Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.
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'Spain: November 1530, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: November 1530, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: November 1530, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
November 1530, 26-31
26 Nov. | 508. Muxetula to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 849, ff. 80-1. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 66. |
The Emperor's letter of the 12th arrived, when he (Muxetula) had just sent off his despatch of the 22nd inst. Communicated His Majesty's wishes to the Pope respecting the contribution of the princes. Everything will be ready for a given time, and the Pope, it must be said, is making incredible efforts. Yet there is no answer at all from Naples and Cardinal [Pompeo] Colonna shews no inclination to obey the Emperor's commands. Hears that he complains bitterly saying that he (Muxetula), is the cause of all this; that he is the Pope's friend, and consequently prevented the sack of Florence by the Imperial troops, and lastly that the Pope out of gratitude for his services has rewarded him with several rich benefices, all of which, as His Majesty well knows, is utterly false. |
[Justifies himself as to these attacks and then adds]: Has agreed with the Pope that until the money to be contributed comes in, the Imperial forces will quarter in the territory of the Church, in the duchy of Urbino, in Romagna, and so forth. Ferrante Gonzaga has been sent for and is expected every day. | |
His Holiness has again spoken to him about the designs of the king of France, which were, as mentioned elsewhere, to hold an interview with the Emperor in Flanders, and persuade him to give up Milan to him. He (the King) was also intriguing at Genoa, and had secret intelligences with Doria's enemies. | |
The Pope also told him (Muxetula) that the king of England has promised Francis, if he would make a defensive and offensive league with him (en todo y por todo), to help him to recover dominion (la superioridad) in Flanders, and other things besides; but that the two kings had decided not to conclude the said league for the present, trusting to draw the Emperor to this matter of Milan. Yet they do not altogether despair to remove this at another time, as the Milan affair appears more profitable [to the French king] than the other negociations. | |
These considerations moved His Holiness to say the other day to him (Muxetula) that the world being in such a disturbed state, and the ambition of the French so great, he did not advise Your Majesty to disarm, and that whether the Spaniards went to Hungary or not you ought to keep up a certain force in Italy. | |
The Pope has at last agreed to the convocation of the General Council, not without difficulty, for those who surround him have put a number of things into his head. He said to me: "I place my head and my dignity under the protection of the Emperor;" he is now preparing a memorandum of the difficulties he sees in that affair. | |
Fabricio Marramaldo has disbanded his men. He (Muxetula) has written with all moderation to cardinal Colonna, without taking any notice of the accusations proffered against him. Also to the cardinal of Burgos [D. Iñigo de Mendoza], who will, no doubt, help in this affair.—Rome, 26th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Jo. Anto. Muscetula." | |
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2. | |
27 Nov. | 509. Eustace Chapuys to the Emperor. |
K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u.-StaatsArch. Wien. Rep.P.Fasc., c. 226, No. 46. |
The continuation of the rumour, now prevailing for some time, that in the ensuing Parliament, which is to resume its labours at the feast of the Purification of our Lady, this king intends proposing some measure respecting his divorce, and also the great annoyance the Queen experiences at her cause being so long delayed, have induced her to write to Your Majesty, and to pray that you will be pleased to intercede in her favour with the Pope, and incline His Holiness to move in her case, as he promised on the reception of Miçer Mai's memorandum, at which my own secretary was present. |
The Queen further prays that her suit be proceeded with at once, without further delay, as otherwise no good can result to her, but on the contrary, as Your Majesty may judge by the duplicate of the Queen's letter to the Pope [here enclosed]. On the subject of this letter I have dwelt more fully in one of my former despatches, as have also Miçer Mai and the Nuncio, the latter of whom has now confirmed all statements in his letter to the Pope, of which a copy is also enclosed. | |
It is said that every exertion is being made here to prepare all matters against the meeting of this Parliament, and there was also a talk of having some book in favour of the King written and printed, that people might examine the matter for themselves. (fn. n1) | |
