Spain: August 1528, 1-20

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Spain: August 1528, 1-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: August 1528, 1-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: August 1528, 1-20". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

August 1528, 1-20

2 Aug. 518. Alonso Sanchez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 106.
Has received the enclosed "avisos" from the Bishop of Trent and from Venice. The latter come from a trustworthy person who generally gets very good information.—La Mirandola, 2nd August 1528.
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez."
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty, directed to Secretary [Pero de] Soria."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Venecia (sic). Alonso Sanchez. 2nd August."
Spanish. Holograph. 1.
2 Aug. 519. Lope de Soria to the High Chancellor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 108.
His despatch of this date, addressed to the Emperor, contains a full account of what passed between him and Brunswick's army. Has paid into the hands of that general all the money he had in hand; would have given more, had Thomasso de' Fornariis been able to fulfil his engagements; but such was the unruly character of the Germans, and Brunswick's own inexperience, that the thousands of ducats paid to them were like so many drops added to the sea. Yet he knows that that general has sent a man to court to complain of him and say that it will be his (Soria's) fault if the relief of Naples should not be accomplished. This accusation is entirely unfounded, as His Excellency the Chancellor will see by his despatches. It is very hard to have to deal with heretics so obstinate and wilful. Has begged the Emperor to relieve him from the charge of treasurer and give him permission to go home. Trusts that his petition will be granted. There are now plenty of ways of remunerating his long services, as besides the many vacancies which the unfortunate naval battle in the Gulf of Salerno has produced, there are the estates confiscated to the Neapolitan barons who went over to the French, and few are so deserving as he (Soria) is, for he has been ruined in the service, and has no bread to put into his mouth.—Correggio, 2nd August 1528.
Signed: "Lope de Soria."
Addressed: "To the most illustrious Mercurino, Count Gattinara, &c, His Imperial Majesty's High Chancellor, my lord."
Indorsed: "To the Chancellor. 1528. From La Mirandula (sic). Lope de Soria. 2nd August."
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.
2 Aug. 520. Lope de Soria to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 110.
Encloses duplicate of his despatches from the camp before Lodi, as well as from Piacenza. (Cipher:) Has come to Correggio for the purpose of cashing certain bills drawn by Thomasso de' Fornariis, amounting altogether to about 12,000 ducats. Cannot tell yet whether he will be successful.
(Common writing:) Count St. Pol is at Asti collecting his forces. He is said to be at variance with the Duke of Urbino (Francisco Maria della Rovere). Neither of them will march on Milan unless the other goes forward. Imagines they will agree at last. Hears that Leyva has raised the siege of Lodi, and taken up positions between Milan and Pavia for the purpose of attacking one or the other of those cities, as the opportunity offers. If supplied with money, Soria has no doubt that the Imperialists will be victorious, although Leyva's health is not good, and he has few good advisers near him. (fn. n1)
The Marquis del Guasto arrived last night from Milan. Told him that Brunswick was furious against him (Soria), saying that he had deceived him, and was the sole cause of his men refusing to serve. That very night as he (Soria) was passing by the German quarters he heard them cry out at the top of their voice Guelte! Guelte! Next morning the Duke himself arrived also from Milan, and he (Soria), considering the many threats he had uttered, and that the camp was entirely composed of soldiers of his nation, who fancied he had money to give them, but would not, thought it prudent to go away, the more so that when Brunswick first arrived in Lombardy there was, as he (Soria) has since been informed, an idea of arresting him. As it had been agreed between him and the Marquis [del Guasto] that they should go to Piacenza that same day, Soria did not hesitate, but left the camp a few hours before he had intended.
Respecting the Duke's unfounded complaints, enough has been said in former despatches, but in order that His Imperial Majesty may the better understand the Duke's unreasonable demands and his own inculpability, he will here relate what has passed from the beginning.
