Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.
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'Venice: September 1513, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Venice: September 1513, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Venice: September 1513, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
September 1513, 16–30
Sept. 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 47. | 306. Venetian Ambassador at Rome to the State. |
Dated, 12 September. | |
Transmits copies of letters received there by the French ambassadors. | |
Monsieur de Turnor, Governor of Lyons, writes to the French ambassador, in date of Lyons, 7th September, that he and Monsieur de Luçon had received letters from the court, announcing the arrival of an express, informing the King that the King of Scots had gained a battle against the Viceroy of England, who had been captured with 15 of the chief English lords. This intelligence had rejoiced the King and the whole court. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 47. | 307. Mons. de Luçon to the French Ambassador in Rome. |
Certain news have reached the King of the battle between the King of Scots and the Viceroy of England, whose army of 30,000 men had been routed, and the most part killed, few escaping capture or death. The Viceroy had been taken prisoner with 15 of the chief lords; and this was true as gospel. | |
Lyons, 7 September 1513. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 16. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 48. | 308. Government of Florence to Pietro Bibiena, Papal Ambassador at Venice. |
On the 16th August the French, thinking to succour Terouenne, as they did the first time by means of Captain Fonterailles, tried the same road with some 1,800 spears; but warned by the former attempt, the English were on the watch, and prevented the entry of the new comers, whom they attacked on their way back to the camp. The French, being mounted on mules and small horses, thought themselves in safety, but were at length routed, some captains with their colours being captured, including the Marquis de Rothelin, of the blood royal and chief of the King's gentlemen, Monsr. de Bussi, Monsr. de Bayard, and La Fayette, commanders of great quality and revenue; the killed and prisoners were reckoned in number 120 men-at-arms, though some rated the loss at a good 400. At any rate it was a very notable feat, and vastly to the detriment of the French; and had the English followed up the victory, they would on that day have caused disastrous consequences to the French, but hoping in the flush of such a victory to take Terouenne by agreement, they ceased pursuing the enemy, and presenting themselves under the place, announced the rout and the capture of the commanders, exhibiting the prisoners and the colours taken, and expecting the town to surrender at once, though it in fact held out until the 22nd or 23rd, when first the Germans within, and then the French, commenced parleying with English in the camp, and moved by the lack of provisions more than by any other cause, at length surrendered after a respite of two days, which having expired on the 24th, the garrison on the following morning, the 25th, marched out of the town, and the English entered. On the 26th, the French had reached the camp, their persons and horses being respected. | |
Monsr. de la Palisse had been let go on parole (era intrapreso) (fn. 1) on that same evening. As yet, no one knew how the French meant to carry on the war. | |
The French were busy provisioning the neighbouring towns in every direction, especially Abbeville, Peronne, and Amiens, at which last place the King of France was in person. The banks of the Somrae were also being fortified, to prevent the passage of the English. The French mainly relied on these fortifications, and also on the approach of winter, the cold there not allowing troops to keep the field. Moreover there were two other circumstances of no small moment in their favour,—the coming of the Duke of Guelders, who was expected in a few days with 10,000 lansquenets and several hundred horse (some of his company being already at Liège); and secondly the diversion of Scotland, whose King, it was understood, had already invaded England. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 309. Henry VIII. to Maximilian Sforza, Duke of Milan. |
