Spain: June 1528, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Spain: June 1528, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Spain: June 1528, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Spain: June 1528, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

June 1528, 16-30

16 June. 460. Annibale di Capua to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 101.
After losing everything they had in the world, he (Capua) and the heirs of the Duke of Termoles (Tremoli) have entered Taranto, resolved to stake their lives in its defence. Begs to be indemnified for his losses out of the estates confiscated to the rebels.—Taranto, 16th June 1528.
Indorsed: "Relacion de diversas cartas, &c."
Italian. Contemporary abstract in Spanish.
17 June. 461. Alonso Sanchez to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 429.
Ever since the 28th ulto. He (Sanchez) has been unable to write for want of a trusty messenger. Has been expecting letters from Leyva in answer to his (cipher:) that he might at once take leave of this Signory, and start for Leyva's camp, or wherever he might be of use. Was about to apply a safe-conduct when a letter came from Lope de Soria requesting him to receive from merchants of this city the amount of certain bills drawn by Fornariis. This being done—and he hopes it will not take more than a week—he will decidedly apply for leave, and go either to La Miraudola or to Mantua, whence he may more surely join the Imperial army.
(Cipher:) Letters from Lautrech's camp of the 6th and 7th inst. have been received here, stating that the enemy had lost at that date nearly 10,000 men of the plague alone. Also that Cardinal Colonna had come out of Gaeta, at the head of 4,000 foot, and recovered from the French the County of Fundi and the Duchy of Traietto, with several other districts and towns close upon the Garigliano; in short he was making successful forays up to the very edge of Lautrech's camp. Prince Bisignano, the Duke of Castro Villare (Spinello), and one son of Cardinal Fernes (Farnese), who were in Calabria with about 8,000 men, had completely defeated the French forces in that province.
(Common writing:) The news from the court of France is that Hercole d'Este is already married to Madame Renée; that the King is sending another army under the command of Mons. de Saint Pol; and, lastly, that the King of England has resolved to contribute 35,000 ducats every month towards the League.
Here, at Venice, the rumour is that 4,000 of St. Pol's infantry, almost all Switzers, have already reached Ybrea, and that St. Pol himself is following with the rest of the force and 200 gentlemen (gentiles hombres). each of whom has four or five horsemen under him.
Of the new German army the report is that Antonio de Leyva effected his junction with it, and that it has been decided that Genoa is to be attacked, notwithstanding that the garrison has been reinforced by 1,500 men, 1,000 of whom are hackbutiers. The Germans are now in the Bergamasco, but much precious time has been lost in their joining Leyva, (cipher:) for at the time of their arrival in Lombardy Venice was completely unprepared for defence, and if invaded could not possibly have made a long resistance. It appears, moreover, that the Duke of Branzuic (Brunswick) is very slow and undecided in his movements, and that there is not between him and the commissaries of the army—who only look to their private interest—that conformity of opinion which alone can ensure success. Some of them advised him to go back to Germany by way of Padua and Frioli (Friul), wasting the land on his passage, whilst others wanted him (the Duke) not to allow Lope de Soria, who is gone to La Mirandola for money, to quit the camp, but keep him there as a guarantee of their being paid.
Has written to the King of Hungary informing him of all this, that he may give redress, &c.
(Common writing:) The Pope has gone to Viterbo, where it would seem that an Imperial ambassador, named Juan Antonio Muxetula, had also arrived, besides one from Venice. The French ambassador who was lately at the Pope's Court came here [to Venice] the day before yesterday to treat with the Signory of the restitution of Ravenna and Cervia. (Cipher:) Perhaps this French ambassador, who is to go back immediately with the answer, whatever it may be, comes for the purpose of taking some engagement in the Pope's name (podria ser que viniesse con alguna prenda de su Santidad).
(Common writing:) The King of Hungary has answered that he cannot possibly raise the 6,000 Germans wanted for Lombardy and against Venice, whilst the Duke of Brunswick is marching to the relief of Naples. The army under this commander has lost much precious time and reputation, all for want of money and provisions, as for the sake of supplying its wants it has tarried long in the towns and lands through which it passed.
