Venice: August 1514

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Venice: August 1514', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: August 1514', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: August 1514". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

August 1514

Aug. 4. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 358. 454. Vetor Lippomano to—.
Dated Rome, 30th July.
The French business was as follows: the King of England desires to keep Tournai, to which the King of France objects; and as to the rest they are agreed.
According to letters of the 19th from the nuncio Tricarico in France, the King had sent an express to the General of Normandy, from whom he awaited a reply; and it was considered certain the agreement would take place, so that by the 10th of August it would be settled in one way or the other.
Aug. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 360. 455. Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his Brothers, Francesco and Filippo.
Dated London, 8th and 12th July.
The agreement was considered as made. The French ambassador went about everywhere, and received much kind treatment. He held out for high terms, because the King meant first of all to levy certain taxes which had been imposed for the war. Tournai was to be retained by the Duke of Burgundy, to whom it belonged of yore. The King of France was to give 600,000 crowns to the King of England in six years, and the usual pension of 60,000 crowns annually.
Aug. 6. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 362. 456. The Same to the Same.
Second summary of the letter dated London, 12th July.
Universal opinion that peace with France had been made, but not published, because the King was most diligently levying the sum promised him by the Parliament, and were the adjustment proclaimed the people would refuse payment, the money having been promised for the war against France.
The French ambassador was seen occasionally on the Thames, and about the town, taking his pleasure very gaily, being often accompanied by some of the courtiers, all doing him honour, whereas previously he had not been allowed so much liberty.
At Venice they will hear everything through France, and should the Signory know nothing, infers that nothing is known to anybody else.
The Spanish ambassador does not speak to the French ambassador [in London], and stays at home quite dispirited. The English abuse Spain excessively for her bad faith in making truce with France.
Aug. 8. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 368–370. 457. Venetian Ambassador in Rome and Dandolo, Ambassador in France.
Dated 4th August and 27th July.
Letters said to announce the conclusion of the agreement between England [and France] had arrived, but (adds Sanuto) nothing was published. The Pope, speaking to the ambassador about the agreement with England, said a messenger had arrived at Rome from the Emperor, with a commission referring his disputes with the Signory for arbitration to his Holiness.
Aug. 8. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 368. 458. Vetor Lippomano to—
Dated Rome, 3rd and 4th August.
The agreement with England was considered settled, and advices to that effect were expected hourly. Already at Rome bets were made thus: payment of 12 ducats, ready money, to receive 100 should the French be at Milan in the course of August.
According to the Pope's letters, received on the 4th, the articles of the agreement might be expected in a week, as the King of France had consented to the demands of the King of England, and sent a commission to the General of Normandy, his ambassador in England, to conclude.
Aug. 12. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 373. 459. Appearance in the College of the French Ambassador, with many Milanese, clad in cloth of gold [as a mark of rejoicing].
Announcement by him of the receipt of letters from Florence, dated the 10th; that, according to advices from Blois of the 29th July, the agreement with the King of England was concluded, so that it would arrive from hour to hour.
Aug. 13. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 379. 460. Vetor Lippomano to—.
Dated Rome, 10th August.
Details conversations held by him with Dom. Antonio di Bibiena, who was the “heart” of the Cardinal [Giulio de' Medici], and knew his secrets, and those of the Pope. Dom. Antonio told him the agreement between France and England had been made, but that the King of France would not come into Italy this year.
Aug. 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. pp. 381, 382. 461. Receipt by the Merchants of Letters from London, dated 1st August, but none from the Ambassador Andrea Badoer nor for the Pasqualigi.
Announce the conclusion of the agreement, but that it was kept secret. Three ships were there, loading cloths; one for Constantinople and two for Scio, to the amount of 300,000 ducats. Give also other mercantile advices.
Aug. 18. Mantuan Archives. 462. Henry VIII. to the Marquis of Mantua.
As a slight acknowledgment for the noble present received from the Marquis, sends by the bearer, Sir Griffith Don, certain horses, with their furniture, part for the Marquis himself, and part for the Marchioness. Requests both one and the other to accept them, not indeed as a gift, (it being his intention to remunerate the Marquis with other English productions,) but as a slight mark of good will.
Greenwich, 18th August 1514.
[Signed:] Henry R.
[Countersigned:] And. Ammonius.
