Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Spain: February 1528, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: February 1528, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: February 1528, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
February 1528, 6-10
6 Feb. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. C. 71, f. 193. |
320. Don Martin de Salinas to Ferdinand, King of Hungary. |
The bearer of this will be Einguer (sic), the agent of the Velzers. Begs to recommend him, as he is one of the most zealous servants that His Highness can have in these parts, and most devoted to his service. It was he who procured the change for the 100,000 ducats which the Emperor last year remitted to Germany.—Burgos, 6th February 1528. | |
Addressed: "To the King." | |
Spanish. Original draft. 1. | |
6 Feb. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 107. |
321. Alonso Sanchez, Imperial Ambassador in Venice, to the Emperor. |
Triplicate of his letter of the 3rd, with the Mowing post- scriptum in his own hand :— | |
On Monday, the 4th inst., Lautrech left Racanate and took the road to Naples. Here, at Venice, people assert that the Imperial army is still at Rome in a mutinous and disorderly state, so that unless the German reinforcements come soon, there is no saying what will become of that kingdom.—Venice, 6th February 1528. | |
Spanish. Holograph. pp. 3. | |
6 Feb. | 322. The King of Portugal, João III., to the Emperor. |
Jo. E. Port. L.368, f. 81. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 160. |
Has received the Emperor's letter acquainting him with the challenge which the heralds of France and England made in his own presence, in the name of their respective Kings, through which all hopes of peace seem to have vanished (se mudaren as cousas da paz ao contrario do que esperava). Is much concerned to hear of this, as it will tend greatly to check that desire for universal peace which he (the Emperor) says has always been the object of his wishes (. desejo que me dizees que sempre touvestes pera toda boa paz), so that he might afterwards turn his arms against the Infidel. |
Has, however, been somewhat consoled in his affliction at hearing that His Holiness seems desirous of peace, and willing to enter into negotiation with the Emperor. | |
Of his own brotherly sentiments in this affair his ambassador, Antonio d'Azevedo, of his Council, cannot fail to inform him at full length. Begs credence for him.—Almeyrim, 7th of February 1528. | |
Signed: "João." | |
Addressed: "Ao muyto alto, muyto escelente Principe e muyto poderoso Don Carlos V. per deuina clemencia electo Emperador dos Romanos, sempre augusto Rey d'Alemania, de Castela, de Araguão (sic), das duas Cezilias, de jesusalem etc meu muyto amado e preçado irmaõ." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty, from the King of Portugal. 6th February 1528." | |
Portuguese. Original. pp. 2. | |
7 Feb. S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. Pont. L. 2, f. 46. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 168. |
323. The Emperor's Instructions to [Petrus] Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus of what he is to say to the King of Denmark [Christiern II.]. |
You are to tell the King how sorry We are that the wars in which we have been engaged ever since the beginning of our reign have prevented us from giving him assistance, and reseating him on the throne of his forefathers. (fn. n1) This might easily have been accomplished had the King of France, whom We had restored to liberty, chosen to fulfil his promise. | |
As in the vigorous prosecution of the present war against France and the rest of the confederated powers, We might require to send agents to Norwege (Norway) and other islands, where His Serenity still has many friends, for the purpose of enlisting soldiers, procuring provisions, and so forth, We beg the King to use all his influence to induce the inhabitants of the said islands to be friendly to our soldiers; and should His Serenity know of any vulnerable point on the English coast, or any way in which that country may be successfully assailed, let him inform the Lady Margaret of Flanders of it as soon as possible, that she may take her measures accordingly.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. | |
Latin. Original draft. pp. 2. | |
7 Feb. S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. Pont. L. 2, f. 46. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 169. |
324. Instructions to the Same, going to the Court of Brunswick. |
Is to inform Henry, Duke of Brunswick, of the manner in which King Francis has behaved ever since he (the Emperor) was in Germany, and how, after recovering his liberty, he has again declared war against him. | |