The Bishop of Trent writes in date of the last day of May that the rumour current about a truce having been concluded with the Turk is far from being correct; on the contrary, there were symptoms of an invasion on his part. The Vayvod (Zapolsky) was striving to recommence war. There was much agitation in Germany, many of its Princes taking up arms at the instigation of France, &c.
Syndics from Monopoli and Trani have arrived to ask for the confirmation of their privileges from this Signory, whom they consider as their masters.
The plague has broken out in Puglia.
(Cipher:) Begs leave to renew his warnings. Until His Majesty is duly informed of his (Sanchez's) departure from the territory of the Signory the Venetian ambassador at the Imperial Court ought not to be allowed to leave Spain.
17 June. 462. The Same to the High Chancellor
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 443.
(Cipher:)Has tarried in Venice longer than he was desired, for the reasons explained in the enclosed letter to the Emperor. As soon as he has executed Soria's commission, and cashed the bills of exchange drawn upon these bankers by Thomasso de' Fornariis, written to Soria and received his answer, all of which will not take more than one week, he will ask for his leave, and start at once for Leyva's quarters.—Venice, 17th June 1528.
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez."
Addressed: "Al Illmo. Señor el Señor Gran Canceller, mi señor."
Spanish. Holograph entirely in cipher. No deciphering appended. pp. 1½.
17 June. 463. Lope de Soria to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 416.
Has not received letters [from Spain] since the 20th of February. The Emperor must have been informed of the death of Don Ugo, and loss of four galleys on the 27th April. Subsequently the Calabresa, commanded by Tiberio de Loria (fn. n1) went over to the enemy. Ascanio Colonna, the Marquis del Guasto, Camillo Colonna, Commander Ycart, and Felipe Cerbellon were taken to Genoa, where, it is said, they are well treated by Andrea Doria. The ransom of the prisoners has since been fixed in the following manner: 10,000 for the Marquis and 15,000 for Ascanio; Camillo 1,000, and Don Felipe 500. At first Doria refused to accept any ransom for Ycart, alleging that one of his family had been ill-treated by that commander and put to the oars in his galley, but at last he consented to his being liberated on the payment of a proportionate ransom. All are now free on parole. It is a sad thing to lose those galleys and so many brave people and knights on board of them, but if the Vox populi is Vox Dei it may be said that, Don Ugo's bad luck was the cause of it all, born, as he is said to have been, under an unlucky star, and unusually unfortunate in all his enterprises. Now that he is dead people's troubles and misfortunes may be considered at an end, since whatever be undertook very seldom turned out well. As experience has shown what need there is of a powerful fleet, it is not for him (Soria) to call the Emperor's attention to it. Let the command of the galleys be given to persons of quality and honour, and the galleys themselves be the Emperor's own, not belonging to private individuals. In this manner all will fight to help each other and do their duty; whereas if they are hired, the masters and captains, from fear of death or of losing their property, will avoid danger whenever they can. Let the captains also be all vassals of His Imperial Majesty, and then their own honour and reputation will compel them to stand by each other, and offer a bold front to the enemy. If so 20 galleys of ours will be sufficient against 30 of the League.
(Cipher:) The plague has broken out with fury at Genoa. The inhabitants are terribly afraid of the Imperial army. It would not be difficult just now to recover that city from the French; but, all things considered, it is far better to employ the new German forces in relieving Naples and securing Lombardy, and such appears to be the plan of campaign adopted by the generals. The recovery and preservation of Genoa would entail much trouble and expense, for the French would still be the masters of the "Castelletto" and of Savona, and it would be some time before we could expel them thence. (Common writing:) Cannot say what the Duke of Branzuic (Brunswick) and Leyva, who are now close to Bergamo, will decide, but this seems to be upon the whole the best plan.
Hears that the plague has also broken out at Ferrara and at Mantua, as well as in Puglia and other parts of Italy, so that it would appear as if all the scourges of Almighty God were now visiting this unhappy country. Wonders whether the Italians are aware that all these calamities and troubles have no other source than their own sins and divisions.
