Spain: March 1534, 1-20

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Spain: March 1534, 1-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: March 1534, 1-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: March 1534, 1-20". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

March 1534, 1-20

2 March. 20. Dr. Ortiz to the Emperor.
S. E. Rom., L. 861,
f. 96.
B. M. Add. 28,586,
f. 146.
After my letter of the other day (25th Feb.) auditor Simonetta proposed, in one single meeting of the Consistory, all the process and "remissorias" as briefly and clearly as might be expected of his learning and talents. It is on such occasions, when through our sins the Church is reduced to such a plight, that men of the stamp of Simonetta are wanted. Cardinal Farnese, the president, has done and is doing all manner of good offices, for he loves God, and is a good servant of Your Imperial Majesty. Yet I am afraid that, although the justice and right of the Queen's cause are quite clear, doubts will still be raised respecting the proceedings that will cause some delay. For this reason I am extremely anxious for the issue of the process, and I keep telling His Holiness that the very first thing to be decided in Consistory is that the marriage was never forbidden by natural or divine right; because it is a well-known fact that the Consistory on a former occasion decided that, even supposing queen Katharine's marriage to have been consummated, there was no difficulty at all, no need of witness nor of remissory letters, as I myself wrote on my first coming here, to decide the case in her favour. (fn. n1) Hitherto I have been unable to obtain this, which, in my opinion, is so simple. Please God that it may not be refused on purpose to delay the sentence and prolong the suit, so that the Queen's sufferings have an end, and she herself ultimately die a martyr before sentence is pronounced, as it must be, in her favour. (fn. n2) The longer this is kept back, the less good-will it will work in England, for that kingdom will go on perverting itself. It is but a judgment of God that the delays here used for the purpose of preventing the loss of England,—wishing unjustly with their faults to help the providence of God,—should be the efficient cause of its perdition and ruin! Had the sentence been given in past times, and before the King had actually disobeyed His Holiness's authority, it would have been fruitful and profitable, and saved us all the trouble and anxiety which has supervened.—Rome, 2nd March 1534.
Signed: "El Doctor Ortiz."
Addressed: To the Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord.
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 3.
4 March. 21. The Same to the Same.
S. E. Rom., L. 861,
f. 98.
B. M. Add. 28,586,
f. 148.
Going the other day to report, as was my duty, to cardinals Campeggio and Cesarino, I was told by them that it had been already determined last year that the English marriage was not forbidden either by natural or divine law. That good man, auditor Simonetta, has likewise told me that some persons of this place had written last year to the king of England, informing him of the above determination by the Consistory and by the Rota, and that, for this reason, whenever the principal cause came to be sentenced, the King would infallibly be condemned. Hence it was (he said) that he (the King) had not accepted the offer made to him from Marseilles of having the cause advoked to Cambray, or to another place, there to be tried and the sentence to be given here at Rome. The King knew very well that it must have been given against him, that being, no doubt, the real cause of his non-acceptance. True it is that the bishop of Paris (Bellay) and the French ambassador (fn. n3) have tried and are still trying all they can in favour of the king of England, and that the cardinals friendly to Francis wish to please him in this matter; but as they cannot possibly sentence except in favour of Her Highness the queen, they are, no doubt, delaying the sentence to please him.
Certain doubts have this day been proposed in Consistory, and, among others, this one: that this marriage is not contrary to, and against, Divine law. (fn. n4) The Cardinals wish that between this and Lazarus Sunday a report should be prepared that they may deliberate on and determine the cause. Should sentence, however, be pronounced before the end of Lent, I will, for greater solemnity in the conclusion of the principal point, put up with it, and be content. (fn. n5) —Rome, 4th March 1534.
Signed: El Doctor Ortiz."
Addressed: "To the Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord."
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2.
7 March. 22. Eustace Chapuys to the Same.
Wien, Rep. P.C.,
Fasc. 228, No. 19.