After consulting with the Lady Margaret of Flanders as to the best means of defending Lower Germany in case of an attack from the French, he (Scepperus) will proceed to the Duke's court, present his credentials, and treat with him.— Burgos, 7th February 1528. | |
Latin. Original draft. pp. 2. | |
7 Feb. S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. Pont. L. 3, f. 46. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 160. |
325. Similar Instructions for the said Scepperus, going in the Emperor's name, ad Civitates Vandalicas. |
Burgis, Septimo Februarii 1528. | |
Latin. Original draft. 1. | |
7 Feb. S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. Pont. L. 3., f. 161. |
326. Instructions to the Same about what he is to say to James, King of Scotland. |
In the first place he is to show these instructions to our aunt the Lady Margaret of Flanders, and ask whether there is anything in them that requires addition or suppression, in which case We are to be informed as soon as possible of the alterations introduced into them, as well as of the day of the ambassador's departure for Scotland. | |
After exhibiting his credentials he is to tell the King how very desirous We have always been of his friendship and alliance, not only on account of the many virtues by which we know him to be adorned, but likewise on account of the commercial intercourse between his subjects and ours, which is likely to be disturbed by this war. | |
As, however, We must prepare to meet our enemies, We are now trying to enlist in our behalf all those Princes who are lovers of justice. The King of Scotland being one of them, We have not hesitated in sending you, Cornelius Scepperus, to him, &c. | |
An answer to the above being obtained, Peter Cornelis, in whose prudence and wisdom We trust, will judge whether the following overtures or part of them can be safely made to the King and his ministers. | |
He will first try to persuade the King that it is for his interest to declare war against the King of England; will remind him of the many injuries which his subjects, the Scots, have received from the English, and shew him how the present opportunity is the best that could be found to revenge such wrongs, as well as the death of his own father James. The ambassador, "pro sua in rebus et historicis Scoticis peritia," will take care greatly to exaggerate all such wrongs. | |
Should the King refuse to take arms against the English, then in that case Peter Cornelis is to assure him that We shall do our utmost to make the King of England understand that it is no easy matter to wage war against a Christian Prince, and that We shall endeavour to deliver him and his kingdom from the tyranny of the Cardinal, &c. If, however, Peter Cornelis saw no chance whatever of the King of Scotland declaring war against England, he will try first the venerable Archbishop of St. Andrew, and afterwards Archimbauld, Count of Angus, and other noblemen of that kingdom, promising them in our name all favour and grace. If still unsuccessful, he will yet try to obtain from the king permission for any of his subjects individually to espouse our quarrel, and will beg him not refuse his help and assistance to any of our soldiers landing in Scotland, but furnish them with provisions for their money, keeping his ports open for our ships and men, whether driven by tempest or otherwise, and allowing the latter to sell in Scotland any prizes they may take from the enemy. | |
The commercial intercourse between our mutual subjects to continue as before, &c.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. | |
Latin. Original draft. pp. 2½. | |
7 Feb. | 327. The Emperor to the Archbishop of St. Andrew. |
S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. l. c. d. Aust. Leg. |
In credence of [Petrus] Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus.— Burgos, 7th February 1528. |
Latin. Original draft. (fn. n2) .. 1. | |
7 Feb. | 328. The Emperor to the Earl of Angus. |
S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. l. c. d. Aust. Leg. |
In credence of Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. |
Addressed: "Archimbaldo Comiti Angusiæ." | |
Latin. Original draft. (fn. n3) .. 1. | |
7 Feb. S. E. Pat. Re. Cap. c. l. c. d. Aust. Leg. |
329. Instructions to [Petrus] Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus, going to Siglsmond, King of Poland. |
Is to tell the King how the Kings of France and England, notwithstanding his most strenuous efforts to preserve peace, have declared war against him, as his orator, Joannes Dantiscus, cannot have failed to apprise him. Hopes that the commercial intercourse between his German subjects and the inhabitants of Poland will not be interrupted in consequence of this war. | |
Begs free passage through his kingdom for Severinus Norby returning from Muscovy.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. | |
Latin. Original draft pp. 2. | |
7 Feb. | 330. The Emperor to Bona Sforza, Queen of Poland. |
