Index: U - Z

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Index: U - Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: U - Z', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: U - Z". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Ubeda, a town of the kingdom of Jacn, in Spain, Int. xxvi.

-, Antonio, de, imperial courier, 25.

Udine, in Friul, ii. 99.

Ulm, in Würtemberg, 46.

-, mass suppressed and altars and the relies of saints smashed at, ii. 202.

-, the Lutheran princes propose holding a diet at (1532), ii. 388.

Ulric, duke of Würtenberg, v. Würtenberg.

Unicorn horn (Alicorno), in a gold casket, sent by the Venetians as present to the Turk, 731.

Universities, the principal, in Europe, consulted on the divorce case, 465.

-, brief applied for by the Imperial ambassadors at Rome to prevent the, from giving their opinion, 583, 737.

-, -, a special one for those of Padua, Bologna, and Paris applied for by the Imperial ambassadors, 791.

-, those of Savoy and Piedmont solicited by the duke Carlo to give opinion, ii. 41.

-, most of the, in France and Italy conclude in favour of Henry, 689.

-, to be asked what reason they had for coming to such a conclusion, and to be again lawfully convoked and requested to give opinion, 737.

-, Italian, to contribute towards the expenses of the Holy War, 749.

-, English (of Oxford and Cambridge), refuse at first to decide in favour of Henry, 471.

-, -, but do at last by dint of bribery and intimidation, 689, 737.

-, -, violence used to extort votes, 508.

-, -, which fact Henry completely denies, ibid.

-, French most of the, conclude in favour of Henry, 496, 597, 689; ii. 214, 217.

-, -, the Sorbonne of Paris particularly, 371–2.

-, -, -, the opinion of the latter of much weight, 586.

-, -, efforts made to obtain its seals, 632.

-, -, 48 doctors voted at Paris in favour of Katharine, and of the pope's power to dispense; their opinion properly attested to be addressed to Henry and brought to England by some person of rank, 854; v. Sorbonne.

-, German, Henry's assertion that all the, are in favour of his divorce, disputed, 674.

-, -, to be consulted, as well as that of Louvain in Flanders, 693.

-, Spanish, consulted on various doubtful points in the divorce suit, 568.

Unterwalden, Swiss canton, ii. 310 note.

Urania (Uri), Swiss canton, contaminated by Lutheranism, ii. 311.

Urban II., pope, alluded to, ii. 810

Urbina, the marquis Juan de, 13.

-, -, receives an arquebuse shot at Spelle, 191.

-, -, dies of his wound (Sept. 1529), 201.

Urbino, duchy of, to contribute towards the expenses of the Turkish war, 811; ii. 55.

-, -, the imperial army to quarter in the, or in the Romagna (1530), 816.

-, -, said to belong by right to Caterina do' Medici, Clement's niece, ii. 848.

-, -, -, whose claim is no infraction of the Barcelona treaty, ii. 851.

-, duke of, v. Rovere

-, duchess of, v. Gonzaga.

-, ambassador of, at Rome, ii. 521.

Ureña, count of, v. Giron.

Urgel, town of Catalonia; bishopric of, said to have been bestowed on Miçer Mai, 189.

Urrea, v. Ximenez de.

Urrias, Urries, D. Alonso de, field-marshal, to be sent to Siena with a body of infantry, ii. 987.

-, D. Felipe de, ii. 999.

-, D. Juan de, bishop of Huesca, 13, 61, 172.

-, D. Pedro de, knight commander (field-marshal?), in Naples, 13, 172, 808; ii. 55.

-, Pedro Jordan de, canon of Huesca, claims the abbey of Monte Aragon, 13.

-, D. Hugo, lord of Ayerbe, in Aragon, 13.

-, -, his secretary, 698.

Ursino, v. Orsino.

Utrecht, in the Low Countries, 142. 687.

-, Our Lady of, 59, 167, 687.

-, provost of, in Rome, v. Naturelli.

Uvaldino, Bandinelli (?), papal nuncio to Scotland, 1530.

-, arrival of, in London (18 Dec.), 857.

-, not well treated; King's audience to, delayed, 863.

-, returns from Scotland, and informs Chapuys of the state of the country, ii. 752.

-, at Florence, detained by illness (Sept. 1533), ii. 815.


Vacano (?), forest of, 808.

Vaguer, Spanish lawyer at Naples, 686.

Vaison, town and bishopric in the department of the Vaucluse (France), Int. xxvii.

