Venice: June 1529

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Venice: June 1529', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: June 1529', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: June 1529". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1529

June 3. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 383. 466. Sebastian Giustinian to the Signory.
The Duke of Suffolk arrived at . . . . , in the name of the King of England. His most Christian Majesty is hunting at Fontainebleau, where the Duke is to confer with him. Conversed with the Lord Steward, who complained of the King's having replied so publicly in the presence of the ambassadors, that he will not come into Italy. The Lord Steward said his Majesty would not abandon the affairs of Italy, and that he is sending the Lord Francesco (Francesco Mousinognor) with 300 Lansquenets and 1,000 . . . . , to take the marquisate of Saluzzo held by his brother, an Imperialist. Said that the Emperor would certainly come into Italy, but not so speedily, because the plague is at Barcelona; the money also not being ready.
Orleans, 30th May.
Details conversations held at Fontainebleau, with the Duke of Suffolk, purporting that the King complains of the Signory for not doing what is due.
The King is at Melun; he (Giustinian) cannot find him, and the Admiral said it was ill done [on the part of the King?].
Fontainebleau, 3rd June. Registered by Sanuto 18th June.
June 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 322. 467. Venier's Embassy in England.
Marco Antonio Venier, LL.D., Sage for the Mainland, went to the platform (in the Senate) and narrated the toil undergone by him in England, and the expenses he had incurred; requesting that as he was poor he might be allowed to retain the silver given him by the King.
Motion repeated by the Councillors, Chiefs of the Forty, and Sages, that the silver plate given by the King of England to Marco Antonio Venier, LL.D., be granted him in consideration of the toil endured by him on that embassy.
Balloted for twice and not carried, a majority of two-thirds being required.
1st ballot. Neutrals, 3. Noes, 41. Ayes, —.
2nd ” 4. 47. 14.
Nothing carried, and it is undecided.
June 8? Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 24. 468. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
The King of France was suspected of having made an agreement with the Emperor, but the Bishop of Bayonne, the French ambassador, assured the King and Cardinal there was nothing of the sort, and that his King would do nothing without the knowledge of King Henry; the English ambassador in France writing to the like effect.
King Henry has announced to the Cardinal Legates Wolsey and Campeggio that he chooses them to settle the affair of the divorce between his Majesty and the Queen; so the Cardinals intimated to the King and Queen that they or their proctors (procuratori) were to be ready by the 18th of June, on which day they intended to hear the case; and the Queen protested to them that she would not be heard by them, but by the Pope.
London, June 8th? Registered by Sanuto 5th July.
June 13. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 183, St. Mark's Library. 469. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
The Cardinal Triultio tells me there are letters from the Court of France dated Remorantin, the 3rd, on which day the Duke of Suffolk arrived there. Filippo Strozzi also wrote from Lyons on the 6th that the peace was considered well nigh concluded, and that the most Christian King was forthwith to give the Emperor 1,200,000 ducats, of which, however, 700,000 were to be given to the King of England, or to be placed to his account. (fn. 1)
Rome, 13th June 1529.
[Italian 1 page.]
June 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 366. 470. English Ambassador in the College.
The Prothonotary Casal came into the College and showed letters from his brother, Sir Gregory, at Rome, dated the 13th, about the departure from Genoa of Andrea Dona, and other particulars.
June 18. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 375. 471. Letter from the Signory to the Venetian Ambassador in England.
Motion made in the Senate by the Sages for a letter to Lodovico Falier.
Have heard that Cardinal Wolsey is going to Cambrai, whither the King has already sent his brother-in-law, the Duke of Suffolk, to negotiate the general peace with the Emperor—an operation worthy of a magnanimous sovereign. To request his Majesty and the Cardinal, that should his Right Reverend Lordship go, he will act so as to effect the peace.
June 18. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 184, St. Mark's Library. 472. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
Yesterday I was with the Pope, whose health still continues improving, though as yet from what he told me he has not recovered his appetite.
With regard to the peace now in course of negotiation at Cambrai, when I asked him what result he anticipated, he said he was inclined to believe it would not come to pass, it not appearing to him that such steps had been taken at this conference as to warrant a belief that the many questions between the Emperor and the most Christian King, which they consider important, have been solved; and at length in conclusion he said to me, “I shall believe in the stipulation of the peace when I see Cardinal Wolsey cross the Channel, for never can I convince myself that he will allow it to take place without his intervention;” which words his Holiness uttered, laughing in my face.
Rome, 18th June 1529.
[Italian 2 pages.]
June 18. Delibcrazioui Syoato (Secveta), Filza 9. 473. The Doge and Senate to Lodovico Falier, Venetian Ambassador in England.
As they are anxious to learn the negotiations which are to he transacted at Cambrai in the discussion of the general peace, he, through Cardinal Wolsey and such other persons as he shall think expedient, is to endeavour to ascertain the true state of the negotiations there, and the terms proposed, especially such as relate to the Signory; and when with the King and Cardinal to recommend the interests of the Republic, adroitly representing that were anything decided prejudicial to the State, besides injuring a power who has upheld the liberty of Italy to the utmost, it would prove mischievous to Italy, in which case, quod absit the Emperor would realize his designs in Italy. The King and Cardinal of their prudence may easily comprehend the perilous position of the Christian Powers.