S. E. Pat. Re. Add. 28,577, f. 153. |
In credence of the same.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. |
Latin. Original draft. 1. | |
7 Feb. | 331. The Emperor to the Duke of Muscovy [Basil V.] |
S. E. Pat. Re. Add. 28,577, f. 154. |
Hears that one of his captains named Severinus Norby is detained at his court. Needs his services in the war which the Kings of France and England have just declared against him. Begs him to allow the said captain to return to Germany as soon as possible.—Burgos, 7th February 1528. |
Latin. Original draft. pp. 1½. | |
7 Feb. | 332. The Emperor to the Bishop of Bremen. |
S. Re. Pat. Re. Cap. c. l. c. d. Aust. L. 6, f. 8. B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 155. |
In credence of Cornelius Duplicius Scepperus, his ambassador. —Burgos, 7th February 1528. |
Latin. Original draft. (fn. n4) .. 1. | |
7 Feb. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 174. |
333. The King of Bohemia and Hungary [Ferdinand] to Alonso Sanchez. |
Your letters of the 15th and 19 ulto. have came to hand | |
To your suggestions respecting the cavalry, which you say ought to consist of 500 men-at-arms, and as many light horse our answer is that here, in Germany, these latter cannot be easily procured, because all cavalry are heavily armed. We doubt even if the 200 ordered will be found, and, therefore, if the reinforcements about to be sent [to Italy] require a contingent of 1,000 horse, these must be all of the heavier kind, or at least 800 men-at-arms and 200 light cavalry. | |
With regard to the expenditure attending the enlistment, you seem to think that two months' pay for coming and going is rather too much, and that this ought not to begin to count till the day that the men pass muster and join the infantry. Our answer to this objection is that cavalry cannot be recruited where infantry is; it must be drawn from Pransuic (Brunswick) and Saxony, countries far away from this, and, therefore, as men and horses can only be procured there, it is indispensable to agree to whatever conditions they choose to impose. | |
The means which you propose of diminishing the expenditure, namely, for us to send [to Italy] the cavalry, both men-at-arms and light horse, now serving in our Bohemian army, and replace them by new levies, cannot be adopted, as We should then be deprived of that force just at the time when We are about to march against the Vayvod, and prepare to defend our patrimonial estates against the Turk. | |
The infantry is the best and most efficient that could be found, and is to be under the leadership of captains Marco Sitio (Marc Sitig) and the Duke of Bransuic (Brunswick), both faithful servants of His Imperial Majesty, and who, We are sure, will well do their duty. | |
We shall be glad to have the answers from Leyva, Don Ugo, Alarcon, and the rest, as soon as possible; but you must bear in mind that when the last bills of exchange came, these merchants refused to discount them unless We gave them security for the payment on some good revenue in our estates; and as this cannot be done for the present, owing to the embarrassed state of our finances, and the cost of this present war against the Vayvod, no money has yet been received. If Don Ugo and Leyva cannot procure the necessary funds, or otherwise stand security to these merchants, all efforts on our part must prove unavailable. Write to the Emperor, as We do, by this post, and explain our situation. Money must be procured for our soldiers, or else, when in Italy, they will take it wherever it can be found, such being their habit in time of war. Provisions have been stored by our order at Trent, and in other towns of the Tyrol, but not in sufficient quantity, owing to the scarcity and dearth of them, that province being considerably drained, from its proximity to the theatre of war.—Strigonia (Gran), 7th February 1528. | |
Spanish. Contemporary copy. pp. 3. | |
8 Feb. | 334. Secretary Perez to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 119. |
Wrote on the 3rd inst., and addressed his despatch to Naples. Since then the Germans have had letters from their own deputies, announcing that the Prince of Orange had succeeded in procuring sufficient money to issue two portions of pay both to men and officers. The other two were to be distributed at the end of each succeeding month. The Prince, moreover, is expected in a couple of days. |
According to advices of the 30th of January sent to Cardinal Colonna, and communicated to us on the 4th inst., Lautrech was at Ancona, intending to march on Tronto. There [at Ancona] he had received a courier from his master, the King of France, bidding him go on [to Naples]. The negotiations for the peace having been completely broken off [at Madrid], he [King Francis] was determined to spend the two millions which he would otherwise have paid for the ransom of his children in the prosecution of this war. | |