Acknowledges the receipt of his affectionate letters, and of a similar announcement through his secretary, as confirmed by the Emperor, who evinced paternal goodwill toward the Duke. Compliments him on his endowments, which have been notified by the Emperor to him (the King). Banks the Duke therefore amongst his especial friends, and, thinking that he will rejoice at his successes, informs him that since his entry into France he has been always victorious over the common enemies, many of whom he has made prisoners. Has taken their extremely well fortified city of Terouenne, whence he marched to Tournai, arriving there on the 15th September. Battered the town, and granted a suspension of hostilities for two days for the negotiation of a surrender. England has been attacked by the King of Scots, who took part with France, unmindful of ties of blood and of a formal treaty. He sent 10,000 Scots into England, all of whom were killed or captured by a force not exceeding 1,000 men. Thereupon the King of Scots in person, with an immense army, invaded England, and at the outset took a little old town that was almost tumbling down of itself and unfortified, and almost deserted, belonging to the Bishop of Durham. The King then advanced some four miles within the English Borders, where on the 8th of August he was met by the Earl of Surrey, who had been deputed to coerce the Scots. The fight was long and sharply contested on both sides, but at length the Almighty, avenging the broken treaty, gave victory to the English, who killed a great number of the enemy, including many of their nobles, put the rest to flight, captured all their cannon, and plundered the whole camp. | |
No Englishmen of note have perished, but of the fate of the King of Scots himself no certain intelligence has been hitherto received; the Earl of Surrey, when tired after the battle, having written this much in haste to the Queen, promising to transmit more exact details speedily. The Earl of Surrey's first letters were forwarded by the Queen to Tournai, and as yet no further particulars have reached the King, who, however, on their arrival will take care to have them imparted to the Duke. | |
Offers himself as a sincere friend to the Duke, and wishes to know his position and what ho is doing against their aforesaid common foes, expecting gladsome tidings. | |
[Signed:] Henricus. From our own camp at Tournai, 16 September 1513 | |
[Countersigned:] And. Ammonius. | |
P.S.—After writing the foregoing, has received sure intelligence that the King of Scots himself perished in the battle, his body having been found and recognized, and taken to the nearest church. | |
He thus paid a heavier penalty for his perfidy than we would have wished. | |
[Original, Latin.] | |
Sept 16. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 310. Summary of Letters from Paulo da Lodi. |
Dated Lisle, 16th September. | |
Had visited my Lady [Margaret] in the name of the Duke of Milan, and after due congratulations on the victories obtained by the Emperor and the King of England, returned thanks for the good offices performed by her with them in favour of the Duke. She replied gaily that it was true she had used her good offices for the Duke with their Majesties, and would not fail doing so for the future, to maintain his Excellency in his duchy; and she urged him (Paulo) to write to the Duke not to fear the enemy, but to be of good cheer, as the Emperor and the King of England would not fail to destroy his enemies or humble them, so as to make them do as desired: or a general peace would be stipulated, and an attack be then made upon the Infidels. Some apprehended the malice of the Bishop of Marseilles, who is at Rome. Speaking of the Switzers, my Lady praised them to the utmost, and said that their good disposition and valour was manifested by their proceedings against France. | |
It is true that on the 9th of September the Earl of Surrey, the great captain of the English army, attacked the Scotch camp, in number 50,000, ill armed; and they fought a long while. At length the Scots were routed, and the King of Scots could not be found, either dead or alive. The Scots have lost all their artillery and baggage, and the rest of the Scottish camp returned to Scotland. The English were to pursue them to burn their country. For certain upwards of 18,000 Scots were killed, including many noblemen and captains of repute; and the loss of the English was small. | |
The city of Tournai offered to pay a considerable sum. Some said 200,000 ducats ready money, and 20,000 ducats a year to the Emperor, besides a tribute to the King, provided they be allowed to remain as they are; but these terms were rejected, and the artillery was battering the place. The city is very populous, wealthy, and strong, but has no men-at-arms at all within, so it was hoped for certain to obtain the place shortly. | |
It was said that the King of England was to give the Emperor the third instalment of pay, amounting to 35,000 ducats. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept 18. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 311. Summary of Letters from Paulo da Lodi. |
Dated the 18th. | |