-, bishop of, v. Sclède.

Valais, in Switzerland, 259.

Valançon, v. Rye.

Valdés, secretary Alfonso de, 362, 794, 888.

-, -, drafts of letters in the handwriting of, 482, 488.

-, licentiate Fernando (?), 12.

-, becomes bishop of Orense, 192; archbishop of Seville, ibid.

Valdezcaray, prov. of Burgos, 885.

-, maker of crossbows at, v. Oviedo.

Valdrade, wife of Lothaire, king of France, 810 note.

Valence, town of France, 576 note.

Valencia, moors of, 12; ii. 110.

-, viceroy of, 185; v. Aragon.

-, the coast of, ravaged by Barbarossa (1533), ii. 824.

-, Antonio de, public notary at Salamanca, 841.

-, cortes of (1533), ii. 903.

Valenciennes (dept. Nord), 103, 174. 258.

Valente, captain, 378.

Valero, 519.


-, prevented from joining St. Pol in Italy, 242.

-, not present at the defeat of the Lutherans in 1531, ii. 313.

Valladolid, in Spain, Int. xvii.; 479, 742, 774–5, 881–2; ii. 65, 116, 407.

-, Chancery court at, ii. 465.

-, president of, v. Gonzalez Manso.

-, convent of, Saint Francis at, 753.

-, guardian or warder of, gives opinion on the divorce case, ibid.

-, Santacruz, college of, at, 753.

-, San Pablo, church of, 753.

-, corregidor of, v. Lugo.

-, -, letters dated at, 680, 1086–7.

Valle, cardinal, v. La Valle.


-, -, one of the handsomest and most attractive youths in the world, 244.

-, -, might make a good husband for Elizabeth, the daughter of Anne Boleyn, ii. 794–5.

-, Charles III. de, duke of Alençon, 109 note.

-,François de, dauphin of Britanny and of the Viennois in France; in Spain as hostage for his father Francis I., 184, 283.

-, -, not allowed to speak to anyone except in the presence of the great constable of Castille (Velasco), or of his brother the marquis de Berlanga, 184, 243.

-, -, removed with his brother (Henri) to a place in the Basque provinces 13 leagues from the frontier of France, 554.

-, -, delivery of, delayed from various causes, 553–4, 594, 613, 615.

-, -, -, effected at last, 639, 653.

-, -, his marriage to Mary of Portugal, spoken of (1531), ii. 128, 132.

-, Henri de, duke of Orleans, second son of Francis I.:

-, -, in Spain, with his brother "the dauphin," both hostages for their father's ransom, 184, 283.

-, -, -, delivered, 653.

-, king Henry contributing 1,000 crs. towards his father's ransom, 477.

-, -, negociations for his marriage to Clement's niece, 704, 747, 757, 792; ii. 123, 128, 183, 185, 186–7, 229, 231, 733.

-, -, he himself, or his brother the dauphin, proposed for the hand of the princess Mary, 711, 721; ii. 488.

-, -, to go to Flanders, 720.

-, -, report of his coming to England spread by the servants of the French embassy (Oct. 1530), 736.

-, -, negociations for his marriage to Clement's niece, resumed, ii. 260.

-, -, Francis his father supposed not to be in earnest about it, ii. 305.

-, -, -, but to be looking out for some pretence to set his foot in Italy and invade the Milanese, ii. 305, 812.

-, -, -, pretends to the duchy of Milan, ii. 334.

-, -, -, should Caterina's marriage to, take place, a schism in the Church might be caused through it, ii. 686.

-, Madeleine de, daughter of Francis I., to be married to James V. of Scotland, d. 1537, 244; ii. 964.

-, Marguerite de, daughter of Francis, married to Emmanuele Philiberto, duke of Savoy, d. 1574, 244; ii. 964.

-, sister of Francis I., and widow of the duke of Alençon; marries another, Henri d'Albret, called the king of Navarre, 109; ii. 257, 990.

-, -, disapproves of Henry's conduct in the divorce affair, ii. 588.

Valona, Velona, v. Avlona.

Valori, Bartholomeo or Baccio, papal commissary to Chalon's army before Florence, signs the capitulation of that city, 592, note 681.

-, Francesco, one of Clement's chamberlains; sent to the prince of Orange (June 1530), 592.

Val Spercal (Van Spercal), George, count of Lodron, 867.