The King's mistress, having gone to visit her daughter (Elizabeth), sent a message to the Princess, requesting her to visit and honour her as Queen which she was. Should she do so (the message bore), she would be as well received as she could wish, and it would be the means of her regaining the good pleasure and favour of the King, her father, and of her being treated as well or perhaps better than she had ever been. (fn. n6) The Princess's answer was, that she knew not of any other queen in England than Madame, her mother; and that should the King's mistress, as she called Anne de Bolans (Boleyn), do her the favour she spoke of, and intercede with the King, her father, she would certainly be most grateful to her. After which answer the King's mistress renewed her remonstrances, made her profuse offers, and ended by threatening; (fn. n7) but neither her promises nor her threats could make the Princess change her mind, and she returned home highly disappointed and indignant, fully determined to put down that proud Spanish blood, as she called it, and do her worst. (fn. n8)
Before my speaking to the King on the Queen's business, one of the Houses of Parliament (une Chambre du Parliament) had declared that since the archbishop of Canterbury had pronounced sentence in the divorce suit beween the King and her, and in virtue of that sentence the latter had lost the title of "Queen," she could no longer retain that title, nor enjoy the property which this King had bestowed on her as her marriage portion, together with the title of "Queen." The motion had already been put forward two or three times in the other House (Chambre), yet since I have spoken to the King on the subject, the affair has been pursued with greater energy in order to prevent any intervening obstacle. Finally the Bill has passed as the King wished, without much opposition on the part of the members; which is not to be wondered at, since to oppose the Bill would have been equivalent to opposing the King's first marriage, which at the present time would be considered a worse crime than that of heresy. There have been certain proctors (deputes) of cities, such as London and others, who, in the name of their respective constituencies, have represented that those cities had intervened as pledges for the observation and keeping of the promises and stipulations of the marriage treaty, and that merchant citizens trading with Your Majesty's dominions might thereby be the sufferers; but their appeal has been disregarded, and they have been given to understand that the said obligation had been abolished by Your Majesty's consent when the treaty was renewed. (fn. n9)
The King, the better to incline his Parliament to vote the motion, has caused a list (role) to be exhibited there of the lands and estates which he wishes to hand over to the Queen in exchange and as indemnity for those she owned before; the value of which, in the estimation of the King and his people, amounts to 3,000 crs. more than her former revenue. What astonishes me in all this is that the King has not for honour's sake, and to make a greater show of liberality, made out a longer list of what he intends giving to the Queen, since he is or must be pretty sure that she would rather go about and beg charity than accept anything from him (the King) under the title of widow dowager, even if he gave her the equivalent of three kingdoms as large as England.
Some of the members of Parliament, who dared not expressly oppose the Bill about the Queen, are making as much opposition as they can to the one concerning the Pope, considering, no doubt, that the success of the Queen depends in a great measure upon papal authority being upheld in England. I am, however, afraid that in the end, to judge from the way he goes to work, the King will get Parliament to vote anything he wants. Other members there are who, though opposed to the Queen, are much displeased at the King for attempting to separate himself from the Roman Church, such as the duke of Norphoc, who inadvertently said the other day to the French ambassador that neither he nor his friends would ever consent to such a separation. This report, circulated by the said ambassador, has reached the ears of the King, who, wishing to get at the truth of the affair, has made inquiries, the result being that the Duke has partially lost the King's favour, that being, no doubt, the reason why he dislikes to be at Court just now, as he himself told me the last time I saw him. Since then we have not spoken to each other.
The Lubeckian Secretary, about whom I wrote last, has made a very short stay here. The King has given him 100 ducats or angels, and a passport to return home as soon as possible, perhaps that he may prevent the meeting of the Diet, which is to assemble at Hamburgh for the settlement of the claims of Lubeck upon the Hollanders. The said Secretary, who came here by way of Holland and Flanders, thinks of taking the same route in going back, and has consequently kept most strict silence as to the day of his departure, and so forth; but I have been able to find out all about it, and have not failed to write to Flanders, announcing his departure. He is a native of Vuesfalle (Westphalia), and a gentleman; he had once some ecclesiastical benefices, and I am told that his going to Lubeck was caused by his being accused of Lutheranism. (fn. n10) I have in vain set up spies on the Scilliarts resident in this city, in order to ascertain the cause of the Secretary's coming, and the charge he has; but hitherto no reliable information has been obtained, and they themselves complain of the said Scilliards (fn. n11) having addressed themselves in writing to the King, without informing them of the contents of their communication,—a case quite unprecedented, as they say, in Lubeck, or in any other town of the [Hans] Confederation.