Eight days ago the dean of the chapel (Richard Sampson) as king's proctor (procureur) in this cause, appeared officially before the archbishop of Canterbury's chancellor, and presented eight different documents, which he required should be copied, and put into an authentic, judicial, and probative form. These were the opinions of as many universities in this matter of the divorce, namely, two from Paris—one from the Faculty of Theology, and the other from the Canonists—the remaining six being from the universities of Thoulouse, Orleans, Burges (Bourges), Bolongne (Bologna), Padua, and Pa via. I should rather think that instead of the book which they intend printing, it would be better for them to publish the opinions of those universities, for after all they cannot be so easily refuted, and the people will rely on their authority with more confidence. | |
Should they do so, the best plan, in my opinion, would be to get the attestation of the votes in favour of the Queen at Paris, and the opinions of such universities as have decided against the King, published likewise. Also to print and circulate the best books written on the subject, as has already been done in Spain with that of the bishop of Rochester (Fisher). Some people thought that the good bishop, for fear of the King's displeasure, would have been annoyed at this, but as the work has been printed without his knowledge, he does not seem to mind it much, from which I conclude that he will not dislike to see in print the other two treatises he has since written on the subject. I have accordingly written to Miçer Mai to have them printed as soon as possible, and send me several copies to distribute among the people here, with due solemnity and as the case may require, before the re-opening of Parliament. | |
A few days ago the duchess of Norfolk sent the Queen a present of poultry (volaille), and with it an orange, inside of which was a letter from Gregory Casale, a copy of which I deem proper to send to Your Majesty (fn. n2). The Queen imagines that the Duchess has sent her this present and letter of her own accord, and out of the love and affection she bears her, but I am afraid that all has been done with the Duke's knowledge; at all events this seems to open a way for the Queen to communicate more freely [with her friends] and disclose her plans to the Duchess, for which purpose it has been deemed expedient to dissemble better in future. | |
Eight days ago the King ordered the Cardinal to be brought here [to London], on hearing which, he abstained from food for several days, much preferring (as it is said) to die in this manner than of a more ignominious and dishonourable death, of which he has some fears. In consequence of which abstinence from food he has been taken ill on the road, and is not yet arrived. There is a report that a chamber has been already prepared for him in the Tower, the same one that the duke of Buckingham once occupied. | |
Many reasons are assigned for the Cardinal's arrest, but all are mere conjectures. I was told by a gentleman that a short time ago the King was complaining to his Council of something which had not been done according to his wish, and that he exclaimed in great wrath that the Cardinal was a very different man from any of them (tres tous) for conducting State matters, and that after repeating the same words twice over he left the Council room in disgust. Since then the Duke, the Lady [Anne], and her father (Sir Thomas Boleyn), have never ceased plotting against the Cardinal, especially the Lady, who has wept and wailed, regretting her lost time and honour, and threatening the King that she would go away and leave him, so much so that the King had enough to do to quiet her, and though he begged and intreated her most affectionately, and even with tears in his eyes, not to forsake him, nothing would satisfy the Lady short of the Cardinal's arrest. The pretext for the arrest is said to be that he had written to Rome asking to be reinstated in his ecclesiastical possessions, and to France also for support and credit, and that he was actually beginning to resume his former habits of pomp and splendour, and trying to corrupt the people. This last accusation they may perhaps prove, since they have got his physician into their hands, for I hear that the day after he came here he was taken to the house of the duke of Norfolk, and there treated and entertained like a prince, which clearly shews that he (Agostini) has been singing to the right tune, as the Cardinal's enemies wished. | |
Jehan Jocquin (Giovanni Gioachino da Passano) would not say a word about this when closely interrogated by the Papal Nuncio; but he told the Venetian ambassador (Venier) that by the physician's own confession the Cardinal had solicited the Pope at Rome to excommunicate the King, and lay an interdict on his kingdom, unless he immediately dismissed the Lady [Anne] from Court, and treated the Queen with proper respect. By which means he (the Cardinal) hoped to cause a rising throughout the country, and in the midst of the confusion seize again the reins of government. The said Jocquin, in his conversation with the Venetian ambassador, did certainly find great fault with the Cardinal for his malignity and bad conduct in this case; but it is to be doubted whether this was not done to hide his own disappointment and annoyance at the arrest, or out of real spite against him for his opposition to this second marriage, on which alone depend the credit and favour the French now enjoy at this court. | |
