Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.
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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Cachadiablo, Turkish Corsair, 97, 577, 626.
-, Charles at (17 June 1535), 446, 482, 484, 497, 516.
Caietano, card., 90, v. Gaetano and San Sixto.
-, gunners to leave for (Feb. 1534), 57.
-, an interview between Henry and Francis to take place at, 99, 135, 177, 201.
-, -, first fixed for the 1st of August, prorogued till September, ibid.
-, -, not likely to take place, since Francis declares that matters of Faith, the Pope, or the Apostolic See, are not to be discussed thereat, ibid.
-, the idea of an interview of Henry and Francis at, entirely given up, 421.
-, English commissioners appointed to the conferences (Norfolk and Rocheford) besides two doctors at law, 472.
-, French ditto (Genouillac, Poyet), ibid.
-, the conferences to begin in April or May 1525; 428, 440, 452, 457, 467, 472.
-, Norfolk and Rochefort leave for, (May 1535), 472, 474.
-, -, return therefrom, 476, 517.
-, -, -, without the meeting adopting a resolution (June 1535), 499, 500.
-, -, -, and yet Chabot says that most important affairs were discussed thereat, 501.
-, the fortifications of, to be carefully inspected, 511.
-, Charles offering to help to the recovery of, by the French in case of the deposition bull being enforced, 606.
-, probable object of the negociations at, 482, 494, 502.
-, at the meeting of, Henry's commissioners propose the separation from the Church of Rome, 524.
-, -, discord arising between the parties in consequence, 530.
-, -, the meeting dissolved, 562.
-, the interview of Henry and Francis at, in Nov. 1532, said, to have been fruitless, 497.
Calcena (Fr. Antonio), bp. of Tortosa, 217.
Caller in Sardinia, v. Cagliari.
Camarino (Camerino), duchy of, disputed, 10, 292, 318.
-, suit of, sentenced in favour of Paul III., who wants it for one of his sons, 408, 434, 449, 462, 472–3, 494, 498.
-, possession of, still unsettled, 556–7.
-, du. of, v. Varana.
-, duchess of, v. Cibo.
Camarlengo, Clement's, a cardinal, 108, 185, 230, 408.
Cambray, Henry offers to return to the obedience of the Roman Church, provided the divorce suit be referred to, 71, 101.
-, meeting of the two queens (Eleanor and Mary) to take place at, in Aug. 1535; 531, 533, 542, 544.
-, -, Francis to attend it, 533, 538.
-, treaty of, between Francis and the Emp., alluded to, 361–2, 621.
-, the former considering himself injured by the, 17, 116.
-, -, and making it an excuse for refusing his help against the Turk, ibid.
-, Henry's divorce suit to be avoked to, 71, 101.
Campeggio (card. Lorenço), bp. of Salisbury, 6, 16, 71, 73, 84, 88, 90, 102, 226, 346, 580.
-, son of, confined to prison at Parma or Piacenza, 261.
-, let. to the Emperor, 104.
-, motion in the Senate against, 6, 7.
-, the Emperor informed of it by Soria, 45.
-, -, returns from Lubeck, bringing with him 100 experienced gunners and captains (27 June 1535), 505.
-, -, about to sail again for that port, in command of three armed ships, ammunition, and 60,000 ducats in specie (Sept.), 538, 541.
Canterbury, St. Thomas of, 68.
-, Jeanne d'Albret wishing to make a pilgrimage to, 586.
-, abp. of, v. Cranmer.
Cañete, marquis de, v. Hurtado de Mendoza.
Capello (Carlo), Venetian amb. in England, 74, 245.
-, -, recalled (Jan. 1535), 492.
-, -, on familiar terms with Castelnau, 534.
-, -, his secretary, v. Zuccato.
-, -, sent by Sylva to Perugia on a mission (July 1535), 513.
Capisucci, Capisuchis (Paolo de), auditor at the Rota, 8, 226.
Capua, in Naples, bp. of, v. Schomberg.
Caracciolo (prothonotary Marino), 5, 47, 81, 85, 145, 186, 192, 306, 310, 334.
-, -, a cardinal's hat asked for (May 1535), 473.
