Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.
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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index: H, I". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Habrayn bassa, v. Ibráhim.
Hacanea Blanca, (hackney or white steed), to be presented yearly to the pope as prestation for the fee of Naples, 67, 186
Hacquett (Hackett), Sir John, English ambassador to the Low Countries, 427.
-, -, to represent Henry at Margaret's funeral, ii. 12.
-, -, reports from Brussels (June 1531), ii. 198.
Hainault, Haynaut, prov. of Belgium, 104.
Hamburghers, suspicions entertained in London about the Danes attacking English vessels at sea, ii. 705.
Hamburgh, ii. 448, 451, 627.
-, a doctor (Leigh), sent by Henry on a mission to, returns, ii. 627.
Hampton Court, 642; ii. 961.
-, meeting of Warham, More, and others at, (11 Aug. 1530) for the purpose of examining the papal brief, 690.
-, king Henry at, (Aug. 1530), 758, (June 1531), ii. 198, 961.
Hannalt, v. Anhalt.
Hannart, Hannaërt, John or Jean, sieur de Liedekerke, viscount of Lombecke, chief secretary and audiencier to the council of Flanders; imperial ambassador in France, ii. 436, 548, 561–2, 829, 844, 851, 854.
-, -, letter to the emperor, 1025.
-, -, present at the conferences of Marseilles, 829, 844, 846–7, 851.
Hardo (?) district of Naples, 826.
Haro, Diego Jaymes (?) de, 64, 77, 83, 119, 123; ii. 284.
Harvy, v. Hervey.
Hassen, Hessen, v. Hesse.
Harpsfield, Nicholas; his treatise on the divorce, ii. 986, 988.
Hatfield, Bishop's, in Hertfordshire; Katharine at, in a manor belonging to the bishop of Ely (6 Nov. 1532), ii. 545.
-, -, Mary, the princess, removed to, ii. 898.
Hawkins, Nicholas, archdeacon of Ely, nephew of bishop West, condemned as Lutheran, on a mission to the emperor (27 Sept. 1532), ii. 529, 993.
Hawks, two, presented to Henry by Gioachino, in the name of the duke of Ferrara, (Jan. 1532), ii. 360.
Heine, Dr G., translates into German Loaysa's despatches, Int. xv., 787 note.
Heltham, v. Eltham.
Helwighen, Loys, councillor in Brabant, ii. 471; ii. 992.
-, -, his report concerning the man of Louvain, 967.
Hellen (St. Helen), the empress, wife of Constantius and mother of Constantine, the Great, said to be English-born, ii. 23.
Henin (Hennin), Jean de, sieur de Bossu, the emperor's master of the horse, 481; ii. 5, 103.
-, Thomas Philippe de, archbishop of Mechlin and cardinal, ii. 986.
Hennege, Dr. Thomas (?), appointed by king Henry to conduct Chapuys to Grafton, 220–2, 231.
Henriquez, Felipa, marries don Pedro de Cordoba, 101; v. Enriquez.
-, Juana, 378.
- de Luna, Maria, 378.
Henry (Henrique, Enrique) IV., of Castille; alluded, 787, 883.
-, VII., king of England, alluded to, 702–3, 752–3, 789; ii. 323, 472.
-, VIII., king of England, favours the Italian league, 16.
-, writes to the signory of Venice to place a good guard on the frontiers, so as to prevent the inhibition brief from reaching England, 161.
-, will not allow the notification of the brief advocation to be made to him, 214.
-, -, much less appear there within 40 days as summoned, 214, 224.
-, at Grafton, in Sept. 1529, 220–1.
-, residing at a manor so small and confined that his household had to lodge elsewhere, 222.
-, solicited by Chapuys to give help against the Turk, answers, that his means are very small, 298.
-, at an audience given to Chapuys and Rosymboz, inveighs bitterly against the pope, the ecclesiastics, and the Roman court in general, 350.