When he (the Duke) arrived at Pescbiera, Soria and the Doge of Genoa (Antoniotto Adorno) went to visit him and offer their services. They met him at Desençano, on the lake of Garda, where Andrea del Burgo, who was there, advised him (Soria) to promise some money to his men, the Duke's intention being then, as it has been since, to return to Germany through the land of the Venetians. Must observe that the Duke is quite inexperienced in military affairs; he knows nothing about them, and is therefore entirely in the hands of a council of officers appointed to advise him. At one of those councils, which Andrea del Burgo and the Doge Adorno also attended, the Duke asked how much money could be immediately issued to his troops. Soria's answer was thus conceived: "None, Milord, but I expect some soon, and as I have orders from the Prince of Orange to furnish Your Excellency with one month's pay, that the men may go at once to the relief of Naples, I will do my best to procure the funds." "How much can you give me, and at what time (replied the Duke), for 10,000 florins are wanted for my cavalry alone?" As by this time some money could be had at Lucca, the Doge interposed, saying that in his opinion the last-named sum could be procured within a week's time. Soria observed that Italy was disturbed by war, the roads infested by the enemy, and that it was no easy matter to procure that money from Lucca with due secrecy and precaution, but that if 12 days were allowed, he undertook to get it from thence. The Duke then inquired how soon after that he was to expect more. His answer was that as Giuliano della Spezzia, there present, could testify, the banker who was to pay the 10,000 florins had promised a larger sum for 20 days after that date.
After this promise, with which the Duke seemed satisfied, Soria, Andrea del Burgo, and Giuliano left the camp, the former for Lucca, the two latter for Genoa, to treat with the bankers of that city respecting the payment of other bills of exchange. There was a talk in the Duke's council, as he (Soria) has since heard, of having him arrested until the whole of the sum should be forthcoming, but some of the councillors having opposed the measure, he was allowed to depart. Went to Lucca and got with some difficulty 16,000 ducats, afterwards increased to 21,000, which he managed to bring to the German camp, and handed immediately to the Duke. To show how unreasonable the latter has been in his demands, it will be sufficient to state that he departed from Desençano on the 6th of June, and that on the 28th of the same month he was back at the German camp with 21,000 ducats, more than double the sum he had promised to procure within 12 days.
Thought naturally that the Duke would be satisfied with this. Not at all; scarcely had a week passed when be sent for more money, and ordered him (Soria) to pay 5,000 cr. to certain Italian captains who had undertaken to raise a number of horse and foot. Answered that he had nothing to do with that. He would remit gradually all the money that came into his hands, and the Duke might then employ it as he thought best. His instructions were limited to the Germans of his army, whom he was to pay out of the Imperial treasury. Soria has in his possession the reply sent by the Duke on this occasion; it is anything but temperate.
Again did the Duke send for 20,000 ducats. His (Soria's) answer was that he had only at his disposal 5,000, which he did not remit at the time owing to Count Gayaço having crossed the Pò in those days, and lying in wait for them, having had information through his spies that money was in readiness for the German camp. Shortly after the Duke himself sent for the 5,000 cr., which he (Soria) delivered, adding 10,000 more in bills on Giuliano della Spezzia, which were immediately cashed, so that on the 16th of July he had received 15,000 cr.; and yet two days after, on the 18th, his men rose in mutiny and took the road to Germany, the Duke himself at their head.
The truth is that these Brunswick men are the roughest, most unruly and heretical set of soldiers that ever left Germany. (fn. n2) They never intended going to the kingdom of Naples, but were only bent on sacking the whole of Lombardy and getting as much money as they could from the Emperor. On their first arrival in Germany they compounded for 10,000 cr. with certain villages and towns on the banks of the Salo. They afterwards did the same in the Bresano (district of Brescia) and in the Bergamasco, getting therefrom considerable sums of money, which they have spent, God knows how. After they had compounded with the towns they generally sacked them without mercy, and yet they never ceased to crave for money. Up to this day he (Soria) has paid down 32,000 cr., a sum sufficient for any other auxiliary body of troops, were it not that the utmost confusion and mismanagement prevail in the German camp, that large salaries are paid to numerous people in office and other persons who have no right to them, and that money is squandered in various superfluities.