Caraffa (Giovanna), wife of Galeotto Pico, co. della Mirandola, 315.
Cardinals, apply to Silva, the ambassador, for permission to import corn from Sicily, 7.
-, appointed by Clement to report on the best means of resisting the Turk, 46.
-, a creation of, to ensure Ippolito de' Medici's election (Sept. 1534), 195, 212.
-, to go into conclave after the death of Clement, 267.
-, intended creation of, by Paul III. (1534–5), 341, 472–3.
-, not to Charles' taste, as most of the new cards, belong to the French party, 473.
-, seven created (May 1535), 475.
-, meeting with the agents of the du. of Urbino to find the means of coming to an agreement concerning Camarino, 566.
-, enjoined by Paul to draw out the deposition bull (Nov. 1535), 574.
-, -, which, after all, turns out to be only a monitory brief, 574.
-, college of, 112, 472–3, 592.
-, in consistory, 9, 58, 227, 229, 265, 522–3.
-, French, or attached to France, 71, 227, 264, 268, 318, 329.
-, said to have asked Clement for three things, 326–7.
-, in Rome, after Clement's death, and ready for Paul's election, 259, 264.
-, Spanish, their presence at Rome very much wanted, 259.
Cardona (D. Ramon de), viceroy of Naples (1509–12), 242.
-, his heirs disputing the duchy of Sora, 242.
-, one of the sons of, to be married to Paul III.'s grand-daughter (Apr. 1535), 450.
Carew (Sir Nicolas), Grand Squire or Master of the Horse, 337, 344, 476, 520, 618.
Carlo III., duke of Savoy, v. Savoie.
Carne (Dr. Edward), King's excusator, v. Karne.
Carneseca, Carniseca, (prothonotary —— ), Clement's sec., 6, 7, 9, 45, 81, 143, 209, 212–6, 217–9, 230, 241, 260, 282–4, 288.
-, also called Carnizuza, 217 note.
-, the man most in favour with Clement, 105.
Carnizuza, v. Carneseca.
Carpi (Rodulfo Pio da), bp. of Faenza, a French partisan; to be appointed cardinal, 195, 212, 473.
-, -, papal nuncio in France, 132, 135.
-, Sir John Gage takes the frock at the, 4.
-, three, sentenced to death and executed (4 May 1535), 452, 458, 474, 517, 521, 539.
-, Henry not present, but very angry with Norfolk and Wiltshire for not answering prior Houghton's speech at the trial, 472.
-, three or four more arrested, 472, 474, 497, 521, 545.
-, all convents of that Order to be dissolved, 472.
Cary (Sir William), 344.
-, (Lady Mary), his widow, v. Boleyn and Rochford.
Casale (Giovan da), papal prothonotary; English amb. in Venice, 99.
-, -, on a mission to the Waywod, 269, 276.
-, -, arrested by the Imperialists, 503–4, 510.
Casale (Sir Gregory da), intends leaving Henry's service, and going over to France, 13.
-, -, quits London (Aug. 1534), 245.
-, -, retained by Francis, 252.
-, -, goes to Rome for the Papal election, 269, 276, 280.
-, -, trying to have the divorce suit suspended, 333, 347.
-, -, recommends his brother (Giovan, the prothonotary) for the mission to the Waywode, 504.
Castaldo (Giovan Battista), imp. commander, 196, 208.
-, -, arrested in Germany, 510.
Castellamare, in Naples.
-, bp. of, v. Centelles.
-, -, arrives in London (27 June 1535), 505.
-, -, coldly received by Cromwell, 511, 519, 521.
-, -, not in favor with Henry, 525.
-, -, on familiar terms with the Venetian sec., 534.
-, -, does not attend the thanks-giving in London for Francis' recovery, 570.
-, -, angry with Cromwell, 594.
-, -, brother of, in London with him, 551, 586, 625.
-, -, his sec., 540, 542, 549–51, 562–4, 586, 588–9, 593, 624, 626.
-, (Guillaume de), bp. of Aux and card.; chamberlain of, sent to Genoa on a mission, 257.
-, (Louis), bp. of Tarbes (d. 1549), brother of Antoine, the French amb. in England, 625.