Again confirms the rout of the Scots; and adds that on that day the King of England went with — to Lisle, and having found Mons. de Berghes at his lodging, was accompanied by him to my Lady, with whom he remained dancing, playing, and drawing the bow; and then he returned to the camp with only about 25 horsemen, running and playing with his attendants. | |
The Emperor desired his forces to encamp under the walls of Tournai, and to place the “Twelve Apostles” [twelve guns of the battering train] in position to batter the town incessantly, and to make the trenches for the heavy artillery, for which he had sent to Mechlin, and expected it in two days. At any rate it was apparently meant to batter the place from three points. The Emperor was also sending for very many mortars to throw bombs into the town and frighten the population. The town was divided into two factions; the nobility were inclined to surrender, and the people not; and the latter, being the strongest, had assumed the government; but a speedy surrender was considered certain. | |
The French, to draw off the Emperor, circulated a report of going to Cambrai, an imperial place; but it was provided for, being under the protection of the Prince [Charles of Castile], and recommended to him; and were they to go there, the truce between Spain and France would be broken. | |
Has heard from a good quarter that, even should the winter season compel the King of England to cross the Channel, he would leave the Emperor 18,000 foot and 6,000 horse, with which to follow up the undertaking until his (the King's) return in the spring; and the Emperor was to rest content and in good spirits; but there was, nevertheless, no certainty about the King of England's departure. Should he go, he will first take Tournai and Garra (sic). | |
On the expiration of the truce it is hoped that the King of Spain will attack France. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 19. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 312. Summary of Letters from Paulo da Lodi. |
Dated Lisle, the 19th. | |
On that day my Lady received news from the King of England, purporting that his consort the Queen had certain intelligence of the death of the King of Scotland, whose corpse was found amongst the killed, his hands being yet in their gauntlets, which she sent to the King, telling him that she was also sure of the death of upwards of 18,000 Scots. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept, 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 54. | 313. Duke of Ferrara to his Secretary in Venice. |
Announces receipt of a letter from the Government of Florence, whose advices from the French court, dated Amiens, 5 August, notified the victory gained by the Scots in England, 6,000 English being killed, and the Lieutenant and other men of note being captured. | |
The King of England was destroying the walls of Terouenne, and was expected to return to England. The Emperor had quitted the English camp, and was on bad terms with the King. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 21. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. pp. 58, 59. | 314. Foscari, Venetian Ambassador in Rome, to the State. |
Dated 15th and 16th September. | |
The Cardinal of England and the Imperial ambassador, the Lord Albert of Carpi, (fn. 2) had made rejoicings, caused high mass to be performed at the Madonna del Popolo, and burnt bonfires at Rome, for the victory obtained over the French. The ambassador Foscari, on account of his health being unable to go in person to the Pope, sent his secretary, Augustin Bevazam, to hear the news. The Pope told him there was no reliable news whatever of victory against the French, so that no trust can be placed either in English or French intelligence. The affair of Scotland also was not true; but there were letters of the 11th from Lyons, and from the court at Amiens of the 6th, to the effect that the English had destroyed the walls and levelled the ditches of Terouenne, and were going to besiege another town in Picardy, called Ciovers (sic), which, however, had been well supplied and fortified by the French. The King of England, having taken Terouenne, had gone towards Paris. The Scots, in number 10,000, had crossed the English Borders, and 40,000 more were following, under which circumstance the King of England might return to England. The Emperor was in the camp on the 6th, but the Pope did not know whether he had left or returned subsequently. | |
The Cardinal of England had been to the Pope to make him promulgate the censures against the King of Scots in accordance with the articles stipulated between those two sovereigns [the Emperor and the King of England?], but the Pope had refused to do so. (fn. 3) | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 21. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii., pp. 59, 60. | 315. Vetor Lipomano to—. |
