Index: A

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


amb. for ambassador.

abp. " archbishop.

abpc. " archbishopric.

bp. " bishop.

bpc. " bishopric.

cap. " captain.

card. " cardinal.

co. " count and countess.

dep. " department.

du. " duke and duchess.

emp. for emperor.

imp. " imperial.

let. " letter.

k. " king.

prov. " province.

marq. " marquis.

pres. " president.

q. " queen.

sec. " secretary.

trea. " treasurer.

Save in cases when letters or documents are mentioned, the numerals refer to the pages of the volume.


Abbatis, v. Villanova.

Abbeys and monasteries in England, visited by Royal Commissioners, 542.

-, two, in France, given to Ippolito de' Medici, 119.

Abbots, their interference in Parliamentary debates forbidden, 563.

Abel, Abell (Dr. Thomas), Katharine's chaplain, 453.

Aberdeen, bp. of, v. Stewart.

Abergaveny, Avergavenney, Geo. Neville, earl of, 324.

-, family of the, very powerful in North Wales, 235.

Abrain, v. Ibrá him.

Accerenza and Matera, bp. of, v. Saraceni.

Accolti (Benedetto degli), card, of Ravenna, legate at Ancona since 1522; 257–8, 258–9.

-, -, a prisoner in St. Angelo, 475, 537, 561.

-, -, liberated, 561–2.

Acebes, Aceves, Azeves (Francisco de), Imp. agent and messenger, 280–1, 287, 601.

-, -, his report from Rome, 98.


-, -, negociating exclusively with Cromwell and with no one else, 64.

-, -, leaves after a short stay at Court, 73.

-, -, returns to London and makes overtures to the Imp. amb., 524–8, 558.

-, -, departs, 585; v. also Pacæus.

Ælpinus or Hæpinus ab Elpergo (Dr. John from Lubeck), also called "the Hamburg Doctor," arrives in London (July 1534), 224, 527 note.

Africa invaded by the Turks (1535), 588.

Ahlome, v. Axholm.

Aguilar, marquis de, v. Fernandez Maurique.

Aigues Mortes in Provence, the Imperial fleet to go at once to, 384.

Albania and the surrounding provinces inhabited by Christians; ripe for revolt against the Turk, 531.

-, only waiting for the news of the Imp. fleet having sailed for Constantinople, 531.

Albany, duke of, v. Stuart.

Albert, v. Bavaria.

-, duke of Prussia, 25.

Albret (Alain), lord of, 615.

-, (Catharine), q. of Navarre (1483–512), 615.

-, (Henri d'), called "king of Navarre," 362, 390, 586, 615.

-, (Henri II.), pretender, 615.

-, (Jean d'), son of Alain, becomes king by his marriage with Catharine (1484), 390, 615.

-, (Jeanne de), daughter of Henri II., married to Antoine de Bourbon, du. of Vendôme, 55 note, 586, 615–16.

Albuquerque, Alburquerque, du. of, v. Cueva.

Alcalá [de Henares], a town of Castille, 374 note.

Alcantara, military order of, in Spain,.

-, Clavero or Treasurer, v. Gutierrez de Padilla.

Alençon (Françoise d'), du of Vendôme, wife of Charle de Bourbon, du. de Vendôme, and widow of the du. of Longueville, 135.

-, -, her son, v. Bourbon (Antoine de).

-, duchy of, 470.

-, chancellor, v. Brinon.

Alessandria della Paglia, in Sardinia, 351.

-, bps. of, v. Guasco, Pallavicino.

Alferez, Arabic word; meaning of the, 184 note.

Algiers, called Argel by the Spaniards, expedition to, planned and discussed (1534), 114.

Allebrecht, Allebrich, v. Albret.

Allen (John), abp. of Dublin (1534), 243.

-, -, murder of, 244, 464.

-, -, the earl of Kildare obtains Paul's absolution for the, ibid.

-, (Sir John), lord mayor of London, 257.

Amalfi, duke of, v. Piccolomini.

