Spain: May 1530, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1879.

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'Spain: May 1530, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: May 1530, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: May 1530, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 4 Part 1, Henry VIII, 1529-1530. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1879), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

May 1530, 26-31

26 May. 318. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 851,
ff. 30–1.
B. M. Add. 28,580,
f. 60.
On the receipt of the Imperial letter of the 7th, he (Mai) called and communicated its contents to the Pope, as well as the copies of those sent by the Imperial ambassador in France. Failed not at the same time to commend the services of his Nuncio in that country, and the Emperor's acknowledgment of them. The Pope answered that his Nuncio could not do less; he was in every way opposed (era parte contraria) to cardinal Trivulcio, and besides was also dependent on the duke of Milan. (fn. n1) He would in future continue to do good service, not only because he had orders to that effect, but also of his own free will. His Holiness promised to address a brief to the King, or if not to him, to his Nuncio in France, begging him not to allow the lawyers (letrados) of Paris to discuss matters injurious to the queen of England, and derogatory of his Papal authority and power, merely through the unfounded reports of the English.
Has also obtained the Papal brief which the Queen has lately applied for to the effect that nobody shall, under pain of excommunication, judge, allege, counsel, procure, solicit, or otherwise speak "á complacentia o gratia," of this matter of the dissolution of matrimony between the King and Queen, unless it be as God and his conscience may dictate. The brief itself is herein enclosed; a duplicate shall be forwarded to the Queen, in such a form that it may be published in any churches that may be selected for the purpose in England, and as many as required to Spain, Flanders, and other countries, for it contains a clause giving the copies the same authenticity as the original.
Suspected that the English agents intended meeting at Venice. Wrote accordingly to Rodrigo Niño about it. His answer was that he would prevent their meeting there, and at Padua, but could do nothing if they eventually chose Bologna for their meeting place. Waited again upon the Pope, who owned that the English ambassadors had really attempted to hold a conference in that city, but had been prevented by the governor, who refused them permission. He (the Pope) would again write to his Legate on the subject. These colleagues of Casale as they are clever and bold, and have money in abundance from the king of England stir much in the matter. (fn. n2) Intends writing to Lope de Soria, at Siena, to confer upon the case with the lawyers of that Republic, and principally with Miçer Philippo Decio, nowadays the most able lawyer in all Italy.
The Pope has had a letter from the bishop of Vaison, now at Venice, informing him how a friar had shewed him certain conclusions he had made and signed in favour of the king of England, and against the Queen, or rather against His Holiness, conclusions which other doctors had subscribed and signed with their names. The Bishop exhorted the friar not to hand them over to the English, and so worked upon him that he actually gave them up, and they were torn in his very presence. The Pope was very glad to hear the news, though it must be said that the last reports from Venice about Joan Matheo (Gianmatheo Giberti) have rather alarmed him, and that he seems to think there is no truth in them. He (Mai) has done in this matter what he considered his duty, that the Pope may know whom he can and whom he cannot trust in this affair. (fn. n3)
Was told by His Holiness that the bishop of London (Stokesley) and Dr. Benet are daily expected. They have written to say that upon their arrival [at Rome] His Holiness shall acknowledge their master's good intentions. Cannot guess what the English mean by this, unless it be that they consider it a worthy act (buena obra) on their part to be contented that the case be judicially tried (verlo por justicia). As they will most probably arrive the day after to-morrow, he (Mai) is waiting to begin and prosecute the case (introducir y proseguir la causa).
As the Pope is naturally good-natured (bueno), he believes without difficulty whatever sounds well for his interests (lo que quiere sonar en bien). So he tells him (Mai) that he hears that various marriages are about to be contracted in England between parties of whom he has not the least knowledge, or whose names he has completely forgotten. In fact the substance of the news is that Boulan (Sir Thomas Boleyn) begins to despair of ever being able to bring about this marriage, and consequently that the King has given his mistress certain estates for her maintenance. He (Mai) has no such news either from the Queen herself or from the Imperial ambassador. As soon as he gets any he will not fail to apprize the Emperor thereof.
Cardinal Ægidio has sent to say that he wishes to study this matter of the divorce. He ought to be written to, for he may be useful hereafter in this and other things.
Should the case be tried here this summer, the presence of cardinal Ancona will be indispensable, especially as neither cardinal Campeggio nor auditor Aragonia is now in Rome. He himself is away, and not expected till next September. The Pope has been spoken to and has promised to make him come; a letter from the Emperor might perhaps be more efficacious.
