Spain: April 1532, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Spain: April 1532, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: April 1532, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: April 1532, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

April 1532, 21-30

21 April. 939. Lope Hurtado [de Mendoza], Imperial ambassador in Portugal, to the Empress.
S. E. L. 369,
f. 197.
B.M. Add. 28,584,
News from France.
The affair of the queen of England progresses satisfactorily. The opinion of the doctors of Portugal will shortly be delivered into the hands of the King (Joaõ). Don Esteban [Gabriel Merino] is doing all he can to push that affair on, but great care and diligence are required considering the short time that is allowed. He will be a good witness when called upon to give evidence. (fn. n1)
With regard to the Inquisition all goes well.
Navigation to India and in the Red Sea.—King of Fez.— Setubal, 21st April 1532.
Signed: "Lope Hurtado."
Addressed: "To the most high and very mighty lady the Empress and Queen, our Lady."
Indorsed: "From Lope Hurtado. Answered."
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 3.
23 April. 940. The Emperor to Mai.
S. E. L. 1,559,
ff. 20–1.
B. M. Add. 28,583,
f. 269.
The Pope may be sure that he (the Emperor) will never forsake him.—Venice.—Enterprize against the Turk,—King of France.—Swiss, &c.
Respecting the divorce case he (Mai) must do his utmost to induce the Pope to pronounce a final sentence. Has sent by the last courier a holograph letter for His Holiness, beseeching him no longer to delay his decision.
King of the Romans, &c., &c.
Has sent orders to Spain to collect as much money as can be obtained, both from lay and ecclesiastical property. It would be well if the Pope would issue orders for a general tax to be levied on all Church property in the Imperial dominions, in the kingdom of Naples as well as in Flanders, the Italian estates not excluded. The dukes of Milan and Mantua ought also to be written to informing them of the danger that is threatening the whole of Christendom, and asked to contribute towards its defence. He, himself, has sent a confidential servant of his household to France, and another to England, informing the kings of those countries of the preparations the Turk is making, and the stout resistance which he himself is determined to offer them. Encloses copies of his instructions to his said envoys to France and England, and begs him to communicate them to the Pope.
The Prince-Electors have much delayed their march, but they are now coming in as speedily as they can.
He is to beg the Pope very urgently to fortify well the coasts of his estates.—Ratisbone, 23rd April 1532.
Signed: "Yo el Rey."
Countersigned: "Covos."
Spanish. Original draft written partly by the Secretary of State, Idiaquez, and the rest by Francisco de Erasso. pp. 8.
29 April. 941. Doctor Ortiz to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 858,
f. 149.
B. M. Add. 28,584,
f. 271.
By the last post he (Ortiz) sent home a summary of his views in case a second and more stringent brief was wanted from the Pope. Not having received an answer he sends a duplicate of his letter, and waits for orders.
Is delighted with the arrival of the cardinal of Burgos. His presence at Rome cannot fail to be of much use for the expedition of the divorce cause.
The disputations about the conclusions are already finished; it now remains for the Rota to refer to the Consistory, which has not yet been done, as the ambassador cannot fail to inform Your Majesty. Is also afraid that after that the cardinals will ask for special and individual information.—Rome, 29th April 1532.
Signed: "El Doctor Ortiz."
Addressed: "To the Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord."
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2.
29 April. 942. The Same to the Empress.
S. E. L. 858,
f. 151.
I wrote by last post recommending that a second brief should be applied for in the matrimonial cause of England, but not knowing whether my letter has been received or not, I now send a duplicate that Your Majesty may be pleased to transmit me your orders.
Delighted at the arrival [in Rome] of the cardinal bishop of Burgos (Don Iñigo de Mendoza); such is his zeal for the Queen's cause and his affection for Your Majesty that his presence in this Court cannot fail of being very useful.
The disputation about the conclusions is already at an end. It remains now for the Rota to refer to the Consistory, which I think has not yet been done, as Your Majesty's ambassador will no doubt write. I am even afraid that the cardinals then will ask to be individually informed of the whole.—Rome, 29th April 1532.
Signed: "El Doctor Ortiz."
