Index: L

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Labret or Labrit, v. Albret.

Lachaulx, Charles Poupet de, imperial ambassador in Portugal, also called Laxao ii. 148, 205, 246, 369–72, 968.

-, -, expected at the court of France, ii. 471.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 231.

-, -, to Margaret of Austria, ii. 234.

La Chusa (Chiusa?), a town of the Sienese; the confederates attempt in vain to carry, ii. 499.

Lacco Maggiore, or Lago "Verbano; defended by count Filippo Torniello, ii. 280, 1000.

Lades, river, v. Ladice, L' Adice, Adige.

Ladislao, v. Wladislas.

Lafetad (Lafetao, Lafitaud?), Juan Francisco de, imperial agent in Lisbon, ii. 621, 629.

Laguna in Castille, letter dated from, ii. 1.

Laino, Layno, marquis de, his confiscated estate claimed by the count of Maddalone, ii. 721.

Lalaing, Antoine de, count of Hoochsträten, knight of the Golden Fleece, and minister of the finances in the Netherlands, Int. xv; 51, 52, 55, 64, 78, 89, 182–3; ii. 192.

-, -, Katharine's letters about the divorce passing through the hands of, ii. 886.

-, -, letters to, from the Flemish ambassadors in London, 105.

Lallemand, Jean, seigneur de Bouclans or Bouclains, the emperor's foreign secretary, 51–2, 64, 78, 85, 89.

-, -, recommended to Margaret by Lannoy, 574.

-, -, in great favour with the archduke, ii. 97–8, 149, 381, 922.

-, -, receives the emperor at Monzon, ii. 737.

-, -, loses the emperor's grace, ii 865.

-, -, judicial proceedings against, ii. 869, 903.

-, -, imprisonment at Toledo, ii. 922, 925.

-, -, probable cause of his disgrace, 925; ii. Int. xxii, 246, 328.

-, -, letter to "Wolsey, ii. 634.

La Mark, Evrard de, cardinal bishop of Liege, 36.

-, Robert, seigneur de Sedan and Fleuranges, 165, 548, 907; ii. 998.

-, -, his son, Robert III., sieur de Fleuranges, 548; ii. 998.

Lamata, v. La Mota.

La Matrice, v. Amatrice.

-, revolt at, ii. 911.

-, put down by the prince of Orange, ii 915.

Lambra, river of Lombardy, 831, note.

Lamego, in Portugal, bishop of, ii. 369, 619.

La Minerva, cardinal, v. Vio Caetano.

La Mota, seaport town in the eastern coast of Spain, between Alicante and Cartagena, 232.

La Mothe des Noyers, lieutenant of Bourbon, sent by him on a mission to Lannoy, ii. 147, 167.

La Mothe des Noyers, lieutenant of Bourbon, appointed governor of Rome, ii. 201, 203.

-, -, to go to Spain for Bourbon's private affairs, ii. 250.

-, -, the wardenship of Gaeta given to, ii. 840.

Lançon, Mme. de, v. Alençon.

Lanchano, v. Lanciano.

Lanciano, in the Abruzzo, ii. 609, 705.

Landa, Martin de, imperial notary, 137.

Lando, Pietro, Venetian general, appointed proveditor of the sea, ii. 220.

Landrano, v. Landriano.

Landriano, cavalier, a Milanese, 236, 266.

-, -, his correspondence with Morone, 461.

Lang (Langus, Longhius, &c.), Mathew, bishop of Gurce, cardinal of Saltzburg, to accompany Ferdinand, the archduke, in his Turkish expedition, 259, 796, 888.

-, Melchiore, also called Langus and Longhio, papal nuncio in England, 1–4, 7, 9–10,23, 121.

-, -, recalled, 499.

Langeai, Langeay, sieur de, called also Langes and De Langes, v. Bellai.

Languedoc, imperial troops to invade the, 32, 37, 38, 97, 128.

-, government of, given to Lautrec, 150.

Langus (Longhio), papal nuncio in England, v. Lang (Melchiore).

