Spain: March 1531, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Spain: March 1531, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: March 1531, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: March 1531, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

March 1531, 1-15

1 March 646. Eustace Chapuys to the Emperor.
K. u. K. Haus-
Hof-u.-Staats Arch.
Wien.Rep P.Fasc..
c. 227, No. 11.
The Jew whom the King sent for, perceiving that his opinion of the case has not been considered authentic (auctentique) has drawn out another as vain and ill-founded as the former, propounding that it is allowable for a man to take to wife the widow of his brother, provided he do it out of his own desire and will, and with the direct intention of procuring descent to his brother's line. Without such marked intention, he maintains, the marriage is forbidden by Divine Law. God says the Jew, said so by the mouth of Moses, and cast his malediction on all those who married without such an intention, for if they did so marry no generation could spring forth from them, and if any it could not last long. And as the male children begot by the King in the Queen, his wife, have not lived long, the Jew argues and concludes that he [Henry] must have married his brother's widow without the above express intention, and consequently that his marriage is illegitimate and invalid.
Parliament is still sitting but without passing any important Act, as I have been told by some of its members, which circumstance makes them and me suspect that the King is keeping them assembled for some mysterious purpose. All are preciously tired of it, and every day several members keep asking permission to go home, which permission is readily granted to those who are known to hold for the Queen, or supposed to be her friends, though it is generally denied to the others, which fact naturally leads to the conjecture that the King intends one of these fine days to have the divorce question discussed in Parliament, and that he is only waiting for favourable news from France to take that step. Meanwhile the King will go on treating and coaxing La Guiche, who is still residing here, until he obtains from that quarter all he wishes for. Thus, one day in Lent, at a most solemn banquet, where the King dined in public with the Lady and several of his courtiers, among whom was the said La Guiche, the King drank his health as representative of the Icing of France, saying that if he could be sure for ever of the friendship and alliance of France he should not be afraid of all the rest, and other things to the same purpose.
The King has not attended the sessions of this Parliament since its opening until yesterday evening (iusques hier sur le tard). He was about one hour and a half or two hours in the House of the Lords and prelates, but did not go down to the Commons. He said a good deal to them about his love of justice, and his zeal for the good administration of the kingdom and the protection of his subjects. On this topic he spoke for some time, but proposed nothing except that they should discuss and debate certain privileges and immunities of the Church in England under which malefactors in this country had at all times taken shelter, which, as he said, had been the cause of many evils not to be tolerated, and which he was determined to put down for the future. He also requested them to look into the case of the bishop of Rochester's cook, which is a very strange one and happened thus. About ten days ago, in the said Bishop's house, some sort of soup was prepared, of which all who tasted (including almost all the household servants) were on the point of death, though only two actually died, besides some poor beggars to whom the soup (potage) had been distributed for charity. All, however, were taken very ill and suffered much pain. Very luckily the worthy Bishop, whom God no doubt considers very useful and necessary in this world, did not taste of the drug (drogues). and thus escaped. They say that the cook having been immediately arrested on the application of the Bishop's brother, confessed at once that he had actually put into the broth some powders, which he had been given to understand would only make his fellow servants very sick without endangering their lives or doing them any harm. I have not yet been able to ascertain who it was who gave the cook such advice, nor for what purpose. The King has certainly shewn some displeasure at this, but whatever demonstrations of sorrow he makes he will not be able to avert suspicion from falling, if not on himself, for he is too noble-minded to have resource to such means—at least on the Lady and her father. (fn. n1) The Bishop is unwell (mal dispouse). and has been so ever since the acknowledgment (recognoyssance) subscribed by the Clergy, about which I wrote to Your Majesty on the 31st of January, and which has caused him considerable sorrow and disappointment; but notwithstanding his indisposition he intends leaving to-morrow [for his diocese], having already obtained the King's permission to that effect. I cannot, however, conceive how, being in bad health, bishop Fisher can think of exposing himself to the fatigues of such a journey, when by remaining here [in London] he might find better medical advice and more resources than anywhere else, unless it be that he chooses to be absent from the discussion of matters appertaining to the Church, or else that he fears there may be yet some relics of the powders from which he has do miraculously escaped. Should the King resume in the meantime his proceedings against the Queen, certainly his absence at this conjuncture, and that of the bishop of Duran (Durham), formerly of London, who is also away, will be exceedingly inconvenient. (fn. n2)
Tallebout (Talbot) has said to a person, who repeated it to me, that to his office in this kingdom belongs the right of holding the Queen's royal crown, and that as neither he nor any of his family had ever anything to reproach themselves with, he would now take care not to fall into dishonour by placing it on any other head but that of the present Queen, in which opinion and determination I should think he is likely to persevere as much on account of his honourable and upright principles as of the sincere affect ion he professes towards the Queen. In this laudable purpose Tallebout is likely to be encouraged by his great friend, the Chancellor, who, as I once wrote to Your Majesty, has always behaved in the most virtuous manner about the Queen, and certainly shews such sympathy and affection for all that concerns you that he is justly called the father and protector of Your Majesty's subjects. He has never met at Court one of my secretaries that he has not immediately left those with whom he might have been conversing, and approached him to inquire what his business was, and whether he could be useful in any way. All those I have recommended to him he has invariably received and attended to their private affairs most thoroughly. For all these reasons I should advise that some mention he made of him in Your Majesty's letters that I may shew it to him.
