Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.
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'Spain: August 1527, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: August 1527, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: August 1527, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
August 1527, 26-31
26 Aug. | 165. Prothonotary Caracciolo to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 121. |
(Cipher:) Lautrec, on the 28th of June, laid siege to Boscho, into which two companies of Germans from the garrison of Alessandria had in disorder (per disordine) thrown themselves. The town was taken after 18 days' siege, on the conditions which Leyva must have reported. After this, on the 16th ult., the enemy took possession of Porto Fino, and of the Imperial galleys there. On the 18th the enemy made himself master of Genoa, and the Doge was obliged to take refuge in the castle with a few of his adherents. The ambassador (Soria) was at Montoio, a village belonging to Count Sinibaldo del Fiescho; the Spaniards and Italians composing the garrison had fled to the neighbouring villages. |
Fearing that Alessandria might be lost, Leyva has contrived to ntroduce into it five companies of Italian infantry under Count Albrico (Alberico) Beljoioso. | |
(Cipher:) The enemy's design seems to be to penetrate into the Lomelino "butando lo ponte a Valentia." Already the lansquenets of the "bande nere" have reached Imbrea, and will shortly join the Venetians. When they do, the confederates are sure to approach this city, where Leyva is preparing a good reception for them. | |
(Common writing:) As Leyva is now writing a full account of military operations in the Duchy, and he, himself, has addressed a long memorandum to the High Chancellor (Mercurino Gattinara), who left Genoa on the 13th, he needs not enter into more particulars.—Milan, 26th of August 1527. | |
Signed: "II Protonotario Caracciolo." | |
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To the King. 1527. Milan. From Prothonotary Caracciolo. 26th of August." | |
Italian, Original entirely in cipher. Contemporary deciphering between the lines (fn. n1) pp. 5. | |
27 Aug. | 166. The Emperor to Queen Katharine. |
K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u. Staats Arch. Wien. Rep. P. C. Fasc. 224. |
Madame and my Aunt,—Your letter by Francisco Phs. (Phelipez), bearer of this present, came duly to hand. I have perfectly well understood the verbal message he brought from you respecting the affair [of the divorce], and the reason why you sent him to me. (fn. n2) After him (Phelipez) came your own physician (Vitoria), with whom I had also a long conversation on the subject. You may well imagine the pain this intelligence caused me, and how much I felt for you. I cannot express it otherwise than by assuring you that were my own mother concerned I should not experience greater sorrow than in this your case, for the love and affection which I profess to Your Serene Highness is certainly of the same kind as that of a son towards his parent. |
I have immediately set about taking the necessary steps (los despachos necesarios) for the remedy [of your case], and you may be certain that nothing shall be omitted on my part to help you in your present tribulation. But it seems to me that in the meantime Your Serene Highness ought not to take this thing so much to heart, as to let it impair your bodily health, for if this is preserved, all other matters will be remedied with God's help. (fn. n3) I beg you to bear in mind this my recommendation, and I have no doubt that in this as in other matters Your Serene Highness will act much better than I could counsel. As I do, however presume that before the receipt of this my letter you will have heard my intentions through Don Iñigo de Mendoça, I shall say no more here than to refer you to my letter to that ambassador, as well as to the message now conveyed by the abovementioned Francisco, which is no doubt what Your Serene Highness most wishes to know. (fn. n4) Most earnestly entreating you to inform me as soon as possible of the course of this affair, that I may do all that is necessary for your protection, as well as of your health, I remain, &c.—Palencia, the 27th of August. In the hand of your good nephew, Charles. | |
Spanish. Holograph, pp. 1½. | |
28 Aug. | 167. Lope de Soria to the Emperor, |
m. Re. Ac. d. Hist, Salazar, A. 41, f. 125. |
The High Chancellor (Mercurino di Gattinara) left this on the 13th inst. |