Valteline, Valtellina, in the land of the Grisons, ii. 92, 304, 314, 316.

Valtkirk or Valtkerke, provost of, v. Merklin.

Vandenesse, Jean de, bishop of Corria, his "Itinerary of Charles V." quoted, Int. v., vii., xiv. 183, 188, 842; ii. 580, 967.

Vanes (Vannes), in the dep. of Morbihan (France); the French court at, ii. 454.

Vannes, Peter, Latin secretary to Wolsey, Int. xxii.; ii. 817, 996.

-, -, sent by Henry to Rome, 172.

-, -, appointed to go to the emperor in Italy, 238, 257; ii. 965.

-, -, has a fall from his horse, and is replaced by Carew, 257.

Varadin, in Hungary, bishop of, v. Gibacus.

Varana, Giovan Maria, duke of Camarino, 530 note; ii. 55, 470 note, 988.

-, Giulia, daughter of the preceding, to be married to the prince of Sulmona, 530; ii. 470 note, 988.

Varax, count of, an officer in the imperial service, 110–11, 259.

Varchi, Benedetto, his history of Florence, quoted, 188 note, 375, 522–3, 541, 574, 680, 685–6; ii. 991.

Vargas, Francisco de, Spanish ambassador at Rome in Philip II.'s time (1567), alluded to, 322 note.

-, Capn., takes possession of some small villages in the territory of Siena (Feb. 1531), ii. 56.

-, -, treasurer, ii.,351.

Vasionensis, the bishop of Vaison, in the Vaucluse (France), v. Sclède and Vaison.

Vassone (Vaison), dep. de Vaucluse, in France, 1.

-, bishop of, v. Sclède.

Vasto, marquis del, v. Davalos d'Aquino.

-, marchioness, 230.

Vatican library, 321.

Vaucher, Philippes, greffier (notary) of Dole, in Burgundy, 576.

Vaucluse, dep. of France, 117.

Vaughan, Dr. Stephen, on a mission to the duke of Saxe-Weimar (John Frederic), ii. 754, 841, 995.

Vaulx (Vaux), canton of, in Switzerland, 240, 242.

-, governor of, v. Lullin.

Vaux [des Praslins], in France (dep. Seine et Marne), lord of, v. Passano.

Vazquez [de Molina], Juan, one of the emperor's secretaries in Spain, Int. xv.; 567, 703, 713, 742; ii. 31, 715.

-, -, letters of Salinas to, 449, 464.

Vecchi, Antonio de', ii. 983.

Vcçin, prov. of Namur (Belgium), sieur de, v. Barres.

Vedia, Anton de, 668.

Velssco, Spanish family, 809 note.

-, the coustable, v. Fernandez de Velabco.

-, D. Christoval de, ii. 809, 997.

-, D. Francisco de, count de Siruela, 809 note; ii. 997.

-, Da. Leonor, countess of Sirnela, ii. 997.

-, Da. Maria de, duchess of Alburquerque, 787 note; ii. 997.

-, D. Miguel de, arrives in Venice, 520, 542.

-, Ortiz de, agent in Rome of the archbishop of Toledo, 826.

-, D. Pedro de, constable of Castille, 458.

-, -, v. Fernandez de Velasco.

Velazquez, Clement Miguel, a knight of Saragossa, Int. xxii.

Velez, Diego, 841.

-, de Guevara, D. Pedro, recommended for the command of a force, 492.

-, -, at Siena, ii. 126.

Velletri, in the Rom. states, Juan Perez and another Spaniard assassinated close to, 699, 700, 704.

Velona, v. La Vallona and Avlona.

Velzers, v. Welzers.

Venafro, in the Campagna of Rome, the estate of, bought by Pompeo Colonna, 777.

-, Margaret, the duchess, staying at, ii. 683.

Vendosme, Vendôme, duke of, v. Bourbon (Antoine).

-, duchess dowager of, v. Alençon (Françoise).

-, -, daughter of (Marguerite), to attend the conferences of Calais in 1532, ii. 257, 528, 757.

Venetians, their camp at Rivolta, 17.

-, foremost in promoting the interests of the League, 22, 26.

-, asked to restore the castles and towns they had in the kingdom of Naples and duchy of Milan, 127, 129.

-, -, and to help against the Turk, which they reluctantly grant on certain conditions, 268, 683.

-, glad of any opportunity to curtail the pope's power in spiritual as well as in temporal matters, and therefore in favour of a general council, 698.

