Spain: February 1535, 1-28

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Spain: February 1535, 1-28', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: February 1535, 1-28', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: February 1535, 1-28". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

February 1535, 1-28

5 Feb. 132. D'Andalot to Hannaërt, Ambassador in France.
P. Arch. de l'Et.,
Negoc. Ol.
B. 3, 13.
B. M. Add. 28,587,
f. 237.
I have received your letter of the 19th January, and at the same time one of the 12th, and another of the 13th, as well as the cipher, of which there will be scarcely any need in future, if the passes on the frontier of this kingdom remain open, as they are still. I will, however, make use of it when required.
As there is nothing to fear for the present, I have no difficulty in advising that I have had letters from the prince of Melphi (Andrea Doria) and from Antonio de Leyva, commanding me, in the Emperor's name, to recruit and lead to Italy 7,000 German infantry, which will be soon done, notwithstanding that the French are daily inventing things to cause mutiny amongst the men, and prevent their enlistment; in fact, they promise more to one man than we are willing to give to four. I suspect even that that charming king of England has lately been consulting the Admiral of France (Brion) upon some undertaking or other against His Majesty on the side of Flanders, for he has fitted out some war vessels, and made, a few days ago, a league and confederacy with the inhabitants of certain Imperial towns (fn. n1) situated on the coast of those distant seas, who, in consideration of a large sum of money distributed among them, have promised to help him with twelve ships and sixteen companies of infantry whenever he may want them. The Landgrave [of Hesse] likewise (fn. n2) is beginning to raise troops for the purpose, as he says, of succouring the duke of Olstain (Holstein) in those parts; which makes me think that the said Landgrave might, perhaps, take the command of the whole force for the king of England, considering there are now in Hesse from 16 to 18 companies of infantry under arms, and, moreover, that for some days past the Hessians have readily taken an oath to enlist under the Landgrave's banners when called upon to serve.
I have not yet been able to ascertain for what purpose the French captains met on the 26th ult., as I wrote to your Worship. During the assembly, I hear, letters came from their general, Guillaume, who was then at the Court of France. I have no doubt that the French captains alluded to will make every effort to get hold of these men, and bring them over to their master's side; and I doubt not but that the moment the Emperor's fleet has sailed off we shall be assailed on every side; indeed, it will be too late to remedy the evil, when the enemy who has got the best men of Germany under him happens to invade the Empire.
I beg you to inform His Imperial Majesty as soon as possible of this news.—Augsbourg, 5 Feb. 1535.
P.S.—(Cipher.) Since writing the above, news has come from some merchants that on their return from France the duke of Würtemberg and count Guillaume were assailed (nobody knows by whom) and taken prisoners. I expect in six or eight days to receive full information respecting this.
Signed: "D'Andelot."
French. Original. Partly in cipher.
6 Feb. 133. The Emperor to Eustace Chapuys.
Rep. P.C.,
Fasc. 229½, ii. f. 11.
Received on the 16th of January his letter of the 19th Dec. last. He (Chapuys) may assure the Queen and her daughter, the Princess, that every care shall be taken of them both, and that the Emperor will continue to defend their cause.
Viscount Hannart writes that upon the Admiral's return to France a rumour was spread that, during his stay in England, he had arranged with the King of that country for a joint attack on the Low Countries. Does not believe a word of it; and, besides, Hannart himself has sent in a report of his conversation with the English ambassador in France, as well as of what he (Wallop) said to him on the subject; and there is nothing in it to cause apprehension. A copy of Hannart's report is enclosed for his (Chapuys') inspection. (fn. n3)
Count Rœulx (fn. n4) has just left with the Spanish galleys for Genoa, whence he is to go to Germany, and hasten the departure of 7,000 Germans for the fleet.
Is to keep up with the English malcontents, and assure them that assistance shall not be wanting at the proper time. Is daily expecting a messenger from the person called Reynard (fn. n5) living close to Venice. He is, moreover, to report what had better be done for the safety of the Queen and Princess in case of any attempt being made to help the English malcontents.—Madrid, 6 Feb. 1534 (old style).