Cardinal Caietano (Gaetano) is very well disposed, and says that when the adversaries hear his arguments they will be obliged to confess that he is in the right. This, notwithstanding, he (Mai) cannot help thinking that it would be advisable to send us here some experienced lawyer to plead this case; for the count della Mirandola resides on his estate, and it is doubtful whether he will ever come; Montes de Oca, though he affirms that he will come when required, is half prevented, for being on bad terms with the Pope, it is not to be supposed that he will be allowed to plead. (fn. n4) If Doctor Ortiz, (fn. n5) residing in Paris, of whom the bishop of Burgos (fn. n6) and the Sieur de Granvelle speak in the highest terms, as of an eminent lawyer were to come here, he (Mai) has no doubt that much might be gained.—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Signed; "Mai."
Addressed: "To his most Sacred, Imperial, Catholic Majesty."
Spanish. Original, pp. 5.
26 May. 319. The Same to the Same.
S. E. L.851,
ff. 32-3.
B M. Add. 28,580,
f. 75.
The Emperor's last letter of the 7th inst. contained two principal points, namely, instructions respecting the marriage of England, and brief for the "Quarta." To the first a full answer has been sent in another despatch of this date. (fn. n7) Respecting the brief, it could not be made out so soon as was thought, but has been sent since. Recommends Evangelista, who in conjunction with secretary Sanga and the Datary, has used all possible diligence in this affair.
The Turk is not likely to stir this year. His 40 galleys signalled about Cape Mallio, we hear by letters from Messina of the 9th inst., were bound for Alexandria, there to promote the election of a new governor. (fn. n8)
[Cipher:] However this may be, the Imperial ambassador in Venice (Rodrigo Niño) writes to say that he will not vouch for the truth of this report, because it comes only from the Signory. He recommends spies. The Pope is of the same opinion, and thinks the coasts ought to be well protected in case of an attack by sea.
Six cardinals have been chosen by His Holiness, two of each order, i.e., two bishops, two presbyters, and two deacons. He says that he expects shortly the English ambassadors, and also Miçer Andrea del Burgo, and that soon after their arrival the conferences will begin.
Florence is in the same state. They hope to reduce it by famine. Believes that His Holiness is mistaken in this, for from what he (Mai) hears here, and what Lope de Soria writes from Sena (Siena), they have at least wheat if no other provisions to last till the end of August. The marquis del Vasto has been unwell; but yesterday a letter in his own hand was received saying that he was much better. Fabricio Marramao with his men went to the very gates of Volterra, and attempted to take it by storm; he wrote to the Pope asking for money, but since then no more has been heard of him. The Prince [of Orange] on the other hand made a reconnaissance upon Empuli, another place whence the Florentines are in the habit of receiving supplies secretly It is confidently hoped that he will soon take it, for having met on the road thither five companies of infantry, which Pisa sent to their assistance, the Prince attacked and routed them. Owing to which the son of Renzo de Cheri [da Ceri] who was supposed to have gone thither from Venice, in order to take the command of that force, is no longer to be feared, for up to the present he has been unable to raise 200 men.
(Cipher:) By intercepted letters the Pope has intelligence that both in France and in England the respective kings have given very good hopes of succour to the Florentine ambassadors after the restitution of the sons of France; and that the king of the latter country in particular was to give them 30,000 ducats in bills of exchange, &c.
(Common writing:) With regard to Isabella Colonna and her marriage, cardinal Osma and he (Mai), on the receipt of the Emperor's letters, failed not to wait upon the Pope, and inform him of His Majesty's intentions in that affair. Were she really the wife of Luigi Gonzaga, as it has been asserted, the Emperor did not wish to take her away from him. If she was free to dispose of her hand he begged His Holiness to assist in he'r marrying Fernando Gonzaga. For no other person would the Emperor grant his consent. Upon which Don Diego being of opinion that she should be sent for, she actually came [to Rome], but it appears that the lady is very determined to marry Luigi Gonzaga, (fn. n9) to whom she was actually engaged. Three days ago it was agreed between the Pope and him (Mai) that she should be taken to the castle [of Sanct Angelo]. She complained, but he (Mai) sent her word that she had better do what the Pope wished. It appears, however, that she has since gained her point, for the Pope perceiving her reluctance, and not wishing to use violence, has allowed her to remain where she is, though certain precautions have been taken, in consequence of which she has not the same liberty as before; but after all, marriages must be voluntary. The idea of taking her to the castle was only to guard her against a surprise of Ascanio and the Colonnese.
The Pope the other day intimated that if he found Isabella Colonna to be really the wife of Luigi Gonzaga he would at once send her under escort to her estate of Fundi, that she might take possession of it; (fn. n10) but as the proposed measure might be attended with serious inconvenience, owing to the Colonnese being so angry with her, he (Mai) requested the Pope to desist and gave his reasons. The Pope promised to do so. Luigi Gonzaga is daily expected here, but on the other hand Ascanio wants Isabella to marry his son, and has written to the Imperial ambassadors about it.