Lannoy, Charles de, count of Asti, prince of Sulmona, and viceroy of Naples, in command of the imperial army in Italy, 22, 39–41,43–4, 59,63.

-, -, defeats the plans of the duke of Albany upon Naples, 66.

-, -, negociates a league with Clement, 103, 147.

-, -, announces his intention to take Francis to Naples for greater security, 153, 179, 197.

-, -, but conveys him straight to Spain without the knowledge of Pescara and Bourbon, 201.

-, -, who show their discontent and complain of him to the emperor, 197.

-, -, bad effects of the measure upon the minds of the Italians, ibid, 203, 224, 226, 229, 257.

-, -, accused by Bourbon and Pescara of wishing to monopolize the honour of their victory at Pavia, Int. xxxii, 197, note.

-, -, lands at Valencia, 252, 267, 992.

-, -, accompanies Francis to Bayonne, 569.

-, -, negociates at the court of France, 693–4, 706–7, 740.

-, -, returns to Spain, 849.

Lannoy, Charles de, &c., in command of a fleet at Cartagena, 876.

-, -, anxiously expected, by the Neapolitans, 925.

-, -, sails for Italy (24th October 1526), 995, 1000, 1002,1004. 1006–8, 1027.

-, -, touches at the island of Corsica, 1012–3, 1017,1029.

-, -, lands at Santo Stepbano on the coast of Tuscany, 1029, 1032–3, 1035, 1038, 1054.

-, -, attacked by the confederated fleet, 1033.

-, -, consternation caused at Rome and Florence by the arrival of, 1032.

-, -, advised to march against Florence first, and afterwards on Rome, 1029.

-, -, sails for Gaeta, 1032.

-, -, and Don Hugo propose an armistice to the pope, 1048–9.

-, -, in communication with cardinal Pompeo and the Colonnese, ii. 7.

-, -, commands the imperial troops on the frontiers of Naples, ii. 55–6.

-, -, defeated at Frosinone, ii. 71, 307.

-, -, concludes a truce of three months, ii. 87.

-, -, which Bourbon refuses to ratify, 1014; ii. 134.

-, -, starts for Bourbon's camp accompanied by one of the pope's chamberlains, ii. 136–7, 147.

-, -, attacked by peasants on his journey thither, ii. 149.

-, -, has a narrow escape, ii. 150.

-, -, goes to Siena, ii. 173.

-, -, arrives in Rome after the sack, ii. 227, 240.

-, -, but leaves next day in consequence of a mutinous rising of the Spanish infantry, ii. 233, 240.

-, -, requested to take the command of the imperial forces, ibid.

-, -, refuses on the plea that the prince of Orange has already assumed it without any special mandate from the emperor, ibid, 237, 247.

-, -, on bad terms with Gattinara, ii. 693.

-, -, death of, at Aversa, ii. 896,422, 497.

-, -, notice of, Int. xxxi; ii. xi–xii.

-, -, letters to the emperor (1525), 21, 85, 88, 156, 168–70,423, 434, 506.

-, -, to Margaret of Austria, 4, 11, 13, 18, 59, 338.

-, -, to Soria (1527), ii. 54.

-, -, to Praet, 15.

Lannoy, Ercole, nephew of Charles, viceroy of Naples (1528), deserts from the imperial army and goes over to Venice, ii. 608.

-, Jean de, sieur de Mingoval, Int. xxxi.

Lanuza, royal historiographer for Aragon, Int. vi.

Lanz, Dr. Karl, his Correspondenz der Kaiser Karl v. quoted, 50, 57, 89, 99, 145, 363, 465, 908, 925; ii. 304, 407, 711; Int. ii. xvii, xxxiii.

La Pole, v. Pole.

La Porta, D. Jo. Aleuisio de, v. Porta.

La Puebla, v. Puehla.

Lardirago (Lucerago?), close to Pavia, 42.

Laredo, in Galicia, ii. 205, 925.

La Rochelle, v. Bochelle.

Larosa, Larossa, v. Rosa.

La Rovere, v. Rovere.