Nine of the Imperial galleys that were in this port of Genoa, namely, three of the Emperor's own, one of II Gobbo, and the remainder of this Community, sailed for Corsica at the end of June, for the purpose of escorting certain vessels laden with wheat for this port. Two more ships of war, which accompanied the said galleys, remained at San Florencio, whilst the galleys went to Bonifacio to escort a merchant vessel with a very rich cargo. Meanwhile the French fleet came to San Florencio, and finding the two ships in that port, took their artillery and sank them, after which they joined Doria's eight galleys, before this town. On the 2nd inst. our fleet came up, and finding the enemy in sight, retreated to Porto Fino, which the enemy speedily invested by sea and land. On the receipt of this intelligence the Doge, the Prior of Barletta (fn. n5) (Martinengo), and himself (Soria)decided to send some troops to the relief of the besieged. Accordingly, on the 16th the Prior and the Governor of Genoa (el capitan de la plaça) left with 500 infantry fought the enemy, and slew or took prisoners the greatest part of them. On the ensuing day (the 17th), hearing that some of the Fragosi with about 1,500 men of the French camp had approached Genoa, the Prior and the Governor hastily came back, bringing with them not only the forces that had defended Porto Fino in the first instance, but also the crews of the said galleys; which they left as it were at the enemy's mercy. Had they set fire to them, they would not have fallen since into the hands of the confederates, who will no doubt employ them against us. | |
As the Fragosi were one mile from this city, the Prior and the rest of the Imperial captains thought that the best thing to do was to sally out and drive the enemy off. He (Soria) was of a contrary opinion, observing that though victorious in the encounter, we could by no means save the city, as the enemy would certainly be reinforced, the port was blockaded, and provisions were wanting. It was more prudent to wait until the Imperialists from Rome should come to our assistance; but the spirited advice of the Prior prevailed, and accordingly on the 18th, before daybreak, he went out with 1,500 men, and resolutely attacked a monastery, called San Bereño (sic), where the advanced guard of the enemy was situated. This was easily taken, when our forces descending (decendieron) upon San Pietro de Arena, where the main body was, a most signal victory was gained, most of the enemy being either slain or taken prisoners. Unluckily for us, the men, for the sake of spoil and prisoners, broke their ranks, and spread about the country, which being observed by Cesaro Campo Fragoso, who was in the rear-guard with some infantry and cavalry, he charged, arid notwithstanding the efforts of the Prior, of the governor of the city, and of Bernaldino Cerbellon, all of whom were taken prisoners on the occasion, our men were driven back into Genoa with considerable loss. At this juncture the Fragosi within the city took up arms; the Imperialists ran away; the Doge with his wife and family shut himself up in the castle; Count Flisco (Fiescho) and he (Lope de Soria) with a handful of citizens and soldiers came up to this place (Montogio), three leagues from Genoa. | |
Thinks that the citadel has provisions for one month. Should the army from Rome come soon, all may yet be remedied; but if it tarries, there is great danger of the whole of Lombardy falling into the hands of the enemy, for though the citadel is strong, it is scantily provisioned, and the confederate fleet is hi sight of the port. Hears that a capitulation is already talked of. | |
The very day that Genoa was taken, Cesaro Fragoso made his entrance peacefully and without troops; though some hours before, his (Soria's) dwelling place had been sacked before his eyes. The day after Teodoro Triulcis arrived, and assumed the government of the city for the King of France. Fragoso, after obtaining some money from the bankers and citizens, returned to the Venetian camp, taking the Prior and the rest of the prisoners of note with him for the sake of ransom. The Fragosi, it is said, are rather discontented at his not assuming the government of the place, but the generality of the Genoese are pleased at the command being given to a foreigner rather than to a Fragoso or Adorno. | |
Mons. de Lautrec, after taking Boscho, has laid siege to Alessandria. Leyva is at Milan with a small, though very efficient, force; the Venetians at Marino, mustering about 8,000. The forces under Lautrec amount to 12,000 men, exclusive of the cavalry; but they are a poor set (ruyn gente), and terribly afraid of our army coming down upon them. | |
Since the above was written, the citadel of Genoa has surrendered to Teodoro Triulcis on condition of the lives and property of the Doge and all others within the walls being safe. The Doge is to leave for La Mirandola or Ferrara on the 28th, with his wife and family. He (Soria) intends to accompany him wherever he goes, and after that join the Imperial army, and place himself at the orders of the Viceroy, or of whoever may have the command. | |