It must be said that between Ascanio Colonna and cardinal Pompeo a disagreement actually exists—owing, as some people say, to various causes, but principally to this marriage of his own niece (Claudia), the daughter of Julio Colonna de Montefortino, to the ex-abbot of Farfa (Napoleone Orsino). It is generally believed that the marriage has already taken, or will soon take place, for when the ex-Abbot last came [to Rome] for some undertaking of his own, men from that town [Montefortino] bearing the colours of Claudia Columna (Colonna)—for such is the name of the betrothed—came with him.
At the Pope's request, and having previously consulted cardinal Pompeo and Il Muxetula thereupon, he (Mai) wrote a letter to the Cardinal at Naples, privately informing him of the rumours afloat, as well as of the general impression that the marriage, though apparently brought about by the mother of the lady, was no work of her's, but of the Cardinal and of the Colonnese. That His Imperial Majesty disliked transactions of this sort, and could not see such a marriage with pleasure. The Cardinal, has answered, thanking him (Mai) for the information, and assuring him that the marriage will not take place. He has, moreover, enclosed a letter for the ex-Abbot, which we have read; but as he (the Cardinal) alludes in it to a mandate from the Emperor, forbidding the said union, and copies also paragraphs from that addressed to him on this subject, (fn. n11) it has been considered best not to forward Colonna's letter, for fear the ex-Abbot, who is a very shrewd and bold man, should take advantage of it as he did on a previous occasion; for having in the days of viceroy Don Carlos de la Noi (Charles de Lannoy) stipulated, that before signing the agreement he should be allowed to send a copy of it to France, he did so and obtained through it the conditions that are well known. (fn. n12) Another reason is that he (Mai) objected to a letter in which the Emperor is represented as occupying himself exclusively about the ex-Abbot, as if it mattered to the Emperor whether he marries or not. Has, therefore, returned the letter to the Cardinal, begging him to rewrite it, and not mix the Emperor up with the affair, but to state simply without giving any reasons for it that he refuses his consent to the marriage.
Meanwhile the ex-Abbot is doing all manner of mischief (mil insolencias) here in the outskirts of Rome, so much so that it looks as if he were only waiting for the Emperor's departure from Italy to begin his old tricks again. (Cipher:) The Pope seems determined to take him, if he can, and have him punished for his misdemeanours. To this end Ascanio has offered his co-operation; the offer has been accepted, and the preparations are being made with the greatest secrecy.
Ascanio has sent a message to the lady of Frascata, the mother-in-law of Vaurri, to send him her two unmarried daughters, as otherwise he will certainly go and take them away from her. Bauri (fn. n13) writes from Naples that he is coming shortly to prevent Ascanio's putting his threat into execution; his mother-in-law has shut herself up in Frascata. He (Mai) has spoken to the Pope on the subject, and if Ascanio makes a stir in that direction, the Pope is sure to prevent him; though it must be said that for some days back the Pope and Ascanio seem to be so closely united, that it will be difficult if not altogether impossible, that what the one wishes will not be granted by the other. He (Mai) does not object to an intimacy of this sort, especially the Pope being, as he is at present, a good father towards his dutiful son, the Emperor; but he will be on the alert, and try to penetrate the causes of such a sudden friendship, which after all might be that Ascanio wants Isabella's hand for himself, if not her large fortune inherited, partly from Vespasiano Colonna, and partly from Marco Antonio, the father-in-law of Bauri, which he (Ascanio) has usurped, and still retains. Most likely as he knows that one of these days he will be sued for it, he like a prudent man arms himself with all the weapons he has at hand.
Some days ago the bishop of Tarbes (Gabriel de Grammont) told the Pope that the delay in the execution of the treaty of Cambray was entirely caused by us [the Spaniards]. That the Constable of Castille [Don Pedro Fernandez de Velasco] from sheer fright had removed the sons of France far into the interior, and that the Emperor retarded as long as he could the liberation of the princes on account of Sforza's dangerous illness. Were the latter to die the Emperor, he said, would like to have them in his power.
The same bishop said to Muxetula four days ago that one of his couriers had been stopped at Florence [en Florencia], and the despatches taken from him. If they were not immediately returned unopened he (the Bishop) swore that he would have all the Italian posts stopped throughout France. This was said in the very presence of the Pope, who began to excuse the Imperialists; but the Bishop interrupted him by saying: "One of two things has happened, either the Imperialists have had my letters intercepted, or else it has been done by Your Holiness. In either case I demand satisfaction." He called next day at his (Mai's) house, somewhat appeased, and said he would be contented provided the parties, whoever they were, were punished.
The Pope has received letters from France informing him that the Imperial ambassador at that court has conceived some suspicions in consequence of cardinal Tribultio and two of his own chamberlains having gone thither. He (the Pope) is very much shocked (corrido), as he would not for the world have been given cause for such suspicion. He says that cardinal Tribultio has already left the court of France, and that the two chamberlains went to take the hats, as is customary, to the bishops of Berges (Bourges) and Moriana, and that the latter, who is very young, went to the French court to witness the ceremony.
