Index: F

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1926), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"Index: F". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1926), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.


Fairfax, Farfax, Ferdinando lord :

troops sent to, at Hull, 14
-, driven back into Hull, 17, 28.

to come out and unite with Manchester and Cromwell, 28
-, helps defeat Byron, 71
-, Byron reacts against, 73.

implores help against Irish, 81
-, to go to assistance of Scots, 95
-, takes Selby, 95, 96
-, junction with Scots, 96.

lays siege to York, 100, 103
-, Manchester moves to help, 100
-, junction with Manchester, 113.

reports arrest of Boisivon, 105
-, report on Marston Moor, 117, 118
-, besieges Scarboro, 125.

Fairfax, Jordan, petitions to unlade Rainbow, 68.

Fairfax, Thomas, sent to join forces at York, 114 :

dispute over command given to, 190.

officer of killed at Naseby, 197
-, clubmen annoy, 209.

recovers Leicester, invests Ashby, 197
-, moves on Taunton, 202
-, victory at Taunton, 203
-, pursuit, 204.

storms Bridgwater, 205, 206
-, takes Bath, marches on Exeter, 208.

besieges Sherborne, 209
-, takes it, 210
-, siege of Bristol, 212
-, reply to Rupert, 214
-, takes it, 215, 217.

asks money to pay troops, 212
-, parliament sends supplies to, 218.

goes against West Chester, 218, 226
-, takes it, 219
-, besieges Chester, 223
-, obliged to leave it, 224, 225
-, but blockades, 228, 238
-, takes it, 244.

Goring strikes blow at, 226
-, success of prince against, 240
-, prince's efforts against, 242
-, defeats prince's horse, id.

takes Dartmouth, 243
-, goes to besiege Exeter, 246, 248, 255
-, takes it, 256.

victory at Torrington, 247, 248
-, marches against Launceston, 250
-, hems in Hopton, 250
-, and forces his surrender, 251.

marches on Oxford, 252, 257, 258
-, demands surrender, 262
-, to press it hard, 264
-, discussion of terms, 265
-, Oxford surrenders to, 271.

taking duke of York to London, 272
-, triumphant reception in London, 292.

Worcester surrenders to, 275
-, dividing army out among counties, 281.

confirmed in command of army, 309
-, given full liberty about billeting, 310
-, troops ready to serve under in Ireland, 315.

ordered to stop petition from army, 312
-, protests loyalty of army, 313.

leaves London for disbanding, 320
-, contradictory reports of, 321.

Falkland, viscount. See Cary, Lucius.

Falmouth co. Cornwall
-, Piccolomini lands at, 95
-, leaves, 97
-, queen sails from, 123.

Fanshaw, Richard :

brings king's proposals to parliament, 77.

Farfax. See Fairfax.

Faringdon, Farenton, co. Berks, king headed off from, 255.

Farnese, Odoardo I., duke of Parma. Douglas served, 281.

Farnham, co. Surrey, 57.

Waller retires to, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 94
-, Waller's army at, 102, 135.

Fashi Pasha, sultan's son in law :

English merchants get catserif from, 274.

Fasli Pasha, Captain Pasha :

reports numbers of English ships in Venetian fleet, 310
-, may take ships by force
-, captains imprisoned for not saluting, 322.

fast :

turn of success attributed to, 129.

on 1st November, 1644, 149.

extraordinary, on 30 December, 166.

for Kilsyth, 211.

for parliament party in Ireland, 271.

-, Robert, parliament commissioner to Scotland, 39
-, goes by sea, 42.

Ferdinand II., the emperor, Hamilton's service against, 145.

Ferdinand III., the emperor, advantages over Swedes, 15.

Fermo, archbishop of. See Rinuccini.

Fertambo. See Estampes, Jacques d', marquis of la Fert Imbault.

Fielding, Fildinch, Basil, earl of Denbigh, Dembi :

presence in parliament, 11n
-, meets Harcourt, 33
-, to supply men to relieve Gloucester, 80
-, king worsts, 112
-, in London to recruit army, 123, 128
-, deputation to king, 157n
-, self denying ordinance aimed at, 164.

Fiennes, Nathaniel, governor of Bristol :

surrenders through cowardice, 6
-, trial of, 57
-, condemned, 62.

Fiennes, William, viscount Say and Sele, 6 :

charge against, 9n
-, presence in parliament, 11n
-, fallen into disrepute, 57.

Flanders and Flemings :

letters to stopped, 8, 58, 68
-, letters from opened, 111, 173.

priest of Spanish ambassador arrested, 12
-, Goring's negotiations in, 65
-, king receives munitions from, 86.

buying currants in Levant Islands, 93
-, Piccolomini to command forces in, 95
-, proceeds to, 97, 99.

