Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.
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'Spain: August 1531, 1-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: August 1531, 1-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: August 1531, 1-31". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
August 1531, 1-31
2 Aug. | 777. Francois Bonvalot (fn. n1) to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 635, f. 90. | Has duly received His Majesty's letters of the 14th July, together with that for the King, which he delivered on the same day, requesting a speedy answer. The King told him verbally that he was much honoured and gratified at the Emperor's communication respecting the chapter he intended holding for the Order of the Golden Fleece and the election of 20 knights in the room of as many deceased since the last creation. He would not fail to send his procuration to one of his brethren to represent him at the chapter, but as to the election itself he knew too little of the candidates to load his conscience with their nomination. Some of them he knew to have been unfriendly, and to have done him as much harm as they could, serving His Imperial Majesty with their persons and property. Considering the late great changes in German politics, it was doubtful whether they would hereafter be as faithful to the Order as was expected. The King added that if the Emperor will enclose him in a letter the names of those he considers worthy of belonging to the Order, he will send it back closed and sealed, as customary in such cases.—Melun 2nd August 1531. |
French. Contemporary copy. pp. 1½. | |
19 Aug. | 778. Eustace Chapuys to the Same. |
K. u. K. Haus Hof-u.-Staats Arch Wien. Rep. P.Fasc. c. 227, No. 31. |
Since my last, the King, on the plea of wishing to hunt in the environs of Winsor (Windsor), sent orders for his Queen to remove to Mur (More), a manor (maison) close to the abbey of St. Alban's, and for the Princess to go to Richmont; which measure has seemed so strange to most people that no doubt is entertained here that he (the King) is now resolutely intent upon obtaining his divorce. As to me, I think that ail this is mere artifice (mines et grimasses) to induce the Queen to consent to the cognizance of the cause being again brought here, to which she will not accede whatever stratagems may be used for the purpose. |
Two days ago a herald of Monseigneur de Savoy came here sent by the Duke, his master, to the earl of Wiltshire, to hear from him whether he had, according to the promise he made at Chambery, shewn to the King, his master, and to the Privy Council, the copies of the papers and documents (fn. n2) on which the said Duke establishes his title to the kingdom of Chyppres (Cyprus). The Earl, as it appears, had promised the Duke to intercede with the King to declare that he had no title or pretension whatever to that kingdom, and if so, to fix the indemnity to be paid or received, or else prepare conjointly with him an efficient enterprize for the conquest of that island. The herald had likewise instructions to renew and confirm certain old alliances and confederacies once existing between the Tudors and the house of Savoy, and procure besides letters of favour from the king of France to the high cantons of Switzerland. | |
When the earl of Wiltshire heard of the arrival of the herald, he purposely absented himself that he might not give him occasion to see and report on the state of this court and government. He sent, however, for the herald four days ago, and began to taunt him with having gone (as he had been informed) to visit the Queen; though on hearing from the herald's own lips that he had not done so, he seemed exceedingly pleased at the news. Upon which the herald began explaining his commission as above, and the Earl answered that the King and his Privy Council had examined the documents in question, but that waiting for the gentleman whom the Duke had promised to send they had not decided anything. Just now, he added, it was impossible to take a resolution in this matter, as the King's Privy Councillors were dispersed here and there, and besides it would be necessary to see first what turn political affairs, which were now rather confused and unsettled, would take. When things were no longer ambiguous and obscure, then would be the right time to treat about business of the kind; that, he hoped, would be done in the spring, and if the Duke sent then a proper person with ample instructions and powers to treat, together with a duplicate copy of the treaties of alliance between the two countries, he (the Earl) had no doubt that the whole matter would be satisfactorily arranged, and the Duke would find his master, the King, well disposed to conclude alliances and all manner of honourable treaties. With regard to the Switzers, the King would not fail to write to his brother of France; the orders had been given, and would start by the next courier dispatched across the Channel. | |