The white steed has come from Naples, and also the 2,000 ducats.—Bishopric of Besançon for the son of Laxaul (La Chaulx).
Alonso de Cuevas.—Church of Santiago in Galicia.—Cathania.—Mazzara.—Monreale.
The commissioners have made their entry into Naples. Some of the criminals are here; they are only waiting to see the proclamation, which is to be posted in Naples, to know how they are to go or come from thence. The principal ones are the duke of Gravina and the marquis of Quarata and Doria.
At his (Mai's) passage through Ferrara the Duke proposed that in order to avoid trouble, and further the Emperor's interests, his agreement with the Pope should be made and concluded here at Rome. Has talked to the Pope about it, and he seems to have no objection provided the basis which he wants be adopted.—Rome 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Addressed: "To the most S. M. of the Emperor and King, our sovereign lord."
Spanish. Original, pp. 13.
26 May. 320. Paragraph in cipher of a letter of Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 850, f.
B.M. Add. 28,580,
f. 64.
[Cipher:] "The Pope is aware by intercepted letters that both the kings of France and England have promised help to the Florentines, after the restitution of the sons of the former, who has actually agreed to pay the 30,000 ducats he owes them. The letters add that when the Papal Nuncio heard of this he went to the King and to his chancellor (Prat), and complained bitterly of what he called a flagrant infraction of the treaty of Cambray. And not only did he actually prevent the delivery of the bills of exchange, but was the cause of the Chancellor having a fierce quarrel with the ambassadors or consuls of Florence, who remonstrated very strongly against the Nuncio's interference in the affair. It appears that in the midst of the dispute the Chancellor said to them: 'Why do you complain? Were you not the first to break our friendship and alliance?' It is true that this intercepted letter is from one of the Florentine 'fuorusciti' (fn. n14) to a friend of his in that city, and therefore that no great reliance can be placed on the writer's statements, who, however, owns that all the money collected in Paris and London does not exceed 4,000 or 5,000 crs.
Some days ago news came to this place [Rome] that armaments were being prepared at Pontremoli. At first it was thought they were on account of Juan Paulo de Cherri, (fn. n15) but the Pope has had inquiries made, and it turns out that the report is altogether untrue.
The Pope wishes Juan Antonio Moxetula (fn. n16) to go back to the camp in front of Florence that he may warm up (dar calor) the Prince and his army. Cardinal Osma and he (Mai) approve of this, and have told Moxetula to go, who seems, however, as if he disliked the job. When informed of Moxetula's answer, the Pope was somewhat displeased, for it appears that he is not at all satisfied with the Prince's behaviour in the affair."—Rome 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Spanish. Original in cipher, pp. 2.
26 May 321. The Cardinal Bishop of Osma to the Emperor.
L. 850, f. 16.
B. M. Add. 28,580
f. 65.
His last letter was dated the 14th inst. As a duplicate of it was also sent on the 16th he (the Cardinal) has no doubt that one of the two must have reached the Emperor's hands, and therefore will not allude to its contents. (fn. n17)
Spanish. Original, p. 1.
26 May. 322. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 851,
ff. 30-1.
B. M. Add. 28,580,
f. 75.
Immediately after the receipt of the Emperor's letter of the 7th inst. he (Mai) waited upon His Holiness, and shewed him the instructions received from Court, as well as the letters of the Imperial ambassador in France. Informed him likewise of everything relating to the business [of the divorce], thanking him warmly in the Emperor's name for the good work which his Nuncio had done in those parts. The Pope was glad to hear of this, and said that it was no wonder that his Nuncio had acted thus, for, besides being on bad terms with cardinal Tribulçio, he was strongly attached to and almost dependent upon the duke of Milan, (fn. n18) and therefore could not fail doing the Emperor's service in this affair; firstly, because he (the Pope) had given him positive orders to that effect, and secondly, because he himself was well inclined towards the Imperial cause. He (Mai) has lost no time in writing to the Nuncio on the subject, and reporting the Pope's words about him, for good acts must always be praised, that those who do them may be encouraged.
The Pope, moreover, promised to write a brief to king Francis, or at least to his own Nuncio at the court of France, urging him to prevent by all means in his power the meeting of the Parisian doctors, on the plea that it would be highly detrimental to the Queen's interests, as well as derogatory to the Apostolic See, to have such matters proposed for discussion merely at the request and on the application of the English.
The papal brief, applied for by Her most serene Highness the Queen, forbidding all parties to interfere, judge, allegate, counsel, procure, solicit, or otherwise speak on the matter á complazentia ó gratia in this divorce trial under pain of full excommunication, the question not to be raised except by His Holiness himself, or in "articulo mortis" has also been obtained. A copy is enclosed that the Emperor may take cognizance of it, and have it published and affixed to the churches of Spain and Flanders, (fn. n19) for it has been shaped in such a way that it can be made available in all the churches of the Imperial dominions.
