Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.
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'Spain: July 1534, 1-25', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: July 1534, 1-25', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: July 1534, 1-25". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
July 1534, 1-25
7 July. | 70. Eustace Chapuys to the Emperor. | ||
Wien. Rep. P.C., Fasc. 228, No. 45. |
Since the date of Your Majesty's letter of the 12th of June, received the day before yesterday, several of my despatches must have come to hand, the substance of which has, no doubt, informed Your Majesty of the point of view here taken of German affairs, as well as of the resolution concerning the interview of the two Kings, first fixed for the middle of August, and afterwards postponed till the 1st of September. On this latter point I must say that several people here are of opinion that the negociations must have been broken off altogether, inasmuch as, according to a message sent me by the earl of Montagu, the king of France has lately sent word that Henry must not think, when they meet together, of proposing or speaking about matters against the Faith, the Pope, or the Apostolic See, for he (Francis) fully intended following the steps of his predecessors on the throne of France,—and living as a Catholic Prince, just as he (Henry) had done after his recent quarrel with your Majesty, that he may have an opportunity and the means of gaining and corrupting those who surround the king of France. (fn. n1) | ||
This King, meanwhile, is having a quantity of silver and gold plate of all kinds and forms wrought, at which all the smiths of this city are daily working without daring to undertake any other work. And I am told by a man who has seen the list of the plate, as well as of the persons in France to whom it is destined for presentation, that no less than 12,000 marks weight of it have been commanded,—whether of the English marks, worth two nobles each, or of those weighing eight ounces, I cannot say. I really believe that, besides the said silver plate now being wrought, the King will take to France, to be distributed among the courtiers, a quantity of other silver plate, and even gilt cups, which he has in store. The Queen herself is afraid that the small quantity of it which she herself owns will have the same destiny as her rings and jewels. (fn. n2) | |||
Respecting the marriage of the king of Scotland to a daughter of the king of France, this King, as I have already informed Your Majesty, has many a time told and assured the Scottish ambassadors that, owing to a, treaty existing between him and Francis, stipulating that no daughter of France should be given in wedlock to the king of Scotland, the marriage could in nowise take place. And since this King's suspicions about the French have considerably increased of late, it is not to be supposed that he (Henry) will consent thereto. I am told that the treaty in question was made shortly before this King's late visit to France; but that, considering the alliance and friendship between king Francis and the Pope, and also the circumstance that the former has obtained no favour from His Holiness with regard to him, (fn. n3) he fears that, should the said marriage take place against Francis' will, all friendship between them might be at an end. There can be no doubt, however, that the French are encouraging the Scotch, for fear they should apply to Your Majesty for a wife for their King, and most likely because they are desirous of such matrimonial alliance, inasmuch as they could not place the daughter of France in better hands than his. Indeed, the Scotch ambassador assures me that, though the marriage to the daughter of Allebrech (Mr. de Labret) was one of those offered to them, it was only a feint and a blind, the more to alienate the King, his master, from Your Majesty on the Navarrese quarrel; (fn. n4) but he (the Ambassador) thought that on no account would his master listen to such a proposal. The danger now lies in the said king of Scotland agreeing to attend the proposed assembly, according to the wish and solicitations of these people and of the French; but up to the present there is no sign of his consenting to that. I have dissuaded the ambassador as much as is in my power; and the personages whom Your Majesty has sent to Scotland, and who, according to the report of a Spanish sailor, must have arrived there already, will do the rest. | |||
With respect to Coron, news came here some time ago that the garrison which Your Majesty kept in that city had abandoned it altogether. Various are the constructions put on that measure, and many the persons who daily speak to me about it. My general answer is, that when Your Majesty had undertaken the conquest and keeping of that place, it was for the purpose and in the hope of opening a gate for the invasion of the Turkish empire, through which other Christian Princes might enter, and then conquer separately and for themselves the dominions of the Infidel; perceiving, however, that not only no one followed in your steps, but that some of them even murmured, and said that the keeping of Coron might over-irritate the Turk, and stimulate him to a sudden attack on Christendom, Your Majesty had decided on its evacuation; which terms of complaints, by-the-by, are exactly the same which these people and the last ambassador from France have daily used to me. | |||
