Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Additions and Corrections', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Additions and Corrections', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Additions and Corrections". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Additions and Corrections to Volume 3, Parts 1 and 2.
Part I.
p. 13. The date of Charles' first visit to England is erroneously given. It was in June 1522 (not 1523) that he spent a few days at Greenwich and London.
p. 17. "Antonio de Cysenros, the courier, &c." His real name was Cisneros; a native, no doubt, of the village of that name in the province of Palencia, in Old Castille.
p. 40. "A great misfortune has happened at Genoa." Probably the defeat, and capture of Don Hugo de Moncada, who was taken prisoner by Lorenzo da Ceri in January or February 1525, between Savona and Genoa. Soria's letter giving an account of the affair is not in the Academy's volume, and was probably intercepted. Guicciardini mentions the event in his Storia .' Italia, lib. xv.
p. 45. The English gentleman mentioned in the Emperor's letter to Praet, of the 12th February (No. 16), as having visited the French camp before Pavia, and been in close communication with King Francis, can be no other than Sir Gregory Casale, who about this time was sent to the Venetians for the purpose of urging them to assist the Emperor.
p. 51. Who the courier was who, according to Praet's testimony, was the bearer of his official correspondence, when stopped by order of the Cardinal, is not stated. He is said to have been an Englishman, by birth, though in the employment of Margaret, Among those who did service between England and the Low Countries at the time, and even as late at Don Iñigo's embassy, two Richards are mentioned; one surnamed Boullengier, and also le Florentin; the other Cocque, who might well be the one alluded to in this paragraph, inasmuch as a Richard Coke or Cooke was in 1524 attached to the English Legation in Spain. State Papers, vol. vi., .. 311.
p. 139. "The gentleman sent by the English King to that of France," mentioned in Soria's despatch of the 20th April, and whose name that diplomat was unable to ascertain, could be no other than John Jockin, or Giovanni Gioachino da Passano, who, accompanied by the Chancellor of Alençon, Jean Brinon, returned about this time to London.
p. 150. No. 88 has been headed by mistake, "The same to the same," as if addressed by Sessa to the Emperor, whereas it is a despatch from Lannoy.
p. 157. Guasto's letter (No. 93), to the Emperor is out of place, and erroneously dated, as it was evidently written after Pescara's death in 1526. It occurs again, though differently worded, at p. 693, No. 422.
p. 165. "No objection was offered by the Cardinal to the 4th and 5th articles &c" The Convention or "Concordia" of Madrid not having been signed and made public until the 14th of January 1526, Margaret's commissioners in London, in their objections to the Cardinal, could only allude to some separate memorandum sent to them from Flanders, stating the specific claims put forward by that country. In such a memorandum the articles relating to the indemnities to be paid, or restitution of lands to be made, to Flemish subjects might have been numbered 4th and 5th, whereas in the Madrid Convention they bear respectively the numbers xxix, xxxi, and xxxii.
Nor are the names of the personages mentioned in the paragraph correctly given by Le Sauch: Flourenges is the title of Robert de la Mark, lord of that town in Gascony; Saint Valier is Jean de Poictiers, seigneur de St. Vallier; whilst Pointhievre can be no other than "le Sieur de Penthièvre," another of Bourbon's adherents. It must be added, however, that in the text of the Concordia, as published by Sandoval (Hist. del Emperador Carlos ..), the above proper names, and indeed almost all those which are not purely Castillian, are so corrupted as to be hardly recognizable at times.
p. 259. Pescara has taken possession, &c. The fact is recorded by Guicciardini and others, and especially by Lodovico della Chiesa. This latter historian, however, confounds the two expeditions made by Pescara to the marquisate of Saluzzo, namely, that of the year 1522, also recorded by Guicciardini, lib. xiv., and this last one of September 1525, six months after the battle of Pavia. He makes Hernando Marin, the well known abbot of Najera, a bishop of Nazzaret, and misrepresents altogether the objects and events of both expeditions.