When they were about to quit, Andrea del Burgo and a German captain of the name of Buldristan sent a message to Soria, requesting him to meet them at a place on the Pò called Guastalla, and take Thomasso de' Fornariis with him. Went thither on the 15th of July, and they discussed the chances of getting more money for the Duke's auxiliaries. Having shown them the impossibility in which we were of attending to the Duke's wishes, Captain Buldristan observed that both the Emperor and his brother, the King of Hungary, had written to the Duke promising that all expenses of his army should be paid out of the Imperial treasury, and that he complained of him (Soria) for his not fulfilling the Imperial commands. His answer was that he had no doubt the Emperor and the King had written to say so to the Duke, but that he (Soria) had never received any such orders. The Prince of Orange, who was the Emperor's captain-general in Italy, had commanded him to give one month's pay to the Germans under Brunswick, that they might at once march to the relief of Naples. This he had done superabundantly, and therefore could not do more. The captain afterwards related this conversation to his general, who got very furious at his calling the Prince captain-general of the Imperial forces in Italy, the thing he dislikes most, for he and his Germans always misinterpret any word said to them on that subject, and will only do their own pleasure. Some days after the Duke himself asked 4,000 cr. for his own private purse, as, he said, he had no money to go back to Germany. The message was brought by Captain Buldristan and by Count [Giovanni] Battista Lodron. Told them that he had no money to give, which was the fact. Had he had any he could never have been persuaded to part with 1,000 for the private expenses of such a man as Brunswick is (por ser la persona que es).
The above is the cause of the Duke's dislike to him. As to George Fruntsperg he has likewise been exceedingly annoying, at times threatening to arrest him (Soria) until he should be paid his due. The Emperor knows by his despatches that it was no fault of his (Soria's), but of the bankers who took the bills. Out of the 6,000 ducats, which is the amount of his claim, he has already received 4,500, and the remaining 1,500 will be paid to him very shortly.
Cannot help remarking that if the Emperor is to employ Germans in future, the command-in-chief must not be given to generals of that nation, for they have no experience of Italian affairs and are very punctilious (. tienen muchos puntos de honrra). Never will an army entirely composed of Germans, and having a commander of that nation, achieve single handed anything of importance.
Encloses a letter from Alonso Sanchez, who is still at La Mirandola, without knowing where to go. Had not Juan Antonio Muxetula gone to the Pope's court, he might be sent there, for he has nothing to do at present, and is a person of great experience in political affairs. Miçer Andrea del Burgo is at Rebello, in the estate of the Marquis of Mantua, with his wife.
Advices from Naples say that the Imperialists have broken into Lautrech's camp. The news is too good to believe without confirmation.—Correggio, 2nd August 1528.
Signed: "Lope de Soria."
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, &c."
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 10.
3 Aug. 521. The Papal Nuncio in Spain to the Emperor.
S. E. L. 1,553,
f. 239.
B. M. Add. 28, 577,
f. 268.
His late indisposition has prevented him from waiting on His Imperial Majesty, as it was his duty to do. Hopes soon to be able to quit Saragossa and follow the court.
Has this day received a Papal brief, in which he is ordered to request His Imperial Majesty to order, with all possible instance, the release of the three hostages, still detained [at Naples]. The College of Cardinals writes also to this effect, and both the Pope and they have expressly sent the Bishop of Leche, (fn. n3) his chamberlain (intrinseco servitore), for that purpose. Unable to accompany him on his mission, begs credence for him.—Çaragoça, 3rd August 1528.
Signed: "Humillissimo servitor e schiavo, El Nuncio."
Addressed: "Alla S. Ce. e. Cat. Mta."
Italian. Original. pp. 1½
6 Aug. 522. Micer Sigismondo di Lofredo to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 103.
Begs to observe that most of the noblemen and people to whom the royal revenues (rentas Reales del Reyno) have been consigned are now in open rebellion against the Emperor, owing to which they have forfeited that and all they possess. In case the Emperor should dispose, as is but just, of their confiscated property, it would be advisable to retain for the Crown and Imperial Court the said fiscal dues (los dichos pagamientos fiscales y rentas Reales).
Recommends Giovanni Battista Pignatello, who, unlike other Neapolitan nobles, has served, and is serving, faithfully in this Imperial army with his own son and several of his relatives, as his father Annibale [Pignatello] has no doubt informed the High Chancellor by this time. Would likewise have recommended Scipione di Suma, Pignatello's half-brother, had he not seen lately letters, not addressed to him, but to other parties, stating that he has gone over to the French. Hesitates to believe the news, but if true, it must be his own wife, a grand-daughter of the Marquis of Campo Basso, who is the cause of it. Annibale is very much concerned about it, and says that he will do his utmost to secure the person of the said Suma, and should he fall into his hands, will send him to Spain to be beheaded.