Cardinal Colonna is of opinion that under present circumstances the Imperial army ought to march immediately out of Rome, and go to the frontiers of Naples, so as to prevent the enemy's advance, and give him battle, or else go first to Florence, settle matters in those parts, and return in pursuit of the enemy. But neither of these plans, which seem very wise, can be adopted until the Prince [of Orange], the Marquis [of Guasto], and Alarcon return. | |
The Legate Campeggio goes on assuring us that the Pope will never assist the confederates in this campaign. Such, he maintains, has been the substance of his declaration to the ambassadors of France, telling them in plain terms that he is for peace, and that if Frenchmen and Venetians will have war they alone must bear the consequences. The 26,000 ducats remaining for the complement of the 145,000 he offers to pay as soon as the Prince of Orange returns from Naples with the two monthly payments, but not a word has been said about the rest; and whenever the Legate is interrogated he only answers vaguely that the Pope will not break his engagements. | |
The news of the march of the Duke of Urbino towards Lombardy is confirmed, as likewise of the design of the Marquis of Saluzzo upon Sienna. This latter intelligence, however, cannot be correct, for the Marquis has not a sufficient force under him for such an undertaking. It is more likely that he will join Lautrech. | |
Cardinal Colonna has assured us, and indeed proved by documents and papers, that Cesaro Gaetano never joined the French, as reported. On the contrary, it would appear that he is a staunch Imperialist. The Cardinal, moreover, answers for his fidelity, and is very much shocked at the idea that a follower and friend of his should be considered a traitor. | |
Since the above was written, positive intelligence has been received of the Marquis of Saluzzo's movements. It would appear that he is going to a town close to Florence, called Civittà Castello (sic), for the purpose, no doubt, of protecting that capital, in the event of our forces attacking it. | |
The Prince of Orange and Marquis del Guasto will be in Rome the day after to-morrow. The German deputies have come already, and confirmed the news of their speedy arrival with money. Urbina and Moron, therefore, have written for the troops quartered in this neighbourhood, horse as well as foot, to concentrate in Rome, so that immediately after the arrival of their commanders they may go out against the enemy. | |
On the 6th inst. a message came from the General [of the Franciscans], intimating that he intends setting out for Spain to-morrow evening, but that he must needs pass through Orbieto and see His Holiness first, for such are his wishes. Since he left Araceli, the General (Quiñones) has been hiding in some monastery of his order, so secretly that he (Perez) could not ascertain his whereabouts. | |
Letters from Naples bring intelligence that 15,000 Germans will soon come down ; but it was also firmly believed in that city that, according to a previous agreement made with the Switzers, an equal number of those mercenaries, enlisted by the King of France, shall be kept in readiness to defend his possessions in Lombardy. | |
Discipline has not yet been re-established in the army. On the 6th about 1,500 lansquenets without officers, and in the most disorderly state, again set out from their quarters on a marauding expedition. They first went to Frascata (Frascati), a town belonging to Colonna, four leagues hence, and tried to get in, but the people shut their gates and defended themselves stoutly, killing five of the Germans. The infuriated soldiers then seized all the cattle they could find, and returned to Rome. Their officers are now engaged in making them disgorge their plunder. Such cattle as still exist (en pie) shall be returned to their owners; a good portion has already been slaughtered and eaten. It is not known yet how the Cardinal has taken this invasion of his estates by a friend and ally, but he is sure to be furious, for the greater part of the stolen cattle belongs to him. He is reported to be very much discontented with Fabricio Marramao and his 2,000 Italians, who have behaved towards him like so many enemies, destroying churches and monasteries, sacking the houses of rich people, &c. Meanwhile, and regardless of the harm done to him, the Cardinal is preparing to attack the bands led by Stefano Colonna and Giovanne Battista Conte. Orders have accordingly been sent from hence to the lieutenant-colonel of the Italians to help the Cardinal as much as he can. | |