Larrea, captain Mingo or Domingo de, ii. 73, 118.

La Serna, Fr. Ambrosio de, ii. 829.

-, -, letter to queen Katharine's physician (Fernando de Victoria?), ii. 578.

La Spezia, v. Spezzia.

Latino, Micer, servant of cardinal Farnese, papal nuncio in Savoy, 789.

La Torre, captain, bearer of dispatches from Guasto and Leyva, ii. 165.

-, -, Antonio de, Sicilian, presented by the duke of Monteleone for the post of lieutenant of the Summaria of Sicily, ii. 528.

-, -, Federico or Federigo, father of the preceding, ii. 528.

La Tour, imperial messenger, 425, 680, 814.

-, appointed chief justice at Rome, ii. 218.

Laurrens, Joos, sieur de Tardcghcn, president of the council of Mechlin (Malines), and ambassador in London, 76, 77, 85, 95, 96, 97.

-, -, instructions to, 27.

-, -, letters to Margaret of Austria (1525), 33, 39, 40, 43, 46, 61, 62, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75–6, 78–9, 83, 86, 89, 90, 97–9.

-, -, to the emperor, 48, 111, 113, 114.

-, -, to Hanneton, first secretary in Flanders, 36, 45.

-, -, notice of, Int. xvi.

Lauria (also written Loria) Francesco, with his galley "La Calabresa" goes over to the enemy at Salerno, ii. 715, 718.

Lausanne (Pays de Vaud, Switzerland), the people of, and Geneva join the Swiss confederation, 655.

Lautrec, Lautrech (Odet de Foix), sieur de, French general in Italy (1527–8), governor of Languedoc and Provence, 70, 150.

Lautrec, sieur de, in command of the forces at Lyons, ii. 271, 321.

-, -, arrival of, in Italy, ii. 298, 320, 330, 354.

-, -, advices from the camp of, ii, 173.

-, -, takes Boscho ii. 348.

-, -, and Alessandria della Paglia, ii. 36–971, 380, 382, 386, 390, 393, 399.

-, -, marches on Pavia and Milan, ii. 398, 400, 413.

-, -, waits for reinforcements in the Piacentino and Parmigiano, ii. 423.

-, -, defeats count Belgioioso at Viagrassa, ii. 426.

-, -, lays siege to Pavia, and takes it by storm, ii. 417–9, 421, 429, 436, 448.

-, -, strongly recommended by the English ambassador (Casale) to march on Rome, 444, 448.

-, -, threatens Sienna, ii. 475.

-, -, enters the Bolognese, ii. 533, 536, 539.

-, -, and the Romagna, ii. 558, 567,

-, -, advised by the pope to proceed to Tuscany, ii. 543.

-, -, invades the kingdom of Naples, ii. 450–1,610.

-, -, lays siege to its capital (April 1528), ii. 570.

-, -, intercepted letters from, to Francis, describing his perilous position, ii. 701, 769.

-, -, dies of the plague, ii. 784.

-, -, his body seized by two Spaniards, ii. 983.

La Vala (La Val), Mous de, French captain, taken prisoner before Naples, ii. 778, 782.

La Valle, cardinal Andrea, 1004.

-, ill-treated at Rome, ii. 202.

-, nevertheless a staunch imperialist, ii. 917, 949.

Lavinia, Civittà (Rom. Stat.), Lannoy takes up his quarters at, ii. 232, 247.

Lavizari, Pietro Angelo, his Memorie Istoriche della Valtelina, quoted, ii. 317.

Lavoro, Terra di, in Naples, invaded by Baglione and the marquis de Saluzzo, ii. 610, 663.

Lawyer, one from Flanders to be sent to England to help Don Iñigo, ii. 52.

Laxao, v. Lachaulx.

Layçola, Anton or Antonio de, master of a Spanish ship, ii. 432, 439, 458.

League, defensive and offensive, between the pope, king of France, Venetians, &c., said to have been proclaimed at Lyons (10h January 1525), 25.

-, another, proposed by Clement to Charles after the battle of Pavia, 105, 115,119.

