Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Spain: March 1528, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: March 1528, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: March 1528, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
March 1528, 11-20
11 March. S. E. L. 806. f. 26 |
370. Don Iñigo de Mendoça, Imperial Ambassador in England, to the Emperor. |
Has received the Emperor's letter bestowing on him the | |
bishopric of Burgos with all its endowments and pensions, on condition of his resigning half the revenue (medios frutos) of Coria, and the pensions on the bishoprics of Jahen (Jaen) and Leon. Returns thanks for the favour, which is indeed so great as to make him forget all the dangers and fatigues of the Imperial service. | |
Sends his powers to Secretary Covos, as instructed.— London, 11th March [1528]. (fn. n1) | |
Signed: "Don Iñigo de Mendoça." | |
Addressed : "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty of the Emperor and King, our Lord." | |
Spanish. Original, .. 1. | |
11 March. S. E. Port. L. 368, f. 173. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 197. |
371. Lope Hurtado, Imperial Ambassador in Portugal, to the Emperor. |
Don Miguel de Velasco arrived on the 8th. He found the Queen (fn. n2) free from fever, but still very weak. She has since recovered very quickly, not only owing to the arrival of the said Don Miguel, at which she was much rejoiced, but also to the manna and "unicornio" (fn. n3) he brought with him. The physicians are still thinking of administering to her some doses of manna that she may be completely cured of her past illness, as well as of that from which (sarna) she was suffering before. | |
Told the King how pleased the Emperor had been with his [Hurtado's] reception at the Portuguese court, as well as with the dismissal of Onorato (Honoré), the French agent. The King was pleased to hear of it, and still more to learn that he (Hurtado) had received orders to remain [in Portugal], at which Onorato, who is still at Santarem, was by no means content. The latter (he hears) has applied for another audience from the King, which has been denied. Begged the King to have him dismissed, as he might in future prove dangerous to the Imperial cause, and report to his King on matters and things which he could not have learned elsewhere. Should the King not send him away immediately he (Hurtado) threatened to leave Portugal, and return to Castille. The King replied that there was no fear of Onorato remaining much longer in his dominions, as he had been for some time making preparations for his departure, only he (Honoré) wished to go by sea, and had applied to him for a safe-conduct, as likewise for some compensation for the losses he said he had sustained at La Coruña. Has reasons to believe that the King of Portugal would very much like to get rid of him (Onorato), and, therefore, that both the safe-conduct and the indemnity demanded might be granted. It must, however, be observed that the Frenchman claims 6,000 cr. of gold, which he says is the amount of his losses on that occasion. His Imperial Majesty might have inquiries made as to his real losses, and send a memorandum to be shown to this King. Most likely his statements will prove false, and the King will then be at liberty to expel him from his dominions. Onorato lays great stress on his character and immunity as an ambassador; he alleges that the war had not yet been duly proclaimed [in Spain] when his ship was embargoed; and, besides that, there was express mandate of His Imperial Majesty not to interfere with merchant vessels, since those of Spain and Flanders had not been seized in France. All this is a joke (burla), as I have told these gentlemen. Will insist on the said Onorato's departure, with or without indemnity. Has had frequent audiences from the King, as well as from the Infantes and the rest of the Royal family. Always found them well disposed to give the Emperor such help as is in their power. Had also a private conversation with Pero Correa on this subject, the substance of which is enclosed. (fn. n4) "Went two days after to the King, and asked his permission to explain his thoughts about some paragraphs of his last letter (fn. n5) to the Emperor. Having obtained such permission, began to lay stress (cargar la mano) on the quality and number of the persons who were to be sent as his ambassadors to England, observing that, although not sent conjointly with those of the Emperor, His Highness might extend their commission with the limitation alluded to by His Imperial Majesty in his letter. (fn. n6) This was but just and honest, considering the uncertainty of a sea voyage, and the danger of delay in an affair of such great importance. The Cardinal might in the meantime prevail upon the King of England to make his declaration (podria causar declaracion del Rey),and, if so, all chances of redress would be lost; whereas now they (the Cardinal and King) would certainly refrain when they saw two such powerful monarchs as the Emperor and the King of Portugal, and so closely related to the Queen, their aunt, take up her defence. Many more things did he (Hurtado) say to a similar purpose, pointing out the inconvenience likely to arise from delay to His Highness and to his brothers, as well as to the Empress (Isabella). The King replied that time and politics changed much, and though at present it might appear advisable to give such commission, the time might come when it would seem otherwise; and therefore he thought that the mandate could not be issued without previous deliberation. As to the ambassadors, he was ready to send them whenever the Emperor pleased. | |