The Doge of Genoa and he (Soria) have been to meet the new German army ; found it on the 24th ulto. at Pesquiera (Peschiera). On the ensuing day (the 25th) it moved to Desençano, on the banks of the lake of Garda, towards Bressa (Brescia). Had during the march ample opportunities for observing and admiring the martial air and good appointment of the troops, who may muster about 10,000 foot and 2,500 horse, 25 pieces of ordnance and plenty of ammunition, though there seem to be but few musketeers and hackbutiei's (escopeteros y arcabuzeros) among them. The Duke who commands this force seems to be an experienced general, brave and prudent, and very open to advice. If this he only good, he will accomplish great things, (cipher:) but he (Soria) cannot say much about the commissaries he brings with him, as the Duke himself told him that he was by no means satisfied with them, and had observed that they studied their own convenience far more than the Emperor's interests. In short, there was not that harmony among them which should be. Fancies that it must be chiefly the fault of the commissaries, who are the same all over Italy, men who look exclusively to their own individual profits and desires, and care little or nothing for anything else. It was on that account that Andrea del Burgo was sent for, that he might advise the Duke and accompany this army on its march, look to the provisions, &c, but at Desençano (?) Andrea and he (Soria) were ordered away from the camp, the former to Ferrara, to treat with its Duke respecting the Imperial message brought to him by Giuliano della Spezzia; he (Soria) to Lucca to receive the money which Thomasso de' Fornariis and Stefano Centurione have agreed to pay in that city. Accordingly Burgo and he, accompanied by Giuliano, started for Ferrara, whose Duke gave every facility for the receipt of the money at Lucca, so that Soria was not obliged to go thither. The Duke's own men have now brought in 20,000 ducats in specie, which he (Soria) is about to send or take himself to the army. Fornariis has promised to pay 15,000 more in Milan as rest of the first 150,000 in bills, for as to the other 150.000 he will not accept them unless he hears from his brother and partner in Spain.
(Common writing:) The said Andrea del Burgo left Ferrara to return to the Duke of Brunswick in consequence of a Papal Nuncio having arrived at the German camp. He (Soria) departed for Mantua. Found on his arrival that the Germans had gone towards Bressa (Brescia), and that the Duke of Urbino was advancing from Verona at the head of a considerable force. Unless Brunswick has already reached Brescia, he is more likely to come this way to prosecute his march towards Naples. Intends waiting for him [at Reggio] and joining the army. Expects also Alonso Sanchez, who has written to say he was about to quit Venice.
(Cipher:) Of the negotiations carried on with the Duke of Ferrara His Imperial Majesty is sure to be duly informed through Giuliano's letters. The Duke told him (Soria) that he could not at present accept the Emperor's offers, or the command of his Italian armies, but that he would soon, notwithstanding his son's recent journey to France, do such things for the Imperial service as would show his constant and complete attachment to the Empire. The truth is that the Duke is naturally anxious to preserve his patrimonial estates and his new acquisitions, and is trying to keep on good terms with. His Imperial Majesty and with the King of France at the same time. He is a Frenchman at heart, and wishes prosperity to the King, but at the same time he is afraid of the Pope, and, therefore, will strive to render service to the Emperor.
His Holiness is at Viterbo, and shows an inclination to be on friendly terms with us. He has sent orders to all the fortified towns in his estate to allow the Imperialists to pass unmolested. It would be advisable to have an Imperial ambassador at the Papal Court at the present time; all the confederated powers have theirs, and are certainly working as actively as they can to ruin the Emperor's interests.
(Common writing:) There is much talk of Mons. de Sampol (St. Pol) coming here with 400 lances and 6,000 Germans. Also that the fleet of Provence, having 1,500 Gascons on board, has been ordered to Genoa.
Montfort, the groom of the Chamber, is reported to be now in Germany enlisting men for the Imperial service in Spain. He (Soria) and all well-wishers to the Empire cannot help thinking that these new levies had better be employed in Italy, where the King of France is strengthening his armies very considerably.
(Cipher:) No news from Naples except that there is great want of wine and fresh meat, and much anxiety as to the arrival of the German reinforcements. On the other hand, intelligence has been received both here and at Ferrara that the French are preparing to raise the siege, owing to the great mortality in their camp. Hopes to God that this intelligence is true, for it will act as a counterbalance to the gross mistakes and want of agreement (malos recaudos y desconciertos) between the Imperial generals and ministers.