The moment the siege of Naples is raised, he (Sigismondo) intends joining the army with his son.—[Naples?], 6th August 1528.
Signed: "Sigismundo de Lofredo."
Indorsed: "Relacion de las cartas, &c."
Italian. Contemporary abstract.
10 Aug. 523. Secretary Perez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 116.
Is in receipt of two Imperial letters, one a duplicate of the 13th December last, and another of the 20th January, brought by Captain Sancho Lopez. No answer is required, as the orders contained in them could not be executed, and the death of De Vere (Veyre) put a stop to the new commission entrusted to him. Will wait at Naples until fresh orders come from Spain, for it would not be either honourable or convenient that he should, under present circumstances, go home, and use the leave of absence lately granted to him. (Cipher:) As the bankers who are to discount the bills of exchange accepted [in Spain] are absent from Naples, and Thomasso de' Fornaris himself is with the new German army, he (Perez) has literally nothing to do. 30,000 ducats drawn by that banker on a, merchant of this city cannot be had, as the party is in the island of Capri, lately occupied by the French, and he writes to say that it is expressly forbidden to pay money or accept bills for the Imperialists.
Has of course been unable to attend to ecclesiastical business at the Pope's court, as he was commanded to do, such as to request His Holiness not to grant the petition of the Dean of Jaen to resign his benefices in favour of persons not approved of by the Marquis, his father; that the trial for the murder of Pere Villalonga of Mallorca be committed to the High Commanders of Calatrava and Alcantara; the affair of the Provost of Valdtkirck and others.
Signed: "Perez."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, &c."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Naples. Perez."
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.
10 Aug. 524. Prothonotary Caracciolo to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 123.
(Cipher:) Has written at full, through Captain Rivadeneyra, of the events after the departure of the Duke and his Germans, of whom Antonio de Leyva has again been able to retain nine companies. In consequence, however, of the bank of the Adda remaining defenceless, the enemy was able to supply Lodi. As the place occupied by the Imperialists was very unhealthy during this hot season, and many of the soldiers were attacked with fever and ague, it has been decided to move to Marignano and its neighbourhood, principally as Mons. de St. Pol is reported to be at Castel San Giovanne in the Piacentino, there to join the Duke of Urbino. When united, their forces will amount to 18,000 foot, besides the men-at-arms and light horse, with competent artillery and ammunition. But Antonio de Leyva is thinking of attacking them together or separately, as it may be, and is sure of victory, for the enemy's army, though more numerous, is almost entirely composed of raw levies. Yet he thinks that there will be no pitched battle, as St. Pol is not likely to try the fortune of arms, but will fly before us.
Has no doubt that Leyva will write home explaining his plan for the future campaign, and therefore will end this despatch by observing that there is no money, that the Germans will not fight without, and that it is absolutely necessary that we should be provided with it, since the enemy, according to report, has plenty.—Milan, 10th August 1528.
Signed: "Il Prothonotario Caracciolo."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, &c."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. 1528. From Milan. Caracciolo. 10th August"
Italian. Original entirely in cipher. Contemporary deciphering between the lines and on separate sheet (fol. 123). pp. 4.
10 Aug. 525. The Same to the High Chancellor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 118.
Writes to the Emperor about the affairs of the Duchy. Has addressed letters innumerable (infinite) both to His Imperial Majesty, and to him (the High Chancellor), and yet has never received an answer. Since his departure from Genoa, (fn. n4) and return to Spain, has not heard from him. Is very much hurt at being treated in this manner, he who has staked his life and property for the Imperial service.—Milan, 10th August 1528.
Signed: "Il Prothonotario Caracciolo."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, &c."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Caracciolo. Milan."
Italian. Original. p. 1.
11 Aug.
S. E. L. f.
B. M. Add, 28 577,
f. 269.
