Spain: July 1530, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.

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'Spain: July 1530, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: July 1530, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: July 1530, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

July 1530, 1-5

1 July. 367. The Emperor to the Pope.
Lanz. Corresp. d.
Kays. I., p. 390.
By this time the legate, Campeggio, must have informed His Holiness of the state of affairs [in Germany], and of the memorandum presented by the duke of Saxony and other Lutheran princes. This is now being examined by a number of divines and others, and an answer will be prepared; but such is the obstinacy of the Lutherans that nothing but the actual promise of a council will satisfy them.—[Augsburgh], 1st July 1530.
Latin. pp. 1½.
3 July. 368. H. Marmier to the Emperor
Arch. d. Royme. de
Belg. Doc. Hist.
v., f. 5, p. 392.
On the 1st inst., late in the evening, the delivery of the sons of France was duly effected, and the Queen (Eleanor) crossed the frontier. The French gentlemen soon began to give tokens of their affection towards their Queen; for no sooner had she crossed to this side of the bridge (deça le ponton), and the Imperial courtiers, who had accompanied her, left her barge, than cardinal Tournon and the rest who were waiting on the opposite bank made her such honourable reception as never was given before to any other princess. No sooner, indeed, did her barge reach that in which the Royal princes were, close to the bank of the river, than they made her get into it with them, and she was most honourably received by the Grand Master of France and the rest of the party. On landing, the Queen mounted her litter, and in the company of the said Royal children took the direction of St. Jean de Lus, which they reached at 10 o'clock of the night. The day after the Queen and the children arrived at Bayonne, where they were most honourably received, and then passed through the land of Mr. Dalebret (d'Albret) to Mont de Marssan, where that nobleman was, who came out accompanied by Messrs. de Nemours, the count of Geneva, the duke of Longueville, his brother Louis, Mons. de Nevers, and others, all of whom dismounted, made their reverence, and saluted the Queen French fashion. At Mont de Marssan the Queen was told that the king of France, her husband, was coming by short stages, and with a small suite to meet her at a nunnery four leagues distant from a place called Berga (Bourg?), where there were only four or five spare rooms. This arrangement had been made purposely to prevent any of her numerous train from following her thither. The King himself was to be on the spot about 3 o'clock in the morning. Thither the Queen went, and arrived at 9 o'clock (les neuf heures de nuyt), when she was told by the Grand Master that the King would be with her at 1, and that he had sent forward the bishop of Lisieux, his first almoner, to marry them, and say the mass. Soon after this Queen (Eleanor), being in her room, accompanied by the marchioness of Zenete, one of her ladies-in-waiting, and by her greffier, and by him (Marmier), the King arrived, followed only by Monsieur the cardinal of Lorraine, the Admiral, the sieur de Boissy, and a small number of gentlemen. He then went to the Queen's apartments, and met her half-way, accompanied by the Grand Master, who led her by the hand. The meeting took place as was natural between two lovers. The marriage ceremony was then performed, mass said, and the newly married couple retired to the nuptial chamber. They have not quitted each other since, whether travelling or at home. The King and his subjects, high and low, spare no means of doing the Queen's pleasure, and no wonder, for it is impossible to possess more graceful manners, frankness, and sweet dignity (ni majeste tan moderee), than she has, at which all those who surround her are enchanted, saying that she is the real cause of this honourable peace. The people of this town, moreover, have given her a most splendid reception, and she has made her entry this day. She is to go afterwards to Paris as a more suitable place.—Bourdeaulx, 13th July 1530.
Signed: "Hughes Marmier."
French. Copy. pp. 3.
3 July. 369. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 849.
ff. 30–1.
B. M. Add. 28,580.
f. 216.
Relates his conversation with the Pope on the 21st of June respecting the armaments against the Turk, and reports likewise on the various conferences which cardinals Agramonte (Grammont) and the English ambassadors attended. Recollects that at Bologna the Chancellor (Gattinara) sent a messenger to Bannisiis (fn. n1) asking for certain deeds (scripturas) and papers relating to the Crusade, which came in due course. He (Mai) examined them, and though not very important for the present question thinks they might be of use hereafter. Begs for copies of them.
In the cause of England, as I advised Your Majesty, the terms are being followed up, although we are now on the eve of the holidays (ferias), and I apprehend that the last audience, which is to take place to-morrow, will be of little or no good, unless the Pope grant us, which he is not likely to do, the commission about which I wrote once. His Holiness is now sending an express messenger to the King to persuade him either to desist [from his purpose] or to submit to judgment. As I could not prevent the Pope from doing this, and I myself could do nothing for three months, I agreed to it, though declaring at the same time that I considered it my duty to go on soliciting the commission and the proceedings in the cause. I see very well that the Pope will excuse himself by saying that I must await an answer to the message which his man has taken to England, but as the King himself will not be in a hurry to reply I shall be glad to see that in the meanwhile and without loss of time the negociations and terms of this cause follow their course, because after all sentence only unless executed does not settle a suit between two parties. (fn. n2)
I have acquainted the Queen and the ambassador (Chapuys) with all these incidents that they may know how the matter stands here. The man whom the Pope is now sending to England is the baron de Loburjgo, (fn. n3) a Sicilian in the Papal service, and greatly in his confidence, whom I have myself had reasons to suspect, owing to certain dealings of his at the time of the League. Although I have not been able to find out anything against him, I have done all I could indirectly to prevent his nomination. The Baron represents himself to me as a staunch Imperialist; he has moreover something to lose in Sicily. We shall see.—Rome, 3rd July 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Spanish. Original. pp. 4.
5 July. 370. Doctor Garay to the Emperor.
P. Arch. d. l'Emp.
Sim. K. 1,483,
No. 48.
B. M. Add.28,580,
f. 218.
As he is now writing by way of England he (Garay) will only say that he again begs and entreats the Emperor to procure at Rome the appointment by His Holiness of two commissary judges in the Queen's cause, because, as the ambassador (Mai) observes, the Parisian doctors have adopted a conclusion in defiance of God's truth, the honour of the Church, the Emperor, and the Queen, and to the prejudice and great scandal of all Christendom, since we had on our side almost as many votes as they had, and those of doctors so superior in learning that four of them might easily be the masters of all the rest, especially as the latter were all corrupted. (fn. n4) His Imperial Majesty has now better opportunity than ever for maintaining right and justice, for every man of learning and virtuous life in this kingdom of France fully acknowledges the truth of this cause which the Pope and the Church defend. Now is the time for acting before these people, who are naturally inclined to change, alter their minds. Great care should also be taken lest the king of England, encouraged by the favour he has here obtained by means of corruption, should presume to carry out the divorce of his own free will and without the Pope's consent. (fn. n5) Thinks, therefore, it is now more important than ever that the Pope should, according to right, insist upon the King living with his Queen as mother Church commands. For certainly the conclusion here taken cannot but cause the damnation of his soul (fn. n6), having been procured by such corrupt and violent means, whereas on the opposite side are the most eminent divines of the kingdom, all the flower of learning and of exemplary life. Endorses their names (fn. n7) that the Emperor and the Pope, who is herein particularly concerned, and indeed all the world may know who they are and how great a reputation for science and virtue each of them has in this country. Should the Pope send us from Rome the two commissary judges above alluded to, nothing could be more acceptable, otherwise he might appoint those whose names are given in the enclosed list. (fn. n8)
Two or three men have been the principal actors in this tragedy, namely: De Alanges (Langeais), who has used such diligence in this affair and such abominable practices, as though he expected to be made duke of Alencastre (Lancaster), and a Dominican friar, now bishop of Santlis (Senlis), once the King's confessor, of both of whom he (Garay) can only say this, that if he were the king of France he would certainly for his own honour and reputation give them their desert. These two have been so helped by the First President [of the Parliament of Paris] that, considering the pressure put upon them by that high functionary, it is difficult to guess at his motives for such behaviour. Indeed, should the said President again return (fn. n9) as ambassador to the Emperor he ought to be warmly thanked for his good services on this occasion, for certainly had it not been for him and his influence the contrary side would scarcely have counted 10 votes.—Paris, 5th July 1530.
Signed: "Garay."
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 2.