On the 1st inst. Lautrech was 10 or 12 miles from Tronto, with 13,000 or 14,000 foot at the most, 600 men-at-arms, and 1,000 light horse. Everything indicates that he intends invading Naples. Prince Malfe (Amalfi), who is at Aquila, writes to say that 1,000 Germans, four companies (banderas) of Spaniards, and some horse have been sent thither from Naples to arrest, if possible, the enemy's advance, and that as soon as the Prince of Orange and the Marquis del Guasto return to Rome, which will be on the 11th, the whole of the Imperial forces shall march in pursuit of Lautrech. | |
On the departure of the army he (Perez) will set out for Naples, and there wait for the Emperor's orders.—Rome, 8th February 1528. | |
Signed: "Perez." | |
Addressed: "Sacræ, Cesareæ, Catholicæ Maiestati." | |
Indorsed: "To the King. 1528. Rome. Perez. 8th February." | |
Spanish. Original. pp. 2. | |
8 Feb. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 123. |
335. Lope de Soria to the High Chancellor, Mercurino di Gattinara. |
Is without news from Court. The last he has received is from Hieronimo [Frantso?] in date of the 19th November. Has often written to the Emperor, to his secretary [Lallemand], and to him (the High Chancellor). Since his arrival at Barcelona has not heard of him. | |
(Cipher :) To-day, the 8th of February, Lautrech must have crossed the Neapolitan frontier, because on the 26th ulto. he was at Santa Maria di Loretto, ready to enter the Abruzzo. He must be in secret intelligence with some of the Germans at Rome, for otherwise he would not dare go so far, his army being so inferior to ours in number. There is reason to suspect, also, that the Pope urges him on. The Germans, on the other hand, are still at Rome, as mutinous and disorderly as ever, insisting on being paid all their arrears. Between them and the Spaniards there is by no means that conformity of opinion that ought to exist between soldiers serving the same master. The same may be said of the generals, the Prince and the rest seldom agreeing as to what must be done in the present critical circumstances. Hears that a considerable number of the lansquenets have asked for leave to go home, promising not to take service with the enemy, and that the Prince has been able to stay their determination by promising them money at short dates. The Pope, in the meanwhile, remains at Orbieto, and although he knows very well that the Germans will not leave Rome until they are paid, delays as much as possible the fulfilment of his engagements, no doubt with the view of allowing Lautrech time to invade Naples. Indeed, such is the present condition of affairs, that unless God works a miracle, Naples and the rest of Italy must fall into French hands. | |
A report is current here that the Marquis of Los Velez (D. Luis Fajardo) is coming as Viceroy of Naples. If so, no better choice could have been made, for he is reputed to be a man of great courage and ability. | |
(Common writing :) According to the last advices, Leyva is holding his ground against the confederates, but he is incessantly clamouring for money, and he (Soria) has none to send him. Of the 100,000 ducats in bills remitted last year nothing remains in his (Soria's) hands, as will appear from the accounts of expenditure sent at different times. True it is that of the 20,000 destined to the building of certain galleys a portion still remains in the hands of merchants and contractors, but of this money Soria cannot dispose without special orders from Court; and as to Bourbon's jewels, taken out of pawn in July 1527, he (Soria) does not consider himself justified in sending them to Milan, as Leyva is continually suggesting that they can again be pledged in order to raise money. Fancies that his non-compliance with such requests has made that commander angry with him. Cannot help it. Waits for instructions from Court. | |
Great hopes are entertained of the German reinforcements coming down soon, as the King of Hungary writes to inquire from us where they had better cross the frontier. A memorandum, signed by the late Doge of Genoa (Antoniotto Adorno), by the Count of La Mirandola (Giovaune Thomasso Pico), and by himself (Soria), has been forwarded to him, stating their joint opinion as to the crossing. There is no difficulty in this, as the forces now coming down are too numerous to meet with any serious opposition on their way; the only thing to be considered is how they are to be fed on their passage through the territory of neutral powers and wavering friends, and maintained afterwards. (Cipher :) The Duke of Ferrara still professes himself the Emperors friend, and so does the Marquis of Mantua, He (Soria) has no doubt that in the event of the Imperial army [at Rome] or that from Germany gaining some success, both those Princes will assist and desert the League. | |