526. Articles of Contract with Doria approved by the Emperor.
In consequence or the negotiations carried on between our councillors Ascanio Colonna, Grand Constable [of Naples], the Marquis del Guasto, our High Chamberlain for the said kingdom, and Francisco de Ruytt (sic), knight and lord of Vauri, gentleman of our household, on one part, and Miçer Andrea Doria on the other, and in conformity with the terms and conditions proposed by the said Andrea in a memorandum dated from the castle of Lezzo the 19th ulto., and brought [to Spain] by his nephew, Miçer Erasmo Doria, the following articles have been drawn up:—
1st. Should he (Doria), by God's favour, succeed in snatching the city and territory of Genoa from the hands of the enemy, the Republic shall recover its freedom as well as its former dominions, especially the territory of Savona. The said restoration to be accomplished without any charge to the Emperor, except that which the Republic itself may vote and obtain from the citizens. Orders to be sent to all the Imperial generals in Italy to defend Genoa from all attack and violence. Granted.
2nd. That all Genoese be allowed to trade with the Emperor's dominions, and enjoy the privileges of Imperial subjects. Granted.
3rd. That any injury of whatsoever kind done by him (Doria) or by any of his lieutenants and delegates to His Imperial Majesty or his subjects and vassals in time of war be forgotten, and no indemnity of any sort demanded. Granted.
4th. That he (Doria) be not bound to free any of the Emperor's subjects and vassals now serving as prisoners in his galleys, unless exchanged for slaves, or criminals sentenced to the galleys for life. Granted.
5th. Asks for a condotta of 12 galleys, with which he engages to serve His Imperial Majesty wherever and against whatsoever foes it may be his pleasure to send him. The said galleys to be furnished with competent artillery and ammunition, and provided with crews and soldiers as befits so great a Prince as the Emperor. For the maintenance and provisioning of which, as well as for the pay of mariners and soldiers, 60,000 cr. of gold, of those called 'del Sole,' shall be paid by instalments in advance at the beginning of each month. Granted.
6th. Is to have the title of captain-general [of the Sea], and lieutenant-general of the Imperial galleys under his command, with the same authority over them and the same privileges as those enjoyed by his predecessors in command, and latterly by Don Ugo [de Moncada]. Granted.
7th. Asks for himself and family (per lui y sua casa) a, fit place in the kingdom of Naples, close to the sea, where his galleys may lie in security. Gaeta would be a convenient place for this purpose, but if His Imperial Majesty objects, any other maritime town in the kingdom of Naples might be named.
Granted. The Prince of Orange has been written to to provide for the said Doria a place close to the sea, where his galleys may be safely at anchor; Gaeta, being in the hands of an officer so deserving [as Alarcon is], cannot be disposed of.
8th. He further asks for permission to obtain from Sicily or Puglia, as may be most convenient, 10,000 salme of wheat at the usual price, and have them conveyed to the nearest port and the best suited for the provisioning of his galleys. Granted.
9th. To be provided with cannon balls and gunpowder, as customary in such sea services.
Granted. He shall have every year 2,400 cr. to keep up the needful supply of these articles.
10th. That this present engagement begin from the 1st of July 1528, the date at which he (Doria) took his congé of the most Christian King Francis I of France. The engagement to last and stand good for two years, during which neither His Imperial Majesty can dismiss him from his service, nor ne (Doria) ask for his congé, unless in the event of his not being paid at proper times, or the Emperor making his peace wit France. Granted.
11th. Should it be necessary for any important undertaking, or otherwise, to increase the number of armed men on the galleys, he is to be allowed to put 50 men on board of each at the Emperor's expense, or else the Imperial ministers and agents shall supply him with the said infantry. Granted.
12th. That on the first vacant sees or other benefices in Spain, the kingdom of Naples, or in other of His Majesty's dominions, an annual pension of 3,000 or more ducats be granted to one of his near relatives.
To this twelfth and last article His Imperial Majesty has already given a proper answer through Miçer Erasmo Doria, "con razon y honestidad á su contentamiento."
The aforesaid Miçer Erasmo, in his own name and in that of Miçer Andrea, promises to have this engagement sworn to and ratified, and to place the same in the hands of the Imperial secretary, &c.—Madrid, 10th August 1528. Follow the signatures of Don Juan Manuel; Nicolao Perrenot; Fr. Ruptt (sic); Juan Aleman; Erasmo Doria.
Ratification of agreement with Andrea Doria.—Madrid, 11th August 1528.
Signed: "Carolus, Cessareæ et Catholicæ Majestatis mandato. J. Aleman."
Italian and Spanish. Original. pp. 7.