Castillon, v. Chastillon.
Castron (——), a Florentine; goes to France on behalf of the fuorusciti of Florence, 394.
Catillion, v. Chastillon.
Cavendish (Candis, Candish), the King's master gunner; sent to Lubeck, 326.
-, -, again in Sept. 1535 with three war-ships and ordnance, 538.
Cazadiavolo, v. Cachadiablo.
Cazorla, "Adelantado de," military dignity in the abpc. of Toledo, 217 note; v. Cobos.
Cecile, Cicile, v. Sicily.
Cenete, v. Zenete.
Centellas (Hieronimo), bp. of Castellamare in Naples; applies for the bpc. of Gaeta, 242.
Ceri, in the Roman states, bp. of, v. Venanzi.
Ceri (Gian Paolo da), son of Lorenzo; offers his services to the Emp., 7, 45, 121, 216, 270, 292–3, 450.
-, (Renzo or Lorenzo), condottiero, 7, 45, 121, 216, 268, 292–3.
-, -, in Paris, 150.
-, -, offers his services to the Emp., 270, 450.
Cervia, in Romagna, seized by the Venetians,
-, -, restored to the Pope, 282–3.
Cesare, a Sicilian gentleman; to go to Barbarossa on behalf of Francis, 394.
Cesarino (card. Alessandro), favourably disposed towards the Emperor, 71, 107, 342, 408.
-, (Juliano), his nephew, with a band of men attacks the governor of Rome, and leaves him for dead on the spot, 107–8.
-, -, takes refuge in Naples, 108.
Cesi, Cesis (card. Frederico da), attached to the Emp., and receiving a pension on the revenues of the abpc. of Toledo, 119, 140.
-, -, governor of the ecclesiastic domain under Paul III., 342.
-, -, his secretary, 119.
Chabot (Philippe), sieur de Brion, admiral of France, extraordinary ambassador in England, 240, 302 note, 392–3, 395, 400, 401, 411, 478, 483, 562, 568.
-, -, expected in England, 302, 326.
-, -, arrives at Dover (Nov. 1534), 327, 336.
-, -, enters London in great pomp, 327–8.
-, -, is entertained by Norfolk, 332, 338.
-, -, -, and by Suffolk, ibid.
-, -, has audience of the King, 333.
-, -, calls on Chapuys, and holds a long conference with him, 335–9.
-, -, -, at which he shows his discontent of Cromwell, 337.
-, -, said to have made overtures for a marriage of princess Mary to the du. of Angoulême, 345.
-, -, -, and not to the Dauphin (Francis), as was thought at first, ibid.
-, -, Henry has no objection to the marriage, provided the Princess and her husband renounce their respective rights to the crowns of England and France, ibid.
-, -, invited to a Court entertainment, 376.
-, -, slighted by Anne Boleyn, 376.
-, -, his conversation with Hannaërt at the French court, 387, 392–3.
-, -, about to go to Normandy, 388.
-, -, writes to Cromwell giving k. Francis' opinion about Henry's second marriage, 476–7.
-, -, the letter itself considered apocryphal by Chapuys, 477.
-, -, attends the conferences at Calais, 483, 501–2, 505.
-, -, king Francis staying at his house near Lyons, 582.
Châles (Jean Philibert de), bp. of Maurienne or Moriana (1535–44), 137.
Châlon (Philibert de), prince of Orange, alluded, Int. xi.
Champagne, king Francis in, 134, 536.
Champneys (Sir John), lord mayor of London, 124 note, 563.
Chancellor (Henry's), v. Audeley.
-, Vice, v. Gage.
Chapuys, Chappuis (Eustace), Imp. amb. in England since 1529; 412–14, 489, 490, 563, Int. xii.—i.
-, -, asks permission to appear before Parliament (Feb. 1534), 61, 67, 69.
-, -, visited in consequence by Cromwell and Norfolk, who inquire what his object is, 62–3.
-, -, sees the King about it, 65–9.
-, -, informs Mary of the real state of her mother's affairs at Rome, 114.
-, -, letters from Flanders to, seized at Calais, and opened, 123–5.
