Index: A

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 2, 1531-1533. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1882), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Aarschot, marquis d', (Philippe de Croy,) 37, 258, 259.

Abançatis, Jo. Bernard, Florentine merchant, Int. xxiv.

Abbadin (II Abbatino?), 731.

Abbeville, in France, ii. 546.

Abel, Abell, Master Thomas, Katharine's chaplain, 672, 673; ii. 978, 992.

-, -, writes to Dr. Ortiz at Rome, ii. 494.

-, -, -, who shows his letter to the pope, ii. 494.

-, -, sent to the Tower, ii. 497, 992.

-, -, book written by, ii. 992.

-, -, papal brief authorizing him to preach evangelical doctrine in England, applied for by Ortiz (Sept. 1532), ii. 522.

-, -, -, not obtained, ibid.

Abergaveny, George, lord, v. Burguen and Burgaveny, ii. 992.

Abrahim, Abrayn, v. Ibráhim Pashá.

Abruzzi, prov. of Naples, 584.

-, the, threatened by the Venetians, 171.

Abruzzo, the ulterior; Germans in the, said to be treating secretly with the confederates, 50, 530.

Abstrato, v. Hoochstraten.

Acciajuoli, Roberto, ii. 988.

Accolampadius, v. Œcolampadius.

Accolti, Benedetto degli, cardinal of Ravenna, nephew of Ancona, 5; ii. 995.

-, -, professing to be an imperialist, though accepting bribes from the English, 10.

-, -, expected back in Rome, 605, 624, 701, 717.

-, -, returns, and is recommended by Mai, 763, 806.

-, -, conducte negociations for the marriage of king James of Scotland to a princess of the imperial family, ii. 86–8, 93, 115, 128, 675.

-, -, thanked for his exertions in favour of Katharine, ii. 60, 335, 470.

-, -, his MS. carried away by D. Pedro Pacheco. 11.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 92, 372, 655, 727, 824, 862.

-, -, from the emperor to, 674.

-, Pietro degli, cardinal of Ancona, bishop of Sabino and Cadiz, Int. xxiv.: 4, 5, 10-11, 154, 172, 181, 194, 270 note, 329, 556, 564, 585, 701, 737–9, 779, 782, 866; ii. 365, 469, 908, 955, 980.

-, -, arrives at Rome, 717.

-, -, his services in the divorce suit much commended by the Imperial ambassadors, 849, 876, ii. 46, 60, 76.

-, -, protector for Scotland, ii. 88, 101.

-, -, appointed by Clement to consider what sort of concessions might be made to the Lutherans (June 1531), ii. 195.

-, -, carrying on negociations for king James's marriage, ii. 913.

Acemilero mayor, office at the Imperial court, ii. 62.

Accquia, . Azequia.

Acerenza (Accerenza, Naples), bishop of, . Palmeri.

Acertosa v. Certosa.

Acquaviva, Geo. Antonio, ninth duke of Atri, one of the Neapolitan "fuorusciti," takes service with the French, ii. 786, 791, 849.

Acromonte, Agramonte, v. Grammont.

Acuña, Captain, defeats the Neapolitan "fuorusciti" in 1529, 14.

-, D. Antonio de, bishop of Zamora; brief of absolution to all those concerned in the trial and execution of, 18, 180.

-, D. Luisa de, 733.

-, D. Pedro de, 431, 445.

-, D. Vasco de, 458.

Adda, river, the Venetians cross the, and enter Lombardy, 35–6.

-, Francesco d', banker at Milan, 29.

-, Gerardo d', banker, 29.

Adelantado, frontier captain in Spain, Int. xxvi.

Admiral of Castille, v. Enriquez.

-, of England, v. Fitzroy: Norfolk.

-, of France, v. Chabot.

-, Turkish, at Constantinople, tells the Venetian "bailli" that his orders are not to attack the signory's ships, nor those of England and France, ii. 458.

Adorni, family and faction of the, in Genoa, opposed to Doria, and complaining of his tyranny, 831, 842.

-, -, attached to France, 869; ii. 29, 46.

Adorno, Barnabá, 176.

Adrian, pope, alluded to, Int. xvi.; 160, 596, 674, 822, 850; ii. 216.

-, grants to the emperor the patronage of all churches in Aragon and Castille, 866–7.

Adurce, Juan de, treasurer in Spain, 453.

Affo, Ireneo; his life of Luigi Gonzaga quoted, 558 note; ii. 966–7, 969.

Africa, Spanish settlements on the coast of Africa, threatened by Barbarossa and other Turkish corsairs, ii. 83.

Agostini, the cardinal's physician; bearer of messages from cardinal Wolsey to Jean Jocquin, 448–50.

-, -, to Eustace Chapuys, 450, 600-1.

-, -, arrested and sent to the Tower, 805, 819; ii. 80.

Agramonte, v. Grammont.

Agrippa (Henr. Corn.) asked to write against the divorce, ii. 239, 989.

Agustinians in Venice, prior of the, offers his services to ambassador Rodrigo Niño, 699. v. Augustinians.

-, general of the, 771.

Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), 329; ii. 43.

-, coronation of Ferdinand as king of the Romans in, ii. 42, 43.

-, letters dated at, 597.

Alamanni, Jacopo, 188.

-, Luigi, Florentine agent, 375, 377, 521, 561-2, 574, 603.

-, -, his letters to the Signory and "Dieci," 237, 295.

-, -, intercepted at Asti by Scalenga, 603.

-, himself to be arrested or expelled from Genoa, 604.

-, released, 634-5.

-, Piero, 188 note, 377.

Alanges, v. Du Bellay and Langeais.

Alachaulx, v. La Chaulx.

Alarcon, Hernando de, the marquis, remains in command of the Spanish forces at Naples after the departure of Chalon, 189, 195; ii. 961.

-, -, in Puglia, 200, 247, 250, 328, 457, 609, 842.

-, -, against the mutineers of Naples, 684.

-, -, on bad terms with Chalon, 843.

-, -, letters from the emperor to, 131.

-, -, Lope de, bishop of Viesti, 826.

-, -, Sancho de, 567, 808.