It would seem, however, that the physician, when interrogated, denied having any understanding or acquaintance with me; for otherwise the Duke, who is a bad dissembler, would have spoken out. He might also have summoned the man, who was the means of communication [between us], to whom the physician wrote, and through whom he received [my] answers; but up to this time the man has not been called upon to make any statement. Even if the physician should relate what passed between him and myself he could say nothing which could lay me open to accusation or even calumny. | |
Ample information has been received from France touching what passed about the convocation of the General Council. Jehan Jocquin, I am told, said to one of his intimate friends, who repeated it to the Papal Nuncio, that the king of France would certainly raise difficulties about it, especially with regard to the places named for its assembling; but I made no further inquiries about it, sure as I am that Your Majesty will receive better and more detailed information from that country. | |
On his passage through Milan, on his return from Bologna, the earl of Vulchier (Wiltshire) must have given the Duke, (Francesco Maria Sforza) some hope of being able to raise here (in England) a loan of 50,000 crs.; for it appears that eight days ago the Earl informed the Milanese ambassador here (Scarpinello?) that he could not fulfil his promise, for the King himself was in want of money for the pay of the men he keeps in Ireland, and who, as I wrote to Your Majesty, do not exceed 500 in number. | |
A deputation from Scotland has also arrived within the last few days; but I have not yet been able to ascertain their object in coming. Some suspect that a promise has been made, or some hope held out, of a marriage of the young King (James) with the Princess (Mary), as it may divert the Scotch from any project of alliance with Your Majesty or any other power. I hope, however, to be able to give Your Majesty more certain information in my next despatch. | |
The Lutheran merchants here arrested, as I wrote in my last, have undergone no further punishment than to be led through some of the streets of this city in their mitred caps, and with placards (fn. n3) on [their breasts and shoulders], carrying certain books [in their hands] which they themselves were to burn publicly. I cannot see what good is to result from all this, since it now appears that for one who spoke about these matters before there are now a hundred who discourse of them freely and without fear. | |
A Spaniard has lately been here, sent, as he says, by the Council of Castille. That the people may not suppose that he comes for Your Majesty's affairs, he gives out that he is sent by the "Order of Mercy" and is to apply for licence to preach in this country the bulls of the said Order for the redemption of captives, and to appoint this king commissioner thereof at his pleasure with one-third of the produce throughout this kingdom. | |
Whilst I was writing this a good and trusty man called and said to me that he had been informed by the prothonotary of the archbishop of Canterbury (Cranmer) that the King not only wished to have a copy of the documents above referred to, but also to have them translated into the English language and attested, and that the earl of Vulchier (Wiltshire) had requested him in the King's name to make the said translation, and so shape the text by enlarging it wherever it might seem desirable, that the conclusions and papers [of the universities] should turn entirely to the King's advantage. This and other circumstances, which I omit, will give Your Majesty an idea of their way of proceeding in this matter. | |
Signed; "Eustace Chapuys." | |
French. Holograph partly in cipher, pp. 5. | |
27 Nov. | 510. Don Pedro de la Cueva to the High Chancellor. |
S.-E. L. 849, f. 16, B.M. Add. 28,582 f. 97. |
Encloses the bulls, &c. for the king of Hungary, which were issued at last, notwithstanding the objections of Sancti Quatuor and others. The provision made for the cardinals was very opportune. Those who did get it thanked the Emperor immensely; those who did not were equally grateful, thinking their turn will come sooner or later. |
Two congregations have already been held about this matter of the General Council, and to-morrow, Monday, there is to be Consistory. Cardinal d'Osma thinks that the resolution will be favourable. Muxetula, who seems to know more about the Pope's secret thoughts than anyone else here—a thing which Miçer Mai and Andrea do not particularly like—is of the same opinion. Cardinal Santa Croce also believes it, though not so firmly as the two above named. | |