Hears that the Genoese are trying to obtain the king of France's permission to make the union, and that in order to get this they offer a service in money. It would have been more just and decorous to apply for it to the Emperor, who is their lawful master. As it is, this may prove a cause of ruin and perdition to them. All are not of the same opinion, and the majority wish Andrea Doria to become their "gonfaloniere," lest in crossing themselves they might put out an eye (podrá ser que piensan hazerse la Cruz y se quiebren el ojo). | |
Is anxiously expecting the return of his secretary, as he cannot well get on without him.—La Mirandola, 8th February 1528. | |
Signed: "Lope de Soria." | |
Addressed: "To the most illustrious lord, Mercurino de Gattinara, High Chancellor, and of the Supreme Council of the Emperor, my lord." | |
Indorsed : "To the King. 1528. From La Mirandola. Lope de Soria. 8th February." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet. pp. 4. | |
9 Feb. | 336. Alonso Sanchez to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 42, f. 127. |
Never since he came to Italy have the Emperor's affairs been in so critical a state. Experience shows that the kingdom of Naples cannot be defended except by foreign troops. Unless the Emperor speedily sends thither money and men, and an able viceroy as well, everything will be lost. Cannot persuade himself that the Spaniards, at the last hour, will not do their duty, but the fact is that they, as well as the Germans, are still at Rome, where confusion and insubordination reign as before. |
It is extremely galling for the Emperor's servants in Italy to see the fruit of such great labour and so many victories thus thrown away by want of consideration for the wants of men who are daily sacrificing their lives. Sees no other remedy to the impending evil but the quick appearance of His Imperial Majesty or of his brother, the King of Hungary, with so powerful an army as to crush his enemies wherever they may be. Begs to be excused for his vehement language, but it is heart-breaking to contemplate the miseries that may ensue.—Venice, 9th February 1528. | |
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez." | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed : "To the King. 1528. Sanchez. Venice." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet. pp. 2. | |
10 Feb. | 337. Pope Clement to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 1,174, B. M. Add. 28,577, f. 179. |
"Carissime in Christo fili noster, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem." As he (the Emperor) will see by his other letter, (fn. n5) of which the General of the Franciscans is to be the bearer, he would immediately after his liberation have sent one of his own servants to thank him, had it not been extremely dangerous hitherto to travel by land or sea. Now that he has been able to obtain a safe-conduct through France he (the Pope) has decided to send the Bishop of Pistoia (Antonio), "prelato, nostro domestico et intimo," not only to fulfil the above duty, but also to procure that peace which is so necessary for his own private welfare and the general peace of Christendom, the settlement of which he (the Emperor) in all his letters, and principally in those lately written in his own hand, seems to place entirely in his hands, offering to grant for his sake anything that is reasonable. As, moreover, the General [of the Franciscans] has again promised, in the Emperor's name, that the above meritorious work shall not he delayed, he (the Pope) will be glad to hear what are the Emperor's wishes on this respect, disposed, as he himself is, to forward the said peace.—Orvieto, 10th February 1528. |
Addressed: "Charissimo in Christo filio, &c." | |
Italian. Original, pp. 1½. | |
10 Feb. | 338. The Same to Mercurino Gattinara. |
S. E.L. 1, f. 128, B. M. Add. 28, 577, f. 180. |
Never doubted his devotion. Always thought that his great virtues and his kindness would help him (the Pope) to the settlement of present affairs, in which the welfare of all Christendom is so much concerned. Though his own efforts to procure a general peace have not yet met with success, as he (the Pope) had reason to expect, he will nevertheless prosecute his task, "nee calamitate nostra, aut tot indignitatibus, a debito pastorals curæ, piisque actaonibus unquam avertemur, satis tuti, conscientia teste et Deo qui scrutator est cordium, nos in malum ex bono semper incidisse. Itaque reversi ad pristina nostra studia tractandæ pacis, pro hoc et sublevandis miseræ Apostolicæ Sedis detrimentis mittimus, &c." |
Has determined to send to the Emperor the Rev. Antonio, Bishop of Pistoya (Pistoriensem), his chamberlain and Nuncio ("domesticum et nuntium"), who, having shared his misfortunes, knows full well the extent of his sufferings. Hopes that he (Gattinara) will do everything in his power to secure a good reception for his Nuncio.—Datum in civitate nostra Vrbeuetanensi (Orbieto), 10th February 1528. | |
Addressed: "Dilecto filio Mercurio de Gattinaria, Cæsareæ Catholicæque Majestati's Cancellario." | |
Latin. Original pp. 2½. | |