Alava, one of the three Basque provinces of Spain, 747, 783.

Alba, Alva, town of Piedmont, ii. 713.

-, [de Tormes,] in Spain, duke of, v. Alvarez de Toledo.

Albaine, Albanie, v. Albany.

Albania, ii. 458.

Albanians, revolt against the Turk, 544, 868; ii. 260.

-, light cavalry in the Imperial service before Florence, dismissed, 524.

Albany, duke of, v. Stuart.

Albarez, Alvarez, Mencia, ii. 714, 680.

-, -, de Toledo, D. Fadrique, second duke of Alba, Int. xiii., xxv.

Albertino, inquisitor at Valencia, 753.

Albion, Yolant de, of the bedchamber of queen Isabella, Int. xxii.

Albizzi, Anton Francesco degli, 522, 523 note.

-, Roberto de, 522 note, 523.

Albolotto, Jacopo, a Ferrarese lawyer, sent by the duke Alfonso to Rome (1531), ii. 180, 183, 185.

Alboracen, Alboracense, name given by Spaniards to Wolsey archbishop of York (Eboracum), ii. 835.

Albornoz, Bernardino de, Imperial courier, 123, 190, 191, 198, 206.

-, -, the emperor's gentleman usher, 311, 317, 319, 544.

-, at Amiens as IIanuaërt's secretary, ii. 548.

-, Cardinal Gil de, 614.

-, College founded by, in Bologna; delivers opinion in favour of the divorce, 641.

Albrecht, v. Brandenburg.

Albret, Henri d', called the king of Navarre, 109, 619; ii. 456, 689.

-, -, his marriage broken off, 764.

-, -, sister of (Jeanne), to be married to Francesco Sforza, ii. 290, 689.

-, Jean d', king of Navarre, excommunicated by the pope, ii. 336.

Albricias, from the Arabic al-bisháyir; meaning of, 189.

Alburquerque, duke of, v. Cueva.

-, duchess of, v. Velasco (Maria).

Alby, Arby, Mr. d', v. Derby.

Alcalá de Henares (Complutum) in Castille, 678-9, 720.

-, opinion of its university in the divorce case, 399, 400, 432; ii. 134.

-, letters dated at, 399, 400.

Alcantara, Military Order of, in Spain, 160, 164, 180, 432.

-, -, permission to marry granted to the knights of, 142.

-, -, high commander of, v. Cueva.

-, papal breves concerning the Order of, 822.

Alcaraz, Dr., Katharine's physician, Int. xxii.

Aleander, Aleandro, Hieronymo, bishop of Brindisi (1524–42), 688; ii. 575.

-, -, sent by Clement on a mission to Charles (1531) respecting the council, ii. 231, 243, 396.

Aleman, Jean, v. Lallemand.

Alencastre, v. Lancaster.

Alençon, Anne d', daughter of René, dowager marchioness of Monferrato, 594 note, 678.

-, Charles, duke of, v. Valois.

-, Françoise d', wife of Mr. de Vendôme (Charles), accompanies Louise to the conferences of Cambray, 108; ii. 227, 990, 999.

-, Marguerite, wife of Charles duke of, ii. 108, 990, 999.

-, Jean II. duke of, ransom paid for the delivery of, in 1424, ii. 788.

-, René d', 594 note.

Aleppo, in Syria, 184.

-, letters dated at, 125, 260.

Alexander VI., pope, (Rodrigo Borja,) 703, 753; ii. 55, 205.

Alexandria, in Egypt, ii. 333.

-, advices from, and the Turk (1530), 829; ii. 333.

-, an attack upon, proposed by the duke of Albany, ii. 77, 234, 333.

-, (Alessandria della Paglia) on the Tanaro, 16, 26, 209, 772.

-, fortified by Francesco Sforza, 166.

-, besieged by the imperialists, 237.

Alfaro, Francisco de, a knight of Saragossa, Intr. xxii.

Alferez, meaning of the word, ii. 888 note.

Alfonso IV. of Aragon, alluded to, 880 note.

-, of Portugal, ii. 10.

Algiers, in Africa, 733, ii. 83.

-, preparations for the expedition to, ii. 83, 266, 824, 916.

Alguer (Alghero, in Sardinia), bishop of, v. Pastorelli.

Aliacqua (?), ii. 140 note.

Alicante, a seaport town on the coast of Spain, the imperial fleet at, on St. Peter's day (1529), 121.

-, Barbarossa in sight of, 546.

Alicorno (Unicorn horn), presented by the Venetians to Solyman in 1530, 731.

Aljaferia, Moorish palace in Saragossa, 880.

Alliance of England with Spain during the reign of Henry VIII., said by the duke of Norfolk to have been highly injurious to the former, 789. v. Treaties.

Almazan, v. Perez de Almazan.

Almeyda, Estevão d', Portuguese ambassador at the court of Charles ii., 574–5.

Almirante, v. Admiral of Castille and Enriquez.

Almoner to King Henry, v. Lee.

-, to queen Katharine, 672–3. v. Ateca.

Alonso, king of Aragon, alluded to, ii. 459.

Altamura, in the county of Bari, 364.

Altenbourg, Altenburgh, Altenberg, 317, 378.

Alton in Hampshire, prineess Mary at, 468.

Altovitti Bernardo, a Florentine, 574.

-, place or family so called at Rome, ii. 129.

Alvarez, Mencia, v. Albarez.

-, [de Toledo], secretary to the Catholic sovereigns (Ferdinand and Isabella), 752; ii. 985.

-, de Toledo, D. Fadrique, second duke of Alba, Int. xiii, xxv.

-, D. Garcia, duke of Alba, 660.

-, D. Pedro, marquis de Villafranca, v. Toledo.

Alvaro [de Bazan?], 567.

Amalfi, in Naples, 211; ii. 963.

-, duke of, v. Piccolomini.

Ambassadors, English, resident or extraordinary, in Rome (1529), v. Bryant, Casale, Gardyner, Ghinucci, Stokesley, Vannes.

-, -, ask Clement to declare the dispensation brief of Julius II. to be a forgery, 2.

-, -, protest entered by Mai and the Austrian ambassador (Burgo) against that assertion, 3.