League proclaimed with all solemnity at Rome and Naples, 148, 158.

-, terms of, and the emperor's answer to the proposals made by the papal nuncio, 108, 187–8.

-, against the emperor, proposed to the pope by England and Venice, 227, 250, 257, 447.

-, between England and France, 305.

-, Clementine or Holy, its avowed object to drive the imperialists out of Italy, ii. 316.

-, -, proclaimed at Venice, 781.

-, -, at Rome (8th July 1526), 784, 793.

-, England not named in the, though the king formally joins it, 893.

-, king Henry to join the, if the marriage of king Francis and princess Mary takes place, ii. 44.

-, ambassadors of the, at Rome, ii. 55.

-, the camp of the, without provisions, ii. 239.

-, the army of the, leaves Orbieto for Perugia, ii. 249.

-, takes the direction of La Romagna to operate its junction with the Switzers, and cover the Venetian frontier, ibid.

-, the members of the, not on good terms with each other, ii. 497.

-, treaty of, ultimately signed by the duke of Ferrara, ii. 607.

-, the ambassadors of the, detained in Spain, ii. 656.

Lecce, bishop of, v. Sangro.

Lecco, the Grisons expected at, 848–9; ii. 70, 305, 449.

-, -, relieved by Leyva, ii. 533, 569, 619, 622.

-, governor of, v. Villaturiel.

Leche, v. Lecce.

Ledesma, count of, v. Zuñiga.

Lee, Dr. Edward, king's almoner and archdeacon of Colchester, ambassador in Spain, 345, 367, 878, 1039–40.

-, -, memorandum of, concerning the emperor's debts to Henry VIII., ii. 3.

-, -, his account of Don Iñigo de Mendoza, In xx.

-, -, and Ghinucci declare war to Charles conjointly with the French ambassadors, ii. 548.

-, -, prevented from following the imperial court, ii. 888.

-, -, return of, to England recommended by Don Iñigo that he himself may be allowed to quit London, ibid.

-, dispensation brief of Julius III. read in the presence of (1529), ii. 967–8.

-, -, the emperor's answers to the notes of, 528, 623 ; ii. 926.

Le Fratte, small town in Sicily, also written Le Fracte, the prince of Melfi defeated at, ii. 720.

Legates, papal, in England, Wolsey and Campeggio.

-, -, in Venice, the bishop of Pola.

-, -, in France and Spain, v. Salviati.

-, -, in Hungary, v. Vio.

Leghorn, v. Livorao.

Le Glay, quoted, Int. xii, xvi, xix.

Le Grand, quoted, ii. 3S6, note.

Leonor, queen dowager of Portugal, v. Eleonor.

Lescun, Thomas deFoix, seigneur de Lautrec, step-brother, and lieutenant of Odet de sFoix, mortally wounded at Pavia, 106.

-, called also L'Escu and Escudo, ibid.

Leguizama or Leguiçamo, the alcalde, excommunicated by Clement as one of the judges who tried and sentenced to death bishop Acuña, 306.

Leipsig, Leipzig, letter dated from, ii. 556.

Lelio, Giuliano or Giulio, appointed deputy for the merchants at Rome, ii. 226.

Leo X., pope, a sister of, quits Florence, ii. 220.

-, alluded, 905, 907.

Leonardo y Argensola, Lupercio, royal historiographer for Aragon, Int. vi.

Leonart, Maistre, one of count Hoochstraēte's secretaries, 182.

Leonelo, v. Carpi.

Leonor, v. Eleonor.

Leriso (Lerici) seaport in the gulf of La Spezia; the French fleet captures at, nine ships from Sicily with provisions and ammunition for the imperial army, 865.

Le Sauch, Jehan de, Flemish ambassador in England, 43, 46.

-, -, instructions to (1525), 27.

-, -, note presented to cardinal Wolsey by, 117.

-, -, negociations, 198–202, 205–222, 275–9.

-, -, is succeeded by Theimseke and Jonglet, 308.