-, unwilling to contribute towards the expenses of the Turkish war, 756.

-, challenge the three judges appointed by the emperor to arbitrate between them and king Ferdinand, 755.

-, protest against the appointment of a super-arbitrator (Caracciolo), ii. 180.

-, requested to help in defeating the marriage of Caterina de' Medici to the duke of Orleans, ii. 305.

-, shelter Spanish mutineers and prepare ships for them, ii. 565.

Venice, signory of, threatening with her galleys, 15.

-, -, the emperor negociates with, 32.

-, -, fitting out galleys to send to the coast of Puglia, 48.

-, -, asked to restore to the pope everything they had taken during the last war, 126.

-, -, negociates for peace, 141, 170–71, 268, 280, 283, 287, 336.

-, -, the marquis of Mantua, Leyva, and Caracciolo appointed to treat with (1529), 128–32.

-, instructions to the above, 82.

-, -, prepared to defend herself against invasion from whatever side it comes, from the emperor, from the pope, or from Francis, 200.

-, -, should she not accept those offered, to be attacked by Leyva and Gonzaga, 208, 216–8, 401.

-, -, said to be arming, 334.

-, -, -, the greatest efforts to be made by the imperial ambassadors to bring her to terms, 206.

-, -, negociates with the archduke Ferdinand, 401–2, 615.

-, -, peace with the emperor concluded (29 Dec. 1529), 403.

-, -, friar sent by Henry to, on the divorce question, imprisoned by order of the signory, 617.

-, -, overtures made by, respecting the general council, which is likely to deprive the Church of Rome of all her possessions in Italy, 699.

-, -, rejects the compromise offered in her differences with Ferdinand, and challenges the arbitrators appointed by the emperor, 755.

-, -, her former treaties with the Turk considered an obstacle to the defensive league proposed by Clement and Charles, 810.

-, still hesitating to join the league, ii. 20, 92, 405.

-, -, not to be attacked by Turkish corsairs, ii. 287.

-, -, will join the Christian powers, and arm 50 galleys if she were only sure of success, ii. 334.

-, -, urgently requested to join the league for the protection of Italy, ii. 458.

-, city of, all foreign ambassadors residing in, complain of the manner in which they are treated at, 521.

-, -, a friar of, writes in favour of the divorce, 563–4.

-, -, a meeting of theologians and canonists in, promoted by the English ambassador (Casale) for the purpose of giving opinion on the divorce question, 563.

-, -, -, Niño's efforts to prevent it, ibid.

-, -, the dukes of Milan and Ferrara at, 564.

-, -, reception made at, to the duke of Milan in, 754.

-, -, conjectures about their meeting there, 782.

-, resident ambassadors at, English, v. Casale.

-, -, French, v Avranches.

-, -, Imperial, Niño, Soria, Caracciolo, Sanchez.

-, -, college-hall in Venice, 663, 729–30; ii. 323.

-, -, doge of, v. Gritti (Andrea).

-, -, vice-doge of, 549.

-, -, proveditor general, ii. 91, 457.

-, -, sages of the land, 754.

-, -, letters dated at, 317, 335, 564, 958–99, 1156.

Venier, Domenigo, Venetian ambassador to Rome, 286; ii. 563, 966.

-, Gabriele, Venetian ambassador to Sforza of Milan, 617.

-, Giovan Antonio, Venetian ambassador to France till Dec. 1532, 653.

-, Marco Antonio, Venetian ambassador to England, succeeded by Lodovico Falier, Jan. 1529, 617; ii. 976.

-, -, -, arrives at Rome, Dec. 1530, 617; ii. 976.

-, -, -, secretary of, in London, v. Spinelli.

Vere, Robert de, earl of Oxford, lord high chamberlain of England, privy councillor; on a deputation to queen Katharine, ii. 629.

-, -, -, to the princess Mary, ii. 830.

-, -, to take Elizabeth to Norfolk, ii. 877.

-, -, Francis de, his daughter, betrothed to the earl of Surrey, ii. 428.

Vermilio, Pietro Paolo, recommended by Schomberg, 74, 84; ii. 956.

Verney, Du, French diplomate, also called Vernes and Dyverny, 283, 312.

Veroli, bishop of, v. Filonardo.

Verona, 314, 572.

-, to be attacked by Gonzaga (Sept. 1529), 216, 218.

-, bishop of, v. Giberti.