Has not gone to the Chapel, because if no ambassador's place is to be given to him so as to precede the duke of Albany, as he is entitled to do, he had better remain at home. | |
Has written twice to the marquis del Gasto (Vasto) about the army, and to Colonna about the money. The former has not come to Rome yet; the latter has answered : "Let Muxetula, who has received from the Pope a benefice yielding 4,000 ducats every year, and Ferrante Gonzaga, who has Venavente (Benevento), a very fine city, provide the money," but nevertheless he ends his letter by saying that in a few days he will remit 30,000 ducats.—Rome, 27th November 1530. | |
P.S.—Don Sancho de la Cavalleria has arrived. | |
Signed: "Don Pedro de la Cueva." | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2½. | |
28 Nov. | 511. The Same to the Same. |
S. E. L. 849, f. 12. B.M. Add. 28,582, f. 77. |
Though I am not a good player at cards, (fn. n4) I am ready to stand by Your Lordship and serve you as long as I remain at the Emperor's court, for which I intend starting as soon as you will give me leave, as there is nothing more for me to do here. The little that remains will soon be done, or else I myself shall be done for. (fn. n5) When I say serve you, I mean with the sword, for with the pen I can do nothing, being neither scholar nor statesman. Pray let me be recalled as soon as possible, for Rome indeed is so ruined that it is like being in the middle of a desert, surrounded by clergy, the greatest knaves in the whole world. (fn. n6) —Rome, 28th November 1530. |
Signed; "Don Pedro de la Cueva." | |
Spanish. Holograph, p. 1. | |
28 Nov. | 512. Miçer Mai to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 850, ff. 121-2. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 78. |
Encloses briefs for the high commandership of Alcantara, and everything needed besides for the election of the king of the Romans. Could not send at the same time the confirmation and amplification of the bull of pope Adrian, as demanded. |
(Cipher:) The cardinals are divided in opinion as to the General Council proposed. Some are decidedly against it, because they are afraid of the reformation beginning with them and their lives, especially those who obtained. their hats through money. They excuse themselves in general terms by saying that they do not consider the Council to be beneficial to Your Majesty's interests. Others are less unfavourable to it, but would delay it as much as possible, partly for a bad end and partly on the plea, that a measure of this kind ought to be duly announced to all the princes of Christendom. Others again are of opinion that there should be no Council, but merely an ecclesiastical assembly (dieta,) like that of pope Pius at Mantua. I myself spoke about this at Bologna, and wrote to Your Majesty afterwards, but the answer was that the Germans would not be satisfied with it. A few have the same pious intention as Your Majesty, and are for its immediate convocation and assembly. | |
A few days ago His Holiness said to cardinal Santa Croce, to whom he unbosomed himself with signs of deep sorrow: "It is very hard that I should be called upon at my advanced age to hold (ygualar) the blood of Christ, and that of the martyrs and glorious saints of the Church, to be of no greater value than the blood of ten drunken Germans, or perhaps only four, who are quite enough of themselves to destroy a whole world, and with much greater reason a Council! They may do what they please; I shall fly to the mountains and let them choose another pope, or a dozen popes, for I am sure that when they set about it they will elect as many as there are nations represented in the Council." | |
Such words is the Pope reported to have said to cardinal Santa Croce; he must have said a good deal more to other cardinals whom he trusts more, and the proof is that Sancti Quatuor said the day before yesterday to Andrea del Burgo that he was tempted not to accept the proofs just received of Your Majesty's munificence in order that he might be at liberty to vote as he pleased in this matter of the Council, when put under deliberation on the 26th November. Yesterday the 25th, however, a congregation was held; the majority of the cardinals voting for the Council. | |
The duke of Albany at present thinks of nothing but pleasure. My spies tells me that he goes now and then to see the Pope at night. | |
Gonzaga and Soria have promised to withdraw the Imperial forces from the Sienese territory within ten days, a thing which in my opinion will be impossible, for in the first place we do not know where they are to be quartered, and secondly, the money from Naples to pay them is not forthcoming. | |
Delivered the letter of cardinal Maintz.—Fabricio Marramaldo.—Archbishop of Siena and his memorial.—Luigi Gonzaga and Isabella Colonna.—Duke of Mantua. | |
There is a report that the duke of Savoy (Carlo), since the loss of Geneva, has been trying to make league with the Lutherans; his ambassador is expected here to night. | |