[Original, Latin.] (fn. 1)
Aug. 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 389. 463. Venetian Ambassador at Rome, and Dandolo, Ambassador in France, both to the State.
Dated Rome, 16th August, and Blois, 3rd August.
The King of France would neither come into Italy nor send troops. The marriage between him and the maiden sister of the King of England was concluded, and he would go in person to meet her at Calais, where, according to report, the ceremony was to be performed. England had dispensed him from payment of the ready money which he was to disburse for the peace, the sum remaining on account of the Queen's dower.
Aug. 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 389. 464. Andrea Badoer to the State.
Dated London, 29th and 30th July.
My Lady Margaret, the Emperor's daughter, who resides in Flanders, had held a conference with the Duke of Suffolk, one of the chief noblemen of England, and a marriage had been agreed between them (e fatte nozze insieme), though the Duke, who was a very handsome man, had not more than three wives, and “Madam” more than one husband. (fn. 2) An agreement had been made between France and England, and the General of Normandy was come to seal the articles, having been met by 400 of the chief lords on horseback to do him honour; he made his entry into London late in the evening.
Aug. 20. Sanuto Diaries. v. xviii. p. 390. 465. Vetor Lippomano to—.
Dated Rome, 16th August.
On Friday, whilst the Pope was at dinner, heard him say that he meant to attend to the pacification of Christendom, in like manner as he had made this peace between France and England; and that he would form a Christian league, and go in person on board the armada against the Turk.
There were letters from England announcing the arrival there, on the 30th July, of the papal envoy, with the ultimatum of the King of France touching the agreement between the two crowns, and he had liberty to conclude, so that peace is expected hourly. There were letters from the French court from the Venetian ambassador, Dandolo, dated 3rd August, that the agreement was made and the news of its conclusion expected from day to day. Advices were received from Lyons, in date of the 9th, to the same effect; also that the King of England was to come with his maiden sister, whom he marries to the King of France, as far as Calais, where the two sovereigns were to meet. On the 16th a servant of Cardinal San Severino's arrived post from France, having left the court on the 7th. He says that the agreement with England is made, and that the Marquis de Rothelin, late a prisoner in England, had been released, and was coming with the affianced bride of the King of France to Calais to conduct her to his Majesty, who would meet her there.
Aug. 21. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 395. 466. News of the Agreement between England and France.
Private letters from Rome state the agreement between England and France was concluded, and was to be proclaimed in France on the 7th August, as likewise the marriage. The King of France promises to give the King of England annually 100,000 crowns for the expense incurred by him; this sum, however, to be set off against the Queen's dower. There were other articles as yet unknown. King Lewis was going towards Calais, to meet the Queen there for the consummation of the marriage.
Aug. 22. Misti Consiglio X. v. xxxvii. p. 81. 467. The Council of Ten to the Ambassador in France.
On the day before yesterday, received by way of Rome his letters of the 29th ultimo. The letters from the most Christian King, dated the 8th, announcing the stipulation of the agreement and the marriage of King Lewis with the young sister of the King of England, are most agreeable to them.
Ayes, 23. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 61 lines.]
Aug. 23. Misti Consiglio X. v. xxxvii. p. 83. 468. The Council of Ten to the Ambassador in Rome.
Acknowledgment of letters relative to the terms of the treaty between England and France.
[Italian, 77 lines.]
Aug. 24. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 402. 469. Letter from London, dated 29th July.
The agreement with France was concluded; the marriage would take place; and the French grandee—“de Roam” (sic) had arrived for the ratification. Many Englishmen of consequence had told the writer that the two crowns and the Signory should league together to expel Spain.
Aug. 25. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 405. 470. Dandolo, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the State.
Dated Poissy, 11th August.
The agreement had been concluded and proclaimed in London on the 2nd. On the 13th the marriage was to be celebrated. The royal ambassadors were to touch the hand of the Queen (tocar la man alla Regina), the King's sister, in the name of King Lewis (nomine predicti Regis). The Queen was very beautiful and her age—years.
Aug. 26. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 409. 471. Session of the Council of Ten and the Junta.
Edict for the celebration on the morrow by the Patriarch of high mass, and for the patricians to accompany the Signory in full dress (ben vestidi); also for bonfires to be burnt in the evening, and for the bells to be rung. Present of 100 golden ducats, and of black silk and damask for two gowns, &c, Arc, to the envoy Francesco della Croce, who brought the news of the agreement between England and France in the past night. The criers to be sent to all the members of the Senate, telling them to come dressed in scarlet or silk. To write to the Patriarch, and order the bell ringing and bonfires.