Dated Rome, 16th September; seen by Marin Sanuto. | |
In his last he wrote the news of Scotland against England, the reverse apparently of what had happened, for on that morning [16th Sept.], the Lord Albert of Carpi and the Cardinal of England received letters from the Emperor in the camp, in date it was said of the 1st, announcing the invasion of England by 10,000 Scots, who, meeting with no opposition, burnt six villages (ville), and took some prisoners; but suddenly the English troops mustered, drove back the enemy across the Borders into Scotland, and, pursuing them, burnt 24 villages (ville) and made prisoners. | |
The English had destroyed the walls of Terouenne, and filled up the ditches. 20,000 Switzers were encamped at Dijon. On account of this news great bonfires had been burnt, and guns and rockets discharged as a sign of rejoicing, so that the first intelligence was not true. Frenchmen never tell the truth (Francesi non dicono mai il vero). At Rome it was apprehended that France would lose his kingdom should England persevere in the war, as seems to be his intention. This news likewise he disbelieves. | |
On that morning [16th September] the Cardinal of England and four other cardinals, with the ambassadors from Spain, from the Emperor, and from Milan, went to Santa Maria del Popolo, and had high mass sung for this their victory, which after all might not be verified. | |
On that morning [16th September] Consistory was held, and the Pope said the news announced by the English was false, though it was true the Scots had routed the English, and were coming over the Borders with 50,000 men, and the vanguard of some 10,000 had skirmished with the English, so that the war between them had commenced; and therefore no credit should be given to the statements of the French, nor yet of the English, as all wrote their letters to suit their own purposes. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 22. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 316. Brian Tuke, Clerk of the Signet (seriba regius), to Richard [Pace], (fn. 4) Secretary of the Cardinal of England. |
A few days ago saw letters both from him (Pace) and the Cardinal, implying doubts of the King's success. Attributes this in part to the mere lies which he (Pace) may have heard from the French and their partisans, and partly to the English Cabinet, which omitted to write to the Cardinal, though he (Tuke) is of opinion that if he owed as much to any mortal, as “our most Christian King” (fn. 5) did to God, he should consider that his shoulders were heavily burdened, as all their undertakings had succeeded more prosperously than he could have imagined. | |
First of all, on quitting England, they found the weather very mild. Secondly, the army, although composed of heterogeneous nations (disparibus nationibus), was so well agreed and unanimous, and so utterly free from dissensions, as to defy exaggeration. Thirdly, no epidemic of any sort assailed so very numerous an army. Fourthly, such was the plenty of provisions, that 20,000 men were living in the camp in time of war far more cheaply than they lived at home in time of peace. Fifthly, they had many friends, who were of the greatest help to them, the chief of them being the Emperor, who with many princes and other great lords remained there constantly. Sixthly, in every direction they gained victories hitherto unparalleled, being always few against many, and always conquering, a proof of divine assistance. | |
In order to give him (Pace) a fuller account of all their proceedings than was contained in the letters of the King, who wished rather to diminish than exaggerate, informs him that the King gave Terouenne to the Emperor, whose commanders, after the departure of the English troops, burnt the whole city, with the exception of the cathedral church; the population, warned by the King, having carried off all their effects to the neighbouring towns; and such was the end of Terouenne, of late so impregnable a stronghold. | |
This done, the King went to Lille on a visit to the Lady Margaret, to which very grand spectacle all the noble lords and ladies, and the merchants of Flanders, Holland, and Brabant crowded, and received his Majesty in very great triumph. On the following Tuesday the King returned to the army, then on its march to besiege Tournai, where they found the suburbs burnt, but the neighbouring towns and villages so well supplied with wheat and barley and other daily necessaries, that each of the King's soldiers would have enough for himself and his horse for the next eighteen weeks. The city was then blockaded on every side, and the army built winter dwellings for themselves, of which a great part have chimneys. Tournai is large and beautiful, the wealthiest city in all Flanders, and