On St. John's Day the ambassadors from Lubeck and Hamburg waited on the King at Antoncourt (Hampton Court), and were very well received and entertained (festoyes). They again returned on the ensuing Sunday, when the Doctor who comes in company with the ambassadors of that town, and seems to be their chief head, delivered a lengthy oration in Latin, of nearly three hours, during which, among other tauntings, he (the Doctor) spoke most fiercely about the authority of the Pope, and praised beyond measure the acts and conduct of this King, and principally, as he said, his very high doctrine and his divine inspiration, which he said had brought him to the knowledge of the truth and right as far as Papal authority and the illegitimacy of his marriage were concerned, observing that he could not and ought not to leave without punishment the offences received from His Holiness in the matter of his marriage. Nor did the Doctor forget to praise and extol at the same time the power of his countrymen, the Lubeckians, who, he said, were free and independent, and could without impediment of any sort treat or ally themselves with whom they pleased. The Doctor touched on several other points, which I omit for the present, since I hope shortly to obtain by some means or other a copy of the whole peroration, and forward it to Your Majesty. But there can be no doubt, as many have assured me, that this King did really send a message to the Lubeckians, requesting them to appoint an embassy, and that he himself or his ambassador furnished them with the materials and arguments for their peroration. The Doctor, however, has played his part so well that I am informed by a confidential friend of his that the King has offered him a very handsome pension if he will take service in England; which offer the Lubeckian is likely to accept. The Doctor is a native of High Germany, though generally residing at Lubeck; and I am told that he and his colleagues were to have brought with them another Doctor, of whom they speak in the highest possible terms, extolling his doctrine and his power of persuasion over and above that of Melancthon and other Germans, but when the embassy was about to start he fell ill, and was obliged to remain behind. (fn. n5) I am told, however, that as soon as he recovers, his colleagues offer to make him come, that he may persuade and convince those who consider this last marriage of the King as illegitimate, and who make still difficulties about joining the Lutheran sect, the said ambassadors from Lubeck affirming and taking upon themselves that on the Doctor's arrival here no one he talks to on the subject, but will at once be persuaded to follow his opinions. (fn. n6) | |||
I have not yet heard of the said ambassadors having discussed or talked of any affairs with these people, nor is it to be presumed that when called upon to counsel, as it were, respecting marriage and Lutheranism, will they agree to act directly against Your Majesty, though possibly they may be called upon in an indirect way to enter into some treaty or defensive league of this King against the Pope and all others who, on the plea of Christian religion and Papal authority, might make war upon him; in which treaty anything else likely to prevent the execution of the Papal sentence in favour of the Queen would naturally be included. | |||
Notwithstanding that the earl of Childare (Kildare) is suffering alike from his wound, which is incurable, and in his brain, and has no sense or power to do good or harm, yet he was a week ago arrested in the King's name and taken prisoner to the Tower, where, as I am told, he would have been lodged the very moment he arrived in this city, had it not been that the King thought he might by his means decoy and seize the person of a son of his, who, I am told, is a young man of much wit, brave and bold, and who is very popular in that country. But it appears that not only has the youth refused to come here, but he has collected troops, seized some pieces of ordnance belonging to this King, and done many other things equally offensive. But since Your Majesty will be better informed through the personage appointed, and who, according to the report of certain Spanish sailors, must have landed in Ireland ten days ago, I will not dwell any longer on the subject, save to say that there is a rumour afloat that count Desmond has joined the son of Kildare; which, if true, is a thing to be attended to by the person Your Majesty has appointed to go thither. About three months ago the provincial of the Franciscans, who went to Ireland on a visit to the convents of his Order, (fn. n7) promised me that he would do anything there for the preservation of the authority of the, Apostolic See. If so, he can do wonders, especially among the wild clans of that country, where the observant friars are much respected and feared, and almost