The latest news from Rome are of the 4th inst. Alarcon writes to say that he has received the Imperial despatches of the 27th of June and 2nd of July, which he (Soria) had forwarded. The Viceroy, Don Ugo de Moncada, and the Marquis del Guasto were expected within four days, when it would be decided what was to be done with the Pope, and what direction the Imperial army—still encamped at Perusa (Perugia)—was to take. Both Germans and Spaniards were ill-pleased at the Prince of Orange holding the command; though he was not with the army, but had retired many days previously to Sienna. | |
Hears that at the latter city a messenger has arrived who is the bearer of letters from the Emperor to the Pope. The news comes from Genoa, and is not official. It is also reported there that the general of the Franciscans (Quiñones) has arrived in Rome. | |
It is his (Soria's) duty to remind the Imperial ministers that, should peace be concluded with France, one of the conditions ought to be the restitution of Genoa and its citadel, and also that of the nine galleys taken at Portofino. | |
When Genoa was taken, some of the galleys which he (Soria) had ordered to be built were already nearly complete, and certainly would have been ready at the end of September. Of the 20,000 ducats destined for this service, 4,000 had been spent; the remainder was in the hands of the merchants who were to pay the bills (que avian de payar el cambio). Will not dispose of these sums unless fie receives express orders to that effect. Of the credit of the 100,000 ducats, 8,000 remain in his hands. Leyva has urgently applied for them. Has also written to the Viceroy about it, but not heard since April last. Will be obliged to remit them, unless he receives orders to the contrary. | |
Count Flisco (Fiescho) has hospitably received Ansaldo, Nicolo, and Stefano Grimaldo, who with the late governor of Genoa (capitan de la plaça) took refuge in this town (Montogio) He well deserves to be recommended to His Imperial Majesty. | |
Hears that one of the conditions of the surrender of the citadel is that the Doge be allowed to despatch to Spain one of his secretaries, named Juliano (fn. n6) della Spezia, who is to sail shortly. Cardinal of Coma is dead.—Montogio, 27th of August 1527. | |
P.S.—The above is the duplicate of his letter sent through Genoese merchants. To-day, the 28th, one from the Lieutenant of the Sumaria of Naples, dated Gaeta the 13th inst., has come to hand, announcing that the Viceroy was there, doing his utmost to procure money, in order that the Imperial army of Rome should march into Lombardy. On the day before (the 12th) the Marquis del Guasto had left Gaeta with two galleys, bound for Civittà Vecchia and Rome. He was taking money for the army, and had with him Miçer Antonio Muxetula, who bore a message for the Pope. | |
Has just received a letter from the Prince of Orange, dated Sienna the 17th inst., informing him that the Viceroy, Don Ugo, the Marquis [del Guasto], and Alarcon were at Rome deliberating on what was to be done with the Pope and with the army, and that his impression was that matters would be settled in six days, and the army commence its march. If the intelligence conveyed in the Lieutenant's letter of the 13th be correct, he (Soria) does not think it possible that the Viceroy and the others can already be at Rome, and therefore the Prince must be misinformed. | |
A servant of his (Soria's) has this instant arrived from Lucca, with letters of the 24th stating that the Imperial army had left Todi, and taken up its quarters at Monte Fiasco (Montefiascone), with the intention of marching on Florence and Lombardy. | |
Signed: "Lope de Soria." | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To the King. 1527. From Montogio. Lope de Soria. 27th August." | |
Spanish. Original. pp. 7½. | |
30 Aug. | 168. Charles de Lannoy to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 144. |
Has by his last despatch (fn. n7) duly acquainted His Imperial Majesty with his reasons for selling to Count Burello the county of Gayazzo and the barony of De le Sere, which once belonged to Count Gaiazzo. Burello, who is a devoted servant of His Imperial Majesty, has paid for the said estate 27,000 ducats down, with which sum the men-at-arms have been paid; otherwise it would have been quite impossible to stop them, for they were coming in a state of mutiny to this kingdom, and would have been followed by the rest of the army, Germans as well as Spaniards, had not the above funds and others hastily collected on the occasion been distributed among them. A great danger was by this means averted; the men-at-arms have thus been appeased, and the whole of the Imperial army persuaded to remain at Rome. |