the most populous of any on that side of Paris. Have stormed one gate, inside which the King's troops have established themselves; the castle has been battered down by the artillery. Within the city there are no soldiers, but a great amount of peasantry and butchers, without any commander-in-chief. The besieged think themselves sufficiently strong to resist the whole world, because they have a very great amount of cannon; but they suffer from a scarcity of provisions, and, he believes, lack powder. The besiegers walk close to the walls daily, and the King himself does so occasionally for three hours and half at a time. The English ordnance was planted in the trenches (in fossis), and the enemy having twice sought a parley, it was granted for two days, during which time the besiegers not abstaining from visiting the trenches, the enemy pointed a gun to intimidate them; whereupon the King ordered all the ordnance to play upon the city, which was done so incessantly that the walls were well nigh levelled to the ground. The besieged then again demanded a parley, though the cannon continue to play, as the King will not lose a moment of time. At any rate the place is gained. It manufactures excellent carpets and table covers (tapetes et mantilia) and will prove very useful for the King, as Burgundian and Rhenish wines can be conveniently brought thence to England, on which account the dwellings now built as already described, and which occupy a space more than thrice the size of Tournai, will be left standing. | |
The French army is so great a distance from the English that no breeze can bring them any news of it. | |
Have sent a message full of comfort to the schismatic King, (fn. 6) thus:— | |
“The King of Scots, of all Christian men the falsest, has been killed in fair fight by the Earl of Surrey, who attacked the King's own camp in a certain forest called Barmerwood, in England, all the nobility of Scotland being with the King. In the conflict 10,000 Scots were slain, in the flight as many more; the battle was fought on the 9th of this month. All the ordnance of the Scots, their tents, and the rest of their baggage was taken; the course of the whole business being as follows:— | |
“On St. Bartholomew's Eve [23 August] the false and perjured King of Scots invaded England, and took the castle of Norham (not without shame to certain individuals), razing it to the ground. He then led his army towards Berwick, burning the villages in every direction. The Earl of Surrey, Lords Dacres, Coniers, Latimer, Scrope, and other great personages of those parts had not yet mustered; but each made such haste that on the 7th of September the Earl of Surrey summoned and challenged the aforesaid perjured King of Scots to give battle on the following Friday. Such was the reliance placed by that King on his French and Scottish commanders, that he thought all England together would not dare oppose him; but the Earl of Surrey kept his engagement and promise. Lord Howard, the Admiral, having heard that the King of Scots most boastfully proclaimed that he had long sought him by land and sea, as one who from fear always fled and avoided battle, quitted the royal fleet, left a deputy in command, forthwith landed, and sent a message to the perjured King of Scots, that he would lead the van of the army, not on horseback, but on foot, lest he should be supposed a craven and a runaway. He moreover warned the King of Scots not to take him alive; he having determined not to capture any Scot, however noble he might be, even were it the King himself, but to kill him—promises which were fulfilled. | |
“Accordingly, on the appointed day, the army attacked the Scots, whose forces were assembled on the summit of a hill, at the distance of a mile from its base, the hill being so strengthened and defended by ordnance that the assailants were obliged to wade through a certain marshy pass, leaving their guns in the rear. | |
“The army of the Scots formed five lines in square battalions, representing the figure of a spear head; all being equidistant from the English army, which was divided into two lines, with two wings. | |
“In spite of the Scottish artillery, which inflicted little or no damage, Lord Howard marched to the foot of the hill, where he halted a short time, until the other wing of the rearguard had joined the last of his lines. | |
“Thereupon the Scots came down the hill in very good order, after the German fashion, with iron spears in masses. The Earl of Huntly, the Earl of Airlie, and the Earl of Craufurd broke upon Lord Howard. This force, together with the Earls, all perished. | |