-, disputes with Katharine at dinner on St. Andrew's day, 351.
-, -, his arguments on both occasions, 350–1.
-, should the pope not grant his divorce he will denounce him as a heretic, and marry whomsoever he pleases, 352.
-, his love for Anne Boleyn on the increase, and his determination to divorce his queen equally strong, 370.
-, will marry her, whether the pope sanctions his divorce or not, 409.
-, about to send an embassy to the emperor at Bologna (Jan. 1530), 421.
-, in London (Jan. 1530) for five or six days, to attend to the deliberations of the privy council, 430.
-, complains to Chapuys of slandering reports being published about him at Rome and at the emperor's court, 464, 466.
-, staying at the More in Hertfordshire (March 1530), 486.
-, works strenuously for the dissolution of his marriage, 496.
-, again in London, accompanied by Anne Boleyn (9 May 1530), 530.
-, declares that Clement would gladly give one million of money to know his secret, 583.
-, writes to Clement, and complains that he has not answered his expectations, 588.
-, will not on any account allow the divorce suit to be tried at Rome, 586.
-, so bent on the divorce that he may any day with the help of Francis create great disturbance in Italy, 591.
-, does not seem to bear the queen any ill will, 600.
-, sends her a piece of cloth to make him shirts, 600.
-, -, the bearer of which, a gentleman of his chamber, is abused by Anne Boleyn in the Royal presence, 600.
-, sends money to Venice to be remitted to the Florentines, but in reality to be spent in bribes for the divorce case, 680.
-, obtains through bribery the seals of several universities in France and Italy, which makes him more intent than ever on the divorce, 689.
-, much given to hunting and field sports, frequently taking Anne Boleyn with him, 672, 710, 724; ii. 198.
-, quarrels with the French ambassadors in Sept. 1530, 711.
-, -, the cause being his wish to have the duke of Orleans in London as security for his father's engagements, 712.
-, to which proposal the ambassadors will not agree, 712.
-, rejects the nuncio's offers concerning the divorce suit, 719.
-, -, will not agree to its being tried elsewhere than in England, though he asked at one time that it should be advoked to Cambray, 237.
-, asked by the papal nuncio and imperial ambassadors to help against the Turk, 718.
-, -, his evasive answers.
-, abuses Clement in the presence of his nuncio, and tells the latter that the Church needs a thorough reformation, 722.
-, tells Borgho that he is only waiting for an answer from Rome, to have the divorce suit settled by parliament, 724.
-, not favourable to the meeting of the council, 734.
-, tells the papal nuncio (Oct. 1530) that should Clement not behave better towards him, he will take up pen and show to the world that the pope has no greater authority than Moses had, 759.
-, writes to Clement promising not to proceed to the divorce until after Jan. 1531, (Oct. 1530), 779.
-, in London (Nov. 1530), 797.
-, not favourable to the meeting of a general council for two reasons among others, 802.
-, -, will oppose it as long as he can, 802.
-, accuses Chapuys of contributing by false reports to embitter his case at Rome, 803.
-, -, and says to him that the imperial ambassadors, both in Italy and in France, deserve a reprimand from the emperor, 803.
-, uneasy at hearing that the emperor is approaching Flanders, gives orders for the frontiers to be placed in a state of defence, and sends artillery to Calais (Dec. 1530), 848.
-, promises his help to France, and proposes a defensive and offensive alliance against Charles, 818.
-, bent upon carrying on his marriage (Dec. 1530), 852.
-, his letter to the pope read in consistory, ii. 8.
-, -, considered highly irreverent and insolent, ii. 9, 267, 281.
-, -, answered, ii. 9, 18–19, 801.
-, dining with Katharine at Greenwich (Jan. 1531), ii. 12.
-, reported to have quarrelled with Anne Boleyn, owing to her ill-using a gentleman of his household, ii. 33.
-, -, and to have, with tears in his eyes, solicited her relations to interfere, ii 35, 37.