-, -, the courier who brought them examined by Cromwell and the Privy Council, 126.
-, -, the excuse being that some one had written from London to Brussels that the Imp. amb. complained of the manner in which he was treated, 125.
-, -, but in reality to ascertain the object of the military preparations being made in Flanders for the execution of the Papal sentence, 125–6.
-, -, consults Katharine respecting the execution of the sentence, 153.
-, -, before the Privy Council, advocating for her, 156–66.
-, -, prepares a protest for Mary to sign, 198.
-, -, in Richmond remonstrating before the Privy Council against the Statutes, 170.
-, -, cannot see the King, 171.
-, -, asks permission to visit Katharine at Richmond, 219.
-, -, sets out on his journey, accompanied by 60 men on horseback, 220.
-, -, but cannot see her as the K. has issued most strict orders to the contrary, 221.
-, -, in frequent correspondence with Katharine and Mary, 343.
-, -, instructed to gain by all possible means the good-will of the English towards the Emp., 374.
-, -, solicits payment, of his salary, 375.
-, -, instructed to ensure a better treatment of Katharine and Mary, 433.
-, -, to temporise with Henry (May 1535), 459.
-, -, permission to see the Princess denied to (Oct. 1535), 459, 563, 589.
-, -, his conversations with Cromwell (1534–5) on general subjects, 294–9, 413–22, 423–30, 436–8, 465–71.
-, -, on the treatment of the Queen and Princess, 416, 437.
-, -, presents a letter from the Emp. to Henry, and is received with great benevolence by the latter, 481.
-, -, instructed to gain time in pending negociations as long as the Calais conferences last, 483.
-, -, invited to hunt in the Royal parks whenever he pleases, 502.
-, -, does not accept unless he gets permission to call on the Princess, 525.
-, -, not allowed to write or send messages to Katharine, 529.
-, -, sends his sec. to Charles to inform him of the imminent danger in which Katharine and Mary are, 550.
-, -, Cromwell calls upon (Oct. 1535), 553, 563.
-, -, servant of, takes to Rome a letter from Katharine to pope Paul, 565.
-, -, -, which he is not to deliver until he has seen the Emperor at Naples, 565.
-, -, concealed in the Embassy until his departure from Rome, 565.
-, -, permission to visit Mary withdrawn, 573.
-, -, not allowed to see the Queen or send her messages, 589.
-, -, assures Cromwell that since the sentence on the divorce was obtained at Rome no further measures had been solicited against Henry, 592.
-, -, -, if any, they were entirely the Pope's doing and the College of Cardinals', ibid.
-, -, has audience from Henry at Greenwich, 596–600.
-, -, hearing of Katharine's last illness, sets out for Kimboltou, 600.
-, -, corresponds with co. Cifuentes at Rome, 36, 148, 175, 434–5, 515.
-, -, with Dr. Ortiz, 262–3, 497, 521, 545, 572.
-, -, with Hannaërt, the Imp. amb in France, 411.
-, -, his secretary, v. Montesa.
-, -, his other secretaries not named, 14, 206, 298, 524, 537, 551, 553–4, 589, 595.
-, -, servants; one, once in his employment, with letters from the Imp. amb. in Scotland, 355.
-, -, another; takes to Rome lets. from Katharine to the Pope, 565.
-, -, -, and to the Emp., ibid.
-, -, another, coming from Scotland, 355.
-, -, another (Jacques of Bruges), dismissed from his service; offers to act as a spy upon him, 377–81.
-, -, his informers; a man of worth and trust, 3, 4.
-, -, -, a chaplain of the earl of Kildare, 255.
-, -, -, an Irishman, 244.
-, -, -, a worthy citizen, 205.
-, -, -, a gentleman worthy of credit, 198.
-, -, -, a personage, 356, 438.
-, -, -, another notable personage of Henry's court, 570, 572.
-, -, -, a gentleman of the Royal chamber, 555.
-, -, -, lets, to the Emperor (1534), 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 17, 19, 22, 26, 31–2, 37, 40, 44–5, 57–8, 60–1, 68, 70–1, 75, 84, 86–7, 90, 102, 105, 109, 111–2, 114–5, 118; (1535), 122, 127, 138–9, 142, 150–1, 156–7, 165, 170, 174, 178, 181, 183, 189, 193, 198, 201, 203, 205, 213, 215, 221, 229, 238, 243, 246, 257.