Master Cremuel, having yesterday sent me notice of the provision made in the case of certain Spanish sailors, who certainly would have been ill-used had it not been for his favour and intercession, informed me at the same time that the Lubeckians made difficulties about restoring the property on board the ships they took last summer, and that the abovementioned secretary had said so. However, the King, his master, had said to him, and written to them, that the goods were to be restored without delay, those belonging to Spaniards having precedence to those of his own subjects. Nothing can be more amiable and correct than the above recommendation, but I rather think that this King will do just the reverse that he may embitter and over-irritate the Lubeckians.
Neither have I been able yet to unravel the mystery of certain visits which the Venetian ambassador (Capello) has lately been paying to Court, as I had the honour to inform Your Majesty, unless it be to communicate to this King the news from Constantinople, and the military preparations of the Turk, as well as the departure of Hybrain (Ibrahim) Bassá for Asia, or, perhaps, to present the duke of Norfolk, the earl of Voulchier (Wiltshire), and his son (George), Master Crowuell, and treasurer Feu Vullien (Fitz William), with certain gorgeous brigandines made of tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl, having secret drawers inside, which the signory of Venice sends them at the request of the said Capello, their ambassador here, who, as I am told, must have received a hint from one of the parties to that effect. (fn. n12)
The French ambassador has recently despatched a messenger to Court for the purpose of asking leave to go back to France, whither, as I hear, this King wishes him to return, owing to his having found out by experience that whenever he has a negociation in hand French ambassadors accredited to this Court do the work for him in France better than if he sent his own to that country, especially now that he has found the means of bribing the said ambassadors, and keeping them at his disposal.
Every day new books against the Pope are published here, the most execrable and stupid (inneptez) that can be imagined. No foundation or reasoning of any sort is there in them; nothing but abuse, invectives, and blasphemies against the authority of His Holiness the Pope, and the Apostolic See, as Your Majesty will be informed by Monseigneur de Granvelle, to whom I have forwarded some of them. Not satisfied with the grossest insults thus poured out against His Holiness, they keep threatening that they will have him expelled from Rome; and, not many days since, Cremuel said to a friend, whilst conversing on this subject, "If you have anything [valuable] at Rome, I should advise you to make haste and dispose of it, for ere long we will destroy that city, or have it destroyed somehow."
This King, perceiving that the hidden treasure of the bishop of Norwich could not be found, and also that his condemnation was unjust, has set him at liberty on his taking an engagement to pay him of his own free will 30,000 crs., which that bishop has done. The holy bishop of Rochester (Fisher) has been sent for, and I consider him to be in great danger of his life, owing to his having spoken sometimes with the Nun [of Kent], about whom I once wrote to Your Majesty. Master Mur (Moore), once High Chancellor of England, has during these past days been examined by Cremuel and the present chancellor (Audeley) respecting a letter which he once wrote to the said Nun, and which could not be more prudently or wisely written, for he therein exhorted her to attend exclusively to devotion, and not mix herself up with the affairs of kings. Yet the King, as it would seem, finding no occasion or opportunity to harm the said Moore, has taken away from him the pension to which he was entitled. The annoyance, to which the above two men (the Ex-chancellor and the Bishop) are now being subjected, is merely caused by their having taken up the Queen's cause.
This King, I hear, is very much put out at the delay of the Scottish ambassador, having given orders that the very apartments, which the Grand Master of France (Montmorency) occupied when he last came here, should be prepared for him, and having sent hither provisions of all sorts, as well as malmsey and other wines, which is not done with other ambassadors, of whatever rank they may be. The King is exceedingly disappointed that the Scotchman does not make his appearance.
Monsieur de Morette (fn. n13) is expected here in a few days, on a mission from the king of France; what the object of it may be, no one seems to know at present.—London, 7th March 1534.
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys."
Addressed: "To the Emperor." [Received on Holy Thursday.]
French. Original, partly in cipher. pp. 6.
7 March. 23. The Cardinal of Jaen (fn. n14) to the Same.
S. E. Rom., L. 861,
ff. 41–3.
B. M. Add. 28,586,
Has had no answer to his ciphered despatch of the 18th January.