-, -, hint thrown out by one of them before the Consistory, "that, had the king known beforehand, he could have put an end to the dispute," meaning perhaps that he might have had poison administered to his Queen (Katbarine), 10

-, -, summoned before the cardinals in Consistory, to hear Mai's protest read, 6.

-, -, their answer, 7.

-, -, and Mai's reply, 7–9.

-, -, one of them (Gardyner?), a lawyer, whom his colleagues treat with great respect, 153.

-, -, and who is to remain while the other two (Bryant and Vannes) leave, 172.

-, -, have audience, and protest against the advocation of the divorce suit to the Rota, 172.

-, -, ask that the case be personally submitted to the pope, 172.

-, -, with whom all seem to be in great favour, 182.

-, -, try to have the advocation and inhibition briefs modified, 181–2.

-, -, and the legal proceedings suspended for awhile, 191.

-, - resist as long as they can, 254.

-, -, ask at least for a suspension of the proceedings, which Clement grants, 201-2.

-, -,-, -, and Charles approves conditionally, 207.

-, -,-, but which Katharine opposes as injurious to her cause, 305.

-, -, write to Henry in December that they see no other way open than to persuade the emperor to consent to the divorce, and, treat Katharine better, 384-5.

-, -, (1530) two more appointed (Benet and Karne).

-, -, on their way to the papal court, 498, 528.

-, -, expected, 550.

-, -, arrive (7 June), 579, 588, 662-3.

-, -, remonstrate against the inhibition brief, 682–83.

-, -, quarrel with Sancti Quatuor, who calls them "heretics," and tells them that they will surely lose their cause, ibid,

-, -, their answer to Burgo when the question of a subsidy towards the Turkish war was first introduced, 684.

-, -, complain of the duke of Albany's arrival at the papal court, as he is no friend of their king (Sept. 1530), 704.

-, -, keep daily molesting the pope, and asking him to declare beforehand how he intends sentencing the divorce suit, 717.

-, -, write home announcing the suspension of the proceedings at Rome, 736.

-, -, ask for a new delay (October 1530), and present a letter on behalf of England, 738.

-, -, insist upon Henry's marriage being dissolved without a legal process, 739.

-, -, press Clement to declare before-hand what declaration he intends making on the divorce suit, ibid.

-, -, solicit cardinals' hats for Casale and Ghinucci, 850, 878.

-, -, insist upon the three points previously demanded, but do not deliver Henry's letter to Clement, 779.

-, -, complain that the suspension granted, and about to expire, is too short, and ask for a new delay (Dec.), 835.

-, -, negociate, 484, 611, 684, 736, 975.

-, -, (1531,) v. Benet, Karne, Casale, Ghinucci, Sampson.

-, -, report of their having asked for their "conge" (January), ii, 7, 276.

-, -, said to have misunderstood Clement's words about the suspension of the suit, ii. 58.

-, -, conversation of Ghinucci with Ortiz, ii. 238.

-, -, apply for an audience to discuss points already settled, such as the rejection of the excusatcr, &c., ii. 335.

-, -,-, which is granted by Clement, all proceedings being suspended till after the Epiphany of 1531, ibid.

-, -, apply to Clement for a suspension of the trial on the plea that they want doctors from Italian universities to go to Rome and dispute the case with the Imperial lawyers, ii. 340.

-, -, (1532,) debate the question of the excusator, Karne, ii. 489.

-, -, -, which they ultimately lose, ii. 703.

-, -, (1533,) recalled (October 1533), ii.769, 772, 817.

-, -, to the emperor in Spain (1529):

-, -, Ghinucci and Lee enter a protest at Saragossa, 229.

-, -, until they have passed the frontier on their return home, Mendoza to remain in Brabant, 133.

-, -, to the same at Bologna:

-, -, Boleyn, Lee, Carew, and Sampson (1529):

-, -, with full instructions to treat and conclude the divorce case, 297.

-, -, said to be the bearers of most liberal proposals, which are rejected, 506.

-, -, how received, 387, 417-8.

-, -, said to have gone at Charles's express desire, 447.

-, -, dispute precedence with the Austrian, 473.

-, -, their overtures to Clement after the emperor's departure from Bologna, 493.

-, -, to the emperor himself at Bologna:

-, -, (1529–30,) Lee, Sampson, Boleyn (Sir Thomas), and others, 417, 422, 424, 425.

-, -, leave London (21 Jan. 1530), 432.

-, -, their proposals rejected, 506, 534.

-, -, to Charles (1530), at Innsbruck, v. Cranmer, Eliot, Harvey.

-, -, one of them asks leave to go to Rome to attend to the divorce suit (8 May 1530), 528.

-, -, one (Cranmer?) going to the emperor's court in June 1530, 598.

-, -, another puts in the emperor's hands at Monçon? a letter of Henry to him, in which he speaks disparagingly of Clement (Sept. 1533), ii. 800.

-, -, to the emperor in Germany (1531–2), . Eliot and Harvey, ii. 69.

-, -, one (Eliot) returns (June), ii. 453.

-, -, in France, v. Boleyu, Fox, Gardyner, Stokesley, Wallop. (1530–33.)

-, -, one resident at Paris (1530) tries to delay the consummation of the marriage of Francis to the emperor's sister (Eleanor), 871.

-, -, to Francis nt Marseilles; Gardyner (1533), ii. 853.

-, -, to the duke of Bavaria (William), v. Monthahorinus.

-, -, one sent by Henry in July 1533, ii. 754, 841.

-, -, to Denmark:

-, -, one, a doctor, sent to Hamburg and Denmark, ii. 627.

-, -, back in London (March 1533), ii. 627.

-, -, to Flanders and to the Low Countries:

-, -, (1529-30,) Hacquet, 427.

-, -, (1531,) the same, 11, 12, 198.

-, -, to succeed Harvey in Germany, 528.

-, -, reports the death of Margaret. ii. 2.

-, -, to the duke of Saxony (George) in June 1530. 642. v. Vaughan.

-, -, to the Hanz Towns (Oct. 1533), ii. 818.