Veronese, to be invaded by Leyva in case of Venice refusing the peace, 216.

Vexin, in Normandy, 824 note.

Veyre, Mr. de (Philibert de la?), ii. 115.

Vianoli, Alessandro Maria, his history of Venice quoted, ii. 454.

Vicedom (?), also called Witzthum, ii. 346.

Vicenza, 269, 572.

Vich, Mossen Joan, his presence at Rome very much wanted in consequence of the death of cardinal Sancti Quatuor, ii. 245.

Vichefarfild, Bishop's Hatfield (?), in Hertfordshire; letter dated at, 1022.

Vienna, 203.

-, besieged by Solyman in 1529, 284.

-, siege of, raised, 258, 271, 315, 319, 321, 330–32, 339.

-, threatened again, ii. 823–4.

Victoria, Vitoria, in Alava, one of the three Basque provinces of Spain, 724, 776–7.

-, Fernando, Katharine's physician, in correspondence with Chapuys, to whom he occasionally forwards Katharine's etters, 236, 351, 392, 710.

-, -, attending Mary during her illness (June 1533), ii. 724.

Viesti, in Naples; bishop of, v. Alarcon.

Vigebano, in Sardinia; Spanish infantry marching on, 16.

Vilaine d'Humiéres, sieur de, v. Brinon.

Vilaque (Villach), in Illyria, ii. 532, 536, 918.

-, v. Laibach.

-, letter dated at, 1180.

Villa Beltran, abbey of, 192.

Villafranca [di Nizza], Charles landing at, in Aug. 1529, 186 note; ii. 959.

-, [del Vierzo], in Galicia, marquis of, v. Toledo.

Villains of Germany, v. Peasants.

Villena, Christoval, a merchant of Siena, 176.

Villiers de 1'Isle Adam, Philip, grand-master of Rhodes (1521–34), 36, 99, 124, 165, 741, ii. 468.

-, -, will not undertake the relief of Coron unless provided with ample means, ii. 827.

Vincestre, v. Winchester and Gardyner.

Vinyol, Mossen Joan, Int. xxii.

Vio Caetano, Thomas, cardinal of San Sixto, very well disposed to defend the queen's case at Rome, 556; ii. 218–9.

Violante, v. Yoland.

Virués, Fray Alonso de, Benedictine, writes against the divorce, Int. xxv.

Visconti, Galeazzo, a Milanese, at the court of France, 245–6, 258–9; ii. 965–6.

-, -, on a pilgrimage to Loretto, 701.

-, -, at Venice before returning to France, 836.

-, Ludovico, 640 note.

-, one of the family attempts to assassinate the duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza, ii. 912.

-, Scaramuzza, 334, 826.

Vismonde, 35 note, v. Sigismondo.

Vitello, Vitelli, Alessandro, Italian condotiero in the emperor's service, against Pisa, 337, 686, 784–5.

Viterbo, in the states of the Church, 67, 688; ii. 75, 808.

Vives, Juan Luis, Katharine's chancellor (?) summoned before the duke of Norfolk, 672.

-, -, ordered to give up Katharine's jewels, ii. 254, 524.

-, -, dismissed from Katharine's service, ii. 893.

-, -, summoned before the king with the rest of the queen's household, ii. 724.

-, -, asked to give up the keys of the room at Westminster where Katharine's papers and deeds were kept, ii. 863.

Vizconde, v. Visconti.

Vochterinus, Anselmus, an Austin friar, native of Vicenza; signs a conclusion in favour of the divorce, 529, 563.

-, -, -, which he retracts at the request of bishop Sclède, 552.

Volterra, in Tuscany, attacked by Vasto, 524, 570, 577, 610, 868.

-, taken, 680 note.

Vormia, v. Worms.

Vorte (Voltri?), 259.

Vours, Pietro, nephew of cardinal Tortosa and auditor of the rota at Rome, 74.

Vulmot, v. Wilmot.

Vuasmaytre, v. Westminster.

Vuyllot, v. Elyot.

Vyenne (Viemme ?) in Brabant, 688.

Vyennes (?), Mr. de, 259.


Wakefield, Robert, his treatise in favour of Henry's divorce, ii. 214, 514, 984, 988.

-, -, denounced by Ortiz, ii. 267.

Waldstettes, the inhabitants of the Forest, name given to the Swiss of certain cantons, ii. 310.

Wales, ii. 886.

Wallop, Sir John, English ambassador to France, leaves (19 June 1532), ii. 466, 992.

