Index: F

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: F', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: F". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 2, 1536-1538. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1888), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Fabio, Miçer, sent to Rome with despatches (Jan. 1538), 416.

Fabriano (Fabriana), in the Roman States, 364.

Fadrique (?), Don, 370.

Faença, bp. of, v. Carpi and Pio de Carpi.

Faillaix, Mons. de, v. Fallaix and Phallaix, 577.

Faith, matters of, 555.

Fallaix, family of Burgundy (Baudouin de), bâtard de Bourgoyne, 581.

-, (Philip), king-at-arms or herald of the Emp., instructions to, 577–81.

Farioux, v. Frejus.

Farnesc (Alessandro), v. Paul III.

-, card. abp. of Monreale, son of Pier Luigi, 291.

-, (Ottavio), grandson of pope Paul, 230 n, 231.

-, -, negociations for his marriage to Margaret of Austria, 448, 457, 459, 556.

-, (Pier Luigi), du. of Castro, capt. gen. and gonfaloniere of the Church, 31, 37, 64, 230, 272, 457, 159.

-, -, offers made to, by Francis, 30–1.

-, -, -, a large estate in Britanny besides the hand of one of his daughters for his son, ibid, 278.

-, -, showing good-will, and disposed to serve the Emperor more efficiently, 31.

-, -, -, yet both he and his father, the Pope, saying as clearly as can be that if they serve the Emp., they must be attended to, 31.

-, -, and that up to this time there has been nothing but offers and promises, ibid.

-, -, -, both wanting something more tangible and substantial, ibid.

-, -, a marriage alliance with the house of Savoy being hinted at, ibid.

-, -, Silva ordered to temporise with, and with the Pope, 37.

-, -, sends a conciliatory message to Cromwell offering to interfere at Rome in favour of k. Henry, 86–7.

-, -, the investiture of Milan said to have been offered to, 230–1, 250.

-, -, -, for his son Ottavio, 230 n.

-, -, -, with the hand of Ferdinand's daughter, 299.

-, -, something to be done for him or his sons, 304.

-, -, Reggio, Modena, and Urbino said to have been offered to, by the Emp., provided his father the Pope compels Henry to return to the obedience of the Apostolic See, 250.

-, -, sent by pope Paul to Genoa, to the Emp. (Oct.-Nov. 1536), 278, 493.

-, -, -, apparently to promote the peace, but in reality to forward his own interests, ibid.

-, -, returns therefrom, 294.

-, -, a pension on Milan granted to, 291.

-, -, a secret agent of, arrested at Pisa (Feb. 1537), 325.

-, -, excuses himself on the occasion, and professes fidelity to the Emp., 326.

-, -, applies for Novara, 363–5.

-, -, -, which the Emp. Finally grants to him (March 1538), 458.

-, -, applies for the hand of Margaret, the widowed duchess of Florence, for his son Ottavio, 448.

-, -, other references, 303, 448, 456, 460, 493–4.

Favillan, 200, an error for Savillan (Savigliano), q.v.

Ferdinand (Fernando), archdu. of Austria, k. of the Romans, 45, 76, 144, 162, 202, 244, 292, 314, 344, 356, 362, 368, 399, 407–8, 418, 453, 456, 458, 470, 500, 555, 561, 564.

-, -, truce with the Waywode, 470, 558–9.

-, -, Papal Nuncio to, 344.

-, -, daughter, eldest of, 297.

Ferioux, v. Frejus.

Fernandez de Cordoba (D. Luis), du. de Sessa, Imp. amb. in Rome, alluded, 66 note.

Fernandez de Velasco (D. Pedro II.), du. de Frias, constable of Castille, 33, 49, 498, 531–2.

Fernese, v. Farnese.

Ferrara, duchy of, 291.

-, the Emp. can raise as many men in the, as he pleases (Feb. 1536), 65.

-, proceedings against, and its du., suspended by Paul at the Emp.'s request, 111.

-, du. of, v. Este.

-, amb. of, at Rome, 232, 292.

-, -, in Venice (Apr. 1538), calls on the Doge of Venice, 473.

-, (Andrés de), the k. of the Romans' agent in the W. Indies, 561.

Fetherestone, Featherston (Richard), princess Mary's preceptor, in the Tower (1568), 568.

