Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Saboya, v. Savoie and Savoy.
Sablentinus da Fabriano (Arthemius), castellan of Pisa, oath of fealty to Cosmode' Medici (June 1537), 153, v. Arthem.
Sahona, Saona, v. Savona.
Saint Salut, abbé de, bearer of a letter from card. Pole to Montmorency (March, 1538), 520.
Salinas (Martin de), Ferdinand's agent in Spain (1536–8), 45–6.
-, -, employed by the Emperor on a mission to Henri d'Albret, 462–4.
-, let. to the Emp. (1538), 196.
-, -, to Granvelle (Nicholas), 197.
Salses, in Roussillon, 415, 417–8, 420.
-, interview at, between the French and Imperial commissioners, 469, 531, 534–5.
-, truce prorogued at, 429.
-, lets, dated from, 176.
Saluces, Salucces, v. Saluzzo.
Saluzzo, marquisate of, an Imperial fief, 574.
-, its possession contested, 77, 201, 228, 354, 360.
-, invaded, fortified, and strongly garrisoned by the French, 133.
-, given by the emperor Otto of Saxony to his niece, together with those of Montferrato and Ibrea, 178, 574.
-, investiture of, offered by emp. Charles V. to Nemours, ibid.
-, -, who refuses it, ibid.
-, the du. of Savoy's claims on, 354.
-, -, (Francesco) marq. de (d. 1537), 354, 575.
-, (Gabriele) marq. de, son of Luigi II., 575.
-, (Giovan Luigi), 354 n, 575.
-, (Luigi II.), 575.
-, (Michele Antonio), 354 n, 575; v. Paleologo.
Samano, sec. to the empress Isabella in Spain, 449.
Sampson (Richard), dean of the Chapel of Windsor, bp. of Chichester, privy councillor; meets with Chapuys in the Chancellor's rooms, 224, 226, 228, 238, 240, 242, 262, 264–5.
-, -, and another bp. (Lee?) appointed to treat with Chapuys, 524.
-, -, once English ambassador in Spain (1525), 240, 243, 577.
Samprancart (St. Brancard), baron of, v. St. Blancard or St. Brancard.
Sandes, Sandys, lord William, chamberlain of the Household, lieutenant of Guisnes, 107.
San Donino, let. dated from, Add. and Cor., 572.
San Pedro de Galicante, a monastery at Gerona in Catalonia, abbot of, v. Llor.
Sanseverino (card. Antonio), abp of Naples, sent by Paul III. to Vicenza, to prepare for the General Council (March 1536), 458.
-, co., du. of Soma (?), 244.
Santa Croce, Santacruz, card., v. Quiñones.
Santa Chiara, tribunal or court of law at Naples, 308.
Santa Fiore, card., appointed legate of Bologna, 244.
-, co., (Bossio Sforza) at Villafranca di Nizza with the Emp. (July 1538), 535.
Santaflor, card., v. Santa Fiore.
Santa Margarita (Sainte Marguerite), one of the Lerins islands close to the S.E. coast of France, 557.
Santiago, Military Order of, 166 note.
Santo Domingo (Hispaniola) island, French privateers on the coast of (1536–7), 315, 335.
Saona, v. Savona.
Saragossa, v. Zaragoza.
Sarmiento (Francisco), cap. of Span, infantry in Florence (1538), 374, 469.
-, (Pedro), abp. of Santiago (1534–51), 535 ; v. Sarmiento de Mendoza (Pedro).
-, de Mendoza (Pedro), abp. of Santiago de Compostela (1534–51), 488, 535, 540, 542–3, 556 n.
-, -, recommended by the Emp. for a cardinal's hat (July 1538), 556.
Saudades, meaning of the Portuguese word, 50.
Savelli (Giovan Battista), Italian capt. in the Emperor's pay (Nov. 1536), 292.
Savigliano, in Sardinia, the Emp. encamped at (June 1536), 166, 169, 200, 336, 497.
-, lets, dated from, 69, 73.
Savilla, Savillano, v. Savigliano.