-, -, to the Lutheran princes, ii. 875. v. Monthaborinus and Vaughan.

-, -, to Venice (1529–30), Casale, Croke, Stokesley, 387, 502–3, 551, 657–8, 662–3, 697–8, 830.

-, -, not allowed to consult the Venetian or Paduan doctors on the divorce case, 502.

-, -, solicit the opinion of the bishop of Chieti, 503.

-, -, determine to try Padua and Bologna, 527.

-, -, in treaty with Zorzi, 869.

-, -, French., in England:

-, -, (1529–30,) Guillaume and Jean du Bellay.

-, -, negotiating for the recovery of Maximilian's jewels, and especially of the diamond "fleur de lis," 276-8, 285, 383, 388, 411, 419, 428, 430, 460–1, 465, 469.

-, -, attending frequently the king's council, 357, 369, 379, 381–3, 395, 460–1, 466–7.

-, -, (1531–2,) Gilles de la Pommeraye, 858, 862; ii. 254–6, 444, 449, 463–4, 513, 525, 533-5, 561.

-, -, (1531,) Jocquin, La Guiche, 617.

-, -, at Greenwich (9 Jan.), ii. 12.

-, -, never so busy and active as at the beginning of 1531, ii. 15, 40–1, 78, 83, 114, 278, 334.

-, -, (1532,) Montpezat, ii. 417, 424–5, 513.

-, -, takes leave, 15 Feb. 1533, ii. 600.

-, -, D'Inteville since February, 1533, ii. 600, 609, 626, 817.

-, -, the same and Jocquin, ii. 626, 752–3, 761.

-, -, the former accompanies the Scotch ambassador to court, whilst the resident Jocquin introduces Beauvois, ii. 761.

-, -, takes leave (Nov.), ii. 864.

-, -, a gentleman of Francis's chamber (May 1533) for the purpose of hastening the duke of Norfolk's departure for Nice, ii. 689.

-, -, arrives in London, G Nov. 1533, ii. 857.

-, -, said to have left the court of France at the beginning of October, ibid.

-, -, Chastillon (Nov. 1533).

-, -, two (Montpezat and D'lnteville) invited to the christening of Elizabeth at Greenwich in Sept. 1533, ii. 789.

-, -, the bishop of Paris (Jean du Bellay, expected, Dec. 1533, ii. 885.

-, -, v. Langeais, Du Bellay, Jocquin, La Guiche, La Pommeraye, Montpezat, Dinteville.

-, -, to the emperor (1531), called by Clement a liar and a scoundrel, ii. 290.

-, -, to Ferrara, (1533, June), one going to Alfonso d'Este, 595.

-, -, to Milan, (1530):

-, -, one (Francesco?) to demand from duke Francesco Sforza payment of certain monies spent upon Salluzzes' forces, 751.

-, -, -, as well as the restitution of the lands confiscated from the "fuorusciti," 754, 777, 782.

-, - in Rome (1529):

-, -, Turenne, Grammout:

-, -, call upon Clement to join the Italian league, 82, 150, 164, 176, 199.

-, -, complain of his alliance to the Emperor being the principal cause of his coming to Italy, 151, 163.

-, -, (1530,) v. Grammont and Stuart (Albany).

-, -, a groom of Francis' chamber (Francois?), 664, 676, 706, 705; ii. 185.

-, -, a squire of the king of France (Pontremoli?) with a message to Albany (April 1531), ii. 121.

-, -, (1531,) Grammont, Albany:

-, -, propose an interview of Francis with Charles and Clement, ii. 258, 305–6

-, -, instructed to help Henry's case as much as they can, ii. 340.

-, -, dispute precedence to the Austrian (Burgo), ii. 347.

-, -, (1533,) the same and Cardinal Tournon, ii. 731, 825.

-, -, to Switzerland, v. Lamberg, Auguerant, Maigret.

-, -, holding frequent conferences with Zwinglius, ii. 201.

-, -, treating with the Swiss cantons, ii. 305, 762.

-, -, to Venice (1530–3), 615, 660. v, Langeac.

-, -, a groom of Francis' chamber (Pontremoli?), 615, 653.

-, -, (1532), the same (?), ii. 425, 454, 680.

-, -, Imperial, in England:

-, -, resident, v. Chapuys (Eustace), Mendoza.

-, -, extrordinary, v. Le Sauch, Mingoval, Montbardon, Rosymboz.

-, -, (1532,) baron Montfalconet sent on a special mission to Henry (April 1532), ii. 433, 440, 449.

-, -, one, a worthy and honourable personage, to be sent by Chapuys' advice to Henry, to communicate the definitive sentence, if it should be obtained, ii. 649.

-, -, (1533,) one extraordinary, a person of rank, to remonstrate against the divorce, urgently asked for by Chapuys, ii. 756, 865.

-, -, the idea reluctantly accepted by Katharine, ii. 719.

-, -, (1530,) in France: Noircames, Praët, Lachaulx, Bonvalot, Hanaërt, 416.

-, -, (1531,) the same, ii. 89, 341.

-, -, (1533,) Hannaërt, ii. 912.

-, -, attempt made by the, to invalidate the opinion of the Sorbonne in the divorce case, ii. 199.

-, -, to Rome, v. Santa Croce, Mai, Muxetula, Merino, Loaysa, Cueva, Cifuentes.

-, -, to king Ferdinand, v. Mendoza.

-, -, in Portugal, v. Hurtado de Mendoza (Lope).

-, -, to Venice, v. Caracciolo, Niño, Sanchez, Soria.

-, -, two, sent to congratulate the Signory, 454.

-, -, Austrian, to the Grand Turk (1529):

-, -, one sent to Solyman at Constantinople, 128.

-, -, returns with an answer ambiguous and unsatisfactory, ibid.

-, -, Rocandolf, Quirós, and others sent in 1530, ii. 126–7.

-, -, again with offers of truce (Apr. 1531), ii. 141.

-, -, expected back, ii. 824, 834, 844.

-, -, to the pope, v. Burgo (1529–33): Sanchez (1531–2).

-, -, to the emperor, his brother, . Bredan, Nogarolo, Salinas.