p. 285. Recommends a petition of Clemente Albane's; Albanés, or a native of Albania is meant.
p. 325. "They have confined to prison one Aldelo Placito." Malavolti, in his Historia de' fatti y guerre de' Senesi, Venice, 1599, 4to., gives the names of those who suffered in consequence of this new revolution at Siena. "Molti cittadini (he says), quali tenevano por poco confidente a quel governo, se bene ritenuti dal timore, non ne facevano alcuna dimostratione, tra' quali furono Aldello et Domenico Placidi, Micer Giulio Santi, Giulio Pannelini, e Ippolito Begliarmati," Parte III., fol. 126 verso.
p. 327. Though the above-mentioned Lodovico della Chiesa in his scarce Historia di Piemonte, Torino, 1608, 4to., and other Italian writers of the preceding century occasionally call this Duke of Savoy Carlo Emanuele, it is a mistake. His name was Carlo only. He was the second son of Philippe Le Bon, and of Margaret de Bourbon. In 1504, after the death of his brother Philibert, without male children, he inherited the estate. He died in 1533, in the 66th year of his age, having been married to Beatrix of Portugal, daughter of King Dom Manuel and niece of the Emperor Charles.
p. 328. In a note at the bottom of this page the name of the Doge's ambassador in Spain is erroneously given. Francesco Viglia, Villa or Billia, as he signs himself, was Milanese agent at the court of Charles. It was he who, in 1525, procured and sent to his master the deed of investiture of the Duchy of Milan, in obtaining which he must, with his master's consent, have promised a bribe to Secretary Pero Garcia, for the affidavit under No. 318, p. 551, signed by Billia himself states the fact of certain offers of money and annual pension having been made, but refused. The Duke had then in Spain another agent named Giulino, Gilino, or Giuliano, whose prefix was Camillo, and is often mistaken by the writers of this time for Giuliano della Spezzia, a representative in Spain of the Doge of Genoa.
p. 329. "Lumigiano" is an error for Via Lunigiana, as the district between Reggio and that part of Tuscany called Il Fivizzanese is known to the present day.
p. 363. Note. Gaparo is a misprint for "Gasparo."
p. 435. "I am about to send Paulo di Rezzo to the Marquis." This Paulo, or Pagolo, one of Clement's most favourite chamberlains, and employed by him on several secret missions to Pescara, to Francis and to the Emperor, was not a native of Reggio or Rezzo, as pronounced in the Venetian dialect, but of Arezzo, the town in the states of the Church, whence came Guido Reni, and the celebrated Pietro Aretino. Paolo d' Arezzo was easily converted by Spaniards into "Paolo da Rezzo," whence arose the mistake of making him a native of Reggio, as Antonio de Herrera, Illescas, and other Spanish historians have frequently done.
p. 553. At the end of the "Summary of the treaty of Madrid," as preserved in the Imperial Archives of Vienna (Rep. Fasc. C. 224, No. 3), the names of the two sons of Francis to be kept as hostages for the fulfilment by their father of the stipulated conditions, are incorrectly given. The Dauphin's was François; born the 28th February 1518. Created Duke of Bretagne in 1533, he died before his father on the 12th of August 1536, of poison administered to him by his valet Montecuculo, a native of Ferrara. His brother, Henri, Duke of Orleans, born the 31st of March 1518, became subsequently King of France. Francis had a third son born 12th January 1521, who in 1540 became Duke of Orleans, Angoulême, and Bourbonnais.
p. 560. In the fourth paragraph of the Emperor's letter to the Abbot of Najera (No. 336), instead of Giovanni and Francesco di Galara the true reading ought to be Luigi and Gian Francesco di Galara, as in p. 514.
p. 626. "Where the said King of Hungary [Ladislas] generally holds his Court." Instead of holds the text ought to read held, for Ladislas VI. died in 1516, and was succeeded by his son Louis II., at whose death, in 1526, Ferdinand of Austria had himself proclaimed King of Bohemia and Hungary.