-, -, to the High Commander (Cobos), 96, 214.
-, -, to Hannaërt, 143.
-, -, to Antoine Perrenot, the Emp.'s sec., 128, 145.
-, -, to Nicholas de Granvelle, the Lord Privy Seal, 144–5, 171, 204, 206, 212, 222, 228, 241–4.
-, -, to, from the Emp. (1535), 146, 216, 245.
-, -, from Mr. de Granvelle (Nicolas) to, 207.
Charles V., emp, of Germany, k. of Spain, his conversation with the Papal Nuncio (May 1584), 149.
-, -, greatly dissatisfied with Clement, 149–50.
-, -, meditates an invasion of France, 368.
-, -, Leyva and Doria consulted concerning it, 368.
-, -, to Barcelona to prepare for his African campaign, 409, 411, 459, 474, 479, 491, 623.
-, -, about to publish a manifesto in answer to Francis's accusations respecting Germany, 448.
-, -, his refutation of Francis's letter to the prince electors of Germany, 442–6.
-, -, leaves for the Tunisian expedition (May 1535), 448.
-, -, writes to Henry announcing his departure, 459.
-, -, proposes going to Naples and Sicily, 459.
-, -, -, and visiting Pope Paul at Rome, 547.
-, -, in Naples (25 Nov. 1535), 565, 626.
-, -, said to be aiming at universal monarchy, 518.
-, -, writes to the prince electors of Germany, 588.
-, -, about to leave for Rome (Dec. 1535), 588, 593, 595.
-, -, confessor, v. San Pedro.
-, -, his brother, v. Ferdinand of Austria.
-, -, his sisters, v. Isabella, Eleanor, Mary (of Hungary).
-, -, his aunt, v. Katharine, queen, &c.
-, -, his cousin, v. Mary, the princess.
-, -, his son, v. Philip of Spain.
-, -, his daughter, v. Maria.
-, -, lets. to k. Henry of England, 158.
-, -, to Cromwell, 239.
-, -, to co. Cifuentes at Rome, 92, 113, 119.
-, -, to his amb. in France (Hannaërt), 108, 123, 136, 254–6.
-, -, to Chapuys in England, 126, 133, 135, 159, 163, 240, 245.
-, -, to count Nassau, 152.
Charter House in London given by Henry to Anne Boleyn, 539.
Chastillon, Châtillon, Mr. de, v. Coligny.
Chenay, Cheney, Mr. de, gentleman in waiting to king Kenry, 596.
Chenonceaux, castle of, in France, k. Francis at, 388.
Cheri, v. Ceri.
Chestry (Chestershire, Cheshire), the inhabitants of, said to be disaffected, 324.
Chichester, bp. of, v. Sampson.
Chieldra, Childara, Childra, Childre, v. Kildare, and Fitzgerald.
Christina (Kristierna), daughter of Kristiern II., k. of Denmark; married to Francesco Sforza, du. of Milan, 274, 304, 305, 399, 599.
-, -, her hand solicited by James, 530, 586.
Christopher, the Pacific, du. of Würtemberg, son of Ulric (1550–68); arrival of, at the diet of Augsburg, 6.
Church, States of the, movements in the (Oct. 1534), 268.
-, Anglican, 1.
-, the revenues of the, to be distributed among the King's favorites and courtiers, 256.
-, Henry proclaimed chief of the, 329.
Cibaco (Americo), bp. of Varadin and governor of Transylvania for k. John, murdered by Gritti, 261, 273.
Cibo (Caterina), do. du. of Camarino, 6, 181, 292–3.
-, -, Paul's breve to, ordering her to suspend the marriage of her daughter, 292.
-, (Francesco), co. of Anguillara, one of the Orsini, 281, 408.
-, -, enters into a conspiracy against Alessandro de' Mediei, 499.
-, (Gio. Battista), bp. of Marseille, and cardinal, 408, 499, 513.
Cifuentes, co. of, v. Sylva.