-, prince of, v. Doria.


-, Austrian, in Rome, v. Sauchez and Noguerolles.

-, -, to the waywod of Transylvania;.

-, -, expected back in Venice (Aug. 1535), 533.

-, Danish, to England, 412.

-, English, in France, v. Gardyner, Wallop, Boleyn (George), Fitz William.

-, -, four to the assembly of Calais, 420.

-, -, especial in Nov. 1535 to visit king Francis; v. Briant.

-, -, With the Emperor, v. Elyot, Hawkins, Pate.

-, -, a great and most honourable embassy to be sent by Henry to the Emperor in Oct. 1535 (154).

-, -, in Flanders, v. Hacquet (?).

-, -, to Germany, 29, 519, 528.

-, -, to the diet of Augsburg, 6.

-, -, to the German princes; those sent in Jan. 1534 quite unfit for their task, 29.

-, -, the bishop of Hereford (Fox), 519, 528, 552.

-, -, to Hungary, v. Casale (Geo. Battista).

-, -, to Lubeck:

-, -, one in Jan. 1534 carrying 40 letters with Henry's privy seal, 29, v. Bonner.

-, -, to Saxony, v. Fox.

-, -, to Scotland (1534–5):

-, -, report on the doings of an Imp. amb. in that country, 296.

-, -, one about to be sent by Henry (Jan. 1535), 355; v. also Howard (lord William).

-, -, to Venice, v. Casale.

-, from Ferrara to Rome:

-, -, one sent by the du. Alphonso d'Este for the business of the Italian League, 385.

-, Florentine, to the Emperor:

-, -, one from the du. Alessandro to Leyva respecting his contribution to the expenses of the Italian league, 385.

-, -, at Rome (July 1535), 513.

-, -, the rumour is spread that on their return to Florence they shall be assassinated, 513.

-, French, in England:

-, -, forward to Rome letters and papers of k. Henry (April 1534), 119.

-, -, in the Privy Council debating the contents of a letter of Clement to k. Francis, 245.

-, -, sec. of, sent to England with a copy of Clement's comminatory breve (Oct. 1534), 279.

-, -, -, and with that of Paul's (Oct. 1535), 546.

-, -, the same, or another. K. Henry sends for him (Oct. 1534), and proposes the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth to the Dauphin François, 279.

-, -, v. Coligny, Dinteville, La Pommeraye, Castelnau, Hèmard-Denonville, Soliers de la Morette.

-, -, special, La Guiche, Gontier.

-, French, in Germany:

-, -, to the diet of Augsburg, 6.

-, -, in daily communication with the Lutherans (1534–5), 353.

-, -, K. Ferdinand proposing their arrest, ibid.

-, -, v. Bellay (Guillaume) and Gervaise.

-, -, to Rome, v. Du Bellay (Jean), Hèmard-Denonville, Stuart, Tournon.

-, -, to Savoy, a gentleman of Francis's chamber (Jan. 1535), 394.

-, -, in Venice, v. Zuccato.

-, -, in Spain, v. Vely.

-, -, a trusty servant of q. Eleanor, 239.

-, -, in Turkey, one in the Turkish fleet, 272; v. also Lasco and La Forest.

-, Genoese, to Rome, 187.

-, from Gueldres to the diet of Augsburg, 6.

-, from the du. of Holstein, k. of Denmark, to England.

-, -, one of the Duke's secretaries; tries to convince king Henry that his master's alliance can be more profitable to him than that of the Luëbeckers, 412.

-, Imperial, to England:

-, -, one, a personage, to be sent to remonstrate with Henry, 4,175–6.

-, -, to be accompanied by Chapuys and another amb. from the Pope, 177.

-, -, -, who hesitates, saying that Henry will not receive either of them, 177.

-, -, to England, v. Chapuys.

-, -, a special one from Flanders in Jan. 1534, v. Rosinboz.

-, -, to France, v. Bonvalot, Hannaërt.