p. 641. In the bull in Cœna Domini promulgated this year, &c. In 1768 Don Juan Luis Lopez, Marquis del Risco, and councillor of Aragon, published by order of Charles III. an elaborate and learned account of all the attempts made for nearly four centuries and a half to alter and increase the articles of that bull. The title of the work is Historia legal de la bula llamada in Cœna Domini, dividida en tres parles en que se refieren su origen, aumento y estado, &., Madrid, Gabriel Ramirez, MDCCLXVIII. fol.
p. 645. No. 388 has been headed by mistake Alonso Sanchez, Imperial Ambassador in Genoa, instead of Venice, where he resided since 1521.
p. 646. "On the 26th Cappin arrived [in Venice]." These last words ought to be effaced and substituted by "at the court of France," where that Papal Nuncio is said to have arrived in April.
p. 683. Count Felix of Werdenberg has been called of Wurtemberg by mistake.
p. 705. "The news that came the other day of the castle of Mus having been taken," &c. No mention is made in the Abbot's despatch of the 18th (No. 432), of the taking of Mus by the Imperialists, but in another of the same date, mostly written in cipher, which I happen to possess in my own collection of original papers for the reign of Charles V., the following paragraph is to be found referring to that affair: "There was in the castle of Mus, situated on the frontiers of the Grisons and Switzers, a bad tyrant, who, though he held that force in the name of the Duke [of Milan], obeyed no one and was quite independent. Aware of this fact, and also that the said governor was preparing to visit a bathing place close to Verona, the Marquis and Antonio de Leyva laid a plan to get possession of the fortress by means of some of the garrison, to whom a sum of money and other grants were promised, provided they should deliver it into the hands of Captain Villaturiel, the governor of Lecco, another very strong castle in the neighbourhood. It has been God's pleasure that the place should fall into our hands; for a messenger has just arrived from the spot announcing that the plan has been successful. I need scarcely add that should the Castellan fall into the hands of our men, he ought to be immediately put to death, in just retaliation for the many crimes and atrocities he has committed there, and in the immediate neighbourhood of the Lacco Maggiore. The castle is exceedingly strong and of the utmost importance, being situated, as I said before, in the confines of the Grisons and Switzers." The Castellan of Mus or Musso, alluded to in this passage was Giangiacopo de' Medici, who some time before the battle of Pavia was appointed governor of that castle in the room of Count Gerardo del Arco. His having sruprised and taken Chiavenna, on the lake of Como, is supposed by Bugati and other Italian historians to have contributed in a great measure to the defeat of the French at Pavia, for at the request of the elders of the Grisons, 6,000 of their men suddenly abandoned the French camp and returned home.— Historia universale di .. Gasparo Bugati, Venetia MDLXX, 4to., p.
p. 706. "To one Tiberio de Soria, &c." Soria is evidently a mistake for Loria or Lauria.
p. 718. In the first note at the bottom of the page "busidess" is a misprint for "business."
p. 730. Giberto's letter to Messer Capino (No. 449), as given by Porcacchi (ed. Zirletti, Venetia, 1581), is dated the 9th April 1526. Capino, or as others call him, Dom Chiapino, was gentleman in waiting to the Marquis of Mantua (Federigo Gonzaga). He was employed by the Pope on various missions to Louise de Savoie, and to the Emperor. At this time, in June 1526, he was residing in France, as Papal Nuncio, having gone thither for the avowed purpose of complimenting Francis upon his delivery, but in reality to lay, in conjunction with the Venetian secretary, Andrea Rosso, the basis of the disastrous "Clementine League."