Having heard that a meeting of theologians was to be held at Venice at the instigation and in favour of the English, he (Mai) wrote at once to Rodrigo Niño about it. Has just received the enclosed answer from that ambassador, stating that he has actually succeeded in stopping the meetings both at Venice and at Padua. As intelligence, however, from the same quarter has reached him (Mai) that the very same thing-was about to be attempted by the English at Bologna, he (Mai) went to the Pope and spoke warmly on the subject. His Holiness said it was true that the English had actually made such an attempt, but that the governor of the city had defeated their plans. He further promised to write to his delegates, enjoining them to prevent any meetings of the sort in the dominions of the Church. The fact is that Casale and his colleagues are very cunning, and as they have money at hand from the King, their master, are moving heaven and earth, and bribing right and left to gain their object. In order to counteract their plans, and the better to promote the Emperor's interests in this particular business, he (Mai) is thinking of writing to Don Lope de Soria, at Siena, to procure the opinions of certain lawyers in that Signory, and especially that of Miçer Philippo Decio, who is nowadays considered the best legal authority (leyente) in all Italy.
A letter has come to the Pope from the Vasionense (Girolamo, bishop of Vaison), at Venice, saying that a friar there shewed him a written opinion subscribed by him and others, in which the matrimonial case was fully discussed and decided against the Queen, or rather against the Pope, who granted the dispensation. The Bishop advised the friar not to mix himself up with such affairs, and has since prevailed upon him not only to withdraw the papers from the English, hut to deliver them up to be destroyed, which has been done. The Pope rejoiced greatly at this intelligence, though on the other hand he is rather concerned at the rumours current at Venice (fn. n20) about Giovan Matheo, affecting to discredit them, as a pure invention of his enemies. However this may be, he (Mai) has taken this opportunity of mentioning the fact to His Holiness that he may know in future whom he can trust when the divorce case comes to be tried.
His Holiness said the other day that the English ambassadors, namely, the bishop of London (Stokesley) and Dr. Benet, are daily expected here in Rome. They have written to say that they are coming, and announce that immediately after their arrival the Pope shall be convinced of their master's good intentions. What they mean by this is not easy to guess, unless they consider it a favour and a meritorious action on the part of their king to consent to the case being tried here. As the said ambassadors will most likely come in two or three days, he (Mai) is only waiting His Holiness' notice of their arrival to have the case brought forward.
As the Pope is a good-natured (bueno) man, and kind, he easily believes any report or news likely to turn out in our favour. So he said the other day that he had intelligence from England that certain marriages were in contemplation there, from which some good results might be expected. He could not then give more details, nor could he recollect the names of the parties, except that the Boulan (Thomas Boleyn), was very much dejected, and almost despaired of his daughter [Anne] ever marrying the King, who on that account had recently bestowed on her certain estates and lands that she might live in easy circumstances. (fn. n21) Such is the intelligence which the Pope has received from that country; he (Mai) knows nothing about it, though he hears frequently from the Queen and from the Imperial ambassador. Should news of the kind reach him he will not fail to advise the Emperor.
Cardinal Egidio has sent to say that he wishes to study the question. If so, it is to be hoped that he will do some good. A letter from the Emperor would not be amiss just now, as he is a man of importance, and may be very useful in this as well as in other matters.
Has already suggested in a previous despatch that if the case is to be tried next summer it is absolutely necessary that the cardinal of Ancona, who resides in that city, where he intends to remain till September, should be induced to come to Rome, especially as cardinal Campeggio and auditor Aragonia are absent from the Rotta. Has spoken about it to the Pope, who has kindly promised to make the Cardinal come here, and attend whenever his presence is wanted for the trial. Yet, notwithstanding the Pope's kind offer, he (Mai) cannot help thinking that a letter from the Emperor, requesting the Cardinal to come, would not be amiss, and might perhaps have more force. It might be kept at this embassy, and not forwarded unless absolutely wanted for the purpose, for the Cardinal can be of much use in this divorce trial, as well as in other matters purely ecclesiastical and relating to Spain, memorials of which were put into his hands. Should the Cardinal be absent from Rome at the time there is danger of the contrary party opposing those measures already half settled with him in that city, whereas if he is present no one will dare oppose him.
Cardinal Gaetano is very well disposed in this matter, so much so that he says that although he cannot change men's minds, a thing which only God can do, he is pretty sure that if they are men of letters and consent to listen to him he will make them confess that they are in the wrong.
Yet his (Mai's) opinion is that the Emperor's service would be effectually promoted by sending us some lawyer and theologian of note, for count de La Mirandola remains at home, and does not seem inclined to come, and Montes de Oca, though he still promises not to fail when wanted, is half prevented from attending to this business, because, (fn. n22) not being on friendly terms with His Holiness, he has not been permitted to declare himself. If Ortiz, whom the bishop of Burgos (Don Iũigo de Mendoza) and the Sieur de Granvelle knew in Paris, and who is described by them as an eminent lawyer, could come, much good might be done. This notwithstanding, no step conducive to the success of the affair shall be forgotten.—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Spanish. Original, pp. 3½.