worshipped, not only by the peasantry but by the lords also, who revere them to such a degree as to receive blows without resenting them. (fn. n8) The inhabitants of that country being in the mood I have just pointed out to Your Majesty, ought to be encouraged and helped from time to time, or at least entertained with hope. Ireland, from its vicinity to Wales—the strongest country in England—is a very important country, and ought to be secured for our plans; the Irish only want a chieftain to rise like the others. News has come to Court that the son of Kildare, or some other chieftain of his party, has been heard to say that were the Irish to rise in arms they would immediately get the assistance of 12,000 Spaniards. This intelligence, which, as I am informed by a worthy citizen, has reached the King's ears, the Privy Councillors are much concerned at, and so is he; and many think that unless the dissensions which trouble and divide the country just now are put down, the interview of the two Kings will not take place, in which case this King might possibly get into trouble with only the appearance or sign of armament in Spain. The pleasure which people of all classes feel at the mere announcement of such news is not to be described. | |||
Some time ago the King appointed a new governor of Ireland in the room of the above-mentioned earl of Kildare; his name is Master Schevenden (Skeffington); he was once master of the Artillery, and had some official capacity in that country. Some doubt, however, of his accepting that charge, inasmuch as a secretary of his has been sent to the Tower in consequence of certain letters which have come from Ireland. | |||
Whether to do pleasure to these people, or for some other reason, the Lubeckians have spread the news that the Dutch have broken the truce, and sent six ships to some port of Abrbuegue (Auvergne) whither, according to the articles of the said truce, they are only entitled to send four. | |||
On the receipt of Your Majesty's orders, I immediately communicated with the Queen, Madame, your aunt, who was marvellously comforted at hearing of your prosperity, and the tender care you take of her affairs as well as those of the Princess, her daughter. The former has lately sent me word to say, as she does almost every day, that the greatest service I could render her under present circumstances would be to obtain the King's permission to visit her. And yet I must own that, notwithstanding my continual and most importunate solicitations, I have yet been unable to obtain a resolution on this point. I will not, therefore, trouble Your Majesty with further details of an affair respecting which the most extraordinary terms have been held to me, reserving the account thereof for my next despatch.—London, 7 July 1534. | |||
Addressed: "To the Emperor." | |||
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys." | |||
French. Original. pp. 8. | |||
16 July. | 71. The Same to the Same. | ||
Wien. Rep. P.C., Fasc. 228, No. 47. |
Six days ago Sir de Rochefort (George) left for France, for what purpose I cannot positively say. Perhaps the reason is that this King begins to suspect that he of France would gladly get off his engagement, as his language respecting Papal authority seems to indicate; or else that, as I had lately the honour of informing Your Majesty, Monsieur de Rochefort goes thither for the purpose of persuading king Francis to send to Scotland an ambassador who may counteract the plans and negotiations of the Imperial agent residing in that country, of which they have received intelligence. Perhaps, too, the King's wish is to complain of the agent whom Your Majesty has lately sent into Ireland, and invite king Francis to take measures and join in some undertaking against Your Majesty. | ||
The ambassadors of Lubeck and Hamburg have not been to Court since St. John's Day; nor has there been an opportunity offered to them of discussing what they come about, or even communicating with the Privy Councillors. Yet they dined yesterday at the archbishop of Canterbury's, where, I am told, chancellor Cromuel, two Bishops created by this new Pope, and Dr. Fox, were among the guests. After dinner they remained a long while together, and I am told that the conversation turned principally on several articles of the Lutheran sect, such as the authority of the Pope, and other matters, on which these people wished to have the opinion and advice of the Lubeckian doctors, and find the best means of persuading the English to such a radical change in religious matters. | |||
This conjecture is the more probable because the only persons invited to that dinner were the two above-mentioned Bishops, the strongest Lutherans in the world. I will make my best endeavours to obtain positive information on these topics, and, if I do, will not fail in advising Your Majesty. | |||