Lately all letters from Rome have been opened and read at Calais, even those directed to the cousin of Sir Gregory Casale, who resides here as agent of that ambassador, and who, as Your Majesty must know, has charge of this king's affairs in that capital. In addition to this some of the letters which the said Gregory wrote to his cousin have also been detained for two or three days, and it is believed that they contained some disclosures (ouvertures) respecting the revelations made by the physician of the late Cardinal (Wolsey), who since the receipt of those letters has been kept closely watched in the duke of Norfolk's apartments, without anyone knowing wherefore.
I have this very day procured the copy of certain articles drawn up by the King's order to be notified to and laid before Parliament. I cannot say for certain what the object of the notification may be, but most probably it will not turn to the Pope's benefit and advantage. As to the articles themselves, Your Majesty will be able to judge much better than I can what direction affairs are taking here, and the poor foundation these people are laying for their consciences to rest upon.—London, the first day of March [1531].
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys."
French. Holograph. pp. 4.
2 Mar. 647. The king of Portugal [João III.] to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 371,
f. 76.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 61.
Luis Sarmiento, (fn. n3) your ambassador, and Alvaro Mendes de Vasconcellos, my privy councillor, have duly informed me of what you told them respecting the English business and other matters contained in the memorandum you gave them, and which they shewed me. I am fully persuaded that your love and esteem for me is equal to that which I bear you, for I look upon your affairs as if they were my own, and fully intend doing your pleasure in everything, were it for no other purpose than repaying the love and affection you have shewn me and the Infante, my brother, (fn. n4) on this occasion.
I hear, however, from the said Sarmiento and Mendes de Vasconcellos, and have read in the memorandum you gave them, that you would be glad to receive, as soon as possible, an answer on this matter for fear of the inconveniences likely to arise from delay. I must at once tell you that though all the articles in the notes (memoriaes) of those ambassadors appear to me well framed, yet I find that the points therein touched did not originate in England, nor are they now mentioned but as so many subjects to be talked over and discussed hereafter, if at all. It seems to me unnecessary at present to treat of them, (fn. n5) and since no final determination is to be taken in the affair till after the return of the personage whom you intend sending to the king of England, and when the answer of the latter is known, it strikes me that there is no occasion for me to answer immediately your request. When, however, your ambassador returns from England, and the King's answer is known, you will no doubt inform me thereof, that I may know how you want me to act in this affair, and then we can communicate together and decide what course will most further the service of God. (fn. n6) I will then appoint a trusty person who together with your own minister may undertake the prosecution of this business. But let the personage whom you now purpose sending to London take the greatest care to forward the business as much as possible, as well as settle the dowry [which the Princess is to have], and the security for the same. I should advise that the said personage take a letter of credence from me to the king of England. I enclose the draft that you may peruse it, and if approved return it to me, that I may have a fair copy made, &c.
To other matters contained in the memoranda of Luis Sarmiento and Alvaro Mendes a fit answer shall be given in a few days.—Evora, 2nd March 1531.