26 May. 323. The Same to the Same.
S. E. L. 851,
f. 32.
B. M. Add.28,580,
ff. 52-3.
The Emperor's last letter, dated the 7th inst., which is the last received, referred to two points, one relating to the English marriage, the other to the Pope's brief respecting the "Quarta." To the former a full answer was given in his (Mai's) despatch of the same date. The brief of the "Quarta," though made out several days ago, could not be signed until to-day, and that is the reason why the present courier has been delayed, and now takes both despatches.
Begs to recommend Evangelista, the Pope's secretary, who in the dispatch of this and other matters, uses all possible speed, and works with much zeal. Has the same report to make of secretary Sanga and the Datary, whose services on this occasion are likewise very commendable.—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Indorsed: "Paragraph of letter from Miçer Mai, of the 26th May 1530."
Spanish. Original, p. 1.
26 May. 324. The Same to the High Commander of Leon.
S. E. L. 851,
f 29.
B. M. Add. 28,580
f. 75.
A friar, the same (fn. n23) who came here some time ago, recommended by the queen of England, has lately applied to him (Mai) for naturalization. He really does not need it, for he is a Spaniard by birth. He has since applied for a letter of recommendation to His Holiness in order to obtain a reserve, or else an annual pension of 500 ducats on some church in Spain. Humbly begs His Majesty to grant the friar's petition, for he is a good servant of the Queen, and can be of much use for the trial, besides which, there can be no harm in granting his request and remunerating his services in that manner, for since he really is a native of Spain, the Emperor must know that our adversaries behave in a very different manner whenever they wish to attach people to their service.—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Spanish. Original, pp. 1½.
26 May. 325. Giovan Antonio Muxetula to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 851,
f. 13.
B. M. Add. 28,580,
f. 70.
Has since his arrival [at Rome] written many letters, also from the camp in front of Florence. The last he has received is dated Yspruc (Innsbruck) the 7th, in which no instructions came as to the way in which the pardon to the Neapolitan rebel barons is to be understood, as related in his despatch by Francisco Santa Cruç Doubts whether the answer to his questions will come in time, for he hears that the commissaries at Naples have already commenced publishing the said pardon.
Prince of Orange and cardinal Colonna.
His Holiness has had letters from his Nuncio in France announcing that the liberation of the King's sons would take place very soon. The King had told him (the Nuncio) that the Pope ought to be advised to put an end to the Florence business. There were perhaps people interested in prolonging it as much as possible, in order that the Imperial army in Italy should be kept together at the Pope's expense. He (the King) had heard that the duke of Milan (Francesco Sforza) was very ill and not expected to live, and, therefore, that the taking of Florence would be most probably retarded on that very account. The Pope knows already that this and other malicious suggestions have no other object than that of prejudicing him with the Emperor. He laughed heartily at the idea, and said he would answer his Nuncio that king Francis himself was in a great measure the cause of the delay. Had he not given hopes to the Florentines they would never have sustained such a long siege.
Vespasiano's daughter [Isabella Colonna] has come to Rome, but notwithstanding the frequent messages the Pope has sent her since her arrival she is very obstinate (muy recia) and insists upon marrying Luigi Gonzaga, saying that she will have no other husband than him, much less Ferrante Gonzaga, whom she does not like. Cannot say whether a change in her affections may not take place in future, but for the present he (Muxetula) sees no chance of it. Respecting the marriage of the ex-abbot of Farfa, there is no longer question of it, for cardinal Colonna, knowing the Emperor's wishes on this point, has written that he will not give his consent.
The Pope, moreover, is determined to punish the ex-Abbot for his misdeeds, for he is, as usual, continually taking up arms and seizing villages and castles in the territory of the Church.—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Jo. Ant.o Muscetula."
Spanish. Original, pp. 2.
26 May. 326. Miçer Mai to the High Commander of Leon.
S. E. L. 851,
f. 29.
B. M. Add. 28,580,
f. 72.
Wrote last by a gentleman of the suite of count Potentia (Potença). The duplicate of the brief about the "Quarta" has gone since, addressed to Joan Vazquez, for him to give to the bishop of Zamora [Mendoza]. Evangelista and Sanga deserve certainly much praise for expediting it.
Crusade and three "blancas" of the other bulls, of which the Empress has disposed in favour of the High Commander.
Don Alvaro [de Bazan?] and his proctor at Rome, Quevedo.
