Index: H, I

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Habraym, Hybraim, v. Ibráhim Bashá.

Hacket (Sir John), English amb. to Flanders and the Low Countries, 296, 549, 554Hackbutiers, four or five hundred, despatched to Ireland in Oct. 1535, 563.

Hafsite or Beni Hafsi, an African dynasty, 615.

Hainault, 352, 354.

Hamburgh, 527.

-, diet of, to settle the claims of Lubeck upon the Hollanders, 73.

-, the people of, not on good terms with the Luebeckers, 224.

-, ambassadors from, in England, v. Adam and Æpinus.

-, -, make their entry (June 1534), 196–7, 202–3.

-, -, going afterwards to Flanders, 197.

-, doctor from, arrives in London on a mission, 224; v. Æpinus.

Hampton Court, Henry at, 202, 411, 429.

-, Henry leaving, for Greenwich,

Hannaërt, Hannart (Jean), sieur de Likerke, viscount of Lombecke, imp. amb. in France, 269, 303, 305, 351, 381, 396, 399, 401, 411, 414, 423–4, 432, 456, 478, 486–90, 533, 537, 539, 544, 594, 596, 618–19.

-, -, his conversation with the English amb. (Sir John Wallop), 576–8.

-, -, lets. to, from the Emp., 108, 123, 136, 254–6.

-, -, -, from Chapuys, 143

-, -, -, from Andalot, 132.

-, -, -, from, to the Emperor, 130, 226, 232.

-, -, -, to the Empress, 202.

-, -, -, to Granvelle, 233.

Hans, Hanz, or Hanseatic towns, 74, 487, 613, 621.

Hasan, Hassan (Muley), king of Tunis, 238, 290, 446 note, 451, 516, 598.


-, -, dangerously ill, is attended by the Emperor's physicians, 32.

-, -, dies (January 1534), 38.

-, -, alluded to, 419, 424, 433, 527 note.

Hay (James), bishop of Ross (1525–38), 566.

Haynes (Simon), canon of Windsor, sent to Paris to consult the Sorbonne, 566.

Heath (Dr. Nicholas), to be sent to Germany, 3, 612.

Helwig, daughter of Sigismond king of Poland, report of her marriage to the duke of Orleans (Henri), 239.

Heltham, v. Eltham.

Hémard Denonville (Charles de), bp. of Mâcon (1531–41), of Amiens ( ), French amb. at Rome, 41–3, 71, 77, 136, 578–9.

-, -, his secretary visits card. Medici, 514.

Henry IV. (Henri), k. of France (1589–1610), alluded, 625.

-, VII., k. of England, alluded (1485–1509), 235.

-, VIII., k. of England (1509–47):

-, visits his daughter Elizabeth (Jan. 1534), 11.

-, will not see Mary on the occasion, 11–12.

-, head of the Anglican church, 49.

-, forwards a book of his to Francis, 59.

-, sends an excusator to Rome, 136.

-, dines with Anne in public, 152.

-, not daring to quit his kingdom for fear of rebellion, 229.

-, his versatile humour, 264.

-, some appearance (Cromwell says) of his changing love (Oct. 1534), 293, 295.

-, publicly paying his court to Jane Seymour, 293.

-, lords helping that they may get rid of Anne Boleyn, ibid.

-, going to Richmond, 300.

-, in correspondence with the Luebeckers and German rebels, 392.

-, said to be meditating an attack on Flanders (Feb. 1535), 400.

-, consulting the admiral of France thereupon, ibid.

-, in conversation with Chapuys accuses Charles of ingratitude towards him, 466.

-, should matters remain as they were in March 1535, has no objection to renew the old alliance against France, 466.

-, -, though the engagements then taken by the Emp. have not been fulfilled, ibid.

-, complains to Chapuys of the many slanderous diatribes published against him in Flanders, in France, and in Spain, 467.

-, -, and of the large sums spent by him in the wars of France and Navarre, 468–9.

-, ready to join the expedition against the Turk if his propositions be accepted, 480.

-, has amassed considerable treasure by his confiscations from the Church, ibid.

-, -, which he can well spend in war against the Infidel, provided his terms are complied with, ibid.

-, fonder than ever of dancing and other pastimes (Jul. 1535), 511.

-, nearly murders his own fool for praising the Queen and the Princess in his presence, and speaking disparagingly of Anne Boleyn, 520.

-, -, false rumour prevalent at Rome in Oct. 1535, that he had been assassinated by a son of Thomas More, 545.

-, conferring bishoprics on heretics willing to conform with his wishes, 545.

-, obstinately refusing to submit to the decision of the future Council the question of his divorce and the validity of his second marriage, 558.