(Common writing:) Begs to be remembered whenever the time comes for distributing the property and estates of the Neapolitan rebels. Should very much like to have that of Carlo Miravale of Naples, who is serving under Lautrech.— Reggio, 17th June 1528.
Signed: "Lope de Soria."
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Spanish. Holograph mostly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet pp. 7.
17 June. 464. Secretary Perez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 427.
It was so late in the day when the departure of the caravel was announced that he (Perez) had no time to triplicate his despatch of the 3rd, which went by Pedro Davalos, nor the duplicate by Domingo Aguirre on the 15th.
Since then news has come that the new German army is proceeding by forced marches, and must already be in the Mark [of Ancona?]. It is even said that Duke Francesco [Sforza] and the Duke of Urbino waited for them at a certain pass, but were defeated with the loss of 700 or 800 men in killed and prisoners, and that the Duke of Urbino was among the former. Sforza fled to Cremona with only a few of his band.
Luigi Gonzaga, his sister, the widow of the late Vespasiano [Colonna], and her daughter have gone from Pagliano to Rome, and thence to Civittà Castellana, where they are to wait until some decision is come to respecting Vespasiano's daughter and her estates. Whilst at Rome they were lodged at Sanct Angelo, at which the Cardinal (Pompeo), who resides still at Gaeta, is by no means pleased.
The French have made no movement yet, but when they hear of the Germans having entered the kingdom they are sure to raise their camp.
In Calabria the Duke of Soma is doing all the harm he can, though at Cosenza a French captain of the name of Romain, and a native of Rome, was killed by an arquebuse shot from the castle. Francesco de Loria (Lauria?), the captain of the galley "Calabresa" that went over to the enemy at Salerno, (fn. n2) is also in the country doing all he can for the French.
Count Burrello reached Messina on the 4th. He writes that his father, the Viceroy [Pignatello, Duke of Monteleone], will do his utmost to defend that island, as well as Calabria, against the enemy. He is only waiting for the appointment by the Emperor of able captains for the command of the six galleys now ready to sail and do good service anywhere. He was about despatching Albornoz to Trapani, there to embark for Spain with despatches for the Emperor.—Naples, 17th June 1528.
Since the above was written intelligence has reached us that Ascanio Colonna and the Marquis del Guasto have obtained their ransom on the payment of 25,000 ducats between the two. Both are now trying to procure the money, that they may join this army as soon as possible.
Of Giuliano della Spezzia and his companion nothing is known, except that they reached the German camp in safety.
The Pope is still at Viterbo. It is not known when he will go to Rome, or indeed whether he will go there at all.
Cardinal Campeggio is going to England as Papal Legate, and is to be replaced at Rome by Cardinal Monte.—Date ut supra.
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty."
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Perez. Naples. 17th June."
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.
19 June. 465. Alfonso Valdes to Erasmus.
M. Re. Ac. D. Hist.
f. 265.
B. M. Add. 28,577,
f. 255.
De causa tua non possum quæ scribis omnia non probare; ea enim sunt quæ cuivis facile probentur, nedum michi cui, te authore, nihil esse potest non probabile. Adversarii tui, ubi primus ille furor, quo te publice, invide, caris studiis objicere moliebantur, irritus evasit; plumbeo iam gladio rem gerunt . . . . . allatrant adhuc nonnulli, sed ignobiliores, ut iam tota hæc factio contemnenda potius videatur quam irritanda . . .
Augustini restitutioni magno tum labore, tum impensa incumbere te in praeæntia intellexit Rmus. Præses ex tuis ad me litteris: statimque ducentos tibi aureos ducatos in eos sumptus decrevit; eorum singrapham hic inclusam accipies. Cupit autem quod ex ipsius literis intelliges operam tuam in heresim virum confutationem plurimam invocari .... .—Matriti, III. Calendas Julias 1528.