Passing then to the paragraph of the royal letter, wherein it is promised, though in a vague manner, that this King will lend help and assistance when required, the ambassador begged to know what sort of help and assistance was meant. The King hesitated and answered, "When the time comes I will not forget my duty" (no faltaré á lo que soy obligado); upon which Hurtado replied, "The opportunity is now at hand, for, should Your Highness declare for the Emperor, certainly the enemy will not dare to attack two such mighty Princes." | |
Respecting the Spice or Molucco Islands, it was suggested that, since the arrangement proposed seemed to be beneficial to both parties, it only remained for him (Hurtado) to fix the sum wanted and the time of the payment, offering to go to Castille, 10 times if necessary, until the affair should be definitively settled. The King said, "I wish you had brought a special mandate and instruction to treat of this affair, for I am as anxious as the Emperor can be to have it settled at once." | |
Called next on the Infante [Dom Luiz] and told him that the King, his brother, could not repay the love and affection the Emperor bore him, by speaking only in such general and ambiguous terms. Dom Luiz promised his assistance in the affair, and showed much good-will, offering to speak to his brother, the King, about it. The best mode (he said) of settling matters to the Emperor's advantage, and obtaining money from Dom João, was, in his opinion, the speedy settlement of the Molucco question, for that would at once place a large sum of money at the Emperor's disposal, with which to defray the expenses of the present war. Dom Luiz then sent for the Duke of Braganza, who confirmed his statement, especially as regards the Molucco, for that is after all the affair which all Portuguese, as Pero Correa has often told him, have most at heart. (fn. n7) | |
The Duke, after this, in the most courteous manner possible, went on enumerating the complaints which the King had to make. He considered that His Imperial Majesty might have been more explicit in his letter to the King, as it did not contain much more than the printed [declaration], and everyone in Portugal believed that the affection and close relationship of both Monarchs required a more detailed account of the reasons which had influenced the Emperor to set his prisoner at liberty, (fn. n8) as well as the causes for breaking off the negotiations for peace. One of the councillors present further said that the fact of His Majesty the Emperor's fleet at La Coruña being ready to sail [for the Indies] was an offence against the King, as one of the articles of the marriage settlements stipulated that the King [of Portugal] was to furnish vessels whenever required for such a voyage. The Duke complained also that the Emperor had forbidden the Portuguese to trade with Arzila (quitava la saca á Arzilla) and other towns [of the African coast], which the Catholic Kings, his predecessors, were in the habit of allowing. All this the Duke represented to the ambassador in the most courteous manner possible, protesting all the time that nobody was more interested than he was in union and agreement between the two Monarchs, that being the reason why he had presumed to mention those trifling matters which he knew had caused a certain amount of discontent in Portugal. | |
Two days after this the Duke sent for him (Hurtado), and said he had been pondering about the navigation treaty. He inquired whether he [the ambassador) had especial mandate from the Emperor. Answered that he had none, but that as he was soon going to Spain, would be glad to take any such charge. "The King (added the Duke) is about to despatch a courier to Antonio de Azevedo [his ambassador], telling him in substance what he can and is prepared to do in this affair. It is also his intention to draw out a, memorandum, wherein, I heave no doubt he will be more explicit than he has been with you. Be sure that the King, my master, will not be in fault towards the Emperor whenever he considers his help a necessity (quando el tiempo sea necessario). At the present juncture, were he to offer assistance, it would be detrimental to the Emperor rather than otherwise, for whilst it could be of but little use to the Emperor, it might destroy and exhaust his own dominions." Replied suitably to the occasion. Said that nothing was farther from the Emperor's views than to cause harm to his brother and neighbour of Portugal, whose prosperity and welfare he prized as much or more than his own. | |