Warham, Dr. William, archbishop of Canterbury, elected speaker of the House, 324.

-, -, Henry's letter to (1530), 436–7.

-, -, -, substance of its contents communicated by Katharine to Chapuys, 436–7.

-, -, the divorce suit to be submitted to, and others meeting at Hampton Court on the 11th of August 1530 for the purpose, ibid., 817.

-, -, summons Fisher to his presence, 852.

-, -, formerly of Katharine's council, but now leaning to the other side (Dec. 1530), 853.

-, -, draws out by Henry's orders an appeal to the general council besides a protest, ibid.

-, -, on Katharine's application for counsel answers that he will have nothing to do with such affairs, and that "ira principis mors est," ii. 175.

-, -, does not attend convocation, (1591), ii. 39.

-, -, implicated with others in the Nun's case, ii. 863.

-, -, death of, (1532), ii. 863.

Warwick, the castle of, ii. 488, -, (?) earl of, 238.

Waterford, in Ireland, 54, 206.

Waury, sieur de, v. Rupt.

Weiss, "Papiers de Granvelle" quoted, Int., vi., vii.

Welsh disaffected, and rather partial to Katharine, ii. 323.

Welzers, the, bankers of Augsburg, 33, 840; ii. 351, 825.

Werdenberg, count Felix von, colonel in the emperor's service, 124, 258, 377, 445; ii. 965.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 170.

West, Niholas, dean of Windsor, bishop of Ely (1515–33), ii. 258, 529, 993.

-, -, Katharine inhabiting a house belonging to (Aug. 1532), ii. 497.

Westburey, dean of, v. Barlow.

Westminster, the manor of, 354; ii. 464, 863.

-, a house in, and a pension to chancellor Audeley, ii. 610.

-, abbey of, ii. 63.

-, Anne Boleyn's coronation to take place at, ii. 700.

-, letters dated at, 222–3, 225–6.

Weston, Sir Richard, treasurer of Calais, 56, 303.

-, Sir William, prior of the order of St. John in England, 303.

Wheat, scarcity of, in Italy, amounting almost to a famine (1529), 33.

-, in the Castillian provinces, 123.

-, Sicilian, ii. 308.

-, English, permission to export, applied for by Chapuys (1531), ii. 98.

-, -, by Givachino for Bordeaux, 858.

-, -, at first refused, but ultimately granted, ii. 99.

Wiertenberg, v. Würtenberg.

William, duke of Clèves, ii. 290.

Willoughby, lady, ii. 893.

Wilmot, earl of, v. Boleyn (Thomas).

Willougby, Mrs., a Spanish lady, once in the queen's household; her daughter married to the duke of Suffolk, ii. 788, 893.

Wiltshire, earl of, and Ormond, v. Boleyn.

Winchester, a pension to cardinal Wolsey on the revenues of the bishopric of, 449.

-, bishops of, v. Ford, Gardyner.

Windsor, 586.

-, Henry's court at, 56, 69, 259, 285, 292, 296, 504, 535, 617, 802; ii. 198, 773, 782.

-, Katharine to be removed from Greenwich to, 468.

-, -, staying with Henry at, 476, 698.

-, the privy council at, ii. 758, 773.

-, princess Mary, with her mother, at, 962.

-, -, to reside at, during her father's absence at Calais, ii. 527.

-, treaty of alliance between France and England signed at, ii. 509, 513.

-, Royal Chapel at, dean of, v. Sampson.

-, letters dated at, 25, 34, 188.

Wine, French, supply of, for Henry's table, 691.

-, -, butts of, presented to cardinal Wolsey by John Jocquin, the French ambassador, ii. 379.

-, -, who claims their value from Henry, ibid.

Wingfield, Sir Richard, 586.

-, Sir Robert, ii. 927–8.

Witzthum (?) coiner of base money in Bohemia, ii. 346.

Wladislas, v. Ladislas.

Wolsey, Thomas, archbishop of York and cardinal legate in England, 7, 47, 144–5, 276–8, 290–91, 308, 507, 853, 673, 805, 853; ii. 57, 512, 552, 640.

-, -, interview of, with the Flemish ambassador (Le Sauch), 57–9, 90–91.

-, -, -, with Mendoza, 89, 90–93.

-, -, loses Henry's favour, 133.

-, -, his affairs getting daily worse, 189.

-, -, probable cause of his fall, ibid.

