Index: U-Z

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: U-Z". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Ulric I., du. of Wurtenberg (1498–550), assisted by Francis in his revolt against the Empire, 76, 115, 159.

Urbino, duchy of, 65.

-, the Dauphin's pretensions to the, 414.

-, du. of, v. Rovere.

Urries el Bailio (the bailli), 333.

Ursino (Girolamo or Hieronimo), recommended to the Emperor (1536), 38.

-, in his pay, 202.

Ussey, Ussy, Utey, v. Hussey.


Vaçan, v. Baçan.

Vacherinis (Johannes de), governor of Livorno (1537), 364.

-, oath of fealty to Cosmo, 153.

Valançon, baron de, v. Rye.

Valença (Valence, dep. Drôme, France), let. dated from, 201.

Valence (Valencia in Spain), 133.

-, abp. of, v. La Mark (Erard de) and Austria (Jorge de).

Valençuela, commander, 294 note.

Valladolid, town of Castille, 582.

-, the Emp. at (June 1537), 361 n.

-, -, again in Jan. 1538, to visit the Empress, 428.

-, -, again in July, 558.

-, lets. from, 131, 140–2, 149, 152, 154.

Vallés (Martin), sec. to Imp. embassy in France, 26 note.

-, let. to Juan Vazquez de Molina (Jan. 1536), 12.

Valois (Charles de), du. d'Angoulême, third son of Francis i. d'Orleans (1522–45, marriage of Christina of Denmark and, spoken of (Jan. 1536), 29, 567.

-, -, proposed by the Papal Legates (Feb. 1536), 37.

-, -, the Emp. preferring him to his brother Henri for the investiture of Milan, 37, 49, 61–3, 308–9, 323–4.

-, -, -, as otherwise no security can be obtained for the future peace of Italy, 37.

-, -, his marriage to the dow. du. of Milan proposed by the Pope's legates (Feb. 1536), 37.

-, -, Mary's hand asked by Francis for his third son, 229.

-, -, pope Paul in favour of that choice, 231.

-, -, at Lyons, 232.

-, -, becomes du. of Orleans (Aug. 1536), 282, 389, 391 note, 393 note, 400–1, 418, 484, 541, 563, 565, 567, 577.

-, -, to marry Mary of England, 229.

-, -, -, or the daughter of Ferdinand, 400–1, 492.

-, -, at the conferences of Nizza, 484, 545.

-, -, at Aigues-Mortes with his father the K., 565.

-, (François), dauphin du Viennois, du. de Bretagne, eldest son of Francis I. (1536), 37, 51–2, 58, 151, 231–2.

-, -, described by Chapuys to Cromwell as ambitious and vainglorious, 149.

-, -, -, and much inclined to an invasion of England, as if is believed, ibid.

-, -, -, having said in the presence of Englishmen that he is determined to snatch from k. Henry those titles and arms which he unjustly bears (June 1536), ibid.

-, -, -, to which accusation from the lips of Chapuys' sec. Cromwell feigns to assent, adding that there are many other reasons for Henry to take the Emp.'s part against the French, 150.

-, -, to be sent to Languedoc at the head of an army, 135.

-, -, on the road to Avignon, 232.

-, -, death of, by poison, as reported (10 Aug. 1536), 236, 282, 285, 393 note.

-, (Henri de), du. of Orleans, dauphin of Viennois (France) after the death of his elder brother, 37, 40, 49, 52, 62–3, 116, 135, 232, 324, 391, 393 note.

-, -, claims the duchies of Florence and Urbino in right of his wife, Caterina de' Medici, 38.

-, -, Francis insisting upon having Milan for, 62–3, 165–7, 289.

-, -, becomes Dauphin after his brother's death (Aug. 1536), 401–2, 484 n.

-, -, attends the conferences of Nizza, 484, 545–6.

-, -, at Aigues-Mortes, 563, 565.

-, -, his wife "la Dauphine, " 544–5; v. Medici (Catarina de').

-, (Louise de), daughter of Francis I. (d. 1517), 113, 570.

-, (Marguerite de), sister of Francis I., v. Marguerite de Navarre.

Valori (Bartholomew), 374.

Vandenesse, Flemish secretary to Charles V., itinerary of Charles V. by, 169 note, 297 note, 313 note, 531, 562 note, 565 note, 576.

Vandin, v. Bandini.

Vandoma, v. Vendosme, Vendôme.

Var, department of, 177 n.

Varana (Giovan Maria), du. of Camarino, 103 note, 568–9.

-, (Giulia), his daughter, married to Guidobaldo della Rovere, 103 note, 569.

Varchi (Benedetto), Florentine historian, quoted, 583.

Vargas Carvajal (Gutierre de), bp. of Plasencia (1524–59), 449.

Varo (Var), river of Sardinia, 177.

Vasto, v. Gasto.

Vaston, Ubouston, v. Weaston.

Vaughan (Dr. Stephen), Cromwell's friend (clerk, or secretary?), accompanies Chapuys to Kimbolton, 2, 3, 17.

