Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Pacheco (Diego Lopez), marq. de Villena, 531–2.
Padula, marq. della, cap. of men-at-arms, 332.
-, -, his company to be given to Alessandro Vitello, ibid.
Paget (Sir Richard?), said to have been imprisoned at the same time as Anne Boleyn (May 1536), 121, 573.
Painter, one sent by Henry to Brussels to take a likeness of Christina of Denmark, the dow. du. of Milan, 520.
-, another to Germany for the portrait of Anne de Clèves, 530.
-, (Aleram), 575.
-, (Bonifacio), son of Pietro, marq. de Susa, and first marq. de Saluzzo, ibid.
-, (Francesco), 575.
-, (Gabriele), bp. of Aire (1538), ibid.
-, (Giovan Luigi), 575.
-, (Luigi II.), marq. de Saluzzo, ibid.
-, (Maria), ibid.
-, (Margarita), ibid.
-, (Micaele Antonio), marq. de Saluzzo, in the Emp.'s suite at Nizza, 375, 542.
Palermo, in Sicily, Charles in (1537), 27, 275.
-, the city itself in danger should the Grand Turk send his fleet to the Mediterranean, 352.
Palestine, k. Richard's conquests in, 149.
Pamplona, capital of Navarre, to be strongly fortified against French attacks (June 1537), 367, 373, 480, 560.
-, bp. of, n. Cesarini (Alessandro).
Paris, Francis going from Picardy to Lyons by way of (Jan. 1537), 369.
-, Charles promises to visit, on his way to Flanders, 554.
-, Parliament of, 523.
-, abp. of, v. Bellay.
-, National Archives of, 583–4.
Parliament, 169, 241, 280.
-, measures being prepared in, against q. Katharine and princess Mary, 1,41, 45.
-, -, as well as against the Church, 41.
-, no new resolution worthy of notice passed therein, 45.
-, dissolved (Apr. 1536), 102, 122.
-, to meet again in June, 124.
-, -, when many of its members are expected to uphold, at the peril of their lives, the Princess' rights, 125.
-, bill for the destruction of abbeys and priories passed in, 110.
-, a motion for the reformation of Church ceremonies made in (July 1536), 204.
-, closed (July 1536), 208, 213–4.
-, -, the appointment of a successor to the English crown not having been made, but remaining entirely at the King's will, ibid.
-, without the consent of, Henry cannot raise money (says Cromwell to Chapuys) (Sept. 1536), 241.
-, prelates not to have in future any jurisdiction of their own, all ecclesiastics being in future subjected to temporal or lay courts; a motion in (16 Feb. 1536), 568.
Parma, 354.
-, the Imperialists to take possession of, and Piacenza, in case of the French invading Italy (1536), 287.
-, the garrisons of, Piacenza, and Bologna to be reinforced by the Pope, 299.
-, -, to be defended against French attacks, 368.
-, formerly belonging to the duchy of Milan; incorporated with the States of the Church, 494.
Pate (Richard), archdeacon of Lincoln, English amb. in Spain (1534–7), 54, 97, 137, 145, 236, 497.
-, words addressed by Grandvelle to, 55.
-, unfit (says Henry) for the task of representing him at the Emperor's court, 97.
-, his sec. comes to London with despatches (May 1536), 122–3.
Pau, (dep. Basses-Pyrenées, France), Henri d'Albret holding his court at, 584.
Paul III. (Alessandro Farnese, Pope 1534–49), 7, 8, 9, 63, 65, 96, 235, 273, 278, 322–5,452–5,458–9,477,504–5,524–5, 541, 568, 580.
-, described by Cromwell as not being the Emperor's friend, and leaning to the French side, 55.
-, had Charles not interfered in time, would have fulminated the censures of the Church against Henry, ibid.
-, formally engages to keep neutrality (Apr. 1531), 102–3, ibid.
-, gives Cifuentes a copy of Francis' letter to him in reply to the Emp.'s manifesto (26 May 1536), 132.
-, considered by Henry as his greatest enemy, 152.
-, called by him "the Antichrist" and the bishop of Rome, ibid.