The King has since held a council, where this matter of the embassy to England has been discussed, and it appears that a memorandum is now being drawn up to be sent to Azevedo. As His Imperial Majesty wishes him to stay [in Portugal], and the councillors know of it, he (Hurtado) fears that they will change purpose, and not inform him of their final determination. Will, however, insist on the fulfilment of the promises they have made, and when informed of their intentions will despatch an express messenger with the answer. The present one takes the bills of exchange, for his Imperial Majesty's wants are pressing, and no time is to be lost, and the fair [of Medina del Campo] is about to be closed. Hernan Alvarez says that the conditions of payment (paga) could not be better, or at shorter dates. He is right; 50,000 ducats are payable in this month of March, and the remainder in May. (fn. n9) | |
Recommends to the Emperor's attention Doña Maria, (fn. n10) who does many good offices with the Queen. | |
Don Martin [de Portugal] says that he wishes by all means to be useful to the Emperor. The King wants him to go to Rome, but Don Martin refuses in the present state of affairs, because he knows not how he can be of use to the Emperor. He thinks, however, that his presence at Rome just now might be desirable, for at the time the Pope resolved upon coming over to Spain he showed himself in so conciliating a mood that it seemed as if there would be no difficulty in persuading him now to accept the Emperor's conditions, if honourable. Don Martin further says that he cannot accept the Imperial favours until he has done the Emperor some good service. In order that he (Don Martin) may go to Rome, if such should be His Imperial Majesty's pleasure, a letter ought to be written to this King, stating the conciliatory message which Don Martin himself brought from the Pope, and that if the answer has been delayed it is only owing to the Emperor waiting for His Holiness return to Rome. In his (Hurtado's) opinion, Don Martin ought to go to Spain as soon as possible, that His Holiness may not have further cause for complaint. He is to show the Emperor's letter to the King, and take his departure as soon as he obtains leave. Begs, however, that the whole matter be kept a secret from the Nuncio, or from any other person who might write to Rome and inform the Pope, because His Holiness' impression is that he (Don Martin) is taking this step merely to serve him. (fn. n11) | |
There are at this Court at present a Portuguese, chaplain to the Infanta [Doña Maria], and a Savoyard named Ysobio, his servant. Knows the chaplain well enough, for he came to Lisbon four or five months ago upon certain business of the Duke and Duchess [of Savoy]. Ysobio, in particular, has made various journeys to and fro, and when he (Hurtado) was [in Savoy] brought letters of introduction from him for people [in Spain and Portugal], as the Duchess seemed to entrust most of her affairs to him. This Ysobio says that he has been lodging some time with Onorato (Honoré), who has entrusted to him a packet of letters and despatches for Italy, as he knows that he is going thither in a couple of days. Now as Ysobio and his master, the chaplain, are at this hour requesting the King to obtain passports from the Emperor, it might be advisable to have them detained until Honorato himself should embark, or else that in or about the frontiers of Perpiñan the letters should be taken from them. This last expedient appears more dangerous than the former, because King Dom Luiz might take offence at it, as likewise the Duke and Duchess [of Savoy], who might perhaps withdraw the information that comes from them. It is for His Imperial Majesty to decide which of the two expedients proposed is [more advantageous. | |
It would appear that this King sent some time ago to Malaga for 300 able seamen (de la xabega) to man the oars of certain of his galleys now going to India, and which are expected to sail before the end of this month. When the corregidor of Malaga heard of it, he seized the Portuguese agent and the sailors engaged, and put them all in prison. The agent managed to escape, and has since come here. Orders should be sent to all the corregidors of towns and cities on the coasts of Spain not to molest the King's minister in such trifling matters, for these are the things which the Portuguese most resent. | |
The King's Privy Council is composed of the Infante [Dom Luiz], the Duke of Braganza and the Marquis of [Villa Real?], the Counts of Penela, Vimioso, and Linares; the Bishop of Lamego, Luys de Sylveira, and Pero Correa. Has spoken to them all in His Majesty's name, but only delivered letters to the Duke, the Marquis, Luis de Silveira, and Pero Correa. This last was of opinion that, in order that the Duke and the Marquis should better appreciate the distinction, no letters should be given to the rest of the councillors. | |
The Duke [of Braganza] has a son named Don Theodosio, already grown up, good-looking and handsome. It would be advisable to find him a wife in Castille. If so, the King ought to be informed of it beforehand, for they are exceedingly touchy in such matters. For the same reason it is the ambassador's opinion that a letter should come as soon as possible informing this King of the reasons which the French and other ambassadors of the League had for rejecting the conditions of the peace offered to them. | |