Fez, the Xarife (Sherif), k. of, his truce with Portugal, 214, 560.

Figueras, in Catalonia, 437 n.

Figueroa, Commander, ordered to go to Nizza, (March 1538), 448.

-, v. Suarez de Figueroa.

Finances, bad state of the, in Spain, 560.

Firenze, v. Florence.

Firenzuola, in Tuscany, the Imp. amb. in Rome (marq. d'Aguilar) at, 468–70.

-, let. dated at, 198.

Fisher (John), bp. of Rochester, his execution alluded, 4, 34, 55, 569.

-, -, all books and manuscripts belonging to, or written by, to be committed to the flames, that all trace of them may disappear, 8.

FitzGerald (Gerald), ninth earl of Kildare, 1 n.

-, (Sir James), uncle of lord Thomas, 35.

-, (Sir John), uncle of lord Thomas, ibid.

-, (Sir Thomas), tenth carl of Kildare, in the Tower, 1, 29, 35.

-, -, his uncles and relatives, 29 n.

-, -, two uncles, one brother, and another relative of, surrender in Ireland to the King's officers, 34–5.

-, -, -, shortly expected in London, ibid.

-, -, -, a rumour circulating that immediately after their arrival the earl of Kildare shall be executed, ibid.

-, -, -, sentenced to death, 233.

-, -, executed (3 Feb. 1536), 29 n.

Fitzroy (Henry), du. of Richmond, earl of Nottingham, Henry VIII.'s natural son, 139.

-, -, accuses Anne Boleyn of trying to poison him and the Princess, 125.

-, -, had he not fallen ill his father would have appointed him successor to the Crown, 214.

-, -, his life despaired of, ibid.

-, -, -, being in a state of rapid consumption, 196.

-, -, the Emp. writes to, 572.

-, -, dies (Aug. 1536), 233.

Fitz-William (Sir William), treas. of the Royal household, on a mission to k. Francis, 9 note.

-, -, a pensioner of France, 54.

-, -, dismissed from the Privy Council, 184.

-, vice-admiral (1538), 283, 390, 524.

-, -, sent to Spain to announce the birth of Edward, 498, 501.

-, -, a man of sense and a good servant of the Princess, 391, 573.

Flanders (Flandre, Flandes), 120, 189, 353.

-, to be invaded by Francis, 54, 167, 353, 356–8.

-, an army raised for its defence, 196.

-, raids on its frontier, 201.

-, should the French hear that Henry and Charles are treating they might stop England's trade with, 227.

-, commander-in-chief of the forces, v. Nassau.

-, reports of a conspiracy in, against Henry's life, 137.

-, bankers from, trying to raise a loan in England (1536), 239.

-, treasury, 524.

-, no credible report of what the French are doing in, 353.

-, Francis on the frontiers of (June 1537), 356–8.

-, desisting from the attack of, and sending his army to Piedmont, 366.

-, Francis formally having renounced to, and Naples, by the treaties of Madrid and Cambray, 401.

-, -, and yet claiming the suzerainty of, 460.

-, -, which (says amb. Pate) the Emp. has offered him as one of the conditions of the peace, 499.

Flandre (Louis de), sieur de Praët, extraordinary amb. at Rome (1536), 64, 82, 201 n.

-, -, on a mission to Clèves to negotiate the marriage of the dowager du. of Milan, 430.

Fleet, English, not strong enough for the protection of the mercantile navy (said Cromwell to Chapuys in Sept. 1536), 239.

-, -, and therefore, in case of war with France, the King, his master, would rather contribute with money than with men and ships, ibid.

-, French, returning from the Levant, 475–6.

-, Imperial, in the Levant, 559.

-, Portuguese, 348.

-, Turkish, 478.

-, Venetian, damage done by the Turks to the, as it they were at war with the Signory (Sept. 1537), 379.

-, of New Spain, 200, 318.

Florence (Firenza, Firenze), duchy and city of, 179, 291, 355, 383.

-, -, under the Emp.'s protection, 65.

-, -, Charles travelling towards, 104.

-, -, arrives at (Apr. 30, 1536), 111.

-, -, the Venetians to help to the defence of, and Genoa, in case of their being invaded by the French, 299.

