war with each other, he (el) [Capizucchi, Auditor di Rota ?] has proved that they were at war. (fn. 13)
To the second article, purporting that Pope Julius could not grant the dispensation, as the marriage was de jure divino they quoted three instances—one of the King of Portugal, father of the present King, who married two sisters and had a dispensation; and of the two other cases, one occurred in Germany, and one in France, the persons concerned being of note.
To the third article, about the brief made by Pope Julius at the suit of the King and Queen with the clause, although she had perhaps been known carnally by the brother he [Capizucchi ?] proves by witnesses that the elder brother was incapable (inabile) and impotent for connexion with women (e impotente a poter usar con donne); and others say, that when this King took her, he was heard to say (hebbe a dir) that he had found her a virgin.
With regard to the King's having petitioned (supplicà) for the dispensation, besides what is seen by the bull, it is also proved by witnesses that the King made the petition to Pope Julius.
Today in Consistory they completed reading the process, which contains the depositions of 150 witnesses.
The Pope and Cardinals then determined that the Auditor Capizucchi is to confer with the other auditors “di Rota,” and to take their opinion, so as to terminate and proceed to the sentence.
The Pope seems very intent on this, using great diligence, and the Imperial ambassador [Cifuentes] urges the passing of the sentence before the holydays, which commence on the 8th of July.
This morning, the Cardinal de Tournon cpritted the Consistory—it is said on account of indisposition—others say it was because he did not choose to be present.
Sir Gregory Casal, the English ambassador, tells me the Pope has addressed a brief to his king, informing him that he has incurred excommunication for not having obeyed, etc.
Sir Gregory also recommends his brother, the Prothonotary, to the Signory, so that possession may be given him of his bishopric of Cividal di Belluno.
Rome, 25th June. Registered by Sanuto 6th July.
June 25. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 926. Marin Giustinian to the Signory.
Last evening I heard from a Florentine merchant who manages the property of the late Count of Boulogne, (fn. 14) one half of which belongs to the young Duchess, the Pope's niece, and the other half to the Duke of Albany, that it does not yield [annually ?] (non vol) thirty-five thousand francs, equal to seventeen thousand crowns, and that it was arranged that, on her marriage, the Duke, who has no children, is to give her 6,000 francs [rental ?], the equivalent of 3,000 crowns. (fn. 15) The Duke of Albany had to wife the sister of the mother of the young Duchess, and it is supposed she will be his heir.
Lyons, 25th June. Registered by Sanuto 12th July.
June 28. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 318. 927. Carlo Capello to the Signory.
I have conferred with a doctor in theology, who tells me he has written in favour of the King about this affair of the divorce, and that three days ago he was with his Majesty, who told him this congress between the Pope and the most Christian King gives hope of an adjustment of the affairs with the Pope, and that it will be effected with the consent of the Emperor, whose ambassador [Chapuys] has been caressed more than usual by the King. As the ambassador had purchased horses for his departure, I went to see them, to know when it was to take place, and he told me he knew not, and that he was sending the horses as presents to Flanders; and that the Duke of Norfolk is going to Toulouse, to confer with the most Christian King.
The night before last his Majesty's sister died; she was the wife of the Duke of Suffolk, and relict of King Lewis of France. Owing to her death, her husband loses 30,000 ducats annual rental, derived from property in France on account of her dower.
London, 28th June. Registered by Sanuto 31st July.
June 28. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 928. Marin Giustinian to the Signory.
I have heard from a person who remained here as Secretary of the Scottish ambassador, who departed hence, that he went to join the other ambassadors in England at Newcastle, to negotiate an adjustment. (fn. 16) The English ambassador [Sir John Wallop] is of opinion an agreement will take place.
Two days ago Monseigneur de Boni (sic) Captain of the Emperor's Guard, arrived herewith credentials to his most Christian Majesty. He has had audience twice, and expressions of honour and goodwill were exchanged between them. I visited him; he told me the Emperor has more esteem for the Signory than for any other Power (che de niun altro) Venice being the foundation of Italy; that the King of England has behaved ill, and the Emperor is angry with him (è irato contro di lui) and will endeavour to take his revenge; and that his Imperial Majesty disapproves of the conference at Nice, lest it disturb the peace and quiet of Italy.
The English ambassador says that according to letters from Rome dated the 17th, the Pope is much against his King, and he suspects the Emperor to be the cause of this; that his Holiness will not await the conference to treat the matter of the divorce; and that a gentleman who is come from England has told him [Sir John Wallop] that the King does not choose the Princess any longer to be styled “Princess,” but “Madame Mary” (Madama Maria) and chooses her to reside in the Court of the new Queen, (fn. 17) nor will he give her in marriage abroad; others say that he intends to make her a nun. (fn. 18)
The master of the horse and a steward of the household of the Emperor's are expected here today. It is reported that the Empress has a raging fever, and subsequent letters state that the malady has increased, and that she was in danger.
His Majesty departs hence today, and the Lord Steward has desired all the ambassadors to go to Puy there to await the Court, with the exception of the English ambassador, who is to accompany the King, that he may be with him on the arrival of the Duke of Norfolk.