13 Aug. 527. Ascanio Colonna to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 105.
Is about to sail for Gaeta with Doria. The object is to see whether provisions cannot be obtained for the relief of Naples. To do this effectually a large fleet would be required, but at any rate let it come sooner or later; if anything be lost it shall be speedily recovered.
Hears that Octavio Orsino had arrived at Rome with money, and is actually raising troops to reinforce the French before Naples. Is sorry to say that the Pope has given Orsino permission to make levies of men in the lands of the Church. No wonder, since he has also allowed the Abbot of Farfa to invade the lands of the Colonnese, burn and destroy what little remained. For this end the widow and daughter of Vespasiano (fn. n5) gave him four pieces of artillery. The Abbot, after this, marched away in the direction of Lautrech's camp, but was met on the road thither by a nephew of the Cardinal, who, happening to be much inferior in numbers, was defeated and slain. (fn. n6) All these misfortunes have fallen on his house and family, owing to the want of Imperial troops in that district ever since the siege of Naples.
Cardinal [Pompeo] Colonna is still at Gaeta, ready to go to whichever place he can be of most use to His Imperial Majesty.––––––––, 13th August 1528.
Indorsed: "Relacion de diversas cartas, &c."
Italian. Contemporary abstract in Spanish. 1.
13 Aug. 528. Lope de Soria to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 12.
After his letter dated from Correggio the 2nd ulto., the galleys of France arrived on the coast of Naples, and landed close to that city on the 19th the soi-disant Prince of Navarre (Henri de Bourbon) and Renzo da Ceri, with a considerable sum of money for the use of the besieging army. Lutreque (Lautrec) sent a strong body of infantry and cavalry to receive them; but the Imperialists, having had intelligence of their march, went out and attacked them so successfully that very few escaped being slain or made prisoners. Among the latter was a French superior officer, named Mons. de Candala, Count Ugo de Pepuli (Peppoli), a Bolognese, and three more captains. Some go as far as to say that our people also got possession of part of the money, which seems hard to believe. The Prince of Orange was ill at the time, as likewise Mons. de Lautrec. Many died outside the city of various diseases (dolencias), as likewise inside Naples, and the death of Valdemont (Vaudemont) was confirmed.
Advices from Viterbo say that the Leaguers were making levies of men to reinforce Lautrec's army, the ranks of which had been so thinned by the plague and daily skirmishing that there were scarcely 2,000 men fit for service. Vessels laden with provisions entered Naples from time to time; there was no longer the anxiety of former days. This was owing principally to the galleys of Andrea Doria, which were doing good service on that coast. Count Burrello had obliged the French to raise the siege of Manfredonia and recovered the whole of Calabria.
Leyva has raised the siege of Lodi, leaving part of his forces between that city and Milan. Another division is in the Lomelina, and he himself with the rest of his army is in the Giaradada (Giara di Adda), close to the Venetian territory, and ready to pounce upon them, though it is reported that the Duke of Urbino is coming to meet him at the head of considerable bands. Mons. de St. Pol occupies strong positions on this side of the river Pò, between Alessandria and a place called Estradela (Stradella), and they say that he and Francesco Sforza and the Duke of Urbino have agreed to meet at Piacenza for the purpose of settling a plan of campaign. Leyva, however, writes in date of the 6th that the French general (St. Pol) had gone to France post-haste, on account of the illness of the King of France. This last piece of news is too good not to require confirmation.
Alonso Sanchez is here, suffering from fever and ague. Andrea del Burgo is also expected, for he is afraid that the Venetians will have him assassinated in the territory of Mantua, where he is at present.
Has just heard that two gentlemen have passed through Reggio post-haste. They are sent by Lutreque (Lautrec) to St. Pol, urging him to go to Naples as soon as possible with the whole of his force; otherwise, he says, the war of Naples will last a long time, or else his camp will break up. A friend writes yesterday from Reggio that St. Pol was about to cross the Pò near Carmona (Cremona), at a place called Bocadada (Bocca d' Adda), in order to join his forces to those of the Duke of Urbino. This intelligence, however, is not confirmed.
The Pope is still at Viterbo.—La Mirandola, 13th August 1528.
Signed: "Lope de Soria."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, &c."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Soria. 13th August.
Spanish. Original. pp. 6.