-, sends a gentleman of his chamber to France (Oct. 1535), 561.

-, said to be on the best possible terms with Charles (Nov. 1535), 563.

-, proposes sending a notable embassy to the Emp., and asks Chapuys' advice upon it, 569.

-, -, and to have decided to rid himself anyhow of Katharine and Mary, 570.

-, insists upon his measures respecting them being carried into effect, 570.

-, -, and upon Parliament taking part in his mischievous designs, 571.

-, tells Chapuys that he wishes the Emp. to refrain in future from favoring the two ladies (Katharine and Mary), 599.

-, -, and to have the sentence on the divorce suit revoked (Dec. 1535), 600.

-, his treasurer, v. Fitz William.

-, -, controller, v. Paulet.

-, -, excusator at Rome, v. Croke.

-, grand squire, v. Carew.

-, chief physician, attends Mary during a serious illness, 540.

-, his fool, 520.

-, gentlemen of his chamber, 595.

-, lets. to and from the Emperor, 158.

-, -, to his ambassador in France, 160.
-, -, 63, 117, 487.

Hereford, bishop of, v. Fox.

Hesse-Cassel, 400.

-, landgrave of, v. Philip.

Hessians ready to enlist under their landgrave Philip, 400.

Hibernia, v. Ireland.

Hirlande, v. Ireland.

Holland, 293, 613.

-, anabaptists from, burnt in London, 484.

Holsatia, v. Holst.

Holst (Holstein), du. of, v. Kristiern III.

-, -, at war with the people of Lubeck, 417, 440, 453, 455, 470, 527.

-, -, sec. of, in London, 412, 417, 440.

Holy Land, re-conquest of the, talked of, 67, 416, 479.

Hostade, worsted, woollen, yarn, 37 note.

Hostia, v. Ostia.

Houghton (prior John), of the Charter House (London), general of the Carthusians in England; executed, 472, 496, 530, 574, 623.

Howard (Elizabeth), co. of Wiltshire, 430 note.

-, (Mary), du. of Richmond, daughter of Thomas, third du. of Norfolk, 254.

-, (Thomas), 3rd du. of Norfolk, lord high treas. of England; his conversations with Chapuys, 2, 27, 61–5, 152, 279, 299, 330–2, 485.

-, -, professes great attachment to the Emperor's service, 62.

-, -, receives a present from the signory of Venice, 74.

-, -, declines the command of the army going to Ireland (Sept. 1534), 254.

-, -, calls officially on Katharine and on Mary at Richmond (Oct. 1534), 299, 302.

-, -, apparently on bad terms with Cromwell, 254.

-, -, ill treated by Anne Boleyn (Jan. 1535), 355.

-, -, entertaining the Admiral of France at his house in town (Nov. 1534), 332.

-, -, present at the execution of the Carthusians, 453.

-, -, to the Calais conferences, 465.

-, -, expected back (June 1535), 494, 499.

-, -, returns, 499.

-, -, at the trial of Sir Thomas More (1 July 1535), 507, 509.

-, -, gentleman of his household takes a message to Chapuys, 377.

-, -, his half-brother, v. Howard (Lord William).

-, -, his daughter, v. Howard (Mary) du. of Richmond.

-, (lord William), brother of the du. of Norfolk, sent on a mission to king James (Jan. 1535), 377, 355.

-, -, a blockhead without discretion, ibid.

-, -, returns (20 March), 430.

-, -, has no success at all, 431.

Howughton (Juan), v. Houghton.

Hoy, Hoya, Huy (co. Eric), brother-in-law of Gustavus Vasa, k. of Sweden, 279, 377, 379, 616.

-, -, sent by Henry to Denmark (March 1535), 470.

-, -, (co. John), 279, 377, 616.

Hubert (Thomas), sec. to the palatine Frederic, arrival in London (March 1534), 91.

Hunsdon, in Hertfordshire, Mary removed to, 96.

Hungary, 85, 150, 276, 460, 504.

-, a bp. in Hungary murdered by Gritti, 261, 273.

-, right over, belonging to Ferdinand, the king of the Romans, 397.

-, king of, v. Ferdinand.

-, queen dowager of, v. Maria.

-, prince of, v. Maximilian II.

Hurtado de Mendoza, co. de Tendilla, viceroy of Granada, 623.

-, (D. Diego), marq. de Cañete, viceroy of Navarre, 446 note, 540.

Hussey (lord John), of Sleford, chamberlain of the princess Mary, 459, 470, 508–9, 512.

-, -, offers to send a gentleman of his household to the Emp., 459.