20 June. 466. Count Maddalone to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 444.
The Imperial army at Naples is making a stout defence. From time to time a vessel from Sicily manages to escape the vigilance of the Venetian galleys now blockading the ports, and the besieged obtain supplies, though fresh meat, and especially wine, begins to get very scarce. The other day Pedro de Acuña, Don Alonso Mandrich (Manrique), and Captain Corcora (Corcuera?) landed here from Palermo with about 600 Spaniards. They say that there are 3,000 or 4,000 more in Sicily, very fine troops (bellissima compagnia). Had these been sent, together with the 600, we might have attempted something important against the French, recovered the greater part of the land of Lavoro, and perhaps too obliged Lautrech to raise the siege of Naples. Or we might have gone to Calabria, where that same Francesco de Loria (Lauria?), who went over to the enemy with his galley, is doing all the mischief he can. The Viceroy of Sicily, however, by the last advices, seems to have made up his mind to send thither 2,000 Spanish infantry and some cavalry, and if so the Imperial rule in that province will be soon re-established.
He (the Count) had received orders from the Prince [of Orange] and Cardinal [Pompeo Colonna] to place himself at the head of the 600 Spaniards above mentioned, and take from the enemy a fortress on the Garigliano pass, besides Tore ad mare (Ortonamare), which the French are said to he fortifying in great haste. After reducing those two places he was to go to Rocca Guillelma, which had also surrendered to the French. Having left Gaeta in execution of his orders, found that the Prince of Mel phi (Caracciolo) had been dispatched by Lautrech with about 150 men-at-arms, 200 light horse, and 2,000 foot, to throw a bridge over the river between San Germano and Le Fratte (?), close to which our camp was situated. With our small force we went up to them on the banks of the river, and carried away their boats under their eyes, to their great shame, leaving many of their cavalry and infantry dead on the field. Meanwhile the Cardinal and Knight Commander [La] Rosa, who were in another district, had to retreat, in consequence of Fundi and Ytri (Atri), both of which they had left behind, and whither the enemy had sent 400 foot, having again revolted and opened their gates to Don Federico Jaetano (Gaetano), and also because they heard that the galleys were about to attack the Castellona, one of the most important defences of this city [Gaeta]. For this reason he (Maddalone) has been recalled and ordered to quarter his men close to the Castellonae, at two places called Miranda and Castello Honorato.
Observing our retreat, the Prince of Melphi (Caracciolo), Don Federico Gaetano, and Federico de Monforte, with their respective bands, pushed on as far as Le Fracte and Trahecto (Traietto). Up to the present hour not one of the enemy's galleys has shown herself; should they come we are quite prepared for the defence.
As the enemy's fleet in these seas consists of about 22 galleys well armed, it would perhaps be dangerous to send us infantry from Spain, unless the Imperial fleet was numerous and strong enough to overpower that of the enemy. As that cannot be the case for the present, it would be advisable to send the intended reinforcements by sea, by way of Calabria and Sicily, in five or six vessels at a time. Humbly requests the Emperor, in acknowledgement of his services, to grant him the fief of Arientzo, which Signor Petri (sic) Standardo has forfeited, owing to his having become "Commissario della gassa" to Lautrech and his minion, or else that of Carra, which is contiguous to Mathalun, and belongs to the Marquis of Layno (Laino). He is ready to pay for this latter 12,000 ducats, which is his wife's portion.—Gaeta, 20th June 1528.
Signed: "Lo Comte de Mathalune."
Addressed: "Sacræ, Cesareæ, et Cath. Mti."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From Count Matalon. 20th June."
Italian. Original. pp. 2.
20 June. 467. Knight Commander Alonso de la Rosa.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 448.
Has been governor of Gaeta ever since the time of Lannoy, who gave him the appointment. When Don Ugo succeeded, he (La Rosa) applied for men and provisions to defend this city. Could not get any, that Viceroy having answered that he had none to dispose of, but that, if ever he (the Commander) was attacked, he would certainly come to his assistance. Perceiving that his wants could not be supplied from that quarter, looked elsewhere for the required succour. Has since obtained it, and is now sufficiently provided with means to defend Gaeta during eight months, reckoning from the present time. The Emperor need not feel any anxiety about it.
Begs for one of the estates confiscated from the rebels with the title of Count or Marquis, that he may end his military career with honour, and in the Imperial service.—Gaeta, 20th June 1528.