There is, however, a good deal of confusion in the reports of the Imperial Ambassadors about Capino and his doings, for on the 16th of March both the Duke of Sessa and Commander Herrera advise his appointment in the room of Paulo Vettori, the captain of the Papal galleys, who upon his arrival at Florence fell suddenly ill and died (Nos. 363-4). On the 17th of April the Duke reports him at Rome as having returned from his mission to the Switzers, and on the 23rd (No. 395, p. 656), he gives the substance of that Nuncio's conference with Francis, as communicated by the Pope to him. See also Sanchez' letter of the 18th, p. 646. These flagrant contradictions can hardly be reconciled, except by supposing Sessa's despatch of the 17th of April to be a duplicate with additions of that of the 16th of March, which, as our readers must have observed, was a frequent practice among the Imperial ambassadors and agents of that day. Capino might well have returned to Rome from a former mission to Louise de Savoie in March, passing through the Swiss and Venetian territories, and he then and there appointed to succeed Vettori, but he could nowise be at Rome in April since his arrival at Montdemarsan on the 6th, in company with Andrea Rosso, is officially recorded. See the latter's despatch of April the 10th, to the Doge and Signory of Venice, in Rawdon Brown, vol. iii., p. 537, and Sanchez' letter of the 27th, wrongly dated the 7th (p. 665).
p. 732. Note. The date of Porcacchi's first edition has been left in blank by mere oversight. It ought to be filled in thus: 1565. It is the oldest I have seen, though the title differs materially from subsequent reprints. It is a volume in 8vo., with the following title: Lettere di XIII, huomini illustri; alle quali oltra tutte l'altre fin qui stampate, di nouvo ne sono state aggiunte molte da Thomasso Porcacchi. In Venetia, presso Georgio de' Cavalli, MDLXV. There is another edition also of Venice, appresso gli Heredi di Giovan Maria Bonelli, MDLXXI. In 1575 Giordano Zirletti published his collection of Lettere di Principi, &., in three volumes, small 4to., including all those collected by Porcacchi and many more, but without mentioning that author's name. Several editions have been made since, the best and most correct being that of Venice 1581. I have seen another volume, entitled Della nuova, Scielta di lettere di diversi nobilissimi huomini, . eccelentissimi ingegni scritte in diuerse malerie. Fatta da tutti y Libri sin hora stampati, Venetia, 1582, 8vo., which I believe to be a reprint of the Scielta of Bernardino Pino, issued from the Aldine Press in 1574. However this may be, Zirletti's three volumes contain many letters to and from Clement VII., the Bishop of Bayeux (Lodovico conte di Canossa), Gianmatheo Giberto, Gian Battista Sanga, Cardinals Santacroce, Farnese, Campeggio, &c., not to be found in other collections.
p. 768. "Kasr al Kiber" in the note at the bottom of the page is a misprint for Kasr Al-Kebír, a town on the coast of Morocco.
p. 773. Hurtado's account of the loss of Lodi differs materially from that of Guicciardini According to this latter historian, it was Lodovico Vistarino himself, who, having approached the city at night, seized one of the gates where six men only were keeping guard, thus giving time for Scosso, the Pope's captain, and Malatesta Baglione to arrive with their respective forces. Vianoli (Historia Veneta, vol. ii., p. 128) merely says, "Lodi per opera d' un suo cittadino tosto cade nelle mani della Lega, e fù messa a saco."
p. 785. No. 453 is wrongly headed, and ought to be "From Giberto to Prothonotary Umberto di Gambara."
p. 789. Who this Mons. de Vara, Grand Steward of King Francis, can be I have in vain tried to ascertain. Francis' Grand Steward at this time was Montmorency; but perhaps Mons. de Varennes, Bourbon's chief steward, is meant.
p. 792. "This letter was written, signed, and sealed when Ponperant and Montpesan arrived, &c." I have purposely given the text of this passage at the bottom of the page, because there is evidently some mistake. Mons. de Ponperant is certainly mentioned by French writers among Bourbon's adherents, but who Montpesan can be I have been unable to ascertain.