Captain Mosquera arrived five or six days ago. He had a narrow escape, as will be seen by the enclosed letter. Asked his (Mai's) advice. Told him to keep quiet, and promised to write to cardinal Colonna and inquire whether he (Mosquera) could not resume the command of his company and go to Sicily with the rest of the men, for certainly the excuses he gives are plausible enough. As he (Mai) was also thinking of writing to the marquis del Vasto in commendation of the said Mosquera, a letter came from Sancho de Alarcon congratulating him upon his escape, and advising him to get out of the way or hide himself, as there was a Royal warrant issued against him. Upon which His Holiness and he (Mai) were of opinion that Mosquera could not possibly remain at Rome, where in 20 hours a requisition might arrive from Naples, and that he must go to Genoa, and wait for orders there. Begs mercy for Mosquera, whose criminality in the affair is but slight, since the principal actor was his ensign (alferez) who has actually gone to Spain. Has, however, made him disgorge 1,000 ducats, which have been placed in the Centurione bank payable to the order of Joan Vazquez.
Loan of Francisco Carbonell, the postmaster-general of Naples, to the Fornariis, who promised to pay him with a credit of the late Cesare Ferramosca against his brother, count Miniano (Mignano).—Rome, 26th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Spanish. Original, pp. 2.
27 May. 327. Miçer Mai to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 851,
The matrimonial suit of their Highnesses, the king and queen of England, is to begin shortly and to be prosecuted with vigour. Hopes to God that they will come out victorious. If he (Mai) cannot send a memorandum of certain doubtful points for consultation to the Spanish universities and other eminent barristers by this courier, it will go by the next.—Rome, 27th May 1530.
Signed: "Mai."
Indorsed: "Paragraph from a letter of Miçer Mai, at Rome 27th May 1530.
Spanish. Original. p. 1.
28 May. 328. The High Commander of Leon to the Empress.
S. E. L. 635,
f. 76.
B. M. Add. 28,580
f. 82.
The Emperor enjoys perfect health, so does his brother, the king of Hungary, and both the queens (las Reynas). The King writes by this post. Let the answer come by the first opportunity. The Emperor is delighted with his nephews, no doubt because he thinks of his own sons. This he will not own, although those who like him (Covos) daily attend on him, know very well that there is nothing he desires so much as to return to Spain.—Ynspruck (Innsbruck), 28th May 1530.
Signed: "Covos, Comendador Mayor."
Spanish. Original, p.1.
29 May. 329. The Emperor to the Empress Isabella.
S. E. L. 635,
f. 100.
B. M. Add. 28,580
f. 84.
Has written by Don Antonio de Fonseca, who left on the 7th. Stayed at Ynsbruck (Innsbruck) more days than he intended to prepare for the Diet of Augusta (Augsburg) and the affairs to be discussed there. (Cipher:) Has accordingly been engaged together with his brother [Ferdinand] as well as with Campeggio, the Papal Nuncio, the cardinals of Saspuerge (Saltzburg), and Traento (Trent), the duke of Bavaria, the Count Palatine, and other German princes, who have come purposely to this city, and hopes soon to be able to go to Augusta (Augsburg), where the Diet is to be held. Most of the princes and electors of the Empire are already there waiting for him, very desirous to be of use. Hopes, therefore, that the business done will be entirely in favour of Christianity, and that he shall be free to return to Spain, which is what he most desires at present.
As Praët must have reported the news from France, there is no occasion for him to allude to them. The delivery of the King's sons must already have taken place, since he hears the ransom money has been paid and the other conditions fulfilled.
Italy is peaceful and friendly; so is the Pope, whose affection for him increases daily. Sincerely hopes that it will continue to increase, for on his part nothing shall be left undone likely to cement it.
The siege of Florence lasts still. It has been resolved, as the city is so strong and the citizens most obstinate in the defence, to invest it on every side, so as to prevent its receiving supplies, rather than have an assault, which might cost many lives and would ultimately bring on the destruction of the city; 1,000 Spanish foot, 1,000 Italians, and 500 light horse detached from the besieging army, besides 1,000 more Spaniards of his body guard have already left for Hungary, and the forces under Chalon have also been considerably diminished by dismissal on leave and in other ways as it has been found that the remaining force is quite sufficient for the work.
The Turk is not likely to make a stir this year, at least in Italy, but as he is known to have in readiness a considerable force and many vessels and galleys, it is important to be on one's guard, and attend to the defences of the coast of the Mediterranean. (fn. n24)
(Common writing:) Andrea Doria sailed off on the 1st inst. with his 29 galleys. Has had no news from him since.—Ynspruck, 29th May 1530.
P.S.—Since the above was written intelligence has been received that 30, others say 40, Turkish galleys have set sail from La Belona to do all the harm they can on the coasts of Sicily and Naples. There is reason to doubt the report, but lest it should prove true, measures have been taken to defeat their plans.
Signed: "Yo el Rey."
Countersigned: "Covos."
Spanish. Original mostly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet, pp. 2½.
29 May. 330. Pope Clement to the Emperor.
S. E. L.849,
f, 24.
B, M. Add. 28,580
f, 83.