-, intelligence received from Rome in Jan. 1531 has such an effect upon, that according to a gentleman of his privy chamber, he passes sleepless nights, ii. 28.
-, -, and decides on the dissolution of his marriage anyhow, ii. 34–5.
-, intends appealing to the future council before sentence is pronounced, ii. 47.
-, complains bitterly of the inhibition brief, and writes to Francis to intercede for him, ii. 49.
-, assumes the sovereignty of the Church in England, ii. 71.
-, -, in Parliament (March 1531), ii. 79.
-, grants Borgho an audience, ii. 97–8.
-, insists upon the cause being tried at Cambray by impartial judges, ii. 177.
-, comes to London incognito (June 1531), ii. 198.
-, sends Gioachino with a mission to France, ibid.
-, his answer to Borgho on the three points forwarded by Clement, ii. 320.
-, gives Katharine the choice of three places to retire to, ii. 363.
-, on his way to the northern counties to hunt, returns suddenly to London (July 1532), ii. 487.
-, among the causes assigned for his return one is that Anne Boleyn was insulted by women at her passage through certain towns on the road, ibid.
-, declares in public his determination to marry Anne Boleyn with the greatest possible solemnity and pomp, and orders Talbot to prepare everything for the ceremony (July 1532), ii. 489.
-, -, which is to take place before St. John's Day, ii. 633.
-, -, at Dover (Nov. 1532), ii. 556.
-, in closer relation with his parliament than he ever was, ii. 564.
-, showing repentance at his separation from Katharine, ii. 578.
-, -, principally owing to the expense of keeping so many establishments, ii. 579.
-, -, said to have secretly married Anne Boleyn in the presence of her father, mother, and two intimate female friends of her, Feb. 1533, ii. 609.
-, and with more solemnity on the 28th of May 1533, ii. 661, 663.
-, -, immediately on the arrival of the Canterbury bulls (26 March 1533), prepares to marry, ii. 625.
-, sends message to Katharine not to return to him, for he has taken another wife (Apr. 1529), ii. 629.
-, his books in defence of papal authority adduced as arguments by Borgho, and his reply, ii. 626, 629, 638.
-, about to forbid, under pain of death, any speaking in private or preaching in favour of the queen, ii. 632.
-, -, proclamation issued to that effect, ii. 686.
-, to be summoned at his own request by the archbishop of Canterbury's court as having two wives, and without sending for Katharine, have the dissolution of his former marriage declared (Apr. 1533), ii. 644.
-, -, his marriage officially announced to Chapuys, ii. 732.
-, apologetical note of his conduct in the divorce presented to Charles by the English ambassador, ii. 800.
-, -, a copy of which is forwarded by Charles to Clement for inspection, ii. 801.
-, declaratory clause appended to the brief excommunicating all his councillors and ministers as well as Anne Boleyn, ii. 837.
-, said to be more fond of Anne than ever (Nov. 1533), ii. 842.
-, no human power will prevail on him to obey the papal sentence, ii. 865.
-, frequently indulging in threatening language, and abuse of Clement, ii. 912.
-, letter to the pope, 526.
-, -, to the emperor, 171, 188, 200, 222–3, 225, 248.
-, -, to Margaret of the Low Counties, 25.
Herasmo (Erasmus), merchant residing in London, 329.
Hernandez, Fr. Diego, Katharine's confessor and chancellor, 885.
-, Pero, 601.
Hertford Castle, Katharine at (11 Nov. 1532), ii. 454.
Hervey (Harvey), Sir Nicholas, English ambassador to the court of Charles, 532, 586.
-, -, well acquainted with the French and Flemish languages, a man of great integrity, but a strong partisan of Anne Boleyn, 586.
-, recalled, and replaced by Hacquet (Feb. 1531).
-, -, his wife, a widow of Sir Richard Wingfield, 586, 593.