p. 903. In Soria's despatch of the 17th Sept. (No. 549), the Marquis of Saluzzo is erroneously called Luigi, whereas his proper name was Michaele Antonio. He was the eldest son of Lodovico by his second wife, Margaret de Foix-Candalle, his father, the marquis, having left no male children by his first Joanna, daughter of Guglielmo V. Marquis of Monferrato. At the death of Michaele Antonio, in consequence of wounds received at the taking of Aversa, his brother Giovanni Luigi, who, being of a weak constitution, had been early destined to the Church, and confined by his mother and brother to the castle of Vercelli, succeeded to the estate; but after a few month's of insecure rule, his brother Francesco, who had accompanied Michaele Antonio in all his campaigns, and was perhaps more fit for the command in those troubled times, obtained the supreme command, owing to a popular rising encouraged by the Imperialists.
p. 915. Majestati in the fourth paragraph is a misprint for "Majestate;" totuis for "totius."
p. 916. Contigeri is a misprint for "oontigerit."
p. 917. No. 550. The paragraph relating to Sienna and the revolutions which distracted that city and republic during the first 20 years of the XVI. century is rather obscure and requires illustration. Pandolfo Petrucci, the first of his family who held there the office of first magistrate, died on the 21st of May 1512, and was succeeded by his eldest son Borghese, in the Emperor's letter called Borgherino or Borghesino by mistake. This Borghese, second tyrant of Siena, as the native historians call him, was obliged in 1515 to fly from that city in consequence of a rebellion, and to make room for his kinsman Raffaelle, Bishop of Cornetto, and Castellan of Sant Agnolo (Angelo?), who, assisted by Pope Leo X., whose favour he enjoyed, was duly elected "Magistro della Balia" or supreme lord at Siena. His rule, however, was not of long duration, for having been suddenly recalled by Pope Adrian, the command of the place was given to his nephew, Francesco, who again, in 1522, made room for his brother, Fabio di Pandolfo Borghese, married to Katherine, daughter of Galeotto de' Medici. All these particulars are borrowed from Jovio, Guicciardini, and others, and especially from Orlando Malavolti.—Historia de' fatti y guerre de' Senesi, Venetia, 1599, 4to., Part III., pp. 117-24.
p. 945. "An ambassador from the Turk." His name is not given in the valuable correspondence published by Rawdon Brown from the Venetian Archives; but Vianoli calls him Ibrahim Bei: "il quale (he says) Solimano haueua prima spedito à Venetia Ibrain Beí suo Ambasciatore a raggluagiare dei successi delle sue arme in Vngheria, e di avere confirmato nel Trono la fluttuante fortuna del Rè Giovanni [Sepusio] amico della Republica e poi, l'haueva con vn' altro Chiaz inuitata a mandare suoi Ambasciadori ad assistere alle solemni feste del taglio di due figluioli" Hist. Veneta, 1674, vol. ii., p. 151.
p. 1021. In Perez' despatch of the 28th November (No. 622), Giacomo or Jacopo de'Salviati is called by mistake "cardinal" when he was a layman and prior or governor of Rome. The Cardinal's name was Giovanni, the same who from 1524 to 1526 was Papal Legate in Spain, and through whose exertions the agreement between the Pope, and the Colonnese was concluded, though not carried into effect, one of the terms being that "Philippo Strozzi and one son of Jacopo, the Prior of Rome, should be given as hostages for the fulfilment of the stipulated conditions, to be redeemed only on the payment by Jacopo of 30,000 ducats within two months."
p. 1028. The French gentleman sent to Spain on this occasion by the Queen Recent (Louise de Savoie), to ascertain the state of Francis' health after his dangerous illness at Madrid, cannot be other than Guillaume du Bellay, frequently mentioned in these despatches under his title of sieur de Langey. Owing, no doubt, to some mistake of the deciphering clerk—and I must say that they are very frequent in the Spanish correspondence of these times—Langes was turned into Danges, and with the omission of the line over the . written Dages. That it was Guillaume himself who went to Spain on this mission cannot be doubted, since the fact is recorded in the Memoires de Martin et Guillaume du Bellai-Langei, first published in 1560 at Paris, by their brother, René de Bellay, Bishop of Mans.
p. 1035. In the note at the foot of the page Liponti is a misprint for "Siponti," as Manfredonia was called in old times. Sepontinus is the title usually given to Antonio Ciocchi di Monte, Archbishop of that see.
p. 1037. "Instead of Francesco, Duke of Mantua, read "Marquis," for Mantua, Piacenza, and their territories were not erected into a dukedom until 1530.
p. 1060. "Paolo de Rizo (Rezzo) the Pope's chamberlain" ought to be changed into Paolo d'Arezzo as at page 435. See also above, p. 999.