As Count Gayazzo publicly deserted the Imperial service as he has now entered Parma, and is fortifying that city for the League; as Count Burello, who has bought his estates, is a native of this kingdom .Naples., and has rendered much service to the Emperor, having been present with his father .the Duke of Monteleone., the present Viceroy of Sicily, at all the battles that have been fought lately, and especially on the occasion when the aforesaid Count Gayazzo treacherously deserted our camp and passed over to the enemy, it is but just that His Imperial Majesty should confirm and approve the said sale.—Gaeta, 30th of August 1527. | |
Addressed: "To the Sabred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Viceroy of Naples. 30th August." | |
Spanish. Original. pp. 2¼. | |
30 Aug. | 169. The Same to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 146. |
By his despatch of the 4th of July, which Commander Figheroa (Gomez Suarez de Figueroa. took to Spain, His Imperial Majesty must have been informed of the confusion and danger in which all things connected with the army were. Since then matters have grown still worse. Some captains of the Spanish and German infantry, deputed for the purpose, came the other day to ask him for two things; firstly, that he should guarantee to them the sums promised by the Pope; and secondly, that he should go [to Rome] in person to arrange matters and take the command. Perceiving that the determination of the soldiers was to come to this kingdom, and not to leave it until they were paid in lull; that, when they departed from Lombardy, the men were already possessed with the fancy of visiting Naples, and would be glad of any excuse to accomplish their plans, he .the Viceroy. considered it imprudent to refuse their request, as otherwise they might have become exasperated, executed their threat, and caused the ruin of this kingdom. With a view to gaining time for an answer to come from Spain, he .the Viceroy. feigned to accede to their demands, and consented to become security for the sums promise by the Pope, provided they (the captains) should bring him an estimate of the money owing to each corps (squadron), and at what rate the stipulated sum was to be distributed among them. The deputies seemed satisfied with this answer, returned to Rome; but after a period of 15 days, during which they were unable to agree, they came back again saying that it mattered not how the sums promised by the Pope were to be distributed. He (the Viceroy) was to bind himself in genere that they should be paid their arrears immediately, and if that were not possible, within such period of time as he thought they could stand; that to this effect they would place in his hands the Pope's person, to be detained at Gaeta or elsewhere until the whole sum agreed on the capitulation was paid, but that in either case his (the Viceroy's) presence at Rome was required to arrange military matters, and take the command. |
This message was brought by the same captains who came on a former occasion, to whom other deputies from the Spaniards and Germans were now joined, so that perceiving their determination, and that it was no longer possible to temporize, the Viceroy gave his solemn promise to go to Rome, speak to the Pope, and arrange with him the mode and dates of the payment, without which preliminary step he (the Viceroy) could nowise be security. Promised also to do everything in his power to settle the question of the command. He was on the point of leaving Naples for that purpose in company with Don Ugo de Moncada and the Marquis del Guasto, when the Imperial despatch of the 1st of July came to hand, appointing the Duke of Ferrara commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces in Italy, with the exception of those at Rome and Sicily, the Prince of Orange to be his lieutenant-general with the assistance and help of Alarcon, by whose advice all military affairs were to be conducted. It was further stated in the Imperial despatch that he (the Viceroy) was to manage general affairs, and those concerning the general peace. | |