“The perjured King of Scots attacked the Earl of Surrey, at whose side Lord Darcy's son was following; near whom Lord Maxwell, a Scot, with his brother Lord Herries, were killed, and well nigh all the rest of the Scottish nobles, the list of whose names had not yet been received. In these two engagements no prisoners were made, no quarter given. The Earl of Havewes (sic) [William Hay, fifth Earl of Errol?] (fn. 7) and the Earl of Argyle, (fn. 8) with a very great force, attacked Sir Edward Stanley, who slew the greatest part of them. Lord Edmund Howard, who led his brother's right wing, was assailed by the Chamberlain of Scotland [Alex. Lord Hume]. He was thrice felled by the Chamberlain, to the blame of his soldiers, who were cowards, (fn. 9) but Lord Dacres succoured him with fifty horse. The Chamberlain of Scotland alone got home alive, though he nevertheless in like manner lost all his men.” | |
After performance of these feats, the entire army of the Scots took flight. The flight commenced at noon and lasted till night. The English halberdiers decided the whole affair, so that in this battle the bows and ordnance were of little use. Only one English nobleman, a knight, fell; (fn. 10) the rest of the killed did not amount to 400. | |
Of the Scots upwards of 10,000 men were captured and slain in flight, and as many more were killed on the battlefield. | |
At the time of this engagement Lord Lovel was at Nottingham with 15,000 men, on his march towards Scotland, the Queen being already 40 miles beyond London, with 40,000. | |
The Scots numbered in reality 60,000 men, though they were said to be 80,000. The English were 40,000, though reported to be only 30,000; “and this is the end of James, late King of Scots, of all mankind the falsest.” (fn. 11) | |
In the pouch (in loculis) of a noble Scot who perished a written paper was found, of the following tenour: | |
“To the western seaport of Dunbar the King of France sent to James IV. King of Scots: First 25,000 gold crowns of full weight. Also 40 cartloads of powder. Two pieces of great ordnance called cannons (qui canones dicuntur). Also a ship laden with 400 arquebuses and 600 hand culverins, with their shot. Also a ship laden with bombards and other engines (machinis), including 6,000 spears, 6,000 maces, —, and pikes. Also a knight, by name Dansi (sic), with 50 men-at-arms, and 40 captains to command the soldiers.” | |
After the King's letters had been written, he detained them for three hours to announce the result of the parley granted to the citizens of Tournay; and in the meanwhile another courier arrived from England, with news that all the Scottish nobility fell in the battle, viz., 11 earls, 15 barons, 1 archbishop (of St. Andrew's he supposes), 2 bishops, and the King's secretary; the French ambassador, Mons. de la Motte, and a great many other nobles. | |
The rent surcoat (paludamenta) (fn. 12) of the King of Scots has been sent to Tournai stained with blood: it was chequered in the English fashion. | |
The traitor Scots, who dared not face England when the King was there, and sought to destroy her in his absence, have paid condign penalty. | |
Yesterday “this opulent, strong, and fair and extensive city of Tournai” surrendered. It might have been stormed, the English having battered down the castle, and forced one of the gates, of which they kept possession; but the King most graciously granted the abject and pitiful prayers of the besieged, who requested permission to surrender it to him and his heirs; and the Emperor renounced all his claims upon it, in favour of “our most Christian King” who is to enter the city in triumph on the morrow. After thanksgivings to God, justs will be performed; the King receiving on his entry 100,000 ducats, besides a great many other presents derived from the spontaneous civility of the citizens. The King is also to receive 10,000 ducats annually, besides the royalties (reditus possessionis) belonging to the city. | |
“We have now the city of Terouenne, which was called 'the King's Treasury' (la Chambre du Roy), and Tournai, on whose walls was inscribed 'La pucelle sans reproche,' namely, 'the unsullied maiden.' The 'King's Treasury' is burnt, and this 'Maiden' hath lost her maidenhood. | |
“I am greatly fatigued, writing good and gladsome news, thank God, in every direction. | |
“We also took five other walled towns, which nobody here values because of the magnitude of other matters. | |
“If, as is supposed, the Queen be with child, we owe very much to God.” | |
Tournai, 22nd September. | |
[Latin.] | |
Sept. 23. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlvi. p. 7, tergo. | 317. Commission from the Doge and Senate to Pietro Lando, Ambassador to Leo X. |
To inform the Cardinal of York that his proceedings are most agreeable to the State, thanking him greatly, and requesting him to perform the same good offices as always used by him with his King, towards whom the State means ever to be most obsequious. | |
[Italian, 64 lines.] | |