French. Original draft. pp. 5.
12 Feb. 134. Katharine to the Same.
Rep. P.C.,
Fasc. 229½, ii. f.26.
Especial friend. Her physician has just told her of the illness of the Princess, her daughter. Has been ill herself, and suspects that her daughter is much worse than they say. He (Chapuys) is to ask the King's leave for the Princess to come to Kimbolton, as that will be a great joy for them both, mother and daughter. Is to tell the King that no extra servants will be required, as she herself will attend to her wants, make her share her own bed, nurse her, and sit up with her when needed. Nobody in England would now dare to speak in the Princess's favour but himself, and therefore begs him to go to the King and intercede. God will reward him for what he has already done, and is doing in their behalf.—Kimbolton, first Friday in Lent.
Signed: "Ya La Reyna."
Spanish. Holograph. p. 1.
26 Feb. 135. The Emperor to the Same.
Rep. P.C.,
Fasc. 229½, ii. f. 16.
The ambassador's letters of the 1st and 14th ult. have come to hand, together with the report of what lord Darcy and lord Sans (Sandys) said to him. (fn. n6) Is fully aware that a prompt remedy to the disorders of England is much wanted, yet at the present time it is impossible for him (the Emperor) to interfere by force of arms. The Imperial councillors have examined the communications made by the English ambassador in France (Wallop) to the sieur de Likerke, and deliberated thereupon. A copy of these deliberations shall be forwarded to him.—Madrid, 26 February 1534 (old style).
French. Original draft. pp. 4.
28 Feb. 136. The Same to Hannaërt.
P. Arch. Nat.,
Pap. de Sim.,
No. 1484, No. 277.
B. M. Add. 28,581,
f. 238.
Since the letter in French that goes along with this was written, the French ambassador at this our Court received one from his master, the King, which a servant of his brought. None came from you, the courier having pleaded as an excuse that he had been dispatched from a place outside Paris. The ambassador's statement had reference to the King; he said that the assurances you had given him of our friendship and goodwill towards him had produced no effect whatever on his mind, inasmuch as when the count of Nassau went to his Court, he had refused to negociate respecting the overtures made by him, and had even declared that he had no powers to treat. The Count's behaviour (added the French ambassador) had placed him and his master in a most difficult position; for, trusting in his words, and believing that the Count had been invested with full powers, king Francis had suspended all action, as well as the intelligences he had abroad in foreign parts. Hearing this, We gave orders that an answer should be immediately prepared for the said French ambassador to this effect: that our friendship and goodwill towards his master could not be mistaken, since We had plainly and in good faith given to the said count of Nassau commission for negociating.
The ambassador then alleged that in the meantime, and whilst Mr. de Nassau was negociating, We had been scheming and carrying on negociations, owing to which some [princes] had forsaken the alliance of France; and that his master, perceiving how meagre Mr. de Nassau's commission was, and how very fruitless in its results, had naturally again clung for protection to his friends abroad, and confirmed their friendship, so that, as a matter of fact, he was as well or better off now than he had ever been before, for he had retained in his service the duke of Ghelders (Egmont), and given him a company of 120 men-at-arms to command,—not indeed to contravene in anywise the existing treaties to our hurt, but merely to do his duty as King and attend to the security of his kingdom.
The answer given on our part to the ambassador was this: that We had not made or procured any intelligences to his master's prejudice, much less against the existing treaties; the German princes were all our subjects, parents, or allies; it was to us, not to others, that they ought to apply for the security of Germany. If the allusion had reference to the dukes of Bavaria (We said) both dukes were our friends. "King Francis," retorted the ambassador, "has great reason to arm when he sees the large fleet the Emperor is fitting out." The answer was that We were really surprised to hear that. His master knew very well the cause of our armaments: they were not destined against any Christian King, but solely and exclusively against Barbarossa.
