Venice: January 1510

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Venice: January 1510', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Venice: January 1510', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Venice: January 1510". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 2, 1509-1519. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1867), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

January 1510

A.D. 1510.
1510. Jan. 5. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 106. 28. The Doge and Senate to Andrea Badoer, Ambassador in England.
Sent him on the 21st ult., by way of Rome, three letters, two of which were in cipher, directed as usual to the consul, but intended for the ambassador. Announced thereby a conference between their two ambassadors and those of the Emperor at Hospedaleto, not far from the State's territory of Feltre, when the Imperialists intimated that the Venetians were not to propose any terms at variance with the articles of the League of Cambrai, the Emperor not choosing to swerve from his confederacy with the King of France. The Signory's ambassadors being expressly charged to propose to the Emperor the expulsion from Italy of the King of France, his natural and capital enemy, they, after some negotiation and delay, for the sake of being reconciled to the Emperor, made a proposal to him which was not inconsistent with the League of Cambrai, namely, to pay to the Emperor a reasonable tribute for such towns and places as had been allotted him by that League. Whilst this last negotiation was on foot, received his (Badoer's) letters of the 26th and 28th November and 4th December. Understood that the King of England proposed to mediate in their behalf with the Emperor by means of Lady Margaret, and inquired whether he had their authority to act to that effect. This proposition is most satisfactory to them; therefore they charge him (Badoer) to acquaint the King with their most grateful acceptance of it, and also with the particulars of the conference at Hospedaleto. Desire him (Badoer) to show that it would be not less to the King's advantage than their own to use his (the King's) great influence by means of the Lady Margaret to detach the Emperor wholly from the King of France. Wish they had known the King's intention before they sent their ambassadors to Hospedaleto; and not knowing what may be the result of the conference there, desire him (Badoer) to request the King not to fail doing as he proposed. Should they conclude anything at Hospedaleto they will transmit immediate information of it to England. He (Badoer) is to add, that they are willing, if the Emperor will attack Milan, to acknowledge his sovereignty, in the first place over such imperial towns as they possess, and likewise over those they have lost, by paying him suitable tribute; doing the like for such towns and places as they have been deprived of by the King of France in the present war, should the Emperor recover them and the duchy of Milan. Are also willing to aid the Emperor with all their forces; and he (Badoer) is to tell the King that if the Emperor will make peace with them, they will pay him 200,000 Rhenish guilders on such terms and at such periods as he may think fit; the moneys to be paid for recognition and investiture of the towns above mentioned, namely those actually in possession of the State, and those taken by the Emperor in the present war, of which scarcely any remain save Verona and a part of its territory, and also of the other towns and places formerly held by the State, and now occupied by the King of France.
Should this proposition not be accepted, will make a new proposition as follows:—To give the Emperor 50,000 Rhenish florins for ten consecutive years only, for the recognition and investiture of all the aforesaid towns and places. To forward the attack on the King of France, would, immediately after the concluding and signing the peace, give the Emperor 100,000 florins, that is to say, two years' subsidy, besides the aid of the Signory's men-at-arms, of which the Emperor might dispose as of his own, for the benefit of the confederation.
All this they announce confidentially to the King of England for his government, and pray him, now that he is acquainted with the whole, to be pleased to act. To this effect therefore they send him (Badoer) a very ample power (syndicato) that he may conclude such an agreement with the Emperor as may be settled by the King and the Lady Margaret. As it is possible that the Emperor may not choose to come to a rupture with the King of France, in that case only, he (Badoer) is to acquaint the King of England that they will make acknowledgment to the Emperor for the towns and places assigned him as his share by the League of Cambrai; give a fitting sum either for the investiture, or as tribute and forthwith—considering that he (Badoer) has written that it would be highly advantageous for the State to conclude the affair in England—are content that with regard to the investiture or tribute, the King of England shall make such arrangement as shall seem fitting to him, as they rely on the good will he bears the State, &c.; wherefore he (Badoer) is to pray him to use his authority and to conclude.
Moreover, as to thwart the designs of the King of France the State is aware of the necessity for its union not only with the Emperor, but with England, Spain, and the Lady Margaret, or with such of them as the King of England shall think fit—he (Badoer) is to urge the King to cement a good understanding and league between all the parties, and they empower him (Badoer) to negotiate the league forthwith, with articles to be approved by the State. Impress on him the necessity of zeal and vigilance, and frequent correspondence with the State.
Order for the power (syndicatus) to be made out in sufficient and ample form. The ambassador, if unable, on account of illness, to execute the order as above, is to communicate it to the consul in London, Lorenzo Pasqualigo. Bills of exchange for 300 ducats to be sent to the ambassador.
Ayes, 153. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, the last paragraph Latin, 96 lines.]
Jan. 5. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 107. 29. Power from Doge Leonardo Loredano, in favour of Andrea Badoer, ambassador with Henry VIII., authorising him to conclude peace with Maximilian, Emperor elect, or with his delegates; and also to negotiate a confederacy with said Emperor, with Henry King of England, with Ferdinand the Catholic King of Arragon, and with the widow Lady Margaret, the Emperors daughter, or any of them, one or more, or with their delegates: the Doge, Senate, and Signory promising their ratification, &c. The power is extended, in case of need, to the consul Lorenzo Pasqualigo. Sealed with a leaden seal, and dated from the Ducal Palace, 5 January, xiii. Indiction, 1509[–10].
[Latin, 40 lines.]
Jan. 6. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 107. 30. The Doge and Senate to the Ambassador in England.