Lyons, 28th June. Registered by Sanuto 12th July.
June 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. lviii. p. 253. 929. Basadona, Venetian Ambassador at Milan, to the Signory.
Letters have been received, dated the 21st, from the Rev. Andreasio, this Duke's ambassador at Rome. He writes of the arrival there of the Spanish gentleman sent express by the Emperor, who, on the morrow, went with the ambassador [Cifuentes] to the Pope, and stated to him his Imperial Majesty's displeasure at the iniquitous conduct (iniquo modo) of the English King, and the marriage made by him, praying his Holiness, for the sake of justice, and the interests of the Holy See, to effect the prosecution of the cause with such rigour as required by the law in similar cases. The cause had already commenced; so for this purpose, the Pope appointed a congregation [consisting] of the Cardinals Monte, Campeggio, and Cesis, and the Datary; nor is anything further known. His Imperial Majesty requires deeds, but few Cardinals will be of his opinion.
Concerning the Congress of Nice, Andreasio performed his commission, and the Pope replied that neither the Emperor nor the Duke of Milan would have cause to complain of this interview, as nothing but good would be negotiated.
Milan, 29th June. Registered by Sanuto 6th July.
June 29. Sanuto Diaries (Originals), v. lviii. 930. Marin Giustinian to the Signory.
The Signor di Seravale came to dine with me, and said England would certainly agree with Scotland; the truce is made, and they are treating to give the Scottish King for wife the eldest daughter of Monseigneur de Vendôme, because Madame Madeleine, the daughter of the most Christian King, is very young.
Subsequently the English ambassador came to me, and confirmed the marriage of the King of Scotland to the daughter of Monseigneur de Vendôme, but said that his King would not wish him to marry the daughter of his most Christian Majesty.
Lyons, 20th June. Registered by Sanuto 12th July.
June 30. Sanuto Diaries, (Originals), v. lviii. 931. The Same to the Same.
Narrates a conversation held by him with the Marquis of Saluzzo, who is going to his territory.
The Pope chooses — propriis oculis — to witness the consummation of the marriage of his niece at Nice.
He also said that the Pope and the Emperor place little trust in each other.
Lyons, 30th June. Registered by Sanuto 12th July.


  • 1.
  • 2. The “Tempora,” or Ember weeks were observed at certain seasons, of which, in Italy, that of the vintage (l'ue) was one; and the Pope pleaded the Ember weeks as an excuse for not commencing his journey in May. He did not remain for the vintage, but for the church ceremonies of that season.
  • 3. Viz. 29th of May. In Hall's Chronicle (edition, London, 1809, p. 298), the date is printed “XIX. day of Maye.”
  • 4. Blank in Sanuto's original MS.
  • 5.
  • 6. Dr. Carrie. (See “State Papers,” vol. vii. pp. 282, 283.)
  • 7. “Compare this with the letters from Rome of Boner and Benet, 13th and 14th June. (“State Papers,” vol. vii. pp. 466–473.)
  • 8. Benet's letter of this date does not allude to the votes of the Cardinals against the admission of Carne. The words in the original are “sopra il che essendo stà tolti li voti da li Revmi. Carli. si risolse che lo Excusator non sij admesso, non havendo mandato in la causa principal.”
  • 9. In the work entitled “Le Chiese d'Ilulia” vol. x. pp. 188–192, there is a detailed account of the dispute between Barozzi and the English Ambassador Prothonotary Casal, for the bishopric of Belluno, which was eventually conferred on Gasparo Contarini, on the 27th May 1536. See also Venetian Calendar, vol. iv. p. 126.
  • 10. Ubaldino Bandineulli, the Nuncio extraordinary. quitted England in Mav 1533. (See entry dated 20 May 1533.)
  • 11. “Che vol si ben era sta auta dal fratello, questo Rè la poesse tuor, il che ha fatto a soa instantia.”
  • 12. “E il Papa non poteva dispensarlo.”
  • 13. Concerning complaints made by Ferdinand and Isabella to Henry VII. with regard to his treatment of Katharine of Aragon at the time of the death of Prince Arthur see Spanish Calendar, pp. 267–269. The disputes were terminated by the marriage, but the word used by the Venetian Ambassador is guerra not disputa.
  • 14. Jean de la Tour, Count of Boulogne and Auvergne. (See l'Art de Vérifier les Dates, p. 726, ed. 1770.)
  • 15. Jean, Count of Boulogne and Auvergne, left two daughters. Anne, the eldest, inherited the county of Auvergne and contracted marriage with John Stuart, Duke of Albany, on the 18th July 1505. Her younger sister Madeleine married Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urlino, in the year 1518 and bore him Catharine de' Medici, who became the wife of the Duke of Orleans in 1533.
  • 16. About negotiations at Newcastle in July 1533, see “State Papers,” vol. iv. pp. 644–646.
  • 17. “E vol la stagi in Corte de la nova Regina.”
  • 18. “Altri dicono che la vol meter monacha.”