The letter of the cardinal of Maguncia (Maintz) was delivered to His Holiness, who, after perusing it, said there was in it "multa boba," but promised to do what he could in the affair, and that at any rate he would give out such hopes to the Cardinal's agent that they would almost be equivalent to a grant. Shortly after I took occasion to recommend to him the affair Brandenburgh, the prepositure of Traietto, and other matters. (fn. n7) | |
The memorial presented by the archbishop of Siena before Your Majesty's Privy Council is full of misrepresentations and very much exaggerated. In what he says of me he is entirely wrong, for I have never said or done anything in that affair without first consulting Ferrante Gonzaga. | |
Letters [from France] have been received announcing that the King had sent 100,000 crs. to Switzerland to recruit men, but the Papal Nuncio in France writes that only a portion of that sum has been actually sent from Paris. | |
As to the Italian emigrants (fuorusciti) it is reported that they had intensely resented the order recently given for their leaving the country immediately, and that cardinal Tribulcio, the most influential amongst them, having asked for three days' respite in consequence of his being unwell, had met with a refusal. | |
According to information brought to His Holiness by a secretary of the marquis of Mus, upwards of 12,000 Orisons had died of pestilence in the Swiss cantons. | |
Don Lorenço Manuel writes that Bourbon's heirs have been deprived of the property restored to them in virtue of the treaty of Cambray, and the news has since been confirmed as far as la Roca Gorion. (fn. n8) | |
The bishop of Faença, a nephew of Alberto del Carpi, who went this last summer to France on a mission from the Pope, has returned. He says that he has heard different opinions expressed in France by people supposed to be wise and shrewd politicians. Some said that the King was to have the duchy of Milan with Your Majesty's approbation; others maintained that with or without your consent he was sure to get it, for he had already clearly justified his claim to it. The same was said about Genoa and no mystery was made about it, for the thing was commonly talked of in market places and inns in France. The said Bishop also relates that this idea of a General Council is by no means popular there, and that the King will do everything he can to put it off, which intelligence agrees with what Tarbes has been heard to say here.—Rome, 28th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Mai." | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 5. | |
28 Nov. | 513. The Same to the Same |
S. E. L. 849. B. M. Add. 28,582 f. 83. |
Is thankful at hearing that his conduct has been approved and that the Emperor was satisfied with the delay agreed to, at the Pope's request in the cause of England. Will now follow the terms of the suit without further interruption, especially as the Pope has promised never again to grant a suspension. |
Though His Holiness has letters from his Nuncio in England, shewing that the King is very much dissatisfied with him, and that he complains and threatens saying among other things that he intends taking pen in hand, to write against him, shew him up, and rouse other princes, who ignorant of his tricks have not yet taken steps against him. | |
Advices from that country state that Parliament has been prorogued, but, as far as we can judge here, this has only been done to intimidate the poor Queen and keep the matter in suspense. | |
Among those who have given their opinions here in favour of the King is a converted Jew, who now goes by the name of Marco Gabriello (fn. n9), to whom the king of England has offered as much money as he may ask, having instructed his ambassadors to treat with him and have him sent to England. As this man's journey cannot be for a good purpose, we are afraid that with the votes the King has got already, and with Gabriello's presence in England, Parliament may be persuaded to grant that which he (the King) has so long threatened, namely, his marriage "de facto." | |
Considering it to be for Your Majesty's interest to prevent this man's journey to England, I have taken the precaution of writing to Scalenga at Asti, giving his signallement that he may be arrested if passing through that country. I have since communicated with cardinal d'Osma and Don Pedro [de la Cueva], and both are of opinion that Antonio de Leyva might also do the same, if the Jew should happen to pass through Milan. Andrea del Burgo has likewise written to Trent, and as I have since heard that he has gone to Venice on certain private business of his own, Rodrigo Niño has been instructed to set spies upon him and have him followed to Trent, Milan, or Asti, whichever route he may take. | |
I have received from Spain certain papers and deeds to present in the cause, and I am informed that Dr. Ortiz will soon be here [with the rest]. | |