Signed: "El Rey."
Addressed: "To the very high and very excellent Prince, Don Carlos, by the Divine clemency Emperor of the Romans, 'semper augusto,' king (sic) of Germany, Castille, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, &c, my most beloved and esteemed brother."
Portuguese. Original. pp. 3.
8 Mar. 648. Eustace Chapuys to the Same.
K. u. K. Haus-
c. 227, No. 12.
After the departure of the last courier the Queen sent me some letters for Your Majesty, which I have kept until now, not so much for want of a trusty messenger, as to wait for the Queen to write to the Pope, as she for some time back had determined to do. This, however, she has not yet been able to accomplish, more particularly now that she is engaged in entertaining the Princess, her daughter, who came yesterday to visit her and spend five or six days in her company. The Queen wishes very much that the examination of witnesses, about which the president of Castille (Tavera) has written to Your Majesty, should begin at once, as that will, in her opinion, remove all scruples and absolutely convince her adversaries. Yet, she would not for the world, her own right being so manifest, that this should be a pretext for staying the proceedings and delaying the definitive sentence, as great inconveniences might arise therefrom.
The English Clergy, perceiving more and more every day the great error they committed in acknowledging this king as chief suzerain of the English Church, are urging Parliament to repeal that Act (retratter). otherwise they say they will not pay one farthing of the 400,000 crs. It is not yet known what issue their application will have. Parliament is now forbidding the use of gold and silken cloths except to privileged persons, also that of culverins and cross-bows to foreigners, to whom they want also to forbid that of bows. In passing these and other similar Bills, and adjusting the differences existing between certain towns and villages, also in hearing complaints (querelles) mostly against the Clergy, the present Parliament occupies most of its time.
Three days ago the King received letters from France, fresh enough, and also from Rome of the 13th ult.. As far as my information goes the news conveyed in the latter has been anything but satisfactory or agreeable, for those from Rome say that the auditors of the Rota had decided by interlocutory that the suit must needs be tried and sentenced in that city, at which decision the King is very much disappointed, and extremely enraged with the Pope. Neither is the answer received from France of a more agreeable nature, being so indifferent and cold that the King said to La Quiche that certainly his master did by no means take so much care of his affairs as he himself had taken of his at various times, with several other like expressions all shelving his disappointment and sorrow at the intelligence.—London, 8th March [1531].
Signed: " Eustace Chapuys."
Addressed: "To the Emperor."
French. Holograph. pp. 2.
9 Mar. 649. Dr. Carvajal (fn. n7) De Vero matrimonio Regum Angliæ.
S. Pat. Re. Trat.
c. Ing.
L. 4, f. 117.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 70.
A paper on the legitimacy of the marriage addressed to Fr. Juan de Medina, "Bethicæ Ministro et evangelicæ perfectionis antesignano," with a prefatory letter dated Cordubæ, Dominica tertia Quadragesimæ.—1531.
Latin. Original. pp. 24.
10 Mar. 650. The Emperor to the Empress.
S. E. L. 496,
ff. 181-3.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 66.
After Benavides' (fn. n8) departure I read once more your last letter, and also the memorandum from the Council of War.
Galleys.—Enterprize on Algiers, &c.
Much consideration has been bestowed on your proposal that I should apply to England for provisions for the fleet which is to sail to Africa. Orders have accordingly been sent to the ambassador in that country (Chapuys), and likewise to merchants of Antwerp. Will not fail to inform you as soon as I get an answer from them.
Bugia and the coast of Africa.—Brussels, 10th March 1531.
Signed: "Charles.''
Addressed: " To the most serene and mighty Empress, my most beloved wife."
Spanish. Holograph partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering, pp. 6.
10 Mar. 651. The Same to the Same.
S. E. L. 496,
f. 183.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
Money is much wanted, and must be procured by some means; yet the million of crowns paid for the ransom of the sons of France must not be touched, as it is destined for other purposes.
Doria's galleys must be paid, &c
Is very much satisfied with the diligence and zeal displayed in the affair of the queen of England. The president (fn. n9) of the council of Castille has sent several opinions from Spain. Has ordered them to be carefully read and examined by competent persons. All have been found good for the purpose, and are already on their way to Rome. As justice is on our side, it is to be hoped that God will cause us to come triumphant out of the trial.