Onorato (Honoré) sent the other day to ask him (Hurtado) for an interview. His answer was that they had nothing to treat of in common. Onorato sent a second message to say that he might perchance have something to propose equally advantageous for the Emperor and for the King, his master. The reply was that he (Hurtado) knew very well how the King's affairs stood at present (fn. n12) | |
An Easterling vessel (hurca de Esterlines) arrived some time ago from Flanders after 15 days' passage. She found in the channel several English vessels armed. One of them boarded her, searched the hold, but, finding no other merchandise in it except masts, let her go. Similar orders ought to he sent to the coast of Biscay to have every English vessel in those seas boarded and searched, and if Mons. de Veure [Beurren] is not yet gone, he ought to be duly informed of this fact. Hears that in a week's time a vessel is to sail for Flanders. If there are any letters for that locality they had better be sent by this way. | |
Since writing the above, intelligence has reached him that Onorato has called to take leave of this King. It would appear that he wishes to keep his departure as secret as possible, from fear of being detained on the road. They say that he has taken his passage in a galleon, now in port He (Hurtado) intends sending to-morrow one of his own men to ascertain if there be any truth in this report, and whether the galleon and other vessels about which Secretary Cobos last wrote are really in port. (fn. n13) | |
Since Onorato has been at this Court no one has taken any notice of him (no huvo onbre que se llegase á él ni le mirase el rostro). He brought letters from the Duke and Duchess of Savoy for this Queen (Katharine), but it would have been better for him not to have delivered them, considering the rude reception he had from His Highness (Dom João) as well as from the Infantes Dom Luiz and Dom Fernando, who happened to be in the room at the time. In fact he (Hurtado) hears that the said Onorato is going away very much disappointed and offended (muy corrido). | |
Is expecting every day the King's answer on pending matters. Thinks it will be favourable, as Luis de Silveira, Count Vimioso, and others are continually telling him so. | |
The Queen has begged him to write in favour of Doña Maria [de Velasco] and her suit at law. | |
Juan Francisco de la Fetad shows great desire of serving His Imperial Majesty. So does Hernand Alvarez, who has often requested him to write in favour of the former. As no good can be done here without the assistance of these two individuals, it is for the Emperor to decide how their co-operation is to be secured. (fn. n14) | |
A few lines of thanks ought certainly to be addressed to Hernand Alvarez, who has done and is doing much to forward the quick payment of the money. | |
The Duke of Braganza recommends Don Hernando de Castro, his nephew, now at Court, and begs that justice may be done in a case now pending before the Council [of Castille].—Almeirim, 11th March 1528. | |
Addressed: .A la S. C. C. Mt. del Empr. nuestro señor." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 7. | |
11-14 March. | 372. The Same to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 191 |
(Cipher:) Since his last of the 9th a letter has come from the King of Hungary in answer to his despatch. Notwithstanding Leyva's opinion, the King thinks that the new German army must be of the kind and numbers originally intended, and gives his reasons for this. He (Sanchez) is of the same opinion; the only difficulty lies in procuring provisions and money for so many thousands. |
Said in his last that letters from Constantinople, dated the 28th, announced as a fact that the Turk was arming in favour of the Vayvod [of Transylvania]. Has since heard that immediately on the arrival of the letters the Signory sent for an agent of that rebel, who resides here, and showed him the letters which their bailiff (baylio) at Constantinople had written with the news. The agent replied that he was aware of it, and that his master had offered the Turk a considerable annual tribute if he replaced him on the throne. | |
(Common writing:) Hears likewise that this Signory is preparing a fine present of brocade silks, jewels, and other things for the Turk as a return for some saltpetre (sal nitre) and grain which he sent them on a former occasion.—Venice, 11th March 1528. | |
P.S—To-day, the 14th, advices have come from Milan, stating that two days before (on the 12th) Leyva had defeated the confederates at Bergamasco with a loss of upwards of 2,000 men in killed and prisoners, not counting in that number 100 men-at-arms and several captains. Soon after this feat of arms he (Leyva) marched on Lecco, which 500 of the enemy were investing, and, having surprised them, slew them to the last man. Their captain, a brother of the warder of Mus, he caused to be killed and quartered (hazer quartos), owing to his having hung two or three Spaniards who happened lately to fall into his hands. Has been told that in consequence of this all the confederates who were on the other side of the Adda have crossed it in a hurry, for fear of; Leyva making an incursion upon Bergamo, which is not probable. | |