Addressed:. "To the Sacred, Imperial, and Royal Majesty of the Empress and Queen, our Lady."
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2.
29 April. 943. Eustace Chapuys to the Emperor.
K. u. K. Haus-
Wien.Rep. P. Fasc.,
c. 227, No. 21.
Your Majesty's letters brought by Mons. de Monfalconet (fn. n2) have been duly received. With regard to his charge and instructions, as the Baron himself is now writing to Your Majesty, I need not refer in detail, save to say that no one fitter for the task, or more agreeable to the King and Court could have been chosen, and that no persuasions, remonstrances, or diligence shall be spared to make them come to the point. Nevertheless, it is impossible to say what the issue of his negotiation will be, for all depends upon the king of France and his deliberations.
With regard to the Papal brief addressed to this king, the Queen's advice is that it ought not to be presented just now. The Nuncio, however, assures me that he is quite ready to put it into the hands of the King when required to do so. I omit writing about the Queen's state of health and other particulars, sure as I am that the Baron himself will duly inform Your Majesty thereupon.—London, the 29th of April [l5]32.
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys."
Addressed: "To the Emperor."
French. Holograph, pp. 2.
30 April. 944. Muxetula to the Same.
S. E. L. 859, f. 18.
B.M. Add. 28,584,
f. 27G.
The man whom the patriarch of Aquileia (Grimano) sent to Constantinople under colour of taking the answer to Luigi Gritti, has just returned [to Rome]. He says that the Turk's armament by sea will not be so considerable as was said at first; most of his forces will be directed by land against Hungary. Nor will his army start on the 15th of March, as it was thought, but later, though everything is ready, the provisions and ammunition in store, &c. The man spoke to Gritti about the truce, and the latter told him that there was no time for negotiating one. Should, however, the Patriarch go or send some one to Buda, whither he himself was going with a firm resolution to come to some peaceable arrangement about Hungary, he had no doubt that some good might be done. Gritti had procured a safe-conduct for the man, copies of which as well as of the letters which Luigi wrote to his brother George, and the answers of this latter, are now sent by His Holiness to his Legate at the Imperial Court.
All agree that this man said to the Pope, and to all those who chose to listen to him, that the Turk had already proclaimed war against the whole of Christendom, excepting the kings of France and England, and the Venetians, and that Gritti asked him point blank: "Has king Francis already attacked Genoa with a body of Switzers?" thus. intimating that the latter were entirely at the devotion of France. Gritti, indeed, had assured him that king Francis would soon invade Italy for the purpose of recovering Genoa and Milan.
The above intelligence is confirmed by letters from Venice. It is added that Abrayn Bassá (Ibráhim Pasha) has sent orders to the admiral of the Turkish fleet to do exactly as the agents of the French king tell him. All this and the information received from the Venetian (fn. n3) and others respecting an agreement lately made with the Switzers, to whom that king is to pay his debt, whilst they furnish him in return 10,000 men—for whom a passage through Savoy has been asked—the arrival in France of an agent of the Grand Turk, and last, not least, the strong suspicion almost amounting to certainty that king Francis is in combination with that Infidel, and wishes to create disturbances in Italy— moved him [Muxetula] and the Imperial ambassador (Mai) to call on His Holiness and engage him to send for the French ambassador and communicate to him the last information received from Constantinople, and also what people said about his master. The Pope promised to do so and has since fulfilled his promise. The ambassador excused his master to the best of his ability, but none of the excuses he offered convinced His Holiness or any of us. The Cardinal (Loaysa) thinks that the Imperial ambassador at the Court of France ought to be written to that he may ascertain from the King whether what they say about him and the Switzers be true or not.
In a like manner Rodrigo Niño ought to be informed of the strong suspicion there is of the French trying to disturb Italy, that the Venetians may be on their guard and keep to their engagements as specified in the treaty of Bologna.
They say that the French ambassador, hearing that the Pope was about to send three of his galleys to Genoa, went and told him: "Your Holiness must be aware that the Emperor is arming at Genoa; my master is also arming, and though both are now at peace with each other something unpleasant might happen if the Papal galleys were in that port mixed with those of the Emperor. I should advise Your Holiness not to send them."