Sept. 24. Sforza Archives, Milan. | 318. Henry VIII. to Maximilian Sforza, Duke of Milan. |
Answered his most loving letters a few days ago, but now sends these present, which are well nigh copies. | |
Announces the surrender of Tournai on the 23rd. | |
“From our city of Tournai, 24th September 1513.” | |
[Signed:] “Henricus.” | |
[Countersigned:] “And. Ammonius.” | |
[Original, Latin.] | |
Sept. 24. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 67. | 319. Foscari, Venetian Ambassador in Rome, to the State. |
Dated 20th September. | |
Receipt there of letters from the Florentine ambassador in France dated Amiens the 8th, that the King of England had destroyed and burnt Terouenne, and was gone to encamp under St. Quentin; that the affairs of Scotland would come to naught, as the Scots wanted money from France, whereas France was unable to send them any, either by land or sea, | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 25. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 69. | 320. Dom. Costanza to the State. |
Dated Lyons, 17th September. | |
Announces the news of Scotland against England, The English viceroy had been captured. The English had destroyed Terouenne, and were on their march to encamp under St. Quentin, the French army having also moved in the same direction. The first to arrive at the pass would be victorious. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 26. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 75. | 321. Government of Florence (Dieci della Balia) to Pietro Bibiena, Papal Ambassador in Venice. |
Dated 18th September. | |
Nothing of importance, save the movements of the English after the taking of Terouenne, which they had destroyed, some said, for the sake of dispensing with a garrison, others, with a view to fill St. Omer, a neighbouring town belonging to the Archduke, which, judging from this project, could not be very populous. The English were supposed to act thus from perceiving that the French towns near Terouenne on the Somme, such as Amiens, Abbeville, and Peronne, were well provided and strong, and mistrusting their power to take them. They were expected to march towards St. Quentin, near the source of that river, where they did not expect any provision, to have been made, so as to enter the adjoining province of Champagne by way of Rheims, and proceed in the direction of Paris. The French, however, had sought to thwart this plan by putting all provisions in the large towns, and intercepting the English supplies. | |
By private letters from Lyons, understood that the English had already taken that line of march, and were encamped under Arras. Many persons in Venice knew France well, and through them Bibiena would be better able to understand and estimate the foregoing intelligence. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 26. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 76. | 322. Roberto Acciaiuolo to the Government of Florence. |
Dated Amiens, 5th September 1513. | |
On the 3rd advices were received from several quarters, announcing the rout of the English by the King of Scotland, and that he had captured several persons of account, some 6,000 men having been killed; which intelligence was subsequently repeated through various channels; yet it did not appear to him derived from any trustworthy source, though, being received from so many parts, it might be entirely or partially true; and two days since it had been reported by numerous spies from the English camp, that owing to this reverse, King Henry was to return to England. | |
Did not write for certain, but on the reports of spies; if verified, French affairs would prosper. The Emperor was in the camp, and evidently directed the whole of the war; wherein, if not more fortunate than it was his wont to be in other wars, it would be desirable that he should govern everything. (fn. 13) | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. pp. 82, 83. | 323. Vettor Lippomano to —. |
Dated Rome, 14th and 26th September 1513. | |
The English army was marching straight to Paris. | |
The English were encamped under Tournai; the Scotch had gained a victory over the English, and the Queen had recalled her army. | |
[Italian.] | |
Sept. 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. xvii. p. 80. | 324. Francesco Foscari, Venetian Ambassador in Rome, to the State. |
Receipt there of news from France, dated from the court at Amiens, 17th and 19th. Arrival in the camp of 14,000 Switzers, and of the Duke of Guelders with 10,000 lansquenets. The English were going to encamp under Tournai, a free town, which announced its intention of holding out; yet the armies were approaching each other, the English being in great number and very powerful, so that it was supposed a battle must necessarily ensue. | |
[Italian.] |