Artillery and stores, &c.—Brussels, 10th March 1531.
Addressed: "To my most beloved wife, the Empress."
Spanish. Holograph in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 5.
10 Mar. 652. Martin de Salinas to the king of Bohemia and Hungary.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.,
c.71, f. 234.
On Wednesday the 23rd ult., Mosior de Trento (fn. n10) entered this city early in the morning that he might see and speak to His Majesty that very day, the coronation having been fixed for the next [the 28th]. The Emperor sent his own steward (maestre de casa) and guards to receive him; the cardinals sent their mules, and some of them their own retainers and servants. The marquis of Brandemburg, the bishop of Coria (fn. n11), Don Jorge, (fn. n12) the bishop of Badajoz, the provost of Balcrique, (fn. n13) and several gentlemen made part of the embassy. The Bishop having previously informed them of the hour at which he expected to be at the gates of the city, which was the 15th hour, he (Salinas) and Miçer Andrea del Burgo went out to meet him, when it was agreed that they should go and tell the Emperor of the Bishop's arrival, that he might fix an hour for his reception, which was done, 2 o'clock in the afternoon, they themselves having been invited for the ceremony. The Bishop accordingly made his entry on horseback, splendidly attired and mounted, and followed by a large retinue of gentlemen and household servants (familia). In this way the Bishop rode to the Palace, and after kissing the Emperor's hands and delivering his message, was conducted to the house prepared for the foreign ambassadors who were to attend the coronation. The Emperor and the Court have considered it a great compliment that such an embassy as this should come on the part of his brother [the King], the more so that it is the only one sent from those parts. (fn. n14) The Bishop behaved very well in every respect. As he brought no letter or message from His Highness, one was hastily prepared for him here by Andrea [del Burgo] and him [Salinas] that he might not go to the Emperor empty handed. He was received in His Majesty's private apartments, and having first inquired in what language His Majesty wished to be addressed delivered his message and oration in German in the form and style and with the ceremonies used in that country. After this the Emperor addressed the provost of Balcrique, and made many inquiries about the business that brought him here, to all of which a suitable answer was returned.— Bologna, 10th March 1531.
Spanish. Original. pp. 4.
10 Mar. 653. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 852,
ff. 76-7.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 63.
Cardinal Ancona has been for 13 years the protector at this court of the king and kingdom of Scotland; for the last five his nephew, the cardinal of Ravenna, has held that charge thereby gaining such reputation and such credit with the present King and his ministers, that not only is he consulted in spiritual and ecclesiastical, but likewise in temporal matters, and those relating to the government of that kingdom.
The said king has sent here a secretary of his, about whom I wrote the other day to Your Majesty, to inquire about the Council and other matters relating to Scotland. Whilst discoursing with cardinal Ravenna he stated to him the complaints they have of the French, and also of the English, and said that they (the Scotch) were quite prepared to go to any extremity which should bring about a breach between those two nations and themselves. (fn. n15) Considering the opportunity a fine one, the Cardinal said to the Scottish secretary that it would be well for them to make a defensive and offensive league with Your Majesty, which league, he said, would not fail to be, owing to your well-known benevolence, your formidable power, and the proximity of your Flemish dominions to Scotland, extremely beneficial to them. The Cardinal found the Scottish secretary most favourably disposed towards this, indeed he said that before the peace of Cambray was concluded the king of Scotland had been meditating to do this, but that [his ambassadors] had arrived too late. Since then he has had new causes of complaint against the French, such as the little account taken of him at the said peace, and his not being named in the treaty. "For this reason and many others," added the secretary, "my master wishes to revenge himself on the French, for this is not the first time that they have deceived and ill-treated us." The secretary, as the common report goes, has great share in the government of Scotland. He is a very wise man; I know him well, for he was a student at Pavia at the time that Mr. de Granvelle and I were in that city. His name is Thomas Ersquin (Erskine). This circumstance and his having told the cardinal of Ravenna that he did not wish his overtures to be considered official unless there was a chance of their being taken into consideration, was the cause of cardinal Ravenna first coming to me. I immediately informed cardinal Osma thereof, and begged the Cardinal to speak to Don Pedro [de la Cueva]. One day that the latter and myself went to dine at the cardinal of Ravenna's Ersquin happened to be one of the guests, and after dinner, all four of us being closeted in the Cardinal's cabinet, he repeated the same words he had said to him. He went further, he said his master would be glad to marry into the Imperial family, whether a sister or a niece of yours, for his only wish was to ally himself to Your Majesty, whom everyone ought to love and respect.