-, k. Henry will have no objection to make a defensive and offensive alliance with the Emp. provided the Pope be considered as the enemy of both, 225.
-, -, since he is the common enemy of all Christian princes, and more particularly of the Emp. whose power and prerogatives he and his predecessors have usurped, ibid.
-, and the Venetians jealous of the Emp.'s aggrandisement, 201.
-, Chapuys' suggestions relating to, and his differences with Henry, 225.
-, an article concerning, to be inserted in the future treaty between England and the Empire, 229.
-, -, as the news from Rome are rather favorable, ibid.
-, -, to which Cromwell objects, unless there be a clause specifying that no motion shall be made at the future Council to Henry's injury, 236.
-, going to Viterbo (Sept. 1536), 224.
-, -, still there on the 24th, 260.
-, on good terms with the du. of Ferrara (Dec. 1536), 295.
-, unwilling to ratify the league [Italian] made with his predecessor, Clement VII., 288–9.
-, orders the excommunication sentence and the breve of deprivation to be printed (Nov. 1536), 296.
-, about to send his nuncios to France and Spain for the purpose of the peace, ibid, 308.
-, -, which if effected, may be of use to settle the differences lately sprung up in matters of faith, ibid.
-, cannot be persuaded to decide against France (Jan. 1537), 308.
-, -, his chief argument being that Francis may possibly forsake his obedience to the Holy See, and create a schism in the Church, ibid.
-, requested by the Imp. amb. not to allow levies of men to be made in the States of the Church (Feb. 1537), 324.
-, galleys of, to be fitted out in the arsenal of Venice (June 1537), 358.
-, to take 10,000 Swiss into his pay according to promise, 359.
-, proposes to go to Lombardy for the purpose of holding an interview with the Emp. whether k. Francis attends it or not (12 Feb. 1538), 434.
-, -, no objection, answers the Emp., provided the interview takes place at Nizza, and Francis promises to attend it, 435.
-, though his intentions are good (writes Silva to the Emp.), still thinks a good deal too much of the aggrandisement of his family, 442.
-, -, anything done for the promotion or advancement of the Farnese is the best means of securing his affection (Feb. 1538), ibid.
-, preparing to leave Borne for Nizza, 11 Mar. 1538,449.
-, starts on his journey (23 Mar.), 458.
-, angry reply to Francis' ambs. When questioned respecting the projected marriage of his grandson (Ottavio Farnese) with the daughter of the k. of the Romans (March 1538), 456.
-, at Savona (9 May 1538), 482.
-, to Nizza for the interview, passing by Villafranca, where the Emp. had his quarters, 482, 538.
-, in consequence of apartments not having been prepared for him within the castle according to promise, takes up his residence at a Franciscan convent outside the town, 482, 487.
-, visited by the Emp. (18 May), 482–3, 486, 538.
-, -, again on the 20th in a field between Villafranca and Nizza, ibid.
-, -, by k. Francis (2 June), 486.
-, -, by the du. of Najera and his brothers, 538.
-, -, by Cobos and Granvelle (3 June), 486.
-, -, -, as well as by Mont morency and card. Lorraine, ibid.
-, -, by q. Eleanor (7 June), 487, 542.
-, -, by the Emp. again (8 June), the interview lasting so long that the courtiers began to think that the conferences had been broken off, 487, 542.
-, -, by k. Francis on the 12th, 544.
-, all his views directed towards the aggrandisement of his family, 494.
-, wishing to annex Sena to the States of the Church, ibid.
-, -, as well as Parma and Piacenza, ibid.
-, -, formally hinting that he wants Milan for his son Pier Luigi or for his grandson Ottavio, ibid.
-, will befriend and favor him who gives him most, ibid.
-, is now in secret understanding with the French and the Venetians in order to make war against the du. of Urbino, and take away from him the duchy of Camarino, ibid.
-, endeavouring to make the Emp. and Francis friends, 546.
-, -, peace discussed between the Imp. and French plenipotentiaries without effect, ibid.
-, leaves for Rome (20 June), 547.
-, enters Genoa (22 June), ibid.
-, arrival of, in Rome, 555.
-, his secretary v. Recalcatis.
-, his datary, 375.
-, his confessor, 304.