-, -, Medici's assassination in (Jan. 1537), 328–9.

-, -, -, his widow, Margaret, taking refuge in the castle, ibid.

-, -, constitution of, to be reformed, 329.

-, -, affairs of, settled, 354–5, 369.

-, -, fuorusciti of, 325, 328–9, 582.

-, castle of, in the hands of Vitello, 329, 331.

-, -, should he deliver it into the Emp.'s hands, he is to get a pension, 362.

Foix-Candalle (Marie de), wife of Luigi II., marq. de Saluzzo, widow of Luigi Paleologo, marq., 575.

Fonseca (Juan de), bp. of Castellamare, 295.

Fontarrabia, Fuentarrabia, in Guipuscoa, 114 373.

-, safe-conduct for two Frenchmen going to, to meet the Portuguese commissioners, 390.

Fontanableo (Fontaineblau), Francis I. at (1537), 370.

Forçe (Forez ?), ancient prov. and county of France, in the Lyonnais, 570.

Forcio (Pietro), sent by pope Paul to Germany and Flanders (Nov. 1536), 298.

Forli, bp. of, v. Medici (Bernardino).

Forni (Fornari ?), Thomaso de', banker in Genoa, 261.

Fortunate Islands, otherwise "Las Accesorias," 135.

Foussan (Fossano), in Piedmont, taken by the Imperialists, 170, 178, 195.

-, -, the Emp. being considered the aggressor on that account, 170.

-, how Chapuys answers the charge, 178.

-, provisions for the Emp.'s retreating army stored at, 259.

Fragoso (Cesare), a Genoese, attempts of, on Genoa (1536), 232, 473.

Fox, Foxe (Edward), bp. of Hereford (1535–8), King's almoner, his mission to Luther in Germany, 59.

-, -, -, to Saxony, 84.

-, -, -, returns therefrom (4 July 1536), 204.

-, -, appointed with Cromwell and Sampson to treat with Chapuys, 238–9, 247, 577.

France, state of, in Feb. 1536, 46.

-, to be invaded by way of Marseille and the Provence, 135.

-, the Emp.'s promise to Henry in times of old of making incessant war upon France, not fulfilled, 160.

-, a good portion of, to be offered now to k. Henry after its conquest by the Emp. 192.

-, the moment, is invaded, the Pope and the Venetians are sure to desert the Emp.'s cause, 201.

-, the Emp. to command his army in person, ibid.

-, entered by way of Provence, 251.

-, no peace to be made with, hints Cromwell to Chapuys, until Henry has recovered the part that belongs to him, 226.

-, -, only on that condition will his master enter into a treaty of closer alliance with the Emp., ibid.

-, news from the coast of (Feb. 1536), 19.

-, -, (Sept. 1536), 36, 272.

-, advices from (June 1537), 266.

-, -, (July 1537), 158.

-, should, be invaded, Henry is bound by treaty to defend his ally, 254.

-, National Archives of, at Paris, 577.

-, Admiral of France, v, Brion-Chabot.

-, Grand Master and High Constable, v. Montmorency.

-, (Charlotte de) daughter of Francis I. (1516–24), 576.

-, (Claude de), daughter of Louis XII., first wife of Francis I. (1499–524), 543, 570.

-, -, wrongly called Claude de Valois, 543 n.

-, (Louise de), daughter of k. Francis (1515–17) promised to archd. and afterwards emp. Charles V., 131, 570.

-, (Madeleine), daughter of Francis I. (1520–37), married to James V. of Scotland, 570.

-, -, her hand previously offered to k. Henry by Castelnau, the amb. (June 1536), 574.

-, (Margaret of), daughter of Francis I. (1523–59), 543.

-, -, at the Nizza interview, 543–7.

-, -, at Aigues-Mortes, 551, 554.

-, -, married to Philiberto Emmanuele di Saboia, 570.

-, (Renée de), second daughter of Louis XII., wife of Hercole II. d'Este (1527) ; her hand offered to Charles of Austria before he was elected to the Empire, 113.

Franche-Comtée, 180.

Francis I., k. of France (1515–47), public processions in England during his illness (Jan. 1536), 1.

-, -, preparing for war with the Emp., 25.

-, -, trying to gain the Pope to his side, 30.