Don Pedro and myself thought it advisable, since we risked nothing, to praise the secretary's views and encourage him in them, assuring him that we had always known you to be well inclined towards his master, and that we should not fail to write home about him and his overtures. The secretary `was very much pleased to hear this, and though he has more business to attend to [in Rome], and has not yet terminated it, intends leaving post haste for his country in order to prosecute the negotiation, which being secret and confidential he would beg Your Majesty to send here his power and instructions, promising that they will do the same in Scotland. As this arrangement seemed to me strange, and subject to delay, I suggested that it would be better that the whole affair should be treated in Flanders; they might appoint some one to go to Brussels, or say to whom the answer was to be addressed. The secretary remarked that he should be in Brussels almost as soon as our letters, and that the answer could be given there either to him, or else to Mr. de Vere, whom these Scotchmen consider as their trusty friend. It seems to all of us as if an alliance of this sort would be very beneficial to Your Imperial Majesty under present circumstances, since besides weakening both the French and the English it would be a great source of reliance (descanso) for Flanders if Scotland were to be so firm, being also so close at hand (tan de firme y de tan de mano) for the restoration of the king of Dacia, because should the king of England by his sins lose his tact and judgment—the very words used by the secretary—they, the Scots, might be very useful. To this end he has dispatched an express to the King, his master, begging him by no means to confirm the truce and alliance with England, which is about to expire, until he himself has returned to Scotland.
The only danger I see is that the Scots may make use of this negotiation to get better terms out of the French or English because the Secretary himself says that were the overture to come to the ears of our enemies they would at once give the Scotch "carte blanche " and grant them everything they want; but against that contingency we have first of all that our alliance suits them most; and secondly, that the intermediary is cardinal Ravenna, a person whom they (the Scotch) respect and esteem; thirdly, that both the Cardinal and the Scotch secretary have been forewarned by me as to that danger.
However this may be, neither has Don Pedro [de la Cueva] nor have I taken more engagements with the Secretary than the vague promises and assurances contained in this despatch Your Majesty will have there plenty of means at hand to bring this affair to conclusion with due caution, &c.—Rome, 10th March 1531.
Signed: "Mai."
12 Mar. 654. Miçer Mai and Dr. Ortiz to the archbishop of Santiago (Tavera).
S. E. Trat. c. Ing.
L. 4, f. 131.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 68.
Having given a full answer to all his letters, and especially to those received in February, he (Mai) has little to say except that the English excusator, Dr. Edward Karne, not having been admitted into court " quatenus non obstenderit mandatum ad totam causam," has now appealed against this rejection. Is now trying to obtain refutatory letters (cartas refutatorias) against him. (fn. n16) However, the commissary of the cause having fallen ill the action has been somewhat delayed. Hopes that the excusator will be rejected a second time, but until this be done, we cannot apply for the remissory letters for fear they should be disputed. The articles here have been altered according to Your Reverence's wishes, except in two points: one is that about the Queen's first marriage; (fn. n17) the other the argument brought forward that after the death of prince Arthur king Henry wished for—and his Privy Council strongly recommended—a matrimonial alliance with France. Of the former evidence our lawyers here do not intend making use as an argument, and as to the latter, they say that it would be quite beside the point, and of no use whatever for our allegation to prove that the King's councillors wished for an alliance with the French royal family.
Nevertheless, should Your Reverence think that the articles ought to remain as they are, and be used in the defence, your wishes shall be complied with, though the articles themselves are so general and vague that witnesses can very easily declare anything without touching upon them as they are drawn up. (fn. n18)
Meanwhile they (Mai and Ortiz) are soliciting the expedition of the cause by "contradittas," in order to obtain afterwards the remissory letters "sine retardatione processus quatenus nullus compareat ex adverso." Will see that this is done, and as soon as the letters are obtained they shall be forwarded by express messenger to Spain.