Savoie (Adrien de), son of du. Carlo III. (d. 1522), 51 n.
-, (Charles de), v. Savoy (Carlo).
-, (Claude de, co. of Tende), Francis' lieutenant in Provence, 540, 549, 561.
-, (Emmanuele Philiberto de, 'Testa di Ferro'), son and successor of du. Carlo III. (1528–80), 51, 519, 570, 576, 585.
-, (Lodovico, Ludovico, Luigi), eldest son of du. Carlo III. (d. 1537), 51, 519 note, 585.
-, (Louise de), mother of Francis I., v. Savoy.
-, (Philippe de), Sans Terre du. de (1438–97), 575; v. Savoy (Philip of).
-, co. of Geneva, du. of Nemours, son of the preceding, v. Savoy (Philip of).
Savona, in the gulph of Genoa, 259, 261, 458, 469, 477, 537.
Savoy, duchy of, the, a fief of the Empire, 177,
-, Francis preparing to invade the, 26.
-, all the nobility of France and officers of the Royal household been summoned to be ready for the 21st of March, ibid.
-, Swiss in help of the Genevese enter, 46.
-, gentlemen possessing estates in, hastening to do homage to Francis, 110–1.
-, that they may be spared, and their towns and villages not destroyed, ibid.
-, invaded by the French under Brion-Chabot (May 1536), 133.
-, the inhabitants of, rising against the French, 136.
-, crops as far as the frontiers of France wasted, 200.
-, the French take possession of almost the whole of, and Piedmont, 461.
-, (Beatrix or Maria Beatriz), infanta of Portugal, daughter of k. Dom Manoel of Portugal, duchess of, by her marriage to du. Carlo III., 51.
-, -, to Genoa, to visit the Emp. (Sept. 1536), 261.
-, -, to Spain with her sons (June 1537), 360.
-, -, death of, at Valladolid (8 Jan. 1538), 423–4, 532.
-, -, her pension of 40,000 crs. on Milan to continue for her heirs, 559.
-, -, her will and bequests, 559.
-, (Carlo III.), du. of (1504–53), 26, 30, 49, 63, 69, 88–9, 94, 117, 153, 177, 201, 235, 239, 240, 360, 448, 532, 579.
-, -, attacked by the Swiss (1536), 46.
-, -, helped with money by Charles, ibid.
-, -, taken unawares by Francis, 51.
-, -, almost the whole of Piedmont and, conquered by the French,
-, -, pretender to Saluzzo, 277.
-, -, Francis will restore him his estate as soon as he himself is put in possession of Milan, 461.
-, -, refuses to give up the castle of Nizza, 469.
-, -, at Villafranca with the Emp., 542.
-, -, his affairs still unsettled after the truce (July 1538), 559.
-, -, all the fortresses in Piedmont in the Emp.'s hands to be restored to, ibid.
-, -, his duchess, v. Portugal (Maria Beatriz, infanta of).
-, -, his sons, Ludovico and Emmanuele Philiberto.
-, Claude of, v. Savoie.
-, (Emmanuele Philiberto, Testa di Ferro), 26, 51 note, 576.
-, Jacques or Jacopo, du. de Nemours, 26 note.
-, (Louise de), Francis' mother, q. regent of France, alluded (1525–6), 26, 117, 177, 519, 585.
-, Ludovico, son of Carlo (d. 1536), 51 n, 492 n, 519, 585.
-, (Philip of), Sans Terre, seventh du. of (d. 1497), 26, 177 n, 575.
-, -, du. de Nemours, son of the preceding, on bad terms with his brother, the du. of Savoy, Carlo (d. 1533), ibid.
Saxony (John Fred.), elector du. of (1532–48), 366.
-, Henry's ambassador in (bp. Foxe), 84.
-, -, to be induced to attend the Council by the offer of Ghelders and Juliers, 366.
-, -, one of the principal separatists, 407.
-, -, mistaken for George of the Albertine line, 366 n.
-, Otto of, emp. of Germany, alluded, 178, 574.
