Venice: September 1530

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Venice: September 1530', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: September 1530', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: September 1530". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1530

Sept. 4. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 340. 607. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
Has with great difficulty obtained from the most Christian King the safe-conduct [for the Flanders galleys?].
London, 4th September. Registered by Sanuto 19th September.
Sept. 4. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 340. 608. The Same to the Council of Ten.
The King complains of the Signory for not having allowed him to receive the counsel's opinions from the doctors of Padua concerning the divorce.
London, 4th September. Registered by Sanuto 19th September.
Sept. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 333. 609. Antonio Surian to the Signory.
In reply to letters from Augsburg concerning the two clauses on which the Lutherans are determined, the Pope has written to the Legate Campeggio to do what he can, and to concede them, and to remove certain things from the mass. (fn. 1) At the request of the King of England his Holiness creates the Sienese Ghinucci cardinal; he is English ambassador at the Court of Rome, auditor of the Chamber, and was Papal Nuncio in England.
Rome, 5th September. Registered by Sanuto 9th September.
Sept. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 335. 610. The Same to the Same.
The Pope sends his nephew the Duke Alexander to the Emperor, that he may not lose his time in idleness at Rome, (fn. 2) and that his Imperial Majesty may give him some position; and also to negotiate about his promised wife, the Emperor's natural daughter, that she may be sent into Italy. (fn. 3)
With regard to the English divorce case, the Pope says that the King would wish him to authorise the Archbishop of Canterbury to pass sentence, and the Queen's advisers insist on its being decided by the “Rota” at Rome. The Pope would fain procrastinate, as the King will assemble the Parliament. Suspects the King will repudiate the Queen without further dispensation from his Holiness, which result would favour the Lutheran affairs.
Rome, 5th September. Registered by Sanuto 12th September.
Sept. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 328. 611. Prothonotary Casal.
The English ambassador came into the College to . . . . .
Sept. 8. Miscellaneous Correspondence. Library, Venetian Archives. 612. Nicolo Tiepolo, Venetian Ambassador with the Emperor, to the Chiefs of the Ten.
A scheme has been devised by the most Christian King for the Emperor to give him the Milanese, promising, as recompense, to tender homage and “superiority” for Flanders, and to cede it again; taking as wife for the Dauphin the daughter of the most Christian Queen, Madame Eleanor; arranging the affairs of the marriage of England; (fn. 4) taking the English King's daughter for his son the Duke of Orleans; adjusting matters between the Vayvod and King Ferdinand, and paying in ready money the sum promised by the Duke of Milan to his [Imperial?] Majesty. For this purpose the Ambassador Robadanges came hither lately, in the name of the most Christian King, to offer congratulations; and for this same cause, moreover, the Bishop of Bayonne was sent to England.
Augsburg, 8th September 1530.
Sept. 9. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 333. 613. Prothonotary Casal.
The English ambassador came into the College, having been sent for; the Signory complaining that he had taken possession spiritual of the bishopric of Cividal di Belluno, without the order of the State. The Doge told him such things ought not to be done, exhorting him to desist, and to wait until he could get it with the State's consent.
Sept. 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. 614. Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, to Henry VIII.,
addressed “Christianissimo Regi Angllæ ac Franciæ.” After the troubles and calamities which I never expected to outlive, being now established in my paternal dominions, as soon as the nature of the times and my grievous chronic malady rendered it possible to acquit my debt of observance and service for the infinite obligations conferred on me by your Majesty, I have sent the eminent Pietro Francesco Bottigella to kiss your Majesty's hand, acknowledging you for my Lord, and offering you my State and substance. It therefore remains for your Majesty to deign to hear him, together with my resident secretary at your Majesty's Court, Augustino Scarpinello.
[Pavia?] 16th September 1530.
[Original draft, Italian.]
Sept. 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. 615. Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, to Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire.
Most Illustrious Lord, honoured as a brother, we send to his Majesty the eminent Pietro Francesco Bottigella, whom we have charged with our secretary, Augustino Scarpinello, to apply to your lordship, and hold you for their director and protector in all our affairs, and above all concerning our need, about which our lieutenant spoke to you at Milan, when you gave us fair hopes. It now therefore remains for your lordship to give credence to our agents, and do by us in accordance with what we hope of you.