Herwrardt (?), Christofle, a citizen of Augsburg, 797.
Hesdin (dep. Pas de Calais), retained by Francis, 41, 312, 333.
-, restored to the emperor, 379, 405, 426.
-, Mr. de, v. Ostin.
Hesse, landgrave of, v. Philip.
Hessian, one, a servant of the landgrave, sees the emperor at Barcelona, ii. 322.
-, -, and comes to London on a mission (Dec. 1531), ibid.
Hewett, Andrew, a London tailor, burnt as heretic (July 1533), ii. 996.
Heyne, Dr., his compilation of Loaysa's letters, quoted, ii. 284 note, 847 note.
Hieronimo, Jacomo, the pope's chamberlain, 640.
Hincht, Dr., v. Knight.
Hispello v. Spelle.
Hoghstrate, Hoochstraten, count of, v. La Laing.
Hohenasperg (Hohendsperg), castle of, in Würtenberg, ii. 157.
Hold (Gold ?), Henry, priest; executed (Apr. 1533), ii. 866, 1000.
Holstein, duke of, v. Frederic.
Holland, Bess?, maid of honour to queen Anne Boleyn; Norfolk's relations with, ii. 814.
Hollanders, the fleet of the, puts to sea (Sept. 1533), ii. 797–7, 997.
-, -, to be attacked by the Lubeckians, ii. 877.
Holy Land, an expedition to the, suggested by Henry as the most efficient way of making war on the Turk, ii. 14.
Horn, count, sums paid to, on the emperor's account, 186.
Horraix (?), v. Rœulx and Croy.
Horrelo (?), Guido, factor or agent of the Fuggers in Spain, 742.
Horse, master of the, or grand squire, to Henry, ii. 528; v. Carew.
-, -, to Charles, v. Henin and Montfort.
Horses, two fine, presented to Francis by king Henry, 762.
Hostages for Francis' ransom in Spain, 594, 613, 615; v. Valois.
Hostia, v. Ostia.
Howard, Dorothy, wife of the earl of Derby, 477.
-, Elizabeth, wife of the earl of Wiltshire, and mother of Anne Boleyn, ii. 609.
-, Sir Thomas, third duke of Norfolk introduces Le Sauch to cardinal Wolsey, 57.
-, -, of Henry's privy council, 92.
-, -, and in favour with him, 195.
-, -, if lady Anne Boleyn chooses he will soon succeed the cardinal in the government, ibid.
-, -, not at court on Chapuys' arrival, 238.
-, -, both meet in the council room on the 6th of October 1529, and have a conversation on the divorce and other matters, 275.
-, -, visited by Chapuys at his London residence, 292–6.
-, -, bribery of, attempted by Chapuys, and offer to help to the marriage of his son (Henry) to princess Mary, 367–8.
-, -, represented by Chapuys as the most powerful and influential man in England (Jan. 1530), and most desirous of doing service to the emperor, 416, 428, 430.
-, -, proposed mission of, to Bologna in Jan. 1531, 422, 424–5.
-, -, the earl of Wiltshire sent instead of him on the plea that he is better acquainted with French and Latin, 422.
-, -, the cardinal's bitter enemy, and doing all he can to ruin him, 449.
-, -, to be president of the privy council, 452.
-, -, in such favour with the king that nothing is done without him, 460.
-, -, very kind and attentive towards the imperial ambassadors, whom he introduces to his duchess and daughters, 460.
-, -, boasts of having obtained Wolsey's pardon, but will do everything in his power to keep him out of court, 469.
-, -, tells the nuncio (Borgho) that he has always stood and will in future stand, by the clergy, and obey the holy apostolic see, 719.
-, -, his conversation with that ecclesiastic on the choice of impartial judges to try the king's divorce suit out of Rome, 724–5.
-, -, applies for papal dispensation for a marriage between one of his sisters and the earl of Stanley, formerly married to his daughter, 762.