(Cipher:) Though the trial of the English matrimonial suit is going on well for us, I am still very much afraid that His Holiness is looking out for some pretence or excuse to delay the publication of the sentence; for many a time has he touched on that subject, and told me that he wished to know first what Your Majesty's real intentions were, and whether you purposed, or not, seeing to its execution. Whenever he has spoken to me about that, I have always told him that Your Majesty could not make your intentions known until the Holy Apostolic See had actually decided and sentenced the case. That, and no other, I told him, must be the motive of Your Majesty's action against the kings of France and England, because should it be determined that the dispensation for the marriage of the Queen, your aunt, was invalid, you could not possibly, though naturally sorry at what had happened, take up the quarrel with them. Should the dispensation, on the contrary, be considered just and valid, as it really is, then you were in duty bound to favour and support the Apostolic commands, and have them enforced as an Emperor and a gentleman (fn. n15) ought to do.
My opinion is that Your Majesty might again write a letter urging the Pope to pronounce sentence, and assuring him at the same time that, in order to carry out his commands, you are ready to do anything he deems fit at the opportune moment. Such a declaration can in no wise do harm, for Your Majesty must know that it is perfectly understood here (at Rome) that the thing cannot and must not be done in such a manner as to widen the gap already existing between Your Majesty and the king of England.
(Common writing:) Count Cifuentes must have reported on the arrival of the bishop of Paris (Bellay). What I can guess about his business—though I speak more by conjecture than otherwise—is that the French are fumbling about with this English matrimonial cause, and that what they do is more for the sake of obliging you to amend the treaty of Cambray than for helping the king of England; for not only the Bishop, but his colleague, the French ambassador, has been heard to say to people in this city that if there was perfect harmony and intelligence between Your Majesty and the king of France, this divorce question would be soon settled. By this and other expedients are they trying to get what they want, and I am not surprised at hearing that they have lately been feeling, though unsuccessfully, the pulse of the Venetians. It would, therefore, be advisable that Your Majesty, through letters and messengers, tried to maintain this good-will on the part of Venice, because I do not hesitate to say that as long as the Venetians remain the allies of Your Imperial Majesty, no novelty will be attempted by your enemies [in Italy]. Germany ought likewise to be carefully considered, and orders sent to Naples for the men-at-arms to get ready, because, as they say here at Rome, "un bel robar fa lo homo ladro."
With regard to the Pope, there is no change to be perceived for the present; he continues the same as hitherto, as I have often occasion to write. Your Majesty ought, therefore, to treat him according to his deeds; and I say this because there are not wanting courtiers here, at Rome, who suspect him, and say that he would see with pleasure his new nephew duke of Milan.—Rome, 7th March 1534.
Signed: "Estevan Gabriel [Merino], obispo de Jaen."
Addressed: "To the Emperor."
Spanish. Original. pp. 4.
7 March. 24. Gomez Suarez de Figueroa to the Same.
S. G. Mar y T.,
L. 5.
B.M. Add. 28,586,
f. 154.
Wrote on the 22nd of February by the "Clavero" [of Alcantara], (fn. n16) announcing the arrest in this city of a common man called Granado (sic), who in union with another was trying through the duke of Albany (Stuart) in France, with whom both were in correspondence, to promote a revolution here (in Genoa) whenever the prince (Andrea Doria) should happen to be absent. To that effect the marquis of Saluzzo (fn. n17) and the bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), now at Piacenza, were respectively making levies of men in order to help the rising in contemplation. The plot having been detected, Granaro (fn. n18) was drawn and quartered, though his accomplice succeeded in escaping.
(Cipher:) Since then another conspiracy, more formidable than the first, has been discovered, at the head of which was one Paolo Fragoso; the object being to take possession of one of the city gates, and hold it until the arrival of succour by sea and land. One of the conspirators, a clerk in orders, who has since left Genoa, was the informer. Doria himself has received intelligence from France to the effect that he was to be murdered, and his galleys set fire to; which would have been an easy thing to accomplish, considering the little care he (Doria) takes of his own person, and the fact of all his galleys being within the arsenal (ataraçanal), and so close to each other that they would have been reduced to ashes in no time. Ten of the conspirators have already been arrested, from whom we shall most likely hear more details, as likewise who were the chief instigators. Meanwhile Doria is taking every precaution. Two hundred men have been detached to reinforce the guard at the city gates, &c., for he has lately received letters from France, advising that the King of that country will certainly declare war this spring and invade Italy, and that he has already for that purpose 400,000 ducats, the proceeds of the tithe which His Holiness has granted him on ecclesiastical benefices in France, besides the money which the king of England will procure for him to help the enterprise. The intelligence is further confirmed by Ottaviano de' Grimaldi, now staying at the Court of France, who writes confidentially to one of his friends here that king Francis is hastily arming galleys, of which he has already twenty fit for sea, two already launched, and several more in the docks; which intelligence is enough to increase our suspicions, and keep these citizens in constant fear.—Genoa, 7th March 1534.