-, -, enlists 4,000 Germans, 30.

-, -, threatens to invade Savoy and Piedmont, 32.

-, -, writes to Henry, assuring him that he will never forsake his friendship and alliance, 36.

-, -, -, and placing his life, his dominions, and all his forces at his disposal, ibid.

-, -, insists upon having Milan for his second son, Henri, 49, 62.

-, -, -, to which both Pope and Emp. object, as such an arrangement cannot ensure peace in Italy, 63.

-, -, Henry's fears of the Emp. coming to terms with Francis (March 1536), 68.

-, -, -, though in reality thoroughly disgusted with his neighbour of France, ibid.

-, -, -, who has lately remonstrated against the grievances of his subjects in England, 69.

-, -, sure to be defeated, owing to the Emp.'s superior forces, 89.

-, -, in bad health, and apparently weary of life, 93.

-, -, -, and wishing to put an end to his days (said Anne Boleyn of him) in April 1536, 93.

-, -, since he behaves so shamefully towards his uncle of Savoy, is preparing to invade Milan, and tries to prevent the Emp.'s enterprise against the Turk, ibid.

-, -, let. to the Pope and Cardinals in Consistory, in answer to the Emp.'s manifesto, 109.

-, -, -, a copy of which is shown to Henry by the bailli of Troyes, 141.

-, -, -, the whole document being so outrageously untrue, that Cromwell would have been ashamed to call it his own, ibid.

-, -, trying to obtain the help of England against the Emp. (May 1536), 110.

-, -, -, no signs of it (says Hannaërt), as the English ambs. in France maintain, ibid.

-, -, challenged by the Emp. to single combat, 130, 576.

-, -, said to have made a foolish reply to the Emperor's challenge, 130.

-, -, French amb. in Rome reading in Consistory a paper in justification of (25 May 1536), 131–2.

-, -, arming, 133, 135.

-, -, determined to carry on the war with vigour, since the Emp. refuses to entertain his demands about Milan, 135.

-, -, according to prediction, to be the first and last king of his name in France, 197.

-, -, said to be entirely in the hands of Montmorency and Brion-Chabot, 204.

-, -, hated, in consequence, by the nobles, ibid.

-, -, at Lyons with his q. and the Dauphin (François), 231.

-, -, a division of his army in Piedmont defeated, 237.

-, -, prepares to meet Charles' invasion, 135.

-, -, orders the crops to be destroyed in Provence, 200.

-, -, Henry offers to mediate, 209.

-, -, war breaks out between the Emp. and (Ju. 1536), 201–2.

-, -, willing to ally himself with Henry against the Pope, 203.

-, -, -, Henry, on the other hand, offers his mediation, 209.

-, -, neutrality proclaimed in London (Aug. 1536), 237.

-, -, intends to visit the provinces of his kingdom, 272.

-, -, under the care of his physicians (Dec. 1536), 305.

-, -, continually changing his mind; instead of invading Flanders, thinking of reinforcing his Italian army (Feb. 1537), 326.

-, -, his truce with Soleyman renewed for three years, 362, 364.

-, -, -, that he may, in combination with him, inflict all possible harm on the Emp. in Italy, and elsewhere, 366.

-, -, -, rumours of his going to Italy in person (June 1537), 353.

-, -, -, and of his invading Lombardy, ibid.

-, -, a truce concluded at Cambray between the Emp. and (1537), 376.

-, -, -, through the intermediate agency of Eleanor and Mary of Hungary, sisters of the former, ibid.

-, -, negotiations for peace proving ineffectual, 377.

-, -, sends Mr. de Vely to Charles (19 Nov. 1537), 390.

-, -, -, professing that he ardently wishes for peace, ibid.

-, -, Henry under great obligation to, who, notwithstanding he knows Mary to be a bastard, has applied for her hand for Angoulême, 389.

-, -, interview at Nizza between the Emp. and, proposed by the former, 437, 459.

-, -, -, with pope Paul, and to last only a few days, ibid.

-, -, his commissioners at Salses in the Roussillon, v. Lorraine and Montmorency.

-, -, promises his help towards the celebration of the General Council (Jan. 1536), 418.

-, -, -, and towards the war against the Turk, ibid.