The day before yesterday the earl of Wiltshire and the Comptroller went again to the Princess to persuade her to renounce her title. If she did, they told her, the King would treat her much better than she could expect or even wish. In case of refusal she would meet with an opposite treatment. The Princess' answer was so prudent and wise that the commissioners went away in confusion. I had the day before informed her of the visit which she was about to receive, and wrote what I thought necessary to strengthen her in her good purpose, and keep her in good spirits and hope, as I am doing almost every day. I cannot say whether I shall in future have such opportunities, for they are threatening to have her shut up in her rooms. | |||
Yesterday, whilst Cromwell was at the archbishop of Canterbury's in company with the above named, I wrote to him that since he was unwilling to grant me permission to visit the Queen, which I had applied for since the Pentecost, I had decided to start the day after for her residence in the country, where the porters would, no doubt, inform me whether I could be admitted to her presence or not; and that in order that the said porters might know how to act, and as I did not intend to have any underhand ways, I had hastened to inform him of my determination. Having received my note, Cromwell communicated its contents to his colleagues, and made my man repeat my message word by word; after which he said that up to that hour he had been unable to persuade the King, his master, to grant me the required permission, but that, seeing my determination, as expressed in the note, he had no doubt that the King, to whom he was about to send my note by one of his secretaries, would grant my request. At any rate I should receive an answer this very evening. | |||
There was question these last days of assembling a certain number of hackbutiers and gunners to send to Ireland, under the deputy-governor of that country; but it seems that they are not in a great hurry; nor do I see that other provision has been made, though they may have done so secretly for many reasons.—London, 16 July 1534. | |||
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys." | |||
Addressed: "To the Emperor." | |||
French. Original. pp. 2. | |||
21 July. | 72. Count Cifuentes to the Same. | ||
S. E. Roma, L. 861, ff. 121–9. B. M. Add. 28,586, f. 309. |
Wrote last on the 29th ult. Since then the Emperor's letter of the 7th, brought by captain Balat, (fn. n9) was received on the 3rd inst. | ||
The Emperor is much disturbed at hearing of the Pope's bad state of health. He does not send a person to visit him, because he expects and hopes that by this time he will be well already. | (Cipher:) With regard to the Council, he (Sylva) spoke again to His Holiness, telling him the answer which was about to be made [by the College of Cardinals]. His Holiness' reply was that he himself would write to the Emperor. He also showed sorrow for what he (Sylva) had said to him. Next day he had a relapse of his pains in the stomach and gout, and consequently kept his bed. It is, therefore, impossible to go on with the negociation; most probably he will not be able to write for some time. | ||
Since His Holiness is so hard in this matter of the General Council, and much disinclined to take measures until it be known how the affairs of Germany will end, the Ambassador must not press the Pope too much. | Spoke to him also on the affairs of Germany. Showed him a memorandum of the measures the Emperor had decided to take; which he (the Pope) approved, saying that nothing could be better. (Cipher:) He owned that the king of France had helped the enterprise, and was furnishing money towards the expenses of the war in Germany. No further proofs (he said) were needed. He (the Pope) knew for certain that, besides the sums remitted on a previous occasion, the King had lately sent more money to the landgrave [of Hesse] and duke of Würtenberg. The Pope knows more of king Francis' doings than any one else; and yet, strange to say, he keeps on the best terms and most intimate correspondence with king Francis, on the plea that were he not to maintain friendly relations with him, he might do as the king of England has done. | ||
He answered well; but let him know that the prior of Besançon went home on account of illness. | Respecting the affairs of Italy, the Pope said that there was at present no cause for alarm. He Knew for certain that king Francis would not invade it this year. This notwithstanding, he said he was ready to write to the Abbé del Negro, and give him permission to spend at once and without further consultation as much money out of the funds collected by the League as he and Antonio de Leyva and the Prothonotary (Caracciolo) thought fit; of course that would only be in case of positive news coming that the League was to be attacked. He (Sylva) replied that the Emperor did not wish the money of the [Italian] League to be spent without the certainty that king Francis meant to invade the country. There was no fear of that at present, besides which Castaldo had lately been the bearer of despatches to the Abbé, &c. | ||
An answer has been received from Caracciolo respecting the subvention to the Catholic cantons. He is of opinion that the 7,000 ducats to be distributed among them had better be deposited in Milan. The prior of Besançon is of a different opinion; he thinks it is of the highest importance to secure the good-will of the Swiss, and prevent their furnishing men to king Francis. Stephano da Insola is of the same mode of thinking. | |||