-, -, (31 Oct. 1530) tells Chapuys that to remove suspicion of his wishing to marry his son (Henry) to the princess (Mary), he is about to marry him to another lady, 790.
-, -, at the head of the deputation sent by Henry to Katharine in Jan. 1531, to induce her to consent to the suspension of the proceedings at Rome, and trial of the suit by impartial judges at Cambray, ii. 177.
-, -, preparing to accompany the king to Calais (Oct. 1532), ii. 253, 523.
-, -, supposed by Chapuys to be really aiming at a marriage between the princess and his son, the earl of Surrey, ii. 362.
-, -, -, though his wish to secure the emperor's favour, and fear of Anne Boleyn having male children, deter him from his projects, ibid.
-, -, bold declaration made by, to Chapuys in June 1532, concerning Katharine's daughter (Mary), ii. 476.
-, -, arrives in London from the country (22 Aug. 1532), to accompany Henry to Calais, ii. 495.
-, -, tells the papal nuncio (Borgho) that nothing is yet decided about the interview of the two kings, and that if Henry goes to Calais it is merely to inspect the fortifications, &c., ii. 496.
-, -, -, which statement is fully confirmed by Dr. Sampson to Chapuys, ibid.
-, -, with Suffolk, Dorset, and Oxford on a deputation to queen Katharine (in April 1533), ii. 629, 635.
-, -, getting all things ready to go to France as ambassador, ii. 647.
-, -, his journey to France determined upon by Clement's proposed interview with Francis at Nice, ii. 674.
-, -, -, and therefore postponed until the place and time of meeting be fixed, ii. 680.
-, -, tells Chapuys that he himself was not the originator nor the promoter of the King's second marriage, ii. 699.
-, -, -, and that had he and the earl of Wiltshire not opposed it, it would have taken place in 1532, ibid.
-, -, leaves for France (28 May 1533), ii. 700.
-, -, daughter of, to be married to the duke of Richmond, ii. 787.
-, -, said to have been coldly received by the Parisians, ii. 742.
-, -, recalled from France, returns, (2 Sept. 1533), ii. 787.
-, -, accused by Anne Boleyn of too much familiarity, ii. 794.
-, -, to be replaced by Gardiner at the conferences of Marseilles, ii. 817.
-, -, signifies to Mary that her father's pleasure is that she should attend court, and enter Elizabeth's service (Dec. 1533), ii. 881.
-, -, conferences (in Sept. 1533), ii. 786, 796–8.
-, -, -, with the papal nuncio (Borgho), 367, 434–5, 460–61, 463, 504, 508, 513–15, 626–8, 672–3, 819, 832–3, ii. 2, 12, 14, 16, 27–8, 198–9, 200, 625–9, 631, 635, 735.
-, -, -, with Chapuys, 293–6, 303, 326, 331, 339, 342, 347, 350, 355, 360, 409, 417, 427, 449–52, 466–7, 469, 672–3, 788–9; ii. 22, 258, 928–9, 930–3.
-, Henry, earl of Surrey, son of Thomas, third duke of Norfolk; his marriage to the Princess Mary spoken of (October 1529), 279, 368, 711, 721; ii. 735.
-, -, -, which project Chapuys offers to favour that he may gain the duke over to his views, 360, 362, 366, 398.
-, -, betrothed to the daughter of an English nobleman, though not in a condition to marry for the next three years, ii. 428.
-, -, the lady neither rich nor of desirable alliance, the marriage being promoted by Anne Boleyn lest he should aim at the hand of princess Mury, ibid.
Howard (Dorothy), daughter of the duke, married to the earl of Stanley, death of, 477.
Hoyos, Anton, v. bishop of Gurk (1533–51),
Huesca, in Aragon, bishop of, v. Urrias and Campeggio.
-, bishopric of, disputed, 119, 172, 866; ii. 999.
Humiéres, sieur de, . . Brinon.