-, -, Bavarian, in London:

-, -, one sent by Louis, duke of Bavaria, to Henry, in 1531, ii. 41.

-, -, another by William (1533), v. Botnykkes.

-, -, Danish, in England:

-, -, a gentleman (Declyff Rotlowe) of the chamber of Frederic, king of Denmark, sent to Henry in March 1533, 627.

-, -, to Austria, ii. 892.

-, -, Ferrarese, in England:

-, -, unfavourably looked upon, 197.

-, -, at rest, doing nothing serious, 383.

-, -, to Francis, (Il Manfredo,) 639–40.

-, -, his letter to the Dieci of Florence intercepted, 681.

-, -, to the duke of Ferrara (Alfonso d'Este), 376.

-, -, to the Francis at Marseilles (1533), ii. 827.

-, -, in Venice, 615, 653, 731.

-, -, in Rome (1529–30), a secretary of the duke Alfonso d'Este, 34, 65, 82, 653, 684, 731, 782, 867; ii. 206.

-, -, not present at the congregation held in Dec. 1531, ii. 347.

-, -, v. Albolotto, Beringharius, and Ghilini.

-, -, to the emperor, 184.

-, -, in Venice, 731.

-, -, Flemish, in England, v. Le Sauch, Mingoval, Rosymboz.

-, -, from the Low Countries, to France, v. Des Barres (Guillaume), Rœulx.

-, -, Florentine, in England (1530), 513.

-, -, to the emperor (Capponi, Soderini, Strozzi, and Girolamo).

-, -, at the emperor's court, 163, 167, 168, 178, 185, 188.

-, -, how received, 188.

-, -, to the prince of Orange before the siege of their city (Sept. 1529), 212.

-, -, going to kiss the emperor's hands in thankfulness for what he did for them (Aug. 1530), 670.

-, -, in France:

-, -, greater favour than ever shown in Paris to the, (July 1530,) 640, 676.

-, -, to the pope at Rome (1532), ii. 480.

-, -, one in Sept. 1529, 212.

-, -, at the court of Ferrara, 603.

-, -, in Venice:

-, -, apply to the Signory for help (1529), 268.

-, -, which is refused on the plea that they are reported to have already made terms with Clement, ibid.

-, -, how occupied in June 1530, 615.

-, -, his report to the Mantuan ambassador in Venice (July 1530), 664.

-, -, Genoese, to France, at Marseilles (1533).

-, -, mission of the, concerning the intercourse of trade, unsuccessful, 824; ii. 32, 464, 849, 889.

-, -, Hungarian (1532), from the vayvod of Transylvania to Rome, 736.

-, -, a friar confessor of Zapolsky, the vayvod of Transylvania; at Rome in Jan. 1532.

-, -, has an audience from Clement, ii. 376.

-, -, two from the same vayvod to France and England, v. Bioderos and Corsino, ii. 829.

-, -, take good care of Keeping Henry well informed of the movements of the Turk, 257.

-, -, of the Italian or Holy League at Rome:

-, -, do not attend public prayers for the peace of Cambray, 82.

-, -, at Cambray, ask for a draft of the projected treaty (July 1530), 870.

-, -, Lorenese, to the emperor (1532):

-, -, one (an archdeacon of Toul) to claim money lent by the duke (Antoine) to Bourbon, ii. 576.

-, Mantuan, to the pope, (1529) 76, 80; (1530) 682, 762, 785, 811, 842–3; ii. 105, 133.

-, -, to Venice, (1530) 615, 664, 730; (1532) ii. 456; (1533) 870.

-, -, to the emperor, v. Bagarotto, Torre, 113, 490, 520.

-, -, Milanese, in England, v. Scarpinello, Bottigella.

-, -, one of them (Scarpinello) most in favour with Henry, an annual pension having been assigned to him for his maintenance, 303, (1530) 467, (1531) ii. 16, (1533) 804.

-, -, to the Emperor:

-, -, at Piacenza in Sept. 1530, 201, 208–9, 213.

-, -, in Venice; how engaged, 615, 698, 772, 837.

-, -, in France (1531), . Taberna.

-, -, dismissed (Jan. 1531), ii. 47.

-, -, at Marseilles (1533), ii. 854, 890, 986. v. Taberna.

-, -, in Rome, v. Andreasi, Corbeta and Morone, 65, 73, 85, 119, 214, 247; (1530) 611, 615, 777, 837; ii. 503, 763–4, 843.

Ambassadors, Muscovite or Russian, to the emperor, ii. 961.

-, -, Papal, v. Nuncios and Legates.

-, -, Polish, to the emperor:

-, -, one from Sigismond, king of Poland, at the court of Charles (1529), 101.

-, -, closely interrogated by the emperor himself respecting his master's dealings with the Turk and the vayvod, 102.

-, -, to the Turk (1533), ii. 755.

-, -, Portuguese, at the imperial court, v. Sarmento and Almeyda.

-, -, at Rome, v. Sylva.

-, -, from Savoy to the pope:

-, -, ask help against the Swiss Lutherans (1529), 151; ii. 911.

-, -, proposals made by the resident, at Rome in 1530, 661.

-, -, in London; an envoy of Carlo III. sent in August 1532 to claim the lordship of Cyprus, ii. 221.

-, -, at the imperial court in 1532, ii. 919.

-, -, conference with Cobos, ii. 919.

-, Scotch, in England (1530), Balwery, Pittgorno, ii. 534, 558–9, 568, 575–9, 575.

-, -, one (May 1530) to seek reparation and compensation for damages inflicted in former times, ii. 534.

-, -, -, and bearing a message from the queen mother (Margaret) to Henry, ibid.

-, -, -, which is answered rather sharply by Henry and Francis, ii. 535.

-, -, to France:

-, -, (1532, March,) to ask for a wife for king James, ii. 417.

-, -, (1533, March,) bearer of a treaty of alliance with France, ii. 626–7.

-, -, one, a bishop, sent by James to request Francis' help in his differences with Henry, ii. 664.

-, -, -, and to ask for the hand of his daughter Madeleine, ibid.