Signed: "Gomez Suarez de Figueroa."
Addressed: "To the Sacred Catholic, Imperial Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord."
Spanish. Original, partly in cipher. pp. 3.
10 March. 25. Count Cifuentes to the Same.
S. E. Rom., L. 862,
ff. 8–9.
B. M. Add. 28,586,
f. 156.
Wrote on the 14th ultimo by the key-holder (clavero) from Naples. After that the Emperor's letter of the 18th came duly to hand by way of the Pope, together with the packet for the viceroy of Naples (marquis de Villafranca), which was immediately forwarded to him. Delivered to the Pope his (the Emperor's) holograph letter, and took the opportunity of repeating to him the substance of Aponte's instructions. His Holiness's answer was expressed, as usual, in fair words.—which it is to be hoped will hereafter be met by his acts. With regard to the preservation of peace in Italy, he said that there was no need at present of further expense or any new league, as everything was now smooth. Concerning the defence against the Turk he again promised to furnish the thirteen galleys, and said that he had written to the prince Andrea Doria about it. Indeed, the Republic [of Genoa] having since agreed to place seven of them at his disposal, entirely fitted out with oars, rigging, and sails, His Holiness was about to send to Genoa his own chamberlain, Ambrosino Doria, to take charge of them, pay the money, &c.
Respecting the sale of Church lands and property, as the Emperor did not specify in the instructions to Aponte which of them were to be sold in Naples and Sicily, His Holiness answered that the clergy of those kingdoms were exceedingly poor, and had nothing to sell. He (Sylva) wrote accordingly to the viceroy of Naples [Don Pedro de Toledo] to inquire what ecclesiastical property could be disposed of. The Viceroy's answer was that the vassals of monasteries and churches could be sold, their owners not objecting to it, provided the same rental was ensured to them elsewhere. Told this to His Holiness, who seemed satisfied, and added that the expedient had already been proposed on former occasions. He moreover promised to write to his Nuncio there (in Naples), and ascertain what sum could approximately be collected from the sale of the vassals of the Church in Naples, and that when he knew, he would do the Emperor's pleasure in that respect. He [Sylva] intends writing on the subject to the viceroys of Naples and Sicily.
On the arrival of the bishop of Paris [Bellay] at the court of France [from England], and on his stating in public that he had been unable to achieve anything in that country, Philippo Strozzi is reported to have asked king Francis, "What is the Bishop going to Rome for, when he himself says that he has been unable to persuade the English king?" The Most Christian King answered, "I am sending him thither on certain business of my own, which His Holiness knows well." He (Sylva) is pretty certain of that, for a person who saw Strozzi's holograph letter to His Holiness told him so; and it is generally believed here [at Rome] that the business in question must be one of the many secret engagements taken at Marseilles between the Pope and Francis.
Talking the other day to Capua (Schomberg) about this very thing, the latter said that there was as yet no occasion for alarm. Though some secret compact might have been entered into between His Holiness and the Most Christian King, he (Capua) thought that matters were not yet ripe. "True (he said) I cannot help thinking there is something between them; for the other day, whilst I was mentioning the splendid entertainments at Marseilles, and remarking on the costly furniture of the duke of Orleans' chamber, which was entirely hung with rich tapestry presented to the King, his father, by the duke Galeazzo Sforza, and having the arms of Milan embroidered on it, His Holiness exclaimed, 'Perhaps before eighteen months are over the duke of Orleans will be duke of Milan.'" These words in the Pope's mouth, and the paragraph of Strozzi's letter to him respecting the Bishop's mission, which the King, when interrogated, said related to a secret engagement taken at Marseilles, makes him (Sylva) suspect that the presence here of that most reverend ambassador bodes no good.
With regard to the deposit of the 25,000 ducats, and the money for Zurich, besides the 2,000 which are to be sent to Milan for assisting the Catholic cantons of Switzerland, matters remain in the same state as before.