Signed: "El Comendador Alonso de la Rosa."
Addressed: "Sacratissima, Cesarea, Catholica Majestad."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From Knight Commander La Rosa. 20th June. Answered."
Spanish. Original. pp. 2.
22 June. 468. Alonso Sanchez to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 452.
Since his last, in date of the 17th, the Signory has signified its intention to keep both Ravenna and Cervia. Not only have they declared this to the French ambassador, but they have reinforced the garrison of the former place with 500 men from Treviso.
It is impossible to say whether the Signory is in earnest, or whether it is a feint devised and agreed upon between the French and Venetians. He (Sanchez) may possibly be mistaken, but he fancies that, were anyone to offer them the undisturbed possession of those cities, he would have the Venetians on his side. But, on the other hand, his (Sanchez's) opinion, is that they ought not to be allowed so to increase their territory.
Letters from Viterbo of the 7th inst. announce that the Pope has declared to the Venetian ambassador at his court that unless Ravenna and Cervia are immediately restored to him, without excuse of any sort or waiting for the answer from France, he (the Pope) will ally himself with the Emperor, who has already offered to restore to him Ostia and Civittà Vecchia, as well as the cardinals kept at Naples as hostages, put him in possession of Ravenna, Cervia, Modena, and Reggio, make him master of Florence, and marry his two nephews to two ladies of the Colonna family, one of them the daughter of the late Vespasiano, and heiress of all Prospero's estates. He had, moreover, received Juan Antonio Muxetula most affectionately. The French ambassador who came on that delicate mission is still here; he is to return soon to the Pope with the answer.
(Common writing:) Letters have been received here from Lautrech's camp of the 13th and 15th inst. It is stated in the former that there was scarcity of wine in Naples, and that the Germans in consequence were much exasperated, and threatening to go home, though they had lately discovered some butts of it at Castilnovo, and were drinking the contents; that a proveditor of this Signory, named Luys (Alvise) Pisani, was very unwell, and Lautrech also. A conspiracy had been detected at Naples for delivering one of the city gates to Lautrech; but the traitors, a nephew of Bourbon and three more Frenchmen, had been made to pass through the pikes (pasados por las picas). (fn. n3)
(Cipher:) Of the new German army, and of Leyva, there is no certain news, some saying that they are close upon Lodi, whilst others maintain that Brunswick had crossed the Adda, leaving with Leyva some of his infantry, and taking Italians in their stead. His intention was to pass the Pò in the direction of Naples. The truth is that Brunswick, from want of money, is not advancing as fast as could be desired, and as the situation at Naples requires. He is collecting provisions all over the country to store at Pavia and Milan, and other towns of Lombardy, where Leyva intends to remain, and when that is done, towards the end of this month, will start for Naples.
(Cipher:) Soria's answer has not yet come to hand, owing, no doubt, to his being no longer at La Mirandola, and to his having gone to the German camp. Expects it in a day or two, when he will take final leave of the Signory, &c.—Venice, 22nd June 1528.
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez."
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty, in the hands of Secretary Soria."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. Sanchez. Venice. 22nd June."
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. No deciphering appended. pp. 3.
24 June. 469. The Same to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 457.
Has just applied for and obtained the Signory's leave to quit Venice. It has been graciously granted with the promise of a safe-conduct through their territory. Intends taking his departure next week. Will write again.
The Signory has had letters from France, of what date he has been unable to ascertain, announcing that Mons. de St. Pol had arrived at Lyons on the 15th inst., and was hastening the march of his army. Fancies that they cannot be in Italy before the end of July.
Encloses letters from the King of Hungary and from Leyva. (fn. n4)
An English ambassador, (fn. n5) who resided at the Pope's Court, has come to Venice to press the restitution of Ravenna and Cervia, but has not yet been able to obtain a satisfactory answer.
Hears that Leyva and the new German army are besieging Lodi.—Venice, 24th June 1528.
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez."
28 June. 470. Hieronymo Moron to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 101.
If this city and kingdom are to be preserved for the Emperor the Germans must make haste. If more succour is to come from Spain, let it land first in Sicily, and be composed only of Spaniards.