The Pope is raising 4,000 infantry, for what purpose it is not known. He is still at Orbieto, and most likely will not return to Rome until he hears how things turn out in Naples —14th March 1528. | |
Signed: "Alonso Perez." | |
Addressed: "To the Most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet, pp. 2. | |
12 March. | 373. Madame's Instructions to Guillaume des Barres. |
K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u. Staats Arch. Wien. Rep. P. C. Fasc. 224, No 3, bis. |
You shall go with all diligence to London to Mons. de Burgues, (fn. n15) the Emperor's ambassador at that Court, and exhibit your credentials. You will tell him that We have received his letter of the 11th inst., and heard of the overtures of peace made by the Legate. |
We are indeed very happy to see the good turn the affair is taking. You will tell him that We shall spare no personal trouble or fatigue to bring about a general peace, although our enemies have certainly given us no motive for it after their rupture with the Emperor, our nephew, without previous defiance. | |
Respecting the overtures lately made by the Legate to the Imperial ambassador (Don Iñigo), to the effect that the King wishes us to co-operate with him in the establishment of the said peace, and to extinguish the fire lately kindled by our common enemy, you will assure him in our name that if the King of England sincerely takes this affair to heart, We shall do everything in our power to persuade the Emperor to make concessions. | |
And though it seems to us, and indeed to almost ail other people of honest intentions and quick understating, that King Francis ought to have accepted at once the Emperor's offers, by recalling his Italian army and giving up Genoa and | |
his other conquests before his sons were actually released from captivity, although there is no probability of the French being aide to stand their ground [in Italy], now that the Imperial army in Rome and the reinforcements sent both from Spain and Germany have been ordered to march against them, yet if the Legate will put forward overtures more ample than those communicated to the Imperial ambassador, We shall be glad to forward the same to the Emperor conjointly with him, or separately, as it may best suit the King of England. | |
We, therefore, send you [to London] that you may ascertain the Legate's real intentions, and how he purposes acting in this affair. You will also request Mons. de Burgues to acquaint the Legate with our readiness to help towards the accomplishment of peace, as above said; that We have sent you for that purpose, and wish this affair to be conducted between us without the intervention of any other person whatsoever. Should the Legate persist in his idea that We should take the affair in hand conjointly with him, in that case the Sieur de Burgues is to ask him to explain to him and to you the best terms and means to be used in our application to the Emperor, and when obtained and put down in writing, you shall, immediately return [to the Low Countries], that We may at once communicate the same to the Emperor. If, moreover, his advice is that We ought to send a messenger [to Spain], it would be necessary to procure a safe-conduct for him to pass through France, as the sea at this season is very uncertain. We shall then use such arguments with the Emperor, our nephew, as easily to persuade him that our interference in the affair cannot be disregarded. | |
Should the Legate remark that We ourselves can procure the safe-conduct by merely asking for it, you will tell him that, considering that We are on bad terms with the French just now, We would rather not apply for it; besides which, it is but proper that he himself should have the honour of the affair, since the proposal originated with him. For our part We can only say that had it not been for his sake (pour l'amour de luy), and for the sake of so great a boon as universal peace, We should never have undertaken to send a message to His Imperial Majesty, much less still if We had doubted of his (the Legate's) sincerity in the affair. | |
You will, moreover, beg Mons. de Burgues to acquaint the Legate with the fact that the very moment we heard of his peaceful intentions We gave orders for the English merchants, their ships and merchandise, to be released as soon as those of this country, as well as of Spain, obtain their liberty in England. | |
We are happy to learn that the King and Legate have heard of the good treatment shown to the English ambassadors in Spain, and also that the Emperor is about to send Montfort to London.—Malines (Mechlin), 12th March 1528. | |
French Original draft, pp. 4. | |
13 March. | 374. The King of Hungary to [Alonso Sanchez]. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 195. |
Yesterday a courier brought us the happy news of the great victory obtained against the "Comes Seepulsiensis," (fn. n16) one mile from Cassan. |