After this the Earl began to speak about France, and to magnify its power and resources, and in the course of his address came to touch upon Monseigneur de Savoie, who, he said, had not been wise in accepting the county of Asti, for that surely the French intended soon to retake possession of it, as well as to conquer the duchy of Milan. He (the Earl) knew that for certain, and likewise had news from Germany that the electors of the Empire had decided, and agreed between themselves to revoke the election of the king of the Romans as unjust and illegitimate. All this will convince Your Majesty of the malignity and insanity of these people, who for the sake of seeing you in trouble will believe and attempt anything however unreasonable and improbable. | |
All the Court seems much pleased with the prospects of the marriage contemplated (nouveau marriage) of the duke of Orleans to the Pope's niece, not so much (as I presume) out of hope that they will thereby obtain the Pope's favour as that it will free them from the promise which they once made, and not long ago so earnestly solicited, of marrying him to the Princess, as I did inform Your Majesty at the time. They have, indeed, invented and spread abroad the rumour that the Pope, in consideration for the said marriage, is willing to surrender Palma (Parma), Playsance (Piacenza), and other towns; which strange and notoriously false rumour they have sedulously circulated for the sole purpose, as I imagine, of discrediting the Pope, or persuading the prelates and others of this kingdom (as they have heretofore done) that His Holiness is not on friendly terms with Your Majesty, and that the said marriage and settlement are to be made in your very teeth (a la barbe dicelle Majesté) as it were. | |
Jehan Jocquin, who intended to remain at Court only 10 or 12 days, as I wrote to Your Majesty on the 31st of July, has only passed one night in town, and has since returned to his usual residence (Dover) rather disappointed and annoyed. I have not yet been able to ascertain what he has been about The bishop elect of Amiens arrived here for the second time just as the said Jocquin was going away, and has only visited the duke of Suffolk once or twice, without, however, shewing himself at Court.—London, 19th of August 1531. | |
Signed: "Eustace Chapuys." | |
Addressed: "To the Emperor." | |
French. Holograph. pp. 2. | |
22 Aug. | 779. Dr. Ortiz to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 852, f. 151. B. M. Add. 28,583, f. 351. |
Has received the Emperor's letter of the 25th ultº. The holidays have been the cause of the pleadings in favour of the Queen being suspended, but once over he (Ortiz) hopes that with God's help the proceedings will be resumed with greater vigour than ever. |
The ambassador (Miçer Mai) sent him some time ago the apology written in England by the Rev. Bishop of Rochester (Obispo Rofense). wherein its learned author triumphantly replies to the two chapters of the book composed in favour of the King. The truth is that many thanks are due to God for the many virtues and sound learning with which he has endowed that prelate, who may rightly be called the true beacon that in our days has lighted the Church. Indeed his answer is so clear, so learned, and so full, shewing the true path through which this suit may be gained, that it leaves no point untouched and very little, if any, work to do for those who like him (Ortiz) are to plead in the Queen's defence. No lawyer, however ignorant, can fail to find in the book sufficient arguments to defeat his opponents, and that is the reason why the learned Bishop is deserving of so much praise and thanks. | |
As he (Ortiz) is every day expecting a public hearing and full discussion on this matter, his advice is that on no account should his own writings on the subject be committed to the press until the debate has taken place; otherwise it would be tantamount to furnishing weapons to the enemy; our resources ought to be kept secret and hidden (celadas y secretas) in imitation of the experienced general who places part of his forces in ambush, the better to destroy his foe. | |
Master (fn. n3) Sepulvcda, who is his friend, wrote some time ago a treatise in favour of the most serene queen of England, a work of much sound learning. Having found that besides its elegant style the treatise contained excellent doctrine, and such as would lead to the perfect knowledge of the case, and demonstrate the clear justice of the Queen's cause, he (Ortiz) advised him to have it printed, which has been done. (fn. n4) Encloses a copy of it.—Rome, 22nd August 1531. | |
Signed: "El Doctor Ortiz." | |
Addressed: "To the Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord." | |
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2. | |
25 Aug. | 780. Muxetula to the Same. |
S. E.L. 853,f.30. B.M. Add. 28,583, f. 353. |
Returned from Florence on the 14th inst., and had next day a long conversation with His Holiness concerning his contribution towards the expenses of the Imperial army, and also respecting the proposed marriage of his niece. The Pope consented to continue the same for a month or two, provided he (Muxetula) procured the money from the Roman bankers, as he himself had none to dispose of at present. Respecting the marriage he agreed in conformity with the Emperor's wishes, as expressed in his last instructions to Miçer Mai, to give up entirely the chance of his niece marrying the duke of Orleans, but with regard to the German Lutherans His Holiness is willing to make certain concessions in order to satisfy them. He is about to send Leandro, the archbishop of Brindisi, to the Emperor with a memorandum to that effect. |