-, -, kinsman of, an old man, takes messages to Chapuys, 471, 512.


Ibráhim-Bashá (Bashaw or Pacha), Solyman's grand vizier (1534–5), 24, 74, 93, 238, 261, 273, 346, 516.

-, let. to, from co. Villanova, 81.

Ibrea, card., his message to the emp., 293.

Idiaquez (Alonso), sec. of state to the Emp., 350–4, 565.

-, -, lets. and reports, 121.

Indulgences, abolished in England, 587.

Infanta of Spain, v. Maria.

-, of Portugal, v. Maria.

-, meaning of the word, 623.

Infantry, Spanish, 1,000 men sent to the frontiers of Saluzzo, 113.

-, -, to Naples and Sicily, ibid.

-, -, mutinous; sent to the coast of Siena, 169.

-, -, 150 from Sicily enter Rome in a state of mutiny, 280.

-, -, in Lombardy, 231, 384.

Innocent III., pope (1198–216), alluded, 161, 464.

Inquisition, Englishmen imprisoned by the, of Spain, for having in their possession heretical books, 164, 296.

-, -, released, 412.

Insbruck, Innspruck, in Tyrol, 272.

Insola, Insula (Stefano dell' or della); treating with the Swiss cantons (1534), 192, 208–9, 265.

Interdiction of the Realm, decreed by pope Paul, v. England.

Interview of Francis and Henry at Calais; proposed, 5, 201, 376, 431–2.

-, not to take place, 435.

-, a deputation to go instead, 452.

Ireland (Irland, Hirlande, Hibernia), news from, 248–9, 262–3, 339, 345, 375, 422, 431–2, 439, 563.

-, ripe for rebellion, 29–31.

-, were the Pope to send some one thither, the country would rise up in arms (Apr. 1534), 131.

-, very important for Katharine's friends, owing to its vicinity to Wales, 204.

-, English hackbutiers sent by Henry to, 207, 563.

-, a bp. from, brings Cromwell news of the rebellion, 243.

-, -, and is kept under arrest for fear of the intelligence being divulged, 244.

-, a committee appointed to discuss the affairs of (Sept. 1534), 254.

-, -, the du. of Norfolk, forming part of it, purposely leaves London not to share in its deliberations, ibid.

-, the government of, offered to the du. of Suffolk and to other great personages, 263.

-, -, none of whom accept, 263.

-, circulation of news from, forbidden, 262–3, 280.

-, Spanish and Flemish ships chartered for, 262.

-, an expedition prepared against, 262–3, 280.

-, a more regular warfare carried on in, 345.

-, reinforcements to be sent to, 301, 563.

-, imp. agents to promote a rebellion in, 295.

-, great lords of, send an embassy to pope Paul III., 463.

-, the Emperor's agent in, v. Godescalco.

-, the English pale, 439.

-, deputy governor of, v. Kildare and Skeffington.

Irish, consider themselves in all ecclesiastical matters the subjects of the Holy See, 131.

-, were they to rise in arms they would be joined by 12,000 Spaniards (July 1534), 204.

-, rebels, 181, 204, 495, 497.

-, seize a ship belonging to Henry, 262–3.

-, the wild, 345.

-, money given by Cromwell to two, 375.

-, lords, the great; send an embassy to pope Paul (May 1535), 463.

-, affairs, v. Ireland.

Isabella (Isabel) "the Catholic," q. of Spain, Katharine's mother (d. 26 Nov. 1504), 430 note.

-, the empress, wife of Charles V., 333 note, 395.

-, daughter of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn, v. Elizabeth.

-, daughter of Philip and Joanna, Charles' sister, married to Kristiern II. of Denmark, 599 note.

-, her daughter (Dorothea?) to be married to the son of the usurper of that kingdom, 104-, letter to the Emp., 175.

Isola (Stephano dell'), v. Insola.

Italy, affairs of, during Clement's pontificate, 3, 240, 282.

-, the Emperor's supposed designs on, a cause of alarm for pope Paul and the Venetians, 532.

-, -, Francis' help to be sought in order to counteract the same, 532.

-, much fear caused by the intelligence that the Emperor is about to embark for, 539.

-, influenced by his son Pier Luige and by the Emperor's magnificent offers, pope Paul changes his politics in, 5.

-, is to take care that the French leave it in peace (Nov. 1535), 568.

-, -, and that king Francis does not put his foot in it, ibid.

-, a pension of 50,000 crs. offered by Charles to one of the sons of Francis on condition of the latter not interfering in, 568.

-, -, also to favour the marriage of his son, the duke of Angoulême, to the princess Mary, 568.