As far as he himself is concerned he must fain return the most heartfelt thanks for the singular favour now bestowed upon him by His Imperial Majesty in thus relieving him for the present from his military duties. Nothing could be so agreeable to him, after so many years spent in the Imperial service, during which he has, through many dangers and difficulties, commanded this Italian army, as to see himself relieved from such burden. For henceforward it cannot be expected that the men, dissatisfied as they are by the want of pay, will recover their old discipline and love for the service, especially as the means are wanting to pay them regularly. Soldiers spoiled by victory, and licentious beyond measure, are not so easily controlled. Anything that hits their fancy seems to them allowable, and as we cannot pay them, it is impossible to inflict punishment and enforce discipline. Even had money been forthcoming, and the men regularly paid, it would have been a difficult matter to restore matters to their former state. | |
As in the event of his going to Rome it would have been necessary for him to visit the soldiers in their own quarters and promise them the speedy settlement of their arrears, it is almost certain that he would have been retained until the said promises were completely fulfilled. For this reason he has declined going to Rome for the present, and written to Alarcon to obey in any case the Emperor's orders. Though up to the present hour that captain has positively declined leaving Rome, and accepting his new post with the army, yet he is so devoted a servant of the Emperor that it is to be hoped he will accept in the end and join the Imperial army, in which, previous to the arrival of the Imperial despatch, he (the Viceroy) had in the Emperor's name promised him the post of Marechal (Field Marshal). | |
Has, however, thought it well to despatch to Rome the Marquis del Guasto, with full powers and instructions to offer the soldiers, conjointly with Alarcon, his own personal security that they shall receive in full the 150,000 ducats promised by the Pope. The Marquis, moreover, is to do everything in his power to persuade Alarcon to join the army. | |
Letters from Lombardy announce that the Duke of Ferrara declines the appointment of commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces. | |
Hears from Rome that up to the 12th inst. the army still persevered in its intention to come to this kingdom unless they were paid by the 15th. On the receipt of which intelligence he (the Viceroy) hastily collected 19,000 ducats, with which, and with some money which the Roman bankers were to give on account of the 150,000 ducats at first promised by the Pope, and by means of the above-mentioned powers entrusted to the Marquis, the approaching storm has to a certain extent been allayed, and there is some hope, though a very slight one, that they will abandon their disorderly plans. | |
As the affairs of Lombardy are in the precarious state described in another despatch, which accompanies this, and it is urgent that our army march as soon as possible in that direction, he (the Viceroy) has written to the Marquis [del Guasto] requesting him to put aside all resentment he may have, and attend only to the Emperor s interests. Should there be any dispute respecting the leadership of the Imperial army, he is to assume at once the command of the infantry, and Alarcon take that of the men-at-arms with the title of Marechal. Accordingly the Marquis, though very much hurt and offended at the small notice taken of him in these last Imperial orders, as well as at the non-fulfilment of the promise which the Emperor made him shortly after the death of his uncle, the Marquis of Pescara, actually left for Rome on the 12th inst. With two galleys, intending to land at Neptuno, 30 miles from that city.—Rome, 30th of August, 1527. | |
Signed: "Charles de Lannoy." | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Viceroy of Naples. 30th of August 1527." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 5. | |
30 Aug. | 170. The Same to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 149. |
Writes in recommendation of Don Diego de Carvajal, who as served under him, and is an excellent officer. Has given him leave to go to Spain to answer personally certain charges brought against him in the Royal Council and Court of Chancery. Begs employment for the said Carvajal, or the command of one of the galleys now being built in the Spanish ports.—Gaeta, 30th of August 1527. |
Signed: "Charles de Lannoy." | |
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Viceroy of Naples. 30th of August 1527." | |
Spanish. Original, .. 1. | |
30 Aug. | 171. The Same to the Same. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 151. |
In commendation of Annibale de Pignatello, who, after a long life spent in the Imperial service, wishes to retire from the World and devote himself entirely to God. The archbishopric of Cosença being now vacant, the said Annibale asks for it.— Gaeta, the last day of August 1527. |
Signed: "Charles de Lannoy." | |