The Pope's informer, who generally sends him news from France, confirms the intelligence of the 10,000 Switzers contracted for by the king of France, and also that great military preparations are being made, which intelligence, coupled with the above, persuades us all here of the King's bad intentions, and of his determination to come to Italy as soon as he is disengaged.—Rome, 30th April 1532.
Indorsed: "Copy of paragraphs from letters of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 19th, and 30th of April 1532."
Spanish. Contemporary copy. pp. 16.
30 April. 945. Miçer Mai to the Same.
S.E.L.859,f. 18.
B. M. Add. 28,584,
f. 282.
Although he (Mai) believes that the Pope will not fail them (que lo del Papa no fallará). yet he does not feel sufficiently secure to affirm it. Suspects that Muxetula does not do his duty well, and is convinced that unless the Pope knew all our secrets he could not feel so sure, and the Emperor's affairs would go better. All this might after all be only a stratagem (cautela) of the Pope, who is as angry as ever with Colonna, or because he does not get what he wants of Gravina, or it may be that he is looking out for pretences for a rupture, or at least for refusing help. He (Mai) feigns to ignore all this, and when he speaks of it with the Pope does it in a befitting manner. (fn. n4)
The Sienese refuse to pay the tithe, &c.
Rodrigo Niño writes that the Turk has presented Luigi Gritti with a large estate [in Hungary ?], and is afraid that the Venetians will take advantage of that to claim from the king of the Romans certain territories in dispute besides those they formerly lost in that country. Has attacked His Holiness about the money he promised before Burgo and Muxetula, but to no purpose; his excuse is that he is very poor. After that, on Burgo suggesting that if the Pope was so poor, he might create cardinals, and take money from Ferrara, the latter replied: "That the Pope will never do; so you had better not touch on that point to him."
The French ambassador has made proposals to certain Romans who once served his master, to be ready at a moment's notice. They have all answered that they are at his service, but want to be paid beforehand so as not to be losers.
Juan Anart (fn. n5) writes to say that there is no suspicion or fear of war in those countries [of Flanders], and, on the contrary, much good-will on the part of the inhabitants.
The despatch for the bishop of Veroli is not yet made out. Will not cease to ask for it.
In consequence of the report that Juan Paulo (Giovanipagolo) is enlisting men for the Vayvod, spies have been set on him, and the Pope has promised that if the report turns out true he will have him arrested.
Rodrigo Niño writes that it would be advisable to arrest the servant of Renzo [da Ceri] who is coming from Constantinople, and is to go to France. As neither the duke of Milan nor he of Mantua might like the job the Marquis del Gasto (Vasto) ought to be written to.—Rome, 30th April 1532.
30 April. 946. The Same to the High Commander.
S. E. L. 857,
f. 136.
B. M. Add. 28,584,
f. 272.
For two reasons should I have been very glad not to be obliged to write this present despatch, the first and principal not to have to reveal a secret which I promised to keep most faithfully, and the second, lest it should be thought that what I am about to relate is said with passion. I, therefore, entreat Your Lordship not to repeat a word of this save to His Majesty, the Emperor, and that if the king of the Romans should hear of it he may not suspect that we know of it except through his own ambassador (Andrea del Burgo).
That good old man Andrea del Burgo and myself have often conversed together and written home about the Pope's coldness and indifference; whenever we happened to mention the fact here they [Muxetula and the others] wanted to knock our eyes out, accusing us of wishing to promote discord and mischief. (fn. n6)
The said Burgo is rather hot-headed, and a few days ago having lost control of his temper, he happened to say to Muxetula that as the Pope had not yet fulfilled his promises to the king of the Romans he could not but assent to my opinion of His Holiness, and that if at this present juncture no justice was done to his master, he would join in the general complaint. (fn. n7) Upon which the said Muxetula, after trying to exculpate His Holiness with many words and promises for the future, said to Burgo, that as an Italian and a countryman of his he wished to make a clean breast of it, provided he promised most solemnly not to reveal or write to anyone whomsoever what he was about to say. If he chose to communicate with his master, the King, he might, but only as if he spoke in general terms and was expressing ideas of his own, not giving any special information, as in that case they might suspect that it came from him. Muxetula then proceeded to say that the Pope and His Majesty had certainly been great friends and very fond of each other at Bologna; and that the Pope had still some affection for His Majesty though not so strong as before, and then he stated the causes which, in his opinion, had contributed to diminish that affection. One of them was that, as Muxetula says, the Emperor promised to decide the Ferrara suit in his favour, or else not to decide it at all, and yet he had given judgment against him, at which he was very much hurt.