The Emperor is persuaded that the Count did everthing in his power. The affair has been left entirely in the hands of Leyva. | With regard to La Mirandola he (Sylva) duly forwarded to Antonio de Leyva a copy of the despatch which Carniseca said had been sent by the Pope to the abbé del Negro, and also of the orders he had since received to act in concert with that captain. This was on the 19th of May. It happened most unfortunately that Diego de Leyva, who was the bearer of it, was drowned on the 25th whilst crossing a river. His papers, however, were recovered, for they came into the hands of the duke Alessandro, who immediately forwarded them to Leyva. Meanwhile, a duplicate of the letter was sent, both of which (the original and the copy) he (Leyva) received on the 28th. The siege of La Mirandola would therefore have been undertaken, had not Leyva himself thought it more prudent to leave matters as they are for the present. | ||
Let the Ambassador proceed in this affair according to his instructions. | With respect to the prorogation for 17 months of the period of time during which the duke of Ferrara (Alfonso d'Este) is to be considered as virtually included in the League, His Holiness has made difficulties. He (Sylva) explained the reasons the Emperor had for wishing it, and how very important it was for the peace of Italy. The Pope replied that for that purpose he had no objection to part with the greatest city in the estates of the Church. It was of no consequence to him if the term of the Duke's incorporation in the League was prorogued or not, as peace would in no wise be disturbed, &c. Begged him (Sylva) to leave matters as they were. As to the compensation to be furnished by the Duke, the Pope made no answer. In his humble opinion it would be better and more profitable to the Emperor's interests to leave His Holiness and the Duke to settle their own matters together, or rather keep up their differences. As a proof, there is a rumour here, at Rome, that His Holiness and cardinal De' Medici have been discussing together the expediency of sanctioning the Emperor's sentence in the Ferrara affair; firstly, because the latter wants the money which the Duke is bound to pay; and secondly, because the French themselves wish it for their own ulterior plans. He (Sylva) does not believe it, but still the rumour is prevalent here, at Rome, and the Duke's agent has heard of it also. | ||
Let him bear in mind what the Emperor has written about this, and should he learn anything more let him advise. | (Cipher:) The Emperor wishes to know what truth there is in the report of the various marriages proposed to Isabella Colonna. All he (Sylva) knows about the matter is that several have been offered, but that she has accepted none; nor is it believed she will, except she has the Emperor's previous consent. It is, however, considered certain that she will come here in September or October, and that her son will also be allowed to come back with her at the request of cardinal De' Medici and to please him, notwithstanding the opposition offered by her father-in-law. One of the principal causes of her journey to Lombardy was the recovery of the castles and lands which formerly belonged to her deceased husband, which they said will not be restored, as His Majesty has, no doubt, already heart! from Antonio de Leyva. (fn. n10) | ||
Letters written by the king of the Romans to his agent in this city, and to Antonio de Leyva at Milan, inform us that peace had been made with the landgrave of Hesse and the duke of Würtenberg, on condition of the duchy being held in future in fief of the House of Austria, and, on the want of lineal male descent, returning to it; also that their army should be disbanded without causing any harm to Germany or to the dominions of Austria, and that the artillery taken should likewise be restored. Also that the elector of Saxony should swear obedience to the king of the Romans, for himself and his allies, which he had hitherto refused to do. | |||
(Common writing:) It is needless to say how much the French here, and many others of their party, have felt this. Some still think that the Landgrave will not disband his army, but will put it at the disposal of the king of France. Should this turn out true it is generally believed that before the year is over king Francis will invade Italy; otherwise, they say, he will not come either this year or the next. | |||
