Venice: June 1517

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Venice: June 1517', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: June 1517', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: June 1517". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1517

June 2. Mantuan Archives. 896. Henry VIII. to the Marquis of Mantua.
Had desired his confidential attendant, Giovanni Pietro da Bustis, then returning to Italy, to thank the Marquis for the presents sent him.
Greenwich, 2nd June 1517.
[Signed: Yotre bon Amy, Henry Rex.]
[Countersigned: And. Ammonius.]
[Original, Latin.]
June 2. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxiv. p. 281. 897. Gian Giacomo Caroldo, Venetian Secretary at Milan, to the Signory.
Receipt by the Abbot of St. Anthony's of letters from the French Court, stating that at Brussels the league had been proclaimed between the Emperor, the Catholic King, and the King of England, “ad defensionem statuum partium, et non ad, offensionem aliorum.
June 5. Senato Mar, v. xix. p. 12. 898. Flanders Voyage.
Decree of the Senate, that the departure of the galleys on the Flanders voyage be delayed until January 1518; and, lest the city of Venice should in the meanwhile suffer from a scarcity of wools, white cloths, and tin, (those commodities imported through other conveyances being bound to pay full freight to the galleys,) that all the wools, white cloths, and tin imported into Venice from England by sea, until the end of December 1517, do pay but one-third freight to the masters of the Flanders galleys; they in like manner receiving but one-third freight for similar commodities brought to Venice by land till the end of February 1518.
Ayes, 41. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 20 lines.]
June 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxiv. p. 287. 899. Flanders Voyage.
Proposal made in the Senate to fit out galleys for the Flanders and Beyrout voyages.
Two new galleys to be destined for the Flanders voyage. The College to put them up to auction next week; the masters to depart next February, as there are no wools in Venice. All wools and tin imported from Flanders until the close of December to pay one-third of the half-freights to the masters, and two-thirds to the Arsenal. Amendment against the motion concerning new galleys for the Flanders voyage. Speech by Marin Sanuto in favour of the performance of both voyages. His opinion that, if the Flanders voyage were suppressed, the King of Spain would take it amiss, and yet more the King of England. That everything should be done to facilitate the voyage, which was profitable to Venice, giving employment to her sailors, procuring freights, and importing wools, tin, and cloths; upwards of nine years, moreover, having elapsed since the galleys went to England; for the maintenance of good friendship with the King.—Note by Sanuto, that his speech changed the opinion of the Senate, which was at first favourable to the motion of the Sages, who proposed that the Beyrout voyage should be preferred to the Flanders voyage, if it was impossible to perform the two.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 8. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxiv. pp. 300, 301. 900. Giovanni Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Signory.
News from Flanders that the Catholic King had summoned a Parliament of the Lords and Barons to make arrangements for his voyage to Spain. The Emperor would be present to induce him to a conference with the King of England. The Emperor was ill of fever.
June 8. Mantuan Archives. 901. The Duke of Suffolk to Prince Frederick of Gonzaga.
The very good offices used by the Prince of Mantua's father towards the King and the Duke of Suffolk, and the Marquis's rare endowments, bind the Duke to love the son of such a parent. This measure of affection is augmented by the Prince's own rare qualities; and even if these had not sufficed to secure the Duke's goodwill, it would nevertheless have been gained by the very great attention (studium) paid by the Prince to the King and Duke.
John Peter de Bustis—a very favourite attendant of the King's, and much beloved by the Duke—will confirm these assurances to the Prince by word of mouth. Requests the Prince to tell De Bustis if he (the Duke) can do anything to his (the Prince's) liking with the King, or oblige him in any other way in England, in demonstration of his (the Duke's) extreme goodwill.
“Ex meis ædibus Londinii,” 8th June 1517.
[Signed: Carolus de Suffolk]
[Original, Latin.]
June 9. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 64. 902. Marco Minio to the Signory.