15 Aug. 529. Secretary Perez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 129.
On Sunday, the 19th of June, there was a skirmish, almost a battle, between this garrison and part of the French army. Lautrech had sent several companies of foot to the coast for the purpose of protecting the landing of certain supplies of money and provisions which their galleys had brought. So fierce was the onset of the Imperialists that the enemy took to flight, losing more than half their number. Mussiur de Candala (Candalle), colonel of Gascon infantry, and Count Pepuli (Peppoli) were taken prisoners. The former died shortly after his arrival at Naples, having lost an arm; the latter managed to get exchanged for three of our captains of men-at-arms and light horse, prisoners in Lautrech's camp, besides paying 10,000 ducats (fn. n7) to the man who took him. So complete was the victory, that had our men pushed on in pursuit of the flying enemy, the whole of the French camp would have been broken up, for already some of the troopers began to fly, and they were so frightened that they could hardly saddle their horses.
Very few days pass without the Imperialists bringing in prisoners, horses, and food of all kinds, for the peasants no longer help the French, whom they hate, but guide our soldiers through the country, and give them all sorts of information. Only the other day the skirmishers went to a tower (torre) 10 leagues distant from this city, where the enemy had stored a quantity of gunpowder; they escaladed the tower, and set fire to it after securing the powder.
Count Borrello has crossed over from Sicily to Calabria and defeated the Duke of Somma and other French captains. They say that he is coming this way, accompanied by the Prince of Bisignano and Pero Gonzalez de Mendoza, and that Lautrech is afraid that they will stop his supplies from Pulla (Puglia). After his defeat the Duke of Somma visited Lautrech in his camp, who abused him immensely for allowing himself thus to be beaten by the Imperialists. In general he treats the Neapolitan barons who are with him very badly; all are sorry at what they have done.
As a sort of make up for this, Castellamare has been taken by the enemy. Nine companies of foot whom Lautrech sent thither with artillery succeeded in planting their guns in a commanding position, and the governor was obliged to capitulate.
Fabricio Marramao has come out innocent from the charges brought against him. He was charged with being in treaty with Lautrech to open to his men one of the city gates which he commanded. The accusation proved to be false, and he has been restored to his command, at which all are very glad, for he is a favourite with the soldiers. His accuser has this morning been dragged through the streets of this city.
Doria's galleys are anxiously expected on this coast, for the Marquis del Guasto writes that they would be at Gaeta on the 6th inst. The Venetians are greatly in fear of them, and have sent a message to their proveditor carefully to avoid an engagement. On Doria's arrival, however, all anxiety will cease as to the provisioning of this city and army, for already barges begin to come with grain from Sicily, and even with preserves and sweetmeats (dulces y conservas).
Lope de Soria writes, in date of the 19th ulto., that 2,000 Germans had mutinied in Lombardy, but still there was some hope of Brunswick coming here with the rest of his force. Leyva was to accompany him, leaving a sufficient garrison in the castle of Milan.
The Prince of Orange and Hernando de Alarcon have been unwell; they have since recovered. Alonso Manrique and Don Alvaro de Çuñiga have died. In the enemy's camp the mortality is very great; most of the men-at-arms are quartered outside, owing to the prevailing disease and want of food. The other day a marauding party (sacomanos) from this city, having elected a captain of their own, surprised a town called Soma, where many of the French men-at-arms were quartered. They brought in all the wine and cattle they could find, and several prisoners of note, all of whom will be able to pay a good ransom.
Advices have come that Renzo da Ceri, (fn. n8) who had gone to Aquila, Spoletto, and Perosa (Perugia) by Lautrech's command to raise levies, has been completely unsuccessful The people, knowing the weakness of the enemy, will not enlist. At Benevento, and for 12 or 15 miles round, nothing else is heard but "Spagna! Spagna!" the country people doing honour to the Imperialists who happen to go thither, and informing them how they can best harm the enemy.
His Holiness is raising troops to the amount of 8,000 infantry and 800 horse. The object of these armaments is unknown, but is generally believed that he will wait for the issue of this campaign to declare himself. It is a fact that he has lately been trying through one of his chamberlains to dissuade Doria from taking service with the Emperor. He is still at Viterbo, and there is no talk of his returning to Rome.
The governor of Ostia having found that two or three officers of his garrison were in treaty with the French has had them executed.