Part II.
p. 44. Moreta or Morleto, or La Morette, as he is more usually called, is not Charles du Bellay, as erroneously stated, but "Charles de Soliers, sieur de Morette," one of the French hostages (1519), and at this time (1526), Francis' ambassador in England.
p. 58. The signs of reference at the bottom of the page have been omitted. One was for the letter itself; the other for Ponte Nuro, at the end of the first paragraph.
p. 60. Note. "Ducro" is a misprint for Duero, the river on which Aranda, a large town of Castille, in the province of Burgos, is situated.
p. 62. Suo Majestas, read Sua Majestas.
p. 63. Muntiis et Oratoribus, read Nuntiis.
p. 100. The Prince of Navarre alluded to in Salinas' despatch (No. 36) is the same Henri d'Albret prisoner at Pavia, whose night from the castle where he was confined has been already recorded at pp. 519, 532, &c., of Part I. It is by error that he is here called Jean .'Albret. This last was the name of his father, the Count of Penthièvre and Perigord, Viscount of Limoges, &c., son of Alain, Lord of Albret, who by his marriage with Catherine de Foix became king of Navarre in 1482. Henri left only one daughter named Jeanne, who married Antoine de Bourbon, father of Henri IV., king of France.
p. 150. Calmitra is a misprint for çalnitra, which in Spanish is "salnitre" or salitre.
p. 151. Talamon, a sea-port town on the coast of Tuscany has been wrongly spelt Salamon.
p. 162. (No. 96) The commandership of the Order of Calatrava bestowed on this occasion upon Antonio de Leyva was Hiniesta or Iniesta, not Inestre, as in the text.
p. 199. "The Cardinals of Siena (Petrucci), la Minerva (Vio Caetano), &c." Raffaele Petrucci, whom Leo X. appointed to the command of Siena after the expulsion from that city of his two relatives, Borghese arid Alphonso Petrucci, died in 1522. Though a native of Siena he was not archbishop of that see, but bishop of Grossetto, and subsequently "Cardinal Sanctorum Cabinii et Susanæ." It was Giovanni Piccolomini who, in 1527, was archbishop and cardinal of Siena, and therefore the paragraph ought to begin as follows: "The Cardinal of Siena (Piccolomini)," &c. The same correction is to be made at page 202 (No. 71), where the Cardinal of Siena is again called "Petrucci" by mistake.
p. 204. "Similer" in the note is a contraction for "similiter."
p. 353. In De Veyre's despatch to the Emperor (No. 212), an individual named Hanibal Pinotetti is recommended for the archbishopric of Constanza. Such, at least, is the reading in Dr. Lanz' Correspondenz des Kaisers Karl ..; Leipzig, 1844, vol. i., p. 255, from whom that document is borrowed. I am, however, inclined to think that instead of Pinotetti Annibale Pignatelli ought to be read, and that the name of the see is Cosenza, not Constanza, as in the text. Indeed, in Lannoy's despatch of the 30th August 1527 (No. 171) Annibale Pignatello, who was probably the brother of Hectore, duca di Monte Leone, and the uncle of Camillo, Count of Burrello, is described as wishing to retire after a long life spent in the Imperial service, and recommended for the archiepiscopal see of Cosenza, then vacant, in Naples; besides which, at pp. 763 and 951 of this second part he is invariably called Pignatello.