-, English amb. in Brussels (1533), 512.

-, -, calls on him in London, 17–8.

Vauldieu, French amb., comes back from Spain (March 1538), 519.

Vazquez de Molina (Juan), commander of Guadalcanal, sec. to emp. Isabella, 9, 166 n, 285 n.

-, -, lets, to (1536), 11–2.

Vega (Garcilasso de la), III., v. Lasso de la Vega (Garcia).

Velasco (Da Maria de), 335, 373.

-, (D. Miguel de), at Villafranca di Nizza in the Emp.'s suite (July 1538), 533.

-, (Pedro), constable of Castille, v. Fernandez de Velasco.

Velez de la Gomera (Northern Africa), Moorish amb. from, takes a present to k. Francis, 133.

-, -, the real object of his mission not known, ibid.

Vely, Velly, sieur de, v. Dodieu.

Velzeres (Welzers), bankers of Augsburgh (?), 214, 561.

Vendôme, Vendosme, du. of, and Mons. de v. Bourbon (Charles de).

-, duchess of, v. Bourbon (Marguerite de and Marie de).

Venetians, 398, 469, 473.

-, Francis begs Paul to secure the neutrality of the, in the event of a war between him and the Emp., 36.

-, declare that they will never join a league in which the Emp. is not included, 63.

-, arming (May 1536), 118.

-, abused by k. Henry, who calls them vainglorious, unchristian, and more than infidels, 226.

-, refusing for their own particular ends to join the Italian defensive league (Oct. 1536), 274.

-, negociating with Paul, 299.

-, with the Emp. through Soria, 355.

-, to be persuaded to join the fleet of the league and send their galleys against the Turk, 378.

-, pressed to join the league against the Turk, 382–3.

-, rather than ratify it they would much prefer being at peace with him (Nov. 1537), 385.

-, on friendly terms with the Pope, and yet holding frequent conferences with the French ambassadors to the signory, ibid.

-, will never declare openly against the Turk unless they themselves are attacked first, ibid.

-, dislike fulfilling their engagements with regard to the duchy of Milan, 385.

-, -, and still more joining the new league against the Turk, ibid.

-, will go on negociating at Rome until they see what will be Francis' fresh move, 385.

-, Francis wanting them to make peace with the Turk, and forsaking altogether the league, 469.

-, afraid of the Emp. going to Italy (1538), 471.

-, Lope de Soria's opinion of the, 384–6.

-, other references, 324, 413–4, 416, 424.

Venice, signory or republic of, the Emp.'s league with, 52, 63, 527.

-, Gasto instructed by the Emp. to keep on good terms with the (June 1537), 359.

-, -, since it is bound by treaty to defend Milan against Francis, ibid.

-, -, and the Emp. on the other hand has engaged to defend its territory against the Turk, 398.

-, city, lets, deciphered in 120.

-, -, dated from, 63, 145, 168, 199.

-, Council of the Ten, 231, 349.

-, arsenal, 416.

-, doge of, v. Gritti,

-, nobles and senators, 470.

-, bailo or amb. at Constantinople, 385.

-, amb. in Rome, v. Cornaro.

-, to Spain, 119, 423.

-, -, in England, v. Zuccato.

-, -, to Nizza for the conferences, 470.

-, other references, 386, 469–70.

Vercelli in Sardinia, 286, 571, 575.

-, the French on their way to (April 1536), 103.

-, the du. of Savoy retreating to, 109.

-, and other places to remain in the hands of the Emp. until the peace with France, 559.

-, let. dated from, Add. and Cor., pp. 571–2.

Vere (John de), earl of Oxford, 171.

Vergerio (Pietro Pasto), papal nuncio and legate in Germany (1535–6), writes a discourse on the Œoumenical Council, 132.

Vero, du. de, v. Aveiro.

Vilaine d'Humières, sieur de, v. Brinon (Jean de).

Villafranca, town of Spain, marq. de, v. Toledo.

-, di Nizza to be fortified, 354.

-, the emp. Charles anchors at, 420, 469, 477, 540–1, 544, 547, 584.

-, lets, dated from, 2012.

Veroli, in the Roman States, bp. of, v. Ennio Filonardo.

Verona, bp. of, v. Giberti.

Verulan (Il Verolano), v. Veroli and Ennio Filonardo.

Vianot (Veamont?), 77 note.

Vicaria, tribunal or court of law of Naples, 308.

Vicenza, town of Ven, Lombardy, not a fit place (says k. Henry), for the meeting of the General Council, 526.

-, the Venetians refuse to give it up for that purpose, 528.

-, Germans trying to secure lodgings at, for the future Council, 444.

-, three cardinals (Brindisi, Campeggio, and Simonetta) sent to, to prepare it for the meeting, 458.

Victoria (Alava, Spain), let. dat. from, 197.

Vigebano, Vigeben, in Sardinia, Span, infantry in, mutiny at (June 1538), 401.

Villafranca di Nizza, arrival of Charles at (9 May 1538), 45, 469, 477, 537–9, 540, 544, 547.