Pavia, 16th September 1530.
Addressed: To the most illustrious Lord, the Earl of Wiltshire, Royal Councillor, honoured as our brother.
[Original draft, Italian.]
Sept. 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. 616. The Same to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.
We send Pietro Francesco Bottigella to perform with the King the office which we have often desired to perform in person.
He will also present himself to your Excellency, together with our secretary, resident at the English Court, and they will make the communication enjoined them. Pray give them credence as to ourselves, and not only assist and maintain us in his Majesty's good favour, but believe us inclined and willing to do you any positive service.
Pavia, 10th September 1530.
[Original draft, Italian.]
Sept. 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. 617. Instructions from Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, to Pietro Francesco Bottigella, his Envoy to England.
Appoints Bottigella to go to England, and to the Duke's secretary and ambassador with his Majesty, Augustino Scarpinello. To obtain audience of the King, accompanied by Scarpinello, and state the object of the visit is to offer the Duke's service, his State, and all his resources to the King, as throughout the last wars his Majesty constantly protected him, and ever exerted himself to obtain his restoration.
To confirm in his post the Milanese secretary resident, Scarpinello.
To confer in the Duke's name with the Duke of Suffolk, K.G. and privy councillor, and with the Earl of Wiltshire, who was lately ambassador at Bologna from the King to the Pope and the Emperor. To address them in substance in the same terms as used with his Majesty respecting the service offered to their King and master, and to request them in the Duke's name to consider him their good friend.
When the Earl of Wiltshire passed through Milan, the Duke caused his lieutenant to request him to obtain from the King a loan of 50,000 ducats, to recover the Castle of Milan and the city of Como, which are still held as security fur money due to the Emperor, the Duke having as yet with great difficulty been able to acquit but one half of the debt; and the Earl well nigh assured the lieutenant of the grant of this demand. To discuss the matter with him, and request his assistance and advice, and (according to Lord Wiltshire's advice) to act in concert with Scarpinello. If necessary, to address the King and other personages on the subject in the Duke's name. By these arguments hopes that the King will be induced to accommodate him, as thereon depends the establishment of his rule (Stato).
As security for repayment of the sum required, to offer hostages selected from the chief nobility of the Milanese, as many as his Majesty pleases, and amongst them the illustrious lord, the Duke's brother, (fn. 5) as proposed at the time to the Earl of Wiltshire, according to whose advice he is to regulate his proceedings with Scarpinello and according to his counsel. After opening this business, to leave its completion to Scarpinello, and to return to the Duke.
To see Messer Giovanni Dominico Panizone, a native of the Duke's city of Alexandria, and gentleman in waiting on the King. To salute him in the Duke's name, acquaint him with the aforesaid matters, ask suitable assistance, and offer him whatever he may require in the Milanese.
[Pavia?] 16th September 1530.
[Original draft, Italian.]
Sept. 17. Sauuto Diaries, v. liv. p. 44. 618. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
The King has used strong language to the most Christian King's ambassador, about having the money due to him from the King, amounting to a million and a half of gold. He has therefore requested the King of France to send to England the Duke of Orleans, to remain there for his marriage to the Princess Mary, but in fact to detain him as hostage until he receives his money.
London, 17th September Registered by Sanuto 13th October.
Sept. 19. Sanuto Diaries, v. liii. p. 340. 619. Prothonotary Casal.
The English ambassador came into the College, and presented a letter from his King, giving safeconduct to the Flanders galleys to go and trade in his kingdom, and depart at their good pleasure, with other words ut in ea.
Sept. 19. Parti Comuni del Consiglio X., (53) p. 70. 620. Ambassador in England.
Motion made by the Council of Ten and Junta.
That from the fund assigned for the ambassadors, the cashier of this Council do give to the agents of the nobleman Lorenzo (sic) (Ludovico?) Falier, ambassador in England, 37 ducats, one livre and one soldo, as appears by his account, which was balloted in the College on the 24th (sic) (14th?) instant.
Ayes, 22. No, 1. Neutrals, 0.