At the very first onset of our troops the enemy, who had taken up positions on the summit of a mountain, fled in great confusion, making for a river in the neighbourhood. "Quos cum nostri propter flumen propinquum quod iidem hostes fuga transierant, noctis item nigruentiam (sic) et asperitatem viam sectari nequirent, ad castra eiusdem Comitis redeuntes, omnem illius artelleriam, petias circiter XVIII, una cum impedimentis omnibus, utpotè curribus et id genus aliis, inibi repererunt quod nunc apud se tenent." | |
Sends him the details of the glorious affair, that he may contradict any false rumours that may reach him [at Venice], and establish the truth.—Given at Vienna on the 13th day of March 1528, and second of our reign. | |
Indorsed: "Copy of a letter from the King of Bohemia to Alonso Sanchez." | |
Latin. Contemporary copy. p. 1. | |
13 March. | 375. The Bishop of Trent to Alonso Sanchez. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 177. |
(Cipher:) Respecting Lautrech's progress and the state of affairs in Italy I have conversed with the King at length. |
The reinforcements are getting ready, and will certainly be sent, though not so soon perhaps as you and other Imperial ministers expect, for the King, my master, has just despatched a man to Flanders to learn from the Lady Margaret whether the second instalment of bills of exchange has been received there, for although the rumour here at Court is that such remittances have come, the truth is that we have not yet been officially informed of it; and without money, as you may well imagine, no armaments can be of use.—Strigonia, 13th February 1528. | |
Italian, Contemporary copy in cipher. Deciphering on separate sheet, .. 1. | |
14 March. | 376. The Princess of Sulmona. to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 196. |
Her late husband (Charles de Lannoy), wishing to reward the services of several his retainers, gave to Secretary Seron, some time before his death, a list of such as he wished to be appointed to certain offices in [his gift The Viceroy died soon after his return from Gaeta, and the Secretary had no leisure to draw out the patent letters and submit them to his signature. An application since made to Don Ugo and the Collateral Council has been disregarded on the plea that they could do nothing in the matter without the Emperor's sanction. |
The Viceroy, when he came last from Spain, borrowed considerable sums of money to pay the Germans under his orders, by which he so impoverished himself that the Princess, his widow, has scarcely any fortune left to support her rank. Her petitions to the Collateral Council, asking for a portion at least of what her late husband spent in the Emperor's service, have also been disregarded, as there is no money in the treasury to defray the most peremptory wants of the army. | |
The Viceroy bestowed upon Girart de Betancurt (Bethencourt) and Harnao (Arnault), two of his servants, certain offices at Gaeta, which they were afterwards allowed to sell to Hieronymo Ciaño (Ciagno?), of that city. This sale, which was duly authorised, the Council now refuses to sanction, and the consequence is that the heirs of the said Bethencourt and Arnault—both dead since that time—have not received the price stipulated. Begs the Emperor to attend to the Princess just claims, and not leave the late Viceroy's family and servants in poverty.—Naples, 14th March 1528. | |
Signed: "La tryste Francisca de Monbel." | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Princess of Sulmona, the Viceroy's widow." | |
Spanish, Original, pp. 3. | |
19 March. | 377. Secretary Perez to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 198. |
Encloses duplicate of his despatch of the 6th. As His Imperial Majesty cannot fail to get intelligence from the Prince of Orange, from the Sieur de Vere (Veyre), Bauberi, Girolamo Moron, and others in the army, as well as from Don Ugo, will be short and explicit. |
Don Ugo is doing all he can to provide the Imperial forces with money, artillery, and everything else required. Nobody can do more. | |
Stated in his last how he (Perez) had come to Naples, flying from Rome, and the cruelties there practised against Spaniards and Germans. Begs for instructions as to his future movements and conduct. To Rome he cannot return, as he has no business there, and besides would require a fresh mandate. Should very much like to go elsewhere, particularly to Spain, and serve the Emperor, but will not move from Naples unless he receives orders. Thought that Bauberi would have brought them, but he says he has none for him. | |
The Pope is still at Orbieto, and, it is said, will remain there until he sees what Lautrech's army can do in this kingdom [of Naples]. Meanwhile he is about to send an ecclesiastic to Rome to preside over the "Rota," and despatch Chancery business. He has already placed on the road between Orbieto and that capital 200 hackbutiers and 50 horse, that all who have Church business to transact may travel in safety. It so, a good number of Spaniards now here will go back to Rome. | |