The Venetian galleys give great annoyance and stop the supplies. A powerful fleet is required to drive them away. Besides, Lautrech is doing all he can to starve us.
Indorsed: "Relacion de diversas cartas, &c."
Spanish. Contemporary abstract.
29 June. 471. Antonio de Leyva to Sanchez.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 43.
This new German army comes in a spirit that I am really afraid will render it of little good. I can assure you that, had I not joined it with part of my own forces, it would already have gone back to Germany, for the Duke [Henry of Brunswick] says that none of the promises made to the men have been fulfilled. Had I not come in time, upwards of 400 of them, mostly Frenchmen, would have left. I have brought them as far as this place, and will do my utmost to take them to Naples. Will give them 2,000 of my Italian hackbutiers, for there are not enough among them, and will remain behind, suffering martyrdom, as in times of old. Cannot imagine that they can be as hard-up at Naples as they represent, but since they say they are in danger, I will do my best to send the Germans that way. The Duke is a very good soldier (muy buen caballero), and well disposed to serve the Emperor. We are expecting Soria, who has gone [to La Mirandola] for money to pay the troops. As soon as he returns, the army will receive orders to march.
Respecting your further destination, about which you seem to ask my advice, I really do not know what to say. Methinks, however, that you are doing good service there, where you are, and should wait until the Venetian ambassador has left Spain; then you may go in whichever direction you please, or come here to me. The enterprise against Bergamo was put off. I dared not take the Germans so close to the mountains as to tempt them to go home. I can assure you that the soldiers of this new army are not easily managed (estan de mala digestion). The arrival of French reinforcements is considered certain, but I cannot persuade myself that they bring with them so many Germans as they say, &c.— Torreta contra Lodi, 29th June 1528.
Spanish. Contemporary copy. pp. 2.
30 June. 472. The Duchess of Francavilla to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
f. 468.
Writes in favour and commendation of Madame Francesca Porcara, widow of Miçer Laudisio de Laudisiis, who followed with fidelity and zeal the Aragonese party in the kingdom of Naples. Since the present French invasion, and the death of the said Laudisio, his widow Francesca and their son Aurelio have taken refuge in this fortress. Begs that the pension of 100 ducats granted to the husband for his services to King Federico be continued to his widow and son.—Del su Castyllo de Yscla (Ischia), ultimo Junii 1528.
Signed: "Fidel sua vasalla che sue mani et pedi basa 'La Duchessa de Francavila.'"
Addressed: "Sacræ, Cesareæ, Catholicæ Mti."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Duchess of Francavilla. 30th June 1528. In favour of Francesca Porcara."
Italian. Original. 1.
30 June. 473. The Marchioness of Pescara to the Emperor.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 42,
In favour of widow Porcara and her son Aurelio.—Del su Castyllo de Yscla Ischia, ultimo Junii 1528.
Signed: "Humil syerva y vasalla la Marquesa de Pescara."
Addressed: "Sacrceæ, Cesareæ, Catholicæ Majestati."
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Marchioness of Pescara. In favour of widow Porcara."
Italian. Original. 1.
30 June. 474. The Same to the Same.
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist.
Salazar, A. 43,
f. 101.
Let His Imperial Majesty think only of his greatness and immense power, and be sure that with it he shall be able to conquer all his enemies and defeat their wicked plans. His true friends and servants will never fail in their duty, or cease to devote themselves to the cause of the Empire, as she, her brothers and relatives, have always done and will do in the future.—30th June 1528.
Indorsed: "Relacion de diversas cartas, &c."
Spanish. Contemporary abstract, .. 1.


  • n1. Elsewhere called Francesco de Loria (Lauria?).
  • n2. See above, p. 715, where he is called Tiberio.
  • n3. A military punishment, very common in the Spanish army about this time, cases of treason, desertion, &c. The culprit was made to pass through two ranks of men armed with pikes, every one of whom had a thrust at him, until he fell quite dead.
  • n4. That of the King, in date of the 4th, is at p. 702 under No. 447, but Leyva's is not in the volume, unless it be one under the date of the 29th, which will be abstracted hereafter.
  • n5. Sir Gregory Casalis or da Casale?