Hungary threatened by the Turks, 15, 100, 260.
-, crusade against the Turk in, to be instituted, 67.
-, invaded and almost entirely subdued, 282, 307, 412, 425.
-, gallant defence of some of the towns in, 379.
-, the Spaniards under Vasto to go to, 679.
-, -, as well as the pope's levies under cardinal Ippolito de' Medici, ii. 505.
-, overrun by Zapolsky, 798.
-, affairs of, discussed between Henry and Chapuys, ii. 13.
-, Henry suggests that instead of making war against the Turk, Charles and his brother Ferdinand had better attack him in the Holy Land, ii. 14.
-, again invaded by the Turk, ii. 89, 158.
-, news letters from, 99.
-, kings of, . . Ferdinand; Ladislas (1490–1516); Louis (1516–26).
-, usurper of, the vayvod of Transylvania, v. Zapolsky.
Hungarian bishops favouring the cause of the vayvod, to be proceeded against in the pope's name. 636.
-, commission for the prosecution of the, given to Campeggio, 636.
Hungarian horse, to be enlisted on Clement's account for the Turkish campaign in 1532, ii. 468, 505.
Hunting-parties in England; Henry's, 772; ii. 72, 581.
-, -, attended by Anne Boleyn, ii. 212.
-, -, Chapuys and Le Sauche, invited to, ii. 758.
Hurtado, Diego, 183 note.
-, Lope, imperial ambassador in Portugal, ii. 483.
-, -, letters to the emperor, 435, 1037.
-, -, to, from Granvelle, 1038.
- de Mendoza, D. Diego, count of Saldaña, 116.
Huynt-filz, v. Wingfield.
Ibráhim Bey and Pashá, Turkish general, 481, 657, 731, 830.
-, -, report of his defeat in Transylvania (1529), 176.
-, -, in command of the Turkish forces, ii. 91, 324, 333, 434.
-, -, in Venice on a mission, ii. 572.
-, -, going to Alexandria, ii. 908.
Iceland, English ships sent to the fisheries in, ii. 704.
Idiaqucz, Alonso de, imperial secretary, Int. xv.; 170; ii. 919 note.
-, -, his marginal notes in some Roman despatches, 710.
-, - report of, on a letter of Ferdinand to Charles, 114.
-, -, handwriting of, ii. 66, 432, 785, 912.
-, -, imperial letters countersigned by, 682.
lllescas, town of, New Castille; conversation between Francis and Charles on the road to, in 1526, ii. 845.
-, Gonzalo de, writes against the divorce, Int. xxv.
Imola, leg. Ravenna, ii. 561.
Imperiale Cesaro, 635.
Indies, patriarch of the, v. Merino.
Indult Quadragesimal, or Lenten indulgence, solicited at Rome, 18, 142, 185.
-, obtained, ii. 829, 888.
Infante, meaning of the word, 464.
Infantry, Spanish, before Florence entirely destitute, without money or provisions, 318.
-, -, in Naples, mutiny, 318.
-, -, about to escort the emperor to Germany desert in great numbers, to be present at the sack of Florence, 478–9, 415, 485, 495, 509, 519, 524–5.
-, -, mutiny at Bologna for want of pay, 496.
-, -, -, again in Naples on the same excuse, 700.
-, -, -, dismissed at Florence, threaten mutiny, 524–5.
-, -, -, a most undisciplined set, 839.
-, -, in the Sienese, burn a town and commit all manner of excesses, 871.
-, -, quartered in the lands of the Church, ii. 46.
-, -, to be sent elsewhere and new quarters provided for them, ii. 119.
-, -, going from Spain to Flanders, ii. 183, 197, 627, 785.
-, -, -, alarm produced in London by the news, ii. 785.
-, Italian, have not the endurance of Spaniards, and if not paid their monthly stipend regularly, are sure to go over to the enemy, 318.
-, -, desert the very day of the emperor's departure from Bologna, 485.