Cardinal Colonna and his brother Ascanio have received letters from their agent at Court stating that their affairs had been favourably settled by the Emperor, and that he (the agent) was returning. Vespasiano [Colonna] has been very unwell of late, so much so that his life was despaired of. He is now much better at Paliano (Pagliano), his usual residence. —18th March 1528. | |
The 19th.—Since the above was written Vespasiano died on the 14th. He orders in his will that his daughter, who is to inherit his estates in this kingdom, be married to a son of Giovanni de' Medici, at which neither the Cardinal nor Ascanio are pleased, though they console themselves with the idea that it is for the Emperor to decide who is to be the husband of the heiress, since the renewal of the fiefs she has here must come from him. Prospero's patrimonial estates, inherited from his forefathers, go to Æscanio (sic) Colonna, and to Prospero Colonna of Civittà, de Vina (Indivina?), his uncle, for so it was stipulaled by Pope Martin when he made the entail. Has been told that Don Ugo and the Collateral Council have sent for Vespasiano's daughter for fear she should be detained where she now is through the Pope's favour, for the son of Giovanni de' Medici, whose name is Cosmo, is the Pope's nephew, and very much loved by him. | |
The agent of the Colonnese has just landed with good tidings from Spain. Has heard him say that everything had been settled to his master's satisfaction. He brings news from Sicily that 1,500 Spaniards had landed there, and that 3,000 more were soon expected, who were to embark at Malaga. Yesterday, the 18th, Don Ugo had advices from Messina that not only the 3,000 men announced, but a good many more had actually landed.—Naples, 19th March 1528. | |
Signed: "Perez" | |
Addressed: "To His Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. From Naples. Perez." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 2. | |
10 March. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. c. 71, f. 193 vo. |
378. Don Martin de Salinas to Ferdinand, King of Bohemia and Hungary. |
On the last of February His Highness' letter, dated Strigonia (Gran), the 31st of December, came to hand. The | |
Emperor was immediately informed of its contents, and very glad to hear of the provision made in those parts. He himself was about to remit 400,000 ducats, which had been procured, before the letter arrived, as the war must now be prosecuted with the greatest vigour. | |
Luis de Taxis, the courier who went away with Monforte, as already on board at the date of his (Salinas') last despatch. They had, however, met with some impediment at sea, and been obliged to return to the port. His Highness therefore will not hear so soon the news of February last, and of the ambassadors of France and England challenging His Imperial Majesty. Two or three days after orders were sent to all the seaports of Viscay, Guipuscoa, &c. to do all possible injury to the natives of England and France, for the Emperor, now that war is unavoidable, has decided to strike first. Already about 6,000 men of the above-mentioned provinces have taken up arms on their own account (a sus aventuras) and inflicted much harm on the enemy. | |
The Emperor left Burgos [on the 20th ult..], and came here [to Madrid] for the purpose of holding Cortes, and explaining the causes of the rupture, as he actually did on Monday, the 16th inst. Nothing can surpass the enthusiasm of the deputies of cities there present on the occasion, vying with each other as to who should answer first. In short, the cities, towns, nobles, and ecclesiastics offered unconditionally to supply all the money required. | |
The Cortes over, there was a talk of the Emperor going first to Valencia, to be there sworn as King, and thence to Monçon, as it was considered opportune that his subjects of Aragon should also be informed of the declaration of war. The journey is not yet decided upon, but it is confidently believed that it shall take place very soon, and that the Emperor will take with him the Queen of France (Eleonor), so as to represent his person and authority at the said Cortes, that he may soon return here, and attend to the business of war. | |
The Emperor, after the challenge made conjointly by the ambassadors of France and England, has had the King's sons more closely confined and watched. (fn. n17) Orders have also been issued for all their servants from France, men and women, to be removed and sent to various castles. The ambassadors of foreign powers in the meanwhile are detained until those of the Emperor be allowed to return home. They are all together, those of France, England, Venice, Florence, and Milan at a castle called Poza, (fn. n18) under the keeping of Commander Figueroa, —Madrid, 19th March 1528. | |
Addressed: "To the King." | |
Spanish. Original draft pp. 1½. | |
20 March. S. E. Port. L. 368, f. 171. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 206. |
379. Lope Hurtado de Mendoza, Imperial Ambassador in Portugal, to the Emperor. |