"Francis' galleys (said his ambassador) are but few. He cannot venture to sea with them, as they are all needed for the protection of his own coast should Barbarossa come to the Mediterranean; nor would the King, my master, willingly trust them under the command of Andrea Doria."
The French ambassador further said that a rumour had been purposely spread in Germany that State prisons in Paris were crammed full of Germans, who were treated most unfavourably throughout France, whilst the Turks were treated with great courtesy. The rumour (added the ambassador) had been intentionally circulated in Germany in order that his master's ministers might be expelled therefrom,—as for instance Langes, (fn. n7) the King's servant, who would have been in great danger of his life, had he not been succoured and helped by king Francis, who had been obliged to send some one to Germany for his own justification. The answer to the French ambassador respecting this last accusation and rumour current in Germany was the same as the one in our letter of the 2nd. We denied having said or heard that the prisons of Paris were full of Germans, &c.; and if Langes, as may be inferred from the words of the ambassador, was really detained or besieged in his own house, We have heard nothing about it. Many a time have We written to our ambassadors not to attempt anything against king Francis' servants, though they may have given occasion for it, especially in the case of the said Langes, who is known to have openly conducted the negociation in favour of the duke of Würtenberg and against my brother last year, &c.
Among other topics discussed was the offer of a marriage in England, the French ambassador remarking that, in his opinion, that was a rather difficult matter to negociate. Our answer was that We had already upon a former occasion declared our views on the subject, and given you our instructions as to how the king of France and ourselves might conduct that negociation in a manner most befitting the honour and conscience of king Henry. And upon the ambassador remarking that this might revive in France the old quarrel with England, and be the cause of fresh disagreement between brothers, our reply was that if there was any appearance of that the Princess might be married to the third son of France, who might thereby be well provided for, and securities obtained, especially if the other alliances were contracted. Even if any untoward event should happen, such as the death of the princess of England, a marriage with the infanta of Portugal might be contracted, and then aim at the succession to the throne of England, which, through the death of Henry without legitimate heirs, would become vacant. The ambassador ended by saying that all that was very well, but that, nevertheless, he was almost certain that his master would never accept the proposal short of some good security as to the duchy of Milan or some other estate in Italy, and, moreover, went so far as to declare that Mr. de Nassau's mission, unfruitful as it had been, had evidentally exasperated his master.
After this, the French ambassador complained of the execution of certain criminals by order of Mr. de Rœulx, our Lord High Steward, which had been published in language highly injurious and hostile, as he said, to the King, his master. To which complaint the answer was that it was true that in the countries of Tournay and Artois some criminals convicted of treason had been executed, but that We were not aware of anything injurious to the King having been published on the occasion, and would on no account allow it. It would be better that our subjects of Flanders were not solicited by France,—and We refrained to act by order of the King,—to do things in the Low Countries and other dominions of ours to our detriment. Madrid, the last day of February [1536].
Indorsed: "Copy of a letter of His Majesty, the Emperor, to his ambassador in France."
Spanish. Contemporary copy. pp. 10.


  • n1. "Et me doubte que ce gentil Roy Angloys n'ait consulte avec l'admiral de France quelquo emprinse contre Sa Maieste du coustel de Flandres, veu qu'il apreste aucuns naves (sic) de guerre, et que depuis peu de jours en ça a fait lighe avec aucunes villes imperiales," &c.
  • n2. "Pareillement le Lansgrave commence a faire gens, et ma escript que le nombre de gens qu'il faisoit estoit pour secourir le duc de Olstain, qu'est de ce coustel là, que me fait ymaginer que le dict Lansgrave auroit peu entreprendre la generalite (?) en nom du dit Roy Anglois, veu que au dit pays y a de seze à dix huit enseignes de pied."
  • n3. See above No. 131.
  • n4. Ferry de Croy, lord of Rœulx; about whom, see vol. iv. part ii. pp. 37, 105, &c.
  • n5. Reginald Pole (?), then at Padua.
  • n6. "Le sieur de Darcy et le sieur Sanz" (Sandys?).
  • n7. Guillaume du Bellay, sieur de Langeais.