Addressed: "To His most Sacred, Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Viceroy of Naples. 30th of August 1527." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 2. | |
— Aug. | 172. Memorial of the Ferrarese Ambassador [in Spain]. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 117. |
The Duke, my master, trusts to His Imperial Majesty's good opinion, and begs him to use his influence that he may be reinstated in all the privileges, grants, and concessions which lie enjoyed from the Holy See at the time that Pope Leo unjustly deprived him thereof. |
He desires, through the Emperor's favour, to obtain from Pope Clement VII. the undisputed possession of Modena and Rezzo, which being fiefs of the Sacred Roman Empire, were granted to him by Maximilian. In exchange for these favours the Duke binds himself to remain faithful to His Holiness, as well as to His Imperial Majesty, and their successors, promising to obey their commands as his true and supreme Lords; but he hopes also that the Emperor will grant him the said favours gratuitously, "gratis et amore," as befits so liberal and generous a Prince, taking into consideration the enormous sacrifices which he (the Duke) has hitherto made for the Imperial service, having spent, as he has, considerable sums of money since the year 1514, when he attended the siege of Padua with 1,500 foot, 200 men-at-arms, 400 light horse, and 10 large pieces of ordnance, with ammunition, &c., at the cost of nearly 70,000 ducats, as his own brother, the Cardinal of Ferrara (Hyppolito d' Este), and the Spanish ambassador, Don Juan Manuel, both of whom attended the Imperial camp, can testify. In revenge for this timely succour afforded by the Duke, my master, the Venetians armed a powerful fleet, with which, and with the forces sent by Pope Julius, they ravaged the Duchy of Ferrara, causing damage to the extent of upwards of 500,000, part of which still remains unpaid. | |
The Duke consents to reimburse the 40,000 ducats, more or less, which Pope Leo gave the Emperor Maximilian on the pledge of Modena. | |
He is likewise willing to pay to His Imperial Majesty 30,000 ducats in the following manner: 10,000, half in specie and half in jewels; 20,000 in salt gathered in the district of Comacchio, for the use of Mantua and of Milan. His Imperial Majesty might thus receive certain sums in cash the very day that the said cities were effectually restored to the Duke. (fn. n8) | |
Indorsed: "The Ferrarese ambassador's memorial." | |
Italian. Contemporary deciphering, pp. 3. | |
30 Aug. | 173. Advices from Lautrec's Camp. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 188. |
The lansquenets have this day reached Hibrea, (Ibrea), six or seven miles from this place. Great maritime preparations are being made at Genoa. Micer Galeazo Tassone has arrived at this camp with a message from the Duke of Ferrara, who, it is said, wants to make his peace with the King of France. He promises not to furnish money, men, provisions, or artillery to the Imperialists on condition of his retaining whatever possessions he has now. |
Mons. de Lautrec has consulted with his most experienced officers as to what plan of campaign had better be adopted, and whether it is better to continue the siege of Alessandria or raise it and go elsewhere. After a good deal of discussion the opinion of those who are for the continuance of the siege has prevailed. The city, they said, though strong, was not sufficiently garrisoned, and it would be dangerous to leave it, now that Genoa is in the hands of the confederates, and their fleet about to sail on an expedition against Naples. For this reason Mons. de Lautrec has determined not to move from where he is until he has taken Alessandria, &c. | |
Italian. Contemporary copy. 1. | |
30 Aug. | 174. Lope de Soria to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 140. |
Encloses duplicate of his despatch of the 28th. (Cipher:) Forgot to observe that in case of Genoa being recovered, it is very important for the Imperial service and the good of the land that the government of the city be not intrusted either to an Adorno or to a Fragoso. The Emperor should appoint one governor for the city, and another for the castle. Though the late Doge has been faithful throughout, he is unfit for the command, and has few friends, is stingy and miserly, as he has shown himself lately, for though he (Soria) and others had often advised him to keep plentiful stores in his castle, and he invariably answered that it was provisioned for two months at least, experience has shown that there was only food enough for a fortnight. In short this man is not equal to command (es para poco). Yet as a reward for his past services, and that the world may see how His Imperial Majesty rewards those who are faithful, he (Soria) begs that the Doge's secretary, Giuliano della Spezzia, now going to Spain on his master's errand, be graciously received. |