-, engagement to keep neutrality (Apr. 1536), 44.
-, let. from Francis to, 52.
-, other references, 7,19,131–3,201–11, 230–49, 267, 274, 364, 386, 487, 534, 537–8, 540, 565, 568–9, 582, 585.
Paulet (Sir William), controller of the Royal household, privy councillor, 247, 377.
-, the only Royal officer present at Katharine's funeral (Jan. 1536), 39.
Pavia, battle of (24 Feb. 1525), alluded, 60 n., 230, 258.
-, -, false report of, having been taken by the French (Sept. 1586), 264.
-, bp. of, v, Rossi.
-, -, Henry attributing to himself all the honour of the victory at, 253.
-, as without hit help in money the Emp.'s army in Italy would never have been able to defeat and capture Francis, ibid.
Peloux, Monsieur de, the Emperor's falconer, 533.
Pelu, Mr. de, v. Peloux.
Penna, duchy of, in Naples, 332.
-, -, pension in the, to Margaret of Austria, 457.
Pensions, arrears of pension, owing to Henry by Francis, amounting to upwards of 800,000 ere., 432.
-, payment of, to be one of the articles of Henry's marriage contract with Christina, 524.
Percy (Henry), earl of Northumberland, 136, 199.
Perico, a buffoon of count Benavente,
Peronne, in Picardy, 209 note.
-, besieged by Nassau, 244, 260.
Perpiñan (Perpignan), in the Roussillon, 33, 133, 135, 366–9, 378, 418, 435, 452, 534, 560.
-, the frontier of, to be guarded against a French attack, 49.
-, the town itself to be strongly fortified, 420, 478, 480, 535.
-, proposed as a place of interview between Charles and Francis, 377, 420, 531.
-, the Emp. at, 535–7, 585.
-, lets. dat. from, I84.
Perrenin, v. Perrenot.
Perrenot de Granvelle (Antoine), sec. In Flanders, 24–5, 65, 137, 146, 199, 245, 323.
-, -, let. to card. Caracciolo, 97.
-, -, marriage contract between Margaret, the Emp.'s daughter, and Alessandro de' Medici at Barcelona (28 Feb. 1536) countersigned by, 33.
-, (Nicolas), the Emp.'s lord Privy Seal, 24–5, 54–5, 131, 137, 481, 498, 503.
-, -, let. to, from amb. Chapuys (Jan. 1536), 10.
-, -, safe-conduct of Francis for hit mission to France, 285.
-, -, -, which arrives too late, as he has already sailed for Spain (Feb. 1537), 323.
-, -, negociates with Mr. de Velly, 382.
-, -, at the conferences of Salses (Jan. 1538), 417, 429, 431.
-, -, at Nizza (June 1538), 488.
-, -, his clerk, v. Idiaquez.
-, -, lets, to the Emp., 177.
-, -, to the marq. de Aguilar at Rome, 173,176, 179, 180.
Peru, gold from, embargoed in Portugal (March 1537), 335.
-, -, though consigned to private persons to be seized on the promise of 4 per cent, to the parties (Feb. 1536), 50, 478.
Perugia, the Pope at, 244 w, 298.
Perul (?), Imp. courier (1537), 371.
Pescara, marq. de, v. Davalos d'Aquino.
Peschiera, in Lombardy, arrival of the German lanskennets at (1536), 77.
Peterborough abbey, Katharine buried at, 17, 39, 67.
Phalaix, Bergundian family, 581.
-, (François de), councillor in Flanders, v. Faillais?
-, (Faillaix?), the Emperor's king-at-arms, instructions to, pp. 577–9.
Philip (Felipe), prince of Spain, son of emp. Charles, 78, 495, 585.
-, -, proposed marriage of, with Margaret, daughter of Francis, 544.
-, -, -, with Jeanne d'Albret, daughter of Henri d'Albret, and Margaret de Navarre, 495.
Philippe II., Auguste, k. of France (1180–223), 149.
Phillips (Henry), an Englishman, his extradition demanded by the English amb. in the Low Countries, 510–7.
Piacenza, 354, 374, 473, 576.
-, the Emperor advised to occupy, in the event of the French invading Italy, 287.