-, -, lampoons and squibs against, printed and circulated in London, 195.

-, -, absent from court, staying at Esher, 195–6, 234.

-, -, living in exile at a country house of his, 20 miles from London, 196, 234–5.

-, -, his affairs beginning to take a very bad turn, owing to Anne Boleyn's enmity, 195.

-, -, Chapuys advised by Katharine not to present his credentials, or call upon, until it be decided whether he remains in power or not, 232, 235, 278.

-, -, taken to court by Campeggio 235, 257, 266

-, -, papal brief informing him of the advocation of the divorce suit to Rome, 214, 237, 255–6.

-, -, declaration of desistance signed by Campeggio and in consequence, 153.

-, -, tried and found guilty of high treason, dismissed from the privy council and the chancellorship, 303, 305–6.

-, -, compelled to draw out an inventory in his own hand of all his movable property, ibid.

-, -, -, which he hands over to the king, 303–4.

-, -, Henry presents him with a ring by way of consolation, 304.

-, -, and allows him to retain one of his bishoprics (Winchester), besides the revenues of York, 370, 469.

-, -, his son, a student in Paris, deprived of almost all his ecclesiastical benefices, 353.

-, -, said to have lent money to the vayvod of Transylvania without Henry's knowledge, 369.

-, -, his fall entirely the work of Anne Boleyn, for the king himself bears him no ill will, 366, 368.

-, -, should Henry's love for his mistress abate in the least, and restore to his favour, his enemies would certainly lose their lives, ibid.

-, -, so ill and despondent that his physicians fear for his life, 444.

-, -, German agents in London interceding for, ibid.

-, -, his restoration to power the principal object of Jocquin's mission, 448.

-, -, would have succeeded, had it not been for Anne Boleyn, as the king in reality bears him no hatred, ibid.

-, -, striving to regain Henry's favour, 449–50.

-, -, feigns illness, ibid.

-, -, a promise of pardon sent to, ibid.

-, -, at the Charterhouse (Richmond), 486.

-, -, visited by Chapuys, who tries to console him, ibid.

-, -, sets out for his diocese, 514.

-, -, begs Chapuys to intercede for him with the emperor, 515.

-, -, is glad to hear of Thomas Boleyn's failure at Bologna, 515.

-, -, states his opinion that, should Henry attempt a second marriage, he would soon repent, 533.

-, -, in communication with Rome and with Chapuys, 600.

-, -, sends to inquire from the latter how the queen's case is progressing, 619.

-, -, -, and shows a decided interest for her, ibid.

-, -, plotting against Norfolk, and striving to regain his influence, 630–1.

-, -, -, in which he is assisted by the French ambassadors, and particularly by Gioachino, ibid.

-, -, sends daily to inquire from Chapuys why the queen's cause is not more energetically pushed at Rome, 692.

-, -, -, that affair once settled, he is sure to return to power, ibid.

-, -, arrested, and placed under the keeping of Talbot, his old enemy, 804.

-, -, in correspondence with Clement through the papal nuncio (Borgho), 805.

-, -, accused of having resumed his former habits of pomp and splendour, and having applied to Rome recommending Henry's excommunication, 819.

-, -, death of, at Leicester (28 Nov. 1530), 833.

-, -, letter to Margaret, the governess of the Low Countries, 22.

-, -, from Margaret to, 90.

Wool trade in England, Venice afraid of the, being stopped, 710, 782–4.

-, with the Low Countries, ii. 773.

-, at Calais, ii. 915.

Worcester, bishop of, v. Ghinucci.

Wormacia, v. Worms.

Worms, in Hesse Darmstadt, 321, 489, 609; ii. 42, 780, 835.

Würtemberg, (also written Viertenberge and Werdenberg), duke of, 176, 483; ii. 157, 202–3; v. Ulric.

-, count Felix, 138.

Wymaria (Weimar), ii. 728 note.


Xenque (?) Juan, v. Shenck.

Ximenez de Urrea, count of Aranda, v. Urrea.

Xipiciano, v. Cippizano.

Xuarez, ii. 920.


Yeart, commander Francisco, 458.

Yeomanry being created in England, ii. 610.

Yères (Hyères), island of, arrival of Charles at the (July 1529), 162, 166.

Yolanda (Yolant, Iolant), v. Albion.

York, Wolsey ordered to go to his diocese of, 476, 486.

-, archbishop, of, v. Wolsey and Lee.