-, -, another, calling himself king Francis' servant, though a native of Scotland, going to the court of Francis (March 1533), ii. 626–7.

-, -, passes through London, ii 757.

-, Scotch, to Rome:

-, -, Thomas Erskine, king James's secretary, v. Erskine.

-, -, to the Low Countries:

-, -, one in June 1529, with offers of marriage between king James and Margaret, the governess of the Low Countries, 98.

-, Sienese, in Rome:

-, -, one (Mario Bandini) sent to settle the affairs of the "fuorusciti" (1530), 874–5; ii. 66, 221, 763.

-, -, another (Ludovico Politi) in Feb. 1531, ii. 67.

Ambassadors, Swiss, to the pope, v. Isola (Stephano).

-, Turkish, in Venice (Ibráhim-Bey):

-, -, arrival of a, (June 1530,) 613.

-, -, leaves for Ragusa, escorted by one of the Signory's galleys, 614.

-, (1532, Dec.), another, ii. 457, 563, 572.

-, -, at Marseilles, 1533, ii. 849.

-, -, from the duke of Urbino in Venice, 615.

-, Venetian, in England, (1529) Ludovico Faliero, 197, 381–3; (1530) 467, 513, 617, 626, 653, 663, 819–20, 863; (1531) ii. 44, 114; 1531–3, v. Capello.

-, -, to the emperor at Bologna, Bragadino, Dandolo, Gradenigo, Mocenigo, Suriano, Tiepolo, Pisani, (1529) 200, 653.

-, -, at the court of France, . Giustiniano, Pisano, Rosso, Venier.

-, -, in Rome, (1529–31):

-, -, resident, v. Suriano.

-, -, with Clement at Marseilles (1533), ii. 869–70.

-, -, extraordinary, Cornaro, Grimano, 21, 73, 75–6, 79, 159, 170, 268, 284, 286, 325, 381–3, 609, 873–4; ii. 325, 700, 807.

-, -, conversation of the, with Mai on Italian politics, ii. 20–1.

-, -, quarrrel, and high words exchanged between Burgo and the, in consequence of the latter having asserted that the Turk would not invade Christendom, (April 1531,) ii. 120.

-, -, (1529), v. Suriano.

-, -, (1532), Venier (Domenigo), ii. 563.

-, -, at Milan (Basadona?), ii. 786.

-, -, in Constantinople, 693, 698, 731; ii. 323, 419, 457, 519, 573, 609, 693. . Barbaro.

-, -, son of the balio at, his conversation with Niño, ii. 421.

Amboise, in France, Francis and his mother Louise at, (September 1532), ii. 516–18, 546.

-, letter dated at, 998.

Amiens, in Picardy, 486; ii. 230.

-, letter dated at, 1023.

-, bishop elect of, in London, ii. 224, 230.

Ammunition for the Algiers expedition, ii. 266.

Amont, Aymont, le bailli d', v. Carondelet.

Amorcuende, Mayor, Int. xvi.

Ampthill in Bedfordshire, Katharine at, in the spring of 1532, ii. 423.

-, letter dated at, 931.

Anabaptists, dangers to be apprehended owing to the spread of the sect of the, 117, 120, 151.

-, said to the communists, 117.

Anart, v. Hannaërt.

Anatolia, the Grand Turk (Solyman) going to, 731.

Anchona (Ancona) on the Adriatic, taken by Luigi Gonzaga, and annexed to the Roman States (1532), ii. 503, 521.

-, cardinal of, v. Accolti (Pietro).

-, auditor of, v. Silvestro.

Andalusia, fear of troubles in, ii. 125.

André, Imperial courier, 112.

Andreasi, Rev., Milanese ambassador at Rome (1533), ii. 764.

Andrew, the tailor, burnt as heretic, (July 1533), ii. 996.

Andria, in Naples, letter dated at, 213.

-, duke of v. Baux.

Andrinople in Roumelia, the Turks at, 457.

Angelis, Angell, cardinal (Fr. Francisco de los Angeles), v. Quiñones.

Angelo, Misser, a servant of the duke of Gravina, sent by his master to Spain (1529), 122.

-, servant of the admiral of Castille, ii. 112.

Angermont, Mr. d', v. Geogreff.

Angers university of, in France (Andecavi), opinion of, respecting the divorce, 582; ii. 214, 217.

Angosmois, Angoumois, Madame the duchess of, v. Angoulême and Savoie.

Angoulême, town of France, 244, 553, 652, 685.

-, Mr. d', v. Valois (Charles).

-, duchess of, v. Savoie (Louise de).

Anguiano, Dr., imperial solicitor at Rome, ii. 553, 748.

Anguilara, count of, v. Cibo and Orsino.

Angus, earl of, v. Douglas.

Anhalt, Wolfang, prince of, Intr. xxvii.; 46, 48 ; ii. 9, 56.

Aniago, a village of Castille, in Spain, 775.

Anjou, duchess of, v. Savoie (Louise de), 29.

-, count of, ii. 812 note.


-, bills in Parliament concerning the, payable to the pope, ii. 390, 417.

-, measures concerning the, explained by Norfolk to the papal nuncio (Borgho), ii. 427.

-, no doing of the king, but of the Commons, ibid.

-, in Spain, one-half of the first-fruits granted by Clement to Charles for the expenses of the Turkish war, 146, 185; ii. 911. v. Crusade.

-, the measure in suspense, owing to the opposition of the Spanish clergy, ii. 834.

Anne of Bohemia, daughter of Louis, and wife of Ferdinand, king of Hungary, 128.

-, of Britanny, married to Louis XII. king of France, ii. 425 note.

Anne, lady and marchioness, v. Boleyn and Pembroke.

Antona, Antonne, Anthonne, v. Southampton.

Antocort, v. Hampton Court.

Antwerp, 452, 531; ii. 83, 123, 297, 426, 841.

-, dean of, v. Banisiis.

-, post between, and London, 292.

-, Spaniard murdered at, ii. 936.

Apology, bishop Fisher's book, sent by Chapuys to Dr. Ortiz at Rome, ii. 912–3.

Aponte, captain, bearer of despatches to Rome and Naples, ii. 717, 741, 743, 881, 886.