Enclose letters for communication to the King and Cardinal, and, for his (Falier's) own instruction solely, a copy of their reply to the French ambassadors, Theodoro Triultio and Giovanni Gioachino, concerning Ravenna and Cervia, so that, if spoken to, he may reply according to their intention.
Have lately exacted the loan of a subsidy from the clergy in their cities and places on the mainland and in the Levant. Should any persons in England give him to understand that the King and Cardinal resent this, is to apologize for the resolve as induced by necessity from inability to defray the very urgent expenditure constantly incurred by them for the maintenance of the liberty of Italy, and for the joint advantage of the ecclesiastics themselves, whose property, if not preserved by the Republic's efforts to keep the enemy at a distance, would be destroyed and annihilated like the greater part of Italy. The Signory is therefore of opinion that all persons have cause promptly to contribute an insignificant part of their property for the maintenance of the rest.
Ayes, 151. Noes, 12. Neutrals, 2.
June 19. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. pp. 387, 388. 474. Cristofal Capello, Captain of Brescia, to the Signory.
Has received advices from Switzerland in date of Coir, that 24,000 Swiss infantry had taken the field, the Lutherans of the canton of Zurich being 12,000; and opposed to them were the cantons of Uri and Underwald, who are good Christians. The dispute was caused by the Lutherans, on which account the other cantons choose to send a confederate body of troops with them to prevent the war (per il che li altri canton I vogliono insieme con l'horo mandar, &c.) Has also heard that the Zurich cantons have leagued with the free towns, which are all Lutherans.
Brescia, 19th June 1529. Registered by Sanuto, 21st Jane.
June 22. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 185, St. Mark's Library. 475. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
There arrived here lately an ambassador from the King of England, a Doctor, (fn. 2) with whom I performed such offices as due.
On the day before yesterday the Pope, feeling himself much better, rode out on horseback for a short while. Yesterday morning he held consistory, thanking God, in the first place, for having restored him to health; and he then mentioned the negotiation for peace to be treated at Cambrai, the conclusion of which ought to be prayed for, as the Christian commonwealth, besides many other tribulations, was in great peril from the threatened attack on Hungary and Germany by Sultan Solyman. His Holiness also dropped a word about the bishopric of Utrecht in Holland, the temporal jurisdiction of which, so long ago as last winter, (fn. 3) was resigned by its Bishop to the Emperor, whose ambassadors now require the Apostolic See to confirm this resignation, concerning which nothing was decided.
The day before the consistory was held, some of these Cardinals asked me my opinion about this matter. I answered them that it appeared to me one of very great importance for the Apostolic See, as this was a beginning in favour of what the Lutherans demand, namely, to despoil the Church of her temporal jurisdiction. That, in the next place, I suspected this business would prove very mischievous in Germany, (fn. 4) because many bishops there who were temporal princes, and had hitherto supported the Roman Catholic party against the Lutherans, should they now witness the concession to the Emperor by the Apostolic See of the temporal jurisdiction of the bishopric of Utrecht, would think it expedient to follow the example, which could by no means benefit the interests of the Apostolic See, Such was what I thought it desirable to say to those Cardinals who asked me my opinion, as by thus telling it them truly, some advantage may result to the League and to the Signory.
Rome, 22nd June 1529.
[Italian 2 pages.]
June 23. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 400. 476. Audience in the College Hall.
The English ambassador came with condolences for the rout of the French. The intelligence received by the Signory was read to him.
June 25. Parti Comuni, Consiglio X., v. lii. p. 51. tergo. 477. The late Venetian Ambassador in England.
Ballot of the Council of Ten and Junta.
Put to the ballot, that the Treasurer of this Council do pay to the nobleman, Marco Antonio Yenier, LL.D., for the arrears of his embassy in England, according to the voucher (now read) from the New Accountant's Office dated 12th May, and according to the ballot made in the College on the 19th inst., 80 ducats, nine “grossi,” and two “piccoli,” from the moneys of the Ambassadors' Limitation Fund.
Ayes, 27. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
Venier and his kinsfolk made to withdraw. Order made out.
June 29. Senato Terra, v. xxv. p. 144, tergo. 478. The late Venetian Ambassador in England.
There was again put to the ballot by all the Councillors, the Chiefs of the Forty, the Sages of the Council, and the Sages for the Mainland, the motion in favour of the nobleman, Marco Antonio Venier, LL.D., as registered above at p. 131.
The numbers were—
Ayes 144–145.
Noes 47–47.
Neutrals 3–4.
June 29. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 187, St. Mark's Library. 479. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
The Pope has received letters from the “Mastro di Casa,” his Nuncio [with the Emperor], dated the 5th and 6th. He has been received with honour, and the Emperor listened to him graciously, and was expecting the 4,000 infantry and ships which the Archbishop of Bari had to send him from Andalusia and Malaga. The Emperor's coming into Italy was much talked of.
Borne, 20th June 1529.