The Nuncio in England writes to His Holiness tha tin talking with him about the defection of the Landgrave [of Hesse], and after him of the duke of Saxony (George), the King observed that no one in his dominions would be bold enough to do the same, because he is in the habit of punishing such misdemeanours. "Neither would they in Spain," I replied, "nor in other of the Emperor's kingdoms, whose inhabitants, not from fear, but out of pure loyalty to their master, whom they idolize, will remain faithful; but in Germany the desertion of such high vassals is not to be wondered at, for the very act of flying is significant of their reverence and dread of the Emperor. It is not so in England, as we learn from their ancient history, for there they mutiny for a trifle and frequently lay hands on their kings, and in fact king Henry is perhaps in greater danger [of being thus treated] than any of his predecessors." (fn. n10) I told His—Rome, 28th might not regard the King's threats.—Rome, 28th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Mai." | |
Addressed: "To the Sacred Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Sovereign Lord." | |
Indorsed: "Things of England." | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2. | |
29 Nov. | 514. The Same to the High Commander. |
S. E. L. 850, ff. 123-4. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 85. |
Relates a conversation between the Capuan (Schomberg), Don Pedro de la Cueva, and himself respecting the Council. Among other things, the former said that it was better to dissemble with the Lutherans and grant them their late demands of liberty to marry, and communion in both kinds—to which all in the Council agree: that Your Majesty would not do your duty in the Council, and for this reason it ought not to be convoked, or if you did it, all (meaning the Pope and the cardinals) would only reluctantly attend it. The Pope, it is said, will send nuncios to all the courts, and intends sending some one to represent again all the disadvantages (inconvenientes) of the measure. It is reported that Muxetula will be the man, but cannot say for certain. |
Micer Scaramuza Vizconde, who had been reconciled to the duke of Milan, and was married and settled, has suddenly departed for France, on the plea that the Duchy is about to change hands soon. | |
Hears from Sanga that the duke of Albany is pressing the Pope for an answer to his memorandum. | |
Salviati and Cibo have come to Rome to assist the Pope, whose friends and relations (deudos) they are, in these discussions about the expediency of a General Council, but the truth is that before the arrival of Don Pedro de la Cueva both were already on their road here. | |
Order of Premoste or Regular Canons.—Archbishop of Toledo and his agent Ortiz de Velasco. | |
Ascanio Colonna. | |
A nephew of Alarcon, now bishop of Veste (Viesti), told him yesterday that a district of Naples, called Hardo (?), had revolted and proclaimed the king of France. As there are letters of the Cardinal [Pompeo Colonna] of a very late date and nothing is said about this, fancies the news is not true. The affairs of Naples, however, seem to be in a very queer state, for no money comes from thence. Colonna and Muxetula have quarrelled, and they abuse each other immensely. | |
Recommends the Abbot [of Llor?] and the "Mastro di Casa of cardinal Santa Croce, called Conchano," as well as Cuevas, and a son of the widow Gualbes, now chaplain to the Emperor. This last he (Mai) received at his house at the solicitation of Philippe [Cervellon], his brother-in-law. Lastly, one of his two secretaries, named Pedro de la Plaza, a native of Pedraza de Campos, having died, he (Mai) begs to have him replaced by one Archangel Mercader, of Perpignan. (fn. n11) —Rome, 29th November 1530. | |
Signed : " Mai." | |
Addressed: "To the most Illustrious and Magnificent Lord, Don Francisco de los Covos, High Commander of Leon, First Secretary, and of the Grand Council of His Imperial Majesty." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 4. | |
29 Nov. | 515. The Same to the Same. |
S. E. L. 850, f. 129. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 89. |
My other letter was closed and ready to be sent when it occurred to me to add the information obtained the same day respecting a certain Frangapani. (fn. n12) |
This Frangapani belongs to a good Italian family established here and in Croatia; when in Italy he says that he is from Croatia, and when there calls himself an Italian, just as best suits him. He has been all his life a great maker and unmaker of kings. (fn. n13) When the most Christian King was besieging Pavia he went thither and offered to raise 600 horsemen of his nation for him, and took I do not know how much money from him. | |
He then came to Rome, saw the Pope, and negociated with him, and clever as the Pope may be, would have got all he wanted from him had it not been for Joanin de Medicis, who happened to be in the room at the time, and said to the Pope first, and to the man himself afterwards, that he was a rogue, and knew him to be a cheat and an impostor, upon which the Frangapani went away and no more was heard of him. | |