Attempts of the French to seize Genoa. | |
(Cipher:) The bishop of Auxerre (fn. n5) has arrived. He has asked the Pope to conclude at once the marriage of his niece with the duke of Orleans, and utters various threats in case of his nonacceptance. Among other things he says that unless the Pope gratifies his wishes in that respect his master, and the king of England also, will withdraw their obedience from him. The Pope is much perplexed for he knows perfectly well that the Emperor opposes the said marriage, and equally so that the king of France, should his offers be rejected, is capable of any rashness (locura). | |
(Cipher;) There is a report here at Rome that the French are about to undertake Genoa. Indeed it is said that Andrea Doria himself and ambassador Figueroa have stated their suspicions in writing, and that the French said the Pope approved of it. Although the suspicion was unfounded (for certainly the Pope has hitherto been the first to unveil these dark French intrigues), he (Muxetula) failed not to inform him of the rumour. He laughed heartily, and promised to write to Doria about it. | |
(Common writing:) The Pope has since done so, and the information received from Andrea Doria respecting the designs of the French has been of such a nature that His Holiness is known to have said lately to the Venetian ambassador: "The Signory must be on the alert, and prevent the French from again setting their foot in Italy, which is what they are trying to do anyhow."This news is confirmed by Figueroa's letters. It is also said that the infantry under Renzo de Cheri (da Ceri) have been quartered in the marquisate of Saluzzo; that this condottiero himself, [Guido] Rangone, and Theodoro de Tribulzi (Triulzo) are likewise in the neighbourhood, and certainly if so, it cannot be for a good end. Though the said "condottieri" give out that the infantry has been sent to those parts for the sole purpose of relieving the inhabitants of France from the charge of having troops quartered upon them, there is every reason to suppose that their intentions are anything but good, for the French have lately taken into their service count Gayazzo and his men, and Guido Rengon (Rangone), and others; and besides the duke of Albany is known to be secretly treating with some Corsican captains, asking them for a list of those of their nation who could be engaged in case of need, with how many men, what pay, &c. | |
As the marquis del Guasto (Vasto) left a few days ago for Isola (Ischia) in consequence of his wife, the marchioness, having been confined of a son, a messenger has been dispatched to him to return immediately; for certainly in these times the Imperial forces cannot be left without a general. (fn. n6) —Rome, 25th August 1531. | |
Spanish. Original. | |
31 Aug. | 781. Miçer Mai to the Same. |
S. E. L. 853, f. 73. B.M. Add. 28,583, f. 361. |
The duke of Albany behaves very courteously towards him and endeavours to enter into negotiations. It will soon be seen what he is aiming at. Met him the other day at the Papal Palace, when he promised to call at the Imperial embassy. His orders, however, being not to treat with the Duke, he (Mai) begged Andrea del Burgo to go to him, which he did, and the Duke began at once to discuss State affairs. Three things, he said, must be promptly remedied, viz.: 1. The affair of Hungary. This the King, his master, would willingly undertake to arrange by bringing the Vayvod into concert with the king of the Romans [Ferdinand]. |
The second, he said, was the divorce case. The king of France did not pretend to say that justice was not on the Emperor's side, but he maintained that it would be advisable to interpose some delay; now was the occasion and the opportunity must be seized. (fn. n7) | |
The third was the political relations between France and Italy. These ought to be materially altered. The King, his master, could still do much harm if he chose, &c. | |
Andrea del Burgo answered that he was glad to hear the Duke's sentiments about the Vayvod and Hungary, but that personage had lately taken part with the Turks, and had thereby incurred the censures of the Holy Apostolic See. | |
With regard to the cause of England, Andrea del Burgo remarked that neither the Emperor nor the king of the Romans had ever been averse from a friendly settlement; but the proposal now made was against God, against justice, and against honour. The delays granted in the case had already been too great, &c. | |
As to his (the Duke's) threat that the king of France might if he chose do much harm, Andrea made a suitable answer as the brave man that he is (como valeroso baron). | |
Negotiations concerning the marriage of the Pope's niece, &c. | |
Signed: "Mai." | |
Spanish. Original. pp. 3. | |
English abstract by Bergenroth. |