-, -, letters to Margaret of Austria (1525), 33, 39, 40, 43, 46, 61–2, 67, 73, 74–5, 78, 97–8, 118,122.

-, -, to count Hoochstraēte, 105.

-, -, to the emperor, 48,111, 113, 123, 160.

-, -, notice of, Int. xvii.

Le Sere, barony of de, sold to count Burrello, ii. 349.

L'Eslu, Bayard, v. Bayard.

Letters intercepted from the emperor containing bills of exchange, 73.

-, from Sanchez to Don Hugo, 931.

-, from Mendoza to Margaret deciphered and read by the Venetians, ii. 538.

Leva (Leyva?), Antonio, captain of Neapolitan infantry, 799.

Leva, Antonio, probably Juan de, ibid, note.

Le Viste, Le Vyste, Antoine, sieur de Fresnes, French ambassador in England, ii. 83, 109.

Lewis, king of Hungary, v. Louis.

Leyva, Antonio de, prince of Ascoli and marquis d'Atela, sallies out of Pavia and contributes mostly to the success of the imperial arms, 44.

-, -, in charge of the imperial army at Milan, 163.

-, -, borrows money for the support of the Spanish infantry, 228.

-, -, recommended for the command-in-chief after the death of Pescara, 364.

-, -, refuses to remain in guard of the duchy of Milan during Bourbon's absence unless money is immediately provided to pay his troops, ii. 46.

-, -, money owing to, for advances made to the imperial treasurers, 583–4.

-, -, the castellan of Mus (Gianiacopo de' Medici), defeated by, at Corato, ii. 317–8.

-, -, imposes a "dacio" or tax on the Milanese for the support of his army, ii. 530.

-, -, gallantly holds his ground in Lombardy, ii. 531–3, 538.

-, -, defeats the Venetians under Fregoso, and takes from them 18 pieces of ordnance, ii. 474, 672.

-, -, lays siege to Lodi, ii. 692,734.

-, -, retakes Pavia, ii. 693, 737.

-, Antonio de, &c., retains under his banners 3,000 of Brunswick Germans, ii. 754.

-, -, raises the siege of Lodi, ii. 768.

-, -, accused of being the principal cause of the discontent of the Milanese, ii. 797.

-, -, and of taking ransom and composition money, ii. 724, 797.

-, -, answer of, to those charges, ibid.

-, -, much disliked by Bourbon, ii. 840.

-, -, shuts himself up in the castle of Milan in consequence of a mutiny of the Germans, ii. 813.

-, -, unable through bad Health to bear the fatigues of a campaign, 1011; ii. 853, 874.

-, -, a general to be appointed to succeed, in case of death, ii. 854.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 96, 112, 128, 349, 537 ; ii. 147, 596, 611, 649.

-, -, to Lope de Soria, 399.

-, -, to Lope Hurtado, 198.

-, Doña Constanza de, daughter of Antonio, ii. 727, note.

Leyva, Geronimo de, ii. 796.

-, Juan de, half brother of Antonio, his house assailed by the populace at Turin, ii. 224.

-, -, in Lombardy, ii. 281.

-, -, appointed governor of the castle of Milan, ii. 295.

-, -, death of ii. 796.

-, another Juan, nephew of Antonio, ii. 799.

-, Juana, daughter of Antonio, ii. 727.

Liege, cardinal bishop of, v. La Mark.

-, Guillaume de, cardinal of Tortosa, 36, v. Enckwoërt.

Lignani, Alessandro, count of Settimo, son-in-law of Mercurino da Gattinara, 225, 230, 884, 1002.

Ligny (Ligne?), duke Frederic of, competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 1053.

Liguria, 95, 905.

Lilio, Groto, v. Greto.

Lille, v. Lisle, town of Flanders, archives at, Int. i.

Limosniere, Il [di Borbone], v. Montbardon.

Lincoln, the eldest son of the duke of Suffolk to be created earl of, 211.

Linbares, count of, Portuguese nobleman, ii. 619.

Lintz, in Austria, 897, 899, 938, 975.

-, letters dated from, 569, 581.

Liorna, v. Leghorn.