Relate the recovery of the Polesine by Venice. Give details of a successful attack on the Venetian fleet in the Po by the Duke of Ferrara, with forces of his own, of the Pope, and of France. Have resolved to collect a more powerful fleet, and elected a new captain general, namely, the nobleman Piero Balbi, who had been bailiff at Padua. Send these details for his information, that he may be able to contradict false reports. Understand the good offices used by the “friend.” He (Badoer) is to thank him in the State's name, and promise him that should there be any good result, they will show themselves grateful. Is to do the like by D. Pietro Carmeliano.
[Italian, 29 lines.]
Jan. 7. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 108. 31. The Doge and Senate to Mocenigo and Cornaro, the Ambassadors at Hospedaleto.
Should the Emperor's representatives be dissatisfied with the Signory's proposition, the Doge and Senate are content to refer the questions of the investiture and the tribute for the aforesaid towns to the King of England. Should they still remain dissatisfied, Mocenigo and Cornaro are to take time for a reference to Venice.
[Italian, 31½ lines.]
Jan. 10. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 109. 32. The Doge and Senate to Mocenigo and Cornaro on their departure from Hospedaleto.
To the same effect as the letter immediately preceding.
[Italian, 36 lines.]
Jan. 12. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 110. 33. The Doge and Senate to Andrea Badoer, Ambassador in England.
Their ambassadors at the papal court have sent copies of letters from the King of England and his ambassador with the Pope [Archbishop of York] in favour of the Signory's affairs; they also mention the constant good offices used by the said ambassador with his Holiness. Charge him (Badoer) again to thank the King as becoming, and to inform him that it is reported at Venice that the King of France is making great preparations to come with all speed into Italy. Bequest the King of England therefore to forward the adjustment between the Signory and the Emperor, that they may unite together in time to resist the aggressions of France. Are of opinion that the remedy best calculated to cause the King of France to relinquish his Italian expedition, would be for the King of England to make a demonstration and military preparations in those parts (England). He (Badoer) is to persuade his Majesty to act accordingly.
The imperial ambassadors continue saying that the Emperor means to abide by the League of Cambrai; yet notwithstanding, to detach the Emperor from France, they have continued urging the ambassadors to press the Emperor to undertake the expedition against the duchy of Milan, and proved to them the great facility the Emperor would have for conquering it, when joined with them (the Venetians), and also for expelling the King of France from Italy. Perceiving however that the Emperor persists in not detaching himself from the temporary friendship of the French King, they maintain their original proposal of holding under him the towns and places assigned to him by the League of Cambrai. Have expressed their readiness to pay forthwith for the investiture of the same 100,000 florins, and an annual tribute of 100,000, for the sake of peace. Should this offer be not accepted, they are ready to abide by what shall be determined in this matter by the King of England, to the intent that he may act in such wise that the Emperor shall league with him, the King of Spain, the Lady Margaret, and the Signory, and undertake the expedition against the Milanese for the benefit of his grandchildren, or for such others as to him shall seem fit.
Is to communicate the above to the King of England, and pray him to arrange their affairs with the Emperor, so that either united with him, or at least without any obstacle on his part, they may proceed to recover their territories now occupied by the King of France, and expel him from Italy; the King of England, on his side, doing the like to conquer France, that he may be the true king and lord of that country, and not merely bear an empty title.
[Italian, 53 lines.]
Jan. 14. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 110. 34. The Doge and Senate to the Ambassadors Mocenigo and Cornaro.
Have received their letters dated Hospedaleto the 12th, at the 4th hour of the night.
To inform the imperial ambassadors that they have determined for the investiture before mentioned, to give his Majesty 150,000 florins, and a pension of 20,000 florins, a sum equal to the revenue of the towns, after deducting the necessary costs of men-at-arms, &c, as the State knows by experience. With regard to the observance of their word, which by God's grace had at all times been inviolate, should that not suffice, they are to tell the Emperor's ambassador that the King of England will give security and ample guarantee for them; as at all times he has sufficient Venetian property in the kingdom for the purpose.
Ayes 37.
[Italian, 46½ lines.]
Jan. 16. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 111. 35. Motion made in the Senate, concerning an Embassy to England.
Seeing that the interests of the Republic may be much advanced by the favour of the King of England, and that as he is well disposed towards the Signory nothing should be omitted that may tend to cultivate such a disposition—Put to the ballot, that an ambassador of note be elected to the King of England; to receive for his expenses 120 ducats monthly, without being obliged to account for the same. To take with him eight horses, including those for his own person, and for a secretary and his servant; and to be bound to depart when and with such commission as shall be ordered by the Senate.
Should this decree pass, the ambassadors at Feltre to obtain from the Emperor, through the imperial delegates, a safeconduct, wherewith the ambassador elect may go in security on his mission; assuring the Emperor that the ambassador is going to congratulate the King on his coronation, and to reside with his Majesty, no less to the profit and honour of the Emperor than of the Signory. Notice hereof to be given to the Venetian ambassadors in Rome, to transmit the intelligence to the ambassador in England, that he may announce the present resolve to the King.
Ayes, 150. Noes, 15. Neutrals, 0.
Elected “Ser” Francesco Capello, knight.
[Italian, 18 lines.]
Jan. 16. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 111. 36. The Doge and Senate to the Ambassadors Mocenigo and Cornaro, on the eve of departure from Feltre.
Desire them to offer the imperial delegates, for the Emperor, 150,000 florins on account of investiture, and an annual tribute of 20,000 florins; will also contrive that the King of England give his security. Refute the charge of dilatoriness, by the offer already made to conclude at once, leaving the amount of money to be settled by the King of England.
[Italian, 66 lines.]
Jan. 27. Deliberazioni Senato, v. xlii. p. 118. 37. The Doge and Senate to the Ambassadors at Rome.
Have received their four letters of the 19th, 22nd, and 23rd, at the 4th hour of the night, too late to reply. In the meantime to thank the English ambassador, Archbishop of York, for the loving communications made by him.
[Italian, 64 lines.]