After the liberation of the most Christian King this man went to France, where he remained for some time, and excused himself for not having brought the cavalry, as he had heard of the King having been defeated and taken prisoner. He then went to Turkey with forged credentials from the king of France, as it is presumed, and contrived there to make a league between the Turk and the most Christian King, which negociation, true or not, was favoured by a son of Andrea Gritti, the doge of Venice, then residing at Constantinople. | |
Having been asked by the Turk how the King promised to help, he answered that he would help in two ways. First of all by not sanctioning or joining any enterprize of the Christian princes against him; and then by making war on Your Majesty, he and his allies, until he recovered his sons, and so harassing you that the two brothers united would not be able to defend Hungary successfully. | |
Now they say that this Frangapani has gone to the Vayvod in Hungary, but has not been well received (no ha podido venderse), because there happen to be at the court of that prince people who know the family both here and in Croatia. His Holiness assures me that this intelligence is true, and that he knows it by way of Venice and Turkey. | |
Has mentioned these facts, because it would be advisable to ascertain in Constantinople and elsewhere whether the offers said to have been made to the Turk are true or not, and whether Frangapani was really accredited to him.—Rome, 29th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Mai." | |
Addressed: "To the most Illustrious and most Magnificent Lord, Don Francisco de los Covos, High Commander of Leon, &c." | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2. | |
29 Nov. | 516. Don Pedro de la Cueva to the High Commander of Leon. |
S. E. L. 849, f. 10. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 98. |
The news of the death of the archbishop of Saragossa turns out to be true. I need scarcely say that our good cardinal d'Osma would like very much to be promoted to that see. He is a faithful servant of the Emperor, and does his part here well. He is very hospitable, and spends a good deal of money, but wishes, as I do, to keep out of sight of the Roman court. |
Your Lordship may believe me when I say that to mention the Council here is equal to mentioning the Devil. (fn. n14) I believe, therefore, that they will tell a thousand lies, and invent a thousand excuses, for the chance of some hindrance arising out of the delay. | |
Compliments to Messieurs Granvela and Praët, whom I wish to serve above all things.—Rome, 29th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Don Pedro de la Cueva." | |
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2. | |
29 Nov. | 517. Don Pedro de la Cueva to the Emperor. |
S. E. L 849, | The papers for the coronation are here enclosed. |
f. 7. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 95. |
Your Majesty's letters to the cardinals were, with the Pope's permission, delivered, and the Cardinal (Muxetula), Miçer Mai, and myself have gone our rounds and spoken to each of them. There are various opinions about the expediency of this General Council, but all the cardinals agree upon one point, that they are terribly afraid of it. Nor is His Holiness the Pope, to whom the ambassadors have often spoken on this subject, more tranquil about it. I have been unable to calm his fears (su paura); he answers nothing, and sighs most piteously when we mention the subject before him. |
The Capuan (Schomberg) seems to be the one designated to go to Your Majesty; others say Muxetula and a nephew of cardinal Monte, the governor of this city. It strikes me that neither of them will go, and that some other, not a cardinal, will be sent; for upon the whole I fancy that if these people could send me and the Council also to the Devil they would, and as they cannot achieve that they will invent and create all manner of obstacles to prevent its assembling. (fn. n15) —Rome, 29th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Don Pedro de la Cueva." | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 2. | |
29 Nov. | 518. Miçer Mai to the High Commander of Leon. |
S. E. L. 850, f. 126. B. M. Add.28,582, f. 92. |
With the estafette dispatched by the Papal Legate came Your Lordship's letter of the 17th inst., which I hasten to answer. |
The Papal briefs for the election of a king of the Romans are sealed and addressed to each of the electors; but here goes a copy of them. Some say cum, others sine; you may use them as you please. | |
Captain Rodrigo de Ripalda has come from the camp on a mission from Don Ferrante Gonzaga to procure money for the troops. We are collecting together all we have, and he will go with it. | |
Yesterday, at the Consistory, it was agreed that the Council should be held, but on condition of the Emperor being present, and of the Pope sending a man to the Emperor representing the inconveniences that may arise, &c. All the Christian princes to be informed thereof through nuncios dispatched to the different countries. The one to go to the Emperor to be II Capuano. | |