Thanks him for sending cardinal d'Osma, whose arrival at Rome has been a source of pleasure and consolation to him, as he knows his many virtues and how acceptable he is to the Emperor. Thanks him also for keeping at his post of ambassador Miçer Mai, whom he has always known as an honourable and worthy man (homo molto da bene). Sends to him the auditor Aragonia and Il Buda, consistorial advocate, that they may solicit the expedition of the compromise lately made.—Rome, 29th Mai 1530.
Addressed: "Carissimo in Christo filio ñro Carolo Romanorum Imperatori semper Augusto."
Italian. Original p. 1.
29 Mai. 331. The Emperor to the Empress.
S. E. L., f. 100.
f. 84.
B. M. Add. 28,580,
f. 86.
Duplicate of the letter under No. 329 with only one paragraph added.—Innsbruck, 29th May 1530.
Spanish. Original, pp. 3.


  • n1. "Y que depende tambien del duque de Milan."
  • n2. "Estos de Casal como son algo resabidos y tienen dinero del Rey de Anglaterra, hasen estas diligentias."
  • n3. Y a mi me basta haverselo dicho, porque en esta causa sepa de quien se ha fiar."
  • n4. "Es medio impedido por que el Papa viviendo con é1 de mala gana [no] consiente que se declare."
  • n5. Dr. Pedro Ortiz, whose services were secured, and whose interesting despatches from Rome will be published hereafter.
  • n6. Don Iñigo de Mendoza.
  • n7. The preceding No. 319, for Mai was in the habit of writing two or even three despatches by each post, one exclusively relating to the divorce case, the others on general affairs.
  • n8. "Para dar calor à la election que se hauia de hazer de un nuevo regente."
  • n9. "Paresció á Don Diego hazerla venir aqui, y ansi vino, y parece ser que la señora està muy determinada en su scedula, y en lo de Luis Gonzaga." The original deed signed by Isabella and three witnesses (Francesco Boccalini di Mantova, Paris Biondo, and Giachetto Faviseno) on the 16th of April 1528, wherein she promises not to marry any other man but Luigi Gonzaga, has been published by Ireneo Affo in his Vita di Luigi Gonzaga detto Rodomonte, Parma, 1780, p. 75.
  • n10. "Que la imbiaria con buen recabdo á su Fundi para que alla ella se lo tomase."
  • n11. "Y que le imbiava copia del capitulo que V. Md le mandó escrivir."
  • n12. "Temiendo que el Abbad no se hiziesse bueno con Francia en otras partes de aquel capitulo, como lo hizo otra vez quando capituló con le virey Carlos de Lanoi por donde le dieron la condicion que despues hovo."
  • n13. Here we find the same name written in two different ways in the same paragraph and by the same writer, not an uncommon thing in these despatches. Both arc intended to designate Mr. de Waury, about whom see vol. iv., part 2, pp. 670, 767, 859,
  • n14. Luigi Alamanni, whose intercepted letters may be seen at pages 375 and 527, Nos. 238, 299.
  • n15. Giovan Paolo da Ceri, son of Renzo or Lorenzo Medici da Ceri, about whom see vol. iv., part 2, p. 41.
  • n16. Giovan Antonio Muxetula was his real name.
  • n17. Here is a memorandum in Gattinara's hand thus worded: "A continuacion la carta del Florentin," meaning no doubt that a copy of Luigi Alamanni's intercepted letter was originally joined to the Bishop's despatch." A Spanish translation of this, however, is to be found in Bergenroth's collection, vol. ix., under the erroneous heading of "Copy of a letter to the bishop of Osma." See Catalogue of Spanish MSS. in British Museum, vol. ii., p. 583.
  • n18. "Y holgose mucho de ello, y dixome que este es parte contraria del cardenal de Tribulzio y que depende tambien del duque de Milan."
  • n19. Not in the Archives, or at least not appended to the letter.
  • n20. "Ahunque de lo que seriven de Venetia de Jo. Matheo está algo entre si." See Niño's letter of the 17th, No. 311.
  • n21. "Que se hazen alla ciertos casamientos entre diversas personas, de los quales su Sautidad no tiene noticia, ó no tenia recuerdo; pero dixome que la substancia era que el Boular (sic) parece que csta ya muy perdido de animo en este articulo del casamiento, y que á esta cuenta el Rey daba á la Maestressa Anua ciertos bienes para que pudiesse vivir."
  • n22. "Es medio impedido por que el Papa, viviendo con él de mala gana, [no] consiente oue se declare."
  • n23. Probably the ecclesiastic described in Katharine's letter to the Emperor of the 2nd of October 1529, as a doctor-of-law and a native of Barcelona, who came to England with cardinal Campeggio, and had served upwards of 30 years in the "Rotta." See above, p. 266, No. 177.
  • n24. In the duplicate of this letter, at folio 86 of the same volume (Add. 28,580), two paragraphs are added.