Linan, v. Lignani.

Lisbal, Fernando, a Calabrese, goes over to the enemy, ii. 869.

Lisbon, letters dated from, ii. 642.

Lisieux, bishop of, in France, attends the meeting of theologians in Paris for the divorce case, ii. 829.

Lisle (Lille), viscount, v. Plantagenet and Brandon.

Litera, barony of, confiscated from Carlo Miravale, ii. 728.


-, and Petrasancta promised by the emperor to the doge of Genoa, 993.

-, occupied by the Florentines (1527), ii. 204, 258.

-, the French and Venetian fleets at, for the purpose of infesting the Sienese coast, ii. 487.

Loaysa, Don Garcia de, bishop of Osma, Charles' confessor, 61, 148, 245; ii. 100, 967–8.

-, -, sincerely attached to the archduke, and always ready to promote his interests at the imperial court, ii. 99. 995,

-, -, is of opinion that on no account is war to be made on the pope, 885.

-, -, deprived by Charles of his seat in the council of state, ii. 630.

Loaysa, Don Garcia de, appointed to negociate the sale of the Spice islands, ii. 996.

-, Hernando de?, a servant of the marquis of Pescara, 53 ; ii. 753.

Loconveçino (?), village of the Abruzzo Ultra, between Benafro and Aquila, the imperialists encamped at, ii. 609.

Lockinghen, Loquinguen, German captain, sent on a mission to Spain, ii. 791.

Lodi (Lombarby), 58.

-, Wolsey's advice concerning, 71.

-, surprised by the confederates, together with its castle, 765–6, 773, 780, 784, 859–60 ; ii. 1002.

-, unsuccessfully besieged by Leyva and Brunswick, ii. 739, 753.

-, siege of, raised in consequence of a mutiny of the Germans, ii. 739.

-, Leyva's letters from the Torreta in front of, ii. 510.

-, to be again attacked by the Spaniards under Leyva, ii. 879.

-, Vecchio (Lombardy), the confederates effect their junction at, 795.

Lodron, Lodrone, count Giovan Battista, 164.

-, -, leaves for Pavia, 767, 769, 862.

-, -, goes to Mantua with a message from the emperor to Federigo Gonzaga, 941.

-, -, sent by Leyva against Pedro Navarro, ii. 260.

-, -, signs the capitulation of Rome, ii. 232.

-, -, appointed governor of Alessandria, which he surrenders to Lautrec, 418.

-, -, bad management of, causes the loss of Pavia and other towns in Lombardy, 419–20.

-, -, expected back from Germany with 7,000 auxiliaries, ii. 426, 772, 941.

-, -, orders intimated by, to the marquis of Mantua, ii. 554, 941.

-, -, sent by Brunswick with a message to Lope de Soria, ii. 762.

-, -, expected at Milan with reinforcements, ii. 426, 772, 941.

-, -, petition of, to the emperor, 266.

Lofredo, Sigismondo di', letter to the emperor, ii. 522.

Logroño in Rioja (Spain), unsuccessfully besieged by the French during their invasion of Navarre in 1521, 616, note.

Lombardy to be invaded by the French and the Venetians whilst the imperialists are at Rome (1527), ii. 238.

-, Lautrec's successes in, unprofitable to the leaguers owing to that general's march on Naples, ii. 543.

Lomelina, Lomellina, Genoese carak so called, captured by Andrea Doria, 289, 611, 621–2; ii. 369, 768.

Lomelina, a province of Lombardy, ii. 845.

-, count Filippo Terniello holds his ground in the, against the French, 876.

London, illuminations and rejoicings in, at the news of the battle of Pavia, 91.

-, tower of, artillery in the, inspected, ii. 229.

-, -, Richard Pace confined in the, 440.