On the preceding morning the Pope sent word to him by one of his grooms that he was to go to the palace immediately. Found there the French, English, Portuguese, Imperial, and Spanish ambassadors. Remained there until one hour after sunset, when the consistory adjourned. Thereupon the Pope sent for all the ambassadors together, and told them that in the late conspiracy against him (fn. 1) other Cardinals were concerned besides those in prison; but that nevertheless he had forgiven the delinquents, and restored them to favour, they having confessed, and asked pardon, which was also urgently requested by the Cardinals in consistory.
The ambassadors all praised the Pope's clemency, the English ambassador (Sylvester de Giglis) adding, “Holy Father, have you pardoned them all?” whereupon the Pope replied, “We were speaking about these others who have been accused; those already in the castle will be dealt with according to the law.”
The names of the Cardinals pardoned were to be kept secret, the Pope having laid very severe censures on such as should reveal them. Request made by him to the ambassadors to keep the secret, should it, by accident, reach their knowledge.
Had with difficulty learned the names of the pardoned Cardinals, who were Francesco Soderini, Bishop of Volterra, and Adrian Castellesi, Bishop of Bath and Wells, in England. The misdemeanour of one of them especially was of the slightest possible description. The names of these two Cardinals should be kept secret.
Rome, 9 th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 12. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 67. 903. The Same to the Same.
The Pope had told him he had letters from England, announcing the ill will borne by Henry VIII. towards Francis I. Inquired the date of these letters; so the Pope went to the window where they were, and took them in his hand, saying, “We do not well remember their date;” and then saw that one was of the 16th and the other of the 26th ultimo.
Asked him about the affairs of Burgundy; when the Pope answered that the Catholic King had announced his intention of going into Spain next July, though he would not really depart until August; the Archduchess Margaret, conjointly with Mons. de Pienes, (who had given his daughter in marriage to a nephew of Mons. de Chièvres,) would remain to govern Burgundy; and, according to the Pope's letters, the Emperor was going to Mayence for the Diet.
When in St. Peter's on Corpus Christi Day, was told by Lord Albert (Pio, Prince of Carpi) that, after the Emperor, King Henry and King Charles had sworn to the agreement with England, King Charles again swore to the agreement with France, confirming it more strongly than before; and Lord Albert remarked: “The Emperor does not know how to manage these matters, for he might control them at his option. . . . . The Emperor negotiates and transacts business with his grandson as if he were a stranger, and in the same style as used by the King of France with the Catholic King;” which policy his Lordship blamed vastly.
Rome, 12th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 13. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 68. 904. Marco Minio to the Signory.
The French ambassador had told him that the agreement between France and Spain had been again newly sworn to; that the Pope's nuncio had signed the English agreement in the Pope's name, but that the Pope had told him he would not swear to the agreement, expressing himself thus, “Should such be the will of the King of France, we will not join it.”
Cardinal Adrian (Bishop of Bath and Wells) had been to the palace with the Cardinals Santa Croce and Grimani, for the better adjustment of his affairs, and about the moneys promised by him. He asked pardon a second time, although his transgression was but slight; for while he was in company with the Cardinal of Siena, the rogue Zuan Battista of Vercelli (fn. 2) chanced to pass by, and the Cardinal of Siena said, “That fellow will get the College out of trouble.” For having heard these words without denouncing them, Cardinal Adrian had been in great peril, and was obliged to atone for his crime with money.
Rome, 13th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 15. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 69. 905. The Same to the Same.
Had been asked by the English ambassador whether the Signory purposed sending the galleys to Flanders. Answered he had received no official communication, but understood by private letters that the State meant the Flanders voyage to be performed. The English ambassador said he would write to the King, for the news would give him great satisfaction.
Borne, 15th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 15. Mantuan Archives. 906. Andreas Ammonius to the Maequis of Mantua.
Professes his devotion to the Marquis. Should it be in his power either to serve the Marquis with the King of England, (who loved the Marquis extremely,) or in any other way, he requests the Marquis to give his commands accordingly.