His Imperial Majesty hopes that on the receipt of his letter His Holiness will have recovered from his illness. Should God dispose of him it is not to be supposed that cardinal De' Medici enlisted so many men to procure his election by force of arms, but merely to guard his house. | (Cipher:) His Holiness has had a relapse, and is suffering from gout in the stomach; which, they say, has passed to the kidneys; he has so little appetite, is so broken down and so apprehensive of death, that his physicians really fear for his life, although he has only had three or four accesses of fever, and that not very high. He had enlisted, for the defence of Ancona and of the coast, 450 light horse; but has since removed them thence, and placed them in Viterbo, Corneto, and Toscanella, on the frontiers of Siena, which, by-the-by, do not seem fit places for such a force, if intended, as was said, to defend the coast from the attacks of Barbarossa. He (Sylva) does not believe that any forces have been enlisted besides the above 450 horsemen, 150 of whom the cardinal (Ippolito) brought lately to this place. It is also said that the latter intends recruiting some infantry. What his object may be, it is impossible to say, though some think the Cardinal destines them for his own protection in case His Holiness should die. He (Sylva) will try to ascertain the truth of this matter, and inform the Emperor thereof, that a prompt remedy may be applied, without giving rise to scandalous revolutions, as at other times. To this end, and should His Holiness die, he (Sylva) is thinking of raising 500 foot, with whom, and with the Imperialists in this city and its immediate neighbourhood, the Cardinal, boastful as he is, will not dare attempt anything to the Emperor's detriment. | ||
The Emperor thinks that when this answer shall reach Rome, His Holiness will have recovered. Should God order otherwise, we cannot bring our mind to believe that cardinal Ippolito de Medici will collect troops for any other purpose than defending his own home, if attacked, certainly not to forward his own election to the pontificate. For, should that he his intention, and should his colleagues hear of it, they would undoubtedly resent it, and try to defeat his plans, and prevent his enlisting more men on the Pope's decease, if such should be his design. This is, upon the whole, a matter for consideration, and which requires much previous thought. Should His Holiness die, the Ambassador will take counsel from Santa Croce, Barry (Merino) (?) and the others whom he knows to be good servants of the Emperor, and proceed after mature deliberation, to see what the other ambassadors will do; for if they saw him collect men it is likely that the French would take umbrage, and also collect troops on the plea that we wished forcibly to influence (violentar) the new election. If, however, after taking the advice of the above cardinals and others, the Count saw that the armament was necessary for the preservation of the Imperial dignity and its authority, the peace of Rome, and the prevention of riots, so that cardinals may freely vote according to their conscience, then in that case, not otherwise, the Ambassador may make the levies he speaks of. The Ambassador must keep to his instructions on this point, and do everything to prevent the appointment. |
(Common writing:) It is thought that His Holiness will still create some cardinals, in order to secure the election of his nephew, cardinal Ippolito de Medici, to the Pontificate; at least such is Carniseca's belief; though others say that the object of the creation is merely to increase the number of the learned and wise, who are in a minority. He (Sylva) told Carniseca that he considered it a dangerous experiment to create more cardinals, not only on account of the confusion which generally originated therefrom, but because it would give cause of complaint to all the enemies of the Apostolic See, the Lutherans and the king of England, besides other reasons equally powerful. The Emperor might complain, since he had written recommending that no more cardinals should be made, especially if Verona (Gio. Mattheo Giberti), the auditor of the Apostolic Chamber, and the bishop of Faença (Rudolph Pio da Carpi), all of them enemies of the Empire, were to be among the creations. Carniseca's answer was that he believed three more, all of them reputed friends of the Emperor, would be appointed, such as Capua, Simonetta, and bishop Gambaro, &c. Besides (added Carniseca), should His Holiness decide to create new cardinals, it would never be till September or October. | ||
Very well answered, and let him dissemble as best he can. Should he hear more about this he is to inform us. | According to Carniseca, letters from France of the 26th ult. announce that king Francis had declined giving his own daughter in marriage to the king of Scotland, and that the latter had refused the hand of the daughter of Vendome, and that if the Emperor was willing to give him his own niece, daughter of the king of Denmark, the proposal would, be gladly accepted. His (Sylva's) answer was that he knew nothing of the Emperor's intentions on that score. | ||
Has been told as a fact that a secretary of the king of Scotland has arrived in Rome, and that he brings a message from his master to the effect that the king of England has requested him to be present at the conferences which he is to hold soon with the king of France; but that king James has refused, owing to his being an obedient son of the Church, whereas king Henry of England is her enemy. He would never go to the interview unless with the consent of the Pope. In this matter, should the Scottish king accept the invitation and go thither, it will be evident that he does it with His Holiness' consent. To this may be added that, according to the Pope's account, the kings of England and Scotland had lately concluded a peace, in which both had comprised the Emperor. | |||