-, letters dated from, 1, 3, 5, 8,10, 12, 20, 31, 33, 36, 38–40, 48, 45, 46–8, 52, 61–4, 67, 70, 73–6, 78–9, 83, 86, 89–90, 97–9, 105, 111, 113–7, 119, 160, 189, 191, 213, 223, 227, 233, 241; (1526), 341, 469, 619; (1527), ii. 8, 29, 32, 37, 39, 42–4, 55, 66, 69, 75, 83, 113, 152, 189, 220, 224, 241, 370; (1528), ii. 370, 541, 550, 562, 570, 586–7, 592; (1529), 600, 614, 618, 621,646,650,668,675.

Londres, Mons de, v. Tunstall.

Longena, Pietro, v. Lunghena.

Longhio, v. Lang.

Longobal (Longueval?), Mons de, on various missions to Italy and Flanders, ii. 72, 97, 147, 205, 246, 273.

Longueval, v. Longobal.

Lopez, Juan, Spanish pilot, obtains the command of four French galleys, 616.

-, Don Juan Luis, marquis del Risco, ii. 1000, note.

-, [Gallegos], Sancho, lieutenant of a company of Spanish men-at-arms, 229, 251, 254.

-, -, sent to Spain by his comrades in demand arrears of pay (1526–8), 1011; ii. 69, 72, 88, 163, 266, 764.

-, de Haro, Alonso, Spanish genealogist, quoted, ii. 66, 251, 727.

-, de Mendoza, Fr. Iñigo, frequently mistaken for D. Iñigo de Mendoza, the ambassador, Int. xix.

-, Pacheco D. Diego, duke of Escalona, marquis de Villena, letters to the emperor, 355.

-, de Sosa, captain Diego, governor of Trezzo, ii. 307.

Loquinguen, v. Lockinghen.

Lorenzo, v. Toscano.

Loretto, Santa Mario di, or our lady of, Lautrec at, ii. 584.

-, Francesco Sforza, on a pilgrimage to, ii. 609, 631.

Loria (Lauria?), Francesco or Tiberio di, a Calabrese, goes over to the enemy with his galley, ii. 715, 718, 751.

-, -, takes the French part in Calabria, 720, 1001.

-, -, v. Lauria.

Lormano, Gasparo, agent of France in Switzerland, v. Sormano and Tormano.

Lorraine, Claude de, count and afterwards duke of Guise, governor of Burgundy, 150.

Lorraine, Claude de, to be sent against Genoa and Naples, 865.

-, -, sent on a mission to Switzerland, 483, 1008.

-, -, to Spain, to propose the exchange of Provence fur Burgundy, 1039.

-, duchy of, invaded by German peasants, 174.

-, François, duke of, 174, 206, 1008.

-, cardinal Jean de, 362, 1008; ii. 67.

-, -, signs the petition of the cardinals assembled at Compiegne, ii. 386.

-, Vaudemont, Louis de, count of Vaudemont, brother of the cardinal and of the duke of Guise, at Marseilles, 1008.

-, -, Clement sends for, with the intention of making him king of Naples, ii. 157.

-, -, arrives at Civittà Vecchia, ii. 56, 160.

-, -, at Rome, ii. 67,157.

-, -, prepares to invade that kingdom, ii. 75, 245, 255.

-, -, detained by illness at Ostia, ii. 87, 93.

-, -, to go to France, 160.

-, -, called by the Spaniards "Rey de la Faba," or " the mock king," 57, 87, 151 ; ii. 55.

-, -, in Lombardy with Lautrec, ii. 448.

-, -, dies of the plague before Naples, ii. 755, 758, 768.

-, -, his body to be removed to a church in that city, ii. 773.

Losana, v. Lausanne.

Los Angeles, Fr. Francisco de, v. Quiñones.

Los Velez, marquis de, v. Fajardo.

Louis, count palatine, competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 1053.

-, II., king of Hungary and Bohemia, v. Ludwig.

Louise de Savoie, mother of Francis I. and queen regent of France, 144, 384.

-, -, requested to send ambassadors to England, 205.

-, -, informed by Praët of Francis' dangerous illness at Madrid, 463.

-, -, and the dauphin of France at Mont de Marsan, 615.

-, de Valois, daughter of Francis I., promised in marriage to Charles, 906.

Louvain, president of, 968.