-, Paul enlisting Swiss to reinforce the garrisons of, Parma, and Bologna, 299.
-, revolution at, 374.
-, pope Paul going to, (Mar. 1538), 458.
Picardy (Picardie), in France, invaded by the Imperialists under Nassau, 211, 369– 70.
-, -, Henry objecting to the war being carried on so close to his own frontiers, 211.
-, a trusty agent of Paul in, appointed to send money to the English rebels (Nov. 1536), 298.
-, amb. Silva ordered by the Emp. not to press too much the case of, and the remittance of funds to the English rebels, 298.
-, the invasion of, by Nassau, stopped in consequence of a ten months' truce (May 1537), 376.
Pico della Mirandola (Galeotto), co. de la Concordia, 159.
-, -, would much prefer the Emperor's pardon to selling his estate to k. Francis, 326.
-, -, offers to deliver up the assassin of Alessandro de' Medici, ibid.
-, -, to be punished for his obstinate disobedience to the Imp. mandates, 404.
-, (Gian Francesco), co. della Concordia, assassinated by his nephew, Galeotto
-, (Gian Thomasso), co. della Concordia, son of the preceding, to be reinstated in his father's property (1537), 404.
Pié de Puerto (Pied de Port), dep. Basses-Pyrenees (France), 464.
Piedmont, threatened by Francis, invaded, 133, 252.
-, French army in, to be reinforced, 366.
-, towns of, taken by the Admiral of France [Brion-Chabot], to be given over to the marq. de Saluzzo, 136.
-, the Emperor's camp in, 382.
-, French army under the Dauphin and Montmorency to relieve Turin and other towns of (Nov. 1537), 391.
-, 2,000 of the mutineers of Vigebano to go to (1538), 401.
-, prince of, v. Savoy.
Pietra Prezia, in Sicily, marq. de, and his accomplices in the murder of his father, 308.
Pimentel (Juan Alfonso) VI. co. de Benavente, 488, 541–2, 545.
Pio da Carpi (Rodulfo), bp. of Faença, Papal Legate in France, 406, 455, 457.
-, let. of card. Tournon to (1538), 200.
Pisa, in Tuscany, the castle of, at Charles' devotion (Mar. 1537), 329.
-, -, -, warder of, v. Arthem.
-, -, Farnese's men arrested at, 325.
-, -, Margaret of Austria to reside at, 361, 363.
-, -, or Genoa will do as well for the interview of Francis and the Emp. in Italy, 465.
Pisseleu (Anne de), duchess of JEtampes, at Nizza (July 1538), 542, 544.
-, -, a great favourite with Francis, 490.
-, -, q. Eleanor requests her brother the Emp. to pay his court to, ibid.
Pitigliano, co., enters the service of France (Oct. 1536), 278.
Pizarro, capt. (Francisco), shortly expected from Peru, with much gold and silver (June 1536), 135.
Plasencia, v. Piacenza, in Italy.
-, in Extremadura, bp. of, proceedings against the, 449, v. Vargas Carvajal.
Poggio (Miçer Giovanni), bp. of Tropea, Papal Nuncio in Spain, 277.
Poison, from Italy, said to have caused Katharine's death, 25.
-, reported death of the Dauphin (François de Valois) through, (10 Aug. 1536).
Poland, 484.
-, k. of, v. Sigismond.
Pole (Sir Geoffrey), brother of Reginald, 106.
-, (Henry), lord Montague, 106, 199.
-, (Margaret), daughter of the du. of Clarence, co. of Salisbury, 387.
-, (Master Reginald), a student in Padua, residing in Venice, 163, 296, 577.
-, -, Henry's kinsman, 309.
-, -, the only man in England whom Mary would consent to marry, 199, 323.
-, -, should Paul send him to England with money, the insurrection in the North is sure to increase, 280.
-, -, highly commended by Çornoça, Ortiz, and others, 296.
-, -, in Rome in great favour with pope Paul, ibid.
-, -, -, who makes him a cardinal, 301, 303, 309.
-, -, -, and intends sending him to England as Apostolic Legate, 319, 362.