Since he wrote on the 11th, (fn. n19) the King sent for him yesterday [the 19th], and told him that his affairs were in such a state as to prevent his giving effectual help under present circumstances. In case of the Emperor engaging in a long war with his enemies, he neither could help with money, as his treasury was completely exhausted, nor with men, as otherwise his frontiers against the African Moors, and his Indian fleet, from which he derived most of his revenue, would be left unprovided. This notwithstanding, if the Emperor's affairs required his personal assistance he would not fail to give it. His Imperial Majesty will no doubt send him an answer laying stress on the English business, for it is evident that these people dislike making a public demonstration, to avoid which they will perhaps consent to give us secret assistance or lend [us] money. | |
To this end, and in order that this King may increase his offer for the Spicery Islands, His Imperial Majesty ought still to insist on a more explicit declaration on his part, because he (Hurtado) has always maintained, and still maintains, that should this King make such a declaration as we want him to make, peace might be concluded at once. This they themselves believe to be the case, but they object that, the Emperor once at peace, Portugal would by that very act entail upon itself a perpetual war with foreign powers. Finances being in the state in which they are, and the resources of this kingdom being chiefly derived from trade, King João says he is bound to look more closely than any other Prince at the consequences of a war with European powers. | |
The Emperor ought again to ask him for money, for though he will say that he has none to lend, any amount may be procured on his credit, which is good, and then the Cortes of Aragon, which are soon to meet [at Monzon], can make a considerable grant with which to repay him both principal and interests. | |
All these things will promote the treaty (concierto) respecting the Moluccas, and make them improve their offers, for it he (Hurtado) is not mistaken, Portuguese of all classes wish immensely for the settlement of that question: firstly because it is advantageous for them, and secondly because they think that, should His Imperial Majesty be satisfied on this point, he will no longer insist on the public demonstration now demanded, and that in case of the offer being accepted by the Emperor, sufficient money may be got out of their King to pay the whole or the greater part of the stipulated sum. | |
The King has begged him (Hurtado) to suppress that paragraph of his letter which relates to Onorato. What he had said about that French agent was under the impression that he (Hurtado) would quit Portugal before him, but that not being the case, and Onorato having actually sailed off, there was no occasion to take further notice of him. All his efforts to get permission to come to Almeirim and take leave of the Queen had been in vain. He also wished to go to Lisbon, but was not allowed. Upon the whole the reception he has met with at this Court must be anything but satisfactory to the King of France, his master. Pero Correa assures him (Hurtado) that the answer made to his overtures has not been more favourable, since he has completely failed in the three things he came for, viz., peace, the marriage of the King's third son [Charles Duke of Orleans] to the Infanta Doña Maria, (fn. n20) or that of Madame Raneta (Renée) to the Infante Dom Luiz. | |
A vessel from New Spain has arrived at Peniche (corriendo fortuna). Alonso de Tapia, who came in command of her, took out the gold and landed, but the mayor of the place (Justicia) laid an embargo on it. He himself came here yesterday, begging him (Hurtado) to have the embargo raised, that he might continue his journey to Seville by land. He brings 27,000 ducats for His Imperial Majesty, and about 20,000 more for private individuals. The enclosed (fn. n21) memorandum contains news of those countries. | |
On the 13th another caravel from the Island of Santa Martha went on shore at the Oscathojos (sic), one league from Lisbon. Her cargo, which consisted chiefly of cassia tree (cañafistola), was lost, but the gold and passengers saved. | |
News from Lisbon state that Mons. de Veurre (Beurren) passed in sight with six galleys; weather stormy. | |
The King has given him (Hurtado) lodgings in his own palace, thus showing his attachment for the Emperor, a proof of which is that since the ambassador's arrival in Portugal nobody dared looking Onorato in the face. | |
The Queen recommends Doña Maria de Velasco. Juan Francisco de Lafetad writes from Lisbon in date of the 17th inst. that on that day a Portuguese caravel arrived from Plemua (Plimouth). She had left that port a fortnight before, and had been detained four days. There was no sound of war or preparations for it; on the contrary, it was reported that the King was adverse to it. | |
The Emperor, at the ambassador's request, gave permission for certain arms to be brought from Viscay to this kingdom. A vessel loaded with them was obliged to run into La Coruña, where Don Simon de Alcaçar, who commands there as Corregidor, seized them, notwithstanding that the master of the vessel showed the Imperial warrant. As the Portuguese minister resident at the Imperial Court cannot fail to complain of this and similar irregularities, he (Hurtado) considers it his duty to mention the fact.—Almeirim, 20th March 1528. | |
Signed: "Lope Hurtado." |