The second cause was that the Emperor is evidently trying to settle his own affairs with the Lutherans without telling him a word about it, and he fears that should His Majesty come to an agreement with them beneficial to his interests, he (the Pope) will be left in the lurch. Although I must say (added Muxetula) his fears have been somewhat allayed in virtue of the statements made by Mai, and the letter of the 26th of March.
The third is that cardinal [Pompeo] Colonna is maintained in the vice-royalty of Naples, and with a very high office here at Rome besides, though the Emperor knows him to be his personal enemy.
And the fourth and last, that though he had written to the Emperor in favour and commendation of the duke of Gravina, His Majesty had decided his case against him, and that when ever he happens to ask for a bishopric in Flanders or Spain for one of his own servants, His Majesty invariably refuses to please him, though all the time we the Imperial ambassadors are obtaining from him most extraordinary and alarming concessions (cosas extraordinarias y terribles).
His Holiness (continued Muxetula) is daily assailed (combatido) by the French, who keep making him offers and representing dangers to him. He, however, remains indifferent and full of good-will and friendship towards the Emperor, although I must confess not such a warm friend as he was at Bologna, owing to the above causes of complaint. For that reason the Emperor and his brother, the king of the Romans, must try to provide for themselves in the present emergency as well as they can, he (the Pope) will not be in fault, and yet he (Muxetula) is not so sure of that owing to the above reasons.
Such were Muxetula's revelations to Miçer Andrea del Burgo, and your Lordship may imagine that when a man speaks in this way of the Pope to the Imperial ambassadors, he himself being one of them, it is not to be expected that he will speak differently to the Pope about His Majesty, especially when he is aiming, as everyone knows, at a cardinal's hat.
I am sorry to have to trouble your Lordship with such things, but the truth is that I should consider myself unworthy of this post if I did not from time to time warn the Imperial ministers. Burgo is old, honest, faithful, and prudent; he has no ambition or lust of riches or of any other vanity, and I always found him ready to promote His Majesty's service and willing to co-operate with me. And while treating this point I must say that when count Baldassar Castiglione, the Papal Nuncio, died there was a question of this Muxetula replacing him, and that the archbishop of Capua (Schomberg), as a good servant of the Emperor that he is, told me at the time, that he did not approve of so much confidence as that shewn in this case, and I recollect writing home about it.—Rome, 30th April 1532.
Signed: "Mai."
Spanish. Holograph.


  • n1. Paragraph not finished, and almost blotted out afterwards. Note by Bergenroth.
  • n2. Monfalcourt says the copy, but I have corrected Monfalconet, which was his true name, as will be shewn hereafter.
  • n3. Ennio Filonardo. See above, p. ...
  • n4. The margins of this despatch are filled with long notes in Covos' hand, which I have omitted as not throwing light on the divorce case, or being otherwise connected with English history.
  • n5. Jean Hannart, viscount of Lombeck.
  • n6. "El buen viejo de Andrea del Burgo y yo avemos comunicado hartas vezes y escripto muchas vezes allá, y quando lo comunicabamos aqui nos querian sacar los ojos por ello, en especial el señor Juan Antonio Muxetula, rebolbiendonos por hombres sospechosos eciam (sic) con el mismo papa."
  • n7. "Como este viejo es algo ardiente son tres ó quatro dias que como quien no puede con el cavallo y da á la silla, apretó mucho al Juan Antonio Muxetula diziendole que a mas de lo que el Papa avia prometido [y no complido] al Rey, su amo, que él avia siempre dicho lo mismo que yo, &c."