The Papal Nuncio who resides in France (said Carniseca) writes that the Vayvod [of Transylvania] had sent an ambassador to the king of England, asking for the hand of Her Highness, the princess of Wales. The King had refused the Vayvod's request, but had proposed instead of her a relative of his and of the king of Scotland, (fn. n11) whom the Vayvod had refused to take as his wife. King Henry, moreover, had proposed to the Vayvod's ambassador that if his master would at once renounce his allegiance to the Apostolic See, he (the King) would do wonders for him. The ambassador had indignantly replied that he wondered much that His Highness, the King, could counsel the Vayvod to go against the Church, when he himself had counselled and admonished him not to bring the Turks [into Europe] for the purpose of recovering his own lost estate. (fn. n12) On his passage through France to return to his master, the ambassador had from the king of that country the offer of 25 or 30,000 ducats if his master would make war on the king of the Romans; and the ambassador replied that it was too small a sum for the Vayvod, his master, to make war on so powerful a prince. | |||
The papal Nuncio in France (continued Carniseca) also writes that the landgrave [of Hesse] has sent word to the king of France that he had collected a fine army, and that, should he want to employ him or his men, he had only to tell him where to go. Answered Carniseca that among other conditions of the peace one was that the army of the Landgrave should be immediately disbanded. | |||
Let him ascertain as much as he possibly can about this, and make inquiries, though without letting them know that His Imperial Majesty has any knowledge. | (Cipher:) Told His Holiness, as coming from him, the Emperor's message respecting the means to be employed to form a league with France to the detriment of England. His answer was that he had no doubt the king of France would join in an undertaking of that sort, only he (the Pope) was afraid that when the matter came to be discussed, the Emperor would take the part of the king of England, and leave the friendship and confederation of France. His (Sylva's) answer was that if the Emperor consented to that, he must know it was not his habit to deal craftily and deceitfully, but with perfect fairness, as he had done up to this time. (fn. n13) | ||
Brief respecting the Crusade. | |||
Cardinal Trivulcio and his archbishopric of Rijoles. (fn. n14) | |||
The auditor of the Apostolic Chamber (Ghinucci) is exercising great pressure in the law suit of Maltha. The prior of Rome and the procurator of the Order of St. John have requested him (Sylva) to act as intermediary. They have offered him 400 ducats pension, but he will not take less than 500. | |||
No more correspondence about this. The instructions must have reached the Ambassador by this time. | His Holiness insisted on sending some one to France to mediate in the quarrel between the duke of Savoy and king Francis. The person appointed was Ubaldino. Will not fail writing to the Imperial ambassadors both in France and in Savoy that they may inquire what is going on. Such at least is Carniseca's account, and the message he brought from His Holiness, Answered him that it would have been very opportune to send the same person to the king of England on such an errand as the one recommended and which His Holiness had approved. Carniseca affected to know nothing about this. | ||
The same Carniseca begs for the bishopric of Tortosa, which, he says, is vacant by the death of cardinal Anquifort. He pretends that at Bologna Mr. de Granvelle promised him in the Emperor's name that he would not be forgotton. Though he knows he has as yet done but little for the Imperial service, he hopes to be more useful henceforward. | |||
Advocate Luis de Aragonia asks for the bishopric of Bossa in Sardinia for a brother of his, also an auditor [of the Rota]. The See is vacant by the death of Bernardo Gentile, and is worth about 500 ducats. | |||
Let the Ambassador first ascertain what the father and son want, and what they promise to do; for the father (we hear) is a Knight of the Order [of the St. Esprit] in France (tiene la orden de Francia). When the Ambassador knows all that, he may write home, and we shall decide upon what had better be done in that particular. | (Cipher:) Has contrived to drag on the negociations with Lorenzo da Cheri (Ceri) and his son Giovan Paolo, both of whom have lately pressed him [Sylva] so hard that he could not do less than write about them. Giovan Paolo says that his father will soon return from France on the plea that, being a man and "condottiere" of some importance and experience in military affairs, he wished to let king Francis know the real state of the country, and, perhaps, in the emergency represent him in Italy. Father and son would give every security of serving the Emperor, provided the same pension, even a lesser one, which his father and he have in that country, should be allotted to them. | ||