Cippiçano (Pirro da), molesting the Sienese, 7, 45, 103.
Civitta Vecchia, 335.
Clarence (George), du. of, brother of Edward IV., 323.
Clavero, meaning of the word, 77.
-, of the military order of Alcantara, 78, v. Gutierrez de Padilla.
Clement VII., pope (1523–34), 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 18–19, 81, 83–5, 88–9, 149, 179, 218, 245, 261, 268, 351, 357, 469, 471–2, 535, 575.
-, -, ill with the gout, 8, 9.
-, -, papers and tracts printed in London containing much abuse of, and of the Holy See; sent by Chapuys to Cifuentes at Rome, 49.
-, -, Henry blamed for allowing their publication, 93.
-, -, if preserved for the Emperor (says Merino), his wrongs must be redressed, 168.
-, -, with an attack of the gout, 188, 207, 211, 320.
-, -, offers to send a trusty man to England to endeavour to convince Henry of his errors, 193.
-, -, knows more about Francis' doings than any man living, and yet is on most intimate terms with him for fear he should imitate Henry's example, 208.
-, -, his physician, a man of great learning, tells Cifuentes that his malady is not so dangerous as reported, 218.
-, -, yet his illness increasing he is given up for dead (Aug. 1534), 229, 245.
-, -, Rome up in arms at the news, 229.
-, -, between life and death for several days (Sept.), 240, 263, 276.
-, -, death reported, 261.
-, -, dies (25 Sept. 1534), 264, 280, 282; Int. ii.
-, -, Venetians not sorry, on many accounts, 272.
-, -, Henry and Cromwell delighted, 280, 282.
-, -, reported to have said before dying that he had wronged king Henry by his sentence on the divorce, 435, 497.
-, -, his datary, v. Giberti.
-, -, his chamberlains, 119; v. Doria (Ambrosino).
-, -, Camarlengo, a cardinal, 108, 185, 230, 408.
-, -, secretary, v. Carneseca.
-, -, nuncios, v. Poggio, Rorario, Carpi, Vergerio, Filonardo, &c.
Clergy, English, hated by Henry, 1.
-, -, despoiled, 332, 346.
-, -, Henry meditates the reform of the (June—July 1535), 468, 500.
-, in Germany, 529.
-, -, doctors and members of the, summoned to England to discuss certain articles of Faith, 332.
Clere (Sir Thomas) of Ormesby (d. 1529), 34 note.
Clesi (Bernardo), bp. of Trent, and card., expected at Rome, 257.
-, arrives before Clement's death, 264, 268, 272, 276, 289, 293, 368, 434, 533.
Clèves (John the Pacific, du. of), 1511–39; co. de La Marck, and lord of Ravenstein; du. of Juliers and co. of Berg and Ravensberg through his wife, 369, 394.
Clotaire, Clothaire, v. Lothaire.
Cobos, Covos, Francisco de los, "adelantado de Cazorla"; the Emp's. principal sec. of State, 80, 85, 132, 217, 616.
-, -, lets, to the Emp., 78.
-, -, -, to co. Cifuentes at Rome, 15.
-, -, notes by, 105–8, 189, 247, 257, 350.
Cocleus (Dr. John), a German Catholic; writes controversial tracts, 503, 526.
Colardi, Colardy, banker, 28.
Coligny, Gaspard de, sieur de Chastillon or Châtillon, in France, French amb. in England (1534), 59, 60, 92–3, 109.
-, -, his conversations with Chapuys, 13, 24, 32–3, (Feb. 1534), 59–61.
-, -, his sec., 24.
-, -, asks leave to return to France, 74.
-, -, is requested by Henry to go to Rome on his behalf (March 1534), 83.
-, -, accompanied by La Pommeraye, visits Elizabeth, 114–15.
-, -, takes leave of Chapuys, 115.
-, -, departs, and is succeeded by La Morette, 117.
Colonna (Colonnese), Roman family; opposed to the Orsini, 450.
Colonna (Ascanio), arrival of, at Rome (1 Aug. 1534), 187, 233, 241–2, 260–1, 267.
-, his reconciliation with card. Medici, 242, 281.
-, his wife, v. Aragon.