-, Margaret of, countess of Salisbury, 811 note; v. Plantagenet.

-, house, residence of cardinal Wolsey, king Henry takes possession of, 323.

Yve, Mr. d', ii. 554–5.

-, -, letter to, 1028.


Zamora, bishops of, v. Acuña, Mendoza.

-, episcopal town of Spain, business relating to (1532), ii. 563.

Zante, island of, 184; ii. 518–19.

Zapata [de Mirabel ?], Pero, 186, 188.

-, -, governor of Modena during the arbitration, 166, 609, 749, 782; ii. 249.

Zapoli, Zapolski, Zapolsky, also called John Sepuse, vayvod of Transylvania, 59, 60, 62, 101, 151, 257, 329; ii. 330–31, 335, 420, 558.

-, -, about to marry Solyman's daughter, 50.

-, -, recognized by France and England as king of Hungary, and provided with money, 82, 89, 684.

-, -, -, by Wolsey also, 369.

-, -, in league with the Grand Turk, 144, 176, 412, 764; ii. 348, 350–1.

-, -, -, with the Venetians, ii. 91.

-, -, defeated, 144, 176, 412.

-, -, vassal of, (Pereni?) sends an embassy to the Grand Turk, ii. 288.

-, -, his influence over the Hungarians completely destroyed, 483, 657.

-, -, commission to proceed against the bishops who followed the party of, 636.

-, -, agent of, in France, 596; v. Corsin.

-, -, crossing over to England, 725, 736–7.

-, -, in Rome (Bioderos?), 755.

-, -, pretending to the hand of Mary of Hungary, 764.

-, -, called king John, 860–61.

-, -, under the protection of Solyman, ibid.

-, -, in frequent communication with Francis, ii. 147.

-, -, -, and with Henry, ii. 379.

-, -, summons a diet, ii. 127, 339.

-, -, his ambassador at Constantinople dismissed, ii. 324.

-, -, excommunicated by the pope, ii. 807.

-, -, commissions Paul Casale to represent him at the conference of Nice, and complains of the pope, ibid.

-, -, report of his being on the point of marrying a daughter of Solyman, who will give him Hungary to govern under him, 50.

-, -, of having concluded a new treaty with the Turk, 764.

-, -, and having overrun Hungary 798.

-, -, alluded, 113, 257, 349, 518, 797–8, 828, 868; ii. 73, 333, 349–50.

Zara, in Delmatia, ii. 974.

Zaragoza, v. Saragossa.

Zarate, Çarate, secretary, 882.

Zeeland, ii. 937.

Zenete, marchioness of, v. Mendoza.

Zeno, Micer Pietro, Venetian bailli at Constantinople, ii. 91, 333, 573.

Zirletti, 183, note.

Zoppo, II, surname of Luigi Gouzaga da Castalgiffredo, ii. 968.

Zorzi, Zorsi, Francesco, his opinion in favour of Henry's divorce, 529.

-, -, summoned to appear before the "Dieci, " 869; v. Giorgio.

Zuccaro, Zucharo, Capt., 525.

-, -, in command of the hackbutiers sent to the relief of the Catholic cantons of Switzerland (1531), 525; ii. 304, 467.

Zug, Swiss canton, ii. 311 note.

Zuñiga, D. Alvaro de, second duke of Bejar, count of Ledesma, of the emperor's privy council (1532), Int. xxv.

-, D. Frances de, ii. 977.

-, y Avellaneda, D. Francisco de, third count of Miranda, chief of the empress's household, and privy councillor (1536), Int. 183, 713 note.

-, y Sotomayor D. Francisco de, duke of Bejar, Int. xxv.

Zurich, canton of, the principal leaders of the Lutheran sect abandon, 34; ii. 305, 311–12, 314.

Zurichians, in favour of the Swiss Lutheran league which they join, ii. 212, 310–12, 314 note.

-, holdiug a diet with the Catholic cantons, ii. 662.

-, proposed reduction of the, if the Pope will only pay them their arrears, ii. 803.

Zwingle, Ulric, ii. 201, 305, 309, 311.

-, -, preaches at Zurich that succours from France are quite lawful as "peace money, " ii. 201–2.

-, -, leads the Zurichians against the Catholics, and is slain at Cappel, ii. 282, 311–2, 314.

Zwinglians, in favour of the duke of Wurtenburg, ii. 202.

-, -, whose restoration they procure, ii. 203.