Napoleone Orsino, once abbot of Farfa, has been slain by his own brother Hieronimo (Girolamo) after a quarrel, though it is said that there was a truce between them at the time. His Holiness regrets the death of Napoleone very much, also the cardinal of Medici, and principally all those, who were looking out for war and revolutions. This Girolamo was with Napoleone during the expedition to Hungary, and commanded 100 light horse. (fn. n19) He (Sylva) has written to Naples announcing Napoleone's death, and says that Girolamo will most likely take refuge there. The Viceroy has answered that he will be taken care of, and not delivered to the Pope should he claim him; in fact that he will so manage matters that His Holiness may not have cause for complaint. (fn. n20)
Owing to the good-will of most of the cardinals, and particularly of Frenesis (Farnese), and to the great diligence used on the part of the Imperial servants, matters have come to such a pitch that last Monday His Holiness summoned all his cardinals to be prepared to sentence the matrimonial suit on Lazarus Monday, having previously submitted certain dubious points to be explained by the Queen's proctors and advocates. The affair is so advanced that the Pope cannot do otherwise than give sentence, or else tell us categorically that he does not choose to do justice. In fact I am very much afraid that he will not, or that he will delay it as much as he can, on various considerations, and especially because the bishop of Paris is still here urging that sentence be not delivered, and saying that he wishes to go away. Indeed it is not to be thought for a moment that His Holiness will ever give sentence in presence of the Bishop, and thereby offend the king of France, thus giving occasion to king Henry to think that the Bishop had been sent expressly to solicit it. His Holiness no longer thinks of sending Miçer Sixto [to Spain] to ascertain what sort of help might be given for the execution of the sentence, he (Sylva) having declared that it was no use applying for more specific terms, &c.
Pirro Colonna and the Sienese, &c.
Cardinal de' Medici has accepted at last the two abbeys which the king of France offered him. They are worth 8,000 crs. a year.
Cardinal Frenesis (Farnese) is doing much service, especially in what relates to the matrimonial suit. A letter should be written to him acknowledging his good intentions. (fn. n21)
Wrote to Antonio de Leyva telling him his suspicions about the abbot del Negro. He (Sylva) would have wished that he had not been appointed Papal commissary at Milan, but could not help it; Leyva was in such haste that he (Negro) had to be sent thither from La Spezia, where he was at the time with his secretary.
His Holiness has given the office of datary to Juan Vincle, a German, the same person who at Brussels kissed the Emperor's hands. The government of Tivoli has been taken away from cardinal Mantua, and given to Carniseca.
Lope de Soria writes from Venice that two envoys of the Vayvod of Transylvania (Zapolsky) had arrived in that city. One came to His Holiness, the other to the king of France. Care should be taken to ascertain what these people are about, and the king of the Romans advised as to their movements, &c.
Although he (Sylva) has often pressed His Holiness to instruct the abbot of Negro (Nero) to come to an agreement with Antonio de Leyva and prothonotary Caracciolo about the restitution of Novi and La Mirandola, and the Pope has always promised that he would do so, nothing has yet been done. On the contrary, only five days ago he said that it was rather a dangerous experiment to collect forces for such a purpose, inasmuch as the king of France might thereby take umbrage and bring war into Italy by means of the marquis de Saluzzo; besides which, Novi, as he could show by deeds in his possession, was originally a fief of the Church.
Has just heard that the abbot of Negro (del Nero) is in Genoa. Inquired from Carniseca whether the intelligence was true. The answer was that it was perfectly true, but that he had gone thither upon leave from. Antonio de Leyva, and that if it should turn out that he had no such leave, he would be ordered to go back to Milan. He (Sylva) would have spoken to His Holiness on the subject, but he went to Hostia (Ostia) this morning. Should abbot Nero refuse to go back the appointment of another commissary should be insisted upon.
Respecting the doings in Switzerland and France, His Imperial Majesty must be well informed through Gutierre Lopez de Padilla and the ambassador at Genoa [Gomez Suarez de Figueroa].
Inclosed is the copy of a letter of news from the Court of France, sent by His Holiness's Nuncio in that country. It might be that the letter, after all, was only a fabrication of the Papal Nuncio, or of Carniseca himself, who brought it to this embassy.—Rome, 10th March 1534.