-, -, -, mere words, without corresponding effect, writes Granvelle to the Emp., ibid.

-, -, his intended reply to the Emp.'s manifesto communicated by his amb. to the Emp.'s ministers; copy of, shown by Dinteville to k. Henry, 141.

-, -, proposed interview of, and the Emp. somewhere between Perpignan and Narbonne (Jan. 1538), 420.

-, -, his amb. in England trying to persuade Henry that the exclusive object of that journey is the meeting of the General Council, 431–2.

-, -, afraid of the Emp.'s journey to Italy, 432.

-, -, about to send a personage to Rome, to justify himself before Paul (Feb.) 443.

-, -, at Lyons in the spring of 1538, 453 n.

-, -, negociating with Urbino, Ferrara, and other Italtan powers (Apr. 1538), 471–3.

-, -, in bad health again, 474, 477.

-, -, arrival of, at Nizza (June 1538), 484.

-, -, -, with great pomp and splendour, and with 8,000 Swiss to guard his person, ibid.

-, -, takes up his quarters at Villanova, ibid.

-, -, visits the Pope one mile from Nizza, 486.

-, -, holds a conference with Paul at Villanova, 544.

-, -, sends a chamberlain to the Emp. asking for another meeting, 561.

-, -, his interview with Charles at Aigues-Mortes (July 1538), 562–6.

-, -, promises to visit Charles in Spain, 554.

-, -, sends Mr. de Brissach to Barcelona (July 1538), 566.

-, -, let. to pope Paul (May 1536), 52.

-, -, -, to card. Pole (March 1537), 222.

-, -, his ministers, v. Brion-Chabot, Lorraine, Montmorency.

-, -, his ambs. to Rome, v. card. Mâcon, card. Tournon.

-, -, -, to Constantinople, 111, v. Gozo.

-, -, -, to the Imp. court, Brissach, Dodieu.

-, -, his q., v. Eleanor.

-, -, his sons, v. Valois (Charles, François and Henri de).

-, -, his daughters Madeleine, Marguerite.

-, other references, 176, 180, 239–40, 256, 289, 291, 401, 453, 459, 485, 534, 540–1.

Franciscans, convent of the, in London, Katharine's wish of being buried at, 16.

-, in Rome, General of the, v. Lunel and Quiñones.

François, the Piedmontese, English courier, takes despatches to Spain (June 1538), 528.

Frederic I., du. of Holstein, k. of Denmark and Norway (1523–33), 83 note.

-, -, takes a castle on the frontier of Norway, 205.

-, -, succeeds Kristiern or Christian II.; dethroned by his subjects, ibid.

-, Palatine of the Rhine, married to Dorothea, daughter of Kristiern II., 61 note, 205.

-, pretender to the crown of Denmark, 50, 61 n, 205, 243, 503, 505, 524, 529.

Frejus, in Provence, the Emperor's camp before, 218, 237, 259, 576.

-, the imp. fleet passing before, May 1536, 482.

-, lets, dated from, 83, 99.

French, described by Cromwell as ungrateful, inconstant, and deceitful, 54–5.

-, all the wrong is on their side in their quarrels with the Emp., 168.

-, the, had never solicited at Rome a sentence in favor of q. Katharine (said k. Henry to Chapuys), 250.

-, -, for that would have turned to the Emp.'s profit, and that is what they wanted to avoid, ibid.

-, men going to Fuenterrabia, safe-conduct to, 390.

-, intrigues at Rome, 457.

Frenesis, v. Farnese.

Friar (Austin), one, made a bp. by Henry, and sent on a mission to Germany, 70.

Friburg, 399, 400.

Friol (Friuli, Frioul), in Italy, the Turk intending to invade the, 469, 478, 483.

Froude (Anthony) quoted, 281 n.

Fuenterrabia, in Guipuzcoa (Spain), 371.

-, to be fortified against a French attack (July 1537), 373, 390.

Fuorusciti, of Florence, meeting of the, at Bologna, 325.

-, -, attempt to take possession of Piacenza, 582.

-, -, the murder of duke Alessandro perpetrated at their instigation (Feb. 1537), 328,

-, of Naples, 293, 407.

Furstenberg (count Guillaume de), in the service of France, with 6,000 Germans, 110.