-, -, -, there to use the weapons of the Church, 320.
-, -, -, since the English rebels are urgently asking for him, ibid.
-, -, starts on his mission with bills of exchange payable in Flanders, 321.
-, -, -, for the express purpose of raising a body of hackbutiers, which is what the rebels want most, ibid.
-, -, the inconvenience and dangers of a journey to England through Flanders represented to, by Cifuentes, 320.
-, -, -, besides the risk of the Princess' precious life should Henry hear of it, ibid.
-, -, the ostensible object of, mission being, first, to admonish Henry to return to the obedience of the Holy See, and, secondly, to favor the cause of the rebels, ibid.
-, -, the measure highly impolitic, especially if the journey is to be through Germany and Flanders, ibid.
-, -, -, which route the Cardinal and the Pope seem to prefer to that of France, ibid.
-, -, should Henry's suspicions be aroused the Princess' life would be in danger, ibid.
-, -, the bp. of Verona (Giberti), to accompany him, by the Pope's commands, 321.
-, -, -, will not go without him, ibid.
-, -, -, people in Rome imagining there is double play in that, for Giberti happens to be a Frenchman at heart, ibid.
-, -, -, nothing to be feared, however, since he himself may one day, according to information received from England, marry the Princess, ibid, 323.
-, -, advised by Cifuentes to change his route and pass through France, 362.
-, -, -, which the Emp. approves of, though anxiously expecting news of what the card, may have done in England, ibid.
-, -, his departure from Rome communicated to Mary of Hungary and to amb. Chapuys, 321–2.
-, -, decides to go to France (March 1538), 520–2.
-, -, Henry claims his extradition, 371.
-, -, -, which Francis refuses to grant, ibid.
-, -, goes to Cambray, ibid.
-, -, let. to the Emperor (1536), 63.
-, -, Francis' letter to, 222.
-, -, the High Constable's to, 221.
-, (Ursula), sister of Reginald, widow of Henry Stafford du. of Buckingham (?), 296.
Pomegas, Las (Pomègues), island, near Marseille, the Emp. with his fleet anchors at, 475,481, 491, 557–8, 561.
-, -, Francis' ministers from Marseilles visiting the Emp. at the, and renewing the offers of friendship, 562.
-, -, Francis to wait at the, to hold an interview with the Emp. on his return from Nizza, 557.
-, -, let. dated from, 227.
-, -, which cannot take place owing to Francis being suddenly obliged to quit Marseilles, ibid.
Ponieraie, Pommeraye, Gilles de la, French amb. in England (1536), 282, 577.
Poutremoli, in Tuscany, the Emperor at, 137.
-, Spanish infantry, a very fine set of men, quartered at (Apr. 1538), 469.
Pope, called by Henry and his ministers the bishop of Home and the Antichrist, 70.
Porto Ligato, the rocks (peñas) of, on the coast of Roussillon, the Emp.'s fleet obliged to put up at, 536.
Portugal, French cruizers finding shelter in the ports of, 335.
-, the Imp. amb. in, remonstrating against it, ibid.
-, (Dom Alfonso dc) 1508, abp. of Evora and card., son of k. Dom Manoel, 556 n.
-, (Da Catalina), sister of Charles V. q of, 1507, 316, 344.
-, let. to, from the Emp., 142.
-, (D. Duarte), Infante de, son of k. Dom Manoel, 371–2.
-, -, his wife, v. Aragon (Da Leonor de).
-, (D. Enrique de), abp. of Braga (1533–40); of Evora (1540–9) ; of Lisbon (1560–78); d. 1580; 274 n, 556 n.
-, (D. Fadrique de), bp. of Siguenza, abp. of Saragossa (1532–9), 361,439 n.
-, Dom Luiz, infante of, his marriage to Mary of England first proposed by Chapuys, 141, 229.
-, -, -, negociated (1536–8), 165, 336, 344, 524–5, 585.
-, -, the investiture of Milan to be given to, 16.
-, -, as well as the command of the expedition against Algiers, 51.
-, -, at Barcelona with the Emp., 532–3.
-, -, Charles writes to inform him of the birth of Edward, 391.