Scala, bp. of, v. Rio (Baltazar del).
Sea, Mediterranean, 78, 253–4, 358, 476, 483.
-, Red, the Grand Turk fitting out a fleet in the (July 1537), 373.
Scepper, Scepperus (Cornelis), councillor in Flanders, Imp. amb. in France; reception of (July 1536), 223, 376–7, 379, 382, 423.
-, -, instructions to, 191.
Schore, Dr., chancellor of Brabant, 513.
Scio, island of, French galleys at the, 537.
Sclavonia, the league against the Turk to be extended to the parts of, 398.
Sebastiaō (Dom), k. of Portugal (1557–78), alluded, 556 n, v. Portugal.
See, Apostolic, discussions of Chapuys with Cromwell respecting the authority of the, 241.
Segorbe, Segorve, du. of, v. Aragon.
Selve, Mr. de, French amb. in Rome, v. Odet de Selve.
-, (George de), bp. of Lavour, 474 n.
Semel, Semer, Semmel, v. Seymour.
Sentence in the divorce case at Rome, Henry tells Chapuys that Francis would never have consented to one being given in favour of Katharine, 250.
-, -, Chapuys' answer to that assertion, ibid.
Sentence of excommunication, believed to have been printed at Rome in 1536 to be circulated in England during the rebellion, 296, v. Deprivation.
Separatistas (Separatists), 564.
-, meaning of the word, 349 n.
-, -, the milder distinguished from the more violent, 555.
Seville (Sevilla), Casa de Contratacion in, 315, 561.
Seymour (Sir Edward), viscount Beauchamp, afterwards earl of Hertford, du. of Somerset and protector, introduces Chapuys to k. Henry (Sept. 1536), 95, 160, 247.
-, -, once in the Emp.'s service, 157.
-, -, his wife Anne, 229.
-, (Jane), third queen of Henry VIII., 160, 312, 571.
-, -, k. Henry makes most valuable presents to, 40.
-, -, refuses a purse full of sovereigns which the K. sends her, 84.
-, -, -, owing to which his love for her increases marvellously, 85.
-, -, advised not to give in to the King's fancy unless he makes her his queen, ibid.
-, -, well tutored and warned by those among the courtiers, who hate Anne Boleyn, ibid.
-, -, determines to follow their advice, ibid.
-, -, -, and work the ruin of Anne, the concubine, 106.
-, -, rooms allotted to her and to her brother within Greenwich Palace, 85.
-, -, the King's new mistress (May 1536), 122, 127, 312.
-, -, removed to a house of the Grand Squire (Carew), seven miles from London, 125.
-, -, Anne's sentence communicated without delay to, 129.
-, -, rumours of her marriage to Henry, 122, 124, 146.
-, -, some people asserting that the marriage settlements have already been drawn up (19 May 1538), 129.
-, -, kind to the Princess, whom she wishes to be placed in her former position, 125.
-, -, often interfering in her favor, 125.
-, -, visits Mary at her residence, 3 miles from London, 195.
-, -, presents her with a fine diamond ring, ibid.
-, -, Chapuys' congratutatory address to, 157.
-, -, married, 166, 182, 229.
-, -, her coronation put off till the summer of 1537, 266.
-, -, many doubting its taking place at all unless there be signs of her being in a family way, ibid.
-, -, confined of a son, 391.
-, -, death of (24 Oct. 1537), ibid.
-, -, a gentleman of Henry's chamber to announce to the Emp. the birth of Edward (Nov. 1537), 498, 524.
Sicily, 64, 356–7.
-, viceroy of, v. Goncaga (Ferrante).
Siena (Sena), in Tuscany, Charles at (April 1536), 103–4.
-, conversation between the Emp. and Pier Luigi Farnese concerning, 294.
-, the dominion of, said to have been offered to Farnese, 299.
-, pope Paul manifesting a great desire of adding, to the Church dominions in some way or other (1537–8), 494.
-, not helped by the Emp. in his attempt, but recommended to apply to the electors of the Sacred Roman Empire, ibid.