-, false alarm at, 539.

-, lets. dated from, 2012.

Villanova, Vilanova, close to Nizza, k. Francis at, 540, 544–6.

-, de Portimaõ, in Portugal, 315.

Villena, marq. de, v. Pacheco (Diego Lopez),

Villodas (Sancha de), treasurer of Biscay, 499, 532.

Vilworden (Vilvorde), in Brabant, 511.

Vintemilla (Vintimiglia), extraordinary amb. in England (May 1536), 128.

-, -, his mission being to ask for the life of Weaston, or Weston, ibid.

Virtenberg (Würtenberg), du. of, 407.

Vitelli, Vitello (Alessandro), governor of the castle of Florence, 325, 328–9, 331–2, 361–3, 374, 381.

-, takes the oath of fealty to Cosmo de' Medici, 364.

Viterbo, in the States of the Church, pope Paul at, 244, 260.

-, (Francesco di), 216–7.

Vitoria, v. Victoria.

Vizcayno (cap. Juan), sent by the mutineers of Vigebano to the marq. del Gasto (June 1538), 401.

Vos, v. Bowes.

Voysey (John), bp. of Exeter (1519–51), 9 note.


Wales, princess of, the title of, wrongly given to Katharine's daughter, Mary, 321.

Waloup, Waloupe, Master, English amb. in France, v. Wallop (Sir John).

Wallop (Sir John), 59, 133, 170, 197–8, 508.

-, makes overtures to Hannaërt, 93, 147.

-, appointed to go to the Emp. in Spain, 197–8.

-, writes to Pate, enclosing a let. from Francis to the Emp. (Aug. 1536), 497.

Warberg, a castle in Scania or Scandia, the du. of Holstein and the confederator of Lubeck take possession of, on the frontiers of Norway (May or June 1537), 205.

-, the government of which they give to a captain of Lubeck, Marcus Meyer (?) ibid.

Weaston, v. Weston.

Welzers (Velzers), the, bankers of Augsburgh, 214, 561.

Westminster, the bankers of, 214, 561.

-, the French amb. summoned to,

Weston (Sir Francis), sentenced to death, 125–6, 129.

-, executed, 128 note, 134–5.

Whyat, Wyatt (Sip Thomas), of the King's chamber, imprisoned at the same time as Anne Boleyn (?) May 1536, 121, 573.

-, resident amb. at the court of Charles (1537–8), 429, 430–9, 498–9, 501, 504, 509, 522.

-, sends his sec. to France, 421–2.

-, returns to England (June 1538), 528–9.

-, considered by Henry to be the Emp.'s amb. rather than his own, 529–30.

Wilson (Dr. Nic.), k. Henry's confessor, in the Tower, 568.

Wiltshire, earl of, v. Boleyn (Thomas).

Winchester, bp. of, v. Gardiner.

Windsor, treaty of, alluded, 255, 257.

Wolsey (Thomas), card. abp. of York, alluded, 81, 155, 221, 258.

Wriothesley (Thomas), Cromwell's clerk, Clerk of the Signet, accompanies Chapuys to Kimbolton.

-, -, amb. to Flanders (Aug. 1538).

Wurtemberg, Wiertenberg, duchy of, revolt of, against k. Ferdinand, helped by Francis, 76, 115, 159.

-, du. of v. Ulric.


Ximenez de Cisneros (Da. Maria), 583.

Xavenigo (Sebenico), in Dalmatia, belonging to the Republic of Venice, 474.

Ximenez de Cisneros (Da. Maria), 583.


Yères, v. Hyères.

York, interview of Henry and James at, talked of, 69.

-, -, for the summer of 1537, 80.

-, rebellion in, 110, 387.

-, abp. of, v. Lee.

-, duchess of, title to be given to Mary, 185.


Zapata (Juan), 583.

-, (Pedro, Pero), 365, 583.

-, y Cisneros (Francisco), first co. de Barajas, 583.

-, Ossorio (Juan), 583.

Zapoli (Zapol, Zapolski), waywod of Transylvania, 62, 162, 202, 293.

-, truce with the k. of the Romans (Ferdinand), 470, 558–9.

Zaragoza (Çaragoça, Saragossa), capital of Aragon, 361.

-, abp. of, v. Portugal (D. Fadrique de).

Zilleti (Girolamo or Francesco), Venetian printers (1581–7), 366 n.

Zoveden, kingdom of, v. Sweden.

Zuccato (Hironimo), Venetian ambassador in England, 194 note, 519, 528.

-, presents letters of congratulation from the Signory on the occasion of the King's marriage to Jane Seymour, 226.

-, greatly abused by Henry, ibid.

-, -, who calls the Venetians vainglorious, unchristian, and worse than infidels, ibid.

-, suspected by Chapuys of working in favor of the French (July 1536), 194.

Zuñiga (D. Luis de) High Commander of Alcantara, v. Avila y Zuñiga.

Zwinglians, or the sectarians of Ulrich, Zwingle, 350 n.