Signed: "El conde de Cifuentes."
Spanish. Original. pp. 13.
17 March. 26. Eustace Chapuys to the Same.
Wien. Rep. P. C.,
Fasc. 229 No. 20.
I have just this moment received Your Majesty's letter of the 27th ultimo, since which date several of mine must have come to hand, and informed you particularly enough of the fact that what the French ambassador told Your Majesty of the state of affairs in this country, as well as of the probable cause of the departure for Rome of the bishop of Paris (Du Bellay), is substantially true. I will not dwell any more on this subject, supposing that by this time all my despatches have arrived; but I did then write, and will again do so, to count Cifuentes at Rome, strongly recommending what seemed to me most fitting for Your Majesty's service, and that of Madame, your aunt, under the circumstances, which is to urge the Pope to decide and sentence the principal cause as the one all-important step on the grounds which I have submitted to Your Majesty. I have also written to the Count to solicit His Holiness, since he is such a friend of the king of France, to send a nuncio to that country, and remonstrate in his name against the enormities which are daily committed here, in England, and beg that he will provide for the redress thereof, and help to lay bare the intrigues (practiques) which the contrary party made use of to obtain votes at the Paris University, which would effectually ruin and destroy the principal basis of these people's arguments. Should this advice of mine deserve Your Majesty's approval, count Cifuentes might be written to in your name to see that the Pope sends king Francis a pressing message to that effect. Your Majesty in your incomparable wisdom will act for the best.
The Queen, not choosing, on account of her health, to drink new wine, but old, which the King's people in charge of her household expenses will not furnish, has been obliged to send here for a cask; but it appears that the servant who came here to execute her commands will be dismissed, as I hear from the person at the head of her household, for no other reason than that of having obeyed her orders; for the King will not have her drink or eat anything but what he provides for her, so much so that yesterday she sent for some almonds for her supper, owing to their having refused to supply any. In fact they are only looking out for some way of causing that artificial dropsy of which I wrote to Your Majesty the other day. (fn. n22)
The Princess is treated in a similar manner. I am told this very morning that the duke of Norffocq went yesterday to the place where she is, to renew the former threats. Besides that, the Duke ordered her best robes to be seized on the plea that she was no longer a Princess, and that it was necessary to reduce her pomp and pride. In addition to that, the duchess [of Norfolk] has been appointed [mistress of the robes] to the bastard], (fn. n23) and at the same time one of the principal officers of the Princess' household has been dismissed from the service on account of his having shown some affection to her, and done her some small services.
Not satisfied with having sent to Rome the bishop of Paris (Jean du Bellay), this King has requested the French resident ambassador here to undertake the same journey. He is only waiting for the arrival of Mr. de Morette, who is shortly expected to take his departure.
Some one has just told me that the Scottish ambassador considered the death of the duke of Suffolk's only son, which took place some days ago, a piece of good luck for his master; for, being issued from a daughter of Henry VII., and sister of this King, he might, though born in France, have been, in the event of the crown of this kingdom becoming vacant, too formidable a competitor for king James. I am truly delighted at the Scottish ambassador entertaining this fancy, as I may thereby the better persuade and press upon him the necessity of the Princess being preserved from danger. (fn. n24)
There is nothing else for me to mention, except that within the last few days two French ships laden with wine and other goods have been captured on this coast by the English, at which the French ambassador, as Your Majesty may suppose, is anything but pleased.
I need scarcely say anything about the sermons that are daily being preached here, and even in the King's presence, because it is a more disagreeable and abominable subject than Your Majesty can conceive; certainly the invectives of the German Lutherans against the Pope are literally nothing in comparison with the daily abuse of these English preachers, besides which no one is allowed to preach in the churches here unless he belongs to the new sect.—London, 17th March 1534.
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys."
Addressed: "To the Emperor."
French. Original, partly in cipher. pp. 3.


  • n1. "Y por esta causa deseo mucho, y he suplicado á Su St. que la primera cosa de que se hablare y concluyere en consistorio fuese esta verdad; que este matrimonio nunca fue, ni es prohibido por derecho natural ni divino, porque está averiguado, como ya la mayor parte del consistorio juzgó, aunque el primer matrimonio de la Serenissima Reyna con Arcturo fuera consumado, ninguna dificultad ay en toda la causa, ni ay necesidad de testigos, ni remisorias ni de que hazer dificultades en el proceso, como desde el principio que yo aqui vine escrevi á v. mt diversas vezes."