The viceroy of Naples (marquis de Villafranca) sends news of Barbarossa, who, it is thought, will not come down this year. | |||
The prince of Melfi has decided to come over. (fn. n15) —Rome, 21 July 1534. | |||
P.S.—His Holiness has just this moment sent me a message to request that Carniseca should be appointed to the bishopric of Tortosa. (fn. n16) | |||
Indorsed: "Summary of a despatch of count Cifuentes of the 21st July 1534." | |||
Spanish. Original. pp. 19. | |||
21 July. | 73. —— to the High Commander. | ||
S. E. Roma, L. 861, f. 144. B. M. Add. 28,586, f. 308. |
The Pope rides on Carniseca. (fn. n17) The archbishop of Capua and cardinal De' Medici, who know how matters stand, dare not do anything but write in his favour and ask His Majesty for the bishopric of Tortosa for him. It is for your most illustrious Lordship, who has the government of State affairs in your hands, to consider whether the services of a man of the stamp of Carniseca can be compared with those of a most Reverend Archbishop like Schomberg, who directè or indirectè governs the whole world here. There can be no doubt the Papal Nuncio himself would spend thousands of ducats in favour of Carniseca, knowing, as he does, how His Holiness the Pope laughs at him. (fn. n18) That is why I again say that it is very important that your most illustrious Lordship take care that the Emperor show this poor Archbishop [Capua] some favour, and help him to get the red hat through the influence of cardinal Medici. If you wish to promote the Emperor's interests in this city, let not the Cardinals' hats be given to beardless youths, but only and exclusively to men of mature age, who may conduct your affairs (fn. n19) ............................... —Rome, 21 Julii 1534. | ||
Addressed: "To the illustrious Lord the Adelantado of Cazorla, (fn. n20) High Commander of Leon." | |||
Indorsed: "On the Carniseca affair." | |||
Spanish. Holograph, without signature. pp. 1½. | |||
21 July. | 74. The Same to the Same. | ||
S. E. Roma, L. 861, ff. 139–40. B. M. Add. 28,586, f. 329. |
(Cipher:) In addition to my despatch of this date addressed to the Emperor, and my private letter of the 6th inst., I must needs submit to Your Lordship's consideration, the following remarks. | ||
(Cipher:) I really believe that His Majesty the Emperor may have wished me to be more explicit with His Holiness concerning the General Council and the affairs of Germany. Respecting the Council, I did not do it, for fear of irritating the Pope and making him angry. I was sure of doing no good that way, and should have caused mischief in other matters. As I have told your Lordship many a time in my letters, never will the Pope consent to the Council; on the contrary, he will try to prevent it as much as he can, looking out for excuses and obstacles still greater, though they may turn out to the detriment of those who sincerely wish for it. It seems to me as if the Emperor had done enough for God and the world in proposing the appointment of a General Council. If he is determined to have it, I see no other way to it than the employment of authority and force. I say this, notwithstanding my being one of the persons who desire it most. (fn. n21) | |||
(Common writing:) I have ascertained from His Holiness' first physician, a man of great learning and talent, who is always by his bed-side, that his illness is not so dangerous as Your Majesty will most likely be told. It is, however, serious enough to cause apprehension. I do not concern myself much about it, knowing, as I do, what Your Majesty's intention and will are in the event of the Pope's death, and of a new election. I therefore keep quiet, nor will I intimate what many are daily pointing out to me, namely, that Osma and Burgos should be summoned to come at once, because as Anquifort (Enkiwaërt) is not present, and La Valle is on his death-bed, and they say will not rally, the presence of the above-named is not required to encourage (para dar calor) others in the College. (fn. n22) | |||
His Holiness wants the bishopric of Tortosa for Carniseca, and has begged me to write home about it, as Your Lordship will see by my despatch. As these people appear to be more satisfied since the news of the agreement made in Germany has come, (fn. n23) I am of opinion that a commission should be given to us to arrange matters here between Carniseca and Tribultio. The former might have his pension or the archbishopric of Rijoles, and the latter take one on Tortosa. Should your Lordship find no disposition there to give Tortosa to Carniseca, as His Holiness wishes, I should be told beforehand, but in such a way that I may show him the answer, and temporize with him. At any rate I would recommend the greatest caution, for the Papal Nuncio there may prove a great antagonist of Carniseca; for, should he hear what we are about, and that I recommend him (Carniseca), he is sure to counteract all our plans. (fn. n24) —Rome, 21 July 1534. | |||
Signed: "Conde Alferez." | |||
Addressed: "To the Most Illustrious the High Commander of Leon, His Majesty's Secretary, and one of the Privy Council, &c. | |||
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 4. |