June 29. Sanuto Diaries. v. li. pp. 30, 40. 480. Zuan Francesco Taberna, Milanese Ambassador in France, to the Duke of Milan.
A confused account has been received of the rout of Mons. de St. Pol and his army by the Imperialists, when passing from Landriano to Lardirago (sic). The King has therefore announced to the ambassadors his firm resolve not only to proceed into Italy, but to augment the forces destined by him for the expedition from 20,000 to 30,000 infantry, of which he has arranged the payment of 10,000 with the King of England, so that in all, including those of Italy, he will have 50,000 foot, 3,000 spears, and 3,000 light horse.
Cossé, 29th June. Registered by Sanuto 13th July.
June 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 127. 481. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
Juan Peris, of Alcantara, a Biscayan, who laded a galleon of 800 butts in London, on arriving at Cadiz was made to discharge his cargo, and having shipped military stores, went on the 7th [June?] to Malaga, where many other ships were reported to be.
Letters from Flanders received by the merchants state that the Lady Margaret had departed on her way to Cambrai, whither Madame the Regent of France was to go to negotiate the peace; but the English Government (questi de qui) does not wish it to take place. The two English ambassadors who have returned from Home, namely, Sir Francis Bryan and Dr. Stephen [Gardyner], passed through the army [of the confederates?] and report it as being very weak, and they have faint hopes of Italian affairs.
With regard to the divorce case of the King and Queen, the two Legates continue hearing it, and at the last sitting of their court the Queen was [not?] present. She has been proclaimed contumacious (contumaze) for having absented herself, although her proctors (procuratori) represented her, and said it was her Majesty's intention to abide by the writing containing the appeal from these judges, who are therefore expected not to proceed with the trial.
London, 23rd and 29th June. Registered by Sanuto 25th July.
June 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 127. 482. Lodovico Falier to —.
On the 16th [June] the first conference (parlameto) or audience (audieatia) took place, and the Legates Wolsey and Campeggio being assembled, the Queen appeared and said before the people that she chose to have other judges than these Cardinals, declaring them under suspicion (sospetti) because Wolsey had received very great benefits (beneficii) from the King her husband; a bishopric in England having in like manner been bestowed on Campeggio by his Majesty; wherefore she appealed, choosing to have judges unsuspected; and she delivered a writing, and then departed, and the judges rose.
On the 21st, the Cardinal judges assembled in a hall on a raised platform, the Queen having preceded them, followed by the King, who was the first to seat himself under a canopy of gold brocade, on the right, the Queen being on the left, under another canopy on a lower level. The King then said a few words in English to the judges, to the effect that he would no longer remain in mortal sin, as he had done during the last 20 years, and that he should never be at ease until the rights of this marriage were decided, requesting these judges to despatch the case, &c. &c. (con altre parole). Cardinal Wolsey replied, that although he had received infinite benefits from his Majesty, and was declared suspected, yet as this case had been committed to him and Cardinal Campeggio by the Pope, he would judge it according to such reason as his poor ability supplied, saying that he was unworthy to judge such a case, but would nevertheless not omit to do what appeared to him just. The Queen then rose, and, throwing herself on her knees before the King, said aloud that she had lived for 20 years with his Majesty as his lawful wife, keeping her faith to him, and that she did not deserve to be repudiated and thus put to shame without any cause; and she besought the said judges to show her favour. The Queen said nothing more, and the King sent for his privy councillors, with whom he remained for half an hour, after which the judges prorogued the term until the 22nd. On that day two bishops appeared as advocates and proctors for the Queen, namely, the Bishop of Rochester and the Bishop of Bath, saying that, to prevent the King from falling into mortal sin, they would defend the rights of the Queen, and show that she was his legitimate and true wife; and they presented the writ of appeal, rejecting the judges as suspected, so that nothing farther was done.
On this evening the 23rd, the eve of St. John the Baptist, the Londoners perform a very beautiful pageant.
In a letter dated the 29th, adds,—
Two very fine entertainments were made—one last night, on St. Peter's eve, which was a most beautiful sight, so many lights and bonfires, and so many armed men about the town, the entire population coming forth to see the pageant; nor did any strife take place notwithstanding such a quantity of weapons, which is highly creditable (una cossa bellissima) considering the multitude of armed men there present.
London, 22nd, 23rd, and 29th June. Registered by Sanuto 25th July.
June 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. 1. p. 423. 483. Present from Henry VIII. to Venier.
Motion made in the Senate by the Councillors, Chiefs of the Forty, and Sages, that to Marco Antonio Venier, late ambassador in England, there be given the silver plate received from the King. Balloted for twice.
1st ballot.— Ayes, 144. Noes, 47. Neutrals, 3.
2nd” ” 145. 47. 4.
Not carried.


  • 1. “Delli qualli però 700 m. se dariano, over se poneriano a conto del Re de Ingelterra.”
  • 2. William Cermet, “Doctonr of both Lawes.” His credentials were dated Windsor 20th May 1529. (See “State Papers,” vol. vii., part v., p. 171, footnote.)
  • 3. See before, letter dated 17 December 1528.
  • 4. “Partureria in Alemagna gran scandolo.”