10 Feb. | 339. Andrea de Borgo to the Emperor. |
S. E. L. 1,553, f. 578. B. M. Add. 28,577. |
Begs that George Frunspergh may be reimbursed the expenses attending the march of his Germans to Italy. He is in despair (disperatus), and declares he has not the means of repaying the sums he borrowed on that occasion. The provision which the Emperor made for him at Milan has brought him in nothing, and as to His Serene Highness the King [of Bohemia] he (Fruntsperg) has received no substantial proofs of his favour.—Ferrara, 10th February 1528. |
Signed: "Andrea del Burgo." | |
Indorsed: "Andreas Burgus Imperatori." | |
Latin. Original, .. 1. | |
10 Feb. K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u. Staats Arch. Wien. Rep. P. C. Fasc. 224. |
340. Note of how the Imperial Ambassador (fn. n6) was arrested at London. |
The ambassador [Don Iñigo] was arrested on Tuesday, the 10th day of February, by a gentleman whom the Cardinal had sent on the plea of conducting him to the King. The said gentleman with several others took him to a strange house, (fn. n7) and, there in the King's name, demanded that he should give up all his letters and papers as well as the key of the casket (coffret) containing them, as otherwise it would be broken open. | |
Seeing this, the ambassador gave his key to his secretary, who contrived to make his escape and went on before him. He then opened the casket, took out all the letters and ciphers relating to the Emperor's affairs and put them in a secure hiding-place, so that when the said gentleman and the escort arrived all the papers were out of sight. | |
The ambassador states that the King [of England] is preparing twelve or fourteen ships of war; that the captains are already chosen, and will soon be ready sea. They are to join double the same number of vessels furnished by the French. | |
The ambassador cannot discover what the French ambassador has been driving at during the last eight or ten days, visiting Dover, Sandwich, and other ports, unless it be to ship troops for the invasion of Zealand. He has been told that ten or twelve thousand Scots are also expected; but he does not vouch for the truth of this report. | |
The ambassador advises the equipment of a fleet as soon as possible, the ships to be procured, if so it can be, from captains having letters of mark, (fn. n8) because they are said to be naturally great enemies to the English, who fear them above all things. | |
The English merchants who have been arrested [in Spain?] should be well treated and sent home, but their goods detained, and after an inventory has been taken of them, placed in safe keeping. It may be stated at the same time that this measure is merely for the purpose of making war on the King and Cardinal, for the common people here side entirely with the Emperor. Had they Dot been his friends they must by this time have completely turned against him, with all that the Cardinal has been telling them about the Emperor detaining the English merchants prisoners, &c. | |
Has heard that the Cardinal has been trying to prejudice Parliament against the Emperor, hoping thereby to incite the country to declare war against him; but the members have replied that they have no intention whatever to go to war with their old friends, and ally themselves with their enemies. On another occasion the Cardinal stated [in Parliament] that the King himself desired war, but he was told that, if so, the Council ought to be consulted thereupon, and that otherwise war should not be declared, for that they would not undertake it in any other way. | |
Also that the cause of the arrest of the ambassador and the seizure of several ships from the Low Countries and from Spain is that an English ship has returned from the latter country without cargo, its roaster declaring that other English and French ships have been seized there since the declaration of war made to the Emperor. The ambassador having denied this statement of the Cardinal's, many angry words ensued between the two. | |
Is surprised at not hearing any tidings of the ambassadors whom the Emperor wrote that he was sending to England; supposes they are coming by sea. | |
Hears that it is the intention of the King to forbid the importation into England of corn and provisions and merchandise of all kinds; this measure will create still greater discontent in the country, and probably rebellion against the King and Cardinal. | |
Also that the Cardinal has offered to lend money to the merchants if they will transfer the woollen trade to the Osterlings; but this the merchants refused, saying that the Osterlings already owed them more than they were worth. | |
As soon as the King hears that his ambassador [in Spain] is set free, he (Don Iñigo) will also regain his liberty. The ships from the Low Countries are set free, but those from Spain are still detained. | |
French. Contemporary copy. pp. 3. |