-, -, one of the Emperor's gentlemenushers, 392.

-, -, to Genoa, v. Suarez de Figueroa.

-, -, to Ireland:

-, -, sent expressly to promote rebellion in that country, 295; v. Goldscalcus.

-, -, in Portugal, v. Sarmiento.

-, -, in Rome, v. Merino and Silva.

-, -, minor agents, v. Guzman, Waury.

-, -, to Scotland:

-, -, one arrives in (July 1534), 295.

-, -, -, with a view to excite the bad passions of the Scotch against Henry, ibid.; v. Godescalco.

-, from Lubeck and Hamburg in England.

-, -, a secretary, 58.

-, -, after dinner at Cranmer's, discussing certain articles of the Lutheran sect (July 1534), 206; v. Adam, Æpinus, Pacæus, Odinberg.

-, Mantuan, to the Emperor, v. Torre.

-, Papal, v. Nuncios and Legates.

-, -, two or more to be sent to England to admonish king Henry and persuade him to do his duty towards Katharine, 112.

-, -, to France, 132, 135.

-, from Savoy to Rome:

-, -, bp. of Moriana? 137.

-, in France, one not named still at Paris (May 1534), 150.

-, -, another resident at Rome, 193.

-, from Saxony in England:

-, -, a German of low condition (Oct. 1535), 552.

-, -, another (Oct.—Nov. 1535), bringing a book dedicated to Melancthon, 564.

-, Scotch, in England:

-, -, three great personages from Scotland, one bp. and two earls expected (Jan. 1534), 2.

-, -, v. Otterbum, Rob. abbot of Kinloss; Stewart, bp. of Aberdeen.

-, -, in daily communication with Cromwell and Audeley (Apr. 1534), 124.

-, -, one of them to return home for the purpose of inviting James to join the league of Henry and Francis, ibid.

-, -, at the Chancellor's (Audeley), discussing with three English doctors certain dishonest and heretical articles for K. James's acceptance (Apr. 1534), 128.

-, -, -, Cromwell himself being present, ibid.

-, to France:

-, -, an abbot (Betoun) and sec. (Erskine), 23, 53.

-, -, return to Scotland without passing through London, 54.

-, -, one of them again in France (May 1534), to ask for the hand of a daughter of Francis, 150.

-, -, -, king Henry, who at first opposed the marriage, consenting to it, 150.

-, Turkish, to France:

-, -, one at Marseilles in 1534; 272.

-, -, another in Paris (Jan. 1535), 394.

-, Venetian, in England, v. Capello, and Zuccato.

-, -, in France (1534), 132, 135, 275, 278 (1535), 536.

-, Venetian, to Rome, v. Bragadino, Venier, Soriano, Cornaro.

-, -, in Spain, v. Contareni.

-, -, in Naples (1535), 578.

-, from the Waywode of Transylvania to England and France, v. Corsino.

-, -, to the k. of the Romans (Ferdinand); a bishop to treat of peace, 417.

Amboise, town of France on the river Loire, 302.

-, bailiff of, comes to England on a secret mission of Mme. d'Albret, 586.

-, -, arrives in London (Dec. 1535), 586.

-, -, the French amb., Castelnau, sends one of his secretaries to France to ascertain who he is, and what his mission consists in, 587.

-, -, Cromwell sets spies upon him, 587.

-, -, Castelnau's suspicions aroused, 588.

-, -, believes him to be a Lutheran and a runaway from France, 588–9.

-, -, said to have been sent by Mme. d'Albret, the widow of Henri, the k. of Navarre, herself a staunch Lutheran, 589.

-, -, Chapuys inquires after him, 590, 592.

-, -, -, but obtains no reliable information respecting him or his mission, ibid.

-, -, -, as he has come to England under an assumed name and title, 593.

-, -, -, for the purpose of revealing some secret negociations going on in France between the Emp. and k. Francis, 591.

-, -, -, his son and one servant come with him, 586.