  • n2. "De manera que primero acabe la Reyna su martyrio que se dé la sentencia."
  • n3. The bishop of Macon above named (p. 43), whose name was Charle Hemard Denonville.
  • n4. "Oy se han propuestos ciertos dubios en Consistorio y entre ellos este: que este matrimonio no es prohibido por derecho divino."
  • n5. "Y si la sentencia se da en esta Quaresma por guardar solenidad en la conclusion del puncto principal, yo no me quexaré de esta dilacion de ahora."
  • n6. "Et que oultre le recueyl que luy seroit faict tel quelle sçauroit souetter, par ce moyen elle se reconcilieroit a la bonne grace et benevolence du roy son pere, et elle se tiendroit grandemant obligee a elle."
  • n7. "Elle fit practiquer et solliciter le plus fort du monde la princesse de la venir visiter."
  • n8. "Avec intention de bien rabaisser la gloyre de ce effrene sang hyspagnol, comme elle dit, fera tout au pis quelle pourra."
  • n9. "Que pieça la dite obligation par consentement de vostre maieste estoit abolie par novacion de traytte."
  • n10. "Et a ce que lon ma dit sa retraytte a Lubeck a este causee par la Lutererie."
  • n11. The copy reads, "Jay fait espier vers la pluspart de ceux du Scilliart;" and lower down, "ceulx du Scilliard;" but is not the banking house of the Stilliards meant? See vol. iv., part ii., p. 794. And yet, from the manner in which the words Scilliard and Scilliart are used, one might be inclined to think that it was a port of the Hans towns.
  • n12. "Certainnes brigantinez secretez faictez des calliez (d'ecailles?) gorgiases et richez, que la Signorie de Venize leur a envoye."
  • n13. Charle Soliers de la Morette, already mentioned (vol. iv., part ii., p. 971) as having been employed in various missions by Louise de Savoie during her son's captivity.
  • n14. Estevan Gabriel Merino; about whom, see vol. iv., parts i. and ii.
  • n15. "Pues de alli ha de tener justa causa ó no contra el rey de Francia y Inglaterra, porque [si] la reyna su tia no fué bien dispensada (aunque por natura le pesase de lo subcedido) no podria tener querella por ello; y si la dicha reyna fué bien dispensada, en tal cáso era obligado á fevorescer los mandamientos apostolicos, y dicha causa como emperador y como cavallero."
  • n16. All the military orders of Spain, and especially that of Alcantara, had at this time an officer called clavero, from clavis (key), who was the treasurer or cashier.
  • n17. Francis, at this time in the service of France.
  • n18. See above, where his name is written Granado; the latter reading, however seems more correct.
  • n19. "El Hieronimo ursino es el que fue tomado por el Napoleon quando iban en Hungria con cient cavallos ligeros."
  • n20. "Hame respondido, que el le guardará, y no [le] entregará á su Beatitud como se lo pedia, y se hará de manera que su Santidad no quede desabrido." A marginal note in Covos' hand adds, "Let him use all diligence, and, without offending His Holiness, try and favour Geronimo Ursino."
  • n21. Let it be done at once, and a letter of thanks written to him.—Note by Covos.
  • n22. "Et ne veult ce roy quelle boive ni mange que de ce quil luy fera pourveoir, si enuoya elle hier pour amendres (sic) pour cause que lon les luy auoit refuse ung soir a sa collation, et ne serchent ceulx çy que le chemin pour la fere tumber en ydropesie artificielle, comme jai jadis dict a vostre maieste."
  • n23. "Et oultre ce a este la duchesse [nommee] du seruice de la bastarde."
  • n24. "Car ores quil fust yssu de la fille moings nee, toutesfois pour estre natif (?) autrefois, venant cas de succession en ce royaulme, il eust este tropt grand competiteur pour le dict roy son maistre. Je suis joyeulx quil ait telle impression en la fantasie, car cest pour le mieulx fere incliner aux propoz que lui ay çi devant tenu pour la preservacion de la princesse." The above passage, as deciphered by the clerks at the time, is evidently vitiated, and wanting words and even whole sentences.