Nicolas and Stefano de Grimaldo and Juan Baptista de Fornariis are all of them the Emperor's faithful servants. Stefano intends accompanying us to Lombardy, or wherever he may be of service out of Genoa. The late governor of Genoa (el capitan de la plaça) and Stefano Espindola purpose doing the same. Recommends them to the Emperor.—Montogio, 30th of August 1527. | |
Signed: "Lope de Soria." | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred, &c." | |
Indorsed "To the King. 1527. From Montogio. Soria. 30th August." | |
Spanish. Original in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet, .. 1. | |
30 Aug. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 41, f. 129. |
175. Alonso Sanchez, Imperial Ambassador in Venice, to the Emperor. |
Wrote on the 23rd advising the loss of Genoa. (fn. n9) Enclosed is a copy of the letter which Soria wrote to him, describing that event. The report here (at Venice) is that Theodoro Triulcis (Trivulcio) remains as governor, much to the dis- | |
Appointment of the citizens, who would have greatly preferred Janus Fragoso, a captain in the service of this Signory, the same who sent thither his son Cesaro. | |
(Cipher:) According to a letter of Andrea del Burgo, dated Ferrara the 24th, Mons. de Lautrec had sent a message to the Duke [Alfonso d' Este], making him great offers if be would join the League. The Duke answered that he was ready to do anything that was not actually detrimental to the Emperor's interests, or a breach of faith; a very appropriate answer, were it not that if Lautrec again presses the matter it is to be feared that the Duke will yield to his solicitations. | |
(Common writing:) The garrison of Alessandria has been reinforced by 400 foot and 200 cavalry under Count Alberico Beljoioso, whom Leyva had detached thither for the purpose. In consequence of which succour, so opportunely sent, Lautrech had not laid siege to the city, as was apprehended. He had sent to ask 2,000 men from the proveditor of the Venetians now encamped at Marignano, but the answer returned was that he could not detach those forces without previously consulting the Signory. | |
(Cipher:) Has been told that the proveditor writes that were he to give Lautrec the 2,000 men he wants, he should have no troops left to maintain his positions. This would show that neither the Venetians nor the French are so strong in numbers as they profess to be. The English ambassador who resides here says that instead of the 10,000 Germans whom his King has engaged to furnish, and who cannot be ready as soon as they are wanted, he has ordered as many Italians to be recruited, the command of whom is to be given to his brother, Cavaliere Casal, under the title of Commissary General. | |
(Common writing:) It is rumoured here that the Germans who were at El Bosque (Boscho), in all about 600 men, have taken service with Lautrech. | |
Has not heard from Leyva for some time. They say here that he is fortifying Milan. | |
(Cipher:) No news either from our army. The rumour is that it is still encamped where it was, and not likely to move for some time. At least such is the common report among the enemies. They had lately kept a more vigilant eye (apretado) upon the Pope and the cardinals. | |
From Lautrec's camp the news is also rather vague, Some say that he has made up his mind to attack Alessandria, having lately received a reinforcement of 6,000 Gascons, others assert that he has decided to go to Tuscany. | |
It is also rumoured that the Doge of Genoa has capitulated and opened the gates of the "Castelleto" to the French, on what conditions he (Sanchez) has not heard. | |
(Cipher:) Had written so far two days ago, but has had no opportunity to send his letter. Has been told, though he does not vouch for the truth, that this Signory has issued orders for the fleet to go to the Sicilian coast, and capture all vessels laden with wheat. Has also heard on very good authority that the French ambassador (Bishop of Bayeux?) has tried, in his master's name, to induce these cardinals, Trana and Elliejo, to repair to Abiñon (Avignon), promising them each 3,000 cr., and making them other brilliant offers if they will undertake the journey. It is added that Cardinal Cortonna is strongly soliciting them to go, but that they will not. | |
(Common writing:) Count Guido Rangone has departed for Lautrec's camp to take the command of 60 lances. He is to receive 10,000 francs monthly stipend, besides the order of St. Michael. Count Gayaço (Gaiazzo) is still here. Believes he will go soon, as the Signory is about to give him the command of 150 horse and 1,000 foot, with a stipend of 1,000 ducats [per month]. | |