Ambrogio, Ambrosio, Miçer, the Pope's Secretary, 318, 333, 335, 347; v. Recalcatis.

Ambroz, v. St. Ambroz.

Amurath (Murad), emperor of the Turks (1422–51); alluded to, 116.

Anabaptists of Munster, 110, 171.

-, taken prisoners or slain, 520.

-, from Holland; several burnt in London, 484.

Ancona, in Italy, 47, 211, 266, 513.

-, legacy of, 257–8.

Andalot, Andelot, D'Andalot, esquire of the body to the Emp., 276, 309, 351, 369, 371, 400.

-, let. to Hannaërt, 132.

Androvino, Andruvino, v. Arduino.

Angoulême (?), 276–7.

-, du. of, v. Valois (Charle de).

Anguiano (Dr.——), Katharine's proctor at Rome, 87, 90–1, 101, 547.

Anguillara, co. of, v. Cibo.

Angus, earl of, v. Douglas.

Anjou, du. of, v. Angoulême and Valois.


-, married to Albert, prince of Bavaria, 272, 323 note.

Annart, v. Hannaert.

Anquifort, card., v. Enckewoërt.

Anton Court, v. Hampton Court.

Antwerp, 611.

-, Scotch consul at, 166.

Aponte (cap. Francisco de, afterwards fieldmarshall); on a mission from the Emperor to Clement VII., 15–19, 44, 122, 147–8.

-, also called Ponte, 17.

-, his arrival at Rome (14 Jan. 1534), 17.

-, reports, 15–17.

-, returns with a message from Clement, 140.

-, letters to the Emp., ..

Aragon (Da. Juana de), wife of Ascanio Colonna, 318.

Aragona, Aragonia (Aloys, Luigi, Luis), Roman advocate in the divorce suit, 84, 87, 89, 90, 216.

-, (Giovan Luigi or Juan Aloysio), auditor at the Rota, brother of the preceding, 90, 101, 216.

Archangel, one of Cifuentes' secretaries at Rome, takes a message from that amb. to pope Paul (July 1535), 463–4, 512.

-, sent again (Oct. 1535) to communicate the Emperor's letter of the 19th of Sept., 546–7.

Arcturo, v. Arthur.


-, his report on the tithes of Naples and Sicily, 288.

Arfort, v. Hereford.

Arthur, prince of Wales, and his marriage with Katharine, alluded to, 37, 70, 163, 228.


-, -, Francis inclined to dispute the sovereignty of Flanders and—which he had renounced by the treaties of Madrid and Cambray, 352, 361, 391, 576.

-, -, criminals executed in the, 400.

Ascoli, prince of, v. Leyva.

Aspar, meaning of the Spanish verb, 439 note.

Asti, county of, in Sardinia, 307.

-, claimed by Francis, 230, 362.

Ateca (Fr. George de), bp. of Llandaff, Katharine's confessor and almoner, 590.

Audeley, Audley (Sir Thomas), lord chancellor, 75, 124, 128, 156, 163, 262, 411, 441, 452, 507, 569, 592.

-, said to have had high words with Cromwell on account of taxation, 441.

-, his son-in-law, 442.

Aufford, Auffort, earl of, v. Oxford.

Augsburg, diet of, 5, 6, 53, 238, 444, 580.

-, letters dated from, 132.

Auria (Vicenzo), his "Historia Cronologica delli viceré di Sicilia" quoted, 612.

Ausrey, v. Ossory.

Austin friar, made visitor of monasteries in England, 131, v. Browne (George).

Austria, 211, 276, 368, 370, 443.

-, house of, 593.

-, court of, intelligence from the, 533.

-, (D. Jorge de), leaves for Flanders, 104.

-, (Leopoldo de), natural son of Maximilian I., 6.

-, archduke of, v. Ferdinand.

Aux, card, of, v. Castelnau.

Avignon, in France, 8.

Avila (Luis de), 383.

-, del Rey, town of Castille, 166 note.

-, letter written at, 38.


-, prior of, v. Webster.