Venice: June 1530

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Venice: June 1530', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: June 1530', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: June 1530". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1530

June 3. Parti Secrete, Consieglio X. Filza 3. 580. Divorce Case.
Motion made in the Council of Ten and Junta for a letter to Lodovico Falier, Venetian Ambassador in England.
Some days ago his Majesty's reverend ambassador presented to the Signory a letter, purporting that his Majesty requested them to permit that the professors of Padua, and other men celebrated for learning, residing at Venice and other cities and places belonging to the Republic, might give favourable counsel's opinion (fn. 1) in his aforesaid case. To this letter the Signory replied, as by enclosed copy, and spoke more explicitly to the King's ambassador. He (Falier) to present the enclosed letter to the King, and state that they listened to the contents of his missive with respectful attention, and noted its contents; and that, although with regard to his request they are aware of the necessity for great caution, nevertheless, having understood that since the receipt of the King's letter some of the doctors in question gave their opinion (the Signory remaining perfectly content), they are convinced that the King will rest satisfied with this result, and consider the obligations which others press upon the State, should the Signory not have made a greater demonstration in his favour in this matter; and that he will continue to hold them as most obsequious towards his crown. To convince the King of what is aforesaid, and exert his abilities to the utmost, as for an object earnestly desired by them; and to acquaint the Chiefs of the Ten with the result.
Ayes, 23. Noes, 3. Neutrals, 2.
[Original draft, Italian.]
June 4. Parti Secrete, Consiglio X. Filza 3. 581. Doge Andrea Gritti to Henry VIII. (Letter read to the Council of Ten and Junta.)
The King's letter, delivered lately by his ambassador the Reverend Casal, was favourably read by him (the Doge), and he gave audience to Casal, who eloquently and prudently repeated its contents well nigh literally. Earnestly desires that his Royal Highness will consider it certain that he (the Doge) is, and always will be, most attached and devoted to his (the King's) name.
[Original draft, Latin]
June 9. Lettere del Collegio (Secreta). File no. 12. 582. The Doge and College to Lodovico Falier, Venetian Ambassador in England.
By letters from Rome understand that the Papal and Imperial troops have taken Empoli.
The Duke of Milan is daily recovering his health, and has obtained pacific possession of his whole territory, with the exception of the city of Como and the castle of Milan.
An ambassador presented himself to them lately from the Lord Turk [Sultan Solyman], to announce the circumcision of his four sons. To reciprocate this office they will send him a present, according to the custom of the Porte and of the Republic.
Is to give such account of these facts as circumstances may require.
June 14. Sanuto Diaries v. liii. p. 165. 583. Divorce Case.
On this day, the Reverend Bishop of London, by name Stokisley, (fn. 2) arrived at Venice, having been preceded by one Richard Croke. They come as ambassadors from the English King, to obtain counsel's opinion (consulli) from the doctors of Padua concerning the divorce.
June 28. Sforza Archives, Milan. 584. Augustino Scarpinello To Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan.
In two former letters I mentioned the impossibility of doing anything in the matter enjoined me by your Excellency's Lord Lieutenant, by reason of the absence from this Court of the Earl of Wiltshire; the King's Almoner [Edward Lee] being of opinion that this business should not be attempted through any other channel than that of the Earl, as I myself inferred, before my interview with the Almoner, perceiving affairs here to proceed more restrictively (più strette) than ever they did hitherto, and that the crew (le brigate) are determined to make amends for what has been misspent, by extreme parsimony; of which daily proofs are afforded, and most especially within the last four days, when they positively denied the request of the Florentines, as written in my last letters. I will, however, do what is necessary, on the arrival of the aforesaid Earl, which is expected to take place immediately on the release of the French Princes; and as this is supposed to have already taken place, he will depart on his return hither. God grant that my exertions may obtain the result desired by your Excellency; but I certainly should have wished for instructions concerning what we could offer on our part, both as to security, and also with regard to gaining some powerful support (mezo potente) whereby to obtain the desired effect.
The only news here are, that his Majesty amuses himself at his places hereabouts, passing from one to the other, and is now at Hampton Court, a most noble palace, which belonged heretofore to the Cardinal of York. The Queen also is with his Majesty, and they pay each other, reciprocally, the greatest possible attention, or compliments, in the Spanish fashion, with the utmost mental tranquillity, (fn. 3) as if there had never been any dispute (offendone) whatever between them; yet has the affair not slackened in the least, although at this present but little is being done here, as both parties are collecting votes, in France, Italy (quelle parti) and several other places, but it is not yet known with what success. At any rate, (fn. 4) this most virtuous Queen (questa sanctissima Regina) maintains strenuously, (fn. 5) that all her King and Lord does, is done by him for true and pure conscience' sake, and not from any wanton appetite (inhonesto zelo).
Parliament is now holding the midsummer session, (fn. 6) which is attended by the usual members, and especially by the Duke of Norfolk and the Chancellor [Sir Thomas More].
Cardinal Wolsey is at his diocese of York; affable to everybody, and gentle as a lamb.
The Princess occupies herself with her very becoming studies (fn. 7) in her usual residence. Were there anything else worthy of your Excellency's knowledge, I would not weary you with similar matters. I also understand that the King of Scotland has imprisoned some fifteen persons of account, and beheaded two of them; some say, for having plotted against his Majesty, as accomplices of the Earl of Angus and other outlaws; (fn. 8) others assert that it is because they encouraged a number of hostile pillagers who have made forays in that kingdom, stimulated in like manner by said Earl and by conspirators resident in certain English places on the borders; (fn. 9) on which account it is said the King of Scotland has raised a considerable amount of troops, to rid his territory of similar casualties.
Should anything else occur, I will not fail to give notice of it to your Excellency, beseeching you in the meanwhile to deign graciously to provide for this my need, which has in truth reached such a pitch of unbearable misery as will be easily intelligible to you knowing when it commenced, and that it has not yet been supplied.
London, 28th June 1530.
Your most Illustrious and most Excellent Lordship's humble servant,
Augustino Scarpinello.
Addressed: To the most Illustrious and most Excellent Lord Duke of Milan, my Lord.
[Original, Italian.]


  • 1. “Possino et debino favorabilniente cousigliar.”
  • 2. In “State Papers,” vol. vii. p. 241, there is a letter from Stokisley, dated Bologna, 13 June 1530, in which he alludes to his departure on that day for Venice.
  • 3. “Et con Sua Maiestate anco la Reginale, con farnose (sic) [facendosi?] ad invicem la maior cera del mondo seu catamientos alla Spagnuola, con la maior tranquillità di. animo.”
  • 4. “Et tauten utrinquc nihil remittitur de negotio benchè quì bora poco si opera, essendose comisse la diligentia di ciascuno de li dui in Francia, in quelle parti, et diverse altre, ad colligere vota et opiniones sibi farentes. Quo res sit evasura nescitur; unum est che questa sanctissima Retina,” etc., etc.
  • 5. “Contende suramâ contentione.”
  • 6. “Hora quì sono li termini judiciali de San Giovanni.”
  • 7. “Honestissimi studj.”
  • 8. “Et altri cbe exulano.”
  • 9. “Altri dicono per haverne fomentuto molti latroni che sono insurti in quello Regno pur moti da detto Conte,” etc.