Expulsis expellendis.—Factum mandatum.
Sept. 20. Sforza Archives, Milan. 621. Augustino Scarpinello to Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan.
Wrote on the 25th ultimo that the Earl of Wiltshire said his occupations had prevented him, until then, from acquainting the King with the business entrusted to him by the Duke's lieutenant, Signor Alessandro; but promised that when the King came to London, he would do his utmost in this matter.
The arrival of the French ambassador, the Bishop of Bayonne, took place some days ago. He was accompanied by the resident ambassador, Giovanni Gioachino [Passano], and went to the King at a distance of forty miles from London, negotiating with him during ten or twelve days; and on the 6th instant, the Bishop returned to his own King. The only thing known about his negotiations is, that he told some of his friends he was sent by his most Christian Majesty to thank the King of England for the trouble taken by him in the release of the French Princes, and for his sincere joy at its accomplishment. Other persons, rather more inquisitive, believe this not to be the sole cause, their arguments being based on the length of the Bishop's stay, and on his protracted conferences; as likewise that, four days before his departure, the ports were closed, so that no one dared cross the sea, and after he had passed, they were reopened.
On the 9th of this month the Pope's Nuncio, the Baron de Burge, (fn. 6) a Sicilian, arrived in London, a well mannered person and learned. Has visited him several times, and purposed going to meet him outside the city, had he announced the hour of his entry. Offered him most obsequious service in the Duke's name. He remained three days in London to arrange his establishment; and was then conducted by the Reverend Peter Vannes, the King's secretary and the Pope's collector in England, to Gualtā (query Waltham Abbey), a forest sixteen (sic) miles from London, where his Majesty is now residing. He was received there very honourably; held long and constant conferences, and went out hunting some five or six days.
Subsequently Messer Guglielmo Pannizane arrived, to whom the Lord Lieutenant had referred him concerning Wiltshire's affair. Pannizane said he had been merely charged, in case the King conceded this favour, to promise hostages as security without other obligation; so as the Duke has given no further orders, infers that he holds this matter of small moment, but will do his utmost to facilitate it, and transmit account of his proceedings as he best may, being always doubtful of the delivery of his letters, as they never obtain any reply, which is a hardship, and no less grievous than the misery he endures from inability to provide for himself, having exhausted every remedy, and so wearied and harassed all friends that they neither can nor will any longer succour him; wherefore prays the Duke to make such provision as becoming.
It being understood that the negotiation of the Bishop of Bayonne related to a dispute between the two parties, persons conjectured that the English King, being the creditor of his most Christian Majesty for a considerable sum, without other security than mere paper, is seeking in one way or another to guarantee himself; and as the French, during the negotiations for peace in Spain, promised, on the release of the Princes, to send the Duke of Orleans hither, it is supposed that the English King, under pretence of the promised marriage of the Princess Mary, made a demand for this Duke, rather as security for his credit than from any wish for the marriage. The Frenchman, being perhaps aware of this, declares that his son is not of an age to consummate; so possibly from this dispute the statement made by many to the effect that this side insists on the dissolution of the marriage contract may have arisen; and the King of England also wishes it to be made manifest, that he on his part has performed all the promises to which he was bound hitherto by the articles of the confederation: this being done by him. in order not to give any cause to the most Christian King for evasion with regard to payment of his debt. Such are the conjectures, based on certain murmurs made by the parties. If able to obtain more authentic intelligence, will communicate it.
Since his return, the Earl of Wiltshire has been in disgrace, because he did not go to the Emperor at Mantua, according to the order received by him at Modena.
These parties (questi) are still very obstinate about the divorce, and think to effect it in a civil manner (di trovarli garbo bono) without the consent of the Pope, of whom they complain greatly; and thus far, he is certainly in the wrong.
It is said that they are in hourly expectation here of an ambassador from the Vayvod [of Transylvania], alias King John [Zapolski, titular King of Hungary], who left the French Court several days ago. If able to ascertain the object of his negotiations, will endeavour to acquaint the Duke with it.
Has been subsequently informed, he himself not understanding the language, that a few days ago, a proclamation or edict in the English tongue appeared, to the effect that no one is to hold a plurality of benefices; and should anybody attempt to obtain from the Pope a contrary award, he is to be imprisoned and fined (perde corpo et beni.).