French conquests in direct attention to navy, 129
-, English troubles help French progress in, 143, 290.

French fear parliament interference in, 158
-, French plan to cut Spaniards off from, 163
-, circumstances favour French progress in, 193.

Spaniards dislike sending money to by English ships, 176
-, French successes prevent Spaniards sending to via England, 202.

Chevreuse going to, 192
-, king's privateers not to be received in ports of, 202.

Lisola asks Charles to help against French in, 201
-, parliament perturbed by French successes in, 201
-, Cardenas allowed to raise levies for, 211.

ship for Rinuccini from, 208
-, prince of Wales wishes to serve in, 314.

troops on frontier offered to Charles, 220
-, Rubati's service in, 257.

French fear English meddling in, 229, 239, 300
-, English levy granted for, 253.

parliament thinks of sending troops to, to help Spain, 260
-, French fear of, 267
-, Irish troops for sent to Spain, 314.

-, governor of. See Guzman, Alonso de, marquis of Castel Rodrigo
-, Leopold William, archduke of Austria.

-, royal, formed after capture of Bristol, 9
-, lies in wait for money sent to Scotland, 49
-, captures munitions for Scotland, 65.

fleet. See navy.

-, French. See under France.

-, Turkish. See under Turkey.

-, Venetian. See under Venice.

Fleming, Sir Oliver, master of the ceremonies :

introduces Cardenas to Committee, 111
-, fetches Dutch ambassadors, 121
-, to meet French resident alone, 131
-, with Palatine at Assembly, 152
-, fetches Bellievre alone, 309.

Flemings. See Flanders.

Fletcher, Flecher, Theophilus, captain of the Sarah and Judith, 203.

Flint, , engagement for Venice, 218.

Florence [prov. Firenze, Italy], E. India Co.'s goods seized at and released, 190 :

despatches dated at, 212, 213.

Fontainebleau, Fontenblo [Seine et Marne, France] :

Court goes to, 134
-, consultations about Palatine at, 148
-, Queen Henrietta at, 148
-, her reception, 150
-, prince of Wales and mother at, 275.

foreign ministers. See ambassadors.

forests :

trees of royal, felled for London fuel, 30.

Fortescue, Anthony, resident of Lorraine in England :

arrested, house searched, 107
-, Lorraine sends to ask release, 139
-, outrage on, 201
-, ordered to leave country, id.

Forth, earl of. See Ruthven, Patrick.

France and French, 30, 61, 74 :

guards 2 regiments of, 75
-, English antipathy to, 145
-, distaste for serving in army, 296.

1643 :

asks for naval assistance, in return for helping Charles, 4
-, Charles hopeful of help from, 17.

queen may go to, 4, 5
-, talk of Charles going to, 10.

Mazarin wants to keep at war, 7
-, successes in Luxemburg, 12, 15.

keeps Orange in the field, 10
-, operations help Orange, 12
-, wants Orange to make diversion, 22.

prestige suffers by treatment of Gressy, 17
-, recognition of parliament by, 44, 54.

efforts for Palatine, 20
-, Orange only moves to quiet, 25.

delegates to Munster, 22, 25, 28.

reported gathering of troops in to help Charles, 26
-, stores of arms in, 27, 28.

arms from, for king, 37
-, and powder, 44.

mediation of, 40, 41, 45
-, Gressy misrepresents English affairs to, 67.

alliance with Scotland, 47.

1644 :

suggested alliance with, 59, 80
-, parliament contemplates mission to, 65.

parliament's disregard of, 65, 70
-, mails of opened, 68, 72.

king's hopes to conciliate, 67
-, talk of queen going to, 72, 119, 121, 124
-, queen invited to, 99, 101, 119.

Harcourt advises to address selves to Scots, 76
-, will profit by divisions of Scotland, 86.

bitter feeling with parliament, 78
-, churches will not answer parliament letters, 86.

gunpowder sent to king from, 79
-, and munitions, 86, 115.

Spaniards excite English feeling against, 86
-, no preparations for new campaign, 96.

Irish apply to for help, 88, 89
-, quarrel with English at Constantinople, 93
-, letters from opened, 111.

arrangements with Dutch for campaign, 105, 109
-, not good for England to have Gravelines, 116
-, expects to get Gravelines, 122.

parliament does not want rupture with, 122
-, favours moderate monarchy in England, 129.

queen crosses to, 123
-, reception in, 126, 127
-, air restores her, 139.