-, -, instructions to, 1162.

-, field-marshal, in Italy, ii. 881 note.

Apostolos refutatorios, meaning of, ii. 89.

Appiani, Jacopo IV. lord of Piombino, ii. 966.

-, Beatrice, ii. 966.

Apriarde (?) Lambertus, president of the imperial council, ii. 728.

Aquila, in the Abruzzo ult. (Naples), 138.

-, Nova, count of, a German, so called, from Juliers, on a mission to Henry, ii. 322.

Aquileia, patriarch of, v. Grimano.

Aquisgran (Aquis Granum), v. Aix-la-Chapelle.

Aragon, kingdom of, in Spain, 12, 537, 792.

-, states of, ii. 905.

-, council of, 152.

-, viceroy of, v. Lanuza.

-, canal (Acequia) of, 194, 208, 218, 613, 866.

-, Ana d', duchess of Medina Sidonia, ii. 125.

-, Fadrique or Frederic of, last king of Napels, ii. 973.

-, D. Fernando de, duke of Calabria, 713; ii. 334.

-, -, sister of, to be given in marriage to the duke of Mantua, 509. v. Giulia, ii. 855 note.

-, Ferrante de, duke of Montalto, president of the Collateral Council at Naples, ii. 500 note.

-, Giulia d', daughter of Frederic, the last king of Naples, betrothed to Giovan Georgio, marquis of Monferrato, 663.

-, -, to Frederico Gonzaga, marquis of Mantua, 509, 728.

-, -, a marriage between her and the duke Francesco Sforza spoken of, 663.

-, -, her previous marriage to Gonzaga dissolved, ii. 47.

-, Isabella de, widow of the last king of Naples, a pension of 4,000 ducats assigned to, by the Emperor, 494.

-, -, her daughter (Giulia) betrothed to Frederico Gonzaga, 494, 496, 663, 755, 785; ii. 92, 115.

Aragon, Juan de, archbishop of Zaragoza, Int. xxii. 67, 814, 828.

-, -, servant of, in Rome, 74.

-, -, closely watched by Mai's order, 74.

-, -, death of, 114, 828, 838; ii. 984.

-, y Navarra, D. Juan, ii. 999.

Aragona, Ferrante, a physician at Rome, 605.

-, Aragonia, Giovan Aloysio or Juan Luis de, auditor to the Rota, at Rome:

-, -, acts as Katharine's advocate, ii. 38, 46, 53, 60, 439, 484, 703, 748, 847.

-, -, his allegation against the divorce, printed, ii. 461–2.

-, -, ordered by Clement to go to Marseilles, ii. 802, 806, 816, 847.

-, Nicolas de, auditor to the Rota, advocates Katharine's case before the Sacred College of Cardinals, ii. 46, 485, 703.

-, -, sent by Clement on a mission to the emperor (1530), 480, 556, 565.

-, -, -, employed in the Ferrara suit, 865.

Aramandiz, Aramendez, Aramendi, Juan de, dancing-master to the sons of the High Commander (Covos), 1533, ii. 780, 823–4.

Arana, count of, v. Ximenez de Urrea.

Arbitrators, judges, to be appointed to decide the divorce suit.

-, Henry complains of the Papal (Borgho) having told Gioachino what passed between them respecting the, 797.

Arbois in the Jura, prior of, 111.

Arcella, prothonotary, Fabio, papal nuncio at Naples, 550.

Archangel, secretary to Count Cifuentes, imperial ambassador at Rome, ii. 808

Arcy, d', v. Darcy.

Ardres, proposed as the place of meeting of the English and Belgian commissioners in 1532, ii. 931.

Arego, Martin de, galley of, to remain in guard of the Eastern coast of Spain, 733.

Arezzo, town in Tuscany, 282.

-, -, surrenders to the imperialists, 248.

-, -, the inhabitants of, claim the protection of Venice, 663.

-, -, -, if refused, will make common cause with the Florentines, 664.

-, -, send an ambassador to Rome to protest against the Florentine rule (1530), 873.

Argentina (Strassburg), 46, 309.

Arguüelles, Dr., 883.

Arimini, v. Rimini.

Ariola, Mosen Pero de, Int. xxii .

Armendariz, Juan de, ii. 780 note.


-, -, at the siege of Florence, 318, 478–9, 415, 424.

-, -, after the taking of that city to go to Siena for winter quarters, 702.

-, -, threatening mutiny, ii. 179, 181.

-, -, application made for quarters for the, ii. 192.

-, -, Clement's contribution towards the expenses of the, ii 195.

-, -, Clement consents to a part of the, being quartered in the Roman state, provided the remainder be distributed between Milan, Ferrara, and Mantua, ii. 341.

Arrabiati, a faction at Florence, 685.

Arras, bishop of, v. Granvelle (Perrenot).

Arsoli, Amico d', Florentine captain, slain at Gavignana, 680 note.

Artal, sent with despatches to the Emperor, ii. 531.

Arthur, king of England, inscription on his tomb at Glastonbury, ii. 26.

-, prince of Wales, and his marriage to Katharine, alluded, 275, 534, 668, 702, 835, 879, 882–5, 887; ii. 30, 70, 75, 87, 135, 145, 173, 179, 197, 223, 227, 237, 641, 676, 683, 721, 723.

-, -, articles concerning Katharine's marriage to, sent to London for the inspection of her councillors, (June 1531,) ii. 197.

-, -, -, who, unable to meet and deliberate upon their consents, return them to Chapuys, ibid, ii. 211.

-, -, an important omission found in them, which will make it very difficult to have them proved in Flanders, ii. 197.

-, -, at a meeting of lawyers and canonists held in London (in February 1533), a letter of the Catholic king of Spain, Ferdinand, is exhibited and read intimating that his marriage with Katharine had been consummated, ii. 599.

-, -, the queen's terror in consequence, and frequent messages (three in one day) to Chapuys, ibid.


-, -, several pieces of, lent by Ferdinand to his brother the Emperor 336, 354, 430–31, 455.

-, -, many with the arms of France said to have been sold by Leyva to the duke of Mantua, 485.

-, -, at the siege of Florence, 603.