The Signory is making fresh levies to fill up the number of 7,000 one way, and 15,000 the other, which is their allotted contingent in this war, besides 26,000 ducats monthly for the stipend of certain Switzers. | |
The King of Bohemia has made a most prosperous campaign, After taking possession of several important towns and fortresses, such as Strigonia and others, he was preparing to march further into the heart of the country. Buda, Pest, and other large cities of Hungary had sent in their allegiance, and His Highness was continuing his triumphant march through Hungary.—Venice, 30th August 1527. | |
Signed: "Alonso Sanchez.'' | |
Addressed: "To the most Sacred. Imperial, and Catholic Majesty." | |
Indorsed: "To the King. 1527. Venice. Alonso Sanchez. 30th of August." | |
Spanish. Original partly in cipher. Contemporary deciphering on separate sheet pp. 4. | |
31 Aug. | 176. The Emperor to the Cardinal of York. |
K. u. K. Haus- Hof-u.StaatsArch. Wien. Rep. P. C. Fasc. 224, No. 28. |
Has heard from his ambassador, Messire Nicolas Perrenot [de Granvelle], now with him, (fn. n10) what kind overtures the Cardinal has made him. This is indeed a further proof of the Cardinal's friendship and attachment to the Emperor, but no new thing to him, as he (the Emperor) has long known and experienced the same. His only wish is to be able in some way to recognize his services publicly, and show that he is not an ungrateful prince, but would have all the world know how much he esteems and loves him, what confidence he places in his words and acts, and how pre-eminently willing lie would be to render him good offices. |
Has written very fully to his ambassador, (fn. n11) whom the Cardinal will find as good and honest a person as can be. Begs credence for him as for himself, and requests the Cardinal not to be chary of his news and good advice, but continue them as heretofore. Should there be anything in his dominions which the Cardinal wishes to possess, he has only to name it, and the Emperor will be glad to grant it to him, as he considers him the best friend he has in this world. Prays God to grant him all his desires.—Written at Palencia, on the last day of August (1527). | |
Addressed: "To the Legate [of England], my good friend." | |
French. Minute. 1. | |
31 Aug. | 177. Don Martin de Salinas to the King of Hungary. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. C. 71, f. 183, vo. |
His Imperial Majesty left for Palencia on the 23rd ultimo, owing to the plague having broken out at this place (Valladolid), and many people dying in consequence. That very day the ambassadors of England and France waited upon the Emperor, and assured him in the name of their respective masters that the Duchy of Milan might be given to whomsoever His Imperial Majesty chose, without any opposition on their part; so that the above declaration removes the greatest obstacle to His Highness' nomination, since the Kings of England and France no longer object to it. |
Cardinal Wolsey is still in France, negotiating a peace. He writes to say that he hopes to be successful, and suggests that an ambassador should be sent to represent the Emperor at the conferences. Mons. de Laxao (La Chaulx) has been selected for that purpose, conjointly with the Imperial ambassador [in France]. Both are to have minute instructions and full powers to treat, so that every hope is entertained of a speedy settlement of all difficulties. For this reason and others that might be pointed out, it is advisable that His Highness should strive to put an end to we Hungarian business, so as to be quite at liberty to attend to Italian affairs, bearing, however, in mind that no substantial help is to be expected from the Emperor just now, since his treasury is completely exhausted.—Palencia, 31st of August 1527. | |
Addressed: "To the King" | |
Spanish. Original draft, .. 1. | |
31 Aug. | 178. Count Burrello to the Emperor. |
M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 31, f. 153. |
Has written by Knight Commander Figueroa to acquaint the Emperor how Count Gayaza's (sic) estate having been confiscated and put up for sale, he (Burrello) has become the owner of it by paying into the Imperial treasury the sum of 27,000 ducats. Has instructed the secretary of the Viceroy of Sicily, his father, (fn. n12) now residing at the Imperial Court, to solicit for him the confirmation and approval of the said sale.—Gaeta, the last day of August 1527. |
Signed: "El Conde Burrello." | |
Addressed. .Sacratissimæ Cesareæ et Catholicæ Majestati." | |
Indorsed: "To His Majesty. From the Count of Burrello. The last day of August 1527." | |
Spanish. Original, pp. 1½. |