-, -, -, that he and his brother, k. Joaõ, may act accordingly respecting the Princess' projected marriage, ibid.
-, (D. Joaõ III.), k. of (1521–57), 316, 333–4, 344, 372 n.
-, -, let. to Henry VIII. (1537), 136.
-, -, prince of Brazil (& 1534), 141.
-, Manoel, k. of, (1493–521), 141 n, 556 n.
-, (Da Maria infanta de), daughter of k. Manoel and Eleanor; her marriage to k. Henry proposed by Chapuys (June 1536), 141.
-, (Maria Beatrix), daughter of k. Dom Manoel; duchess of Savoy (1520–38), 51.
-, (Sebastiaõ), k. (1559–78), 556 n.
Portuguese lawyers to meet those of France at Fuenterrabia or Bayonne (July 1537), 371.
Poyet (Guillaume), president of the Parliament of Paris; accompanies Castelnau in his mission to England. 523.
-, -, does not share his opinion on certain matters, ibid.
Pozo, capt. of the Florentine light horse (1537), 363.
Praet, sicur de, v. Flandre.
Prato, in Tuscany, 374.
Preachers in England, ordered to abstain from making allusions to purgatory, as the means of conciliating the Pope, 20.
-, (April 1536), ordered to abstain from remarks on ritual and church ceremonies, 106.
-, (June 1536) again proclaiming from the pulpit that there is a purgatory, 134.
Presents, gifts, &c., from an African k. to k. Henry: two barbs, 138.
-, -, D. Duarte, of Portugal, to the Emp. a gold chain and short sword (July 1537), 372.
-, -, the Emp. to the infante Dom Luiz of horses and arms (July 1537), 373.
-, from the earl of Sussex to Cromwell, a horse, 82.
-, -, from Cromwell to Chapuys of a horse; accepted, ibid.
-, -, from k. Henry to Cromwell, of a manor house, completely furnished, three leagues (?) from London, 86.
-, -, from the same to Jane Seymour, before she became his q., a purse full of sovereigns, 84.
-, -, which she returns, ibid.
-, -, from the K. to his daughter Mary, 1,000 crs. (July 1536), 95.
-, -, from Jane Seymour to Mary, a very fine diamond ring, 195.
-, -, to the French amb. from k. Henry, 520.
-, -, from the Imp. amb. in England to High Commander Cobos, a hack (joca) saved from the French, and two salt cellars, 439.
-, -, from the q. of France to the duchess of Nájera at Aigues-Mortes, several pieces of gold and silver tissue, besides jewels, 552.
-, -, from the Emp. to Margaret of France and Catherine of Medici, of jewels valued at 60,000 ducats, 547.
-, -, from Henri d'Albret, titular k. of Navarre, to Martin de Salinas, one salmon pie and two of lamprey, 464–5.
-, from k. Henry to the bp. of Tarbes, the amb., on his departure, 500 crs., 520.
-, -, -, half of that sum to Councillor Poyet, who came over with him, ibid.
Pressia (Pressin? Mr. de), French agent, on a mission from Francis to Charles (1537), 450–1.
-, -, Dodieu's cousin or nephew (?), 449.
Prieuré des Poumiers, in France, let. of k. Francis dated from (May 1536), 52.
Privy Seal, v. Wiltshire and Cromwell.
-, office of the, 198.
Protests prepared by Chapuys for Mary s signature, 183–4.
Privateers, French, in the Channel, not to be allowed to enter English ports and sell their spoil, 208, 238.
-, -, on the coast of Portugal, capturing the Spanish vessels returning from the Indian Main, 334,336.
-, Moorish or Turkish, 358.
Provence, 135, 177–8, 218–9, 576.
-, invasion of, by the Imperialists determined upon, 178, 358.
-, the Emperor's supposed rights to, and the Dauphinois, 209.
-, La Basse, n.
-, Charles the Emp. said to be a successor of the counts of, 178.
Purgatory, doctrine of, 106.
-, -, curates in England to abstain from preaching in favor or against the existence of (Jan. 1536), 20.
-, -, (June 1536), again allowed to preach in favor of, 134.
Pyrenèes, the frontier of the, 110.
-, the passes of, ibid.