-, (Isabella), widow of Luigi Gonzaga, du. of Traietto, 210.
-, -, marries, at Naples, (Dec. 1535,) Philip de Lannoy, prince of Sulmona, 292 note.
-, (Marcio), 52–3.
-, (Pirro), col. in the Imp. service; his disagreement with the Sienese, 53, 80, 121, 143, 145, 185, 188–9.
-, (Stephano), 268.
-, (Vespasiano), 98.
Compiegne on the Oise (France), Francis' court at (Apr. 1534), 133.
Compton, Mr. (?), 569.
Concordia, count della, v. Pico.
Condarini, Condarino, Contareno, Contarini (card. Gaspar), a Venetian; appointed card. (1535), 475.
-, -, amb. to the Imp. court in 1532, 485.
-, -, let. to Nicolas de Granvelle, 172.
Constance, council of, 465.
Constantinople, advices from, 74, 97, 460–1.
-, secret agent of the Emp. at, 461–2.
-, city of, said to be the real object of the expedition in June 1535; 492, 494.
-, Solyman absent from, 526.
-, -, the conquest of, easier than that of Tunis on that account, 526, 534.
-, -, before the Grand Turk, now at war with the Persians, can return to it, 556–7.
-, -, since he is not expected back till Oct. 1535, 557.
-, report of the Imp. fleet being about to sail for, 531.
-, Imp. agents and spies in, 575.
Contareni, Contarini (Marco Antonio), Venetian amb. at the court of Charles (1534–5), 278, 334, 353.
Continent, intervention in the affairs of the, proposed to king James by England and France (Apr. 1534), 124.
Controller, the King's, v. Paulet.
Convocation of Lords; not yet made in Jan. 1534, 29.
Coria, bpc. of, in Extremadura.
-, canonry of, held by card. Farnese, 146.
Cornaro (card. Francesco), Venetian amb. at Rome, 138.
Cornelis, Cornelius, . Scepperus.
Corneto, in Tuscany, 211.
Corsino (Andrea), a Florentine, sec. to the Waywode; arrival of, in London (8 Apr. 1534), 118, 155.
-, -, in Venice, 270, 276.
-, -, in England again; leaves suddenly for France (March 1535), 432.
-, -, accompanies Casale on his mission to the Waywode (June), 504.
-, -, returns to France, 577.
-, -, attends the French court, but is unsuccessful (Dec.), 577.
-, -, ambassador Hanaërt unable to ascertain what the object of his mission may be, 577.
Cornwal, inhabitants of, would much prefer losing their mines to their being prevented to fish on the coast of Ireland, 248.
-, relief of, 47, 85, 97, 136, 139, 191.
-, evacuated, 107, 150, 168, 202, 481.
Council General, 1, 96, 161, 188, 372–3, 380, 457, 459, 472–3, 488–9, 498, 500, 551, 620.
-, its opportunity discussed in Consistory (June 1534), 194.
-, the College of Card.s' letter to Charles concerning the, 288.
-, considered by Charles as of great necessity, 357.
-, Paul's idea of the, 372–4, 408.
-, Francis seemingly in favor of the, provided it be held in a secure place, and his own deputies admitted, 350.
-, let. of Francis to the Prince Electors of the Empire concerning the, 417, 422–5, 428, 431–2.
-, in the event of the, meeting, Francis will support with all his power the validity of Henry's second marriage, 428.
-, different opinions respecting the place of its meeting, 448.
-, Mantua, Verona, or Turin proposed at first, 448–9.
-, -, afterwards Bologna, Parma, or Piacenza, on the plea that, for the greater reputation of the Holy See, the Council ought to assemble in the lands of the Church, 448–9.
-, King Henry will not oppose the meeting of the, provided the divorce question be not submitted to its deliberation, 436–7, 455, 459.
-, -, and that it be held at a place convenient for all parties, 460.
-, strongly opposed by Francis and Henry, 439, 442, 529, 547, 551.
-, on no account will the latter allow the divorce question to be brought before the, 460.
-, -, or in any way abide by its resolutions, 466, 470, 477, 490.
-, -, for as the priesthood hate him, he can get no justice at their hands, 500.