He (Mai) attends assiduously to His Reverence's private affairs as the Bachelor and Don Hernando (fn. n19) will no doubt both report.—Rome, 12th March 1531.
Signed: "Mancipius Maius "and "Dr. Ortiz."
Addressed: "To the most illustrious and Reverend archbishop of Santiago, president of the Council of Castille."
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2.
12 Mar. 655. The cardinal of Ravenna to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 854,
f. 146.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 100.
Cardinal d'Ancona, his uncle, during 14 years, and himself during three has held the office at Rome of protectors of Scotland. In consequence of which the king of that country, finding himself, as he believes, well served by them, has now sent Master Thomas Ersckin (Erskine), his first secretary and councillor, to consult him (Ravenna) on various affairs of his kingdom, both ecclesiastical and of State. Considering the state of that kingdom, and also the Emperor's present relations with England, it seems to him (the Cardinal) that any attempt to unite the king of that country with the Emperor will be under present circumstances very advisable. After sounding the said secretary (Erskine) thereupon he (Ravenna) decided to consult Don Pedro de la Cueva and Miçer Mai, who not only approved fully of the plan, but were present at various interviews with the Scottish secretary. As he knows that both have written home giving all details of the affair he need not say any more but beg for instructions.—Rome, 12th March 1531.
Signed: "Be[nedetto] card. di Ravenna."
Addressed: " Augustissimo et Invictissimo Cæsari."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the cardinal of Ravenna."—12th March 1531.
Italian. Original. pp. 2.
12 Mar. 656. Dr. Garay to the Emperor.
Arch. de l'Emp.
Neg. Pap. De
Simancas, 1,483,
No. 68.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 101.
Has received the Imperial letters commanding him not to write any more on the business of the queen of England for fear of his letters being intercepted, also not to do anything in it without the ambassador's previous knowledge. Will faithfully observe the Emperor's mandate, though he (Garay), is positive he has not written [to the Queen] except through the Imperial ambassadors here or in England, nor taken one single step in the affair without first consulting the one who resides here, or if absent [from Paris] communicating with him first. It is through the latter that in obedience to orders sent from Innsbruck and Augsburg he [Garay] has corresponded with the queen of England, as well as with Madame Margaret before her death, informing them both of what passed in this Faculty. Besides this there is nothing more to be done here; the only thing is to try and procure an order from this king for authentic copies of all the acts and papers drawn up in this Faculty since the beginning of this affair to be forwarded to His Imperial Majesty, which is no business of his (Garay's) but of the ambassador who resides here.--Paris, 12th March 1531.
Signed: "Garay."
13 Mar. 657. Miçer Mai to the High Commander.
S. E. L. 852,
f. 12.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 103.
The Sienese have told the captain and the men to quit the place immediately. As Don Fernando [de Gonzaga] cannot now go thither he has sent Juan Sarmiento in his stead.
With regard to the English business, what I have to advise is that on Saturday last letters patent (fn. n20) from the Rota rejecting all appeal were delivered to the excusator (Karne). who appeared on behalf of the king of England, and that to-day the remissory letters have been obtained, the whole being passed in due form both through the Rota and Consistory. May God be thanked for it! This very moment the Datary leaves my room after a rather warm debate, he having come to announce that the Pope, at the request of the English ambassadors, wished to receive again the excusator, and hear what he had to say. (fn. n21) I returned the Datary such an answer that he has offered to do all he can to prevent the Pope giving the Englishman audience; and if he cannot succeed I myself will go to His Holiness to-morrow and tell him both the dream and its solution. (fn. n22)
Your Majesty may believe me when I say that there is not one here who would not willingly give some of his blood to have the English cause delayed. Your Lordship may judge from this how difficult it will be to bring it to a close. But I hope all will go well in the end. Your Lordship, however, must not be scandalized at what I say. I would not write at first about it, for I neither fear the censure nor seek the approval of those who have the management of this affair; but have since thought that Your Lordship should be informed of every circumstance of the case.