The Duke of Traieto has died, instituting as his heir the son of his second son, called Lodovico, for the eldest is now with the French. Hernando, another of the Duke's sons, who is now here, has been appointed his guardian.—Naples, l5th August 1528.
Signed: "Perez."
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, &c,"
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Perez. Naples. 15th August."
Spanish. Original. pp. 4.
19 Aug. 530. Manfredino Buccha and Troiano Boczuto.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 134.
Beg compensation for their losses. Unwilling, when the war began, to reside on their estates, lest the French should oblige them to declare in their favour, they went to Naples with their wives and families. Such, however, was the illtreatment they sustained from the soldiery (le militi spagnoli el alamanni) that they were obliged to leave behind all their goods and chattels, and take refuge in Palermo. Here they are now, sincerely attached to the Imperial cause, and ready to sacrifice their lives for it. Beg to be kept in mind, and indemnified for their losses when the day of retribution comes, and the French are expelled from the kingdom of Naples.— Panhormi (Palermo), 19th August.
Italian. Original. p. 1.
20 Aug. 531. Maximilianus Transylvanus (fn. n9) to Alfonso de Valdes.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Cart. de Er. y otr.,
f. 76.
Was agreeably surprised by his letter announcing the challenge of the two kings. Quite a tragedy, though he (Maximilian) believes the issue will be rather comical than otherwise ("sentio exitum comicum potius quam tragicum futurum"). Meanwhile people talk of nothing else, "quidquid delirant Reges plectuntur archivi."
News from Italy and from Gelders.
Regrets that the canonry of Cartagena could not be obtained for his brother Jacopo Valdés.—E Sylvano nostro, die 20th Augusti 1528.
Signed: "Maximilianus."
Latin, Holograph, pp. 3.
20 Aug. 532. The Same to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Cart. de Erasm. y
otr., f79.
Duplicate of the above with the following postscriptum:— As I was closing my last, yours from Saragossa came to hand, and with it a transcript of the Emperor's answer to the French King's challenge, "quae certe mihi jucundissimæ fuerunt." That dialogue of yours of the Sack of Rome appears to me wonderfully fine. I beg you not to deprive me of it. It will be kept by me secret as if in a tomb, if for fear of envious people you do not choose it to be published. (fn. n10)
I am very glad to hear that the High Chancellor again enjoys the Emperor's favour as much as ever. From his greatness and splendour I anticipate much good to myself and to you.
The canonry of Cartagena, &c.
Latin. Original. p. 1.


  • n1. "Está mal dispuesto y pobre de personas de consejo."
  • n2. "La verdad es que esta gente que vino con Branzuick era la mas rustica y cretica que nunca salió de Alemaña."
  • n3. Lecce, which Count Baldasar Castiglione, at this time Apostolic Nuncio in Spain, writes Leche, is a town of Naples in the province of Otranto, and the see of a bishop, who at this time must have been Gonsalvo di Sangro.
  • n4. The Chancellor left Montoggio (Montobio?) on the 13th of August. See p. 346, No. 167.
  • n5. Giulia Gonzaga and Isabella Colonna. Vespasiano had been married first to Beatrice, daughter of the Lord of Piombino.
  • n6. Marzio Colonna. See above, p. 741, No. 491.
  • n7. Thus in the original letter, but perhaps it is a mistake for 1,000, which seems a more adequate ransom,
  • n8. Though generally so called, he belonged to the Orsini family. His full name was Lorenzo Orsino da Ceri, contracted into Renzo da Ceri.
  • n9. This Maximilian was a friend of Peter Martyr ab Angheria, with whom he was in literary correspondence. See the Epistles of the latter, published for the first time at Alcala, 1530, in fol. As to the Jacobus Valdesius here named the reader may consult the Bibliotheca Wiffeniana, pp.66-81, and Pidal, Juan de Valdes, &c. He was not, however, the brother, but the cousin of Alfonso.
  • n10. "Dialogum illum tuum de Urbis excidio mirum in modum videre gestis; oro te noli me ullo fraudare. Erit apud me quodam modo, sepulchro, postquam eum edi non vis ob invidiam declinandam." The first edition of this book: Dialogo: en que particularmente sc tratan: las cosas acaccidas en Roma el aña de MDXXVII, preceded by another of his brother Juan, intituled: Dialogo de Mereurio y Caron, is supposed to be of 1529.