  • n1. See vol. iii., part 2, p. 150.
  • n2. "En la causa de Inglaterra prosigo mis terminos como á V. Magd escrivi, y aunque por estar en visperas de ferias, que es mañana la ultima audiencia, aprovechará poco, no dandonos, como pienso que no dará, cl Papa la comision que tengo scripta, el Papa enbia un hombre propio al Rey para persuadirle ó que se desista desta cosa, ó que se contente de subir (sic) juycio. Y como yo no lo puedo estobar, ni hazer acá nada en tres meses, he dicho que me parese bien, aunque entretauto yo no puedo sino solicitar la commission y la caussa. Bien veo que el Pape se me escussará con esto diziendo que espere (sic) respuesta de allá deste hombre, pero pues tampoco la dará [luego] huelgo que sin perder tiempo anden los tractos y medios en esta causa, porque en fin no se puede bien asentar con sola sentencia."
  • n3. Baron do Borgo, sometimes called Burgo and Borgho.
  • n4. "Aviendo por nuestra parte quasi tantos votos que sin duda los quatro pueden enseñar á todos los otros, mayormente que [los otros] fueron todos sobornados."
  • n5. "Antes que muden de proposito, que es su natural, es necessario poner mucha diligencia por que el Rey de Inglaterra con este favor tan corrupto y fuera de toda justicia no presuma hazer el divortio por su voluntad, aunque el Papa no lo quiera."
  • n6. "La conclusion que de aqui llevare es para meterle en el enfierno."
  • n7. The list alluded to is not appended.
  • n8. At the end of this despatch are the names of the commissaries proposed for the Pope's acceptance, namely: Andre Verins, canon of Paris, King's Councillor in Parliament, and president in Camera Inquestarum ejusdem Curia; Jacques de la Barde (Barre ?), provost of Clermont, also councillor in Parliament and president in Camera Requestarum.
  • n9. Jacques Brinon was the name of this president. He had been one of Louise's ambassadors at the court of Charles. Langeais or de Langeay, as his name is otherwise written, was Guillaume du Bellay, brother of Jean, bishop of Bayonne; the dominican (?), Guillaume Petit, was bishop of Senlis since 1527.