-, -, the emperor's pay, and going to Hungary, 750, 756, 758, 765.
-, German, v. Lanskenets.
Ingelburge of Denmark, wife of Philippe Auguste, king of France; repudiated, ii. 687, 812 note.
Ingratitude, Henry complains to Chapuys of the emperor's, and of his having taken up the cause of his aunt (Katharine) with more zeal than that of his own sister (Isabella), the queen of Denmark, 506.
-, -, Chapuys' sharp answer to the accusation, 506; ii. 817–8.
Inhibition brief; a second, forbidding all ecclesiastical and civil courts in England to take cognizance of the divorce case, applied for by the imperial ambassadors, ii. 7.
-, to be intimated at Bruges or Dunkirk, 9.
-, -, as well as in England, ibid.
-, six copies of the original, sent to London by different routes, 159, 161, 181, 214.
-, -, one of which reaches Trent, 171, 175, 181.
-, -, modification of, solicited by the English ambassadors, 181.
-, -, and is forwarded to Katharine to make use of it in London, 270.
Inhibition brief notified individually to Wolsey and Campeggio, 215, 218.
-, -, and personally to the former cardinal, 237.
-, executed in Flanders, 253, 258.
-,a more general and binding one applied for by the imperialists, 257, 751.
-, -, enjoining Henry not to contract a second marriage, 791.
-, -, and to separate from Anne Boleyn, ii. 844.
-, the French ambassador at Rome pretending that it ought not to have been executed without previous notice to his master, ii. 49, 50.
Inquisition, the, and the Granadiue Moors, ii. 849.
Innsbruck, capital of Tyrol, 56, 457, 465; ii. 89.
-, reichstadt or regiment of, 519–20.
-, Ferdinand and Charles meet at, 528.
-, letters dated at, 298–9, 328–9.
Insola, Stephano della, Italian captain, ambassador to Rome from the Catholic cantons of Switzerland, to command a body of troops in help of the Swiss Catholics, 308–9, 311–13, 325, 442, 469.
-, -, brother of (Battista?), ii. 231, 467, 662.
-, of the pope, the emperor, and king Francis at Thuringhen in 1529, 389.
-, of the emperor, his brother Ferdinand, Francis I., and pope Clement talked of, 681.
-, in Flanders, not in Italy, as the French propose, 681.
-, of Henry and Francis at Calais and Boulogne first talked of, ii. 487, 494.
-, -, for the purpose, as it is said, of devising means against the Turk, ii. 517, 524, 530, 533, 565, 583.
-, -, effected, ii. 554–5.
-, between the emperor and Henry proposed by the papal nuncio (Borgho) in Sept. 1530, all proceedings in the divorce suit to be suspended in the meantime, 725.
-, another between Francis and the emperor in some town of Flanders, proposed by the former, 817; ii. 246.
-, -, accepted by Charles on condition that no modification of the treaties of Madrid and Cambray will be discussed thereat, ii. 246, 249.
-, one of the emperor and king of France, which Henry might also attend, to discuss the matter of the divorce, proposed by Mai, 1531, ii. 9.
-, -, on no account to be held without the emperor letting Clement know first, ii. 57.
-, a rumour afloat in April 1531 that Clement is to meet soon the emperor and Francis at Milan or at Nizza (Nice), ii. 119, 123.
-, two proposed by cardinal Grammont in June 1531; one between Clement and Francis, another between them and the emperor, ii. 188.
-, another in Genoa or Bologna proposed by Clement to Charles in July 1531, ii. 204.
-, -, if accepted king Francis might be persuaded to come as far as Nice, ibid.
-, of Francis and the Emperor in some town in Pieardy, in 1531, ii. 258.
-, -, said to have been proposed by the former and not accepted, ii. 249.
-, of Clement and Francis at Nice, ii. 686, 733, 742.
-, -, which Henry highly disapproves of, ii. 742.