Andrea del Burgo has had letters from king Ferdinand, of the 28th last, announcing a new invasion [of Hungary] by the Turk. In Germany the duke of Bavaria was arming, and the league of Sweden was being made.—Rome, 13th March 1531.
Signed: "Mai."
Addressed: "To the very illustrious and magnificent lord, the High Commander of Leon, at Brussels."
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2.
13 Mar. 658. Muxetula to the Emperor
S. E. L. 852, f. 12
Add. 28,583, f. 104.
The Pope's new contribution for the maintenance of the Imperial army.—Affairs of Milan and Lucca.
Has spoken to the Pope concerning the new creation of cardinals. He is to create only two, not those asked by the king of England, but those proposed by the Emperor.
Affairs of Naples, &c.—Rome, 13th March 1531.
Signed: " Jo. Ant. Muscetula."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From Muxetula, 13th March"
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.


  • n1. "Le roy fait bien [semblant] de monstrer quelque malcontent [ment] de ce cas, si ne sçaura tant fere que yl ny aye de [la suspicion] sinon de luy, que tient tropt [bon pour fere telle chose aumoings de la dame et son pere]."
  • n2. "Sil estoit question que le roy vousist [traicter do laffere de la royne labsence du dit evesque et celluy de duran, iaidis de Londres. viendroit mal a point."]
  • n3. Written Sarmento, as if he were a Portuguese, whereas he was a Spaniard and most likely the brother of Pedro, bishop of Palencia.
  • n4. Dom Luis about whose marriage to princess Mary there had already been some talk in 1527.
  • n5. "E porque os pontos que se toquan no dicto memorial naõ forã apontados de Ingraterra, nè agora se apontan senon como coussa em que se podia vèir (venir) a falar o que pode ser que se naõ falara, me parece escusado ao presente tratar deles."
  • n6. "E vendo a reposta del Rey avereys prazer de me fazer des (sic) saber pera eu saber a maneyra em que ele quer entender no negoço, e cõ istõ comunicarmos et asentarmos no que for be e serviço de nosso Señor."
  • n7. Most likely Lorenzo Galindez de Carvajal.
  • n8. An Imperial courier. See p. 43, No. 620.
  • n9. The president at this time was Don Fernando Tavera, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela.
  • n10. Mr. de Trent or Moxior de Treuto, as Salinas calls him, is no other than Bernard de Clesi, bishop of that town.
  • n11. The bishop of Coria (in Extremadura) was Don Francisco de Mendoza(?); that of Badajoz, D. Pedro Gonzalez Manso.
  • n12. Don Jorgo de Austria, a natural son of emperor Maximilian.
  • n13. The provost or prepositus of St. Mary of Utrecht.
  • n14. Y que tan bien de Alemaña no vino otra cosa salbo lo que V. A. embió y fue muy bien proveydo."
  • n15. "Le dixo las descontentaciones y quexas que tienen de los franceses, y la quexa que tienen tambien de los angleses, y que para apartarse de lamistad dellos seguirian qualquiera extremo."
  • n16. "He appellado desta repulsion, y ando agora para hacerle dar refutatorias," says the copy in Bergenroth's handwriting; but it is evident that instead of he in the first person ha is to substituted.
  • n17. "Uno dellos es lo que dizen: que no dormió mas de cinco ó seis notches (sic) la Reyna con el arcturo."
  • n18. "Los articulos son tan generales que lo podrá muy bien dezir el testigo sin que diga [nada] fuera del articulo."
  • n19. Probably Don Hernando Davalos, though in another despatch that will be abstracted hereafter, the some individual here alluded to is called Don Alvaro de Buzan. As to the person designated by "El Bachiller," I am unable to determine what his name was, though undoubtedly he must have been the Archbishop's agent in Rome.
  • n20. Dieron apostolos refutatorios al que havia comparescido por el Rey de Ingalaterra."
  • n21. "En este punto se va de aqui el Datario, que me he querido messar con él porque vino de parte del papa [á decirme] que a supplication de los embaxadores de Anglaterra," &c.
  • n22. "Y sino yo [ir] he allá mañana y le diré el sueño y la soltura."