London, 15th June 1517.
[Signed:] Devotissimus servus, Andreas Ammonius.]
June 16. Mantuan Archives. 907. John Nulus to the Marquis of Mantua.
Thanks the Marquis for the magnificent presents made to the King, and to himself for the King's sake. The King was much gratified by these gifts.
London, 16th June 1517.
[Signed: Js. Nulus.]
June 17. Original Letter Book, St. Mark's Library, Letter no. 135. 908. Sebastian Giustinian to the Signory.
Had proposed to visit the Imperial ambassador extraordinary, who, however, would on no account receive him. He was come to request a loan from the King to the Emperor, and had obtained 10,000 crowns, with which he had departed on the 16th, or would do so on the 17th. The Emperor had apparently gone to attend the Diet at Worms, in consequence of a league formed against him by certain princes of Germany.
Expected arrival of three ambassadors from the Catholic King. Great preparations were making to do them honour. They were coming to swear to the league, which had been done a year ago by the Catholic King's ambassador, but since then all the clauses inserted at the request of the Cardinal of Sion had been cancelled.
Cardinal Wolsey had been so dangerously ill, that his life had been despaired of. For many days none of the lords or other members of the Privy Council, who were usually so assiduous, had gone near him. This illness had prevented any further negotiations about the repeal of the wine duties or the grant of the patents. As he was convalescent, had arranged to see him in two days. The business had been constantly delayed before the Cardinal's illness, because, if it were despatched, the duties on Malmsey wine would be reduced a noble the butt. Would appeal to the King if there were any further delay.
London, 17th June 1517.
[Italian, 2½ pages, or 62 lines.]
June 18. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 70. 909. Marco Minio to the Signory.
Cardinal Adrian (Castellesi, Bishop of Bath and Wells) was selling his plate, in order to fulfil the promise made by him to the Pope.
Rome, 18th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxiv. p. 343. 910. Nicolo Sagudino, Venetian Secretary in England, to Alvise Foscari.
Dated 19th May 1517.
Since he gave notice on the 5th of the insurrection, severe example had been made of about 20 of the offenders. This provoked the populace, who—men, women, and children—had recourse to threats and blows, and wounded two servants belonging to the Venetian embassy. At length they had been quieted. Greater honour was paid to Sagudino than before; yet he had determined to remain within doors as much as possible. The King had pardoned the rest of those concerned in the conspiracy. One day he came to a place half a mile from London (i. e., Westminster) with his court; Cardinal Wolsey and a number of lords, both spiritual and temporal, being also present. The King, having seated himself on a lofty platform, caused 400 of the criminals, all in their shirts and barefoot, and each with a halter around his neck, to be brought before him. The Cardinal implored him to pardon them. The King refused. Then the Cardinal, turning towards them, announced the King's reply. Hearing that the King had ordered them to be hanged, they fell on their knees, shouting, “Mercy!” The Cardinal again besought the King to pardon them, and some of the chief lords did the like. At length the King consented, and the Cardinal, with tears in his eyes, announced to them, the King's pardon, and made them a long discourse, exhorting them to lead good lives, and well treat the strangers, according to the King's will.Each man took the halter from his neck, and threw it up in the air, and jumped for extreme joy. The crowd of people present was innumerable.
The mischief done was not very great; and the people cannot bear that 40 of their countrymen should have been hanged and quartered, although no strangers were killed. It was horrible to pass near the city gates, where nothing but gibbets and the quarters of these offenders were exhibited.
During a ten days' residence at Richmond, he passed the evenings hearing the King sing and play, and seeing him dance. By day the King exhibited his address in running at the ring. In all these accomplishments he excelled. The Venetian organist, Dionisio Memo, had introduced to the King a lad, so excellent a performer on the lute, that his Majesty never wearied of listening to him, to the despair of Zuan Piero, who had determined on returning to Italy.