Not only has Tassis not provided us with money, but he has written to say that he will accept no bills drawn upon him. In this emergency I have been obliged to take 1,500 crs. here, to be paid in Naples by my brother, abbot Mai.—Rome, 29th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Mai." | |
30 Nov. | 519. Rodrigo Niño to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 1,308, | Sends summary of advices from Alessandria and the Turk. |
ff. 118–22. B. M. Add. 28,582, f. 102. |
Effect produced by the news of the taking of Strigonia (Gran). The castle of Buda is closely invested by the troops of king Ferdinand, so that neither the Vayvod nor Andrea Gritti, who are known to be inside, can possibly escape. This piece of intelligence has been received at Rome with great joy, as it is considered that if the two above-named individuals fall into the hands of the king of Hungary, all cause of alarm will disappear for ever. Here, at Rome, they would much prefer the capture of Luigi Gritti to that of the Vayvod, for they say the former is much more dangerous, owing to his influence over Abrayn Bassa, and if taken he ought to he drawn and quartered. When his father, Andrea the doge of Venice, heard the news, he gave no signs of sorrow, but said "Let the will of God be done." |
Duke of Albany and his intrigues. | |
Conversation with the Doge respecting the duchy of Milan and the plans of the French. | |
Gaspar Sorma (fn. n16), and his journey to Ferrara. | |
Since I wrote on the 20th I have endeavoured to learn who it was who went to England about the marriage of the Princess [Mary] to the duke of Milan. I find it is that same prothonotary Casale, who was once ambassador here for that king, to whom and to his brother (Sir Gregory) it is reported that the Duke has promised estates with considerable revenue in Milan if the matter take effect. I am assured, therefore, that the Prothonotary is gone to be employed in this matter, and the negociation is actually going on (se menea) by letting the King know what I have written to Your Majesty. The pretence for his journey is that he is going thither for the purpose of taking to England the report of all that he has been able to do against the Queen, and shewing the King that it is he (Casale) who has done everything, not the bishop of London (Stokesley) nor this other Ricaldo, (fn. n17) who still remains here intriguing as much as he can. | |
The prior of St. John and St. Paul (fn. n18) has delivered to me the opinion he had drawn up against the Queen, and has promised not to give it to the English, but do what he can to satisfy himself, and then retract; also to endeavour to get the others who have written against her to do the like. As I promised to send Your Majesty this Prior's opinion, I now enclose it, folded up and sealed, just as he gave it to me. He tells me that there is inside a letter for Your Majesty, and also the copy of the brief given by the Pope, in which, he says, he has written to Your Majesty not to send Miçer Mai to him, but some one who can examine the case theologically, and see that the substance of the whole is rightly stated here, because the Prior is the person with whom the bishop of London negociated most. (fn. n19) I recommend the Emperor to write a letter to the Prior, accepting his services, and charging him henceforth to obey my instructions without naming the king or queen of England. I hope to send soon another opinion made by our opponents, but I have great fear the king of England, with the authority of the bishops of his kingdom, will obtain the divorce "de facto," and no longer trouble himself about litigating the case in the Rota; at least, that is what his agents here say. This notwithstanding, I have written to Miçer Mai to inform him of the particulars I gave in my despatch of the 20th. | |
(Cipher:) Four days ago count Guido received his congé from the king of France, who, they say, was very much hurt at the Count asking for it. The latter has said nothing to me about this, but I understand that he is acting by the advice of a Jewish astrologer attached to his household, who has told him that he will ultimately make an agreement (concertarse) with this Signory. | |
News from Genoa. There have been riots in that city, and some of the family of Spinola are said to be recruiting forces in the duchy of Milan. The origin of it all seems to be that the faction of Adorni complain that Andrea Doria, under the cloak of the liberty proclaimed, is becoming absolute master of that Republic; the councils are held at his own house, and the relatives and friends of that captain had become so insolent that one of them in the very piazza of San Sixto cut off the nose of a gentleman of the family of Montaldi, &c. | |
Begs for orders to treasurer Alonzo Sanchez, at Naples, to pay him the arrears of his salary through his cousin Pedro Ram [on ?].—Venice, 30th November 1530. | |
Signed: "Rodrigo Niño." | |
Spanish. Original pp. 4. |