Low Countries, impoverished by the war with France. 7.

-, -, contingent to be furnished by the, for a joint invasion of Normandy, 80.

-, -, various towns in the, demanded by Henry as security for the intended marriage of princess Mary to Charles, 81.

Low Countries, ambassadors of the, in England: Bourgogne, Carmonailles, Jonglet, Laurens, Le Sauch, Theimseke.

-, -, arrival of the, in London (5th March 1525), 75, 85.

-, -, lodged opposite St. Paul's, 76.

-, -, received by the king and cardinal, 77.

-, -, answer made to their overtures, 78.

Lubiana, v. Louvain.

Lucata Civittà (Naples), the "fuorusciti" of Aquila take possession of, ii. 77.

Lucca (Lucha), signory of, the "fuorusciti" of, invade the Sienese territory, 326, 333.

-, -, letters to be written to, and Siena, in credence of Cesare Ferramosca, 998.

-, -, reported to have joined the league against the emperor, 25.

-, -, attacked and plundered by the duke of Albany, ibid, 29.

-, money claimed from, by the emperor's generals 104, 105.

-, to be attacked by the Florentines, 826.

-, shows better feeling, yet is ready to join the league, ii. 265.

-, Hypolito da, slain by Giovanni de' Medici, 848.

Lucera, a city of the Rom. Stat., occupied by the confederates, ii. 610, 832.

Lucerago, in Lombardy, Lannoy with the imperial army at, 42.

Ludwig II. (Louis, Lewis), king of Bohemia and Hungary, slain at Mohatz in battle with the Turks (29th August 1526), 888, 898–9, 932–3, 956.

-, -, his widow, Mary of Austria, besieged in Possonia or Presburg, 899.

-, -, archduke Ferdinand claims the inheritance of, ii. 999.

Lugano, Pedro de Burgos, and a Frenchman sent by Bourbon to the archduke, arrested at, 855.

Luis, Miçer, or Luigi, ii. 964.

Luiz, Dom, infante of Portugal, 369; ii. 616–7.

-, -, letters to the emperor, ii. 387–9.

Luna, Conde de, v. Quinones.

Lunghena, Pietro di, captain of Venetian men-at-arms, killed before Cremona (1526), 862, v. Longena.

Lunigiana, Via, the road leading from Reggio to that part of Tuscany called Fivizzanese, 329, 999.

-, Giovanni de' Medici in the, 289,333; ii. 999.

Lusignan, Jacques III. de, last king of Cyprus, son of, offers to conquer that island, and hold it for the emperor (1529), ii. 921.

Luther, Martin, wide spread of his doctrines, 67, 69, 324.

Luther, Martin, affair of, taken greatly at heart by the pope, 205, 286.

-, -, emperor's journey to Italy and Germany considered by Clement as the best remedy for the extirpation of his sect, 416.

Lutherans assist the duke of Wurtemberg in the recovery of his estate, 89.

-, aided by the French, ibid.

-, originally from Alsace and the county of Ferrette, 90.

-, daily increasing in Germany and the rest of Europe, 67, 149.

Luxan, Francisco de, 720.

Luxembourg, Luxenburg, duchy of, 81.

-, Charles de, count de Brienne, lieute-nant-governor of Picardy, 150.

Luzzasco (Luciasco, Chasco) Paolo, Italian condottiere, generally called Paolo Chasco; refuses to serve against the emperor, 775.

-, -, accepts an offer from Venice, ii. 70.

-, -, in command of the light horse at Piacenza, ibid.

-, -, lieutenant of, taken prisoner out of Rome, ii. 226.

-, -, under Lautrec, ii. 540.

-, -, deserts the league in order to serve under Leyva in Lombardy, ii. 691, 695, 704.

-, -, a price offered at Venice for his head, ii. 692.

Lyons, in France, the Milanese "fuorusciti" assemble at, 483.

-, advices from, 305.

-, letters dated from, 82, 225, 275, 330.


Llanos, Francisco de, groom of the chamber to archduke Ferdinand, king of Bohemia, ii. 60, 454.