-, Francis' answer to Paul's letter concerning the, taken to Rome by Du Bellay, 514.
-, -, sending agents to Germany for the purpose of opposing the, 547.
-, Henry will not consent to its convocation, 519.
-, Henry and Francis again trying to prevent the meeting of the, 519, 547.
-, Germans consenting that the, be held out of their own country, 561.
-, -, at Mantua, ibid.
-, -, and to be provincial, not œcumenic, 563.
-, Charles again pressing for the convocation and meeting of the, 580.
-, -, Henry and Francis doing their utmost to prevent it, 583.
Council, Privy, in England ("the King's Privy Council,") 1, 2, 12, 152, 171, 223, 249, 295, 356, 456, 476, 479, 508, 541, 552, 592, 620–1.
-, Charles's Privy, of Spain (Consejo de Camara), its deliberations (consultas), 140–5, 145–6, 282–7, 303–12, 383–5, 396, 417, 449, 472–3, 486–91, 495, 522.
-, on the public affairs of Christendom, 51, 154.
-, on the English business, 52, 173.
Courteney (Henri) marq. of Exeter ("the Marquis"), 156.
Covos, v. Cobos.
Council of the Ten, at Venice, 121.
-, English arrival of, at Rome (Apr. 1534), 119.
-, Spanish, from Naples to Rome, 119.
-, one from Sylva going to Spain (Nov. 1535), 565.
Cranmer (Thomas), abp. of Canterbury, 1, 36, 67, 131, 152, 156, 162, 199, 497, 530.
-, the ambassadors from Lubeck dining at the house of (July 1534), 206.
-, at one time (1530) speaking against the divorce, 544.
Cremuel, v. Cromwell.
Cromwell (Thomas), the King's principal sec.: 2, 11, 125, 126–9, 219, 262–3, 279, 294–9, 301, 356, 417–30, 432–3, 436–42, 451–2, 454–8, 460, 465–72, 476–84, 499, 500, 505, 527–9, 533–4, 537–8, 542–3, 549–56, 566–7, 569, 570–4, 590, 592–3.
-, sent with Kingston and Fitz William to summon Mary to renounce her title of Princess (Jan. 1534), 11.
-, his conferences with Chapuys, 294–9, 413–22, 423–30.
-, concerning the treatment of Katharine and the Princess, her daughter, 414–8, 436–8.
-, much engaged with the contemplated reform of the coinage, 326.
-, suffering from rheumatic fever, 411, 452.
-, tells Chapuys that the Imperial agents, himself not excluded, are like hawks, 420.
-, ill again (March 1535), 412, 452.
-, visited by Henry during his illness, 436.
-, in conversation with Chapuys (March 1535), says many pleasant things of q. Katharine, but blames those who brought about her marriage with Henry, 468–9.
-, tells Chapuys that Anne Boleyn is his bitterest enemy, 484.
-, -, though common voice proclaims him to be her right hand, ibid.
-, calls on Chapuys, and has a long conference with him (Oct. 1535), 553.
-,notice of, furnished by Chapuys, 568–9.
-, in the service of card. Wolsey, 569.
-, king Henry takes him into his, 569.
-, his chief steward, 525.
-, another servant, 525.
-, his man, 562.
-, his house in the country, 220-, secretary, 596.
-, let. to, from the Emperor, 239.
Croy (Ferry de), lord and count of Rœulx or Rœux, the Emp.'s Lord High Chamberlain, 361–72, 399, 401, 404, 411, 446–8.
-, instructions to, 124.
Crusade, papal bull of Clement respecting the, against the Turk, 215.
Cuellar, marq. de, v. Cueva.
Cueva (D. Beltran de la), du. of Albuquerque, viceroy of Aragon, 415.
Cupi, Cupis, Giov. Domenico da, bp. of Trani (1517–53), and card., 84, 177.
Cusy (Coucy-le-Château). dep. Aisne; the French court at, 132.
Çapata, v. Zapata.
Çaragoça, v. Saragossa and Zaragoza.
Çornoça, Martin de, 233–7.
-, letter to the Emperor, 80.
Çuñiga, v. Zuñiga.