-, -, said to have no other object than the marriage alliance, 742.
-, -, no longer to be held at Nice owing to certain difficulties, but at Marseilles, ii. 743.
-, -, should Norfolk be invited to, every effort to be made to prevent his going, ii. 755.
-, -, effected (Oct. Nov. 1533), ii. 826, 835, 844, 852.
-, between Eleanor and Mary, the emperor's sisters, proposed, ii. 246.
Ireland, Fernandez' mission to, in 1529, 51–54.
-, several vessels being chartered, and 500 men raised to go to, under the command of the earl of Kildare, 536.
-, English forces in (1530), 820.
-, collectorship of, given by Clement to one of his bishops in Jan. 1531, ii. 74.
-, troops from, said to have joined the Scottish army on the borders in Sept. 1531, ii. 206.
-, lieutenant-governor of, v. Kildare.
Irish (wild), make incursions upon the lands of the royalists, ii. 237.
Isaba, name of a parish in Pamplona, ii. 744.
Isabella (Isabel), of Castile, the Catholic, wife of Ferdinand, king of Aragon, d. 1505; alluded, 634.
-, daughter of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, marries Alfonso. son of João II., king of Portugal, ii. 10 note.
-,a widow, eight months after becomes the wife of don Manuel, first cousin of Alfonso, 558, 662.
-, the emperor's sister, daughter of Philip and Joanna, and wife of Frederic, king of Denmark, d. 1528, 334, 506, 795.
-, the empress, daughter of Don Manuel, king of Portugal, 18, 627, 634.
-, rumours current in London of a powerful fleet being prepared in Spain to convey her to Flanders, 627.
-, -, the administration of the military orders entrusted by papal bulls to, 77, 160.
-, -, left to govern Spain during Charles' absence, 396.
-, -, with a council presided over by Tavera, 337.
-, requested to write a letter in favour of Katharine, 352.
-, the Castilian noblemen discontented with her government, ii. 396, 551, 597.
-, -, receives Salinas at Madrid, ii. 713.
-, -, dangerously ill in the spring of 1532, ii. 743, 779.
-, -, recovers, and enters Monçon, ii. 790, 816.
-, -, letters to the emperor, 592.
-, -, -, to Cobos, 244.
-, -, to Mendoza, 254.
-, -, -, from abbot Llor, 602, 616, 618, 624.
-, -, -, Dr. Ortiz, 616.
-, of Naples, v. Aragon.
-, widow of Luigi Gonzaga Rodomonte, 850; v. Colonna.
Ischia, 705; ii. 232, 989.
Isola, Stephano da, v. Insola, 308–9, 311–13, 325.
Istria, the inhabitants of, to be allowed the same privileges as those of Friul, 489.
-, Alfonso d'Este at, ii. 521.
Italian powers, the emperor's idea of the, and their polities, 404–5.
-, captain, (a Neapolitan?), in the suite of Camillo Orsino, ii. 445, 448.
-, -, betrays him, and spies his movements, which he reports to Chapuys, ii. 451, 453.
-, -, very fond of novelty, 187.
-, several, in Henry's service, ii. 705.
-, infantry, 318, 485, 511.
Italy alarmed at the reported alliance between the pope and the emperor, 16, 22.
-, Charles' journey to, in 1529, decided upon, 38, 137, 147.
-, reasons for it explained in a letter to his brother Ferdinand, 401, 404–5, 407.
-, in peace, 839.
-, the emperor's return to, in 1531, a, necessity, ii. 16, 137, 147, 512.
-, -, again visited in 1532–3, 563, 580.
-, an interview between the emperor, the king of France, and the pope proposed at a town of, 675.
-, all French intrigues directed towards getting a footing in, ii. 180.
-, in danger of an invasion from the Turk, ii. 332.
Iviça, one of the Balearic islands, sea fight with the Moors at, 635.
-, Doria's galleys at, 684.