-, abp. of, v. Bandini.
-, let. dated from (28 Apr. 1536), 45. Scotland, 279.
-, k. of, v. James.
-, q. of, v. Margaret.
-, courier from, in London, 69.
-, amb. of, in London, 129.
Sforza (Bona), dau. of Gian Galeazzo, third du. of Milan. married to Sigismond I., of Poland, 83 note, 569.
-, -, cousin of Francesco, sixth du. of Milan, Add. and Cor., 569.
-, (Bossio) co. de Santafiore, 535.
-, (Francesco), son of Gian Galeazzo, third du. of Milan (d. 1512), 569.
-, (Francesco Maria), son of Luigi Maria, fourth du. of Milan (1521–35), alluded, 54, 64–5, 83 n, 115–7, 179, 230, 245, 305, 524, 569.
-, (Gian Galeazzo), third du. de Milan, (1494–524), 569.
-, (Giao. Paolo), marq. de Caravaggio, natural son of du. Francesco, 304.
-, (Lodovico), Il Moro, 304.
Shelton, lady Anne, (Anne Boleyn's) aunt, gouvernante of princess Mary, her rude treatment of Mary, 12–4, 16, 20, 128, 182, 576.
-, -, Chapuys tries to bribe, 28.
Ships, English merchant, detained at Bordeaux, 29.
-, -, released, 40–1.
-, -, a large one, like the "Bucentaur" of Venice, being built to convey lady Jane Seymour from Greenwich to London, 122.
-, -, an embargo laid on, in the ports of Flanders, 255.
-, -, -, owing to their having French goods on board, ibid.
-, vessels, &c., French, detained in Calais (1536), 40, 567.
-, -, one captured by the Imp. galleys, 178.
-, Spanish merchant, trading with the West Indies, chased by French privateers, 317–8.
Sigismond I., king of Poland (1506–48), 569.
-, his q., v. Sforza (Bona).
Siguenza, in Castille, card. of, v. Loaysa.
-, let. dated from, 205.
Silva, Sylva (D. Fernando de), fourth count de Cifuentes, "alferez mayor de Castilla," Imp. amb. in Rome, 15, 52, 62, 118–20, 161, 216–7, 267, 278, 293, 320–7, 374.
-, -, attends the meeting of the French, ambs. and cards, at Rome, 322–4.
-, -, to leave for Florence (May 1537), 350.
-, -, a cardinal's hat offered to, by Paul, 302.
-, -, -, which he declines, 308.
-, -, in Florence after the murder of Almandro de'Medici (Sept. 1537), 350, 355, 360, 374–5.
-, -, his sec. 132, 299, 304.
-, -, lets, to the Emp. (1536), 14, 20, 32, 46, 56, 80, 82, 86–7, 89, 106–7, 113, 117, 120, 125–6 (1537), 128, 134.
-, -, to High Commander Cobos, 122–3.
-, -, to Chapuys, 147.
-, instructions to, on the affairs of Florence (March 1537), 135.
-, the Emp.'s lets, to, 151, 157, 162.
-, Chapuys to (Oct. 1536), 105.
-, other references, 354.
-, notice of, Int. xii.–iv.
Simancas, Archives of, 2, 25, 45–6 n, 52 n, 218, 282 n, 295, 576.
-, papers from, unduly retained in France, 570, Int. xix.
Simonetta (Jacopo), card., sent by Paul to Vicenza for the business of the Gen. Council (March 1538), 458.
Skeffington (Leonard), lieut. gov. in Ireland, death of (1536), 29.
Slaves, black, for the Indies (Feb. 1538), 441.
Smalkalde (Schmalkalden), Diet of, 365.
Smeton (Mark), organist or spinnet player to Anne Boleyn, executed (17 May 1536), 125, 128 n.
Soledades, meaning of the word, 50 n.
Soliers de la Morette (Charles), French resident amb. in Eng. (1534), alluded, 197.
Solyman the Magnificent, emp. of the Turks, the Turk, the Grand Turk (1520–66), his warlike preparations, 117, 194.