Flanders' conquests direct to naval strength, 129
-, reprisals on English at sea, 130.

parliament anxious about, 136
-, English troubles suit admirably, 143.

king's communications with, 139
-, suspected designs on Channel Islands, 154.

queen encourages Charles to expect help from, 145
-, negotiations with Charles, 150.

parliament sends to Scottish guard in, 145
-, apology to for affront to Sabran, 146.

naval precautions against, 156
-, suspects parliament understanding with Spain, 158
-, designs on Dunkirk, 163.

try to diminish suspicions from queen's sojourn in, 156
-, not anxious to stir up trouble, 159.

parliament does not want trade settlement with, 162
-, Augier to make commercial arrangement with, 163.

policy to keep parliament from helping Spain, 163
-, king looks for supplies from, 165
-, report of military help for Charles, 169.

policy to prevent alliance of Sweden with parliament. 168
-, Sweden offers alliance against, 169.

1645, 173 :

Mouat offers to prevent helping Charles, 171
-, Rinuccini has business in, 184.

orders reprisals on English shipping and goods, 175
-, English property released in, 192.

Palatine Edward expelled from, 187
-, Irish levies in, 197.

circumstances favour success in Flanders, 193
-, emperor asks Charles for naval help against, 201.

impression caused by Naseby in, 196
-, proposal to send minister to Scotland, 200.

parliament pleased that not helping king, 198, 201
-, parliament disturbed by success in Flanders, 202
-, fears English meddling in Flanders, 229.

blockade Dunkirk, 204
-, may resume reprisals against English, 207
-, will prey on parliament ships, 212, 213.

unwilling to compromise selves over Rinuccini, 208
-, Montreuil expresses friendly intentions of, 210.

Chevreuse design to use Spanish money against, 220
-, Goring arrives in, 232.

parliament fears naval support for king, 229
-, Venetian levy best made in, 230.

1646 :

stream of English refugees to, 233
-, loss of Dartmouth makes help from difficult, 244
-, ship from captured there, 245.

sentiments of pope towards, 242
-, queen urges Charles to send prince to, 245
-, proposed equipment of ships to help Charles, 247, 255.

ill success of efforts to raise levy in England, 245, 250
-, English suspect of helping Charles, 263.

talk of prince of Wales, going to, 250, 251, 267
-, Charles allows, 256.

parliament piqued with for help to Charles, 253
-, English suspect of hand in king's flight, 260, 266.

cause to fear England as republic, 255, 275
-, considers embassy to England to promote peace, 261
-, parliament pleased about, 267.

reunion of Charles and Scots would suit, 260
-, better suited by divisions in England, 267.

Digby asks help for Irish settlement, 262, 283
-, Digby leaving, 279
-, lord Digby sails for, 290.

fears English meddling in Flanders, 263, 267
-, prince of Wales wanted in, as hostage, 268
-, English resent prince's reception in, 272.

parliament wants to prevent king consulting, 273
-, suspected of fomenting trouble in England, 290.

Montrose going to, 279
-, promoting peace in England, 285
-, plan for York to get to, 298.

Spanish efforts to alarm Dutch and parliament about, 284
-, Rupert to command English in, 294, 296.

1647 :

Spanish policy to get free hand against, 297
-, Charles abandoned by, in spite of strong claims, 299
-, English estrangement from more pronounced, 301.

fear of English interference in Flanders, 300.

Rinuccini's letters of exchange in, 303, 312
-, trying for Irish troops, suspected designs, 308.

offers help to other powers promiscuously, 304
-, competes for disbanded troops, 308.

digests insults to Bellievre, 304
-, pope thinks English may turn against, 305.

mediation offered to England, 308
-, English complain of harbouring privateers, 318.

dislikes idea of England and Dutch uniting, 311
-, resolve to avoid affronting England, 319.

English capture Swedish ships bought for fleet, 316
-, swallows affront, 317
-, ships restored to with explanations, 318.

Irish going to serve captured, 319
-, but released, 321.

controleur des finances. See Particelli, Michel, sieur d'Emery.

Council of, decides to grant money to Queen Henrietta, 238.

fleet, Swedish ships bought to form nucleus of, 316.

king of. See Henri IV.
-, Louis XIV.

levies. See under levies.

merchants. See under merchants.

queen mother, queen regent of. See Anne of Austria
-, Medici, Marie de'.

secretary of state. See Lomenie, Henri Auguste de, comte de Brienne.

ships. See ships, French.

Venetian instructions to representative in, 156, 191, 193, 221, 230, 241, 258, 284, 297.

Franciscan, Irish, at Rome, constantly soliciting pope, 279.

Frankfort, Francfurt, Germany :

dispatch dated at, 20.

conference of, Palatinate to be referred to, 20.

Frederick V., elector Palatine of the Rhine, 139.

-, prince of Denmark, bishop of Bremen, marriage of, 13
-, courteous letter to parliament, 111.

-, William, elector of Brandenburg, negotiations to marry queen of Sweden, 13
-, urged not to give up Pomerania, 297.

French. See France.

Fuentes, marquis of. See Claros de Guzman.