Also that any person soever, for whatever cause, claiming property or damages from the Eight Reverend Cardinal of York, is to state his case to the judges appointed for this purpose; and it is also said that the Cardinal is to appear before Parliament at the next session.
London, 20th September 1530.
[Original, Italian.]
Sept. 28. Lettere del Collegio (Secreta). File no. 12. 622. Ducal Missive from Doge Andrea Gritti to Henry VIII.
Lately received two of his Majesty's letters on one sheet (uno exemplo) dated 1st September, presented by the Reverend Casal, his ambassador, whereby, as also by the ambassador's words, his Majesty promises that the merchants making their passage on board the Flanders galleys to England shall be received and treated with the utmost kindness and friendship. Returns thanks to the King. Prays the King to continue to protect the Doge and his Republic.
[Original draft, Latin.]
Sept. 28. Lettere del Collegio (Secreta), File no. 12. 623. The Doge and College to Lodovico Falier, Venetian Ambassador in England.
After the surrender of the city of Florence, the Pope having done his utmost to raise money for the payment of the army which had besieged it, the troops, having obtained a good part of their arrears, at length retired from that vicinity. The Italians have disbanded, and the Spaniards and part of the Germans are marching towards the kingdom of Naples. Two thousand German infantry remain within the city of Florence, under the command of the Count of Lodrone, but it is said they will soon depart on their way back to Germany.
By letters of the 26th ultimo from Constantinople, heard the Grand Signor is gone to Brussa, to remain during two months for his usual hunting diversions. It was reported at Constantinople that they were to arm twenty light galleys, owing to news in circulation there, that Andrea Doria had come with his squadron into the Gulf, which being false, the Signory expects them to change their mind. To acquaint the King and Royal Council with what is aforesaid, should he think it prudent so to do.
Sept. 28. Lettere del Collegio (Secreta). File no 12. 624. The Dooe and College to Lodonico Falier, Venetian in England.
On the 19th instant, his letters of the 1st, addressed to the Chiefs of the Ten, were received; announcing what he had done for obtaining letters from the King as an additional encouragement to induce the Venetian merchants to go to England on board the Flanders galleys to do more business. Commend his mode of proceeding with the King and Council.
Received duplicates of the King's letters from his ambassador at Venice, and answered as by enclosed copy. When presenting the original, to address the King in conformity with its contents, endeavouring to impress him favourably towards the Venetian merchants trading in England. Understand that the Venetian consul in England is in the habit of obtaining, every four years, certain royal patents, in virtue of which the merchants of Venice have so much the more confidence in trading there. To send for the consul, and inquire if the renewal of these patents is necessary, in which case to urge him to demand the same, but as of the consul's own accord, to avoid showing distrust of the letters lately received. If the term for the renewal of the said patents should not yet have expired, it would be well for the consul to anticipate this demand, and do his utmost to obtain these letters for another four years in advance; so that on hearing this, the Signory's merchants trading with England may more readily send thither additional funds, and do greater business,


  • 1. “E di levar alcune cose dilla messa.”
  • 2. Alexander de' Medici, the “bastard son of Lorenzo II., was declared Chief of the State of Florence on the 6th July 1531, by a decree from the Emperor Charles V.
  • 3. The marriage of Margaret of Austria to Alexander de' Medici took place on the 29th February 1536.
  • 4. “Athtttarc le cose del matrimonio de Ingelterru.”
  • 5. According to “L'Art de Verifier les Dates,” Maximilian Sforza died at Paris in June 1530; so the proposed hostage must have been the bustard brother of Francesco, whose father, Ludovic the Moor, had an illegitimate son, by name Giovanni Paolo, concerning whom see Andrea Morosini, vol. i. p. 267, and Guiceiardini, vol. iv. p. 314. In Litta's Genealogies it is seen that Lucrezia Crivelli was the mother of Giovanni Paolo Sforza, and that he married Violante Bentivoglio.
  • 6. Query Burgia, a small city in Sicily, 10 leagues to the N.W. of Girgenti.