Memo had composed a fine vocal quartet, and entitled it—
“Memor esto verbi tui
Servo tuo perpetuo,
In quo rniki spem dedisti.”
He was to play it to the King, and give him the words. His wishes might be easily guessed. The King would not fail him.
June 22. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 72. 911. Marco Minio to the Signory.
Flight of Cardinal Adrian (Castellesi, Bishop of Bath and Wells) on the 20th, at the fourth hour of the night. He was accompanied by two of his attendants. He was said to have gone towards Tivoli with the intention of proceeding to Naples. He had paid the fine of 12,000 ducats imposed on him by the Pope, but did not venture to remain in Rome.
Rome, 22nd June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 25. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 74. 912. Marco Minio to the Signory.
Trials of Cardinals Petrucci, Riario, and Sauli. They were deprived in consistory of their hats and benefices. According to the confessions of Cardinal Sauli and the other delinquents, they had communicated the plot to Cardinals Soderini (Bishop of Volterra) and Adrian (Bishop of Bath and Wells). The latter, on hearing the announcement, burst out laughing, shrugging up his shoulders, a gesture habitual to him. Riario had been promised the Popedom. (fn. 3) Whilst the minutes of the trial were being read to the ambassadors, the Pope showed them Cardinal Petrucci's scarlet trencher, which was lined with metal plates, warranting the inference that he meditated a personal conflict with the Pope. He also wore armour under his robes
Rome, 25th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]
June 30. Original Letter Book, St. Mark's Library, Letter no. 136. 913. Sebastian Giustinian to the Signoey.
Had communicated to the King and Cardinal Wolsey the newsletters received from the Signory. They served to contradict the reports of the death or capture of Sultan Selim.
Arrival in London of two ambassadors from France, whom he had visited. King Henry bad determined on sending three agents to Calais, to meet as many more French commissioners, and arrange certain disputes concerning damages done to private individuals of both nations. The two ambassadors were apparently come to urge the King to refer these disputes to persons on the spot, such as the Captain of Calais for England, and the Captain of Boulogne for France. The ambassadors were Mons. de la Guiche and the Advocate of Boulogne.
Three ambassadors from the Catholic King had also arrived, namely, Mons. Jaques de Luxembourg (son of Mons. d'Arschot, Governor of Flanders and Artois), the Bailiff of Hainault, and the Provost of Cassel (George de Theimseke.) They had been received with unusual honours.
Friar Nicholas (Schomberg), Cardinal De'Medici's envoy, was returned, and on Sunday, the 5th July, the league was to be sworn to and proclaimed. If any Christian prince should invade any of the confederates, the King of England was to cross over to France with 25,000 foot and a great number of horse; the Emperor to furnish 20,000 foot, and the Catholic King 2,000 spears and 20,000 infantry; whilst the Pope was to fulminate censures;—conditions which were quite ridiculous.
The King was preparing jousts and entertainments in honour of the French and Flemish lords. On visiting the Cardinal that day found him engaged with the Catholic King's ambassador in ordinary (Bernard de Mesa, Bishop of Elna), and could not obtain audience.
London, 30th June 1517.
[Italian, 2 pages, or 50 lines.]
June 30. Minio's Original Letter Book, MS. penes me. Letter no. 76. 914. Makco Minio to the Signory.
Nothing was known about Cardinal Adrian (Bishop of Bath and Wells), nor what road he had taken.
Rome, 30th June 1517.
[Extract, Italian.]


  • 1. The Petrucci conspiracy.
  • 2. Concerning the surgeon Giovanni Battista of Vercelli, who was to have poisoned Leo X., see Guicciardini, vol. iii., p. 236, and Roscoe's Life of Leo X.
  • 3. This account of the promise given by the conspirators to Cardinal Riario, is at variance with Lord Verulam's notice of Cardinal Adrian, whereby it would appear that the Bishop of Bath and Wells expected to succeed Leo X. (See Bacon, Hist. Henry VH., Op., t. III., p. 560.)