-, his arrival at Constantinople (Mar. 1536), 78.
-, will soon give the Emp. so much to do in various parts of the Mediterranean coast that he will be unable to defend himself, ibid.
-, the three years' truce with, having expired, it is important for the Emp. Charles to have it renewed, 327.
-, should he come down at all in the spring of 1537, he will only invade Germany by way of Hungary, ibid.
-, likely to invade Italy in combination with the French, 356.
-, -, though lets. from Constantinople announce that he is not yet ready, and will not come down till the spring of 1538, 357–8.
-, the Venetians negociating with, 384.
-, -, the news, however, might, after all, be an invention of the French, to persuade the Pope that the Emp. does not want his help, ibid.
-, a powerful and most dangerous enemy, 398.
-, an offensive league against, considered an important undertaking, ibid.
-, -, for if attacked in any part of his dominions he is sure to send his fleet to the Mediterranean, ibid.
-, -, -, or attack the Venetians, ibid.
-, -, intending to invade the Frioul, 469.
Soma, Somma, du. of, v. San Severino.
Sora (Naples), duchy of, granted by the Emp. to the du. of Urbino, 292.
Sorbonne, in Paris, Pole (Reginald) at the, 296.
Soria (Lope de), Imp. amb. to Venice (1536–8), 118, 216–7, 231, 324, 355, 382, 416, 423.
-, lets, to the Emp., 145, 199.
-, -, from the Emp. to, 181.
Soto (Juan de), Katharine's apothecary, 17, 21, 44.
Spain, prayers to be said in, and the rest of the Span, dominions for the safety and health of the q. and princess of England (Jan. 1536), 1.
-, to be invaded by Francis, 133, 201.
-, infantry recruited in, 356.
-, New, v. Mexico.
Spaniards in Rome to be favored and protected by the Imp. amb. without injury or offence to the Romans (1536), 292.
-, -, in the event of riots, or revolutions of any kind, good understanding to be kept with Ascanio and the Colonna, ibid.
-, vexatious practices of certain, 293.
Spezzia island and gulf of, (Giuliano della), sec. to Antoniotto Adorno, doge of Genoa, 261 n.
Spice sent to Flanders from the E. Indies, 318.
-, -, islands of the, ibid.
Spinola (Miçer Agostino), pension to (Oct. 1537), 382.
-, (Stephano), ibid.
St. Blancard, St. Brancard, naval commander in France, 537.
St. Guillaume, du. of Aquitania, 256.
St. Lorenz, in Provence, first town the Emp. stopped at on his invasion of France (July 1536), 169 n.
St. Louis, Order of, 574.
St. Paul's cathedral in London, 41.
St. Pol (Pas de Calais, France).
-, Mr. de (Francois de Bourbon ), invades Sardinia (1536), 286–7.
-, made governor of Hesdin, 405.
-, arrives at Tarantasia, 286.
St. Quentin, town of Picardy, threatened by Nassau (Sept. 1536), 244.
-, -, the inhabitants of, send to Peronne for help, ibid.
St. Sebastian (Guipuzcoa, Spain), to be fortified against the French, 373.
Stafford (Edward), du. of Buckingham, alluded, 280.
-, (Elizabeth), du. of Norfolk, wife of Thomas Howard, third du., 21.
Statute of succession to the Crown, ladies of the court compelled to swear to the, 183.
-, -, one of them (Lady Hussee?), the wife of one of the King's chamberlain's, sent to the Tower for refusing to take the oath, ibid.
-, the Princess' chief servant kept for two days in confinement at Cromwell's house, ibid.
-, people of all classes in England made to swear to the, 204.
Stokesley, bp. of London, once the principal cause and instrument of Henry's first divorce, 106.
-, asked by a courier whether k. Henry could, or could not, desert Anne Boleyn and take another wife, refuses to give an opinion until he has consulted the King about it, ibid.
-, -, but is decidedly against Anne and her Lutheranism, 107.
Strozzi (Philippo) taken prisoner (Aug. 1537), 374, 415, 417.