p. 619. In the second paragraph "King Dom Luiz" is a mistake for the "Infante Dom Luiz."
p. 621. Sanchez' letter (No. 372) has been headed by mistake "The same to the same."
p. 701. Of the celebrated marauder here called Berticello or Verticello some account is given by Gonzalo de Illescas in Historia Pontifical, Burgos, 1578 fol. That author, who calls him Vertillo, el Cossario, adds that notwithstanding his eminent services on this occasion, and the promise of full pardon granted by the Imperial authorities at Naples, he was ultimately arrested at Capua and hung.
p. 707. In the letter of the Duke of Amalfi to the Emperor, No. 454, where it is said "a letter of the Prince," to or for ought to be substituted.
p. 718. "A captain of the name of Romain and a native of Rome." He can be no other than Simone Tebaldi, alias Romano, who, according to Guicciardini, lib. xix., and Paolo Jovio, lib. xxvi., was slain at Cosenza.
p. 768. In Secretary Perez' despatch of the 15th of August 1528 (No. 529), a French colonel named Candale is mentioned as having been taken prisoner at the rout of Aversa, and having subsequently died of his wounds at Naples. Guicciardini, who calls him Ciandale and nipote del Marchese di Saluzzo, confirms the statement in his Historia .'Italia, lib. x., p. 44, of the London edition. His true name must have been Foix-Candalle, for Margaret, daughter of Jean de Foix, Count of Candalle, and of Margaret de la Pole-Suffolk, married Lodovico II., 11th Marquis of Saluzzo, whose son, Michaele Antonio, was actually serving under Lautrec. See Genealogies Historiques, Paris, 1736, vol. ii., p. 164 Perhaps the Mons. de Chyandelle, whose seignorial estate at Masserano was claimed by the Fieschi (Part I., p. 1052), is one and the same person as the Ciandale of Guicciardini, for in the above quoted Genealogies, pp. 178-9, the fact is recorded of a Count of the family of Candalle disputing with the Fieschi of Genoa the estate of Masserano.
p. 808. No. 565. As the death of Don Alvaro de Zuñiga, second Duke of Bejar, has been recorded elsewhere (p. 770), the letter dated Bejar, 6th October 1528, must be from his son and heir, Don Alvaro II. (?), who died in 1532.
p. 833. The headings of the two declarations (Nos. 582 and 583), made at Toledo by the Secretary of Fitzgerald, Earl of Desmond, have been omitted.
p. 920. "One Don Miguel de Silva residing in Portugal" He was at this time Bishop of Viseu, in Portugal, and most likely a brother of Alphonso.
p. 930. The letter said to have come from Count Baldassar Castiglione about the disturbed state of Germany, and preparations made by the Turk again to invade Hungary, must have been written at the time that the Emperor was asking for a service in money from the Cortes assembled at Valladolid, for Castiglione died, as stated in pp. 898 and 920, in February 1529.
p. 985. "Cardinal Cortonna died yesterday without confession." After the death of Pietro degli Accolti, the bishopric of Barcelona was conferred by Clement VII. upon Silvio Passerino di Cortona, who, as recorded by Mai, died at Tipherno on the 20th of April 1529. This latter was succeeded by Don Luis de Cardona, son of Don Ramon Folch, Duke of Cardona. Neither Accolti nor Passerino are counted by the Spanish writers among the bishops of Barcelona, owing no doubt to their being foreigners, and their having been appointed without previous presentation. Thus Aymeric in his Nomina et acta Episcoporum Barcinonensium (Barcelona, 1760, 4to.), omits them altogether, and gives the series as follows: Guilielmus Raymundus de Vich, native of Valencia, from the 21st of March 1521 to his death on the 25th of July 1520; Ludovicus de Cardona from the 29th of August 1529 to the 4th of May 1531, when he was promoted to the archiepiscopal see of Tarragona, &c.
Passerino, who was governor of Sant Angelo under Adrian VI., was created cardinal by Clement. He died at Rome on the 7th of February 1529.