-, -, king Henry about to inspect the, in the Tower (1531), ii. 3.

-, -, several pieces of, to be cast, and gunners to be enlisted (Dec. 1533), ii. 877.

-, -, papal, to Ostia, ii. 741.

Artois in Flanders, a portion of, to be demanded in payment of queen Eleanor's dower, ii. 554.

Ashur, v. Esher.

Asia, harvest in 1530, very poor and unsufficient, 573.

Assaphi (Spahi), a Turkish militia, ii. 286.

Assisi, the imperial army under Vasto quartered at, and in the Perugino, ii. 136, 139.

Astesan, the county of Asti, ii. 195, 208.

Asti, county of, 26, 41, 379, 405; ii. 136.

-, Francis proposes to buy the, for a sum of money on the plea that Louis XII. incorporated it with his crown, 313.

-, -, yet renounces his rights to it, 379, 459.

-, to be invaded on behalf of the duke of Orleans (Henri), to whom it belongs (Sept. 1530), 725.

-, -, given by the emperor to the duke of Savoy (Carlo III.), ii. 315, 321.

-, -, much against the wish of Francis, who claims it as his own, ii. 321.

-, the imperial army to quarter in the, 662, 711; ii. 192, 195.

-, Francis' pretensions to the, renewed, ii. 851.

-, town, 405, 496, 825; ii. 136.

-, Florentine and French correspondence intercepted at, 604, 740.

-, -, proving that both Francis and Henry are encouraging and helping the besieged city with money, 607.

-, governor of, v. Scalenga

Astorga, bishop of, v, Ossorio

Astrologer, prediction of an, to Guido Rangone, 831.

Ateca, Atequa, Fr. Jorge de, Katharine's confessor and almoner, bishop of Landaff (1516–37), 672–3.

Atri, duke of, v. Acquaviva.

-, -, affair connected with, ii. 791.

Attenburu (Altenburgh) in Hungary, 317.

Auch, cardinal, archbishop of, v. Castelnau

Audely, Sir Thomas, speaker of the House (1528–32), keeper of the Great Seal (1532), lord high chancellor (Jan. 1533), 197, 324, 798–9; ii. 617.

-, -, -, seals delivered to, ii. 861–3, 798, 926, 928–9, 931.

Audiencias, or courts of Oyer and Appeal in Spain; opinions of, on the divorce case to be forwarded to Rome, 17.


-, one from England, Silvestro Dario, goes to Rome, 154.

-, another (the same?) sent by Clement to Scotland, ii. 337.

-, passes through London, accompanied by a secretary of the duke of Albany, and another a Scotchman (Dec. 1531), ii. 337.

-, v. Aragoua; Dario.

Auffort, v. Oxford.

Augerant (Anguerant ?), Mr. d', French ambassador to the Swiss cantons (1531), ii. 201, 305.

Augusta (Vindelicorum), v. Augsburg.

Augsburg, imperial city of, 519, 568-9.

-, Charles's triumphal entry in, 611.

-, diet of (Nov. 1530), 482, 591, 642.

-, -, breaking up of the, 761, 793, 800.

-, Franciscans of, ii. 306.

-, hopes of the Dominicans being recalled to, ii. 385.

-, letters dated at, 362, 367, 379, 393, 443-4, 478-9, 488-9, 491.

Augustinians, v. Austin Friars.

Augustines, prior of the (Brown), to be sent to Denmark, 818, 823.

Aumont, Aymont, le Bailli d', v. Carondelet.

Auria, cardinal, v. Doria.

Aurobello (?), Joan de, 491.

Ausburg, comte d', v. Oxford.

Austin Friars in London, one, an Englishman, a friend and follower of Luther, comes to England under a safe-conduct, 857; ii. 337.

-, prior of, v. Brown and Barnes.

-, in Venice, general of the, 638-9, 659, 664.

-, reports conversation with the bishop of Veroli at Milan respecting the General Council, ii. 326.

-, of Padua, 696.

Australins, Ostralins, v. Easterlings.

Austria, the provinces of, invaded by the Turk, 169, 203, 286.

-, the Turk to return to, 626; ii. 74.

-, D. Jorge de (George), natural son of Maximilian; his pension on the see of Santiago, 330, 472, 520; ii. 30, 84.

-, -, his marriage to Caterina de' Medici proposed by Mai, 704.

-, Isabella of, ii. 962.

-, Leopoldo de', 431, 704.

-, Margaret of, v. Margaret.

Autrept, v. Utrecht.

Autrey, le sieur d', 110-11, 259.

Auvergne, prov. of France, 794.

-, governor of, v. Stuart.

-, duke of, v. Bourhon (Charles).

Aux, v. Auch.

Auxerre (dep. Yonne) in France, bishop of, v. Dinteville,

Auxford, earl of, v. Oxford.

Aval, bailli d', v. Lachaulx.

Avalos, in Rioja (Spain), ii. 989.

Avergaveny, v. Neville.

Averoldi, Altobello, bishop of Pola (1497-32), papal legate in Venice.

Aversa, ii. 504.

Avignon, the English ambassadors try to persuade Clement to go to, (May 1529), Int. x; 3.

-, papal legate at, v. Castelnau.

-, the legacy of, to be given to cardinal Jppolito de' Medici, 845.

Avila, in Castille, the empress Isabella's court at, 776; ii. 150.

-, Bishop of, v. Mercado.

Avlona, gulph and port in Albania, 539, 544, 567, 569, 611; ii. 468.

Avocation, brief, removing the divorce suit from the legatine court in England to Rome (15 July 1529), urgently requested by the imperial ambassadors, 161, 171.

-, -, granted by Clement, 142, 563, 651.

Avranches, bishop of. French ambassador to Venice, v. Langeac.

Ayala, Diego de, silversmith, 746.

-, -, Martin de, brother of Rodrigo Davalos; recommended to Covos, ii.736.

Ayerbe in Aragon, lord of, v. Urrias.

Aymont, v. Amont and Aumont.

Azemila, Azemilero, meaning of the words, ii. 62.

Azequia, meaning of the word, 866 note; ii. 961, 963.