-, son of, at Salses, going to the Emp., 417.
-, (Pietro or Pirro?) obtains a condotta from k. Francis, 232.
-, -, as well as a commission to raise 1,000 infantry, ibid.
Stuart (John), du. of Albany, k. James claiming part of his estates in France, 259.
Stur (Matheo, Mathew), Imp. agent, takes despatches to France, 450.
Suarez de Figueroa (D. Gomez), amb. to Genoa (1529–38), 62, 118–9, 232, 259, 292, 294, 297, 354–5, 361, 367, 369, 374.
-, lets, to the Emp. (1538), 188.
-, report of the Emp.'s Privy Council on his despatches, 53.
-, instructions to, 166, 208.
-, -, D. Gomez, second co. de Feria (1468–71), 583.
-, -, (D. Gomez), son of Lorenzo, third co. de Feria, ibid.
-, -, (D. Gomez V.) fifth co., afterwards first du. de Feria, ibid.
-, -, (D. Lope de?), 297.
Succes, earl of, v. Sussex and Ratclyffe.
Suecia, Suevia (Suède), v. Sweden.
Suffolk, du. of, v. Brandon.
-, duchess of, v. Mary Tudor.
Suhevia, v. Sweden.
Sulmona, prince of, v. Lannoy.
-, princess of, v. Montbell.
Summaria (Regia Camera della), civil court at Naples, 308.
Surennes, Syresmes (Christophe de) L'Esleu, sec. of the High Constable of France (Montmorency); bearer of instructions to amb. Dodieu, 460–2.
Surrey, earl of (Henry Howard), eldest son of the third du. of Norfolk (Thomas), to be given as hostage for James V. of Scotland at the proposed interview at York (March 1536), 69.
Susa, in Sardinia, mountains of, 78.
-, marq. de, v. Paleologo.
Sussex, earl of, v. Radclyffe, or Ratclyffe.
Sweden, kingdom of, 61, 504.
-, k. of, v. Kristiern.
Swiss no longer at variance with the people of Geneva, but making common cause with them, Feb. 1536, 40.
-, and helping them in their wars with Savoy, ibid.
-, 10,000 infantry from Lombardy to go by the Emp.'s orders to the relief of Savoy, invaded by the, ibid.
-, -, besieging Geneva still held by the du. of Savoy, 48.
-, Francis in treaty with the, to obtain a division of men, 48, 78.
-, -, enlisting 10 or 12,000 (May 1536), 133.
-, great havoc made by the, auxiliaries, III.
-, their claims againt the du. on the strength of a false deed, 177.
-, -, those of Francis equally ill-founded, ibid.
-, a league between France and the, Cantons being made, they become his auxiliaries.
-, -, the lowest man in his pay costs him 8 crs. per month, 232.
-, the league of the, Cantons being broken up, the services of the Catholic ought to be secured so as to prevent the French from enlisting among them, 286.
-, 3,000, to be taken by Paul into his service, 299.
-, Francis again enlisting, (June 1537), 352.
-, the league of the, Cantons to be revoked, 352.
-, number of, and Germans to reinforce the Emp.'s army in Piedmont, 356.
-, ten or twelve thousand more, for the defence of Italy, to be paid by Paul (June 1537) according to promise, 359.
-, part of the subvention destined for, banded over to the du. of Savoy to defend himself against those, who have invaded his territory, 46.
-, Cantons, Catholic, Paul engages to help and assist the, as his predecessor, Clement VII., had done (April 1536), 103.
-, Lutheran, auxiliaries of Francis, 111.
Switzerland, French interference in the affairs of, 37.
-, the revocation of the league between Francis and, to be procured, 359.
-, -, so as to prevent the enlistment of men for the French, ibid.
-, French interference in the affairs of, 37.
-, the Catholic Cantons of, to be assisted with money by Pope and Emp., 63, 103.
-, Imp. agent in, v. Bonvalot.
-, to prevent the French from making levies in the Cantons of, 359, 368–9.
Switzers, v. Swiss.