Aug. 26. Misti Consiglio X. v. xxxvii. p. 86. 472. The Council of Ten and the Junta to the Ambassador in Rome.
Arrival in the past night of Don Francesco de la Croce, the gentleman of the Lord Theodore Triulzi, sent by the most Christian King to notify the peace with England, and his marriage with the sister of the King of England.
The peace had been proclaimed on the 15th inst.
[Italian, 75 lines.]
Aug. 26. Misti Consiglio X. v. xxxvii. p. 87. 473. Motion made in the Council of Ten.
Put to the ballot, that on account of the peace made between England and France, tomorrow morning the Signory, accompanied by the ambassadors and noblemen, do go to St. Mark's Church; a prelate “in pontificalibus” do sing high mass; and, as solemn thanksgiving, “Te Deun Laudamus” be chaunted. Also that the bells throughout the whole city be rung, and torches and lights displayed in the evening from the steeples. Also that letters and orders be sent to the army to make demonstration of gladness, and that the like be done in such other of the towns and places of the Signory, as shall seem fit to the College.
Ayes, 7.
First amendment to the foregoing motion:
That the rejoicings be celebrated tomorrow only; and that an order to this effect be given in the army, and in the other cities and places as above.
Ayes, 17.
Second amendment:
That the original motion made by two councillors and the chiefs be carried, with this addition—that on Monday next the Senate be summoned, and the letters of the ambassador in France in this matter, with such omissions as to the College shall seem fit, be read.
Ayes, 2. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Latin, 20 lines.]
Aug. 27. Misti Consiglio X. v. xxxvii. p. 89. 474. The State to the King of France.
Acknowledge presentation on the preceding morning of the credentials by D. Zuan Francesco de la Croce.
[Italian, 22 lines.]
Aug. 27. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. pp. 410–413. 475. List of the Noblemen who, on Sunday, 27th August 1514, attended the mass celebrated by the Patriarch in St. Mark's Church, for the agreement between France and England, wherein was included the Signory of Venice—122 names. Description of the robes worn; their materials, colours, &c.; velvet, silk, damask, raised pile, crimson, scarlet, purple, black, hoods of cloth of gold, &c., &c.
[Italian, 3 pp. folio.]
Aug, 27. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 414. 476. Rejoicings at Venice for the Agreement between England and France.
Fireworks (fuogi) in the evening from the belfries, but not from St. Mark's Tower, because of the scaffolding. At Cà Dandolo, “ Calle delle Rasse” the residence of the French ambassador, the Bishop of Asti, there were paper lanterns on the neighbouring roofs and lights at the balconies, and a butt of wine in the street for all to drink and make merry.
Aug. 28. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 415. 477. Doge Leonardo Loredano to King Henry VIII.
Deplores the disturbances in Christendom during the last five years. Notwithstanding the anxiety of the Republic for peace, truth, and religion, she had suffered by far the greatest proportion of adversity, but, relying on the justice of her cause, had never despaired. Was cheered by certain signs, none of which had been more gratifying than the recent announcement of the peace and relationship contracted between his Majesty and the King of France.
Alludes to the public rejoicings made at Venice on this account, and returns thanks to the King for having been mindful of the State when adjusting his affairs with France, and including the Republic amongst his especial friends. (fn. 3)
Aug. 31. Sanuto Diaries, v. xviii. p. 419, 420. 478. Venetian Ambassador in Rome, dated 28th August, and Venetian Ambassador in France, dated Posait [sic; Poissy or Passy?], 13th August, concerning the conclusion of the league with England. Staler letters than those brought by Zuam Francesco dalla Croce.


  • 1. The register of this letter has been calendared by Mr. Brewer, vol. i., no. 5339, p. 861.
  • 2. From this it may be inferred that the “wrytyng” of the Archduchess Margaret, MS. Cotton. Titus, B. 1, which is printed at p. 71 of the Chronicle of Calais (Camden Society publication), should bear the date of 1514, and not 1513; and the “dessent” alluded to at p. 75, was the proposed landing of 1514 before the stipulation of the peace with Lewis XII.
  • 3. This letter is not registered in the Journals of the Senate, nor has it any other date than that of the day on which Sanuto entered it in his Diaries.